BJPsych Open (2017)
3, 165–170. doi: 10.1192/bjpo.bp.116.004408
Formal thought disorder in people at ultra-high
risk of psychosis
Arsime Demjaha, Sara Weinstein, Daniel Stahl, Fern Day, Lucia Valmaggia, Grazia Rutigliano,
Andrea De Micheli, Paolo Fusar-Poli and Philip McGuire
Formal thought disorder is a cardinal feature of psychosis.
However, the extent to which formal thought disorder is
evident in ultra-high-risk individuals and whether it is linked to
the progression to psychosis remains unclear.
Examine the severity of formal thought disorder in ultrahigh-risk participants and its association with future psychosis.
The Thought and Language Index (TLI) was used to assess
24 ultra-high-risk participants, 16 people with first-episode
psychosis and 13 healthy controls. Ultra-high-risk individuals
were followed up for a mean duration of 7 years (s.d.=1.5) to
determine the relationship between formal thought disorder at
baseline and transition to psychosis.
TLI scores were significantly greater in the ultra-high-risk group
compared with the healthy control group (effect size (ES)=1.2),
Formal thought disorder is a cardinal symptom of psychotic
disorders.1 Although initially considered as part of the positive
symptom construct, studies have confirmed that it constitutes a
separate symptom dimension.2,3 It has been shown that formal
thought disorder is associated with most severe forms of illness,4,5
persists after the resolution of positive symptoms,6 and leads to
poor outcome.7 Furthermore, neuroimaging studies have confirmed its distinct structural and functional correlates,8,9 which
differ for its negative10 and positive components,8 and there is
evidence that genetic vulnerability to psychosis is strongly associated with formal thought disorder.11 Although formal thought
disorder is clearly an important feature of psychotic disorders, the
extent to which it is evident in people who are at ultra-high risk for
psychosis is unclear. The main instruments that are used to assess
psychopathology in ultra-high-risk individuals, the Comprehensive
Assessment of the At-Risk Mental State (CAARMS),12 the Structured
Interview for Psychosis-Risk Syndromes (SIPS) and the Schizophrenia
Prediction Instrument – Adult version (SPI-A),13 include items that
correspond to features of formal thought disorder with evidence
that ultra-high-risk individuals score positively on these items,14,15
however, these instruments are not specific in assessing and
quantifying the less obvious or vague form of thought disorder
that is characteristic of prodromal phase of illness. We documented
that transition to psychosis was associated to CAARMS ratings for
disorganised speech4 and three other studies have reported a similar
association with disorganised communication.16–18 Hartmann and
colleagues19 speculated that formal thought disorder may be a
robust predictor of later psychosis, which is consistent with the
child and adolescents studies that used specific formal thought
disorder assessment tools and observed that thought disorder in
childhood or adolescence predicted psychosis in adulthood.11,14,15,20
To date, no studies have examined formal thought disorder in ultrahigh-risk individuals by using instruments that have been specifically designed to evaluate formal thought disorder. The Thought
but lower than in people with first-episode psychosis (ES=0.8).
Total and negative TLI scores were higher in ultra-high-risk
individuals who developed psychosis, but this was not
significant. Combining negative TLI scores with attenuated
psychotic symptoms and basic symptoms predicted transition
to psychosis (P=0.04; ES=1.04).
TLI is beneficial in evaluating formal thought disorder in ultrahigh-risk participants, and complements existing instruments
for the evaluation of psychopathology in this group.
Declaration of interests
Copyright and usage
© The Royal College of Psychiatrists 2017. This is an open
access article distributed under the terms of the Creative
Commons Non-Commercial, No Derivatives (CC BY-NC-ND)
and Language Index (TLI) is one such instrument, sensitive to
subtle language anomalies and has previously been successfully
applied in people with schizophrenia, non-clinical individuals with
psychotic symptoms and healthy volunteers.8,21,22 Our aim was to
use the TLI to determine whether formal thought disorder is a
feature of the ultra-high-risk state, and to compare it with thought
disorder in people with a psychotic disorder. A further objective was
to investigate whether the severity of formal thought disorder in
ultra-high-risk participants at presentation is related to transition to
psychosis. In line with recent guidance on early detection measures,14 we also assessed the effect of combining TLI scores with
baseline measures of attenuated psychotic symptoms and six basic
symptoms that are incorporated within CAARMS. The following
hypotheses were tested:
(a) Formal thought disorder is evident in the ultra-high-risk
(b) Formal thought disorder is qualitatively similar to, but
less severe, than formal thought disorder in established
(c) Formal thought disorder at presentation in ultra-high-risk
individuals is associated with an increased risk of subsequent
transition to psychosis.
