Comparison Sequential Test for Mean Times
Between Failures
Yefim Haim Michlin1 and Genady Grabarnik2
- Israel Institute of Technology
2St' Johns University
1. Introduction
The present study deals with the planning methodology of tests in which the parameters of
two exponentially-distributed random variables are compared. The largest application field
of such tests is reliability checking of electronics equipment. They are highly cost-intensive,
and the requirements as to their resolution capability become stricter all the time. Hence the
topicality and importance of an optimal plan permitting decisions at a given risk level on the
basis of a minimal sample size.
Such comparison tests are required for example in assessing the desirability of replacing a
“basic” object whose reliability is unknown, by a “new” one; or when the influence of test
conditions on the results has to be eliminated.
This is the case when an electronics manufacturing process is transferred to another site and
the product undergoes accelerated testing.
Recently, equipment and methods were developed for accelerated product testing through
continuous observation of a population of copies and replacement of failed objects without
interrupting the test. For such a procedure, the sequential approach is a feasible and
efficacious solution with substantial shortening – on the average – of the test duration (see
e.g. Chandramouli et al. 1998; Chien et al. 2007).
In these circumstances there is high uncertainty in the acceleration factor, with the same
effect on the estimated reliability parameters of the product. This drawback can be remedied
by recourse to comparison testing. The latter serves also for reliability matching in objects of
the same design and different origins, or a redesigned product versus its earlier counterpart,
or different products with the same function (see e.g. Chien & Yang, 2007; Kececioglu, 2002).
The exponential nature of the Time Between Failures (TBF) of repairable objects, or the time
to failure of non-repairable ones – is noted in the extensive literature on the reliability of
electronic equipment (Kececioglu, 2002; Chandramouli et al, 1998; Drenick, 1960; Sr-332,
2001; MIL-HDBK-781A, 1996). For brevity, the TBF acronym is used in the sequel for both
these notations.
Mace (1974, Sec. 6.12) proposed, for this purpose, the so-called fixed sample size test with
the number of failures of each object fixed in advance – which is highly inconvenient from
the practical viewpoint. For example, when the "basic" object has "accumulated" the
Modern Approaches To Quality Control
specified number of failures, one has to wait until the "new" one has done the same, and if
the latter is substantially more reliable, the waiting time may be very long.
The international standard IEC 61650 (1997) deals with two constant failure rates, which is
equivalent to the problem just described. However, this standard, which forms part of an
international system of techniques for reliability data analysis, does not refer to the planning
aspect of the tests.
A solution to our problem was outlined in (Michlin & Grabarnik, 2007), where it was
converted into binomial form, for which Wald's sequential probability ratio test (SPRT) is
suitable (Wald, 1947, chap. 5). Wald and Wolfowitz (1948) also proved that this test is the
most efficacious at two points of its characteristic, but it has one drawback – the sample size
up to a decision can be many times larger than the average. This is usually remedied by
resorting to truncation (see e.g. Wald, 1947; Siegmund, 1985).
A methodology is available for exact determination of the characteristics of such a truncated
test with known decision boundaries. It was proposed by Barnard (1946) and developed by
Aroian (1968). It served as basis for an algorithm and computer programmes (Michlin et al.
2007, 2009) used in examining its properties.
Hare we consider the inverse problem – determination of the test boundaries from specified
In the absence of analytical dependences between the boundary parameters and
characteristics, the search is hampered by the following circumstances:
The number of parameter-value combinations may be very large.
While shortening of the step makes for more combinations, it cannot be guaranteed that
combinations with optimal characteristics are not missed.
The standard optimum-search programmes are unsuitable for some of the discrete data
of the type in question.
The theme of this chapter is the planning methodology for comparison truncated SPRT's.
Formulae derived on its basis are presented for calculation of the test boundary parameters.
The rest of the chapter is organised as follows: In Section 2 is given a description of the test
and its conversion to SPRT form. In Section 3 are described the quality indices for a
truncated test and criteria for the optimal test search. In Section 4 are discussed the discrete
nature of the test boundaries and its characteristics; a search algorithm is presented for the
oblique boundaries. Section 5 describes the planning methodology, and approximative
dependences are presented for calculation of the boundary parameters. Section 6 deals with
planning of group tests. Section 7 presents a planning example and applications. Section 8 –
the conclusion.
2. Description of test and its SPRT presentation
2.1 Description of test procedure in time domain. Checked hypothesis
In the proposed test two objects are compared – one “basic” (subscript “b”) and the other
“new” (subscript “n”). In the course of such tests, the “null” hypothesis is checked, that the
ratio of the mean TBF (MTBF) of these objects exceeds or equals a prescribed value Φ0,
versus the alternative of it being smaller than the latter. The compared objects work
concurrently (Figure 1). When one of them fails, it is immediately repaired or replaced. The
unfailed object is not replaced but allowed to continue working until it fails in turn (in
which case it is neither replaced nor repaired), or until the test terminates. A situation may
occur in which there has been no failure in one object and it kept working throughout the
Comparison Sequential Test for Mean Times Between Failures
whole test, as against several failures in the other object. The total work times T are equal for
both objects.
