Astronomy & Astrophysics manuscript no. main
December 18, 2020
©ESO 2020
Modeling the nonaxisymmetric structure in the HD 163296 disk
with planet-disk interaction
P. J. Rodenkirch1 , Thomas Rometsch2 , C. P. Dullemond1 , Philipp Weber345 , and Wilhelm Kley2
arXiv:2012.09217v1 [astro-ph.EP] 16 Dec 2020
Institute for Theoretical Astrophysics, Zentrum für Astronomie, Heidelberg University, Albert-Ueberle-Str. 2, 69120 Heidelberg,
Institut für Astronomie und Astrophysik, Universität Tübingen, Auf der Morgenstelle 10, 72076 Tübingen, Germany
Niels Bohr International Academy, The Niels Bohr Institute, University of Copenhagen, Blegdamsvej 17, DK-2100 Copenhagen
Ø, Denmark
Departamento de Astronomía, Universidad de Chile, Casilla 36-D, Santiago, Chile
Departamento de Física, Universidad de Santiago de Chile, Av. Ecuador 3493, Estación Central, Santiago, Chile
December 18, 2020
Context. High resolution ALMA observations like the DSHARP campaign revealed a variety of rich substructures in numerous
protoplanetary disks. These structures consist of rings, gaps and asymmetric features. It is debated whether planets can be accounted
for these substructures in the dust continuum. Characterizing the origin of asymmetries as seen in HD 163296 might lead to a better
understanding of planet formation and the underlying physical parameters of the system.
Aims. We test the possibility of the formation of the crescent-shaped asymmetry in the HD 163296 disk through planet disk interaction.
The goal is to obtain constraints on planet masses and eccentricities and disk viscosities.We furthermore test the reproducibility of the
two prominent rings in the HD 163296 disk at 67 au and 100 au.
Methods. Two dimensional, multi-fluid, hydrodynamical simulations are performed with the FARGO3D code including three embedded planets. Dust is described with the pressureless fluid approach and is distributed over eight size bins. Resulting grids are
post-processed with the radiative transfer code RADMC-3D and the CASA software to model synthetic observations.
Results. We find that the crescent-shaped asymmetry can be qualitatively modeled with a Jupiter mass planet at a radial distance of
48 au. Dust is trapped preferably in the trailing Lagrange point L5 with a mass of 10 to 15 earth masses. The observation of such
a feature confines the level of viscosity and planetary mass. Increased values of eccentricity of the innermost Jupiter mass planet
damages the stability of the crescent-shaped feature and does not reproduce the observed radial proximity to the first prominent ring
in the system. Generally, a low level of viscosity (α ≤ 2 · 10−3 ) is necessary to allow the existence of such a feature.
Including dust feedback the leading point L4 can dominantly capture dust for dust grains with an initial Stokes number ≤ 3.6 · 10−2 .
In the synthetic ALMA observation of the model with dust feedback two crescent-shaped features are visible. The observational
results suggest a negligible effect of dust feedback since only one such feature has been detected so far. The dust-to-gas ratio may
thus be overestimated in the models. Additionally, the planet mass growth time scale does not strongly affect the formation of such
asymmetries in the co-orbital region.
Key words. protoplanetary disks - planet-disk interactions - planets and satellites: formation - planets and satellites: rings - hydro-
dynamics - radiative transfer
1. Introduction
In the advent of high angular resolution millimeter continuum
observations with the Atacama Large Millimeter and Submillimeter Array (ALMA) insights into substructures of protoplanetary disks have become available. The striking results of the first
highly resolved observation of the protoplanetary disk HL Tau
unveiled a rich variety of concentric rings in the dust continuum
(ALMA Partnership et al., 2015). An extensive survey with the
goal to image detailed structures in 20 disks was performed with
the DSHARP campaign (Andrews et al., 2018) with unprecedented resolution. Rings and gaps seem to be ubiquitous in these
disks and appear independently of the stellar luminosity (Huang
et al., 2018). A subset of the observations display nonaxisymmetric structures like spirals and crescent-shaped features.
Currently, it is debated whether these structures are signposts of
embedded planets (Zhang et al., 2018). Planet-disk interaction
has been a central topic in the dynamics of protoplanetary disks,
first with analytic studies of resonances and spiral density waves
(Goldreich & Tremaine, 1979, 1980) or planetary migration (Lin
& Papaloizou, 1986).
Jupiter mass planets can open a gap in the gas (Kley, 1999). As
shown by numerical, two fluid simulations by Paardekooper &
Mellema (2004) a planet of 0.1 Jupiter masses (Mjup ) is sufficient to open a gap in the dust. Even lower masses down to
0.05 Mjup can lead to gap formation if mainly mm-sized dust particles are present (Paardekooper & Mellema, 2006). Dust structures created by planet-disk interaction are generally more diverse than their counterpart in the gas (Fouchet et al., 2007; Maddison et al., 2007). For massive planets of 5 Mjup and cm-sized
grains Fouchet et al. (2010) found azimuthally asymmetric dust
trapping in the context of 3D SPH simulations. Embedded dust
grains are prone to drift towards pressure maxima in the disk
(Whipple, 1972). Thus, perturbations caused by a sufficiently
massive planet can efficiently trap up to meter-sized bodies on
the outer edge of the gap, form a ring structure and may aid planArticle number, page 1 of 19
A&A proofs: manuscript no. main
etesimal formation (Ayliffe et al., 2012).
Dong et al. (2015) found that multiple planets can explain large
cavities at near-infrared and millimeter wavelengths as observed
in transition disks (Calvet et al., 2005; Hughes et al., 2009). In a
system with two planets dust trapped in the leading and trailing
Lagrange points (L4 & L5) can be a transient feature, depending
on the outer planet (Picogna & Kley, 2015). In the context of
low viscosity disks multiple rings and gaps emerge with a single
planet through shocks of the primary and secondary spiral arm
(Zhu et al., 2014; Bae et al., 2017).
Torques caused by the gravitational interaction between planets
and the disk lead to migration (Kley & Nelson [2012] for a review) which in turn affects the observable dust substructures, e.g.
changes in the ring intensity or asymmetric triple ring structures
depending on the migration rate and direction (Meru et al., 2019;
Weber et al., 2019). Migration is sensitive to the underlying disk
physics and can be chaotic in very low viscosity disks (McNally
et al., 2019). In general, protoplanetary disks seem to be only
weakly turbulent, indicating regimes of α on the order of 10−4 to
10−3 (Flaherty et al., 2015, 2017; Dullemond et al., 2018), using
the turbulent α viscosity parametrization from Shakura & Sunyaev (1973). When referring to low viscosity in disks, the magnitude of the effective α viscosity is meant which drives angular
momentum transport and thus accretion due the underlying turbulent processes. Hence, a low effective viscosity can be linked
to weak turbulence.
Spiral waves in the gas, excited by a planet, are mostly hidden in the dust dynamics, favoring gaps and rings (Dipierro
et al., 2015). The gravitational instability (Toomre, 1964) in sufficiently massive disks can however trigger spiral waves trapping
large particles (Rice et al., 2004, 2006). These waves are in principle also observable in scattered light observations (Pohl et al.,
Nonaxisymmetric features like vortices can be created by the
Rossby wave instability (Lovelace et al., 1999; Li et al., 2000)
enabling dust trapping (Baruteau & Zhu, 2016). Observationally
these might be visible as "blobs" or crescent-shaped features as
seen in IRS 48 van der Marel et al. (2013) or HD 135344B
Cazzoletti et al. (2018). Alternatively, hydrodynamic instabilities like the baroclinic instability (Klahr & Bodenheimer, 2003)
or the vertical shear instability are able to form vortices (Manger
& Klahr, 2018).
In the presence of weak magnetic fields the magneto-rotational
instability (MRI) triggers turbulence (Balbus & Hawley, 1991)
and drives accretion flows. If the disk mid plane is effectively
shielded from ionizing radiation the inner part of the disk becomes laminar, the so-called dead zone, with layered accretion
on the surface level (Gammie, 1996). In the outer parts of the
disk high energy photons may ionize the gas sufficiently to activate the MRI. The transition between the dead zone and the
MRI-active region and thus the change in turbulent viscosity can
also create ring structures (Flock et al., 2015).
With all these possible substructure formation mechanisms at
hand, it is of interest to identify markers of the presence of
planets embedded in protoplanetary disks. A popular and wellstudied disk is the one around the Herbig Ae star HD 163296
at a distance of 101 pc (Gaia Collaboration et al., 2018). The
appearance in the 1.25 mm continuum emission of the disk is
dominated by two, already beforehand observed rings at a radial distance of 67 au and 100 au relative to the central star
respectively (Isella et al., 2016, 2018). An additional faint ring
has been detected at 159 au. An intriguing feature is a crescentshaped asymmetry within the inner gap located at 48 au (Huang
et al., 2018). The feature itself is situated at a radial distance of
Article number, page 2 of 19
55 au, thus with an offset of 7 au from the gap center (Isella et al.,
2018). An image of the original observation is show in Fig. 13.
