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This chapter focuses on oxidation and reduction (redox) reactions in organic chemistry, emphasizing their dual occurrence and the importance of electron transfer. It consolidates information from earlier sections on various functional groups, providing a clearer comparison of reagents and mechanisms. The text illustrates typical redox reactions, methods of remembering electron flow, and highlights specific examples, particularly involving organic compounds and inorganic agents, such as chromium compounds.

(11,12/94)(4,5/97)(02,3/07)(01/08) Neuman Chapter 17 Chapter 17 Oxidation and Reduction from Organic Chemistry by Robert C. Neuman, Jr. Professor of Chemistry, emeritus University of California, Riverside [email protected] <> Chapter Outline of the Book ************************************************************************************** I. Foundations 1. Organic Molecules and Chemical Bonding 2. Alkanes and Cycloalkanes 3. Haloalkanes, Alcohols, Ethers, and Amines 4. Stereochemistry 5. Organic Spectrometry II. Reactions, Mechanisms, Multiple Bonds 6. Organic Reactions *(Not yet Posted) 7. Reactions of Haloalkanes, Alcohols, and Amines. Nucleophilic Substitution 8. Alkenes and Alkynes 9. Formation of Alkenes and Alkynes. Elimination Reactions 10. Alkenes and Alkynes. Addition Reactions 11. Free Radical Addition and Substitution Reactions III. Conjugation, Electronic Effects, Carbonyl Groups 12. Conjugated and Aromatic Molecules 13. Carbonyl Compounds. Ketones, Aldehydes, and Carboxylic Acids 14. Substituent Effects 15. Carbonyl Compounds. Esters, Amides, and Related Molecules IV. Carbonyl and Pericyclic Reactions and Mechanisms 16. Carbonyl Compounds. Addition and Substitution Reactions 17. Oxidation and Reduction Reactions 18. Reactions of Enolate Ions and Enols 19. Cyclization and Pericyclic Reactions *(Not yet Posted) V. Bioorganic Compounds 20. Carbohydrates 21. Lipids 22. Peptides, Proteins, and α−Amino Acids 23. Nucleic Acids ************************************************************************************** *Note: Chapters marked with an (*) are not yet posted. 0 (11,12/94)(4,5/97)(02,3/07)(01/08) Neuman Chapter 17 17: Oxidation and Reduction 17.1 Oxidation and Reduction Occur Together Redox Reactions Involve Electron Transfer (17.1A) Inorganic Redox Reactions Organic Redox Reactions Oxidation Levels of Organic Compounds (17.1B) Carbon Oxidation Numbers Definitions of Organic Oxidation and Reduction Presentation of Redox Reactions in this Chapter 17.2 Oxidation of Alcohols and Aldehydes Oxidation Using Cr(VI) Reagents (17.2A) Chromate and Dichromate Reagents Unwanted Oxidation of Aldehydes Jones Oxidation Modified Cr(VI) Reagents Cr(VI) Oxidation Mechanisms Other Inorganic Oxidizing Agents (17.2B) MnO2 Sodium Hypochlorite (NaOCl) Organic Oxidizing Agents (17.2C) Ketones to Esters Aldehydes to Carboxylic Acids and Alcohols Alcohols to Ketones or Aldehydes 17.3 Oxidation of Carbon-Carbon Multiple Bonds Addition of Oxygen to C=C Bonds (17.3A) Epoxide Formation Using Peroxyacids Formation of syn-1,2-Diols Using OsO4 or MnO4Formation of anti-1,2-Diols Oxidative Cleavage of Carbon-Carbon Multiple Bonds (17.3B) Cleavage Using Ozone (O3) Cleavage Using CrO3 or KMnO4 Cleavage of 1,2-Diols Using HIO4 or Pb(OAc)4 17.4 Oxidation of Alkyl Groups Metal Oxide Oxidations (17.4A) KMnO4 and CrO3 Cl2CrO2 SeO2 Oxidations O2 Oxidations (Autoxidation) (17.4B) Autoxidation Mechanism Synthetic Utility 1 17-3 17-3 17-5 17-6 17-6 17-10 17-11 17-15 17-15 17-17 17-19 17-20 17-20 (11,12/94)(4,5/97)(02,3/07)(01/08) Neuman 17.5 Phenols, Hydroquinones, and Quinones Formation of Phenols (17.5A) From Cumene From Aryl Halides From Arylsulfonic Acids From Diazonium Ions Formation of Quinones and Hydroquinones (17.5B) 17.6 Reduction Reactions General Features (17.6A) Types of Reduction Reactions (17.6B) Reduction Using H2 Metal Hydride Reagents Presentation of Reduction Reactions 17.7 Reduction of Ketones and Aldehydes Alcohols from Metal Hydride Reductions (17.7A) LiAlH4 Mechanism NaBH4 Mechanism Alcohols from Diborane Reduction Alcohols from Organic Reducing Agents (17.7B) Cannizzaro Reaction Meerwein-Ponndorf-Verley Reduction Alkyl Groups from C=O Reduction (17.7C) Clemmensen Reduction Wolff-Kishner Reaction 17.8 Reduction of R-C(=O)-Z and Related Compounds Alcohol Formation (17.8A) General LiAlH4 Mechanism Carboxylic Acid Reduction Diborane Reduction of Carboxylic Acids Amine Formation (17.8B) Reduction of Amides Reduction of R-C≡N and R-NO2 Aldehyde Formation (17.8C) Acid Halides and LiAlH(O-C(CH3))3 Esters and Diisobutylaluminum Hydride (DIBAL) Nitriles and DIBAL Rosenmund Reduction 17.9 Reduction of C=C and C≡C Bonds Reduction of Alkenes and Alkynes (17.9A) Reduction of Arenes (17.9B) 2 Chapter 17 17-21 17-22 17-24 17-25 17-25 17-25 17-27 17-27 17-30 17-31 17-32 17-33 17-34 17-35 17-37 17-37 17-37 (11,12/94)(4,5/97)(02,3/07)(01/08) Neuman Chapter 17 17: Oxidation and Reduction •Oxidation and Reduction Occur Together •Oxidation of Alcohols and Aldehydes •Oxidation of Carbon-Carbon Multiple Bonds •Oxidation of Alkyl Groups •Phenols, Hydroquinones, and Quinones •Reduction Reactions •Reduction of Ketones and Aldehydes •Reduction of R-C(=O)-Z and Related Compounds •Reduction of C=C and C≡C Bonds Some Comments about this Chapter Although we introduced oxidation and reduction reactions of organic compounds in earlier chapters, they are so important that we bring them together in this chapter. Chemists use "redox" reactions extensively in synthsis of organic compounds, and they are of immense biological importance. When we first wrote this chapter, a combined presentation of redox reactions in a basic organic text was unusual. They typically appeared in chapters on the functional groups of the reactants or products. This functional group organization has merits, but a combined presentation of redox reactions of a variety of functional groups in one chapter allows us to more easily compare reagents and reaction mechanisms. 17.1 Oxidation and Reduction Occur Together We cannot oxidize a chemical species using a chemical reaction without simultaneously reducing another chemical species. As a result, organic oxidation requires a simultaneous reduction reaction usually of inorganic reagents. Similarly, reduction of an organic compound generally involves concomitant oxidation of inorganic reagents. Redox Reactions Involve Electron Transfer (17.1A) Oxidation and reduction reactions (redox reactions) involve the overall transfer of electrons from one species to another species. The chemical species being oxidized loses electrons to the chemical species being reduced. 