Formal Thought Disorder and language
impairment in schizophrenia
Alteração formal do pensamento e prejuízo da linguagem na esquizofrenia
Marcia Radanovic, Rafael T. de Sousa, Leandro L. Valiengo, Wagner Farid Gattaz, Orestes Vicente Forlenza
Schizophrenia is a psychiatric illness in which disorders of thought content are a prominent feature. The disruption of normal low of thought,
or “Formal Thought Disorder” (FTD), has been traditionally assessed through the content and form of patients’ speech, and speech abnormalities in schizophrenia were considered as a by-product of the disruption in conceptual structures and associative processes related to
psychosis. This view has been changed due to increasing evidence that language per se is impaired in schizophrenia, especially its semantic,
discursive, and pragmatic aspects. Schizophrenia is currently considered by some authors as a “language related human speciic disease”
or “logopathy”, and the neuroanatomical and genetic correlates of the language impairment in these patients are under investigation. Such
efforts may lead to a better understanding about the pathophysiology of this devastating mental disease. We present some current concepts
related to FTD as opposed to primary neurolinguistic abnormalities in schizophrenia.
Key words: schizophrenia, thought disorder, language disorders, thinking, linguistic, psychotic disorders.
A esquizofrenia é uma doença psiquiátrica na qual as alterações do conteúdo do pensamento são uma característica marcante. A ruptura
do luxo normal de pensamentos, ou “Alteração Formal do Pensamento” (AFP) é acessada através da forma e conteúdo da fala do paciente.
Alterações de fala e linguagem em esquizofrênicos eram consideradas como consequentes à ruptura de seus sistemas conceituais e processos associativos relacionados à psicose. Esta visão alterou-se pelo aumento nas evidências de comprometimento primário da linguagem
na esquizofrenia, especialmente em seus aspectos semânticos, discursivos e pragmáticos. A esquizofrenia é atualmente considerada por
alguns autores como uma “doença humana especíica relacionada à linguagem”, ou “logopatia”. Os correlatos neuroanatômicos e genéticos
do prejuízo linguístico nestes pacientes estão sendo investigados. Estes esforços podem levar à maior compreensão da isiopatologia desta
grave doença mental. Nesta revisão, apresentamos conceitos atuais sobre AFP e sua diferenciação das anormalidades linguísticas primárias na esquizofrenia.
Palavras-Chave: esquizofrenia, pensamento, transtornos da linguagem, pensamento, linguística, transtornos psicóticos.
Formal thought disorder (FTD) is a syndrome with several diferent symptoms, leading to thought, language and communication problems1, being a core feature in schizophrenia.
Eugen Bleuler, who named schizophrenia, regarded FTD
as central for the conceptualization of the disorder2. Today
FTD remains as one of the diagnostic criteria for schizophrenia according to the DSM-IV-TR3. Although FTD is listed as
one of the ive characteristic symptoms of the disorder, it has
not been operationalized in the manual.
Since early FTD descriptions, there has been a debate on
ascribing the symptom to the ield of language or thought.
Bleuler used the expression Beziehungslosigkeit (associative
loosening), attributing the symptom to thought. In a diferent approach, Chaika4 recurred to the expression “speech
disorder” to describe the symptom. She stated that only the
language is appreciable, not the thought. Likewise, Andreasen
argued that we can analyze only the speech, while thinking
remains always somehow inaccessible5. When approaching
FTD, Andreasen used the expression thought, language and
communication (TLC), pointing to the construct complexity.
Ultimately, the basis for FTD analysis is the verbal behavior,
the speech of the patient.
Empirically, thought and language are not perfectly related. For instance, people can use language to hide or distort
what they really think. Also, aphasic patients ind it diicult
to express in words what they are able to think.
In the last two decades the debate on the nature of
FTD led to an increasing interest in the relation between
Laboratory of Neuroscience (LIM-27), Department and Institute of Psychiatry, Medical School, Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo SP, Brazil.