Fig. 1. Scheme of test course (Upward marks – failures of basic item; downward marks –
those of new item; T – time, common to both systems) (Michlin et al., 2011).
The probability density of the TBF for each of the compared objects has the form:
fTBF (t)=(1/ )*exp(-t/ )
where is the MTBF for the "new" ( n) and “basic” ( b) objects respectively. At each failure, a
decision is taken – continuing the test versus stopping and accepting the null hypothesis, or
rejecting it in favour of the alternative (Michlin & Migdali, 2002; Michlin & Grabarnik, 2007):
H0 : 0
H1 : 0
Pa 0 1
Pa 1
n /b
and are the probabilities of I- and II-type errors; in the sequel, their target values will be
denoted by the subscript "tg", and their actual values – by the subscript "real".
Pa(Φ) is the probability of acceptance of H0, which is the Operating Characteristic (OC) of the
1 0 / d
d>1 being the discrimination ratio.
Mace (1974 , Sec. 6.12) presents the following estimate ̂ for Φ, obtained with the aid of the
maximum likelihood function (for the proof, see Kapur & Lamberson 1977, Sec. 10.C):
(T / r ) (T / r )
where rn and rb – the accumulated number of failures over times Tn and Tb.
As in this test Tn=Tb=T, we have:
r /r
Figure 2 shows an example of the test field. In the course of the test, it can reside at a point
of this field characterised by an integer number of failures of each of the objects. When one
of them fails, the test “jumps” to a neighbouring point located above (failure of “n”) or to the
right (failure of “b”). With the test course thus described, shifts from point to point occur
only on failures in one of the objects, i.e. the time factor is eliminated from the analysis.
When the Accept boundary is crossed, the test stops at the Accept Decision Point (ADT),
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and when its Reject counterpart is crossed – at the RDP. The boundaries consist of two
parallel oblique straight lines (accept line (AL) and reject line (RL)) and the truncation lines
parallel to the coordinate axes and intersecting at the Truncation Apex (TA).
Truncation Apex
New item number of failures (rn)
Accept Line
Reject Line
Basic item number of failures (rb)
Fig. 2. Truncated test field for Φ0=4.3, d=2,
RASN =9.2%, (Michlin et al.,
2.2 Binomial presentation of test and SPRT solution
For all points of the test field, the probability of the next failure occurring in the new object
(i.e. of a step upwards) is constant and given by the following expression (for proof see
Michlin & Grabarnik, 2007):
PR ( ) 1 1
A binomial SPRT is available for such a test (Wald, 1947, chap. 5), whose oblique boundaries
Accept line (AL):
rb= rn/s+h’b
Reject line (RL):
rn= rb·s+hn
where s is their slope, uniquely determined by the SPRT theory depending on , , Φ0, d
(Wald,1947; Michlin & Grabarnik, 2007), and given by:
s ln q ln q ln d
q 1 0 d 0
The absolute terms of (6) and (7) are given by:
ha ln * 1 *
ln q ln d
Comparison Sequential Test for Mean Times Between Failures
hn ln 1 *
ln q ln d
hb' ha / s
The expressions (10)-(12) have one drawback: the parameters * and * are unknown. Their
dependence on 0, , Φ0, d, and on the TA coordinates is available only in the form of the
limits between which the parameters lie (Michlin et al., 2009). Still, these limits suffice for
determining – from the above expressions – corresponding search limits for h'b and hn. A
search methodology, within these limits, for exact values ensuring the target characteristics
– is, basically, the goal of this work.
2.3 Calculation of test characteristics acc. to given boundaries
The probability of hitting a given point of the test is given by (Barnard, 1946; Michlin &
Grabarnik, 2007):
Prb , rn ( ) Prb ,rn 1 ( ) PR Prb 1,rn ( ) 1 PR
while that of hitting the given ADP is:
PADP rn , Prb 1,rn 1 PR
and that for the given RDP is:
PRDP rb , Prb , rn 1 PR
Pa(Φ) is the sum of all the probabilities PADP rn , of hitting all ADP, hence the actual
values of and , namely
, are given by:
real 1 Pa 0 ; real Pa 1
The Average Sample Number (ASN) of a truncated test is calculated as:
b 0
rb rnRDP (rb ) PRDP rb , TA
r rbADP (rn ) PADP rn ,
r 0 n
where rnRDP (rb ) is the rn-coordinate of the RDP with given rb.