Ultra-high-risk individuals aged 16–35 years were recruited
through Outreach and Support in South London (OASIS), a
clinical service for people with an ultra-high risk in South
London.23 OASIS has an ongoing programme of liaison with
local health and non-health agencies who may encounter people
with prodromal symptoms suggestive of an ‘ultra-high risk’. The
information about early recognition signs and inclusion criteria
Demjaha et al
was disseminated through regular meetings, presentations and
distribution of leaflets. Patients were referred from general
practitioner surgeries, schools and colleges, social and faith groups,
or adolescent and adult mental health services or have initiated
contact themselves. Referred individuals were contacted by telephone for an initial screening and then an assessment with OASIS
was offered. Individuals who met ultra-high-risk criteria were seen
at regular intervals over the next 2 years with close clinical
monitoring for signs of frank psychosis.
Transition to psychosis was defined as the onset of frank
psychotic symptoms, that is, symptoms at a severity greater than
that corresponding to attenuated psychotic symptoms in the
CAARMS, which did not resolve within 1 week. (Severity Scale
score of 6 on Disorders of Thought Content subscale, 5 or 6 on
Perceptual Abnormalities subscale and/or 6 on Disorganised
Speech subscales of the CAARMS).
People who presented with their first episode of psychosis were
recruited from the South London and Maudsley NHS Trust.
Healthy volunteers with no previous or current history of psy‐
chiatric illness (as assessed by the Structured Clinical Interview for
DSM-IV Axis I Disorders and the Structured Clinical Interview for
DSM-IV Personality Disorders) and no family history of psychosis,
were recruited from the same geographical area by local advertisement and by approaching the social contacts of ultra-high-risk
individuals after receiving written permission. They were matched
to the ultra-high-risk individuals and those with first episode
psychosis for age and gender.
Exclusion criteria for all participants were a history of a
neurological or medical disorder (other than past minor selflimiting illnesses) or head injury; illicit drug or alcohol misuse or
dependence. Each participant gave written informed consent after
receiving a complete description of the study.
All participants were fluent in English and appart from two,
all were right-handed.
Ethical approval for the study was obtained from the Institute
of Psychiatry Research Ethics Committee. All participants gave
their written informed consent to participate in this study.
Comprehensive Assessment of the At-Risk Mental State
The presence of the ultra-high risk was determined by the
CAARMS. Participants met one or more ultra-high-risk criteria:
(1) a recent decline in function, combined with either a family
history of psychosis in a first-degree relative or the presence of
schizotypal personality disorder; (2) presence of attenuated psychotic symptoms; (3) a brief psychotic episode of less than 1 week’s
duration that resolves without antipsychotic medication.24 Six
of the Huber’s basic symptoms are incorporated within the
CAARMS: subjective experience of cognitive change, subjective
emotional disturbance, avolition, subjective complaints of impaired
motor functioning, subjective complaints of impaired bodily
sensations and subjective complaints of impaired autonomic
functioning.25 These were used to create an aggregate score for
subsequent analyses. Scores for each subscale range from 0 to 6.
Only scores on the subscale of positive symptoms are used to
evaluate the ultra-high-risk criteria.
Thought and Language Index
Formal thought disorder was assessed by the TLI.21 The TLI rates
eight types of speech abnormality: looseness, peculiar word usage,
peculiar sentence usage, peculiar logic (positive or disorganisation
formal thought disorder subscale), poverty of speech, weakening of
goal (negative formal thought disorder subscale) and perseveration
and distractibility (non-specific formal thought disorder subscale).