3 (11,12/94)(4,5/97)(02,3/07)(01/08) Neuman Chapter 17 Inorganic Redox Reactions. The ionic inorganic redox reaction involving Fe and Cu ions ( Figure 17.001) illustrates this electron transfer. Figure 17.001 Fe+3 + Cu+1 → Fe+2 + Cu+2 The two balanced ionic half-reactions (Figure 17.002) that make up this overall reaction show that Cu+1 loses an electron (e-) when it is oxidized to Cu+2. Figure 17.002 Cu+1 → Cu+2 + eFe+3 + e- → Fe+2 At the same time, Fe+3 gains an electron when it is reduced to Fe+2. The electron gained by Fe+3 comes from Cu+1. Remembering How the Electrons Flow. If you have trouble remembering the way electrons flow in oxidation and reduction reactions, the following observations help me: The word Oxidation starts with the letter "O" and that is also the second letter of the word pOsitive. Things become more pOsitive when they are Oxidized. Similarly, both rEduction and nEgative have the same second letter "E" and things become more nEgative when they are rEduced. Organic Redox Reactions. Electron transfer is usually difficult to see in the organic reactant(s) and product(s) in an organic redox reaction. For example the conversion of a 2° alcohol to a ketone (Figure 17.003) is oxidation, but it is not obvious that electron transfer has occurred by looking at the alcohol and ketone structures. Figure 17.003 This electron transfer is generally visible, however, in the inorganic reagents and products of redox reactions. In the case of oxidation of an alcohol to a ketone, an oxidizing agent can be a chromium compound with Cr in its +6 oxidation state (Cr(VI)). During the reaction, Cr is reduced to Cr(III) in a +3 oxidation state showing that it gains electrons from the alcohol as it is oxidzed to the ketone. 4 (11,12/94)(4,5/97)(02,3/07)(01/08) Neuman Chapter 17 Oxidation Levels of Organic Compounds (17.1B) We can demonstrate the oxidation or reduction of an organic compound by calculating oxidation numbers for the C atoms that are oxidized or reduced. Carbon Oxidation Numbers. We showed calculations for C oxidation numbers in Chapter 13 for alcohols, ketones and aldehydes, and carboxylic acids. Similar calculations for other organic compounds allow us to place them at the various oxidation levels that we show in Table 17.01. Table 17.01. Relative Oxidation Levels of Organic Compounds Relative Carbon Oxidation Number ← (More Reduced) (More Oxidized) → -3 -2 RCH2 CH2 R -1 RCH=CHR 0 +1 +2 +3 RC≡CR RC(OH)H-C(OH)HR -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------RCH3 RCH2OH RC(=O)H RC(=O)OH RCH(OH)R RC(=O)R -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------RCH2Z RC(=O)Z -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Oxidation → ← Reduction ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The relative oxidation numbers are at the top of the table for the underlined C atoms in the structures below them. As the oxidation number becomes more positive (less negative), the C atom becomes more oxidized. As the oxidation number becomes less positive (more negative) the C atom becomes more reduced. Do not memorize these oxidation numbers since they will change depending on the R group. But do learn the relative locations of compounds in each row, in order to understand which compounds are in higher or lower oxidation states. Definitions of Organic Oxidation and Reduction. You can see by looking at the compounds in Table 17.01, that oxidation of a C atom in an organic compound involves one or more of the following changes: (1) an increase in the multiple bond order of the C (2) addition of O to a C (3) replacement of an H on a C by O We combine these criteria in the statement that "oxidation of organic molecules involves a gain in oxygen and/or loss of hydrogen". Look at each oxidation reaction in the following sections to see that one or more of these criteria are met. 5 Neuman (11,12/94)(4,5/97)(02,3/07)(01/08) Chapter 17 Presentation of Redox Reactions in this Chapter. We begin our discussions of redox reactions with oxidation reactions. They are in sections corresponding to the functional group that we oxidize. Their titles are Oxidation of Alcohols and Aldehydes (17.2), Oxidation of Carbon-Carbon Multiple Bonds (17.3), Oxidation of Alkyl Groups (17.4), and Formation of Phenols and Quinones (17.5). 17.2 Oxidation of Alcohols and Aldehydes Oxidation of alcohols gives ketones or aldehydes, and oxidation of aldehydes gives carboxylic acids as we show in Figure 17.004 where the designation [O] signifies that the reaction is an oxidation. Figure 17.004 RCH2OH 1°-Alcohol R2 CHOH 2°-Alcohol RC(=O)H Aldehyde [O] → [O] → [O] → RC(=O)H Aldehyde R2 C=O Ketone RC(=O)OH Carboxylic Acid We described these reactions in Chapter 13, but give more detailed information about them here. You can see that they fit the criteria for oxidation that we listed above. In the first two reactions, the multiple bond order of C increases due to a "loss of H". In the third reaction, there is replacement of an H on C by O with a "gain in O". Oxidation Using Cr(VI) Reagents (17.2A) Common oxidizing agents for these oxidations are Cr(VI) compounds (Figure 17.005)(next page). Cr(VI) is reduced to Cr(III) during oxidation of the alcohol or aldehyde. Figure 17.005 Alcohol or Aldehyde and Cr(VI) Reagent → Ketone or Aldehyde and or Carboxylic Acid Cr(III) Reagent Chromate and Dichromate Reagents. We prepare these Cr(VI) reagents by adding sodium or potassium dichromate (Na2Cr2O7 or K2Cr2O7), or chromium trioxide (CrO3), to aqueous solutions of sulfuric or acetic acid. Several Cr(VI) species (Table 17.02 and Figure 17.006)[next page] are present in these solutions in equuilibria with each other. 