Landscape Ecol (2010) 25:353–369
DOI 10.1007/s10980-009-9434-9
Modeling the invasive emerald ash borer risk of spread
using a spatially explicit cellular model
Anantha M. Prasad • Louis R. Iverson • Matthew P. Peters
Jonathan M. Bossenbroek • Stephen N. Matthews •
T. Davis Sydnor • Mark W. Schwartz
Received: 30 June 2009 / Accepted: 23 November 2009 / Published online: 11 December 2009
Ó US Government 2009
Abstract The emerald ash borer (EAB, Agrilus
planipennis) is decimating native ashes (Fraxinus
sp.) throughout midwestern North America, killing
millions of trees over the years. With plenty of ash
available throughout the continent, the spread of this
destructive insect is likely to continue. We estimate
that the insect has been moving along a ‘‘front’’ at
about 20 km/year since about 1998, but more alarming is its long-range dispersal into new locations
facilitated by human activities. We describe a
spatially explicit cell-based model used to calculate
Electronic supplementary material The online version of
this article (doi:10.1007/s10980-009-9434-9) contains
supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.
A. M. Prasad (&) L. R. Iverson M. P. Peters
S. N. Matthews
USDA Forest Service, Northern Research Station,
359 Main Road, Delaware, OH 43015, USA
[email protected]
L. R. Iverson
[email protected]
M. P. Peters
[email protected]
S. N. Matthews
[email protected]
risk of spread in Ohio, by combining the insect’s
flight and short-range dispersal (‘‘insect flight’’) with
human-facilitated, long-range dispersal (‘‘insect
ride’’). This hybrid model requires estimates of
EAB abundance, ash abundance, major roads and
traffic density, campground size and usage, distance
from the core infested zone, wood products industry
size and type of wood usage, and human population
density. With the ‘‘insect flight’’ model, probability of
movement is dependent on EAB abundance in the
source cells, the quantity of ash in the target cells, and
the distances between them. With the ‘‘insect-ride’’
model, we modify the value related to ash abundance
based on factors related to potential human-assisted
movements of EAB-infested ash wood or just
T. Davis Sydnor
School of Environment and Natural Resources,
Ohio State University, 367 Kottman Hall,
2021 Coffey Road, Columbus,
OH 43210, USA
[email protected]
M. W. Schwartz
Department of Environmental Science and Policy,
University of California-Davis, One Shields Avenue,
Davis, CA 95616, USA
[email protected]
J. M. Bossenbroek
Department of Environmental Sciences & Lake Erie
Center, University of Toledo, 6200 Bayshore Rd., Oregon,
OH 43618, USA
[email protected]
hitchhiking insects. We attempt to show the advantage of our model compared to statistical approaches
and to justify its practical value to field managers
working with imperfect knowledge. We stress the
importance of the road network in distributing insects
to new geographically dispersed sites in Ohio, where
84% were within 1 km of a major highway.
Keywords Emerald ash borer EAB
Agrilus planipennis Spread model
Stratified dispersal Spatially explicit cellular
model Ohio Gravity model Fraxinus
Ash Roads networks Invasive
Highway traffic Insect flight model
Insect ride model
The emerald ash borer (EAB), Agrilus planipennis
Fairmaire (Coleoptera: Buprestidae), poses a serious
threat to all native ash trees in North America,
especially in the eastern United States. The larvae
feed on phloem, producing galleries that kill large
trees in 3–4 years and small trees in as little as 1 year
(Poland and McCullough 2006; Wei et al. 2007).
A native of northeastern China, Korea, Japan, Mongolia, Taiwan, and eastern Russia, the species was
first identified in the United States near Detroit, MI,
in July 2002 (Haack 2006; Poland and McCullough
2006). The borer was thought to be imported into
Michigan in the early 1990s via infested ash crating
or pallets (Herms et al. 2004). Since its initial
establishment in the early to mid 1990s (Siegert et al.
2007), it has spread at an accelerating pace from that
So far, all attempts to stop the spread of the
organism have failed. In the initial years after the
EAB was first identified, many eradication efforts in
Michigan, Ohio, Maryland, and Ontario were
attempted. Typically, all ash trees within an 800-m
radius of the initial detection tree(s) were being cut,
chipped to very small pieces, and incinerated. This
expensive program was halted in Ohio by early 2006
because of funding shortages and because of numerous newly discovered infestations. The primary hope
to slow the spread now lies with the introduction of
Landscape Ecol (2010) 25:353–369
specialized natural enemies (Gould 2007; Bauer et al.
2007), monitoring and education programs, highly
targeted ash removals, and regulation.
The impact of EAB may be enormous. An
estimated 8 billion ash trees exist in the United
States, comprising roughly 7.5% of the volume of
hardwood sawtimber, 14% of the urban leaf area (as
estimated across eight US cities), and valued at more
than $300 billion (Poland and McCullough 2006;
Sydnor et al. 2007).
Spread models
The population dynamics during the establishment of
any pest is influenced both by the Allee effect
(population size is highly correlated with survival of
individuals) and demographic stochasticity (Liebhold
and Tobin 2008). If the population overcomes the
Allee effect, spread occurs with the growth of
population and subsequent dispersal. The dispersal
mechanism has been studied extensively by various
researchers and there is considerable literature in this
field. We will not attempt a detailed review of the
spread models here, but will provide a brief overview
so that we can characterize our hybrid modeling
approach. The models can be broadly divided into
mathematical and cellular approaches.