Participants were presented with a set of eight pictures from
the thematic apperception t-test26 in a sequential order, and
required to talk about each picture for 1 min. Their speech was
recorded by a voice recorder and then subsequently transcribed.
For each picture, 1 min of free response was followed by an
enquiry phase in which the participant could be asked to clarify
what they meant or said if a response had been idiosyncratic or
indistinct. Transcriptions of the speech samples were scored by an
assessor trained in administration of TLI (S.W.), who was masked
to participant status. Individual items were assigned a score
ranging from 0.25 (phenomenon of questionable deviance) to 1
(phenomenon clearly deviant) according to severity. The composite score for each subscale was obtained by summing the
individual scores for the items comprising within that subscale.
Each of the TLI subscale’s scores were also combined with the
attenuated psychotic symptoms and basic symptom scores to
create a composite psychopathology score, which was designed to
reflect the overall severity of attenuated psychotic symptoms, basic
symptoms and formal thought disorder.
Social functioning was assessed by the Global Assessment
of Functioning (GAF).27 The National Adult Reading Scale
(NART)28 was used to assess pre-morbid intelligence quotient
(IQ), and handedness was determined by the Annet Handedness
Statistical analyses
Statistical analysis was performed in SPSS version 22.0 (Chicago,
Illinois, USA). Preliminary tests were performed to explore homogeneity of variance, regression slopes, normality and reliable
measurements of covariates. The Kolmogorov–Smirnov test revealed
that TLI data had non-parametric distribution. We performed the
analysis of variance (ANOVA) to test group differences for total TLI
scores and TLI subscale scores. Although ANOVA is considered a
robust test against the normality assumption, we repeated the
analyses by non-parametric statistics (Kruskal–Wallis and Mann–
Whitney U-tests). When there were significant group effects, Tukey
test for multiple comparisons was performed to examine differences
in TLI and its subscale’ scores between groups. An additional analy‐
sis of covariance was performed with IQ and educational level added
as covariates because these two items were not strongly correlated
(r=0.56). To examine the combined effect of TLI, attenuated
psychotic symptoms and basic symptom measures, we aggregated
the data by summing their standardised scores in a composite
variable. Finally, we conducted t-tests for independent samples.
Complete TLI data from 53 participants were available for
analysis, including data from 24 ultra-high-risk participants,
16 individuals with first-episode psychosis and 13 healthy controls.
There were no between-group differences in age, gender or ethnicity.
However, the groups differed on IQ and level of education, reflecting
higher values in the controls than in the two clinical groups
(Table 1).
Severity of formal thought disorder in ultra-high risk
relative to first-episode psychosis and healthy controls
Each of the total, positive and negative TLI scores in the ultrahigh-risk group were intermediate between those in the firstepisode psychosis group and the controls (Fig. 1).
There was a significant effect of group on TLI total scores
(F=10.1, d.f.=2, 50, P>0.001), positive TLI scores (F=3.1, d.f.=2, 50,
P=0.04) and negative TLI scores (F=6.1, d.f.=2, 50, P=0.05). All of
these differences remained significant when the analysis was
repeated by the Kruskal–Wallis test (TLI total (P>0.001), positive
Mean score
Thought disorder and transition to psychosis
corrected ES=0.8 and P=0.02; ES=0.7 respectively), but there were
no significant differences for the negative subscale.
First-episode psychosis v. healthy controls
The first-episode psychosis group scored significantly higher on
total TLI (P>0.001; ES=1.4), positive (P=0.001; ES=1.1) and
negative subscales (P=0.04; ES=0.9).
The prevalence of formal thought disorder in the three
The most prevalent TLI items were those from the positive
subscale, which were evident in 75% of ultra-high-risk participants,
94% of people with first-episode psychosis and 31% of healthy
controls. Negative subscale items were evident in 21% of ultra-high
risk and 37% individuals with first-episode psychosis and completely absent in healthy controls. The most prevalent individual
TLI items were the use of peculiar sentences (evident in 72% of
ultra-high-risk participants, 82% of individuals with first-episode
psychosis and 30% of healthy controls) and use of peculiar words
(25% of ultra-high-risk participants, 37% of people with first-episode
psychosis and none of healthy controls) (Fig. 2).