6 (11,12/94)(4,5/97)(02,3/07)(01/08) Neuman Chapter 17 Figure 17.006 Table 17.02. Cr(VI) Species Present in Solutions of K2 Cr2O7 , Na2Cr2O7 , or CrO3 in Sulfuric or Acetic Acid. Chromate Species H2CrO4 HCrO4-1 CrO4-2 Dichromate Species H2Cr2O7 HCr2O7-1 Cr2O7-2 We can imagine that chromate ion (CrO4-2) forms from dichromate (Cr2O7-2) by loss of chromium trioxide (CrO3), or that it forms from addition of H2O to CrO3 followed by deprotonation. The three "chromate" species, or the three "dichromate" species, are simply differently protonated froms of CrO4-2 or Cr2O7-2, respectively Unwanted Oxidation of Aldehydes. Cr(VI) reagents are powerful oxidizing agents useful for oxidizing 2° alcohols to ketones (Figure 17.005) because ketones are resistant to further oxidation. However aldehydes formed from oxidation of 1° alcohols using Cr(VI) reagents are usually further oxidized to carboxylic acids (Figure 17.004). We can prevent this by using modified Cr(VI) reagents that we describe later in this section. We can also distill the intermediate aldehyde from the reaction mixture as it forms before it is oxidized further. This is often possible because boiling points of aldehydes are usually much lower than those of the 1° alcohols from which they are formed. Oxidation of Cyclic Ketones. When ketones react with Cr(VI) reagents at high temperatures, the result is a complicated mixture of products. An exception is oxidation of cyclic ketones that give good yields of dicarboxylic acids (Figure 17.007). Figure 17.007 Jones Oxidation. Because acyclic ketones are relatively stable to Cr(VI) oxidations, acetone is frequently used as the solvent for Cr(VI) oxidations of alcohols. In these reactions, a CrO3/H2SO4/H2 O mixture is slowly added to an acetone solution of the alcohol, or the alcohol is mixed with an acetone solution of CrO3/H2SO4/H2O. Both the CrO3/H2SO4/H2 O 7 (11,12/94)(4,5/97)(02,3/07)(01/08) Neuman Chapter 17 mixture and that mixture in acetone are called the Jones reagent while the resultant oxidation reaction is called a Jones oxidation. Besides being stable to oxidation, acetone dissolves many higher molecular mass alcohols that have relatively low solubility in water, and it is easy to remove from the reaction mixture because of its low boiling point (56°C). We symbolize a Jones oxidation by the set of reagents shown in the example in Figure 17.008. Figure 17.008 Modified Cr(VI) Reagents. Organic chemists have developed modified Cr(VI) reagents that are weaker oxidizing agents than the Jones reagent and permit the formation of aldehydes without their subsequent oxidation to carboxylic acids. Three of these are complexes of pyridine with Cr(VI) species (Figure 17.009). Figure 17.009 When used with the solvent dichloromethane (CH2 Cl2), they conveniently convert 1° alcohols to aldehydes (Figure 17.010). Figure 17.010 Organic chemists also use these pyridine complexes to convert 2° alcohols to ketones when another part of the molecule may be sensitive to the more vigorous conditions of acidic dichromate or acidic CrO3 oxidizing agents. Oxidation of Allylic Alcohols. Although milder oxidizing agents such as PCC are preferable, the Jones Reagent oxidizes 1° allylic alcohols to α,β-unsaturated aldehydes (Figure 17.011)[next page] without further conversion to carboxylic acids. This is because the conjugated C=O group of α,β-unsaturated aldehydes is less susceptible to further oxidation than C=O groups of unconjugated aldehydes.. 8 (11,12/94)(4,5/97)(02,3/07)(01/08) Neuman Chapter 17 Figure 17.011 Cr(VI) Oxidation Mechanisms. Mechanisms of Cr(VI) oxidations are complex with many steps. We show the general transformations that occur in oxidation of an alcohol to an aldehyde or ketone in Figure 17.012. Figure 17.012 This summary shows there are intermediate Cr(V) and Cr(IV) species, and intermediate organic free radicals on the paths from alcohol to ketone or aldehyde. The "overall reaction" includes a series of steps in which the alcohol and Cr(VI) reagent form a "chromate ester" that subsequently gives a carbonyl compound and Cr(IV) via an elimination reaction (Figure 17.013). Figure 17.013 The further oxidation of an aldehyde to a carboxylic acid has mechanistic steps analogous to those in Figures 17.012 and 17.013 for alcohol oxidation. The reactions in Figure 17.013 are similar to nucleophilic acyl substitution reactions in Chapter 16. We show in Figure 17.014[next page] that the alcohol adds to a Cr=O bond (step 1) to give a pentavalent intermediate that subsequently loses hydroxide ion (step 3). 9 (11,12/94)(4,5/97)(02,3/07)(01/08) Neuman Chapter 17 Figure 17.014 The intermediate reacts (steps 4 and 5) to give the ketone product and the Cr(IV) species. Other Inorganic Oxidizing Agents (17.2B) Besides Cr(VI) reagents, there are a variety of other inorganic oxidizing reagents that oxidize alcohols and aldehydes. We describe two of these below. MnO2. This Mn(IV) reagent selectively oxidizes allylic and benzylic alcohols to ketones or aldehydes (Figure 17.015) and the Mn(IV) is reduced to Mn(II). Figure 17.015 10 (11,12/94)(4,5/97)(02,3/07)(01/08) Neuman Chapter 17 OH groups that are not allylic or benzylic are not oxidized, and the aldehyde products do not further oxidize to carboxylic acids. Sodium Hypochlorite (NaOCl). This simple inorganic reagent is frequently used in commercial applications of oxidation such as conversion of 2° alcohols to ketones (Figure 17.016). Figure 17.016 R2CHOH NaOCl → CH3CO2H R2C=O NaOCl is the active ingredient in commercial liquid bleach, so it is inexpensive and readily available. Organic Oxidizing Agents (17.2C) Several different types of organic oxidizing agents oxidize alcohols or carbonyl compounds. Ketones to Esters. Although inorganic oxidizing agents generally do not oxidize ketones to useful products, we can transform ketones into esters by reactions with peroxycarboxylic acids such as peroxytrifluoroacetic acid (trifluoroperacetic acid) (Figure 17.017). Figure 17.017 Synthesis of Peroxycarboxylic Acids. Peroxycarboxylic acids (or peracids) form from reactions of carboxylic acids with hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) as we show for trifluoroperacetic acid (Figure 17.018). Figure 17.018 In the Baeyer-Villiger rearrangement (Figure 17.017), it appears that the peroxyacid inserts an O into the C-R' bond of the ketone (RC(=O)-R'). It is an oxidation reaction because O is added to the C=O carbon to give C(=O)-O while the oxidation number of the O transferred from the peracid decreases from -1 to -2 indicating that it is reduced. We show the mechanism of the reaction in Figure 17.019[next page]. 