Correspondence: Marcia Radanovic; Laboratório de Neurociências – LIM 27 – Instituto de Psiquiatria do HCFMUSP; Rua Dr. Ovídio Pires de Campos 785 / 3º andar;
05403-903 São Paulo SP - Brasil; E-mail:
[email protected]
Conflict of interest: There is no conlict of interest to declare.
Received 06 June 2012; Received in inal form 06 July 2012; Accepted 13 July 2012
FTD and primary language disturbances found in schizophrenia. Crow6 postulated FTD could be derived from a
lack of hemispheric asymmetry in language areas. This article reviews studies on FTD and its association with neurolinguistic abnormalities.
bipolar mania and to present little improvement in schizophrenia/schizoafective disorder1.
In mania, FTD shows more combinations of confabulatory, incongruous, and mocking elements16. In turn, FTD in
schizophrenia/schizoafective disorder shows more disorganization, confusion and conceptual or ideational luency, as
well as the use of more peculiar words and phrases16,17.
FTD can be divided into abnormalities of amount and
form of speech. Abnormalities concerning amount are poverty of speech (laconic speech) and pressure of speech, while
disconnection symptoms relate to the abnormalities in the
form1,7-9. Disconnection encompasses distractible speech,
loss of goal, derailment (loose associations), illogicality (non
sequitur), and incoherence.
Besides this most usual description of FTD symptoms,
other authors analyzed FTD in the perspective of communication failure10,11. FTD symptoms described by Gordinier
and Docherty11 include inadequacy in language structure
leading to confusing references (a word or phrase that can
refer to at least two references), conceptual weakness associated with the use of ambiguous word meanings and
vague expressions, and missing information references
(citing something not known by the listener and not previously presented).
Bleuler assigned FTD a prominent place in diagnosing
schizophrenia, leading many American psychiatrists to regard thought disorder as a sine qua non inding for this diagnosis5. Over time, however, FTD has been shown to be associated with many other psychiatric conditions, especially
bipolar mania12,13.
Although there are no FTD symptoms which are speciic
for any disorders, their evaluation might be useful in the differential diagnosis of schizophrenia/schizoafective disorder
and bipolar mania with psychosis (Table). Schizophrenia patients show a greater frequency of vague expressions in discourse than manic patients14, are more likely to construct
ill-formed sentences12, and to present poverty of speech and
its content13,15. In the follow-up, FTD tends to normalize in
Many studies focused on speech abnormalities in schizophrenia, and they often do not distinguish what is understood as thought and/or language disorders and cognitive
function. In other words, there is not a clear distinction between the content of mental representations stored in the
brain, which are derived from innate programs and the progressive experience of interaction with the environment, and
language itself, conceptualized as a symbol system that organizes information mentally and also as a behavior that allows
interaction with other individuals. A major methodological
diiculty arises from the fact that “thought disorders” shall
be measured by the verbal output of the patient, making it
extremely diicult to diferentiate between the former and a
primary language disorder. In fact, the terms “thought disorder” and “speech disorder” are often used interchangeably in
psychiatric literature.
he irst studies on language disorders in schizophrenia described the similarities between this disorder and
aphasia, arguing that episodes of “intermittent aphasia” occurred in schizophrenia18. he speech of schizophrenics apparently shared some characteristics with luent aphasia:
increased luency on spontaneous speech, paraphasias, impoverishment of content, and idiosyncrasies in the use of
words. Comparative studies have also demonstrated similar
performance between schizophrenics with language disorder and aphasia on tasks of language comprehension, naming and repetition, with abundant semantic paraphasias
present in both cases. However, this approach was not suficiently consistent across diferent studies19,20.
he inding that schizophrenia patients have cognitive decline in several areas obscured language impairment, which
came to be regarded as secondary to an overall cognitive deficit, and not due to a primary problem in language processing. However, the idea remained that in schizophrenia there
Table. Formal thought disorder in schizophrenia and bipolar disorder.
Schizoaffective disorder
Most characteristic symptoms
Disorganization, confusion and conceptual or
ideational luency, and the use of odd words and
Confabulatory, incongruous and mocking
Arq Neuropsiquiatr 2013;71(1):55-60
Persistence or little improvement
Trend to normalization
are diiculties in semantic association and activation of lexical networks, and that these laws would be responsible for
symptoms such as bizarre content of speech, neologisms,
and the classic symptom of “word salad”.