TLI Total
TLI Postive
TLI Negative TLI Non-specific
Fig. 1 Mean severity of total Thought and Language Index (TLI) and
its subscale scores (positive, negative and non-specific) in the ultrahigh risk (UHR) (n=24), first-episode psychosis (FEP) (n=16) and
healthy control (HC) (n=13) groups.
(P>0.001), TLI negative (P=0.005)). Because the groups differed in
IQ and educational level, after taking account of the effects of
these factors, the effects of group on the TLI total (F=4.6, P=0.01)
and positive (F=3.9, P=0.03) scores remained significant, but
there was no longer a significant difference for the TLI negative
subscale. The repeat analysis taking into account IQ and educational level separately revealed similar results.
Between-group comparisons
Ultra-high risk v. healthy controls
Total TLI scores were significantly greater in the ultra-high-risk
group compared with the healthy controls group (P=0.03; corrected
effect size (ES)=1.2), but the differences on the TLI subscale scores
were not significant.
Ultra-high risk v. first-episode psychosis
After adjustment for multiple comparisons, total TLI and positive
subscale scores were significantly greater in the first-episode
psychosis group than in the ultra-high-risk group (P=0.007;
Table 1
Subsequent to assessment, the ultra-high-risk individuals were
followed clinically for a mean of 7years (s.d.=1.5). During this
period, 8 (30%) had made a transition to psychosis. The median
time to transition to psychosis was 24 months.
Within the ultra-high-risk sample, the severity of the total and
negative TLI scores at baseline was higher in participants who
subsequently made a transition to psychosis, but these differences
were not statistically significant (Fig. 3). The similarity in the
positive TLI scores between ultra-high-risk individuals who did or
did not become psychotic suggests that the difference in the total
TLI score was driven by the difference in negative TLI score
(Fig. 3). The composite psychopathology score was significantly
associated with later transition to psychosis when it included the
TLI negative score (P=0.04; ES=1.04), but not when it included
the total or positive TLI scores. The same result was obtained
when the t-test analyses were repeated by the Mann–Whitney
U-test (P=0.024).
Sociodemographic and clinical characteristics of ultra-high risk, first-episode psychosis and healthy control groups
UHR (n=24)
Age, years: mean (s.d.)
WRAT IQ, mean (s.d.)
Years of education, mean (s.d.)
Male, n (%)
Ethnicity, n
Mixed race
Medication, mg/day CPZ eqv.: mean (s.d.)
GAF baseline, mean (s.d.)
GAF follow-up, mean (s.d.)
Transition to psychosis, n (%)
Relationship between TLI scores and subsequent
transition to psychosis
First episode psychosis (n=16)
Healthy controls (n=13)
140 (42.4)
59.3 (14.5)
63.9 (16.9)
150 (83.7)
8 (33.3)
16 (66.7)
UHR, ultra-high risk; IQ, intelligence quotient; GAF, Global Assessment of Functioning; CPZ eqv., chlorpromazine equivalent; WRAT, Wide Range Achievement Test; ns, non-significant.
Demjaha et al
Mean score
Weak goal
Fig. 2 Mean severity of Thought and Language Index items in the ultra-high risk (UHR) (n=24), first-episode psychosis (FEP) (n=16) and
healthy control (HC) (n=13) groups.
Formal thought disorder is evident in the ultra-high
risk group
Our first main finding was that formal thought disorder is evident in
ultra-high-risk individuals. There was a clear difference between ultrahigh-risk individuals and controls in the overall severity of formal
thought disorder, with an effect size of 1.2 for the total TLI score. As
with abnormal beliefs and experiences,30 formal thought disorder in
ultra-high-risk individuals was qualitatively similar to that in people
with first-episode psychosis, but its severity was intermediate between
that in people with first-episode psychosis and controls. This pattern
of intermediate severity was evident for the total TLI score, as well as
for the positive and negative subscale scores.