The origin of such a structure is unknown and a preliminary
Ring 3 - 155 au
Ring 2 - 100 au
Planet 3 - 137 au
Ring 1 - 67 au
Planet 2 - 83 au
Planet 1 - 48 au
Crescent-shaped asymmetry - 55 au
Fig. 1: Sketch of the oberserved dust substructure of the
HD 163296 system. The colored rings and the crescent-shaped
feature mimic the dust while the grey dashed lines indicate the
semi-major axes of the modeled planetary system. The labels introduced in this figure will be used throughout the text.
model was presented in Zhang et al. (2018) involving planetdisk interaction. In these models asymmetries in the co-orbital
region are common if the viscosity is low.
Before the publication of the results from the DSHARP campaign, the HD 163296 disk was modeled by Liu et al. (2018).
Their models incorporated 2D two-fluid hydrodynamical simulations with three planets in their respective positions matching
the observed gaps. With synthetic images using radiative transfer
calculations they could match the observed density profile with
0.46, 0.46, and 0.58 Jupiter masses for the three planets and a
radially increasing turbulent viscosity parametrization.
In the suite of simulations by Zhang et al. (2018) using hydrodynamical models with Lagrangian particles the proposed mass
fits are 0.71, 2.18, and 0.14 Jupiter masses for an α-viscosity of
10−3 . In their lower viscosity models of α = 10−4 masses of 0.35,
1.07, and 0.07 Jupiter masses were fitted.
Further observational constraints of the hypothetical two outer
planets were provided by kinematical detections by Teague et al.
(2018). Their model predicts masses of 1 and 1.3 Jupiter masses
for these planets. Pinte et al. (2020) argue that velocity "kinks"
observed in the CO observations with ALMA are evidence of
nine planets in the DSHARP sample, including two planets in
the HD 163296 disk at 86 au and 260 au. The signal-to-noise
ratio is not sufficient to probe the inner gap at 48 au.
In this paper we want to further explore the possibility of reproducing the observed structures by planet-disk interaction with a
focus on the crescent-shaped asymmetry in the dust emission.
This asymmetric feature has been present in the works discussed
above but it has not been subject to more detailed analysis yet.
Given the motivation of the crescent-shaped feature in the observation of HD 163296 we aim to constrain the visibility of
such an agglomeration of dust caused by planet-disk interaction
and its dependence on the physical parameters of the system like
P. J. Rodenkirch et al.: nonaxisymmetric structures in HD 163296
planet mass, turbulent viscosity and dust size. In comparison to
the study of Zhang et al. (2018) we employ two-dimensional hydrodynamical models with a fluid formulation of dust.
Sec. 2 introduces the physical model and code setup as well as
the post processing pipeline to predict observable features. In
Sec. 3 we present the main results of our study. Sec. 4 compares
these findings with previous works and addresses limitations of
the model. In Sec. 5 we summarize the main results with concluding remarks.
2. Model
All hydrodynamical models presented in this work were performed with the FARGO3D multi-fluid code (Benítez-Llambay
& Masset, 2016; Benítez-Llambay et al., 2019) making use of an
orbital advection algorithm (Masset, 2000). The code is based
on the public version of FARGO3D with the addition of allowing a constant dust size throughout the simulation and a spatially
variable viscosity.
2.1. Basic equations
The FARGO3D code solves the conservation of mass (Eqs. [1]
and [3]) and conservation of momentum (Eqs. [2] and [4]) for
gas and dust in our model setups:
∂t Σg + ∇ · Σg ug = 0
Σg ∂t ug + ug · ∇ ug = −∇P + ∇ · Π − Σg ∇Φ −
Σi fi
∂t Σd,i + ∇ · Σd,i ud,i + ji = 0
∂t ud,i + ud,i · ∇ ud,i = −Σd,i ∇Φ + Σd,i fi
Here, Σg denotes the gas surface density, Σd,i the corresponding
dust species, P = Σg c2s the gas pressure, linked to the density by
a locally isothermal equation of state with the sound speed cs , Φ
the gravitational potential of the star and planets, Π the viscous
stress tensor, fi the interaction forces between gas and dust and
ug and ud,i the gas and dust
P velocities respectively. Dust feedback
is included by the term i Σi fi in Eq. 2.
We consider turbulent mixing and diffusion of dust grains by
using the dust diffusion implementation described in Weber et al.
(2019). The corresponding diffusion flux ji can be written as
ji = −Di Σg + Σd,i ∇
Σg + Σd,i
with the diffusion constant Di being proportional to the turbulent
viscosity ν (Youdin & Lithwick, 2007):
Di = ν
1 + St2i
2 .
1 + St2i
The Stokes number Sti of dust species i is proportional to the
stopping time tstop and can be written as
Sti = tstop ΩK =
π ai ρd
2 Σg
where ΩK is the Keplerian angular frequency, ai the dust grain
size and ρd the material density of the grains. The gas-dust interaction is modeled using the Epstein drag law, which is expected
to be valid if the particle size is smaller than the mean-free path
of surrounding gas molecules. Here, the drag force is proportional to the relative velocities between the corresponding fluids
(Whipple, 1972). The drag force fi can be expressed as
fi = −
ud,i − ug .
2.2. Disk model
In the disk model the planet-disk interaction is implemented
as an additional smoothed potential term (Plummer-potential)
for each planet. The smoothing length is set to 0.6H, where
H(r) = cs (r)/ΩK (r) is the pressure scale height at the radial distance r. The specific factor acts as a correction for 3D effects in
the 2D simulation (Müller et al., 2012).
Three planets are modeled in the simulations. The two outer
ones are set to the locations indicated by Teague et al. (2018).
The inner planet is put at the corresponding gap location while
the mass is varied in the different runs. In the fiducial models, the planet locations and masses are rp = {48, 83, 137} au,
Mp0 = {1.0, 0.55, 1.0} Mjup , respectively. From this point on we
will refer to the three planets as planet 1, 2 and 3. The same notation will be used for the apparent ring structures, i.e. ring 1:
observed or modeled ring at 67 au; ring 2 at 100 au (see Fig. 1).
We chose lower the mass of planet 2 compared to the one predicted in Teague et al. (2018) since it allows a sufficiently massive ring 2 while not significantly disturbing the crescent-shaped
asymmetry by its repeated gravitational interaction.
For the fiducial model the corresponding parameter variations
we set the planet mass Mp to its final value Mp0 at the beginning of the simulation. The mass growth time scale however is
known to have an impact on the formation of disk structures,
such as vortices (Hammer et al., 2019; Hallam & Paardekooper,
2020). We therefore investigate the robustness of the results by
testing different planet growth time scales:
1 − cos π
Mp (t) =
TG refers to the planet growth time scale ranging from 10T 0 to
500T 0 with T 0 denoting the orbital period at r0 = 48 au. By using
this simplified growth prescription we do not directly model the
accretion of gas onto the planets and we thus do not artificially
remove any mass from the simulation domain. Furthermore, for
all models the displacement of the center of mass by the influence of the planets is taken into account as an additional indirect
term added to the potential. The semi-major axes of the planets
are kept fixed throughout the whole simulation.
The initial surface density profile is assumed to be a power law
with an exponential cutoff:
!s #
Σg/d = Σg/d,0
exp −
with r0 = 48 au and the initial gas and dust surface densities Σg,0
and Σd,0 . Similar to the models of Liu et al. (2018) we choose
a surface density slope of p = 0.8. For the dust a sharper cutoff
of s = 2 was chosen compared to the gas cutoff
P of s = 1. In all
simulation runs an initial dust-to-gas ratio of i Σd,i /Σg = 0.01
is assumed.
We approximate the disk thermodynamics with a locally isothermal equation of state. The model is parametrized through locally
isothermal sound speed
H(r0 ) r 4
cs =
ΩK r.
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Grain Size
Stokes Numbers
α ( r)
Radius [au]
Fig. 2: Upper panel: azimuthally averaged values of the Stokes
number St of model fid. The dashed lines indicate the initial
values and the solid lines represent the state after 500 T 0 .
Lower panel: prescribed α viscosity. The blue line visualizes the
radially increasing α viscosity set in the model.
This corresponds to a flared disk with flaring index 0.25. The
aspect ratio H/r at r0 is set to a value of 0.05. Assuming a mean
molecular weight of µ = 2.353 the mid plane temperature profile
can be written in the following way
!− 1
r 2
cs ≈ 25
T mid (r) =
with the proton mass mp . The temperature at 48 au matches the
findings of Dullemond et al. (2019).
We assume a radially smoothly increasing turbulent viscosity
profile, motivated by Eq. 4 in the work of Liu et al. (2018)
and similar dead zone parametrizations presented in Pinilla et al.
(2016) and Miranda et al. (2016):
1 − tanh −
α(r) = αmin 1 −
where the parameters R and σ are set to 144 au and 1.25 respectively. Similar to the values in Liu et al. (2018) the parameter R
refers to the mid-point of the transition in α whereas σ defines
the slope.
