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Journal of Open Archaeology Data, 2019
This paper addresses a database collected and constructed as part of PhD research project on the north-western coast of the Dominican Republic. The PhD was part of the ERC Synergy Grant NEXUS 1492: New World Encounters in a Globalizing World. The database was collected during fieldwork campaigns between 2014 and 2015. Fieldwork consisted of a regional survey, material culture registry and collection, test pit excavation, and processing relevant environmental variables. The archaeological data consists of a record of 102 archaeological sites, the material culture associated with them (lithic, shell and coral objects, shell mollusk species), and the relationship between site location and a set of relevant environmental variables used for statistical analysis. This database is one of the only open access archaeological databases available at the moment in the Caribbean and can be reused by any Caribbean archaeologist working in the Greater Antilles.
Archivum Anatolicum-Anadolu Arşivleri, 2021
Batı Karadeniz kıyısında bulunan İnönü Mağarası’nda yürütülen araştırmalarda, III. tabakaya ait ahşap tabanlar açığa çıkarılmıştır. Bu tabanlar üzerinde metalden yapılmış çok sayıda alet, süs eşyası ve silah ele geçmiştir. Yine aynı kontekste, iyi korunmuş bir adet tunç boğa heykelciği ve bir adet pişmiş toprak heykelcik bulunmuştur. Heykelcik başı, stil olarak Hitit tasvir sanatından tanınan insan tasvirleri ile benzerlik göstermektedir. Buluntuların ele geçtiği ahşap tabanların her birinden alınan karbon örnekleri de Kal. M.Ö. 1431-1285 ile Kal. MÖ 1295-1123 aralığını vermiştir. Bu bağlamda Batı Karadeniz Bölgesi’nde önceki yıllarda tesadüfen ele geçen Geç Tunç Çağı’na ait bazı tekil bulgulara ek olarak, ilk kez sistemli kazılarla, tanımlı tabakalarda bulgular elde edilmiştir. Söz konusu bulguların Hitit kentlerinde ele geçen örnekler ile yakın benzerlik göstermesi, Batı Karadeniz Bölgesi’nin Hitit Ülkesi ile uzun yıllardır sorgulanan ilişkisi hakkında ipuçları sunmaktadır. Bu çal...
Weekblad voor Nederweert, 10 augustus 2023, 2023
Initially this study was begun in response to a request from a European friend and colleague as part of a Higher Education global-comparison study inaugurated for the Bologna Process and the European Commission on diverse concerns and practices for education to be completed in 2012. As this study had funding revoked in favor of a project related to current concerns for European financial solvency, the completion of a global comparative study was abandoned. As a result, I felt it was still worthwhile to share some of the findings, concerns, and statistics I uncovered in interviewing faculty and administration at one Community College in Michigan, three schools in Florida, and in two European institutions and one Chinese University outside the United States.
Hispania Sacra, 2024
El Nuevo Estado, surgido de la guerra civil, otorgó un papel crucial y privilegiado a la Iglesia Católica y, con ella, a las organizaciones católicas destinadas a canalizar la movilización de los seglares con el objetivo de recatolizar España y acabar con la «apostasía de las masas». Así pues, las organizaciones católicas femeninas experimentaron en esta etapa un crecimiento extraordinario. Como ya habían hecho en etapas anteriores salieron del hogar y ocuparon el espacio público para defender la tradición católica. Alguna de estas mujeres de la clase media conservadora como, por ejemplo, Elisa Sancho Izquierdo, fueron grandes propagandistas, tomaron la palabra en público, escribieron un gran volumen de artículos en la prensa, cultivaron la escritura y ocuparon puestos relevantes dentro de las estructuras de Acción Católica. Asimismo, con su mera existencia, pusieron en cuestión unos modelos de género que el régimen franquista trataba de convertir en hegemónicos.
Supervisory Committee Dr. Hossein Nassaji (Department of Linguistics) Supervisor Dr. John Esling (Department of Linguistics) Departmental Member Dr. Robert Anthony (Department of Curriculum and Instruction) Outside member Since the publication of Truscott’s paper in 1996 arguing against the effectiveness of grammar correction in second language (L2) writing, there has been an ongoing debate regarding the effectiveness of written corrective feedback (WCF) in the field of second language acquisition (SLA). This debate has continued due to conflicting research results from research examining short-term effects of WCF and scarcity of research investigating its long-term effects (Ferris, 2004, 2006). Using a mixed-method research design, this study investigated the effects of direct and indirect WCF on students’ revision accuracy of the same piece of writing as well as its transfer effects on new pieces of writing over time. The present study also investigated the differential effects of...
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International Journal of Research in Engineering and Innovation, 2020
Razón y Palabra, 2015
South West Archaeological Journal 20, 2007
Dominio de las Ciencias, 2021
Journal of Electrical Systems, 2020
Revista Brasileira de Ciência do Solo, 2005
Preventing chronic disease, 2017
Life Sciences, 2020
International Journal of Environment and Climate Change
Social Science Research Network, 2014
Revista brasileira de aplicações de vácuo, 1987
The Journal of Heart and Lung Transplantation, 2009