International migration
and economic development
Jan Brzozowski
IgratIon has been present in the history of the human being
since its inception: the first relations on population movements can
be found in the Bible and other historical sources of antiquity. the
exodus of the Jews from ancient egypt (circa 1200 BC) and the migration of
greeks in the Mediterranean region (from 800 BC) are but some examples of
these processes. Men have always migrated. however, since the nineteenth century an increase in population movements can be seen in the world scenario. In
the years 1815-1930, about 52 million europeans emigrated to the americas
- including Brazil.1 Migration thus acquired a massive character: the twentieth
century was described by some researchers as the “migration era” (cf. Castles &
Miller, 2009). In just five decades the number of international migrants nearly
tripled from 76 million in 1960 to 214 million in 20102 (IoM, 2008; desa,
2009). during that period, which spanned two world wars, decolonization and
the Cold War, the world economy experienced deep changes that also influenced
the migration pattern of both sending and receiving countries and regions. In
this sense, the change in the migration pattern that occurred in Brazil in the
1980s and 1990s is part of a more universal process. Western europe, which for
over a century was the main exporter of labor, after 1945 starts to become an
important destination of immigration from north africa, the Middle east, the
Indian subcontinent and, on a smaller scale, Latin america.
on the other hand, some traditional immigration countries become emigration areas. this is the case of Brazil, among other countries. In Brazil, the
migratory reversal began in the 1980s (ripoll, 2008). the country experienced
a net loss of approximately 1.8 million people3 through international migration flows between 1980 and 1990. this volume of emigration was significant
and accounted for 1.6% of Brazil’s resident population in 1990. the process of
conversion into an emigration nation continued in the following decade. the
international migration balance in the period 1991-2000 was also negative, estimated at 550,000 people. this figure corresponded to 0.4% of the population
in 2000 (Carvalho & Campos, 2006). despite a reduction in international migration in the 1990s, most of the emigrants who left Brazil in the 1980s never
returned to country, giving rise to a significant group of Brazilians living abroad,
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a phenomenon which some authors refer to as “Brazilian diaspora”.4 In 2000
the number of Brazilian immigrants, according to estimates by the Ministry of
external relations, totaled almost two million (ripoll, 2008). In recent years
that number has nearly doubled: data from the Ministry of external relations
show that 3.7 million Brazilians were living abroad in 2008. the main areas of
residence are: north america (mainly the united states - 1.5 million); europe
(spain, Portugal, Italy and great Britain - one million); south america (especially Paraguay - 766,000); and asia (especially Japan – 320,000) (Fernandes &
diniz, 2009).
the emigration of Brazilians should be associated with the growing interdependence between nations and countries fostered by the expansion of the
world economic system (sales, 1991). the progress of the media (the internet, mobile telephony), the decrease in transportation costs (especially air transport), the expansion of the activities of transnational corporations, the gradual
reduction of barriers (tariffs and non-tariff measures, export taxes, subsidies),
which facilitated the intensification of the flow of goods, services and capital between national economies, all contributed to increase international population
movements. globalization has a profound influence on international migration.
george Martine (2005, p.3) points out that for the contemporary migrant,
his horizon is the world - seen in the movies, on television, in communication
between relatives and friends. the migrant lives in a world where globalization has no boundaries, changes parameters every day, boasts luxuries, lavishes information, stimulates consumption, generates dreams and ultimately
creates expectations of a better life.
although globalization is partially unfinished - since there is not a global
labor market - thanks to the growing interdependence among nations labor
supply and demand in Brazil were entwined with the global economy. thus, the
emigration of Brazilians is expected to continue as a significant phenomenon in
the coming years (Fernandes & diniz, 2009).
the interesting problem, which is associated with migration, is the economic impact of international movements to the country of origin. the connection between intraregional migration (and also inter-regional migration) and
economic development has been deeply explored and studied in the Brazilian literature5, but international migration is still a relatively new area of study. therefore, there is the need to identify the possible consequences of emigration to
the Brazilian economy. this paper aims to describe the links between emigration
and economic development in the country of origin in the Brazilian context.
the text is organized in four parts. It starts with an introduction presenting the main theories of international migration, relating them to the process of
international population movement in Brazil. the description of these theories
has been absolutely necessary in understanding the evolution of migration, but
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also in the analysis of the economic consequences of emigration, which is provided in the second part of the article. next a summary of the most important
contributions in the area of migration and development is presented, focusing
on studies that analyze the economic effects of remittances to the regions of origin. Finally, these studies are related to Brazil’s situation, presenting the latest
data on remittances and the possible consequences of their influx for the country. a hypothesis is formulated that in the current emigration scene the Brazilian
economy is expected to benefit from remittances coming from the diaspora.