2.3. Boundary conditions
The radial velocities in the ghost cells are set according to antisymmetric boundary conditions. On a staggered mesh this corresponds to vr (rghost ) = −vr (ract ), where rghost is the ghost cell and
ract the equivalent mirrored cell on the active hydro mesh near
the boundary. The value at the staggered boundary itself is set
to zero. The azimuthal velocities are set to the initial Keplerian
profile in the ghost zone.
The surface density is extrapolated according to the density gradient exponent p. Additionally, wave damping is applied within
15% of the respective boundary radius. In this region the density
is exponentially relaxed towards the initial values within 0.3 local orbital time scales. The procedure follows the wave damping
boundary conditions used in de Val-Borro et al. (2006).
We tested the robustness of the wave damping with respect to
the chosen inner boundary condition. No significant wave reflections are detected for both a symmetric and anti-symmetric
Article number, page 4 of 19
2.4. Code setup and parameters
inner boundary condition. The relative difference between these
two approaches is on the order of 10−5 compared to the reflected
perturbations of ≈ 10−2 without wave damping.
Various ranges of individual disk parameters were considered for
constraining the impact onto dust features in the simulations. Table 1 gives an overview over the performed simulations and their
parameter choices.
For most of the runs a resolution of 560 radial and 895 azimuthal
cells was chosen where the grid is logarithmically spaced in radial direction. Compared to the local disk scale height a ratio
of roughly 7 cells per scale height is achieved in each direction.
The models with the suffix _dres were run with a resolution of
14 cells per scale height. The low resolution runs are subject to a
larger numerical diffusion compared to the high resolution models. Although these runs can be used for mass estimates of the
crescent-shaped feature, the results should be taken with caution
concerning the dust substructure lifetime. Whenever this difference becomes significant we default to the high resolution runs.
Further details are given in appendix B. For all simulations the
mass of the central star is set to 1.9 M⊙ The parameters αmin
and αmax are set to 10−5 and 5 · 10−3 which results in a value of
α(r0 ) ≈ 2 · 10−4 at the location of r0 = 48 au. The radial profile
of α(r) is shown in the lower panel of Fig. 2.
The dust is sampled by 8 separate fluids with Stokes numbers
spaced logarithmically ranging from 1.3 · 10−3 to 1.3 · 10−1 at
r0 = 48 au. In the code, the equivalent grain size at r0 is applied to the whole domain and is kept constant throughout the
whole simulation. With an initial value of Σg,0 = 37.4 g/cm2 the
minimum and maximum grain sizes are amin = 0.19 mm and
amax = 19 mm. No dust size evolution is modeled here. It should
be noted that these state the initial values of St and changes with
time depending on the gas surface density, as shown in the upper
panel of Fig. 2. The most prominent change of an increase of
about one order of magnitude in St occurs at the gap carved by
planet 1 after 500 orbits.
The majority of models neglects dust feedback to the motion of
the gas. Each dust species can thus be scaled in density individually without violating the validity of the dynamical features.
Per default, the simulations are executed until 1000 T 0 . Simulation runs with a nonzero growth time scale T G and the model
fid_dres are run until 2000 T 0 . After ≈ 900 orbits the gas and
dust structure converges. The crescent-shaped asymmetry builds
up to a stable niveau after less than 100 orbits. We refer to Sec.
3 for more details.
2.5. Radiative transfer model and post processing
In order to compare the results of the hydrodynamical simulations with the observational data synthetic images are produced
with RADMC-3D (Dullemond et al., 2012) and the CASA package (McMullin et al., 2007). The results of the hydrodynamical
simulations have to be extended to three dimensional dust density models which then serve as input for the radiative transfer
calculations with RADMC-3D.
Using the given Stokes numbers of the hydro model, the respective dust sizes are computed via Eq. 7. The number density
size distribution of the dust grains follows the MRN distribution
n(a) ∝ a−3.5 (Mathis et al., 1977) where a is the grain size.
Dust settling towards the mid-plane is considered following the
P. J. Rodenkirch et al.: nonaxisymmetric structures in HD 163296
Table 1: Relevant simulation runs and their respective numerical parameters.
Mpl1 [Mjup ]
Mpl2 [Mjup ]
rcut [au]
2 · 10
2 · 10−4
1 · 10−5
1 · 10−5
1 · 10−4
5 · 10−4
5 · 10−4
1 · 10−3
1 · 10−3
2 · 10−3
3 · 10−3
3 · 10−3
Notes. Blank spaces assume an identical parameter as the fiducial model fid. The simulation labels starting with hr denote models with a variation
in aspect ratio. The models starting with p include a change in the mass of planet 1 or 2 depending on the following digit. A suffix of fb describes
models with dust feedback activated. All models use a radially varying alpha viscosity model with α = 2 · 10−4 except the simulations denoted by
alpha1 to alpha6 where a radially constant value of α was chosen.
diffusion model of Dubrulle et al. (1995)
Hd =
α + St
Here, we assume a Schmidt number on the order of unity. The
grid resolution for the radiative transfer is identical to the hydrodynamical mesh. In polar direction the grid is expanded by
32 cells which are equally spaced up to zlim = π/2 ± 0.3. The
vertical disk density profile is assumed to be isothermal and the
conversion from the surface density to the local volume density
is calculated as follows:
ρcell = √
· Hd
· erf −1 √
2Hd 2
− erf
z+ − z−
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Table 2: Optical depth fitting results for ring 1.
Σg,0 (r = 48 au) [ cmg 2 ]
Σg,0 (r = 1 au) [ cmg 2 ]
amin [mm]
amax [mm]
κmin [ cmg ]
κmax [ cmg ]
Grain size
d/g ratio
Notes. Results for both the high and low mass model as derived from the optical depth fitting of ring 1 in Sec. 3.2. Both the initial gas surface
densities Σg,0 at 1 and 48 au are listed. Depending on the gas density a different dust grain size distribution with the minimum and maximum size
of amin and amax was chosen. Their respective opacity values are listed under κmin and κmax .
Table 3: Gaussian fit results of the simulated dust rings for all Stokes numbers, St.
a [mm]
wring1 [au]
wring2 [au]
rring1 [au]
rring2 [au]
Mring1 [Mearth ]
Mring2 [Mearth ]
sum (high mass model)
sum (low mass model)
1.3 · 10−3
2.6 · 10−3
5.0 · 10−3
9.6 · 10−3
1.9 · 10−2
3.6 · 10−2
6.9 · 10−2
1.3 · 10−1
4.09 ± 0.09
3.13 ± 0.08
2.27 ± 0.07
1.68 ± 0.05
1.28 ± 0.04
1.00 ± 0.03
0.80 ± 0.03
0.64 ± 0.02
10.5 ± 0.17
7.10 ± 0.09
4.80 ± 0.04
3.34 ± 0.01
2.37 ± 0.01
1.76 ± 0.01
1.33 ± 0.01
1.01 ± 0.01
62.26 ± 0.09
62.05 ± 0.08
61.90 ± 0.07
61.86 ± 0.05
61.89 ± 0.04
61.92 ± 0.03
61.93 ± 0.03
61.94 ± 0.02
100.18 ± 0.16
99.90 ± 0.09
99.25 ± 0.04
98.87 ± 0.01
98.69 ± 0.01
98.67 ± 0.01
98.67 ± 0.01
98.66 ± 0.01
Notes. Ring widths are denoted by wring1,2 while the ring position is labeled rring1,2 . The dust size individual mass trapped in the rings and the total
mass are shown in the last two columns.
The error function term is a correction for the limited domain
extend in the vertical direction that would otherwise lead to an
underestimation of the total dust mass. Similarly, the second
correction term accounts for the finite vertical resolution,
especially important for thin dust layers with strong settling
towards the mid-plane. The coordinates z+ and z− denote the cell
interface locations in polar direction along the numerical grid.
For each grain size bin and a wavelength of 1.3 mm the
corresponding dust opacities were taken from the dsharp_opac
package which provides the opacities presented in Birnstiel
et al. (2018). These opacities are based on a mixture of water
ice, silicate, troilite and refractory organic material. The grains
are assumed to be spherically shaped and to have no porosity.
In the RADMC-3D model, the central star is assumed to have a
mass of 1.9 solar masses with an effective temperature of 9333
K which results in a luminosity of 2.62 · 1034 erg/s. The system is
assumed to be at a distance of 101 pc. For the dust temperature
calculation a number of nphot = 108 photon packages and for
the image reconstruction nphot_scat = 107 photon packages were
used. The thermal Monte-Carlo method is based on the recipe
of Bjorkman & Wood (2001). We include isotropic scattering
in the radiative transfer calculation. A comparison between the
prescribed gas temperatures and the computed dust temperatures
is given in Appendix D.
For simulating the detectability of the various features present
in the model we use the task simalma from the CASA5.6.1 software. A combination of the antenna configurations
alma.cycle4.8 and alma.cycle4.5 was chosen. The simulated observation time for configuration 8 is 2 hours while the
more compact configuration is integrated over a reduced time
with a factor of 0.22 corresponding 0.44 hours.