The Average Test Duration (ATD) for each object is:
ATD b ASN 1 1
3. Comparative characteristics and optimality of test
In this Section the optimality criteria for the test, on which the comparison- and selection
algorithm is based, are substantiated, and the problems of the study are clarified.
In (Michlin & Grabarnik, 2007) were presented three optimality criteria which can be
calculated for the specified boundaries:
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Closeness of the test OC to the prescribed one. For given d, the measure of this closeness
is RD:
RD real tg tg real tg
with real and real as per (16).
The degree of truncation, which characterises the maximum test duration whose
measure can be, for example, the sum of the TA coordinates.
The efficacy of the test according to Wald (1947) and to Eisenberg & Ghosh (1991), as
the measure of which RASN was adopted (Michlin et al., 2009) – the relative excess of the
function ASN(Φ) of the truncated test over ASNnTR(Φ), its non-truncated counterpart
which can be taken as ideal:
i 1
i ASN nTr i i 1 ASN nTr i
where Φi - values of Φ in geometric progression:
for i = 1…5
ASN(Φ) – calculated as per the recursive formulae (17), (13…15)
ASNnTr(Φ) – calculated
by Wald’s formulae (1947, chap. 3) obtained for a non-truncated test of the type in question:
1 Pa ln B 1 Pa ln A
1 ln 1 0 d 0 ln d
d 1 0 d 0
d 0
Pa A 1
1 0
A 1 real real
B real 1 real
– an auxiliary parameter calculated by (23) for Φ values as per the progression (21).
The choice criterion for the optimal test is:
(minRd at given TA)&(Rd< Rd0)&(RASN< RASN0)
subject to:
Comparison Sequential Test for Mean Times Between Failures
where Rd0 and RASN0 – threshold values of Rd and RASN.
The TA of such a test called Optimal TA (OTA). Section 5 presents approximative formulae
for determination of those OTA coordinates which permit reduction of the search field to 2
to 6 points. A particular problem in this context is: for a given TA, find h’b and hn (eqs. (6),
(7)) ensuring min Rd.
4. Discreteness of test boundaries and their search at given TA
This Section deals with the interrelationships between the boundary parameters of the test
on the one hand, and the characteristics of the test itself (namely, real and real) and those of
its quality (introduced in the preceding Section, Rd and RASN) – on the other. These
interrelationships lack analytical expression and are further complicated by the discreteness
of the test. Thus one had to make do with typical examples of their behaviour in the vicinity
of the optimum. With this behaviour clarified, an efficacious search algorithm could be
developed for the optimum in the discrete space in question. Clarity of the picture is
essential both for the developer of the planning methodology and for the practitioner
planning the binomial test in the field.
New system number of failures, rn
4.1 Discreteness of test boundaries
As the slope s of the oblique test boundaries, described by eqs. (6) and (7), is unrelated to
and (see eq. (8)), the search for them under the min Rd stipulation reduced to finding the
absolute terms in the describing equation, namely the intercepts h’b and hn on the coordinate
axes (Figure 3).
Shifted AL
Shifted RL
h'b 1
Basic system number
of failures, rb
Fig. 3. Test Plane (Michlin & Grabarnik, 2010). 1 – Example of interval of h’b values over
which the test ADP's do not change. 2 – Ditto for hn and RDP.
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Stopping of the test occurs not on the decision lines, but at points with integer coordinates,
with ADP to the right of the AL and RDP above the RL. If the AL is shifted from an initial
position (solid line in Figure 3) to the right, the test characteristics remain unchanged until it
crosses an ADP, which in turn is then shifted in the same direction by one failure. The AL
positions at these crossings are shown as dot-dashed lines, and its shifts are marked with
arrows. Projecting the termini of these arrows, parallel to the AL, on the rb axis, we obtain
the values of h’b at which the changes occur. An analogous process takes place when the RL
is shifted upwards.
The intervals of h’b and hn over which the test characteristics remain unchanged are marked
in Figure 3 by the circled numbers 1 and 2 respectively.
When the AL is shifted to the right (h’b increased) Pa(Φ) is reduced, i.e. real increases and real
decreases. When the RL is shifted upwards, the effects are interchanged. These relationships
are monotonic and stepwise, and differ in that change of h’b is reflected more strongly in real
and more weakly in real. With hn the pattern is reversed.
4.2 Basic dependences between oblique boundaries and test characteristics
In (Michlin et al., 2009, 2011; Michlin & Kaplunov, 2007) were found the limits within which
* and * of the optimal tests should be sought. These limits can also serve for determining
the search limits of h’b and hn, as per (10) – (12).