Mathematical models
One of the first attempts to tackle spread characterized the initial dispersal by continuous random
movement defined by reaction-diffusion partial differential equations (Skellam 1951). To keep the
interface simple, we prefer not to reproduce the
equations involved here—the interested readers can
refer to the sources for mathematical exposition. The
magnitude of the dispersal depends on the diffusion
coefficient (the standard deviation of dispersal distance), often derived from empirical data. The simple
diffusion models are deterministic—hence, the front
forms a concentric ring of expanding range at
constant speed. Although simple diffusion models
can accommodate interspecific interactions like competition, predation etc., they cannot account for the
long-range dispersal of the insect which are mostly
facilitated by weather and human agents. These longrange movements are often characterized by fat-tailed
Landscape Ecol (2010) 25:353–369
distributions (e.g., a higher probability than a normally distributed variable of extreme values). The
combination of simple diffusion and long-range
dispersal mechanisms is termed ‘stratified dispersal’
(Hengeveld 1989; Shigesada et al. 1995).
The stratified dispersal mechanism can be defined
by integro-difference equations which are timediscrete and space-continuous models which consist
of two parts: population growth (defined through
difference equations) and dispersal in space (defined
with an integral operator; Kot et al. 1996). Like
reaction-diffusion equations, they can generate constant-speed traveling waves. In addition, they can
account for invasions whose spread rates increase
with time (longer range dispersal). The dispersal
kernel, which is a probability density function,
determines the speed and movement of individuals
between two points in space (Lewis 1997). While the
shape of the dispersal kernel is an important factor in
determining spread, by itself it tends to overestimate
the dispersion speed if demography is not considered
(Neubert and Caswell 2000). Efforts have been
underway to incorporate stochastic variation in
dispersal and reproduction into density-dependent
models (Clark et al. 2001; Snyder 2003) and to
differentiate effects of stochasticity from the effects
of nonlinearity (Kot et al. 2004). However, it is likely
that inherent uncertainty rather than parameter sensitivity makes long-distance dispersal difficult to
predict (Clark et al. 2003).
Cellular models
A major limitation of using reaction-diffusion and
integro-difference models is that they do not consider
how dispersal and demography are influenced by
spatial pattern within the landscape, as they treat the
landscape as homogeneous for mathematical tractability (With 2002). Several theoretical explorations
indicate that spread rates are affected by habitat
fragmentation and other aspects of the spatial
arrangement of favorable habitat (Lonsdale 1999;
With 2002). Therefore, it is desirable to incorporate
spatial structure into the dispersal models. This is
where the spatially explicit cellular approach based
on cellular automata is appropriate. It involves fitting
transition state models to real systems where the
transition between one time step and the next depends
on the empirical relationship between the current
state of the target cell and that of its neighbors
(Molofsky and Bever 2004).
There have been previous attempts to model the
spread of EAB with spatial dynamic models using
STELLA and Spatial Modeling Environment (SME)
in conjunction with high resolution landscape data
(BenDor and Metcalf 2006; BenDor et al. 2006).
However, these studies were limited to one county in
Illinois and based on limited data available at the
time. Our approach uses a simple fat-tailed power
function to model the spread (Schwartz 1992) by
taking into account stochasticity, demographics, and
anthropogenic factors that influence the spread of
insects (including the results of a ‘gravity model’
where movements are not random but biased by the
attractiveness of destinations) in a spatially explicit
cellular framework. We also take fragmentation of
habitat into account because the spread depends on
the ash basal area in each cell which reflects the
fragmented nature of ash and EAB distribution across
current landscapes. We therefore address the limitation of purely mathematical approaches by taking
landscape heterogeneity into account.
Specifically, we incorporate both high-resolution
ash quantity maps and human-assisted components to
build a model of EAB risk for Ohio. We modified a
previously developed spatially explicit cellular spread
model called SHIFT (Schwartz 1992; Iverson et al.
1999; Schwartz et al. 2001) with an integrated
approach that combines the insect’s short-distance
movement patterns, which we call the insect flight
model (IFM), with a number of avenues for
human-assisted transmittal including road networks,
campgrounds, wood product industries, and human
population density, which we call the insect ride
model (IRM). It should be noted that because we
combine human facilitated risk factors in our hybrid
approach, we are modeling the ‘risk of spread’
(Drake and Lodge 2006).
Overall approach and SHIFT modeling scheme
The modified SHIFT model calculates the probability
of EAB infestation of currently unoccupied cells
(270 9 270 m) based on the abundance of EAB in
the occupied cells (as assessed by the years since
infestation), the habitat availability of ash (as
assessed by the ash basal area), and the distance
Landscape Ecol (2010) 25:353–369
between all occupied and unoccupied cells within a
search window. The model uses the inverse power
law (Gregory 1968) to calculate the probability of an
unoccupied cell becoming infested during each
generation. While this relation describes the asymptotic distribution of seeds, spores, or pollen (Okubo
and Levin 1989), we have modified it to suit our
objective of tracking the risk of EAB spread. The
relation is:
Pi;t ¼ HQi
HQj Fj;t C=DXi;j
where Pi,t is the probability of unoccupied cell i being
infested to a detectable level at time t; HQi and HQj
are habitat quality (i.e., ash abundance) scalars for
unoccupied cell i and occupied cell j, respectively,
that are based on the total basal area of ash (m2/ha) in
each 270-m cell; Fj,t, an abundance scalar (0–1), is
the current estimated abundance of EAB in the
occupied cell j based on the years since infestation at
time t; Di,j is the distance between unoccupied cell i
and an occupied cell j; and n is the number of cells in
the search window. The value of C, a rate constant, is
derived independently through trial runs to achieve a
dispersal rate of approximately 20 km per year, a
value estimated from empirical data of EAB finds
(Iverson et al. 2008a). The value of X, or dispersal
exponent, determines the rate at which dispersal
declines with distance. Being in the denominator, this
decreases infestation risk with distance as an inverse
power function. For this model, we make the
simplifying assumption that a generation for the
insect can be accomplished in 1 year, although we
realize that the cycle can last 2 years, especially in
healthy, newly invaded stands or those that are
located in far north zones with less than about
150 days of growing season length (Poland and
McCullough 2006; Siegert et al. 2007; Wei et al.