We employed the same cleaning procedure as made available
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in Isella et al. (2018) to reduce the artificial features from
the incomplete uv-coverage and to allow a comparison to the
observation. The procedure involves the CASA task tclean
with a robust parameter of -0.5 and manual masking of the disk
geometry. Consistent with the radiative transfer model, the observed wavelength is simulated to be at 1.3 mm, corresponding
to ALMA band 6.
3. Results
In the following parts the outcome of the simulation runs listed
in Table 1 will be presented and analyzed. First, the variety of
substructures emerging from the interaction of gas, dust and the
three planets will be described. Afterwards parameter dependence and observability will be addressed.
3.1. Dust substructure overview
A variety of dust substructures emerges from the planet-disk system during its dynamical evolution. Fig. 3 and Fig. 4 show the
dust surface density structure for a selected parameter space of
aspect ratio and the turbulent viscosity, characterized by α. In
the following analysis of the crescent-shaped asymmetries simulation snapshots after 500 orbits at 48 au are compared with
each other since their evolution is comparable for all resolutions. Most prominently multiple rings form in most cases. As
expected, fluids with larger Stokes numbers St and thus larger
grain sizes exhibit thinner rings and more concentrated substructures. Especially, nonaxisymmetric features can be seen mostly
for a ≥ 2.6 mm or St > 10−2 . For smaller dust sizes the dust
is better coupled to the gas and resembles its structure more
P. J. Rodenkirch et al.: nonaxisymmetric structures in HD 163296
Additionally, if a crescent-shaped asymmetry is present, it is situated in the gap caused by the most inner planet at 48 au for the
majority of the parameter space. Further asymmetries appear if
the α-viscosity is radially constant with values of α ≤ 1 · 10−3 or
for low values of the aspect ratio h. Dust is preferably trapped in
the Lagrange point L5. In Fig. 3 rings and asymmetries become
weaker with increasing aspect ratio. A crescent-shaped feature
at the L5 position is present for all aspect ratios while a second
similar asymmetry at the L4 point appears for values of H / r
< 0.05. The crescent weakens for smaller grain sizes. Also the
second prominent ring beyond planet 2 at 83 au weakens clearly
for larger aspect ratios. In the combination of the largest grain
sizes and H/r the ring completely vanishes.
To highlight the importance of the turbulent α viscosity parameter a subset of results with radially constant values of α are
shown in Fig. 4. Not surprisingly, larger values of alpha generally lead to a more diffuse and symmetric distribution of dust.
Below α = 5 · 10−4 no concentric rings form due to vortices
in the gas. Crescent-shaped features in both Lagrange points of
the innermost planet are visible in the very low viscosity case
of α = 10−5 . A sufficiently large viscosity on the other hand
also leads to the disappearance of the second ring in the limit of
larger grains and Stokes numbers, similar to the large aspect ratio in Fig. 3. The collection of these results also stresses the issue
with a radially constant α viscosity with respect to the observed
HD 163296 system. In order to reproduce a nonaxisymmetric
feature in the vicinity of the inner planet and a smooth ringshaped outer structure, a radially increasing value of α would
be the natural choice. This is also consistent with an embedded
dead zone at the inner part of the disk and a more active outer
disk region with a higher degree of ionization (Miranda et al.,
2016; Pinilla et al., 2016). We thus chose a radially increasing α
viscosity for all remaining simulation runs.
Models with a variation in the dust cutoff radius only show little
changes in the resulting dust structures. Only this subset of the
possible parameter space already exposes the degeneracy of the
emerging substructures with respect to the chosen disk models.
work excludes contributions from the prominent nonaxisymmetric structures. Several properties become apparent:
– Ring 1 is wider than in the simulated profile.
– The peak location of ring 1 is located further outward with
respect to the simulated one.
– The peak value of the optical depth of ring 2 from smaller
grains and Stokes numbers is lower in the simulations compared to the estimated value from the observation.
A partial explanation of these differences could be that the dustto-gas ratio could become larger than in the models so that dust
feedback shifts the ring further outward and spreads the ring as
shown in Weber et al. (2018) and Kanagawa et al. (2018). Here,
the dust-to-gas ratio is not sufficient to cause a significant effect
in the models including dust feedback.
A conclusion of Dullemond et al. (2018) was that the optical
depth observed in the DSHARP survey were remarkably close
to unity and that the rings were optically thin. Later Zhu et al.
(2019) argued that dust scattering could account for this phenomenon and that the actual optical depth could be larger. In the
case of HD 163296 the mass hidden in ring 1 could be thus larger
than expected.
For ring fitting we use a Gaussian:
(r − r0 )2
Σfit (r) = A exp −
with the peak value A, the ring location r0 and the ring width
w. In Fig. 6 the fitted ring widths from model fid are plotted
and compared to the observed values in Dullemond et al. (2018).
Grain sizes of the high mass model are used. The width of ring 2
is matched close to a grain size of 1 mm. On the other hand, the
width of ring 1 is not reached with the parameters chosen in our
models. It should be noted that the gas ring width is about 8 au,
just slightly larger than the observed value of about 7 au. Smaller
Stokes numbers could in principle reproduce these findings.
The equivalent model p1m6fb_dres including dust feedback
shows no significant differences.
3.2. Rings
Before quantifying the nonaxisymmetric feature in the model,
we want to compare properties of the ring structures with previous works and the observations. The general procedure is to
azimuthally average the dust density maps after 1000 orbits at
48 au and to invoke Gaussian fitting of the dust rings, comparable to Dullemond et al. (2018). Since the ring structure is approximately converged after 900 orbits the following procedure
is based on the snapshots at 1000 orbits.
Fig. 5 shows the results of the high resolution fiducial model
fid_dres as an example of the radial surface density structure.
The increased resolution was chosen since the lower resolution
models may overestimate the ring width and the trapped dust
mass due to numerical diffusion (appendix B). In the upper panel
the dust species is rescaled to gas density peak of ring 1. The
dust rings are clearly thinner than the gaseous envelope and the
ring width decreases with increasing dust grain sizes due to the
stronger drift.
With the corresponding opacities κi a rough estimate of the resulting optical depth can be computed by τsim = κi Σi , where i
denotes the dust species index. The results of this estimate are
displayed in the lower panel of Fig. 5. All optical depths are
rescaled to the values at the position of ring 1 from the profile
τobs derived in Huang et al. (2018). The profile provided in their
3.3. Surface density estimation
With ring 1 being the most prominent substructure in the observed system, its estimated lower bound for the surface density
would be a reasonable choice for rescaling the simulated dust
density maps. Furthermore, the crescent-shaped feature of interest is located closely to ring 1. In order to estimate a minimum
mass of trapped dust in this feature an appropriate normalization
of the density with respect to ring 1 would be a natural choice.
There are two possible methods in achieving a simple normalization. First, we rescale the sum of all azimuthally averaged dust
densities so that the combined optical depth at the location of
ring 1 equals the observed value. To maintain the validity of the
dynamics of the system, the Stokes number corresponding to the
grain size of a fluid has to be unmodified by this process. The
immediate consequence is then a change in the dust-to-gas ratio if the densities are rescaled, since a change in the gas surface
density with a constant grain size would modify the Stokes number (see Eq. 7). With a change in the dust-to-gas ratio the dust
dynamics only remain comparable if no dust feedback is considered.
The second choice would be to maintain an initial dust-to-gas
ratio of 0.01 and to change the dust grain size and the gas surface density. A modification of the grain size affects in turn the
Article number, page 7 of 19
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St = 1.3 10
h = 0.045
h = 0.050
h = 0.055
h = 0.060
Surface density [g/cm2]
St = 1.9 10
St = 5.0 10
h = 0.040
Fig. 3: Shown are dust surface density maps for a subset of three fluids with varying values of the aspect ratio h = H/r at 500 orbits
at 48 au. Crescent-shaped asymmetries are visible for all aspect ratios. Large values of h weaken dust accumulation in the co-orbital
regions of the planets. The white crosses mark the position of planet 1.
dust opacities and thus the optical depth. Consequently, the process of generating τsim , rescaling it to τobs and inferring the corrected dust surface densities has to be iterated until convergence
is achieved. Keeping the dust-to-gas ratio constant is important
for the model runs with dust feedback enabled.
Table 2 provides relevant results from these two approaches
which will be denoted by the high and low mass model in the
following parts. With the unchanged grain sizes the dust-to-gas
ratio diminishes to ≈ 2.4 · 10−3 . For the iterative approach with
the dust-to-gas ratio unchanged, the grain size distribution shifts
towards smaller grains with a maximum size amax ≈ 0.67 mm
and a minimum size amin = 0.007 mm.
Results of the Gaussian fits onto the dust rings of the fiducial
model are listed in Table 3 for all simulated dust species. The
inferred ring widths are decreasing with increasing grain sizes
and Stokes numbers. The peak maxima shift towards the star for
larger grain sizes since the dust drift becomes more dominant
in this regime. The total dust mass of all species is computed
for both the low and high mass model. Dullemond et al. (2018)
found masses of 56 Mearth and 43.6 Mearth for ring 1 and ring 2
respectively while assuming 1 mm grains with equal opacities
values as used in the model presented here. The results of both
the low and high mass model encompass the values of Dullemond et al. (2018).