Figure 4 shows an example of the above, with the limits for h’b and hn calculated, according
to the data of (Michlin et al., 2009), for d=2, Φ0=1, tg= tg=0.1, TAb=27, TAn=38, RASN≤12%.
In the figure, the points mark the centres of rectangles within which the characteristics
remain unchanged. The resulting picture is fairly regular, even though the spacings of the
columns and rows are variable. In space, the Rd points form a cone-shaped surface.
Fig. 4. Contours of RASN (dashed lines) and RD (solid lines) vs. h’b and hn. (Michlin &
Grabarnik, 2010). The dots mark the centres of rectangles within which the test
characteristics do not change. 1 – 4 are the corner points at which the test characteristics are
calculated in the search for the optimum (Subsection 4.3, stage ‹1.1›).
Comparison Sequential Test for Mean Times Between Failures
The figure also contains the contours (isopleths) of Rd (solid lines) and RASN (dashed lines),
given as percentages. In macro the Rd contours can be described as oval-shaped, whereas in
micro they are quite uneven, so that derivatives calculated from a small set of points would
show large jumps, which would hamper the search for the minimum Rd . It is seen that in
the vicinity of that minimum, RASN≈11%.
Figure 5 shows two projections representing real and real, calculated according to the
coordinates of Figure 4, so that to each point of the latter corresponds one of real and real.
These points form intersecting almost-plane surfaces. In the upper figure the coordinate
axes are oriented so that the intersection zone ( real - real) is perpendicular to the page; in the
lower figure. the orientation is such that the rows of real points reduce in projection to a
single point – in other words, they form parallel or almost-parallel lines.
Fig. 5. Two projections of real and real “planes”. (Michlin & Grabarnik, 2010).
Modern Approaches To Quality Control
Figure 6 shows analogous projections for RASN, and we again have an almost-plane surface,
monotonic and uneven in micro.
The provided examples show that the described patterns characterise the dependences of
real, real and RASN on h’b and hn within the limits determined in Subsection 5.3 (Michlin et al.,
2009, 2011; Michlin & Kaplunov, 2007). Over small intervals these dependences are
stepwise, and the lines through the step midpoints are uneven as well.
Fig. 6. Two projections of RASN “plane”. (Michlin & Grabarnik, 2010).
4.3 Search algorithm for oblique test boundaries
Standard search programmes for minima (such as those in Matlab) operate poorly, or not at
all, with discrete data of the type in question. Availability of known regularities in the
behaviour of the functions real, real, RASN, RD makes it possible to construct a fast and
efficacious algorithm.
These known regularities are:
The values of h'b and hn at which the test characteristics change.
The limits of h'b and hn, yielding tests with the specified characteristics.
Almost-plane monotonic dependences of real, real and RASN within the above limits,
stepwise and unstable but also monotonic in narrower intervals.
Comparison Sequential Test for Mean Times Between Failures
Stronger dependence of real on hn than on h'b; the reverse – for real.
In expanded form, the search algorithm for min Rd consists in the following:
1st stage.
‹1.1› Calculation of the test characteristics at the four vertices of a rectangle (Figure 4) whose
coordinates are obtained from the relationships presented in Subsection 5.3.
‹1.2› Approximation of real(h'b, hn) and real(h'b, hn) as planes, and determination of the first
estimate h'b1, hn1 yielding min RD (point 5, Figure 7). Checking for RD ≤ RD0. If satisfied,
stopping of search.
Fig. 7. Example of search scheme for min(RD). (Michlin & Grabarnik, 2010). 5 – 11 are points
of test characteristics calculation.
2nd stage.
Determination of point 6 – from
Re-checking for RD ≤ RD0.
and the slopes of the -, -planes as per ‹1.2›.
3rd stage.
Alternating advance parallel to the h'b- and hn-axes. In view of the discreteness and
complexity of the RD function, the search for its minimum was reduced to one for the points
h'b and hn where Δ and Δ change sign:
Δ =
real –
Δ =
real – tg
This problem is easier to solve, as both Δ and Δ are monotonic functions of h'b and hn.
The search can be stopped at every step, subject to RD ≤ RD0.
‹3.1› If at point 6 (‹2› above) Δ 6 > Δ 6, a path parallel to the hn-axis is taken in uniform steps
Δhn, until Δ changes its sign (points 6,7,8 on Figure 7), Δhn= Δ 6/a3, where a3 is the
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coefficient in the equation of the -plane as per ‹1.2›. Beyond that point, the root Δ (hn) is
searched for by the modified Regula Falsi method (point 9). (The term "root" refers here to
one of a pair of adjoining points at which the function changes its sign and has the smaller
absolute value). The special feature of this procedure is accounting for the discreteness of
the solution.
‹3.2› At the point of the root Δ , a right-angled turn is executed and a path parallel to the
h'b-axis is taken, searching for the Δ root (point 10).