Migration theories in the Brazilian context
neide Patarra (2006) states that international migration theories can be
classified into two groups: first, the models that determine the emergence of
contemporary international movement; and second, the theories that explain
the perseverance of migration flows and their continuity over time. In this sense,
one should start the analysis of the theoretical models that explain the migration
of Brazilians from these concepts, which determine how the movement started.
of that group, the best known is the neoclassical perspective, which highlights
the unequal international distribution of capital and labor as the main factor
of population movements at the macroeconomic level. there are, therefore,
countries with more and less capital: while the areas with abundant capital are
the centers of attraction for migrants because they offer relatively high salaries,
regions where this production factor is scarce, where wages are low, become
the main points of population export (Massey et al., 1998). the neoclassical
approach also explains the behavior of migrants at the micro level: displacement
is the result of the calculation made by rational factors, which aim to maximize
their needs. “People migrate because they expect a financial return that exceeds
what they’ve spent on the move and on investment in human capital” (Fusco,
2005, p.16). In this context it may be no surprise that in the 1980s, Brazil – at
that time a relatively low income country –began to witness the migration to
rich and industrialized countries like the united states and Japan. the crisis in
the domestic economy, which contrasted with the relatively sound situation in
the economies of developed countries, can certainly be considered the factor
that triggered the migration process. this movement was perceived by many
Brazilians as an investment with higher financial returns, which offered a national professional career, since emigration was associated with a higher standard of
living (Ferreira, 2007).
according to the new economics of migration, the population movement
should be analyzed in the context of existing labor market imperfections in developing countries (which are the largest exporters of labor), but also in other
markets: capital, rural products or educational markets. therefore, the family
unit, which in this approach is considered the main economic agent, has a strategy different from that described in the neoclassical theory. Instead of maximizing their needs, here the main objective is to minimize the economic risk.
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thus, the logic of allocation of family assets will turn into diversification of the
resources available. the main resource of the family unit is work. thus, diversification means that in a family some members emigrate to look for a job abroad,
offering an alternate flow of income for the entire family through remittances
(stark & Bloom, 1985).
researchers representing the approach of the new economics of migration
emphasize that the population movement overseas is a form of investment and
therefore requires resources that are not available in all family units. Migrants
do not belong to the poorest segments of society – they are those people who
are in a situation of relative deprivation (cf. stark & taylor, 1989). relatively
deprived people suffer from the recent reduction of income level. Consequently,
the standard of living of this group is lower when compared with the previous
situation and with reference groups. Migration can contribute to increase income and improve the economic status of the family unit in society. the concept
of relative deprivation is absolutely necessary for understanding the migration of
Brazilians since the 1980s. ricardo Ferreira points out the prevalence of “limited people” in migration flows to the united states, Japan and european countries. this group includes people from the “impoverished middle class”, which
in the situation of “impossibility of social rise [...] would be prime candidates for
international migrations” (Ferreira, 2007, p.11).
another important contribution is the dual labor market theory (Patarra,
2006), also known as the labor market segmentation theory (Fusco, 2005).
originally proposed by Michael Piore (1983), it highlights as the main factor
of international population movements, the forces of attraction in destination
societies. In developed countries there is the bifurcation of the labor market:
the primary market provides high-wage jobs and good working conditions. on
the other hand, the secondary labor market is unstable, provides low-wage jobs
and unfavorable working conditions. therefore, native workers reject jobs in the
secondary sector. In this sense, immigration to developed countries is caused by
a demand for unskilled labor: the immigrants meet this demand by accepting
jobs previously rejected by the natives (Fusco, 2005). the dual market theory
is essential for understanding the migration of Brazilians to some developed
countries such as spain or the united states. according to erika ripoll (2008,
p.162), Brazilians employed in spain are concentrated “in sectors of activity
characterized by precarious jobs that require no skills and professional expertise”, such as domestic service and construction. When characterizing the socioeconomic situation of Brazilian immigrants in Massachusetts (united states),
ana Cristina Martes (1999) points out that the vast majority work in home
cleaning services - a predominantly Brazilian and female market niche. these
immigrants “are willing to accept these occupations because the wages, when
compared to those in their countries of origin, are high and the prestige that
matters is that of their country of origin” (ripoll, 2008, p.158). It is worth
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adding that the vast majority of Brazilians abroad work and live illegally in the
destination country.6 therefore, the focus of Brazilian immigrants who work in
the secondary sector is on Brazil – that is where they send remittances to, invest,
and compare their socioeconomic position with that of their neighbors.