11 (11,12/94)(4,5/97)(02,3/07)(01/08) Neuman Chapter 17 Figure 17.019 A key step is migration of the R' group with its bonding electron pair from C to O (fourth step in Figure 17.019). The relative rate (relative ease) of migration of this R' group is R' = H > 3° > 2°, aryl > 1° > CH3. This migration selectivity has synthetic utility. For example, we can convert compounds of the structure R-C(=O)-CH3 exclusively into the alcohols R-OH by the sequence of reactions that we show in Figure 17.020a. Figure 17.020a In contrast the facile migration ability of H transforms aldehydes R-C(=O)-H into the corresponding carboxylic acids R-C(=O)-OH (Figure 17.020b). Figure 17.020b 12 (11,12/94)(4,5/97)(02,3/07)(01/08) Neuman Chapter 17 The Baeyer-Villiger rearrangement also allows us to synthesize lactones from cycloalkanones. Figure 17.021 Aldehydes to Carboxylic Acids and Alcohols. We can convert aldehydes that have no αH's into an equimolar mixture of their corresponding carboxylic acid and alcohol using a strong base such as sodium hydroxide (Figure 17.022). Figure 17.022 In this Cannizzaro reaction, the carboxylic acid is an oxidation product of the aldehyde while the alcohol is a reduction product. As is the case in the Baeyer-Villliger reaction, one organic molecule is the reducing agent (and gets oxidized) while another organic molecule is the oxidizing agent (and gets reduced). We outline the detailed mechanism in Figure 17.023. Figure 17.023 The key step is the transfer of an H with its bonding electron pair (a hydride transfer) from the intermediate anion to another molecule of aldehyde. There is evidence that the intermediate anion can react again with -OH to give the even more powerful hydride transfer agent that we show in Figure 17.024. Figure 17.024 13 (11,12/94)(4,5/97)(02,3/07)(01/08) Neuman Chapter 17 Alcohols to Ketones or Aldehydes. A simple ketone such as acetone ((CH3)2C=O) can serve as an oxidizing agent for the oxidation of a 1° or 2° alcohol to an aldehyde or ketone (Figure 17.025). Figure 17.025 The mechanism of this Oppenauer oxidation reaction involves conversion of the alcohol (R2CHOH) to be oxidized into an alkoxide species (R2CHO-) that transfers a hydride ion (the underlined H) to acetone. As a result, acetone is reduced and the alkoxide ion becomes a carbonyl compound (Figure 17.026). Figure 17.026 Both the alkoxide species (R2CHO-) and acetone are bonded to Al in an aluminum trialkoxide molecule (Figure 17.027) formed by reaction of R2CHOH with a molecule such as Al(O-C(CH3)3). Figure 17.027 This hydride transfer reaction is similar to that in the Cannizzaro reaction shown earlier. Dimethylsulfoxide. A more recent organic oxidizing agent is dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO) ((CH3)2S=O) that can oxidize primary alcohols and halogenated compounds to aldehydes or ketones (Figure 17.028). Figure 17.028 14 (11,12/94)(4,5/97)(02,3/07)(01/08) Neuman Chapter 17 The mechanism of this Swern oxidation is complex. We show a part in Figure 17.029. Figure 17.029 The alcohol is first converted to an intermediate sulfoxonium ion that decomposes to dimethylsulfide and the desired aldehyde. 17.3 Oxidation of Carbon-Carbon Multiple Bonds There are a variety of oxidation reactions in which C=C bonds add oxygen or are cleaved to oxygenated products (Figure 17.030). Figure 17.030 Addition of Oxygen to C=C Bonds (17.3A) When oxygen adds to C=C bonds, the products are epoxides or 1,2-diols (Figure 17.030). Epoxide Formation Using Peroxyacids. Epoxides (oxacyclopropanes) are products of oxidation of C=C bonds using peroxycarboxylic acids such as m-chloroperbenzoic acid, perbenzoic acid, or peracetic acid, (e.g. Figure 17.031). Figure 17.031 The reaction mechanism is a single step (concerted) transfer of an oxygen atom to the C=C. Figure 17.032 The transition state is the structure in the brackets. 15 (11,12/94)(4,5/97)(02,3/07)(01/08) Neuman Chapter 17 Formation of syn-1,2-Diols Using OsO4 or MnO4-. Osmium tetroxide (OsO4), or potassium permanganate (KMnO4) in aqueous base, react with alkenes to yield 1,2-diols (Figure 17.033). Figure 17.033 These reactions give stereospecific syn addition of the two OH groups because they involve the formation of intermediate cyclic inorganic "esters" shown in Figure 17.034 that decompose to the diol in subsequent steps. Figure 17.034 Osmium tetratoxide gives excellent yields of 1,2-diols, but it is toxic (it causes blindness) and expensive. Potassium permanganate is inexpensive and safer to use, but it gives much lower yields of diols. This is partly because it can cleave the C-C bond of the diol as we describe in a subsequent section. Formation of anti-1,2-Diols. In order to obtain overall anti addition of two OH groups to a C=C bond, we first synthesize an epoxide and then open the 3-membered ring using aqueous acid (Figure 17.035). Figure 17.035 We can isolate the epoxide, but do not usually do this. We convert the alkene directly to the diol by treating it with an aqueous mixture of H2 O2 and formic acid (a source of performic 16 (11,12/94)(4,5/97)(02,3/07)(01/08) Neuman Chapter 17 acid), or with m-chloroperbenzoic acid in H2 O. The acidic aqueous reaction mixture causes ring opening of the intermediate epoxide. Oxidative Cleavage of Carbon-Carbon Multiple Bonds (17.3B) Oxidizing reagents that cleave C=C or C≡C bonds as they add oxygen to the C atoms include ozone (O3), CrO3, and KMnO4 (in neutral or acidic solution) (Figure 17.036). Figure 17.036 Cleavage Using Ozone (O3). The mechanism of the reaction between ozone (O3) and an alkene involves direct addition of O3 to give an unstable intermediate that decomposes to an ozonide intermediate (Figure 17.037). Figure 17.037 We do not isolate the ozonide (it usually is an explosive compound), but react it with zinc metal in acetic acid to give the product carbonyl compounds (Figure 17.038). Figure 17.038 These carbonyl compounds are ketones or aldehydes depending on the substitution pattern on the double bond. Aldehyde products do not oxidize to carboxylic acids under these reaction conditions. Cleavage Using CrO3 or KMnO4. The aldehyde products do oxidize further when they arise in reactions of alkenes with the powerful oxidizing agents CrO3, or KMnO4 in neutral or acidic solution. These reagents cleave the C=C bond, and oxidize each of the C=C carbons to the highest oxidation state consistent with their substitution patterns (Figure 17.039)[next page]. 