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2021, Journal of Government and Political Issues
8 pages
1 file
Information and communication technology development has produced a public service model through E-government. The government issued a policy, namely the formation of Village Fund Allocations (ADD), to manifest financial decentralization towards independent villages. The village has a very strategic role as a government organizational unit that deals directly with the community with all backgrounds, interests, and needs. The purpose of writing this thesis is to find out the E-government-Based Village Fund Allocation Management System in the Village Finance Application (Siskeudes) in Padakkalawa Village, Pinrang Regency. This study used descriptive qualitative research. Data collection techniques are carried out by direct observation, interviews, and documentation. The theory used in this study is the theory of Arifiyanto and Kurrohman based on four indicators, including planning, implementation, supervision, and reporting/responsibility. The results showed the E-government-Based Vil...
JETISH: Journal of Education Technology Information Social Sciences and Health
Currently, the implementation of village financial management in Cibuntu Village, Cibitung District, Bekasi Regency has used applications based on computerized information systems. The application is the Village Financial System (Sisekudes) application developed by the Financial and Development Supervisory Agency (BPKP) torealize clean village financial management. However, in the implementation of Siskeudes in Cibuntu village there are several problems that occur. Therefore, researchers are interested in conducting research on the implementation of Siskeudes in managing village fund allocations in Cibuntu Village, Cibitung District. The research method used is a qualitative method with a qualitative approach because researchers need to go directly to the field with the object of research so that the data collection techniques used by researchers are interviews and documentation. The results showed that the implementation of the village financial system in terms of policy content ha...
This research aims to make the concept of egovernment a great potential that can be utilized to meet the needs of the community in managing village funds. This concept refers to a transformation from traditional government to elective-based government to produce effective and efficient governance is a very important issue. The preparation of this research is carried out by classifying the legal fields, selecting reference books that are considered to represent material in each legal field, quoting the thoughts of experts contained in the selected reference books, and determining the keywords for each quote. The result of the study is Through the concept of e-government, creating community elements becomes important in the process of making APBDes to sharpen the substance of the APBDes as an embodiment and mandate of the people to the Village Government in improving the welfare of the people represented as "democratic subjects" and the quality of their services to the commu...
Journal of Transformative Governance and Social Justice
The Government of Village has the authority to manage its own area. Based on Act No. 6 year of 2014 about Villages in article 18 explains that villages are given authority which covers implementation of village government, implementation of village development, development of village community, and empowerment of village community based on community initiatives, in both of village origins, and customs. In 2015, the allocation of Central Government village funds of 59.8 trillion had been transferred to all Regency Governments and all villages in Banyuwangi Regency. With the large amount of budget obtained will trigger a lot of misuse of the budget. Thus, since 2015 the budgeting system of the Village Government has been integrated and networked, aka online in Banyuwangi Regency, that was E-Village Budgeting.This study uses a qualitative approach. The method of data collection is by observation, documentation, and interviews in Sukojati Village. The research location is in Sukojati Vi...
International journal of research and review, 2023
This study aims to determine and analyze the influence of village policies, village financial accountability, the use of information technology, and community participation on the effectiveness of village fund management with the competence of village officials as a moderating variable in Marbau and Aek Kuo sub-district in North Labuhanbatu. This method uses a quantitative survey by distributing questionnaires to the community in 25 Marbau and Aek Kuo sub-district villages. Determination of this sample using a nonprobability sampling method with a purposive sampling technique by determining the sample criteria and obtaining a sample of 197 respondents. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistical analysis and Partial Least square structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM) analysis with the SmartPLS software program. The results of this study indicate that village policies, village financial accountability, and community participation have a positive and significant effect on the effectiveness of village fund financial management. In contrast, information technology has no positive or significant effect on the effectiveness of village fund financial management. The competence of village officials also strengthens or moderate village policies, village financial accountability, village financial accountability, and community participation in the effectiveness of village fund financial management in the Marbau sub-district and Aek Kuo sub-district.
PINISI Discretion Review
This research is to discuss the exiting conditions of the management implementation of public policies in Government of Serang Regency in the Village Fund program which at this time is being actively disbursed by the Central Government through local regency government. The research in this thesis is qualitative research which means that the primary data from this study is obtained by relying on in-depth interviews with several key informants until the data becomes saturated and explores opinions through Focus Group Discussion. The key informants from this study consisted of Serang Regent, leading sector and supporting sector in Serang Regency Government, as well as operational sectors of Village Fund activities such as Village Heads and Village Facilitators. This research was conducted in Teluk Terate Village, Kramatwatu District, Serang Regency. The writing of this paper is also carried out with reference sources from various literatures which are equipped with a subjective review ...