In the theories that explain the perseverance of migration and its continuity over time, an aspect to be highlighted is the importance of social networks,
also known as migratory networks. the networks “consist of ties that connect
migrants, pioneer migrants, and potential migrants in the areas of origin and
destination through kinship, friendship and common origin” (Fusco, 2005,
p.22). these connections enable the flow of capital and information on living
conditions and employment opportunities in the countries of destination. thus,
they help new migrants adapt to the new environment and increase the likelihood of future migration flows. an interesting example of how the networks
operate is the case of Brazilian immigrants in Massachusetts, who sell their home
cleaning services. When a female immigrant is willing to return to Brazil, information on the “sale” of the homes where the cleaning woman works is spread
through the migratory networks. the woman “buying” the job is introduced
to the homeowner as a friend of the cleaning woman, capable of replacing her.
trust and ethnic solidarity among Brazilian immigrants are recognized as major
factors in this type of transaction (domingo, 1999).
Wilson Fusco (2005) points out that the theory of social networks is essential in explaining why the migration of Brazilians does not occur uniformly
throughout the country. there are therefore some regions with a high concentration of emigrants linked by migratory networks with specific destination
areas. the best known example in the national literature is the case of the city
of governador valadares (state of Minas gerais). the majority of emigrants
from that city went to the metropolitan area of Boston, Massachusetts. When
analyzing social networks, teresa sales (1991) highlights the role of evangelical
churches which, in addition to offering pastoral care, play the role of intermediaries between the regions of origin and destination, assisting emigrants in their
search for a job or solving administrative issues, and guiding them on how to
get a passport or a visa.
International migration and economic development:
general considerations
the analysis of the relation between population movements and development raises the fundamental question: What is the direction of the relation
between these two processes? the debate on the economic impacts of migration
involved the false assumption that population movements were caused by lack
of development: men emigrated from certain poor regions - where there was no
possibility of social rise - to developed areas. however, international migration,
which linked sending and receiving regions, should enable the economic growth
of the area of origin through remittances and investments by the diaspora.
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Consequently, economic development in the sending region should reduce migration. this line of thinking is still present in the migration policy of developed
countries, especially in the european union. Countries like spain or Italy face
the challenge of mass illegal immigration. therefore, they include in their migration policies the “closure and containment regime” (nyberg-sørensen et al.,
2002): programs of official assistance to development are offered and directed
to those countries (especially in sub-saharan africa) that accept illegal immigrants delivered by european authorities. the main objective of these programs
is to create jobs in the sending region, thereby limiting migration to europe.
Migration theories, such as the new migration economics, point out, however, that it is not the poorest who emigrate. Migration, especially at international level, should be considered as a form of investment: it is associated with
risk and requires own resources, which poor people do not have. “Poor countries and regions often display low migration rates, while those that participate
actively in the global system can be characterized by high levels of migration
and mobility” (skeldon, 2008, p.5). therefore, in the beginning the migration
flow is dominated by individuals who belong, as in the Brazilian case, to the
“impoverished middle class”, i.e., the group that can finance its migration. the
gradual economic development in the area of origin is associated with progress
in education and the enrichment of the population. hence the growth of the
group endowed with the financial resources and access to information necessary
to emigrate.
some researchers, such as hein de haas (2009), point out that migration
should be considered a process naturally linked to and part of a broader process,
i.e., economic development. development has a profound influence on migration, the phenomenon described in the literature as “migration hump”. In the
early stages of economic growth, the level of migration rises with the increase
in per capita income. the number of people with enough income to bear travel
costs and pay for accommodation in the new destination increases alongside
the enrichment of the population. only in high-income nations, i.e., countries
in an advanced development stage, emigration is decreasing while immigration
increases (Figure 1).