17 (11,12/94)(4,5/97)(02,3/07)(01/08) Neuman Chapter 17 Figure 17.039 We obtain the highest yields of carbonyl compound products using KMnO4 dissolved in benzene containing a Crown ether. It permits KMnO4 to dissolve in benzene by solvating the K+ ion as we show in Figure 17.040. Figure 17.040 It is important for you to remember that KMnO4 in basic solution yields 1,2-diols without cleavage of the original C=C bond. These 1,2-diols are likely intermediates when we react CrO3, or KMnO4, with alkenes in neutral or acidic solution. However, under these reaction conditions they further oxidize to ketones and/or aldehydes, and aldehydes further oxidize to carboxylic acids (Figure 17.041.) Figure 17.041 Cleavage of 1,2-Diols Using HIO4 or Pb(OAc)4. We can also oxidatively cleave C=C bonds using the sequence of two reactions in Figure 17.042. Figure 17.042 The 1,2-diols, from reaction of OsO4 with alkenes, further oxidize to carbonyl compounds with HIO4 (periodic acid) or Pb(OAc)4 (lead tetraacetate) (Figure 17.042). This sequence of two separate reactions gives high yields of relatively pure products in each step. Once 18 (11,12/94)(4,5/97)(02,3/07)(01/08) Neuman Chapter 17 again, aldehydes are stable to further oxidation under these reaction conditions. Oxidation Using Singlet Oxygen. Molecular oxygen (O2) in air is an oxidizing agent and we describe one of its oxidation reactions ("autoxidation") in the next section on oxidation of alkyl groups. This atmospheric O2 exists in a "triplet" electronic state (symbolized as 3O2). In that electronic state, the O2 molecule acts like it is a free radical . O-O. with an unpaired electron on each O atom. [There are two unshared pairs of electrons on each O that we do not show here.] O2 can also exist in a "singlet" electronic state (1O2) that has no unpaired electrons. We can represent it as O=O, and it has very different chemical properties than triplet oxygen [Note that once again we have omitted the two unshared pairs of electrons on each oxygen.]. We show three types of reactions of singlet oxygen with molecules containing C=C bonds in Figure 17.043. Figure 17.043 In the first reaction, singlet O2 reacts with an alkene to form a hydroperoxide in which the C=C bond has rearranged. In the second reaction, singlet oxygen adds to the end carbons of a conjugated diene to give a cyclic peroxide. Finally in the third reaction, singlet oxygen adds across a C=C bond to give a four-membered cyclic peroxide called a dioxetane. The dioxetane is an unstable intermediate that fragments into carbonyl compounds as we show in the figure. We can form singlet O2 chemically by reaction between H2O2 and NaOCl. It also forms by irradiation of O2 with light in the presence of organic molecules called photosensitizers. 17.4 Oxidation of Alkyl Groups Several different reagents oxidize alkyl groups (R) bonded to double bonds (allylic R groups), or to aromatic rings (benzylic R groups). The products can be alcohols, ketones or aldehydes, and carboxylic acids (Figure 17.044). Figure 17.044 19 (11,12/94)(4,5/97)(02,3/07)(01/08) Neuman Chapter 17 Metal Oxide Oxidations (17.4A) Oxidizing agents include potassium permanganate (KMnO4), chromium trioxide (CrO3), chromyl chloride (Cl2CrO2), and selenium dioxide (SeO2). KMnO4 and CrO3. The strong oxidizing agents KMnO4 or CrO3 oxidize alkyl groups on aromatic rings to carboxylic acid groups (directly attached to the ring) if there is at least one H on the C attached to the ring (Figure 17.045). Figure 17.045 Figure 17.046 These reagents are so powerful that we limit their use to simple aromatic systems with no other oxidizable functional groups. Cl2CrO2. In contrast, the milder oxidizing agent chromyl chloride (Cl2CrO2) oxidizes methyl groups on aromatic rings to aldehyde groups without further oxidation to carboxylic acids (Figure 17.046)[see above]. SeO2 Oxidations. Even more selectively, selenium dioxide (SeO2) oxidizes allylic R groups to alcohols, and benzylic R groups to alcohols or carbonyl compounds (Figure 17.047). Figure 17.047 This reagent is particularly useful because it does not oxidize other functional groups that may be oxidized by KMnO4 or CrO3. For example, the double bonds in the allylic systems above are easily oxidized by either KMnO4 or CrO3 as we previously described, but are stable to SeO2. SeO2 also selectively oxidizes CH2 groups attached (α) to carbonyl groups (Figure 17.048). Figure 17.048 Figure 17.049 O2 Oxidations (Autoxidation) (17.4B) Atmospheric oxygen (O2) sometimes reacts with organic compounds to give peroxides (Figure 17.049)[see above]. This autoxidation reaction is generally an unwanted occurrence that organic chemists try to avoid by keeping reaction mixtures or stored samples of organic compounds free of oxygen. Autooxidation is catalyzed by light so organic compounds are 20 (11,12/94)(4,5/97)(02,3/07)(01/08) Neuman Chapter 17 usually packaged in bottles that are opaque or made of dark brown glass. Autoxidation Mechanism. Autoxidation has a free radical chain mechanism that we partially outline in Figure 17.050. Figure 17.050 (We showed other examples of free radical chain reactions in Chapter 11). While the two "propagation" steps (Figure 17.050) are fast reactions, autoxidation is usually not a rapid process because we need to use catalysts (free radical initiators) to generate the initial R• or RO2• that start an oxidation chain. Atmospheric oxygen is usually not sufficiently reactive to spontaneously generate these radicals by direct reaction with an organic compound. Synthetic Utility. Autoxidation has only limited synthetic utility because so many types of C-H bonds can be converted to C-OOH groups that it is difficult to have selective reactions. However, one important industrial process using autoxidation is the conversion of 2-propylbenzene (commonly named cumene) to phenol and acetone (Figure 17.051). Figure 17.051 The particular C-H of cumene that is abstracted is much more reactive than any of the other C-H's because it is both 3° and benzylic (on a C directly attached to an aromatic ring). The formation of the hydroperoxide (usually called cumene hydroperoxide) is the actual autooxidation process. The decomposition of this peroxide to phenol and acetone involves subsequent ionic reactions that occur after oxidation. 17.5 Phenols, Hydroquinones, and Quinones We can think of phenols, hydroquinones, and quinones (Figure 17.052), as successive oxidation products of benzene. Figure 17.052 21 (11,12/94)(4,5/97)(02,3/07)(01/08) Neuman Chapter 17 Formation of Phenols (17.5A) It is difficult to directly add an OH group to a benzene ring, so we usually synthesize phenols by transforming another functional group, already on an aromatic ring, into an OH group. We summarize several such reaction sequences in Figure 17.053 and describe them in the following sections. Figure 17.053 In each case, we form the intermediate substituted benzene directly or indirectly by an electrophilic aromatic substitution reaction on benzene. From Cumene. Organic chemists prepare phenol commercially by autoxidation of cumene as we just described (Figure 17.051). Cumene comes from the Friedel-Crafts alkylation (Chapter 12) of benzene (Figure 17.054). Figure 17.054 This procedure also gives substituted phenols by autoxidation of ring-substituted cumenes. From Aryl Halides. Another commercial preparation of phenol involves reaction of chlorobenzene with sodium hydroxide at high temperature and pressure (Figure 17.055). Figures 17.055/17.057 (We synthesize chlorobenzene from benzene by electrophilic aromatic chlorination (Chapter 12)) (Figure 17.057). While it appears that HO- might displace Cl- by nucleophilic substitution, this reaction has an elimination-addition mechanism (Figure 17.056)[next page] in which benzyne (C6 H4) (Chapter 12) is an intermediate. 