The high mass model will be the preferred choice in the following diagrams and analysis since the opacity is dominated by
smaller grain sizes compared to the low mass model. The choice
is motivated by the broad ring structures apparent in the observations.
Article number, page 8 of 19
3.4. Secondary planet mass
In the models p2m1 - p2m6 the mass of the secondary planet at
83 au is varied in order to verify its impact on the ring structure. The results of Teague et al. (2018) indicate a planet mass of
1 Mjup within an error margin of 50%.
In our model runs we chose a mass of 0.55 Mjup for planet 2 since
a larger mass causes a stronger dissipation of the crescent-shaped
asymmetry. Lower masses significantly decreased the dust content in ring 2 and thus the fiducial planet mass value was chosen
as the sweet spot between a strong ring contrast and an maximized asymmetric dust accumulation. Further details are given
in appendix A.
3.5. Asymmetries
Of particular interest is the crescent-shaped asymmetry in the
vicinity of ring 1 in HD 163296. Such a feature arises naturally
in planet-disk interaction models including dust in the form of
dust trapping in a Lagrange point of the gap carving planet.
In this case planet 1 is responsible for dust trapping in the
trailing L5 point which is also visible in Fig. 3 and Fig. 4 for a
significant subset of the parameter space. An equivalent result
was presented in Isella et al. (2018). In the following subsections
we aim to perform a more extensive analysis of this feature in
order to constrain physical properties of the dynamical system.
P. J. Rodenkirch et al.: nonaxisymmetric structures in HD 163296
= 1.0 10
= 5.0 10
= 1.0 10
= 2.0 10
= 3.0 10
St = 5.0 10
St = 1.9 10
St = 1.3 10
Surface density [g/cm2]
= 1.0 10
100 0
100 0
100 0
100 0 100
100 0
100 0
g cm 2 ]
Fig. 4: Dust surface density maps for different values of a radially constant α viscosity after 500 orbits at 48 au. For α ≤ 10−4 strong
asymmetries are present. ring 2 weakens or vanishes for large viscosities. The white crosses mark the position of planet 1.
Optical Depth
2 6 · 10 −3
9 6 · 10 −3
St = 3 6 · 10
St = 1 3 · 10
St =
St =
Width [au]
Surface Density [ /
1 3 · 10 −3
2 6 · 10 −3
St = 9 6 · 10
St = 3 6 · 10
St = 1 3 · 10
St =
St =
Ring 1 (Dullemond+2018)
Ring 2 (Dullemond+2018)
Ring 1 (Fiducial model)
Ring 2 (Fiducial model)
Radius [au]
Fig. 5: Upper panel: azimuthally averaged dust and gas surface
densities of model fid_dres after 1000 orbits at 48 au. Dust
density profiles are normalized to the gas peak value at the location of ring 1.
Lower panel: azimuthally averaged optical depths of model mid
after 1000 orbits at 48 au compared to the observed optical depth
τobs . Simulated optical depths are normalized to τobs at the location of ring 1.
3.5.1. Structure & dust feedback
In Fig. 7 in the left panels dust surface density maps are shown
in polar coordinates for four different dust fluids of model
fid_dres. The region is focused around the co-orbital region
of planet 1. Clearly, dust is concentrated in the trailing Lagrange
point L5 of the Jupiter mass planet at 48 au. Several trends become apparent: Not surprisingly, dust grains are trapped more
efficiently for larger grain sizes and Stokes numbers due to
the stronger drift. Furthermore, the shape is more elongated for
Grain size [µm]
Fig. 6: Ring widths of model fid_dres after 1000 orbits at
48 au. Simulated values are compared to the inferred ring widths
of Dullemond et al. (2018), displayed as the horizontal dashed
smaller Stokes numbers.
Does the dynamics of this feature change with the consideration of a dust back-reaction onto the gas? An example of the
impact from dust feedback (model p1m1fb_dres) is given in
Fig. 7 on the right hand side with the same parameters as model
fid_dres. The crescent-shaped feature exhibits different structures compared to model fid_dres at the location of L5. The
dust back-reaction onto the gas triggers and instability leading to
fragmentation of the dust feature. Unlike the fiducial model, the
additional crescent in the leading Lagrange point L4 of planet 1
is more pronounced than the L5 feature for smaller grain sizes
and Stokes numbers. In the explored parameter space dust is significantly trapped for small aspect ratios or very low values of
α < 10−4 without the modeling of dust feedback. With the fiducial set of parameters the L4 feature slowly dissipates after more
Article number, page 9 of 19
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St = 5.0 10
St = 9.6 10
St = 3.6 10
St = 1.3 10
2 /3
2 /3
2 /3
2 /3
Surface density (Normalized)
Fig. 7: Dust surface density maps in polar coordinates for model fid_dres without dust feedback (left hand side) and p1m6fb_dres
with dust feedback after 500 orbits at 48 au for four different initial Stokes numbers and dust sizes. A dust agglomeration around
the location of the trailing Lagrange point L5 is present for all Stokes numbers. Unlike the nonfeedback case the right panels show
that dust is trapped more efficiently in the leading Lagrange point L4 for smaller Stokes numbers. For St . 3.6 · 10−2 the L4 feature
is more pronounced than the dust over density around L5. Dust feedback leads to an instability at the L5 point and fragments the
asymmetric feature. Dust densities are normalized to the peak value of ring 1.
than a 1000 orbits.
A closer look on the radial and azimuthal extent of these dust
shapes is provided in Fig. 8 for all simulated dust fluids. The surface densities of the crescent-shaped asymmetry are normalized
to its maximum value. The radial and azimuthal width increases
with decreasing values of the Stokes number. In the lower panel
the density peak at the trailing L5 dominates the leading peak
at L4 for all dust species. For smaller Stokes numbers and grain
sizes the density maximum moves away from the planet location
similar to the peak shift of the concentric dust rings described in
Sec. 3.2.
In Fig. 9 we display the results of model p1m6fb_dres. Contrary to the nonfeedback case the density peak at L4 becomes
significant for St ≤ 3.6 · 10−2 . In the vicinity of the L5 point
two density peaks appear due to the fragmentation by dust feedArticle number, page 10 of 19
The azimuthal gas density profile reveals the momentary location of the spiral wakes caused by the planets as well as the gas
accumulation around planet 1 itself at φ = 0.
3.5.2. Dynamical stability
In principle the crescent-shaped features in the co-orbital region
are subject to diffusive processes like dust diffusion due to turbulent mixing or gravitational interaction with the planetary system (e.g. eccentric orbits). The dust trapping mechanism has to
counteract these disruptive forces for the feature to be dynamically stable.
Fig. 10 corroborates this line of argument. The stability of the
L5 feature is sensitive to the local value of the α viscosity. Given
P. J. Rodenkirch et al.: nonaxisymmetric structures in HD 163296
3 6 · 10 −2
1 3 · 10 −3
−2 3
− 3
2 3
Fig. 8: Radial and azimuthal cut through the maximum of the
crescent-shaped asymmetry around L5 of the fiducial model
fid_dres after 500 orbits at 48 au. The color map indicates the
different initial Stokes numbers of the dust fluids. The dashed
lines represent the gas density. The surface densities are normalized to their respective maximum value in the co-orbital region
of planet 1. The light blue and light green vertical lines indicate
the Lagrange points L5 and L4 respectively.
gas density
3.6 · 10 −2
1.9 · 10 −2
= 1 · 10 −3
9.6 · 10 −3
5.0 · 10 −3
2.6 · 10 −3
1.3 · 10 −3
= 3 · 10 −3
Orbits (at 48 au)
6 9 · 10 −2
Initial Stokes Number
Σ Σ max
1.3 · 10 −1
6.9 · 10 −2
1 3 · 10 −1
3 6 · 10 −2
r [au]
1 9 · 10 −2
9 6 · 10 −3
gas density
5 0 · 10 −3
Σ Σ max
= 5 · 10 −4
2 6 · 10 −3
Σ Σ max
5 0 · 10 −3
9 6 · 10 −3
gas density
r [au]
= 1 · 10 −5
1 9 · 10 −2
6 9 · 10 −2
Initial Stokes Number
Σ Σ max
1 3 · 10 −1
gas density
Initial Stokes Number
2 6 · 10 −3
Fig. 10: Development of the trapped dust mass in the L5 region
for different α viscosities over time with a resolution of 14 cells
per scale height. Dust masses Mna in the nonaxisymmetric feature denoted are integrated down to a cut-off value of 10−2 Σmax
and normalized to the high mass model stated in Table 2.
1 3 · 10 −3
−2 3
− 3
2 3
3.5.3. Dust mass
Fig. 9: Radial and azimuthal cut through the maximum density
value in the co-orbital region of the model p1m6fb_dres with
dust feedback after 500 orbits at 48 au. The light blue and light
green vertical lines indicate the Lagrange points L5 and L4 respectively. Depending on the location of the feature the density
cuts are normalized to the peak value in the region of L4 or L5.
