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' / Earth Sciences Division, SNPS UPNG ... ~ Mineral Deposits and Geochemistry Test 1 ID: 4 u\ \'( (\ J: 1.._ 1hr 10 Instruction: Pl~ st atttmpt all qutstlons. Tlmt Allowed: * <J? -al'ks):mineral groups with their ch mica I fo~ a(8-rn Provide two common examples of the following - Question 3 'ti. ~& (\ ~k y~ auestJon 4 x Native Eleme ts- Sulphates ( meta . Name and explain the process responsible for One of the ore-bearing fluids ~ l a ' ~ ~c fluids . . . ~ rlcs), ders lts asso~lated with metamorph'.c fluids (J.Ma • .~d ~~ ba (•. • ·• i t· b~ i ~- 1< , l\A ~w :--~ ~ · C~ oV l~' ~)/ ~ h ~+ can -q~'·/ ... 'V1 .j_U iW\ \<_ ~11 •• .,,. • 4 ,v- f,v ~~ ~ j ~~ ~~ · ..~~Jl -r- ·;~i ~ ,~-,,f,. 4-r ~' r ~ •(- • 1 .Q ~ 1 ~ .~ t\: '·>· · ., ' d· ~k,~~~-kcl ./ ~Qf w'· f 0 .- ti , ~ ~ . ' : ' / Uf\~1?~ "·w ,,~ \~ ~ l W.. ~ .. ~, ~- 1---lt-...,_ ~( ~\ .'¼ V(\'~ S." '-,r ',_ {MJtka l Study ttle ~ r •Ph to lns~r this quMtion. 100 a'lo '""-' Which of the hydrotherm al fluid(s) ls/are respon~ible for the formation of the following depo~fh?( l / ,., • martts). IL M ti A) Tonopah: Q (..........._ ~ (NZ): Mine 8) Tul ~ C..Qv' v--.(,,..--\-<L C) Cortez: +-e..c,v- ~ fl~c". 1/., - ~ J ,f:,::::J / MOG Test J lOlJ 2 6 ') g s? (3 marksJ transporting the followi~g -metal assembla What complex(es) ls/are responsible for l6vo - ~ """'.\.:;,lv:><., 12A • / ~ · ~ A) Pb-Zn systems: Question 7 8) Cu-Au systems: C) Sn-W systems: ~ ~ - ... ~ 6-~.d.Jz.. ~ ~ t7'k ck ~ 7 / OUestfonl of mineralizing fluids all k reaction, cooling and phase changes -roc host ng, mixi fluid ion, ress omp Dec lead to metal precipitation. w (6 marks). ipitated for mechanisms indicated belo I) Briefly explain how ore metals are prec a) cooling: ~\.Vii ~ t~,·~ ' ¥. ~ .t: 1z ~ 4-.) f4 I ~ . ~ -'> ·k ~\ ;~ "' '~ ~ ')~ k IM-\~~ ~ T ,L ~ r~ c~-H.J·e.: (S j • q~ s\~\J..irJ L~<: ' .~ t·< 1 in porphyry systems, and what 111) Of the 5 precipitation mechanisms listed above, which one is common evidence is there to prove that mechanism? (2 marks) ~ rl-n.l ~ -\-"t,\~ - ~t\- ~ 1'-<- ~ \\- ~ ~ -tu .Jtt.a..h.,;,. (\A .o\ +-~ ) Taf-<- ~ t'.v~ ¼~s ~ 1- ~e., ~ \. \!,7c,\-i-.._c;~L . r~r.~lh t.- l-. ~ j ~\•L (., ~\t; _c.. . 1- . Ouestlon9 +. ions into seven main Browne (1978) categorized factors (variables) influencing hydrothermal alterat Host rock composition, categories, and these are; Temperature, Fluid chemistry, Concentrations, ability. Kinetics of reactions, Duration of activity or degree of equilibrium, and Perme -ma"f'isJ" Which two factors have the stron ge~u ence on hydrothermal alterationc{t I ,.-~ r4-va, ~ ~\ -~ ~ro )o 9Yestion 10 nations · l alteration zo . . ' rma othe hydr d ciate asso the and m a porphyry syste ll'.c, \ ' ,,,,, labeled A to E lab 1the hydrothermal alteration type expected in each shell (Potassic, Phyllic, Arg1 e . Propyl/ir rals in the table provided at least 2 their diagnostic alteration mine list and l/ic) Argi nce dva ~}~ mar 1111 h The dia gr;m s ows a model f ° 0 Alteration Type .,, I Question 11 um assemblages: deposit established the following equilibri Detail petrography of a Porphyry Cu-Mo-Au chalcopyrite -pyrite denum mineralization overprinted by a · High grade chalcopyrite-bornite-molyb er carbonates such as at;1d sampling showed presence of copp mineralization. Reconnaissance mapping malachite and azurite. paragenetlc sequence diagram (5 marks). a) Establish the above information in a . • in such a t m, sit(s) would we suspect and explore for erra strictly based b) What other depo . easo~ on the scenario given above? Give your r MDG Test l 1021 5