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On the Alleged Letten of Honorfu1 to the Cldes of Britain in 410 Writing 11 Constantinople durina the e.ty liKlh century, Zosimus JftSffVU some important fragmcnls of infonnation concerning evenlS In Britain during lhe early fifth century which be derives from lhe lost history of Olympiodorul of Thebes oomposcd JOmdime c.425-40 ('). In pe,1icular, he rcpMs that the WCSI• em cmpe,01 Hooorius (39s-423) Sffll leaen to die cities of Briwo in 41 0 insuuctina them to take an: of their own defence. and he is 1he only source specific.Jly 10 record lhis evmt Curiously, be oaly men1ions this evmt in pwina durina ■ lcogtby accoun1 of lhe activities of the Oothic leader Alaric as be lmd to win 11.■lian support for his puppet Cmjk!iOI Att■lus in Rome apinst lbe legitim■ k cmpuor Honorius hued in Ravenna (') : A~ fo, a time wished 10 abide by ihc oacha be had siv .. AIWID. ~ the ,...,.it, t1(1111Wm. WU •uspccleel o(lffalOft md tDlal. Alaric dlen altacbd ■II dlotc cities in Aemilia which had refused 10 ■c:cq,c Attalus as empcnlf. After easily hrinsifta O\'tt 11,e others. bo laid siege 10 Bononia. bul it held ou1 for IND)' days ■ncl be could no1 tlke it. So be went on to Lipria to force it 10 rec:ognioe Analu IS e,q,cror. Hanori111
Divine Trust
So It sha ll be known by a ll men. the Writ. t.s cha.r1ed by supreme authority upon the s0tl and land of the Hue free hold1n1 l1ndlord (Land Biron) be1n1 tM 0Mne Spmt, upreued 1n llv1n1 trust, Llvln1 Benefictary to the DIVINE ESTATE~ belna super ior and free of commerc e and usury The soil and the land ls 1rtlf1cli1lly referred to today IS the ma11steNal 1ew d .c:111 dnmcu of the county en,ue(s) and ,s superior to 1nv Commercial Code ,m111ned. ,n the ,llus.onary world of Commerce and usury of s11d $011 and land. Before Abr11h1m was, I AM, the O,v,ne Spmt havma I human expeuence Each atom and cell of th,s phys,eal vessel, I 1nh11b1t to travel 1cros.s this land ,s ,nfus.e-d with the sp,rk ot the Creator, I AM one with the L•aht. one with tt\e CrHtor. the 1lph1/ ome11. w ithout be11nn1n1 nor and without time This third dimensional vessel caUed man. the on11nal domcde of tht 0 1v1ne Spmt Is known on this world and 1n this dimension as Luri, nte J1l1peno or the house of sumbry , hv,nc men/ women, a trff born peoceful inhabitant, heir to them Olvme Est1te, LJV1n& Beneficiary to them 0Mne Trus.t , free-holders in fee simple absolute. I hive been lost n the Holy See, the S,ea of Commerce, my estate placed In truu I have awakened to the truth, s.o lone hidden from m1 n. ind now r~eem mv estate I herebv acknowledge an e 1ccept the deed and my 111ht u lawful and proper owner of the e,tace with e•tlusive neht of use of all land, tenements and hered1 t1ments thereof. to have and to hold 1n ftt s!mpte forever. Irrevocable Oeed and Contract We. the o,v,ne Sp111t, expressed ,n hv,ng tlesh, 1nfuiit'd this irrevocable deed and Contrtct with 01vme Life throuch of Blood. protectme 1n unbfHhble J.tal on this agreement, beenne the full power and 1 uthontv of the Otvme Creator end bmdm.g on 1ll 1nfenor person, and practitioners of lhe lnfenor Rom1n law. Sh1n1 Lew and/ or Tilmuldlc L1w from the beelnnlng, w ithout time. The baw IHd of Our Wo,d conu ins the purut gold for the transmut1t1on of the base man/woman into pure spmt form the begmn1ng there wu the word. ind the word was god. Divine Nottce of Protest We, the DIVlne Spmt. l 1 v,ng 8entfic11ry eJtpressed In trust II\ Uvm& flesh, having returned from being hetcm these• of illusion born of• sett imposed state of 1mne~l1 ind extreme progr~mmm1 to re-establish Our lJvmg St1tus •nd redeem Our emte enabllshes the evidence In fact of Our competence rebutting the usumpt1on of f•ct We, the 01vme Spmt, obJetts to ind issue Divine Notice of Protest to the breach of tn.ast and the usurpauon of Our inherrtilnce under the error of assumptions of the pledge of Our prrvate prope.rty We hive never w1llmgtv knowingly, end with full disclosure pledged Our Inheritance to any person, or entity. We. the Divine Spirit, object to and is.sue Divine Notice of Protest to the conversion of the birth cernficate to a promissory note or other negotJ1ble instrument without full d1x.losure nor con~nt, We, the D1v1ne Spmt, objecu to and issue Divine Notice of Proten to ,u denvauves of the btrth reg,mauon. the ,mte trust and Cestui Que Vie trust as frurt of the poi.son tree. We, the ON-me Spmt, obJects to and ts.sue Oivme Nobce of Protest to the malicious and unsc1on1ble actions of the executor ind admm1stntors of the estate, to-wit; knowingly,
Στο παρόν άρθρο υποστηρίζεται βιβλιογραφικά και ερευνητικά ότι η ψηφιακή αφήγηση δύναται να συμβάλει στην ανάπτυξη γλωσσικών δεξιοτήτων κατά τη διδασκαλία της Νέας Ελληνικής ως δεύτερης/ξένης γλώσσας σε παιδιά 8-10 ετών. Αυτό συμβαίνει διότι η ιστορία που μοιράζεται μέσω της ψηφιακής αφήγησης φαίνεται να επεκτείνει τους παραδοσιακούς τρόπους των γλωσσικών τεχνών, δηλαδή την ανάγνωση, την κατανόηση λόγου, την παραγωγή λόγου και την οπτική αναπαράσταση. Συγκεκριμένα, η ψηφιακή αφήγηση μπορεί να αξιοποιηθεί κατά την εκπαιδευτική διαδικασία είτε ως εργαλείο διδασκαλίας είτε ως μέσο δημιουργίας και παραγωγής λόγου. Κατά την έρευνά μας, αναπτύξαμε μία ψηφιακή αφήγηση βασισμένη στο παραμύθι του Ευγένιου Τριβιζά «Το ποντικάκι που ήθελε να αγγίξει ένα αστεράκι». Λέξεις-Κλειδιά: ψηφιακή αφήγηση, διδασκαλία της Ελληνικής ως δεύτερης/ξένης γλώσσας
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