In this sense, psycholinguistic studies have shown that
schizophrenic patients show diiculties in semantically clustering similar exemplars in tasks of verbal luency. Another
phenomenon observed was an increase in object chaining at
the end of sentences (associative intrusions), which could explain the deviations of discourse on the disorder. It is unclear
how much these changes are due to hyperstimulation of semantic networks or the nature of attention deicits. Signs of
a possible increase in stimulation of semantic networks were
also demonstrated in studies of priming in schizophrenics
who have been especially sensitive to semantic priming, as
compared to phonological priming. hus, schizophrenic patients seem to have a semantic facilitation, so that the stimulus spreads faster and reaches more distant points in the semantic network21-23.
his semantic facilitation could account for the symptom
labeled as glossomania: when faced with a demand to produce a given word such as “bank” (a inancial institution), the
patient would be unable to inhibit the semantic associations
with “bank” (the side of a river) and a low of words related to
the two meanings would be ired, being the individual unable
to exercise adequate control over his production24.
Lexical access diiculties lead schizophrenic patients to
an approximation conduct, which refers to the use of words
that approximate the intended meaning (paraphasias), as
“relector” to “mirror”, and in this approximation process the
patient may even create non-existing words (neologisms)25.
Semantic diiculties are particularly important in schizophrenia in order to be treated as the essence of FTD; moreover, schizophrenia is perceived by some authors as a disorder of semiotics26,27.
Another inding is the diiculty in generating narratives
based on pictures, with a high occurrence of irrelevant utterances, although without the naming diiculties exhibited, for
instance, by aphasic patients28.
he aforementioned indings indicate the predominant
involvement in the macrostructure of the discourse, leaving
intact the most basic aspects of linguistic processing, such as
naming, repetition, and comprehension of words. However,
more recent psycholinguistic studies using formal language
testing have repeatedly shown deiciencies in the primary
processing at various linguistic levels.
Disorders of segmental phonological level are virtually
nonexistent in schizophrenic patients. Even when producing
neologisms, these patients follow the phonemic, syllabic and
emphasis rules of their native language, so that the listener
can be induced to think the fault lies in his own perception,
rather than on the production of the patient27.
With respect to prosody, there are descriptions of the existence of production dysprosody (when the patient presents
a monotonous speech, which is unable to relect his emotional state) and of comprehension dysprosody (the inability
to identify emotional aspects of the speech of others)29,30.
Pure morphological deicits, such as errors in verb conjugation or in aixation and suixation to generate derived words
are also rare in schizophrenia. When these occur, they are not
easily distinguishable from lexical access or syntax errors27.
Regarding syntax there is some degree of dysyntaxia, but
not agrammatism. Schizophrenic patients tend to use more
simpliied phrases and less embedded sentences, showing
greater repetition of words, fewer relative clauses, and the increase in syntactic complexity leads to semantic deviations.
he grammatical impoverishment seems to be associated
with negative symptoms and chronicity of the disease31-33.
Diiculties in the comprehension of syntax were also observed. However, it may be diicult to diferentiate between
the primary impairments in syntactic processing from those
related to loss of memory, also described in schizophrenia,
since changes in working memory may also interfere with the
ability to comprehend more complex material. In fact, the interaction between memory deicits, attention and executive
functions (supportive functions of language), also present
in schizophrenia, may contribute to language impairments
found in the disorder34,35. Rodriguez-Ferrera et al.36 suggest
that the existing global intellectual impairment in schizophrenia is a determining factor for the bad performance in
formal tests of language, also highlighting the diiculty of disregarding the thought disorder as an integral part of these
diiculties, which leads to a cause-efect loop.