The infestation probability for each unoccupied
cell, a value between 0 and 1, is summed across all
occupied cells at each generation. Thus, an unoccupied cell very close to numerous occupied cells may
end up with an infestation probability [1.0. These
cells are modeled with a 100% probability of being
infested. For cells with summed infestation probabilities \1, a random number \1.0 is chosen and all
cells with a probability of infestation that exceeds the
random number are infested in that model step. This
adds an element of stochasticity to the otherwise
deterministic model. Those ‘‘newly infested’’ cells
then contribute to the infestation probability of
unoccupied cells in later model time steps. Further
discussion of the dispersal function can be found in
Schwartz et al. (2001).
The SHIFT model advances the ‘‘front’’ based on
the current front location, the abundance of EAB
behind the front, and the quantity of ash ahead of the
front. Based on reports from the early infested zones
in the Detroit area (e.g., Siegert et al. 2007) and early
data, we assumed a 10-year span from when EAB is
initially detected to the death of all ash trees within
the 270 m 9 270 m cell. Recent field evidence
indicates that the beetle can kill individual trees
within 3–6 years of detection (Kathleen Knight, US
Forest Service, personal communication; Peters et al.
in press), although it takes longer to kill all the trees
in a cell. Because we do not start the year counter
until the cell has detectable EAB (visual symptoms
have occurred, or EAB densities are high enough to
be trapped), the model is insensitive to the early years
of population increase following initial colonization.
EAB abundance in the cell was assumed to form a
modified (skewed left) bell-shaped curve, with the
multipliers picked from the curve. The maximum
abundance (multiplier = 1) occurred in years 3, 4,
and 5, a 0.61 multiplier in years 2 and 6, a 0.14
multiplier in years 1 and 7, and a 0.01 multiplier in
years 8, 9, and 10. The assumptions for this curve
include a slow EAB population increase for the first
few years after initial infestation (but not yet detected
or counted in this 10-year cycle), followed by rapid
population growth once detected, followed by peak
infestation for 3 years starting with year 3, followed
by a rapid decline as all the ash trees in the cell die
off in years 7–10. We realize that small ash saplings
remain viable and new ash germinate and establish
within the cell subsequent to the major die off, but
our model ignores these in subsequent generations
because of the difficulty in keeping track of seedling
and EAB demographics. Research underway now
will determine if regenerating ash can sustain a viable
EAB population in the wake of the killing first wave.
For each cell, the insect flight model (IFM)
calculates the probability of a new infestation, based
on our empirically derived spread rates (*20 km/
year, Fig. 1) which include a small probability that
Landscape Ecol (2010) 25:353–369
Fig. 1 Estimate of EAB spread 1998–2006, defined by positive detection trees emanating out from the original infestation
the insect will fly or be transported from an
occupied cell to an unoccupied cell, for all surrounding cells within a specified search window of
40 km. This distance includes the EAB’s historical
and potential flight patterns (Taylor et al. 2005,
2007), but also some movement other than flight
(e.g., wind and other short-distance transport
For the insect ride model (IRM), we use the same
model modified for long-distance dispersal (see later
section) up to 400 km, based on observed patterns of
long-distance dispersal and size of the state of Ohio.
Once selected for infestation, the cell starts the
10-year cycle of EAB increasing and then decreasing
as ash dies out.
In our modeling strategy, we separately model the
broad insect flight movement with the IFM and the
human-facilitated long-distance spread of risk
through various agents like roads, campgrounds,
wood products industries, and human population
density with the IRM. The spatial addition of these
two models captures the relative risk of infestation of
any 270-m cell within Ohio by EAB. Since we are
modeling risk of spread by combining two models, it
is difficult to assign a time element to the prediction;
however, based on our assessment of 2005–2007
EAB detections, a reasonable time frame to evaluate
the utility of our map would be 2–4 years.
To develop the IRM, we used GIS data to weight
factors related to potential human-assisted movements
of EAB using various agents/factors that assist in its
rapid movement: traffic on roads, various wood
products industries, population density, and campgrounds. Each of these four factors was converted
into weighting layers that became multipliers for the
ash basal area component of the IRM: in effect
increasing the probability of EAB infestation according to the insect ride factors by boosting the amount
of ash available in those cells. Thus, if no ash exists
in a particular cell, it does not matter whether there is
an escaped EAB from one of the human-assisted
factors, but if there is an ash component, an escaped
EAB would find the cell ‘more’ attractive to colonize
in proportion to the basal area of ash. We describe the
methods and the weighting schemes used in the
following sections. It should be kept in mind that with
our ‘spatially explicit’ cellular model, we are inevitably balancing the tradeoffs between generality,
precision, and realism that limit all model development in ecology (Levins 1966). In our approach,
generality is somewhat sacrificed because environmentally dependent rates of spread make it difficult
for models parameterized in one location to make
accurate predictions in another (Hastings et al. 2005).
Therefore, the parameters and weights presented here
are specific to Ohio, and, though the same approach
should be appropriate for other regions, a re-evaluation of the model parameters and weights would
likely be necessary.