Through LAW No. 6/2014 concerning the village, the village now is not just an extension of the government's policy on it but has autonomy itself. The village has the authority to regulate and manage the interests of its citizens in all aspects including the service (public good), settings (public regulation), as well as empowerment of its citizens (empowerment), also managing finance sourced from ADD. For this reason, research was conducted which aimed at analyzing the ability of the village apparatus in Tugumulyo Village, Lemembu Subdistrict, Ogan Komering Ilir Regency to manage the Village Fund Allocation (ADD). The research used the descriptive qualitative method with the data obtained through interviews, observation, and documentation. The results showed that the ability of Tugumulya Village apparatus in managing the Village Fund Allocation is good enough, judging from some of the efforts that are shown in every management process starting from planning, implementation to ac...
Wiga : Jurnal Penelitian Ilmu Ekonomi
This study aims to assess the performance of the village government from the use of the SISKEUDES (Village Financial System) application in improving the quality of financial accountability in the village of Tanjungsari, Umbulsari District, Jember Regency. This research uses qualitative methods using a descriptive approach. Data obtained from observations and interviews with informants, in this case the village government, from the village head, village secretary, finance officer, financial staff, and planning staff, directly from the results of the interview data reduction, data presentation and withdrawal were carried out. Conclusion.
Journal of Business and Information Systems (e-ISSN: 2685-2543)
In order to determine whether or not certain factors have an effect on the accountability of village money, this study looks at a variety of factors, including the use of information technology, community participation, internal control mechanisms, and prosocial behavior. The sample for this research comes from the entire community of Kapanewon Imogiri, which is located in the Bantul Regency. In total, there were 48 persons who agreed to take part in this study. The research method that was used was a non-probability sampling method that utilized a saturated sampling type. The information was gathered through the use of a questionnaire. The study of the data consisted of using multiple forms of linear regression. The findings demonstrated that the utilization of information technology has an impact on the accountability of the management of village funds. Accountability in the management of village funds is unaffected by community participation, institutional control systems, or pro...
Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu Administrasi Publik
This study aims to determine and describe the Competence of Village Fund Allocation Management in Kapala Pitu District, North Toraja Regency. The method used is an interactive model, namely data collection, data condensation, data presentation, and verification of conclusions. The results show that 1) The availability of adequate information about village funds is considered to have been implemented effectively. 2). Public knowledge and insights about village funds are considered to have been implemented effectively. 3). Increasing public trust in the management of the Village Fund is considered to have run effectively. 4). The increased community participation in village fund activities is considered to have been implemented effectively. Overall, it can be understood that the Competency of Village Fund Allocation Management in Kapala Pitu District, North Toraja Regency has been running effectively. project finished. So that the responsiveness of the village community in Kapala Pitu...