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International migration
Source: de haas (2009).
Figure 1 – relationship between international migration and development.
In this sense, the evolution of the migratory pattern in Brazil confirms the
hypothesis of “migratory rise”. In the 1980s and 1990s, when the emigration
process started, the country was considered a low-income economy. thus, the
level of international migration was still modest. however, the dynamic development of the Brazilian economy in recent years should stimulate international
migration by Brazilians, a fact that can already be seen, for in the period 20002008 the number of Brazilian immigrants grew from 2 million to 3.7 million.
thus, it should be added that the relationship between these two processes has a complex character. Migration can influence the economic development
of the country of origin, but economic development - as demonstrated in the
case of Brazil – also influences migration. this issue becomes even more important when we realize that in recent years, migration has been perceived as a
phenomenon that can be managed and used in the economic policy of sending
countries. the growing popularity of the pro-migratory orientation of some
developing economies can be attributed to the phenomenon of transnationalism, which can be defined as “a process in which immigrants create and maintain multidimensional social relations that entwine their origin and destination
societies” (Bash et al., 1994 p.7). “Progress in transport and communications
connects the places of origin and destination of migrants”, facilitates transnational activity, allows the existence of multiple identity of transmigrants (geiger,
2000, p.215).
What we have, therefore, is a growing number of emigration countries mobilizing the potential of diasporas, which they see as the contributing force to national development. governments try to facilitate and energize
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the transnational activity by offering migrants privileges and special rights (nyberg-sørensen et al., 2002). these instruments include: partial tax reduction,
agile administrative procedures, infrastructure facilities and opportunities for investors, reintegration programs for migrants who return to the sending country.
special mention should be made of the importance of associations of migrants,
which in addition to providing advice may be directly involved in development
programs in the communities of origin (Zoomers et al., 2008).
all these efforts to include migration in economic policy are associated
with the assumption that migration can contribute positively to the development of the country of origin of immigrants. this optimistic approach has prevailed in the economic debate in the last 15-20 years. however, there is also the
pessimistic approach, based on the assumption that the most skilled individuals
are the ones who emigrate: young people, entrepreneurs, highly qualified workers. Considered as such, migration is a phenomenon associated with loss for
sending states, thus contributing to the aggravation of poverty. these contradictory approaches have been present in the analysis of the relationship between
economic development and population movement in the international context
since the 1960s (de haas, 2008). since it is impossible to analyze all aspects
of this discussion in a single article, in the next section we shall review the best
known aspect in the literature of migration and development - the impact of
remittances on the economy of the sending country.
Remittances and development in the country of origin
the most obvious and visible economic effect of emigration for the country of origin is the influx of remittances.7 this influx is the result of the strategy
described in migration theories - more precisely, the new economics of migration. the family unit diversifies the resources available: some members emigrate
to seek employment abroad.
emigrants contribute to the household budget of those who stay in the
country of origin by transferring part of their earnings. they also adopt the individual strategy of diversifying resources by investing part of the capital saved
in the country of origin and part in the destination country. In this context,
remittances should result in significant economic impacts at the micro level in
the areas of emigration (taylor, 1999).
the economic consequences of remittances, however, should also be visible at the macro level, considering that the flow of immigrants’ funds to the
emerging countries has grown considerably in the last forty years (Figure 2). In
1970 all emerging8 countries received only $405 million and countries in Latin
american and the Caribbean – the region with the higher inflow - $51 million.
In 1990 those figures rose to $31 billion and $5.7 billion respectively. In 2008
the gross inflow of remittances to developing countries totaled $338 billion, accounting for 2% of those countries’ gdP. that same year Latin american countries received $64.7 billion in remittances, which represented 1.8% of their gdP
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(ratha et al., 2009). despite the recent reduction in the inflow of remittances
due to the global financial crisis, these numbers are impressive.9 therefore, the
issue to be raised is whether migrants’ remittances can positively affect the economies of emigration countries.
Remittance inflow (gross)
Remittance flow
Remittance inflow (net)
Source: Ratha et al. (2009). Data for 2009 are estimates.