Smaller dust with St . 3.6 · 10−2 preferably concentrates in L4.
a value of α = 10−5 the feature remains stable throughout almost
the entirety of the simulation whereas α = 10−3 shortens the
existence down to about 300 dynamical time scales. For larger
viscosities no discernable feature develops and the co-orbital region simply empties its dust content from the initial condition.
Studying the results of the models p1m1 to p1m5 we find that
below about 0.4 to 0.5 Jupiter masses for planet 1 no stable feature forms since the gravitational interaction is not sufficient to
enforce dust trapping in the Lagrange points. Qualitatively the
feature life time is thus very sensitive to the given physical parameters. It should be noted that the absolute value in dynamical
time scales could be underestimated due to the numerical diffusion present in the lower resolution runs. This additional diffusive effect prevents a stable trapping region around L4 and L5.
Further details are provided in appendix B. In Fig. 10 we therefore plotted results with 14 cells per scale height.
A substantial amount of dust can be trapped in the feature at
L5. The total mass ranges from roughly 1 Mearth for the low
mass model to 10 − 15 Mearth for the high mass model. An
overview of relevant parameters and their impact on the trapped
dust mass is given in Fig. 11. Generally, if a sufficiently stable
crescent-shaped asymmetry develops, the order of magnitude of
the trapped dust mass is comparable for all parameters. Here, we
only consider the three largest dust species since smaller grains
are prone to be weakly trapped.
Only the low resolution simulations are compared to each other
in this parameter study. The mass of the crescent-shaped feature
was averaged over 200 orbits starting from 100 T 0 when convergence is reached. Looking at the aspect ratio dependence, we
find that an increase in H/r also leads to a higher dust mass of
the L5 feature. A more massive planet also causes an increase in
the trapped dust mass. The lighter the planet, the less stable the
agglomeration of dust becomes. As mentioned above, for less
than about 0.4 to 0.5 Mjup no stable feature forms at L5. Considering the influence of the α viscosity parameter a local value of
α ≥ 10−3 causes a significant loss of dust mass. For α ≥ 2 · 10−3
no feature develops. Simulation results with a radially constant
value of α are used here
Finally, the introduction of an eccentric planetary orbit leads to
an almost linear decrease of the trapped dust mass with respect
to the eccentricity value. For values ≥ 0.06 no feature forms for
dust Stokes numbers of 3.6 · 10−2 and below.
An increase of the mass of planet 2 has a small influence on the
Article number, page 11 of 19
0.5 0.040 0.045 0.050 0.055 0.060
Aspect ratio
0.5 0.00 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08
Planet 1 mass [Mjup]
0.30 0.42 0.54 0.66 0.78 0.90 0.5
Planet 2 mass [Mjup]
Growth time scale
1.3 10
6.9 10
3.6 10
Initial Stokes number
Trapped dust mass [Mearth]
Trapped dust mass [Mearth]
A&A proofs: manuscript no. main
Fig. 11: Trapped dust masses in earth masses in the L5 feature for the largest three inital Stokes numbers. The mass values are
averaged over the approximately constant mass time frame starting from 100 T 0 . Dust masses are normalized according to the high
mass model stated in Table 2. Missing data points are equivalent to a nonexistence of a stable crescent-shaped asymmetry in the
co-orbital region around 48 au.
trapped dust mass. The continuous gravitational interaction perturbs the crescent-shaped asymmetry decreases the amount of
mass trapped in the feature. The difference between 0.3Mjup and
0.9Mjup however accounts to roughly 5% of trapped dust mass.
3.5.4. Growth time scale
The growth time scale of the planet mass can have a significant
impact on the formation of vortices (Hammer et al., 2017, 2019;
Hallam & Paardekooper, 2020). Therefore, simulation runs including longer growth time scales with values of T G = 10,
50, 100 and 500 orbits were performed. Qualitatively, the results are mostly unaffected by the choice of T G . In Fig. 11 the
masses only deviate about 10 % from the fiducial model. With
the longest growth time scale of 500 orbits smaller grains are
trapped more efficiently while the mass contained in the largest
grains decreases slightly. Deviations from the fiducial model for
these long growth time scales could also be caused by a loss of
dust content and local redistribution of grain sizes due to dust
drift in the simulation domain. More details are given in Appendix C.
The formation of vortices is sensitive to the planet growth time
scale since the vortex smooths out the gap edge and reduces the
Article number, page 12 of 19
steepness of the corresponding edge slope which in turn weakens the Rossby wave instability (Hammer et al., 2017). This effect is important for longer planet growth time scales and leads
to weaker, elongated vortices. In the context of dust trapping in
the Lagrange points however, the process takes place in the coorbital region and the amount of mass concentrating in the asymmetries is determined by the initial dust content available within
this region (Montesinos et al., 2020). Since the dust trapping here
is related to the horseshoe motion in the co-orbital region, it is a
different mechanism and the evolution of the gap edge does not
seem to have a major influence on the dynamical origin of the
asymmetric features.
3.6. Synthetic images
The main question remains if dust trapping in the L5 point
in the models presented could explain the observed feature in
HD 163296. We apply the procedure described in Sec. 2.5
and thus extend the surface density maps to three dimensional
grids, perform dust radiative transfer calculations RADMC-3D
and simulate the observation with ALMA by using the CASA
package accordingly. Snapshots of the density maps for these
synthetic images are shown in Fig. 12. Both the high reso-
P. J. Rodenkirch et al.: nonaxisymmetric structures in HD 163296
St = 1.3 10
feedback (500 T0)
fiducial (1000 T0)
feedback (1000 T0)
fiducial (2000 T0)
Surface density (Normalized)
St = 1.9 10
St = 5.0 10
fiducial (500 T0)
Fig. 12: Comparison of the dust surface density map for three different dust sizes of the models fid_dres (fiducial) and
p1m6fb_dres (feedback) at different simulation times. The surface densities are normalized to the peak value at ring 1.
lution fiducial model fid_dres and the dust feedback model
p1m6fb_dres are used.
The resulting dust density grid crucially depends on the vertical
dust scale height Hd and thus the dust settling prescription (see
Eq. 14). With the assumption of constant grain sizes throughout
the disk the local Stokes number is used for the calculation of Hd .
The grain sizes distribution is the same as the one in the simulation runs. Depending on the low or high mass model, the grain
sizes and opacities and densities were adjusted accordingly. We
chose to leave α as a free parameter for the vertical dust settling recipe which will be denoted as αz . In Fig. 13 synthetic
images from various snapshots of the simulation are compared
to the observation. The images qualitatively reproduce the observed features. The key difference with respect to the crescentshaped feature is the more elongated shape compared to the fiducial model. Furthermore, the models produce a radially symmetrically located feature while the observed one is situated closer
to ring 1. After 500 and 1000 orbits at 48 au the feature at L4 is
still visible due to the slow dissipation at the L4 point. In the image computed from the snapshot at 2000 orbits of the simulation
fid_dres, only the L5 feature appears, as also seen in Fig. 12.
As already discussed in Sec. 3.5.1 and Fig. 7 a significant amount
of dust agglomerates in the L4 region for smaller grain sizes and
Stokes numbers. This effect is clearly visible in the synthetic image of p1m6fb_dres at 500 orbits with dust feedback enabled
in Fig. 13. No such feature is present in the observation. The
fragmentation of the crescent-shaped asymmetry around L5 becomes more apparent in the later stages of the simulation. After
1000 orbits dust is concentrated in clumps of small azimuthal
extent. These features are substantially different from the observation. Since the high mass model assumes a lower dust-to-gas
ratio, the synthetic images created from the high mass model and
the respective grain size distribution only serve as a comparison
of the visibility of such features in the co-orbital region. Additionally, synthetic observations based on the low mass model are
shown in Fig. 13. As expected, the larger values of the opacity for the grains with the maximum Stokes numbers compared
to the high mass model leads to much narrower rings and substructures. The high mass model is thus more suitable for the
HD 163296 system.
Focusing on ring 2, the intensity is slightly lower compared to
the observations. This result is consistent with Fig. 5 where the
optical depth of ring 2 does not reach the derived values of
Huang et al. (2018) for smaller grains.
Looking at the inner part of the disk within the gap at 48 au,
the simulated images show a secondary gap caused by planet 1
which is not present or visible in the observed structure. Furthermore, the influence of vertical mixing of dust grains can be investigated with the three synthetic images in Fig. 14 of the nonfeedback model. The model run with an increased dust scale height
(αz = 10−4 ) displays a more diffuse intensity map and a slight
decrease in intensity perpendicular to the axis of inclination. A
difference in ring thickness depending on the azimuthal location
is not visible in the observed system. For the weakest vertical
mixing (αz = 10−6 ) the dust substructures appear completely
flat. Ring 2 is much fainter than the observed intensity and ring 1
appears significantly thinner. The model with αz = 10−5 comes
closer to the observed ring thickness while having a mostly azimuthally constant ring structure.
Assuming dust trapping in the L5 point of the observation we
can propose potential coordinates for a yet undetected planet.