Ash quantity estimation
We have compiled estimates of ash supply at two
scales. To visualize the amount of ash available over
all the eastern United States, we used forest inventory
and analysis (FIA) data (Miles et al. 2001) compiled
at a 20 9 20 km scale (see Prasad and Iverson 2003;
Prasad et al. 2007; Iverson et al. 2008b; Supplementary Figs. 1, 2, 3, 4).
For model input, we created a detailed estimate of
ash basal area for Ohio (Iverson et al. 2008a). This
estimate, at a scale of 270 9 270 m, was created by
combining estimates of ash basal area per FIA plot
with a Landsat TM-based classification of forest
types, resulting in the total ash basal area in m2/ha
(Supplementary Fig. 5).
Landscape Ecol (2010) 25:353–369
Collection of EAB positives
Between 2005 and 2007, the Ohio Department of
Agriculture set up nearly 20,000 detection trees
throughout the state to monitor for EAB. Detection
trees were then felled and peeled following adult
emergence (after August) and assayed for EAB. Both
the detection tree locations and the positive finds
were provided to us for analysis.
Core area of EAB infestation
To model risk of potential future spread as well as
establish a core area from which the front is
spreading, we estimated historical spread from 1998
to 2006 (Fig. 1). For this estimate of spread that
included years prior to first identification of the insect
(1998–2002), multiple data sets, GIS processes, and
assumptions were used, and for the most part,
represent the spread of visible damage to ash trees
rather than the initial infestation of EAB. First, we set
the 2002 and 2003 EAB boundaries by using webpublished pest maps (accessed from www.michigan.
gov/dnr in 2005, no longer online) of the Michigan
Department of Natural Resources. The primary
source for pre-2002 estimates were web-published
maps by Smitley and others (internet maps no longer
on the web but published in Smitley et al. 2008).
These maps were based on interstate highway exit
surveys for 2003 and 2004, with ten ash trees per exit
tallied for death/life (irrespective of what killed the
ash). The authors then mapped percent ash dead in
classes of 0–10, 11–40, 41–80, and 81–100%. We
assumed it took 5 years for a newly infested tree to
die, so that the location of the class 80–100% dead in
2003 was assumed to be infested in 1998. Similarly,
the additional area of the class 80–100% dead in 2004
was assumed infested in 1999, and so on. These data
allowed us to manually delineate estimated infestation zones for 1998–2002. For boundary estimates
after 2002, several other sources were used. A
Michigan ash damage survey from September 2004,
along with the actual locations and density of known
EAB locations as of December 2005, were obtained
from the Cooperative Emerald Ash Borer Project. In
addition, multiple dates of national EAB positive
maps were acquired to detect additional finds temporally (
Finally, our own field work on ash tree assessment in
Landscape Ecol (2010) 25:353–369
northern Ohio and southern Michigan during the
summers of 2004 and 2005 yielded additional spatial
information, particularly on ash not yet visually
affected by EAB. Further details with maps are found
in Iverson et al. (2008a). We define the ‘front’ by the
density of newly identified positive detection trees
each year. Recent studies of tree rings in the initial
zone of infestation have indicated that initial death of
ash trees occurred in 1997 (Siegert et al. 2007).
Although EAB was certainly present before 1998, we
assume that EAB abundance was low and not easily
detected before that time.
Model inputs
Weighting the parameters for the insect ride model
was difficult because we did not have reliable,
independent means of arriving at weights to the
inputs of the model. Iteratively arriving at a fit was
prohibitive in terms of time because the SHIFT
model is computationally intensive. We selected an
alternative, decision tree-based approach called
‘‘RandomForest’’ (see Prasad et al. 2006) to test our
hypothesis that the ‘non-core’ locations of geographically dispersed EAB infested locations (which we
henceforth term ‘outlier’) were correlated with road
networks, campgrounds, wood industries, and distance from the core-infested zone, and to assign
weights to these factors in the IRM based on the
importance of the predictors. RandomForest, which is
based on averaging numerous decision trees by
perturbing both data and predictors have been shown
to be a superior modeling technique for many
applications where imputed predictions are desired
(Hudak et al. 2008), but may not be an appropriate
modeling technique for applications with a strong
spatial dependency (e.g., EAB dispersing from a
small section of the territory). However, RandomForest can provide a list of variable importance
scores for the predictors that can be used as a guide to
assign weights to the IRM. In order to determine the
importance of the predictors in the RandomForest
(RF) model, we generated the average distance to
roads, wood product industries, campgrounds, and
occupied core zone from both the EAB positive trees
and the non-positive detection trees for the outlier
zone, and then randomly sampled by county from the
outlier positives (from a total of 255) and the
non-positive detection trees (from a total of 9,964)
in a 1 positive to 3 non-positive ratio. We stratified by
county to reduce the over-weighting of some counties
that had a disproportionate number of positives. The
most important predictor, expectedly, was distance to
occupied core zone followed by average distance to
major roads, wood products industries, and campgrounds. We also derived a imputed map (with an
error estimate of 8%) for the RF model to compare
with our modified SHIFT model (Supplementary
Fig. 6). We discuss this in the summarizing model
outputs section.
Our weighting scheme consisted of using the
relative values of RF-derived importance scores,
along with expert opinion, to assign weights which
essentially ‘‘boost’’ the ash basal area estimates and
hence ‘‘attractiveness’’ of the cell to EAB. While we
realize that the weightings described next may not be
appropriate across regions, extensive details for Ohio
are provided to facilitate application for other regions
(Fig. 2).