Figure 2 – remittance inflow (gross) to emerging countries: 1970-2009 (in us$
In the discussion about the economic implications of remittances, two
contradictory approaches should be highlighted: the optimistic approach and
the pessimistic approach. the first stresses that remittances can contribute to
the formation of human capital through investments in education or health.
this type of transfer can be called productive remittances (Canales, 2005): they
can also increase private investment in physical capital, because migrants establish businesses and new workplaces. so, instead of influencing the economy on
a temporary basis, remittances are an important factor for development in the
long term, increasing per capita incomes and reducing poverty. these positive
effects should be visible at both the microeconomic and macroeconomic level
(ghosh, 2006).
there is also, however, a pessimistic approach indicating that it is doubtful
whether remittances could cause positive effects in situations where “both state
policies and market initiatives had failed systematically” (Canales, 2005, p.3).
only a small portion of funds transferred from abroad is used productively, for
“remittances are being earmarked mainly for current day-to-day expenses [...]
that is, the money is used to purchase short-term consumer goods” (Martes &
soares, 2006, p.41). this happens due to the high degree of poverty experienced by the emigrants’ families. therefore, at the micro level remittances help
to maintain a minimum standard of living, but are not strong enough to proestudos avançados
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mote social mobility (oliveira vidal, 2008). the steady flow of resources from
abroad to the family unit can discourage those who stayed behind. therefore,
the families of emigrants can work less than they would have to in the absence
of the money transferred by the diaspora. thus, there is the danger of structural dependency of these families on financial assistance provided by emigrants
(Fajnzylber & Lopez, 2008). at the macro level, the inflow of remittances can
contribute to the “rise of foreign currency reserves, which can generate appreciation of the domestic currency, which in turn affects the profitability of exports
of manufactured goods” (oliveira vidal, 2008, p.13-14), the economic concept
known in the literature as “dutch disease” (taylor, 1999).
empirical studies on the economic effects of remittances show contradictory results. at the macro level, research indicates that there is no evidence
that remittances received by a country positively affect the rate of economic
growth. this was the case of the study conducted by nicola spatafora (2005),
who analyzed 101 developing countries in the period 1970-2003. this study
demonstrated that there is no statistically significant relationship between the
amount of remittances and spending on education or health, or between remittances and investments. Likewise, this relationship failed to be demonstrated
for the growth rate, even in the case of countries where remittances account for
more than 1% of gdP. the author concluded that the impact of remittances on
development is of a complex and indirect nature, and therefore very difficult to
be shown in macroeconomic studies (spatafora, 2005).
the attempt to demonstrate the indirect contribution of remittances to
economic development is contained in the study by giuliano & ruiz-arranz
(2009). the authors analyzed the relationship between remittances and economic growth, including the effectiveness of the financial sector in the countries
of origin of immigrants. the survey conducted in seventy emerging countries
in the period 1975-2002, shows that remittances can positively affect the rate
of economic growth when taking into account the variables that describe the
development level of the domestic financial system and the effectiveness of the
credit market. In countries where access to credit is difficult or costly, the resources transferred by immigrants become an alternative source of investment
financing. In this group of economies, the relationship between remittances and
growth rate was positive and statistically significant. Moreover, in countries with
a low level of financial sector development, remittances have a pro-cyclical character, i.e., they grow as investment possibilities increase, during the economic
boom (giuliano & ruiz-arranz, 2009).
the debate between the pessimistic and optimistic approaches is visible
also in surveys that analyze the economic effects of remittances in Latin america and the Caribbean. In the empirical study conducted in four Latin american countries (Mexico, Colombia, el salvador and dominican republic) in
the years 1980 to 2004, alejandro Canales (2005, p.6) notes that “there is no
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statistical evidence that enables defining remittances as the source of productive
investment.” according to the author, productive remittances in Latin america
account for only 5% of the total flow of transfers. even doubling the proportion
of productive remittances to 10% of the total, they “would represent only 1%
of private investment in Mexico, less than 2.5% in Colombia and ecuador, less
than 5% in the dominican republic, guatemala, honduras and nicaragua, and
less than 8% in el salvador and haiti” (ibid, p.23). Contrary to what has been
demonstrated by giuliano & ruiz-arranz (2009), Canales (2005) points out
that in their study remittances exhibit a countercyclical character and increase
in situations of economic crisis.10 Moreover, the positive effect of remittances,
notably their contribution to poverty reduction is limited: in the eight countries
surveyed (Mexico, guatemala, el salvador, honduras, nicaragua, dominican
republic, ecuador and Peru), they represented a 1.5% reduction in poverty
the study by acosta et al. (2008) shows, however, that cash transfers
by immigrants can help to reduce poverty considerably. the empirical analysis
conducted by the authors included 59 emerging countries in the period 19702000. For all countries in Latin america and the Caribbean, the increased inflow of remittances by one percentage point was in general associated with a
poverty reduction of 0.37%.11 thus, remittances effectively reduced the number
of people living on less than a dollar a day by 35% in the dominican republic,
36% in el salvador and 40% in Mexico.