At present, the main instruments that are used to assess
psychopathology in ultra-high-risk individuals are the CAARMS
and SIPS. Both permit a detailed evaluation of abnormal beliefs
and hallucinations, but include relatively little coverage of items
relevant to formal thought disorder. The SPI-A is also frequently
employed, and is used to assess basic symptoms.31 Although some
of the SPI-A items relate to the abnormal expression and reception
of language, these measures provide an index of the individual’s
subjective experience, rather than an objective assessment of the
individual’s speech by an assessor, as in the TLI. Consequently,
most studies of psychopathology in the ultra-high-risk state to date
have not assessed formal thought disorder in detail. Specialised
instruments such as the TLI provide a means of addressing this
Table 2
TLI, Thought and Language Index.
Formal thought disorder as a predictor of clinical
In a previous ultra-high-risk study, we found that loadings on
a disorganisation/cognitive symptom dimension (that incorporated the CAARMS item ‘disorganised speech’) were associated
with the subsequent transition to psychosis.3 Studies in other
Mean TLI total and subscale scores of the three groups
Healthy controls (n=13)
issue, and can be seen as complementary to the CAARMS, SIPS
and SPI-A.
Ultra-high-risk individuals scored positively on similar items
to people with first-episode psychosis. However, although healthy
controls also scored weakly on positive TLI items, they did not
score for negative TLI items. The latter observation is consistent
with previous reports that negative formal thought disorder is
particularly rare in healthy volunteers,21,22 and suggests that it
may be more specific for a psychotic disorder than positive formal
thought disorder. Peculiar sentences and peculiar words usage
were the most prevalent in all three groups, being the only type of
thought disorder present in healthy controls. The finding that
thought disorder is more severe in first-episode psychosis individuals
compared with individuals with ultra-high risk indicates that there
is further progression in the severity of formal thought disorder as
individuals make the transition to frank psychosis. Similarly, the
observation that positive formal thought disorder is detectable in
healthy individuals, but more prevalent and severe in ultra-high
risk and first-episode psychosis, lends support to the idea proposed
by Liddle et al.21 ‘that there might be a continuum of severity of
disorganised thought in the human population’.
Ultra-high risk (n=24)
First-episode psychosis (n=16)
F (d.f.=2)
Thought disorder and transition to psychosis
Mean score
TLI Total
TLI Postive
TLI Negative
Transition to psychosis
Fig. 3 Mean severity of Thought and Language Index (TLI) scores for
people with and without transition to psychosis.
ultra-high-risk samples have independently reported associations
between ‘disorganised communication’ (an item within the SIPS)
and the later onset of psychosis.16–18 In addition, prospective
studies in community samples of children and adolescents have
observed associations between subtle thought disorder and communication disturbance with the onset of psychosis in later
life.11,32–34 The potential importance of ratings of formal thought
disorder in predicting the risk of later psychosis has recently been
recognised in the European Psychiatric Association (EPA) guidelines on early detection, which recommends combining scores on
the ‘disorganised speech’ item from the CAARMS or the SIPS with
ratings of attenuated psychotic symptoms and basic symptoms as
an index of risk of later transition.14 In the present study, we
found that combining negative TLI scores with these ratings was
associated with an increased incidence of transition to psychosis,
in line with these guidelines.
It is noteworthy that negative formal thought disorder relates
to negative symptom sub-domain, diminished expression. Its
association with later transition to psychosis in the ultra-high
risk is thus consistent with previous evidence linking the severity
of negative symptoms more generally in the ultra-high risk and
the subsequent onset of psychosis.3,35 However, contrary to our
hypothesis, the severity of formal thought disorder alone, as
determined by the TLI, was not associated with later transition to
psychosis. This might have been an effect of our modest sample
size, which meant that the number of participants in the transition
subgroup (n=8) may have been too small to permit the detection
of a true difference. Negative formal thought disorder was not
only more frequently present in ultra-high-risk participants who
subsequently developed psychosis, unlike positive formal thought
disorder, it was not detectable in the healthy volunteers.