Comparing the results of model fid_dres with the ALMA
image, the planet offset relative to the disk center is δRA ≈
Article number, page 13 of 19
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Fig. 13: Comparison of the synthetic images based on the models fid_dres (first and second column), p1m6fb_dres (third and
fourth column) with the observation taken from Andrews et al. (2018); Isella et al. (2018). The ellipsis at the lower right of each
panel visualizes the synthesized beam. The beam size is 49.7 × 41.4 mas for the synthetic images. The rms noise reaches ≈ 50 µas.
The synthetic images are projected with an inclination of 46.7° and a position angle of 133.33°.
Fig. 14: Comparison of the synthetic images based on the model fid_dres after 2000 orbits at 48 au with respect to the vertical
dust mixing parametrized by αz .
−0.352 arcsec and δDEC ≈ 0.104 arcsec. This corresponds to the
coordinates RA=17h56m21.2563s, DEC=-21d57m22.3795s.
4. Discussion
In the following parts we compare our results with previous
works on the HD 163296 system and equivalent simulations as
well as limits and caveats of the models presented here.
4.1. Comparison to previous works
Studying the observed gap widths Isella et al. (2016) postulated
a range of 0.5 Mjup to 2 Mjup for planet 1 at 48 au, 0.05 Mjup
to 0.3 Mjup for planet 2 at 83 au and 0.15 Mjup to 0.5 Mjup for
planet 3 at 137 au. With more detailed hydrodynamical models
Article number, page 14 of 19
by Liu et al. (2018) using a multi-fluid dust approach the planet
masses were constrained to 0.46 Mjup , 0.46 Mjup and 0.58 Mjup
for the three planets respectively. At this point no asymmetries
were observationally resolved.
Among the publication of the DSHARP survey Zhang et al.
(2018) performed an extensive parameter study with hydrodynamical planet-disk interaction simulations using a Lagrangian
particle dust formalism. Their results indicate planet masses of
0.35 Mjup , 1.07 Mjup and 0.07 Mjup if a radially constant α viscosity of 10−4 is assumed. The predicted masses of 1 Mjup and
1.3 Mjup by Teague et al. (2018) for the two outer planets exceed
the hydrodynamical results. However, with the uncertainties of
about 50% the planet masses used in the models can be consistent with the kinematical detections.
Our models indicate that for fiducial model parameters, e.g. an
P. J. Rodenkirch et al.: nonaxisymmetric structures in HD 163296
aspect ratio of 0.05 and a radially increasing α viscosity similar
to Liu et al. (2018), a minimum mass of ≈ 0.5 Mjup for planet 1
is necessary to produce a stable dust trap in the trailing Lagrange
point L5. For higher masses, the amount of dust trapped in the
crescent-shaped asymmetry can be slightly decreased (see A).
The initial gas surface density at 48 au of Σg,0 = 37.4g/cm2
for the high mass model assuming a local dust-to-gas mass ratio
of ≈ 2.4 · 10−3 is close to the findings of Zhang et al. (2018)
with Σg,0 = 3 − 30g/cm2 . Isella et al. (2016) used a value of
Σg,0 = 10g/cm2 . Given the proximity of the crescent-shaped
asymmetry and ring 1 in the observations, it is a natural choice to
normalize the dust density to the values derived from the optical
depth comparison.
Marzari & Scholl (1998) found that if planetesimals are small
enough to be affected by the gas drag, the stability of the L4
point is reduced and the density distribution of L4 and L5 becomes asymmetric. A similar effect was observed in the gas by
Masset (2002) if viscosity is included. In this case, compared to
the gas drag affecting the dust, the viscous gas drag acts as the
effect causing the asymmetric gas distribution. Similar results
in the context of hydrodynamical simulations including gas and
dust were found by Lyra et al. (2009). Recently, Montesinos et al.
(2020) presented hydrodynamical simulations including multispecies particle dust exploring the stability of the L4 and L5 in
the presence of a massive planet with at least one Jupiter mass.
Their findings basically agree with the results presented in this
paper without the effect of dust feedback. They state, that L5
captures a larger amount of dust compared to the L4 point. They
argue that colder disks allow for more efficient dust trapping in
these Lagrange points, lower viscosity leads to a more symmetric
distribution of dust in L4 and L5 and dust entering the co-orbital
region from the outer part of the disks seems to not significantly
contribute to the mass of the clumps in L4 and L5.
Interestingly, the Trojans populating L4 and L5 around Jupiter
seem to be more numerous around the L4 point (Yoshida &
Nakamura, 2005). In our models this effect only appears if dust
feedback plays a significant role in this region.
4.2. Model assumptions
Dust opacities are highly sensitive to its material composition
and spatial structure. Estimating the surface densities from the
optical depth is thus subject to a significant uncertainty. This is
amplified by the choice of the dust size distribution and dust size
limits. However, the features of interest, i.e. the crescent-shaped
feature and ring 1 match the observations reasonably well with
the high mass model, setting amin = 0.19 mm and amax = 19 mm
with the MRN size distribution.
The life time of the crescent-shaped asymmetry in L5 depends
on diffusive processes like the turbulent viscosity and mixing
of dust grains. In the resolution study (see appendix B) the resulting life time seems not to be limited within the simulated
time frame. In lower resolution studies investigated in this paper the numeric diffusion artificially truncates the feature’s life
time. Even by employing highly resolved simulations the age estimation of the crescent-shaped feature and thus approximately
the planet itself would be difficult with the degenerate parameter
space. Eccentricity and viscosity both shorten the time scale of
dispersal significantly. More detailed studies and observations
are necessary to constrain dynamical age of the substructures
which need to be performed at higher spacial resolution.
In the observation presented in Isella et al. (2018) the crescentshaped asymmetry is located at r = 55 au instead of r = 48 au.
No combination of parameters in our models are able to reproduce this effect. An eccentric planet would be an intuitive
choice but only leads to a disruption of the crescent-shaped feature. Dust feedback can lead to an unstable feature, ultimately
leading to small clumps. In the earlier stages, dust feedback promotes dust trapping in the L4 point. No such effect is seen in
the observations. Another explanation of the positioning of the
crescent-shaped asymmetry could be planet migration. Depending on the migration direction and speed, the locations of the
rings and features in the co-rotation region can be asymmetrically shifted in radial direction (Meru et al., 2019; Pérez et al.,
2019; Weber et al., 2019). Additionally, sudden migration jumps
in a system of multiple planets can temporarily create trailing
asymmetries with respect to the migrating planet as shown in
Rometsch et al. (submitted).
It should be noted that dust coagulation and fragmentation is not
considered here. More sophisticated models including these effects as shown in Drażkowska
et al. (2019) could be used in this
case but are computationally demanding.
Ring 2 is slightly fainter in our models compared to the observations. The amount of dust that can be trapped in ring 2 depends
on planet 3 since it truncates the dust flow from the outer part of
the disk. One hypothesis might be that planet 3 formed later than
planet 2 and thus allowed a larger amount of dust to be accumulated in the second ring. As shown in Fig. 4 it is furthermore
possible to confine the range of permissible values of α by the
disappearance of ring 2 for large viscosities (α > 2 · 10−3 ) and
low viscosities (α < 5 · 10−4 ) due to vortex activity.
The synthetic images in Fig. 13 display an additional gap in
the inner dust disk. This secondary is caused by the interaction with the spiral wakes originating from planet 1. The effect is mostly visible for large Stokes numbers and dust sizes
as well as high planet masses. However, a close to Jupiter mass
planet is necessary to trap the needed amount of dust in the L5
point to be comparable to the observations. Results of Miranda
& Rafikov (2019) indicate that radiative effects are important,
even at large distances of the central star, since locally isothermal models over-pronounce the effect of the spiral wakes and
secondary gaps. The same effect was shown to be important for
the inner gas disk of HD 163296 in the work of Ziampras et al.
(2020). It can be expected that the additional secondary ring in
the inner disk disappears when radiative effects are taken into account. Nevertheless, the inner dust disk is not the main aspect of
our work and the locally isothermal approach can be considered
to be sufficient for modeling the crescent-shaped feature.
The planet growth time scale has only a minor impact on the
overall dust substructure emerging in the simulations. Differences are likely caused by the change in dust content and local
dust size distribution due to dust drift. Longer growth time scales
lead to a lower intensity of ring 2 due to the lack of material that
has already drifted inwards before being trapped by the outer
planets. The dynamical structure, especially the shape and location of the crescent-shaped asymmetry, is basically unaffected
within the explored parameter space of growth time scales.
The synthetic images based on the low mass model show narrower rings and differ significantly from the observations. The
high mass model is thus favored in this study.
5. Conclusion
We presented a parameter study of the crescent-shaped feature of
the protoplanetary disk around HD 163296 using multi-fluid hydrodynamical simulations with the FARGO3D code. The model
includes eight dust fluids with initial Stokes numbers ranging
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A&A proofs: manuscript no. main
from St = 1.3 · 10−3 to St = 1.3 · 10−1 and grain sizes of
amin = 0.19 mm and amax = 19 mm for the high mass model.