22 (11,12/94)(4,5/97)(02,3/07)(01/08) Neuman Chapter 17 Figure 17.056 From Arylsulfonic Acids. When we "fuse" arylsulfonic acid salts (Ar-SO3-Na+) with sodium hydroxide at high temperatures, we replace the SO3- group with an O- group. Subsequent protonation with acid gives phenols as shown in Figure 17.058. Figure 17.058 Figure 17.059 We synthesize arylsulfonic acids from the aromatic compound by electrophilic aromatic sulfonation. and show an overall reaction sequence for conversion of benzene to phenol via arylsulfonic acids in Figure 17.059 [see above]. From Diazonium Ions. The most general method for substituting OH on an aromatic ring is replacement of an N2+ group (a diazonium group) by an OH group (Figure 17.060). Figure 17.060 Figure 17.061 We form N2 + groups from NH2 groups by a nitrosation reaction (Figure 17.061) [see above]. While there is no synthetically useful direct method to place an NH2 group on an unsubstituted aromatic ring, we can synthesize amino benzenes and other amino arenes by reducing a nitro group on an aromatic ring (Chapter 12) (Figure 17.062). Figure 17.062 We describe this conversion of NO2 into NH2 in the section on reduction reactions later in this chapter. 23 (11,12/94)(4,5/97)(02,3/07)(01/08) Neuman Chapter 17 Formation of Quinones and Hydroquinones (17.5B) Quinones are oxidation products of phenol or p-substituted phenols (Figure 17.063). Figure 17.063 Figure 17.064 Fremy's salt ((KSO3)2N-O .) is a free radical that oxidizes phenol by a free radical reaction mechanism. We oxidize the p-substituted phenols (Y = OH, NH2, X, OR, R), with Cr2 O7-2 in H2SO4. We can reduce quinones to hydroquinones using lithium aluminum hydride (Figure 17.064) [see above]. We describe this reaction and the reducing reagent (LiAlH4) in a later section. We can reoxidize hydroquinones to quinones as we previously showed in Figure 17.063. Quinones and Hydroquinones are Biologically Important. The quinone ubiquinone, known as coenzyme Q (CoQ) (Figure 17.065), is important in biological electron transport. Figure 17.065 It accepts an electron (is reduced) forming an intermediate semiquinone that can also accept an electron (be reduced) to give the hydroquinone ubiquinol shown above. Ubiquinol donates electrons to cytochromes that give electrons to molecular oxygen thereby reducing it. 24 (11,12/94)(4,5/97)(02,3/07)(01/08) Neuman Chapter 17 17.6 Reduction Reactions The reverse of each oxidation reaction in the previous sections is a reduction reaction. General Features (17.6A) The characteristics of reduction reactions are opposite to those of oxidation reactions. As a result, organic molecules lose oxygen and/or gain hydrogen in reduction reactions. While oxidation and reduction are equally important processes, we often describe reduction reactions using terms associated with oxidation. For example, when we reduce a molecule , we say it is in a "lower oxidation state" rather than in a "higher reduction state". Similarly, we measure the extent of reduction of a C atom by its "oxidation number". Finally, we describe the relative levels of reduction of various compounds using their "relative oxidation levels" as in Table 17.01. Types of Reduction Reactions (17.6B) We show important types of reduction reactions in Figure 17.066 [next page]. We use the general symbol [H] to designate reduction because usually we add one or more H's to the molecule during its reduction. These H's typically come from molecular hydrogen (H2) or from metal hydride reagents that we describe below. Figure 17.066 RC≡CR or R 2 C=CR 2 Alkynes or Alkenes R2 C=O Ketones or Aldehydes R-C(=O)-Z Carboxylic Acid Derivatives R-C≡N or R-NO2 Nitriles or Nitro compounds [H] → [H] → [H] → [H] → RCH=CHR or R 2 CH-CHR2 Alkenes or Alkanes R2 CHOH or R2 CH2 Alcohols or Alkyl Groups R-C(=O)-H or R-CH 2OH Aldehydes or Alcohols R-CH 2-NH2 or R-NH2 Amines Reduction Using H2. In many of these reactions, it appears that one or more molecules of H2 adds across a multiple bond (Figure 17.067). Figure 17.067 25 (11,12/94)(4,5/97)(02,3/07)(01/08) Neuman Chapter 17 In fact, molecular H2 in the presence of various metal catalysts can reduce most multiple bonds. We describe this catalytic hydrogenation at the end of Chapter 10 for reduction of C=C and C≡C bonds and show examples in Figure 17.068. Figure 17.068 Since catalytic hydrogenation also reduces C=O, C=N, and C≡N bonds, this process often simultaneously reduces most or all of the multiple bonds in a molecule. Because of this lack of selectivity, we generally use catalytic hydrogenation to reduce C=C and C≡C bonds in molecules where other types of multiple bonds are not present or are protected. Metal Hydride Reagents. Organic chemists have developed a variety of metal hydride reagents that specifically reduce various types of multiple bonds. We show some particularly important examples that we describe in this chapter in Figure 17.069. Figure 17.069 All of these reagents contain a boron (B) or aluminum (Al) atom bonded to one or more H atoms. They reduce multiple bonds by transferring an H with its bonding electron pair (a hydride ion) from B or Al to the positively polarized C atoms in C=O, C=N, and C≡N bonds. We show a general representation of this type of reaction for an "Al-H" reagent and a C=O bond in Figure 17.070 [next page]. 26 (11,12/94)(4,5/97)(02,3/07)(01/08) Neuman Chapter 17 Figure 17.070 Presentation of Reduction Reactions. We describe the use of these reducing agents to carry out particular types of reduction reactions in the following sections titled Reduction of Ketones and Aldehydes (17.7), Reduction of R-C(=O)-Z and Related Compounds (17.8), and Reduction of C=C and C≡C Bonds (17.9). We gave a detailed presentation of the reduction reactions of alkenes and alkynes in Chapter 10, however, we review these reactions again in section 17.9 along with a discussion of related reduction reactions of benzenoid aromatic systems (arenes). 