Intuitively from studying maps of the reported
positives, and also through our predictor importance
scores derived from the RandomForest model, it was
clear that the network of major highways was highly
coincident to the locations of new outlier infestations
(see Fig. 3). Evidence is mounting that many of the
new introductions may be due to insect hitchhiking,
in addition to the transport of materials like firewood
(Buck and Marshall in press). For example, a recent
detection (June, 2009) in Cattaraugus County, New
York, is very close to a busy exit on Route I-86. To
register the increased probability of insects riding on
windshields, radiators, or otherwise attached to
vehicles moving down the road, we assigned weights
to two widths (1 and 2 km) of major road corridors.
We used the National Highway Planning Network
data for the first half of 2007 (Federal Highway
Administration 2007), which reported average daily
traffic (ADT) values calculated as the number of
vehicle miles traveled divided by the number of
center line miles of highway. Classes of ADT values,
reported at the county level for all but the smallest
highways, were assigned weights to the inside buffer
(1 km), ranging from 1 to 60 as a linear proportion to
their traffic density, which ranged from 2,000 to
Landscape Ecol (2010) 25:353–369
Fig. 2 Inputs to the model
of EAB risk (see text for
weighting schemes): a
major roads rated by traffic
density in Ohio; b
campground weights; c
wood product weights; and
d human population density
by zip code
164,000 cars per day. Naturally, traffic was generally
much lower in rural zones, with ADT on rural
interstate highways of \50,000 (Fig. 2a). Weights
were reduced by half for the outside buffer of 1–2-km
distance from each road.
Campgrounds have often been considered likely
destinations of human-assisted EAB transport, primarily through the movement of firewood. There are
many documented or highly suspected cases for this
mode of movement in Michigan and more recently
into West Virginia (West Virginia Division of
Forestry 2007). Because the general public is
involved, it is much more difficult (compared to
wood industries and nurseries) to achieve education,
regulation, compliance, and enforcement goals
related to stopping EAB spread. Campground locations were acquired from Dunn & Bradstreet and the
AAA Travel and Insurance Company. We weighted
the campgrounds with a ‘gravity model’ (described
next) combined with a campground coverage buffered and scored according to number of campground
Gravity model
Unlike typical dispersal and spread models, gravity
models explicitly assume that movements are not
random but biased by the attractiveness of destinations. They allow for the prediction of long-distance
dispersal events by considering not only the nature of
source populations, but also the spatial configuration
and nature of potential colonization sites. Because of
this, gravity models have the potential to more
Landscape Ecol (2010) 25:353–369
Fig. 3 Locations of a
detection trees in a 2006
and b 2007, and detected
EAB positives in c 2006
and d 2007
accurately forecast species movement through heterogeneous landscapes than do diffusion models, which
do not explicitly consider the spatial pattern of distant
sites (Bossenbroek et al. 2001).
Our gravity model considers traffic volumes and
routes between EAB source areas and various
distances to campgrounds. Muirhead et al. (2006)
earlier used a gravity model approach to movement
of EAB; our current model expands on that work by
incorporating more detailed data on both public and
private campgrounds. Because empirical data on the
use of campgrounds, i.e., reservation data, are
available only for public campgrounds, a modeling
framework is necessary to incorporate private campgrounds; in this case to predict the relative number of
campers traveling from EAB-infested areas to Ohio
Gravity models calculate the number of individuals (e.g., campers) who travel from location i (i.e., zip
code) to destination j (i.e., a campground), Tij, as
estimated as
Tij ¼ Ai Oi Wj ca
where, Ai is a scalar for location i (see below), Oi is
the number people at location i, Wj is the ‘‘attractiveness’’ (=number of camp sites) of location j, cij is
the distance from location i to location j, and a is a
distance coefficient, or distance-decay parameter,
which defines how much of a deterrent distance is
to interaction. Ai is estimated via
W ca
Ai ¼ 1=
j¼1 j ij
where N represents the total number of destinations
and j represents each destination in the study region.
We recorded a total of 241 public and private
campgrounds in Ohio; in the absence of actual usage
data, we assumed a direct relationship between the
number of camp sites and the usage of each
campground (W). The distance between a zip code
and a campground (c) was calculated as the road
network distance between these locations; for simplification, we used only roads with either a state or
federal designation, excluding local roads. The number of campers in each zip code (Ai) was assumed to
be proportional to the total population, thus we used
the population of each zip code based on 2000 census
data. The point of origin within each zip code was the
road location nearest the centroids of the zip
code region, while the campground locations were
determined as the nearest point to a state or federal
road. The area of EAB infestation consisted of all the
zip codes that had their centroids within the 2006
To estimate the distance coefficient (a), we
compared our gravity model with reservation data
obtained from the Ohio Division of Parks and
Recreation for 58 state parks. These records
contained the number of reservations for each
campground summed by zip code of the camper’s
residence. We used sum of squares to measure
goodness-of-fit between model predictions and the
observed data (Hilborn and Mangel 1997). By
fitting the model to the reservation data for Ohio
state parks, we assume that campers using private
and public campgrounds behave in the same
manner, i.e., the distance to and size of a particular
campground affect their travel decisions in the
same manner. Once the gravity model was parameterized, we used the estimated distance coefficient
value to determine the expected number of campers
that would travel to all 241 campgrounds within
Ohio. To give a relative estimate of risk we
reported the percentage of campers coming from
EAB-infested zip codes traveling to each campground in Ohio.
Each campground in Ohio had a relative score
derived from the gravity model calculations ranging
from 51 to 174,800. These were divided into quartiles
with breakpoints of 1,640, 3,902, and 8,552, and used
with increasing (but arbitrary) multipliers of 1.0,
1.33, 1.67, and 2.0, respectively. In this way, those
campgrounds with many visitors arriving from the
core zone were given double weight. The spatial
influence assumed for each campground in this
analysis was a radius of *4 km around the campground headquarters.