Additionally, synthetic ALMA observations based on radiative
transfer models of the hydrodynamical outputs are presented.
Comparing the model with the observation, the results match
In this work we showed that the observation of the crescentshaped feature puts important constraint on the disk and planet
parameters – always under the assumption that the feature is
truly caused by dust accumulation in the planet’s trailing Lagrange point L5. Most importantly, it confines the level of viscosity and planetary mass. The main findings can be summarized
as follows:
1. The observed crescent-shaped asymmetry in the observation
(Isella et al., 2018) can be reproduced with a Jupiter mass
planet in the respective gap location at 48 au. Dust is effectively trapped in the trailing Lagrange point L5. In the case of
negligible dust feedback the L4 point is not sufficiently populated to be observable. The peak of the asymmetric dust density distribution shifts towards the planet location for larger
Stokes numbers and grain sizes.
2. Rescaling the dust densities to the observed optical depth of
ring 1 at 67 au dust masses of 10 to 15 earth masses can be
trapped in a crescent shaped feature located at the L5 point.
The trapped dust mass is relatively insensitive to the choice
of viscosity, aspect ratio, planet mass and eccentricity as well
as the planet growth time scale.
3. Including the dust back reaction onto the gas can lead to dust
trapping preferably at the leading Lagrange point L4 for initial Stoke numbers of St ≤ 3.6 · 10−2 and at later stages to
fragmentation of the crescent-shaped asymmetry near the L5
4. Diffusive and disruptive effects counter the stability of the
dust trap in L5. Values of α ≥ 2 · 10−3 prevent the formation
of an asymmetric and stable feature. Introducing eccentricity leads to the same result. The shifted location of the observed crescent-shaped feature at 55 au is not justified by an
eccentric planet carving the corresponding gap in the given
parameter space.
5. If the L5 feature is caused by an embedded planet, the
models allow an estimation of the azimuthal planet position in the gap. The planet offset relative to the disk center
is δRA ≈ −0.352 arcsec and δDEC ≈ 0.104 arcsec which
corresponds to the coordinates RA=17h56m21.2563s,
We can thus conclude that a combination of ≈ 1Mjup and ≈
0.5 Mjup for the inner planets in combination with a MRN dust
size distribution with amin = 0.19 mm and amax = 19 mm as
well as a local value of α = 2 · 10−4 can reproduce the observed
crescent-shaped asymmetry and ring structures sufficiently well.
The dust-to-gas ratio in the models may be overestimated since
none of the features emerging in the simulations including feedback, e.g. two crescent-shaped asymmetries and fragmentation,
are present in the observation. Additional high resolution studies are necessary to constrain the parameter space further, also in
regard to the long-term stability of the feature.
Acknowledgements. Authors Rodenkirch, Rometsch, Dullemond and Kley acknowledge funding from the DFG research group FOR 2634 ”Planet Formation Witnesses and Probes: Transition Disks” under grant DU 414/23-1 and KL
650/29-1, 650/30-1. The research leading to these results has received funding
from the European Research Council under the European Union’s Horizon 2020
research and innovation programme (grant agreement No. 638596; P.W.). The
authors acknowledge support by the High Performance and Cloud Computing
Group at the Zentrum für Datenverarbeitung of the University of Tübingen, the
Article number, page 16 of 19
state of Baden-Württemberg through bwHPC and the German Research Foundation (DFG) through grant INST 37/935-1 FUGG. Plots in this paper were made
with the Python library matplotlib (Hunter, 2007).
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Article number, page 17 of 19
A&A proofs: manuscript no. main
St = 1.3 10
M = 0.42
M = 0.54
M = 0.66
M = 0.78
M = 0.90
Surface density [g/cm2]
St = 1.9 10
St = 5.0 10
M = 0.30
Fig. A.1: Dust surface density maps for a subset of three fluids with varying values of the planet 2 mass in Mjup at 500 orbits at r0 .
The white crosses mark the position of planet 1.
fiducial model
6.9 · 10 −2
Article number, page 18 of 19
1.9 · 10 −2
fiducial model - 2x resolution
3.6 · 10 −2
9.6 · 10 −3
5.0 · 10 −3
2.6 · 10 −3
In the model fid_dres the resolution is doubled to 1120 × 1790
cells in radial and azimuthal direction respectively compared to
model fid. Fig. B.1 indicates that an increased resolution leads
to a more stable asymmetry in the Lagrange point L5. No decline
in mass can be observed in the simulated time frame (1000 orbits
at 48 au). The feature in the low resolution model fid however
depletes rapidly after 600 orbits.
Since the dust trapped in this feature is sensitive to diffusive and
disruptive effects, like e.g. viscosity, eccentricity and the passing
of the outer planet, the accelerated dispersal may be attributed to
numerical diffusion.
Quantifying the absolute value of the numerical diffusion is complex, however the order of magnitude can be estimated by a simple comparison of the high resolution run alpha3_dres with
α = 5 · 10−4 and the fiducial model. As shown in Fig. 10 the feature lifetime is approximately comparable to the one of the lower
resolution run fid with a local α = 2·10−4 . Therefore, the effect
of the numerical diffusion in the low resolution model should be
approximately equivalent to α ≈ 5 · 10−4 . Since FARGO3D is
second-order accurate in space and the error of the dust module
has been found to be proportional to a power law with an exponent of -2.2 as a function of the number of grid cells (Benítez-
Appendix B: Resolution study
1.3 · 10 −1
Initial Stokes Number
In Fig. A.1 a parameter study of the planet 2 mass influence is
shown, involving the models p2m1 to p2m6. The nonaxisymmetric feature at the L5 point is sensitive to the mass of planet 2. In
general, the passing of the planet acts as a perturber, inhibiting
an effective dust trap in L5. The effect is visible in Fig. A.1 for
smaller grain sizes. Lower planet masses weaken the dust trapping in ring 2. We identify the balance between effective trapping
in ring 2 and optimal dust trapping in the crescent-shaped feature
to be on the order of ≈ 0.5Mjup , thus the choice of the fiducial
model parameter.
Llambay et al., 2019), the numerical diffusion is expected to be
equivalent to α ≈ 1·10−4 in the model fid_dres. The resolution
is thus sufficient to describe the effect of prescribed local viscosity of α = 2 · 10−4 .
Nevertheless, the absolute values of the amount of trapped dust
mass in the stable phase is not significantly affected by the low
resolution effect and lower resolution models are thus acceptable
to quantify these values.
Appendix A: Secondary planet mass
1.3 · 10 −3
Fig. B.1: Development of the trapped dust mass in the L5 region
of the simulations fid and fid_dres over time. In the lower
panel the grid resolution is doubled in both the radial and azimuthal direction. The dispersal of the features are prolonged in
the high resolution setup.
Appendix C: Planet growth time scale
In Fig. C.1 simulated ALMA observations are shown for planet
mass growth time scales ranging from T G = 10 T 0 to 500 T 0 .
Ring 2 becomes less massive for longer planet growth time
scales since dust drift depletes the outer regions before the planets reach a sufficiently high mass for efficient trapping.
P. J. Rodenkirch et al.: nonaxisymmetric structures in HD 163296
Fig. C.1: Comparison of the synthetic images of different planet growth time scales (a): T G = 10 T 0 , (b): T G = 100 T 0 , (c):
T G = 500 T 0 . The snapshots are taken after 2000 orbits at 48 au.
Appendix D: Dust temperatures
TG = 10 T0
Mna [Mearth]
TG = 100 T0
Mna [Mearth]
TG = 500 T0
3.6 · 10 −2
1.9 · 10 −2
9.6 · 10 −3
5.0 · 10 −3
2.6 · 10 −3
750 1000 1250 1500 1750
Orbits (at 48 au)
Fig. C.2: Evolution of the trapped dust mass Mna in the asymmetry around the L5 point for different planet growth time scales
1.3 · 10 −1
6.9 · 10 −2
0 0
Initial Stokes Number
Mna [Mearth]
TG = 50 T0
Initial Stokes Number
In Fig. D.1 dust temperatures from the radiative transfer calculation of the fiducial model and the prescribed gas temperatures
are shown. While gas temperature gradient is smaller than the
one for the dust, the temperatures and the slope of both match
well at the location of planet 1, the primary region of interest
where the crescent-shaped asymmetry forms. For the large grain
sizes studied in this paper, a gray body approximation for the
temperature is approximately valid. We thus see no significant
increase in temperature comparing the grain sizes to each other.
Temperature [K]
Mna [Mearth]
r [au]
1.3 · 10 −3
Fig. D.1: Comparison of prescribed gas temperature in the hydrodynamical simulation and the dust temperatures of the thermal Monte-Carlo calculation at the disk mid plane for all grain
The inner disk structure including the crescent-shaped asymmetry remains unaffected by the choice of parameters. Fig. C.2 reveals the temporal evolution of the dust content in the asymmetry around the L5 point for all four growth time scales. For all
runs grains smaller than ≈ 1 mm become depleted after more
than 1000 orbits of evolution. After initial jumps in dust mass all
simulations reach a stable stationary state considering millimeter
grain sizes and above.
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