17.7 Reduction of Ketones and Aldehydes Reduction of ketones or aldehydes transforms their C=O groups to alcohol groups (HC-OH), or to CH2 groups (Figure 17.066). We list specific reactions in this section in Figure 17.071 . Figure 17.071 Alcohols from Metal Hydride Reductions (17.7A) We show typical reaction conditions for LiAlH4, NaBH4, or B2H6 reductions of aldehydes or ketones to give alcohols in Figure 17.072. Figure 17.072 Because of the relatively low reactivity of NaBH4, we can use a protic solvent such as ethanol when NaBH4 is the reducing agent. In contrast, for LiAlH4 reductions we must use 27 (11,12/94)(4,5/97)(02,3/07)(01/08) Neuman Chapter 17 aprotic solvents such as ethers. LiAlH4 reacts violently with alcohols or other protic solvents giving molecular H2 (Figure 17.073) that subsequently undergoes combustion with atmospheric oxygen. Figure 17.073 Figure 17.074 LiAlH4 Mechanism. The mechanism for LiAlH4 reduction of a C=O group is complex with many reaction intermediates. In the first step, AlH4- transfers an H atom with its electron pair (a "hydride") to the C=O carbon (Figure 17.074)[see above]. In this step, the C=O double bond becomes an H-C-O single bond and the carbon atom is reduced. The resultant intermediate R2CH-O-AlH3- is probably complexed with Li+ and solvent molecules (usually diethyl ether or THF) (Figure 17.075). Figure 17.075 This intermediate can add hydride to unreacted R2C=O because it has Al-H bonds. However, it can also participate in a series of reactions that ultimately leads to the formation of (R2CHO)4Al- and AlH4- (Figure 17.076). Figure 17.076 As a result, hydride transfer can occur from a variety of species. The alcohol product ultimately forms by hydrolysis of (R2CH-O)4Al- (Figure 17.077). Figure 17.077 NaBH4 Mechanism. In the NaBH4 mechanism, ethanol (shown as R-OH) may transfer a proton to the O of the ketone or aldehyde simultaneously with hydride transfer from BH4- to the C (Figure 17.078) [next page]. 28 (11,12/94)(4,5/97)(02,3/07)(01/08) Neuman Chapter 17 Figure 17.078 After reduction of the carbonyl compound, aqueous acid neutralizes the basic reaction mixture (Figure 17.072). Intermediates such as CH3CH2 O-BH3- may also serve as hydride ion donors to unreacted carbonyl compound. Alcohols from Diborane Reduction. Organic chemists use diborane (B2H6) less frequently than either LiAlH4 or NaBH4 to reduce ketones or aldehydes, but it is a useful reagent because of its selectivity (Figure 17.079). Figure 17.079 The hydride transfer reagent is probably BH3 that forms from B2H6 in the reaction mixture as we described in Chapter 10 and show again in Figure 17.080. Figure 17.080 We give a mechanism for diborane reduction of a C=O group in Figure 17.081. Figure 17.081 29 (11,12/94)(4,5/97)(02,3/07)(01/08) Neuman Chapter 17 Neutral versus Complex Metal Hydrides. Organic chemists classify lithium aluminum hydride (LiAlH4) and sodium borohydride (NaBH4) as complex metal hydrides because they are ionic compounds with negatively charged AlH4- and BH4- ions. In contrast, neutral metal hydrides such as BH3 (that exists in its dimeric form B2H6), have no charge. As a result, there is a profound difference in their reactivity and selectivity. Both AlH4- and BH4- are electron rich species that react by initially donating a hydride to the carbon atom of the multiple bond (Figures 17.074 and 17.078). In contrast, BH3 is an electron deficient Lewis Acid. In the first step of its reactions with C=O, C=N, and C≡N bonds, it bonds to an unshared electron pair on the heteroatom O or N. Subsequently, there is an intramolecular hydride transfer to C as we showed in Figure 17.081. Because BH3 is electron deficient (electrophilic), it also reacts with C=C and C≡C bonds (Chapter 10). C=C and C≡C bonds prefer to donate electron density to electrophilic species rather than accept it from electron rich nucleophilic species such as BH4- and AlH4- (Figure 17.082). Figure 17.082 Alcohols from Organic Reducing Agents (17.7B) We can form alcohols by reduction of ketones or aldehydes using two organic reactions that we have previously discussed as oxidation reactions. These are the Cannizzaro reaction and the Meerwein-Ponndorf-Verley reduction that is the reverse of the Oppenauer oxidation. Cannizzaro Reaction. We show the Cannizzaro reaction again in Figure 17.083. Figure 17.083 Two molecules of an aldehyde (without α-H's) simultaneously oxidize and reduce giving an alcohol and a carboxylic acid. We gave the full mechanism earlier in Figure 17.023 and show the first steps again in Figure 17.083a. Figure 17.083a 30 (11,12/94)(4,5/97)(02,3/07)(01/08) Neuman Chapter 17 This hydride transfer is analogous to those in metal hydride reductions, but the hydride transfer agent is a negatively charged organic compound. Meerwein-Ponndorf-Verley Reduction. The M-P-V reduction is the reverse of the Oppenauer oxidation presented earlier. Treatment with Al(O-CH(CH3)2)3 (aluminum triisopropoxide) in isopropyl alcohol (2-propanol) reduces ketones or aldehydes to alcohols (Figure 17.084). Figure 17.084 As in the Cannizzaro reaction, there is a hydride transfer to the carbonyl compound that forms the alkoxide ion of the desired product alcohol (Figure 17.085). Figure 17.085 You can see that the hydride comes from the isopropoxide group (1-methylethoxide group) in aluminum triisopropoxide. Alkyl Groups from C=O Reduction (17.7C) We can convert the C=O group of ketones and aldehydes into a CH2 group (Figure 17.086), by the Clemmensen reduction or the Wolff-Kishner reaction. Figure 17.086 Clemmensen Reduction R2C=O → → → → R2CH2 Wolff-Kishner Reaction Clemmensen Reduction. We carry out this reaction by treating an aldehyde or ketone with zinc amalgam (Zn treated with mercury metal (Hg)) in aqueous HCl (Figure 17.087). Figure 17.087 31 (11,12/94)(4,5/97)(02,3/07)(01/08) Neuman Chapter 17 Because this reaction uses aqueous HCl, it is not useful for compounds that are sensitive to acid. (In those cases we can use the reaction described in the next section.) While its mechanism is uncertain, the corresponding alcohol R2CHOH is not formed as an intermediate. Wolff-Kishner Reaction. In this reaction, treatment of an aldehyde or ketone with H2NNH2. H2 O (hydrazine hydrate) and NaOH in a high boiling solvent such as refluxing diethylene glycol (HOCH2 CH2 OCH2CH2 OH) (Figure 17.088) transforms their C=O groups into CH2 groups. Figure 17.088 Figure 17.089 We briefly described the Wolff-Kishner reaction in Chapter 16 because its mechanism involves nucleophilic addition of hydrazine to the C=O group to form the intermediate hydrazone (Figure 17.089)[see above]. This intermediate reacts further with HO- in the reaction mixture to form N2 and the final organic product (Figure 17.090). Figure 17.090 Because the reaction medium is basic, we can use the Wolff-Kishner reaction with compounds sensitive to the acidic conditions of the Clemmensen reduction. 