Objecto da Constituição: a Igreja como sacramento 1. A luz dos povos é Cristo: por isso, este sagrado Concílio, reunido no Espírito Santo, deseja ardentemente iluminar com a Sua luz, que resplandece no rosto da Igreja, todos os homens, anunciando o Evangelho a toda a criatura (cfr. Mc. 16,. Mas porque a Igreja, em Cristo, é como que o sacramento, ou sinal, e o instrumento da íntima união com Deus e da unidade de todo o género humano, pretende ela, na sequência dos anteriores Concílios, pôr de manifesto com maior insistência, aos fiéis e a todo o mundo, a sua natureza e missão universal. E as condições do nosso tempo tornam ainda mais urgentes este dever da Igreja, para que deste modo os homens todos, hoje mais estreitamente ligados uns aos outros, pelos diversos laços sociais, técnicos e culturais, alcancem também a plena unidade em Cristo. A vontade salvífica do Pai 2. O Eterno Pai, pelo libérrimo e insondável desígnio da Sua sabedoria e bondade, criou o universo, decidiu elevar os homens à participação da vida divina e não os abandonou, uma vez caídos em Adão, antes, em atenção a Cristo Redentor «que é a imagem de Deus invisível, primogénito de toda a criação» (Col. 1,15) sempre lhes concedeu os auxílios para se salvarem. Aos eleitos, o Pai, antes de todos os séculos os «discerniu e predestinou para reproduzirem a imagem de Seu Filho, a fim de que Ele seja o primogénito de uma multidão de irmãos» (Rom. 8,29). E, aos que crêem em Cristo, decidiu chamálos à santa Igreja, a qual, prefigurada já desde o princípio do mundo e admiràvelmente preparada na história do povo de Israel e na Antiga Aliança(1), foi constituída no fim dos tempos e manifestada pela efusão do Espírito, e será gloriosamente consumada no fim dos séculos. Então, como se lê nos Santos Padres, todos os justos depois de Adão, «desde o justo Abel até ao último eleito» (2), se reunirão em Igreja universal junto do Pai. Missão e obra do Filho: fundação da Igreja 3. Veio pois o Filho, enviado pelo Pai, que n'Ele nos elegeu antes de criar o mundo, e nos predestinou para sermos seus filhos de adopção, porque lhe aprouve reunir n'Ele todas as coisas (cfr. Ef. 1, 45. 10). Por isso, Cristo, a fim de cumprir a vontade do Pai, deu começo na terra ao Reino dos Céus e revelounos o seu mistério, realizando, com a própria obediência, a redenção. A Igreja, ou seja, o Reino de Cristo já presente em mistério, cresce visivelmente no mundo pelo poder de Deus. Tal começo e crescimento exprimemnos o sangue e a água que manaram do lado aberto de Jesus crucificado (cfr. Jo. 19,34), e preanunciamnos as palavras do Senhor acerca da Sua morte na cruz: «Quando Eu for elevado acima da terra, atrairei todos a mim» (Jo. 12,32 gr.). Sempre que no altar se celebra o sacrifício da cruz, na qual «Cristo, nossa Páscoa, foi imolado» (1 Cor. 5,7), realizase também a obra da nossa redenção. Pelo sacramento do pão eucarístico, ao mesmo tempo é representada e se realiza a unidade dos fiéis, que constituem um só corpo em Cristo (cfr. 1 Cor. 10,17). Todos os homens são chamados a esta união com Cristo, luz do mundo, do qual vimos, por quem vivemos, e para o qual caminhamos. O Espírito santificador e vivificador da Igreja 201766 2/42 201766 3/42 habita a Sua «família»; habitação de Deus no Espírito (cfr. Ef. 2, 1922); tabernáculo de Deus com os homens (Apoc. 21,3); e sobretudo «templo» santo, o qual, representado pelos santuários de pedra e louvado pelos Santos Padres, é com razão comparado, na Liturgia, à cidade santa, a nova Jerusalém (5). Nela, com efeito, somos edificados cá na terra como pedras vivas (cfr. 1 Ped. 2,5). Esta cidade, S. João contemploua «descendo do céu, de Deus, na renovação do mundo, como esposa adornada para ir ao encontro do esposo» (Apoc. 21,1 ss.). A Igreja, chamada «Jerusalém do alto» e «nossa mãe» (Gál. 4,26; cfr. Apoc. 12,17), é também descrita como esposa imaculada do Cordeiro imaculado (Apoc. 19,7; 21,2. 9; 22,17), a qual Cristo gamou e por quem Se entregou, para a santificar» (Ef. 5, 2526), uniu a Si por um indissolúvel vínculo, e sem cessar «alimenta e conserva» (Ef. 5,29), a qual, purificada, quis unida a Si e submissa no amor e fidelidade (cfr. Ef. 5,24), cumulandoa, por fim, eternamente, de bens celestes; para que entendamos o amor de Deus e de Cristo por nós, o qual ultrapassa toda a compreensão (cfr. Ef. 3,19). Enquanto, na terra, a Igreja peregrina longe do Senhor (cfr. 2 Cor. 5,6), temse por exilada, buscando e saboreando as coisas do alto, onde Cristo está sentado à direita de Deus, e onde a vida da Igreja está escondida com Cristo em Deus, até que apareça com seu esposo na glória (Cfr. Col. 3, 14). A Igreja, Corpo místico de Cristo 7. O filho de Deus, vencendo, na natureza humana a Si unida, a morte, com a Sua morte e ressurreição, remiu o homem e transformouo em nova criatura (cfr. Gál. 6,15; 2 Cor. 5,17). Pois, comunicando o Seu Espírito, fez misteriosamente de todos os Seus irmãos, chamados de entre todos os povos, como que o Seu Corpo.
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