‹3.3› The alternating procedure is continued until a situation is reached where two
consecutive turns involve only movement to an adjoining point. This point 10 corresponds
to min(RD). If in ‹3.1› Δ 6 < Δ 6, we begin from ‹3.2›.
4.4 Efficacy of algorithm
With a view to assessing the efficacy of the proposed algorithm, a search for the h’b and hn
values yielding min Rd was conducted with the aid of a Matlab programme which realised
this algorithm, and alternatively with the Matlab fminsearch command, with the same
function WAS (Michlin & Grabarnik, 2007) referred to in both cases. This function
determines the test characteristics according to its specified boundaries. The run covered
different tests with RASN0=5 and 10%.
The calculation results are shown in Figure 8.
Fig. 8. Comparative efficacy of proposed algorithm. (Michlin & Grabarnik, 2010).
1 – fminsearch (Matlab) found min RD or stopped close to it;
2 – fminsearch failed to find RD;
A, B, C – short, medium and long tests, respectively.
In it, the abscissa axis represents the product TAb*TAn, which we term “density factor of test
states”. The higher the latter, the denser the disposition of the test points in the search zone
(see Figure 4), the smaller the changes in the test characteristics from point to point, and the
closer the search to one over a continuous smooth surface. A small value of the product is
associated with a short test, due to be completed at small sample size and moderate
computation times for the characteristics; a large value – with long tests, completed on the
average at large sample sizes and long computation times.
Comparison Sequential Test for Mean Times Between Failures
The ordinate axis represents the “acceleration factor of calculation”, which is the ratio of
references to the WAS-function by fminsearch and the proposed algorithm respectively. The
larger the ratio, the faster the algorithm compared with the standard Matlab function.
The diagram shows that at low densities (short tests, zone A) fminsearch fails to find min Rd.
In zone C (long tests) the command finds it or stops close to it, but with 3 to 6 times more
references to WAS. In zone B (medium tests) the minimum is either not found, or found
with 2.5 to 5 times more references to WAS. By contrast, the programme based on the
proposed algorithm found the minimum in all cases.
Accordingly, for the present task – searching for the optimum in a discrete space – the
proposed algorithm accomplishes it much faster than the Matlab standard fminsearch
command, thus saving computation time in long tests. Moreover, it guarantees a solution – a
critical aspect in short tests, where fminsearch usually fails to find one.
5. Estimates for boundary parameters
5.1 Search methodology for optimal test boundaries
In (Michlin & Grabarnik, 2007) it was established that for Φ0=1 and = , the OTA lie on the
centreline (which runs through the origin parallel to the AL/RL), so that
rn s rb
This was checked for different Φ0. With given tg= tg, d, and RD≤1%, a search was conducted
for three location zones of the TA – namely, with RASN≤5%, 5%<RASN≤10%, and RASN>10%,
the last-named being restricted by the above requirement on RD, i.e. achievability of tg and
A typical example of such zones for tg= tg=0.05, d=2, and Φ0=1, 2, 3 is shown in Figure 9.
The fan-shaped zones have their apices on the corresponding centrelines. These apices are
the OTA locations, as with the imposed limits satisfied they are closest to the origin
(heaviest truncation). In these circumstances the search zone is narrowed, the location
problem being converted from two- to one-dimensional.
To study the relationships between the sought boundary parameters (TA, *, *) and the
specified test characteristics (Φ0, d, tg= tg, RASN max), a search was run over a large population
of optimal tests with the characteristics given in the Table below.
RASN max
Table 1. Regions of characteristics covered by search
Number of
5.2 Search results for OTA and their curve fitting
The dots in Figure 10a mark the OTA for tg= tg=0.05, RASN≈10%, and wide intervals of d
and Φ0. Figure 10b is a zoom on the domain in 3a representing the "short" tests, namely
those with small ASN and – correspondingly – low TA coordinates. It is seen that all curves
smooth out as the distance from the origin increases (the tests become longer), the reason
Modern Approaches To Quality Control
Truncation Apex rn coordinate ≡ rnMax
Φ0 = 1
Φ0 = 2
Φ0 = 3
Truncation Apex rb coordinate ≡ rbMax
Fig. 9. TA zone boundaries for three 0 values and three RASN zones (Michlin et al., 2011):
1 = Boundary beyond which RD≤1% is unachievable at any RASN; 2 = Boundary for
RASN≤10%; 3 = Boundary for RASN≤5%; 4 = Centreline. Remark 1. 0=1 subgraph: OTA for
each RASN zone circled. Remark 2. For this figure: d=2, tg= tg=0.05, RD =1%.