at the mezzo (regions) and micro (local communities) levels, research
into the economic effects of remittances also shows a non-unilateral scenario.
on the one hand, analyzes show that the families of emigrants spend the funds
earned abroad on consumption, often buying luxury goods, which are imported. For example, in the study of slask opolski, a region of intense emigration
of Poles to germany and the netherlands, romuald Jonczy observes that most
of the services requested by the emigrants and their families come from other
regions of the country (home construction, repairs), while the goods purchased
by this group are mostly imported from germany (especially cars). the author concludes that the remittance proceeds, instead of circulating in the local
and regional economy stimulating economic development, go back to the area
where the money was initially earned (Jonczy, 2006).
It should also be noted that the productivity of remittances and their impact on development depend especially on the socioeconomic conditions in the
region of emigration. Martes & soares (2006, p.50) point out that
Cash remittances are rarely used for productive purposes, which is due
largely to the absence of an environment conducive to this type of investment:
if the country of origin does not offer a favorable social, economic and institutional environment for the migrant to use his economic and human capital
productively, it seems unrealistic to expect that remittances can, by themselves,
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promote poverty reduction and local development.
therefore, what is “productive” when we analyze the expenditure of
remittances depends on the socioeconomic context. In a study conducted in
the region of oaxaca, Mexico, silvia grigolini (2005) found that remittances
by emigrants can be used productively, even if the consumption expenditure
of family units can be classified as “purchase of luxury goods”. What at first
could be seen as unnecessary consumption became a profitable investment: cars
brought from abroad were used as taxis; refrigerators and television sets were
part of a bar. the woman who received a telephone from her son - an immigrant to the united states - opened a telephone station offering her number to
everyone who needed it, and charging a small amount for the service (grigolini,
2005). these findings were made possible only because the author spent a lot
of time in the local communities talking to people and observing their activities.
the conclusion is simple: assessing the economic effect of remittances at the
local level requires more than just analyzing data on consumption; it requires
surveying not only people’s consumption pattern in the local context, but also
how these goods are used.
Remittances and the Brazilian economy
Brazil is one of the main recipients of remittances in Latin america: according to World Bank data, the inflow of transfers increased considerably in the
late 1980s, reaching $1.1 billion in 1991 (Figure 3).
It should be added that the flow of these resources has a bilateral character: it is money that immigrants send to their families in the country of origin,
but the family members who remained in that country also help the immigrants
abroad. this financial aid is intensified especially in situations of economic crisis in the destination: for example in 2001, following a 0.8% reduction in u.s.
gdP (the u.s. is the main destination of Brazilian immigrants), the outflow of
remittances from Brazil nearly doubled over the previous year (2000) to $709
million. therefore, analyzing the possible impacts of remittances on the Brazilian economy requires considering the net inflow, i.e., the gross inflow minus
the outflow. this reached a peak in 2008: $3.9 billion. In 2009, because of the
global financial crisis, remittance flows experienced a sharp decrease - the estimates for that year, which include only gross inflow, show a 3.5% decrease in
remittances to Brazil over the previous year (ratha et al., 2009).
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All emerging countries)
Latin America and the Caribbean
Source: ratha et al. (2009). data for 2009 are estimates; when the paper was published, only data
on the gross inflow of remittances for that year were available.