Landscape Ecol (2010) 25:353–369
Weighting by size of campgrounds
The weighting (10 points for inner buffer, 5 points for
outer buffer) and buffer size (ranging from 0.5 km to
4 km) for campgrounds were based on the number of
camp sites listed in Dunn & Bradstreet data
( The smallest campgrounds
(e.g., \50 camp sites) had buffers of only 0.5 and
1 km, while the largest campgrounds ([600 camp
sites) had buffers of 2.5 and 5 km. These scores of 5
and 10 were then multiplied by the multipliers from
the gravity model (1.0–2.0) to yield a maximum
possible total of 20 points for campgrounds (Fig. 2b).
Wood products
Wood products industries, including nurseries, also
have been responsible for some EAB movement
(including an outbreak near an ash handle factory in
northwestern Ohio and another via landscaping a new
restaurant in central Ohio), so a scheme was developed to weight buffers around individual businesses
dealing in wood products. Because the wood products
industries are regulated, we expect that the risk is
relatively low now and will become lower in the
future, but pre-regulation infestations or accidental
(or not) introductions still might occur.
First, we assessed industries for their potential to
use ash logs, based on the listing of standard
industrial classification (SIC) codes from Dunn and
Bradstreet. We scored each industry for likelihood of
EAB getting to the site and emerging based on our
estimate of the amount and status of ash used in the
industry: 0 = none; 2 = small likelihood; 4 = somewhat likely; 6 = higher likelihood. For example,
wood pallet industries scored a 6, while manufacturers of pressed logs of sawdust or woodchips scored a
2. Movement of material from nurseries historically
has been a source for several infestations, but is a
minor component in this model of future risk because
of the close scrutiny on nursery stock movements.
Next, buffer distances around the businesses, and
corresponding weights, were created based on the
number of employees (surrogate for volume of wood)
working at the facility. For 1–10 employees, the
buffer of 0–1 km scored 8 and the 1–2 km buffer
scored 3; for 11–50 employees, the buffer of
0–1.5 km scored 9 and the 1.5–3 km buffer scored
4; and if the facility had more than 50 employees, the
Landscape Ecol (2010) 25:353–369
0–2 km buffer scored 10 and the 2–4 km buffer
scored 5. Any overlapping buffers were summed with
a maximum weight of 10. Because of the lower
probability of movement via this mechanism (resulting from these industries being highly regulated), the
total value of the wood products component was only
10% in the composite model (Fig. 2c).
Population density
Although road densities and ADT values are good
surrogates for population densities, we included population by zip code to capture areas where humans
could contribute to the spread through alternative
activities or even through vehicular movement on
minor roads, which were not included in our road
network. This factor creates an imputed score over the
entire state and distinguishes rural from more urbanized areas. Data were acquired for 2000 from the
US Census Bureau and were divided into six classes
with scoring as follows: 1 = 1–100 people/km2; 2 =
101–200; 4 = 201–800; 6 = 801–2,000; 8 = 2,001
–4,000; 10 = 4,001–16,582 (Fig. 2d).
raw ash in their industrial process (e.g., forest nurseries
and wood pallet industries); and (4) the maximum
score for human population density (by zip code) was
10, which was achieved when the population density
exceeded 4,000 people/km2 in that particular zip code.
With 60% of the potential risk attributed to roads, we
underscore that road networks are the quickest and
most likely mode of dispersal at present and increasingly in the future as campgrounds and wood product
industries become increasingly well-regulated, and
humans are better indoctrinated on the negatives of
moving wood material. The actual scores in our data
ranged from 0 to 77 (100 being the maximum possible).
These final weights were then used as multipliers on the
existing basal area in each 270 9 270-m cell throughout Ohio. Because the range of ash basal area per cell
was 0.016–5.11 (plus we added 1 to each value to keep
values [1 for GIS and quantitative purposes), the
maximum possible score for the final insect ride
classification was 611 (actual data ranged from 1 to
440). These values were scaled back to 1–100 for
relative scoring and mapping of ‘risk’.
Development of risk map
Quarantine zones
The Ohio Department of Agriculture quarantines a
county when EAB is confirmed from anywhere in it.
Once the county is quarantined, ash is legally allowed
to be moved within the county or to any other
adjacent quarantined counties. Thus, the possibilities
for EAB spread are enhanced within those counties.
We effectively modeled the spread risk within
quarantined counties to be twice that of non-quarantined counties by finally reducing the scores achieved
from each of the other four factors by half in nonquarantined counties.
Overall weighting scheme
The final weighting scheme was as follows: (1) the
maximum score possible for roads was 60, meaning the
traffic density was as much as 164,000 cars per day; (2)
the maximum score for campgrounds was 20, meaning
the campgrounds with a gravity model score [8,553
and the campground had [600 campsites scored the
highest possible; (3) the maximum score for wood
products industries was 10 when the number of
employees exceeded 50 and they used considerable
The final risk map was derived by summing the
scores for the insect ride and the insect flight
components of the model. As such, the flight model
affects only zones within about 40 km from the core
area, beyond which the ride model is responsible for
the additional risk. The combination logically creates
maximum risk near the present core zone of infestation. Because of the hybrid approach and the
combining of two models, it was difficult to assign
a prediction time for the risk. We estimate that the
risk map should be useful for about 2–4 years,
although it will be useful to rerun, and potentially
improve, the model periodically as new data on
outbreaks and other information becomes available.