Ideally, we would have used an instrument that is specifically
designed to assess basic symptoms, such as the SPI-A.31 The use
of CAARMS to assess basic symptoms may have reduced the
predictive power of the composite score.
Although only a minority (n=4) of the ultra-high-risk par‐
ticipants were taking antipsychotic medication, we cannot ex‐
clude the possibility that this may have influenced the results.
However, the lower severity of formal thought disorder in the
ultra-high-risk participants than in the people with psychosis
cannot be attributed to an effect of antipsychotic medication, as
a far greater proportion of the first-episode group were being
treated with antipsychotics.
In conclusion, formal thought disorder is evident in people
at ultra-high risk for psychosis and is qualitatively similar to that
seen in people with psychotic disorders, but less severe. Specialised
instruments developed for the assessment of formal thought
disorder in people with psychosis, such as the TLI, provide a
means of evaluating formal thought disorder in ultra-high-risk
participants, and complement existing instruments for the evaluation of psychopathology in this group. Prospective studies in large
samples are required to confirm whether assessing the severity of
formal thought disorder may be useful in helping to predict
whether an individual at high risk will go on to develop psychosis.
Arsime Demjaha, PhD, Department of Psychosis Studies, Biomedical Research
Centre, Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology and Neuroscience, King’s College
London, UK; Sara Weinstein, PhD, Boeing Vancouver Labs, Vancuver, British
Columbia, Canada; Daniel Stahl, PhD, Department of Biostatistics, Institute of
Psychiatry, Psychology and Neuroscience, King’s College London, UK; Fern Day, PhD,
Department of Psychosis Studies, Biomedical Research Centre, Institute of Psychiatry,
Psychology and Neuroscience, King’s College London, UK; Lucia Valmaggia, PhD,
Department of Psychosis Studies, Biomedical Research Centre, Institute of Psychiatry,
Psychology and Neuroscience, King’s College London, UK; Grazia Rutigliano, MD,
Department of Psychosis Studies, Biomedical Research Centre, Institute of Psychiatry,
Psychology and Neuroscience, King’s College London, UK, and Department of Clinical
and Experimental Medicine, University of Pisa, Pisa, Italy; Andrea De Micheli, MD,
Department of Psychosis Studies, Biomedical Research Centre, Institute of Psychiatry,
Psychology and Neuroscience, King’s College London, UK, and Department of Brain
and Behavioural Sciences, University of Pavia, Pavia, Italy; Paolo Fusar-Poli, PhD,
Department of Psychosis Studies, Biomedical Research Centre, Institute of Psychiatry,
Psychology and Neuroscience, King’s College London, UK; Philip McGuire, PhD,
Department of Psychosis Studies, Biomedical Research Centre, Institute of Psychiatry,
Psychology and Neuroscience, King’s College London, UK
Correspondence: Arsime Demjaha, Department of Psychosis Studies, Biomedical
Research Centre, Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology and Neuroscience, King’s College
London, 16 De Crespigny Park, London SE5 8AF, UK. E-mail:
[email protected]
First received 4 Dec 2016, final revision 12 Jun 2017, accepted 19 Jun 2017
This work was supported by the UK Medical Research Council and the National Institute for
Health Research (NIHR) Mental Health Biomedical Research Centre at South London and
Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust and King's College London. The views expressed are those
of the author(s) and not necessarily those of the NHS, the NIHR or the Department of Health.
The Outreach and Support in South London (OASIS) service was supported by the Guy’s and
St Thomas’ Charitable Foundation, South London and Maudsley Trust.
The group sizes in our study were modest, partly because the
TLI is a relatively complicated and time-consuming instrument
to administer. Our modest samples sizes and low average TLI
negative scores in ultra-high risk and first episode psychosis
samples, may have limited our statistical power to detect true
differences, thus our results require replication, ideally in prospective studies of large samples.
To derive a composite psychopathology score, we used the rating
of basic symptoms that are incorporated within the CAARMS.
We thank the members of the Outreach and Support in South London (OASIS) team who
were involved in the recruitment, management and clinical follow-up of the participants
reported in this manuscript. Our special thanks go to the service users of OASIS.
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