Figure 3 – remittance inflow to Brazil: 1987-2009 (in us$ million).
neide Patarra (2006) suggests that cash transfers by immigrants contribute significantly to reducing the balance of payments imbalance. according to
data provided by the Inter-american development Bank, $5.8 billion in remittances (gross inflow) to Brazil in 2003 accounted for 7% of Brazilian exports.12
Patarra states that cash transfers by immigrants exceeded soybean ($4.3 billion
in 2003) and coffee ($1.3 billion) exports. thus, “the emigrant continues to be
Brazil’s main export product” (ibid, p.30).
however, it should be pointed out that remittances to Brazil, despite
reaching impressive figures in recent years, make up a small fraction of the domestic economy, having accounted for only 0.3% of gdP in 2008. therefore,
some researchers indicate that in the case of large remittance-recipient countries
like Brazil, the weight of remittances at the macroeconomic level is limited (Canales, 2005). other authors point out that, because of the large spread of remittances over the Brazilian territory, “it seems reasonable to assume they have a
negligible virtuous effect on the economic dynamics of large cities - são Paulo,
Belo horizonte and vitória” (Martes & soares, 2006, p.50), whereas the beneficial effect can be considerable in areas of intensive emigration like the cities of
governador valadares (Minas gerais), Criciúma (santa Catarina) and Maringá
(Paraná). according to Wilson Fusco (2005), one of the main purposes of the
remittances to those cities was investment, which ranged from 16% (Criciúma)
to 19% (Maringá) of the overall amount.
the study by Weber soares (Martes & soares, 2006) shows that in the
economy of the city of governador valadares (Mg) the productive purpose of
the remittances was even greater: 38% of the funds transferred were invested in
the purchase, construction or renovation of real estate. therefore, remittances
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had a considerable influence on the real estate market: 35.9% of all transactions
in the period 1984-1993 were conducted by immigrants. soares states that emigrants from governador valadares experienced a social rise in the community
of origin, holding the position of investors. these investments by emigrants
have contributed to local economic development: in the period 1991-1996,
gdP in the state of Minas gerais grew 3.2% per annum, while in governador
valadares the growth was 6.1%. the author indicates that this dynamic development should be attributed to the “construction boom generated by savings
sent from abroad by international emigrants from valadares” (Martes & soares,
2006, p.47).
national studies show that in Brazil, productive remittances make up the
bulk of the total inflow of transfers, a number considerably higher than the
average productive use of remittances in Latin america (5% of the amount)
estimated by alejandro Canales (2005). therefore, it can be argued that in
the Brazilian case, remittances contribute positively to economic development.
With increased emigration from the country, which should continue in the coming years, the importance of remittances as a positive factor for the Brazilian
economy is expected to grow even further. however, these positive effects are
not visible at the macroeconomic (domestic economy) level, but rather at the
mezzo level, i.e., the main regions of intensive emigration, with special emphasis
on governador valadares.
Moreover, the positive effect of remittances may be even greater if we take
into account the socioeconomic context of the communities where the money
sent from abroad is spent. In poor areas, where access to credit is difficult, remittances are an alternative source of investment financing. as shown by silvia
grigolini in the study on remittances in oaxaca state, Mexico (described in the
previous section), the proceeds of remittances which initially could be classified
as unnecessary consumption, after careful analysis may emerge as productive
investments. however, in Brazil these hidden positive effects of remittances can
only be unveiled through deep studies conducted at the microeconomic level in
the areas of higher concentration of emigrants’ families.
the productive use of remittances in Brazil is also limited by the lack of
a social and institutional environment conducive to this type of investment.
therefore, there is the need to introduce policies at the federal, state or municipal level that promote the productive use of remittances. an example of a
strategy that has produced positive results is the program developed by emigrants’ associations in the state of Zacatecas (in the central-north part of Mexico). these associations, in collaboration with the state government of Zacatecas
and the federal government developed infrastructure investment programs in
the communities of origin of the emigrants. the name of the project is “3x1”
(three for one), because of the funding system: for every peso transferred by
emigrants’ associations, the state and federal governments contribute one addi-
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tional peso. the money has been invested in the construction of roads, schools
and hospitals in local communities. the most important factor that contributed
to the success of this program is not only the capital transferred by emigrants,
but also the involvement of the diaspora in identifying the needs for infrastructure projects, as well planning and supervising them. therefore, investments
financed with this program were more effective than the projects implemented
by the state (Kuznetsov & sabel, 2008). this type of policy can be adapted and
transferred to the Brazilian case, especially in emigration-intensive communities.
In the Brazilian diaspora, which currently comprises nearly four million people,
there is great potential that can be tapped to attract emigrants to economic
activities that are both productive and beneficial to the regions of origin. the
main condition for this potential to be realized is a more active involvement of
national politicians in the problems of the Brazilian diaspora.