Verifying and summarizing model outputs
Next we verified and summarized the model outputs
according to the confirmed EAB positive finds as of
December 2007. The number of positives that were
recorded and that lay outside the 2006 core zone from
December 2003, to December 2007, number 255: 1 in
2003, 7 in 2004, 78 in 2005, 110 in 2006, and 59 in
2007. Although visual inspection of the positives
influenced the model building, the actual locations
were not associated with the model.
Assessment of positives versus detection trees
During late 2005 through 2006, the Ohio Department
of Agriculture designated a total of 9,670 ash trees as
EAB detection trees, and another 9,964 trees were
designated in 2007 (Fig. 3a, b). Detection trees were
girdled to make them more attractive to EAB and
were set with sticky traps during the growing season.
In the following months, the trees were removed,
peeled, and inspected for the presence of EAB. If
EAB was confirmed, the tree was considered positive.
These positive tree locations were used to analyze the
accuracy of our model (Fig. 3c, d).
Some people have proposed that the higher proportion of new infestations near major roads was merely
due to greater sampling of ash trees near the highways,
rather than EAB establishing more frequently near
Fig. 4 Risk map for EAB
in Ohio
Landscape Ecol (2010) 25:353–369
highways from transport of materials containing EAB
and hitchhiking insects. To test this possibility, we
analyzed the relationship between all positive trees
and the 2006 and 2007 detection trees. By comparing
the ratio of 2006/2007 positive trees to 2006/2007
detection trees for a series of variables (e.g., average
basal areas of ash and average distances from roads,
campgrounds, wood products, and the occupied zone),
we could assess the relative importance of individual
variables in detecting potential positives.
Results and discussion
Risk map of EAB spread
The risk map visually shows extremely high risk near
the current core zone, due to the additive risk of the
flight and ride models, and the availability of nearby
EAB (Fig. 4). Next in risk are the metropolitan
Landscape Ecol (2010) 25:353–369
regions of Columbus, Lima, and Cincinnati/Dayton.
These elevated risks are primarily due to all the
humans moving around, some of which inevitably
would carry EAB accidentally or via wood material.
There is a wide variability of risk elsewhere, with
areas near major roads showing more risk than minor
roads or the rural areas. These relative risk levels will
change as the EAB spreads, new counties are
quarantined, and new invasions provide new sources
of the insect to spread from.
We provide three output maps of risk: (1) risk of
the insect to fly into new zones (Supplementary
Fig. 7); (2) risk of the insect to ride with humans
(Supplementary Fig. 8); and (3) overall risk as a
combination of the flight and ride models (Fig. 4).
The risk maps show the large influence of several
factors. First, it is readily apparent that distance
from current EAB centers is very important—that
regardless of how the insects move, there is much
higher risk near where EAB is currently present.
Second, the road network is apparent in the risk
map, especially where traffic is higher, such as
along major interstates and US highways. Third,
population density matters with risk: as more people
move about, there is an increasing chance of EAB
moving with the humans. And finally, quarantined
counties show up as important in the risk map
(Fig. 4). Once EAB is initially detected in the
county, the entire county is quarantined. When that
happens, it is legal to freely move wood materials
around within the county and between adjacent
quarantined counties. Thus, the risk within quarantined counties increases.
Summarizing model outputs
Of the 255 outlier locations, 82 (32%) fell in our
highest risk class (extreme) that primarily captures
those zones very near the core with high risk from
both the ride and flight models, 76 (30%) fell in the
high classes, 89 (35%) in the medium classes, 8 (3%)
in the low classes, and 0 in the least class (Figs. 4, 5).
In comparing these percentages of positives to area
within those classes, 97% of the positives were
captured in land representing the medium, high, and
extreme classes which occupy only 36.5% of the
modeled part of the state, and 62% of the positives
occurred in the high and extreme classes, which
occupy only 14% of the state (Fig. 5). Although these
are promising aspects of model outputs, we realize
that these statistics do not really validate the model
because our model results are artifacts of a weighting
scheme influenced by EAB-positive locations, even
though we used RandomForest’s predictor importance as a guide to weight the ride model. The models
of this type are inherently difficult to validate because
we do not have future data available and even the
present data set is far from ideal. When long-distance
chance dispersal events dominate as in the case of
EAB spread, accurate predictions of spread rate are
very difficult or impossible to calculate (Lewis 1997).
We therefore ascribe to the philosophy that establishing confidence in the usefulness of the model,
especially its relevance to managers, is more important than traditional model validation, which in this
case is practically unachievable. Therefore our model
aims to provide a better vision of risk for the
Fig. 5 Percentages of EAB
positive finds and land
occupied by risk class from
the model shown in Fig. 4
managers on the ground that are presently faced with
the unenviable facts of dwindling budgets, uncertain
information, and continued decimation of ash
However, we do demonstrate the utility for our
risk model by comparing it to known EAB positives
and to a statistical imputed map of EAB risk using
RandomForest. The RandomForest model produced a
map (Supplementary Fig. 6) that identified only 24%
of the known outlier positives, while our SHIFT
model map of medium to extreme risk identified 97%
of the known outlier positives. The RandomForest
map also modeled 81% of Ohio as having the least
risk for colonization, an underestimate compared to
the SHIFT map, which modeled 37% of the state as
having the least risk. Thus, the SHIFT model
delineates the locations of known EAB positives
quite well, and we also have the added information on
gradations of risk from low to high giving better
information to the managers on the ground.
We also tested how well the model, when using the
2005 EAB-occupied map, predicted subsequent positive EAB locations in 2006 and 2007. While the 2005
model captured the trends fairly well for the high to
extreme classes (41% of the total EAB positives in
2006 and 2007 captured), a higher proportion of
positives fell in the medium risk class (54% of the
total; Fig. 6). However, this analysis suffered from the
following drawbacks that were mostly beyond our
control: (1) Unknown sampling distribution for positives before 2006; (2) Quarantined counties were the
same in both 2005 and 2007 models; (3) Decrease in
sampling intensity over the years due to lack of
resources; and (4) Uncertain lag time between infestation of ash and detection of EAB.