being the weakening influence of discreteness of the test characteristics (Michlin et al.,
Basic system max number of failures, r bMax
Fig. 10. (a) OTA locations for different d and 0, and for
short test zone. (Michlin et al., 2011).
d=2 d=1.77
Φ0=3 Φ0=4
New system max number of failures, r nMax
New system max number of failures, r nMax
Basic system max number of failures , r bMax
tg= tg=0.05,
RASN≈10%. (b) Zoom on
Comparison Sequential Test for Mean Times Between Failures
The Φ0-isopleths in the figures are broken radial lines, whereas their d-counterparts are
symmetrical about the rn= rb line and approximate neatly to a hyperbola:
rn rb k d q x , RASN
k d exp 5.58 d 1
q x , RASN
rb 1
1 4
1 ;
1 1.10 ln x 0.41RASN 1.03RASN ln x
New system
number of failures,
x – common target value for and , x= tg= tg;
RASN – in relative units rather than in percent.
The formulae indicate that the approximate curves differ only in the scale factor k(d),
common to both axes – it remains the same for any pair (x, RASN).
As the formulae do not contain Φ0, the OTA is searched for through its required adherence
to the centreline, whose expression (29) is uniquely determined by d and Φ0. Accordingly,
the sought OTA is the integer point closest to the intersection of the curve (30) and the
centreline (29) (Figure 11).
Hyperbola by (30)
Centerline by (29)
Basic system number of failures, rbMax
Fig. 11. Determination of OTA. (Michlin et al., 2011).
The coefficients in (31) and (32) were found through the requirement of minimal root mean
square error (RMSE) – the difference between the OTA's found as per eqs. (29) and (30). For
the data in the Table, RMSE=0.88, indicating high estimation accuracy for such a broad
5.3 Estimates for α* and β*
As already mentioned, the problem of finding the oblique boundaries reduces to that of
finding * and *. This Subsection presents regressional dependences of the latter on the test
characteristics Φ0, d, x= tg= tg, and RASN max, as well as their counterparts for the upper and
lower limits ( U and L , U and L ) of these parameters. These dependences, determined
on the basis of the total data on optimal tests with the characteristics in the Table, were
sought in the form:
Modern Approaches To Quality Control
c x ;
c x.
The Matlab tool for stepwise regression yielded the coefficients for the above:
c 1.10 0.021 ln x 0.0081 02 0.036 0 d 1.07 RASN ln x
where RMSE=0.061 and R2=0.83, the latter being the coefficient of determination, and
c 1.09 0.096 ln x 0.14 d 0.018 0 d 1.11R ASN ln x
with RMSE=0.069 and R2=0.80.
The limit formulae read
1 c B M
1 c B M
c B 0.045 0.14 ln d 0.031ln x
c B 0.059 0.16ln d 0.048ln x
and such that all * and * obtained for the Table are included.
Figure 12 shows example dependences for the regressional value M
and the upper and
lower limits, versus x= tg for Φ0=3 and d=1.5, 3. Also included are the actual values of *.
(The graphs for * are analogues). The bounded zone becomes narrower as d and tg
decrease. It is seen that at low d, M
and M
can serve as the calculation values without
undue deviation of real and real from their targets.
The search methodology for * and * of the optimal test, described in detail in Section 4, is
based on knowledge of the limits (36), (37), which is one of the reasons for its high efficacy.
5.4 Accuracy assessment of proposed planning
The accuracy of the proposed planning, using eqs. (30) – (32) and (33) – (35) – was assessed
by applying them in calculating the test boundaries for all characteristic values in the Table.
This was followed by calculation of real, real and RASN for these tests and their deviation
from the targets. The RMSE's of real and real decrease with decreasing d and RASN. For d≤2
they do not exceed 3 to 4% of the target value and for large d they reach 8 and 10% at RASN=5
and 10% respectively. In the former case this is very satisfactory accuracy, while in the latter
case it may become necessary to find more accurate values of the boundary parameters – for
which the methodology outlined in Section 4 is recommended, using eqs. (30) – (32) and (34)
– (39) for the search limits.
Comparison Sequential Test for Mean Times Between Failures
* for d=1.5
0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25
* for d=3
0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25
Fig. 12. Actual *, regressional dependence, and upper and lower search limits. RASN=5%.
(a) d=1.5. (b) d=3. (Michlin et al., 2011).