Losses in pragmatic aspects, or the contextual use of language, are most evident in patients with schizophrenia. hey
have great diiculty in maintaining the lexical cohesion of
discourse, as well as the concatenation of speech segments
around a certain theme, through the use of linguistic resources, such as conjunctions, pronouns, repetition, use of similar words, etc. Such handicaps, in turn, are closely related to
the diiculty in establishing the reference of speech, or the
subject being treated, which becomes based on lexical and
prosodic features for the elaboration of the sentence chaining, and those with the preceding context. Moreover, they
have diiculty in introducing new information (predicative
speech)34. his trait is particularly stable during the disorder,
and seems to be related to FTD37. he coherence of the discourse is also greatly afected in schizophrenia, in a way that
the discursive production seems to obey no predetermined
“plan” to communicate any particular ideas12, but is rather
formed by a succession of emissions not necessarily inter-related (or, as described above, through mechanisms related to
phonological or semantic association).
Studies in pragmatics are closely inter-related to another cognitive skill that is greatly impaired in schizophrenia:
the “heory of Mind (ToM)”, or the ability to attribute mental states to others and predict their behavior from these assignments. In some circumstances the distinction between
Radanovic M et al. Schizophrenia: thought and language
purely pragmatic disorders and those involving a deicient
ToM may be very diicult38.
Advances in the knowledge of language alterations and
the recognition of their intimate correlation with thought
disorders in schizophrenia has led the disease to be described as a “logopathy”39, or a “language related human speciic disease”. One of the most intriguing questions in this
topic relates to traits that can be found in relatives of schizophrenic patients, such as grammatical oversimpliication and
deviant verbalizations present in non-schizophrenic family
members of afected subjects40,41, suggesting a genetic association between language and schizophrenia. his association
is widely supported by Crow42, who defends that the same
genetic mutation that allowed the emergence of language
made Homo sapiens vulnerable to failures in this system,
and these failures may be clinically manifested as schizophrenia. Candidates for such schizophrenia vulnerability are
the FOXP2 (which is linked to a familial language disorder
and autism) and dysbindin 1 genes43,44.
FTD symptoms are not speciic to schizophrenia patients, but rather are correlated to schizophrenia spectrum
disorders45,46 and to a family history of schizophrenia47,48.
Wahlberg49 found that adoptees of parents with schizophrenia showed more FTD symptoms than adoptees of normal controls. Notably, Ott50 and Gooding48 found increased
FTD symptoms previous to the development of psychosis.
Docherty37 showed that FTD symptoms (related to referential disturbances) were stable over time, independently of
variances in clinical state, which reinforces that some FTD
symptoms might relect vulnerability to schizophrenia and
may be schizophrenia trait markers.
FTD in schizophrenia showed correlation with structural abnormalities in the left superior temporal gyrus
(STG)51,52, the left planum temporale53,54 and the orbitofrontal cortex52,55. Also, studies using positron emission tomography56 and functional magnetic resonance imaging57,58
correlate left STG with FTD, being thus consistent with
structural indings.
One possible area of research is the evaluation of FTD
and its relation with the outcome of the irst psychotic episode. Another area that deserves attention is the relationship
of FTD with functional and structural brain changes. he interdependence with the neurotransmitters present in the
disease is also a ield for research.
Regarding the primary changes of language in schizophrenia, some issues still deserve further investigation,
since most of the work to date has focused on semantics
and discourse. Other linguistic aspects such as phonology, syntax, prosody, and pragmatic studies still need to
be investigated with better methodology, taking into account the recent advances in psychological and neurolinguistics theories and the most recent methods of functional neuroimaging. Studies correlating linguistic and
biological dysfunctions (such as genetics and heredity) may
also bring valuable contributions to the understanding of
the relationship between linguistic processing and abnormal psychopathological processes in schizophrenia and
other psychiatric illnesses. Language is a cognitive function
that diferentiates us as a species, and a deep understanding of its processes is essential. Language is important as a
structuring element of thought and sense of self and world,
as mediator of reasoning and communication and also for
sharing experiences with other human beings. It has a potential to cause disruption of the harmonious functioning
of the nervous system as well as the ability to assist in the
remodeling of this operation, a factor exploited on a large
scale in the various forms of “talking cure”.
Finally, it is worth noting that thought and language, although closely interrelated, are not isomorphic, and that
FTD and language impairments are supposed to be studied
as separate entities that coexist in schizophrenia.
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