17.8 Reduction of R-C(=O)-Z and Related Compounds When we reduce esters, amides, or other compounds of the structure R-C(=O)-Z, possible products are alcohols, amines, or aldehydes. The type of product depends on the structure of R-C(=O)-Z and that of the metal hydride reducing agent (Figure 17.091)[next page]. We describe reductions of R-C(=O)-Z in this section along with those of nitriles (R-C≡N) and nitro compounds (R-NO2). 32 (11,12/94)(4,5/97)(02,3/07)(01/08) Neuman Chapter 17 Figure 17.091 Alcohol Formation (17.8A) LiAlH4 reduction of R-C(=O)-Z compounds except amides (Z = NR'2) gives alcohols (RCH2-OH) (Figure 17.091). Aldehydes are intermediates in these reactions (Figure 17.092). Figure 17.092 General LiAlH4 Mechanism. We show a general mechanism for LiAlH4 reduction of RC(=O)-Z other than amides in Figure 17.093. Figure 17.093 After the initial hydride addition to the C(=O)-Z group, Z- leaves to give an aldehyde intermediate that AlH4-, or another other reactive intermediate with Al-H bonds, reduces further to an alcohol (Figure 17.074). Carboxylic Acid Reduction. When we reduce carboxylic acids with LiAlH4, an initial acid-base reaction forms a carboxylate intermediate complexed to AlH3 (Figure 17.094) [next page]. An intramolecular hydride transfer reaction in this complex then leads to reduction of the carboxylate functional group to an aldehyde that is further reduced to an alcohol. 33 (11,12/94)(4,5/97)(02,3/07)(01/08) Neuman Chapter 17 Figure 17.094 Diborane Reduction of Carboxylic Acids. We can also reduce carboxylic acids to alcohols using B2H6 (Figure 17.095). Figure 17.095 While LiAlH4 reduces acids, it also reacts with any other C=O groups that are present in the molecule. In contrast, diborane does not reduce other R-C(=O)-Z groups that may be present. Amine Formation (17.8B) Amines are the products when we reduce amides (R-C(=O)-NR'2), nitriles (R-C≡N), or nitro compounds (R-NO2) with LiAlH4 (Figure 17.091). Reduction of Amides. LiAlH4 reduction of amides (R-C(=O)-NR'2) gives 1° amines (RCH2-NH2), 2° amines (R-CH2-NHR') or 3° amines (R-CH2-NR'2) depending on the the number of H's on N. The intermediate formed in the first reaction of LiAlH4 with an amide (Figure 17.096) is equivalent to that formed in the first reaction when LiAlH4 reacts with other R-C(=O)-Z compounds (Figure 17.093). Figure 17.096 However in the case of amides, the Z group is NR'2 and the -NR'2 anion is such a poor leaving group that an "O-Al" anion leaves instead (the second reaction in Figure 17.096) giving an intermediate iminium ion. Subsequent reduction of that iminium ion (or its imine form) gives the amine as we show in the third reaction in that figure. Reduction of R-C≡ N and R-NO2. Reduction of nitriles (R-C≡N) has a stepwise mechanism in which C≡N becomes C=N and finally a C-N bond (Figure 17.097)[next page]. 34 (11,12/94)(4,5/97)(02,3/07)(01/08) Neuman Chapter 17 Figure 17.097 Although we give no mechanism for reduction of nitro compounds (R-NO2), this reaction is particularly useful for synthesis of anilines from nitrobenzenes (Figure 17.098). Figure 17.098 Aldehyde Formation (17.8C) We obtain aldehydes as final products when we use the modified aluminum hydride reagents in Figure 17.091 to reduce acid halides ((R-C(=O)-Cl), esters ((R-C(=O)-OR'), or nitriles (RC≡N). Acid Halides and LiAlH(O-C(CH3))3. One of these modified reagents is lithium tri-tbutoxyaluminum hydride (LiAlH(O-C(CH3))3) that we form by reaction of LiAlH4 with tbutyl alcohol (Figure 17.099). Figure 17.099 The reaction stops after three OC(CH3)3 groups replace three of the four H's on Al. This is a result of a combination of steric crowding at the Al atom, and reduced reactivity of the final Al-H hydride because of electronic effects of the new t-butoxy group substituents. This metal hydride probably reacts with acid halides according to the scheme in Figure 17.100. Figure 17.100 The intermediate must decompose to give aldehyde after all of the AlH(O-t-bu)3- reagent has reacted since unreacted reactant will reduce aldehydes to alcohols. Esters and Diisobutylaluminum Hydride (DIBAL). DIBAL is a metal hydride with the general structure R2AlH where R = isobutyl (Figure 17.101) [next page]. 35 (11,12/94)(4,5/97)(02,3/07)(01/08) Neuman Chapter 17 Figure 17.101 It reacts with esters as we show in Figure 17.102. Figure 17.102 The intermediate gives an aldehyde when we react the reaction mixture with aqueous acid. An intermediate hemiacetal also forms as shown in that figure. Nitriles and DIBAL. DIBAL reduces nitriles (Figure 17.103). Figure 17.103 The intermediate in the first reaction does not react further with DIBAL because of steric hindrance. During treatment of the reaction mixture with aqueous acid, it hydrolyzes to give an aldehyde. This reaction is equivalent to the formation of an aldehyde from an imine by hydrolysis (Chapter 16). Rosenmund Reduction. We can also reduce acid halides to aldehydes using molecular H2 instead of metal hydrides. We show this Rosenmund reduction in Figure 17.104. The second set of reaction conditions involving Pd(C) is often the best choice. Figure 17.104 H2, Pd(BaSO4) R-C(=O)-Cl → R-C(=O)-H or R-C(=O)-Cl H2, Pd(C) → Et(i-Pr)2N, acetone 36 R-C(=O)-H (11,12/94)(4,5/97)(02,3/07)(01/08) Neuman Chapter 17 17.9 Reduction of C=C and C≡C Bonds We discussed reduction of alkenes and alkynes (Figure 17.105) in Chapter 10. Figure 17.105 We review that material again here along with a brief discussion of arene reduction. Reduction of Alkenes and Alkynes (17.9A) Reductions of alkenes and alkynes generally involve catalytic hydrogenation. In the case of alkyne reduction to alkenes, catalytic hydrogenation takes place with cis addition of H2. We can also reduce alkynes using Na in liquid NH3 with different stereochemical results then catalytic hydrogenation (Figure 17.106.) Figure 17.106 The reaction of alkenes with diborane to give alkylboranes (Chapter 10) (Figure 17.107) is also a reduction reaction. Figure 17.107 Figure 17.108 We convert the alkylboranes to alkanes by reacting them with aqueous carboxylic acids (Figure 17.108) (see above). Reduction of Arenes (17.9B) Reduction of arenes (benzenes) via catalytic hydrogenation gives cyclohexanes (Figure 17.109). Figure 17.109 37 (11,12/94)(4,5/97)(02,3/07)(01/08) Neuman Chapter 17 In contrast, reaction of arenes with Li, Na, or K metal dissolved in liquid NH3 in the presence of an alcohol, gives 1,4-cyclohexadienes. This Birch reduction is applicable to a variety of aromatic rings as we show in the examples in Figure 17.110. Figure 17.110 38