6. Group tests
In this case the items are compared groupwise, which makes for economy in the time to a
decision. The items of the respective subgroups, Nb and Nn in number, are drawn at random
from their respective populations with exponential TBF's, and tested simultaneously. On
failing, they are immediately replaced or repaired – just as in the two-item tests. The
subgroup can be treated as a single item with an N-times shorter MTBF (Epstein & Sobel,
1955). The planning procedure remains the same, except that Φ in the calculations is
replaced by Φg:
Modern Approaches To Quality Control
g Nb Nn
Thus when Nb=Nn= N, the test boundaries remain as in the two-item case, except that the
test duration is also N times shorter (see (18)). When Nb≠Nn, it is recommended to check the
efficacy of larger groups, e.g. in terms of a shorter average test duration ATDg(Φ). By (18)
and (40) we obtain:
1 1 g
ATDg g b N b ASN g g
where ASNg(Φg) is the ASN of the group test as per (17) or (22), except for Φg replacing Φ
of (40).
The planning example covers also the problem of choice of Nb and Nn, while ensuring min
ATDg and satisfying additional essential test-planning conditions.
7. Example of test planning
A large organisation operates a correspondingly large body of mobile electronic apparatus
whose MTBF is substantially shortened under the stressful exploitation conditions. The
manufacturer offers to modify this equipment, thereby significantly improving its resistance
to external impacts, albeit at increased weight and cost.
In a fast laboratory test the modified (hereinafter "new") apparatus exhibits high reliability,
but so does the original ("basic") one. Accordingly, it is decided to check the MTBF increase
under field conditions on an experimental batch.
The requirements regarding the test OC are established as follows. If the MTBF of the new
product is 5 times that of the basic (Φ=5), replacement is beneficial; at Φ=2.5 it does no harm;
but at Φ=1.5 it is unacceptable. These findings follow from the OCnTr of a non-truncated
SPRT with ==0.1, d=2, Φ0=5 (Figure 13), constructed as per (23) – (24).
The apparatus are operated in sets of 28 items, so that conditions within a set are practically
uniform. Each set comprises both new and basic items, so as to offset the influence of
fluctuating conditions.
A "failure" in this context is defined as any event that necessitates repair or re-tuning of the
item, with enforced idleness for more than 20 seconds. The failed item is either treated in
situ – or replaced by a spare, repaired and stored with the spares. Thus the size of the
operative set remains 28.
The assignment is – planning a truncated test with the proportions of new and basic items in
the test group chosen so as to ensure a minimal ATD. Below is the planning procedure:
a. As the OC's are practically the same for truncated and non-truncated tests when their
Φ0, d, real and real coincide (Michlin & Grabarnik, 2007) – we chose the initial
parameters given above:
Φ0=5, d=2,
and specified
Thus the test has an ASN and ATD close to that of the non-truncated SPRT, and at the
same time its maximal duration is heavily restricted, a fact of practical importance for
the organisation.
Comparison Sequential Test for Mean Times Between Failures
Eqs. (41) and (18) yielded the approximate dependences of ATDg(Φ)/ b on Nn for
different Φ, given Nn+ Nb=28. A minimum was found at Nn≈18. Figure 14 shows
examples of these dependences at Φ= Φ0 and Φ= Φ1, which are seem to be almost flat
over a wide interval around the minimum, and Nn=15 was chosen accordingly. With
this choice, ATDg(Φ) only slightly exceeds the minimum, while the number of new
items is lower, with the attendant saving in preparing the experimental batch. By (40)
we have
0 g 0 13 / 15 4 1 3
The values of ASNg(Φ) and ATD(Φ), obtained by (41) and (18) with allowance for (44) –
confirmed the practicability of the test.
Eq. (8) yielded s=0.330. Simultaneous solution of (29) and (30) yielded, after roundingoff, the TA coordinates: rbMax=66, rnMax=22.
Eqs. (33) through (35) yielded *=0.0909, *=0.074, which in turn, by (11) and (12),
yielded h'b=4.804, hn=4.453.
The decision boundaries for a test planed on the basis of these parameters are shown in
Figure 2.
Figure 13 shows the exact values of the functions OC(Φ) and ASN(Φ) as per eqs. (13) – (18),
which in turn yield the test's real characteristics: Φ0=5, d=2, real =0.098,
real =0.099,
RASN=9.2%, in very close agreement with the given (42) and (43) – evidence of the high
accuracy of eqs. (30) – (35).
Fig. 13. OC and ASN of truncated group test and of non-truncated theoretical (subscript nTr)
test; normalised expected duration of group test ATDg()/b for 0=5, 0g=41/3, d=2,
real=0.098, real=0.099, rbMax=66, rnMax=22. (Michlin et al., 2011).
Modern Approaches To Quality Control
The OC(Φ) of the planned test (Figure 13) practically coincides with that of the nontruncated test OCnTr(Φ) with the same real and real. The ASN of the former is higher than
that of the latter, in accordance with RASN=9.2%. The diagram also shows the estimate for the
normalised ATD, i.e. the ratio ATDg(Φ)/ b. Assuming ˆb 10 hr , the time requirement of
the test should be reasonable. In practice, it ended with acceptance of the null hypothesis in
16 hr, following the twenty-first failure in the basic subgroup, by which time a total of 2
failures in the new subgroup had been observed.