Fig. 6 Outlier EAB
positive finds (2006–2007)
classified by the 2005
combination of the IFM and
Landscape Ecol (2010) 25:353–369
However, this analysis points to the need for
managers to also consider the medium risk class
important especially in proximity to other risk
factors, including their individual expertise and
experience. Because the extreme class results from
the addition of relatively high model scores from both
IFM and the IRM models, it will be infested by EAB
very quickly due to its proximity to the core infested
zone boundary. Therefore, the extreme class is not as
valuable for managers compared to the high and
medium risk classes. Our narrowing down the
possibility of infestation to about 25% of the total
area (i.e., the medium and high risk classes)
re-emphasizes the utility of our modeling effort.
Our EAB SHIFT model outputs also tend to be
consistent with the ongoing spread of the insect as
reported by the Cooperative Emerald Ash Borer
Project (
It places a level of high risk around the cities of
Columbus and Dayton/Cincinnati where population,
traffic density, and wood product industries are key
influences. In 2006, 24 (22%) and in 2007, 26 (46%)
of the outlier positive trees were found either in
Columbus and Dayton/Cincinnati or in the neighboring counties where these cities are located.
To explore the importance of the primary traffic
patterns in relation to the spread of outlier colonies,
eleven of the major routes from Detroit, MI, to major
cities in Ohio were subset from the total road
network; these routes also included one turn only
onto an adjoining highway. The analysis of positives
within various buffers around this subset of roads
revealed that 52% fell within 1 km, 64% fell within
2 km and 81% fell within 4 km of these few roads
that represent only 34.7% of the total road length
Landscape Ecol (2010) 25:353–369
Fig. 7 Ratio of proportion
of detection trees to
proportion of EAB positives
within various distances
from highways
used in the modeling (Fig. 2a). This result highlights
the importance of the role of major highways that are
in a connected road network in spreading EAB.
Assessment of positives versus detection trees
An analysis of the ratios of EAB positives to
detection trees validates the extra importance of
roads to EAB risk of spread. Even though a higher
proportion of positive trees fell within 2 km of the
major highways than beyond 2 km, an even greater
proportion of the detection trees were located beyond
2 km of a major highway. For example in 2006, 46%
of the detection trees fell within 2 km of the
highways, but 83% of the positives were within that
zone; in 2007, 52% of detection trees and 74% of
positives were within the 2-km zone. Thus, overall,
there is a 4.5-fold probability for a given ash tree to
be attacked by EAB if the tree is within 2 km of a
highway as compared to a distance of 4-6 km
(Fig. 7), highlighting the importance of road networks in the spread of EAB.
There is a great deal of ash resource in the eastern
United States, especially in the northern half. The EAB
is just now entering zones of extremely high amounts
of available ash—northeast Ohio, northwest Pennsylvania, and southwest New York. Even in the zones of
lower ash availability, like northwest Ohio and
northeast Indiana, plenty of ash is available because
of high ash per unit of forest in small woodlots,
riparian woods, small wetlands, and field borders.
We estimate the expansion of the front from 1998
to 2006 to be roughly 20 km per year. This rate of
expansion would necessarily have to include both the
biological dispersal capacity of the insect and some
short-distance movement assisted by humans (e.g., on
or in vehicles, plant material, wood material). The
stratified nature of the dispersal makes it more
difficult to identify a specific front, increasingly so
with time.
We believe that our hybrid modeling approach
adequately captures the dynamics of the EAB spread.
The spatially explicit cell-based approach takes into
account landscape heterogeneity that mathematical
models of spread ignore, and by a novel combination
of the insect’s flight characteristics and humanfacilitated movement, addresses both short and long
range dispersal. It results in a map of spread that
estimates risk areas over approximately the next
2–4 years with much better accuracy than simple
imputed statistical maps. We are able to outline
degrees of risk in our maps that agree reasonably well
with the positive EAB locations so far. This mapping
effort should help managers better anticipate future
risk from EAB based on uncertain information by
locating areas of higher risk and thus allow them to
focus where infestations are most likely to occur. It
may also help state and county agencies in the
placement of a limited number of traps or detection
trees, or in sample plot design for researchers. In
addition, our approach can be applied to other
regions, although reassessment of the core area and
re-weighting of the insect ride components may be
To sum, we hope our modeling effort results in a
better understanding of the risk associated with the
spread of this destructive insect, and, better informed
decisions can be made to detect, monitor and slow the
Acknowledgments Thanks to Lindsey Vest of the Ohio
Department of Agriculture for providing data on EAB
infestation locations. We are grateful to Elizabeth LaPoint
from the FIA GIS Support Center for overlaying the Ohio FIA
plots with the Ohio GAP data to estimate ash BA. We thank the
Ohio Center for Mapping, especially Lawrence Spencer, for
creating and providing the Ohio GAP data. We thank Mary
Brown, FHWA Office of Highway Policy Information, for
providing traffic data. Thanks to Dan Kashian, Denys
Yemshanov, John Pedlar and Rueben Keller for the friendly
reviews and the two anonymous reviewers, and John Stanovich
for the statistical review. We thank Lucy Burde for editing the
manuscript. This work was funded in part by the PREISM
Program of the USDA (awarded to JMB & LRI). This is
publication No. 200X-XXX from the University of Toledo
Lake Erie Center.
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