1 Based on Brazilian censuses, Maria stella Ferreira Levy (1974 ) points out that in
the period of one hundred years - between 1872 and 1972 – 5.4 million immigrants
came to Brazil; the vast majority were of european origin (i.e., Portuguese, Italians,
spanish, germans, Poles, ukrainians and Jews).
2 this number is the result of the projection made by the united nations department
of economic and social affairs (desa, 2009) in 2009.
3 In this case, the numbers refer to migrants who were ten years or older in 1990 (Carvalho & Campos, 2006).
4 the concept of diaspora is to be understood in the sense proposed by robin Cohen
(1996) and introduced in the Brazilian literature by neide Lopes Patarra (2006),
i.e.,: a group of people that left their country of origin towards (at least) two overseas
destinations that maintain in the immigration areas a particular ethnic identity. this
group maintains ties with the country of origin, but also among the various communities of countrymen abroad. Finally, the dispersion of this group was caused by a tragic
event (war, coup, forced migration), or economic factors (trade development, search
for work abroad). In this sense, Brazilian emigrants can be defined as a labor diaspora.
5 the most recent analyzes consider the papers presented at the vI national Meeting
on Migration, of the Brazilian association of Population studies, 12 to 14 august
2009; for example, the study by Kleber Fernandes de oliveira (2009) on internal migration in sergipe in the period 1980-2000 and the impact of this process on poverty
levels in the areas of origin and regions of destination.
6 For example, Marcelo de oliveira vidal (2008) points out that in the case of Brazilians
in spain, 66.2% are illegal immigrants. Martes & soares (2006) state that in the group
of Brazilians interviewed in the Boston metropolitan area in the united states, 83% of
immigrants informed they had no documents.
7 according to the definition developed by the World Bank, cash remittances are a
joint flow of 1) remittances by emigrants; 2) workers’ compensation; and 3) transfers
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by emigrants. “remittances by emigrants” are transfers made by workers who stay
abroad for more than a year, while “workers’ compensation” refers to transfers made
by workers who live abroad for less than a year. Finally “transfers by emigrants” are
goods and financial assets brought by the emigrant when he (she) crosses the border;
for example: a car purchased abroad (ghosh, 2006).
8 according to the World Bank, in 2007 the emerging countries made up a group of
144 economies, which could be further divided into three subgroups: low-income
economies (49 countries in 2007); lower-middle-income economies (54 countries);
and upper-middle-income economies (41 countries).
9 It should also be noted that the figures presented are only the official data – most
of the remittances are not documented, as they are transferred by unofficial means.
estimates by the International organization for Migration (IoM) show that non-documented remittances account for at least 50% of the official flow (IoM, 2008).
10 alejandro Canales analyzes each country separately, so that in each macro-economic
model the number of observations is modest (25 observations). Moreover, the choice
of independent variables is questionable, as there is the danger of correlation between
the exchange rate and the rate of economic growth. thus, the results of this analysis
should be seen with caution.
11 the poverty level was defined based on the global poverty line, i.e., income level of
less than one dollar a day.
12 the data presented by neide Patarra are the estimates of the Inter-american development Bank. these numbers are higher than the data presented by the World Bank.
however, neide Patarra is describing the gross inflow of remittances. as mentioned
before, at the macroeconomic level one should analyze the size of net remittances,
which in the Brazilian case would be considerably smaller.
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Abstract – Brazil is a country with a long immigration history; however its emigration
experience is a recent issue. the migration transition started in the 1980s, when the first
wave of migration was initiated. this process continued in the next decades: therefore,
the traditional nation of immigration was transformed in the nation of emigration.
Brazilian diaspora is now estimated in ca. 3.7 million and constitutes an important area
of interest for scholars and policy-makers interested in development policy. this article
focuses on the relationship between migration and development from the perspective
of the sending country. the author argues that in the Brazilian case, the impact of
migration on the national economy should be beneficial, especially when analyzing
the effects of remittances on the mezzo (i.e. regional) level.
Keywords: Migration and development, economic development of Brazil.
Jan Brzozowski holds a Ph.D. in economics and is an associate professor of economics
and International relations, university of economics in Krakow (Poland). he develops research in the area of international migration and development.
@ –
[email protected]
received on 4 Jan. 2011 and accepted on 12 Feb. 2011.
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