ATDg ( )/ b
ATDg(Φ0 )
g(Φ 1 )
9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27
New devices number, Nn
Fig. 14. Normalised expected group test duration vs. number of new devices, for =0, and
=1. (Michlin et al., 2011).
8. Conclusion
The example in Section 7 demonstrated the potential of the proposed planning methodology
for a truncated discrete SPRT. An innovative feature in it are the test-quality characteristics
RASN and RD – which represent, respectively, increase of the ASN on truncation and
closeness of the test OC to the non-truncated one. This innovation permitted comparison of
different SPRT and automatisation of the optimum-choice process. It was found that over a
large domain about the solution, the RASN and boundary parameters are linked
monotonically and almost linearly. This implies sound choice of this characteristic and
simplifies the planning. An efficacious search algorithm was developed for the optimal test
boundaries, incorporating the obtained interrelationships.
The findings can be summed up as follows:
A truncated SPRT was studied with a view to checking the hypothesis on the ratio of
the MTBF of two objects with exponential distribution of TBF.
Comparison Sequential Test for Mean Times Between Failures
It was established that the basic test characteristics real, real, RASN depend monotonically
on the absolute terms in the equations of the oblique test boundaries.
At the search limits for these absolute terms, determined in Section 5, these
dependences are almost plane.
real and real change stepwise with the smooth changes in the absolute terms of the
oblique boundaries; expressions are derived for the minimal intervals of these terms,
over which real and real remain unchanged.
These and other established regularities yielded an efficacious algorithm and
programme for determining the optimal location of the test boundaries.
The found links between the input and output characteristics of the test, and the fastworking algorithm for its planning, permit improvement of the planning methodology
and its extension to all binomial truncated SPRT.
On the basis of the above body of information, regressional relationships were derived
for determining the TA coordinates and oblique-boundary parameters of the optimal
tests. Also derived were formulae for the limits of the latter parameters. These are very
close at low d and RASN and draw apart as the characteristics increase; the reason being
increasing influence of the test's discreteness. The regressional relationships and
boundary-parameter limits permit quick determination of these boundaries for the
optimal test with specified characteristics.
The methodology is also applicable in group tests, with the attendant time economy;
moreover, it permits optimisation of the respective group sizes.
A planning and implementation example of this test is presented.
9. Acknowledgements
The authors are indebted to Mr. E. Goldberg for editorial assistance, and to MSc students of
the "Quality Assurance and Reliability" Division of the Technion: Mrs. E. Leshchenko, and
Messrs. Y. Dayan, D. Grinberg, Y. Shai and V. Kaplunov, who participated in different
stages of this project.
The project was supported by the Israel Ministry of Absorption and the Planning and
Budgeting Committee of the Israel Council for Higher Education.
10. Acronyms
OC≡ Pa()
accept decision point
accept line
average sample number
average test duration
mean TBF
operating characteristic
truncation apex of the optimal test
reject decision point
reject line
root mean square error
sequential probability ratio test
Modern Approaches To Quality Control
truncation apex
time between failures or time to failure
program name
11. Notations
exact value of ASN for a truncated test, obtained recursively (17)
ASN calculated via an analytical formula (22) for a non-truncated test
ATD function for given
with the appropriate subscripts, coefficients in the approximative
discrimination ratio
d= Φ0/ Φ1
absolute terms of Accept, and Reject oblique boundaries, respectively
h’b, hn
Nb, Nn
item numbers of "basic" and "new" subgroups in group test
acceptance probability of H0 at given Φ
PADP(rn,), PRDP(rb,)
probabilities of reaching the given points ADP, RDP
probability of new system failing next during test
system number of failures observed up to time T
rb, rn
rbADP (rn )
rb-coordinates of ADP for given rn
rnRDP (rb )
rn-coordinates of RDP for given rb
Rd0 and RASN0
TAb, TAn
real, real
tg, tg
*, *
coefficient of determination
relative excess of the ASN of the truncated test over its non-truncated
relative deviation real and real from their targets
threshold values of Rd and RASN
slope of oblique boundaries
current test time
rb- and rn-coordinates of TA, respectively
common target value for and , x= tg= tg
probabilities of I- and II-type errors in test
exact real values of and computed for prescribed stopping boundaries
target values of ,
parameters determining the constant terms of initial boundary lines
, b, n
n /b
MTBF, same for the basic system
true MTBF ratio
Φ value for which the null hypothesis is rejected with probability
Φ value for which the null hypothesis is rejected with probability 1Φ for group test
, U , L , M
, U , L regressional value, upper and lower search limits of * and *
and for the new system
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