Global and Planetary Change 106 (2013) 20–30
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Large-scale variations of global groundwater from satellite gravimetry and
hydrological models, 2002–2012
Shuanggen Jin a,⁎, Guiping Feng a, b
Shanghai Astronomical Observatory, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai 200030, China
University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China
a r t i c l e
i n f o
Article history:
Received 29 November 2012
Accepted 23 February 2013
Available online 1 March 2013
Climate change
Hydrological models
a b s t r a c t
Groundwater storage is an important parameter in water resource management, land-surface processes and
hydrological cycle. However, the traditional instruments are very difficult to monitor global groundwater storage
variations due to high cost and strong labor intensity. In this paper, the global total terrestrial water storage
(TWS) is derived from approximately 10 years of monthly geopotential coefficients from GRACE observations
(2002 August–2012 April), and the groundwater storage is then obtained by subtracting the surface water, soil
moisture, snow, ice and canopy water from the hydrological models GLDAS (Global Land Data Assimilation
System) and WGHM (WaterGAP Global Hydrology Model). The seasonal, secular and acceleration variations of
global groundwater storage are investigated from about 10 years of monthly groundwater time series. Annual
and semiannual amplitudes of GRACE–WGHM and GRACE–GLDAS are almost similar, while WGHM groundwater results are much smaller. The larger annual amplitude of groundwater variations can be up to 80 mm,
e.g., in Amazon and Zambezi Basins, and the smaller annual amplitude of groundwater variations is less
than 10 mm, e.g., in Northern Africa with larger deserts. The annual and semi-annual phases agree remarkably
well for three independent results. In the most parts of the world, the groundwater reaches the maximum
in September–October each year and the minimum in March–April. The mean trend and acceleration of
global groundwater storage variations are 1.86 mm/y and −0.28 mm/y2 from GRACE–GLDAS, and 1.20 mm/y
and −0.18 mm/y2 from GRACE–WGHM, respectively, while the WGHM model underestimates the trend and
acceleration. Meanwhile the GRACE–GLDAS is generally closer to in-situ observations in Illinois and satellite
altimetry. Therefore, the GRACE–GLDAS provides the relatively reliable data set of global groundwater storage,
which enables to detect large-scale variations of global groundwater storage.
© 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction
The groundwater storage is a basic resource for human life and
agricultural and industrial production, which also plays a key role in
water mass balance and hydrological cycle. Therefore, the groundwater storage is an important parameter in water resource management
and research of land-surface processes and hydrological cycle. The
groundwater was normally monitored by traditional instruments, such
as Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR), wireless sensor net, etc. However,
global groundwater storage and its variability are difficultly monitored
due to the lack of comprehensive global monitoring network with high
cost and strong labor intensity. With the launch of the Gravity Recovery
and Climate Experiment (GRACE) mission since 2002, it has successfully
monitored the Earth's time-variable gravity field by determining very
accurately the relative position of a pair of Low Earth Orbit (LEO)
satellites, reflecting the surface mass redistribution and transport
in the Earth system (Tapley et al., 2004). Over the land, the detailed
⁎ Corresponding author. Tel.: +86 21 34775292; fax: +86 21 64384618.
E-mail addresses:
[email protected],
[email protected] (S. Jin).
0921-8181/$ – see front matter © 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
monthly gravity field solutions can estimate the variations of terrestrial
water storage (TWS) (Wahr et al., 1998; Jin et al., 2010). After excluding
the surface water, soil moisture, snow, ice and canopy water, the
groundwater can be estimated. Therefore, the satellite gravimetric
observations provide a unique opportunity to estimate the groundwater storage and its change.
Rodell et al. (2009) found a good agreement between GRACE estimated and in-situ observed groundwater variations in the Mississippi
basin. Yeh et al. (2006) showed that the seasonal cycle of GRACE estimated groundwater beneath 2 m depth agrees with in-situ observations
with a correlation coefficient of 0.63 at the 200,000 km2 scale of Illinois.
The results presented the potential of GRACE to monitor groundwater
changes in semiarid regions where the irrigation pump causes large
seasonal groundwater storage variations. However, the most estimates
of groundwater storage from GRACE were evaluated and compared in
small regions. Moreover, the surface total water strongly depends on
the hydrologic models, e.g., GLDAS (Global Land Data Assimilation
System) model or WGHM (WaterGAP Global Hydrology Model)
(Güntner et al., 2007; Famiglietti et al., 2011). In this paper, the global
groundwater storages with monthly resolution are derived from
S. Jin, G. Feng / Global and Planetary Change 106 (2013) 20–30
approximately 10 years of GRACE measurements (2002 August–2012
April) by subtracting the surface water, soil moisture, snow, ice and
canopy water from the GLDAS and WGHM models. The approximately
10 years of groundwater storage variations are estimated and the
large-scale global groundwater variations at seasonal, secular and
acceleration terms are investigated and evaluated by WGHM's groundwater, in situ observations in Illinois and satellite altimetry.
2. Groundwater retrieval
2.1. Terrestrial water storage from GRACE
The GRACE mission began operating nearly continuously in
August 2002, which provides the Earth's time-variable gravity field
by determining very accurately the relative position of a pair of Low
Earth Orbit (LEO) satellites (Tapley et al., 2004). One of the scientific
objectives of the GRACE mission is to estimate high-quality terrestrial
water and ocean mass change. The monthly GRACE solution consists
of fully normalized spherical harmonic coefficients (Stokes coefficients)
Clm and Slm with degree l and order m up to 60. Therefore, the terrestrial
water storage (TWS) anomalies over the land can be directly estimated
by gravity coefficient anomalies for each month (ΔClm, ΔSlm) (Swenson,
and Wahr, 2002):
Δηland ðθ; ϕ; t Þ ¼
∞ X
aρave X
2l þ 1
ðΔC lm cosðmϕÞ þ ΔSlm sinðmϕÞÞ
P̃ ð cosθÞ
3ρw l¼0 m¼0 lm
1 þ kl
where ρave is the average density of the Earth, ρw is the density of fresh
water, a is the equatorial radius of the Earth, P̃ lm is the fully-normalized
Legendre associated function of degree l and order m, kl is Love number
of degree l (Han and Wahr, 1995), θ is the spherical co-latitude (polar
distance), and ϕ is the longitude.
Here, the latest GRACE gravity field solutions (Release-04) from
the Center for Space Research (CSR) of the University of Texas at
Austin are used from August 2002 to April 2012 (except unavailable
data in June 2003, January 2011 and June 2011), which can be
downloaded from the GRACE Tellus Web site (http://gracetellus.jpl. Since GRACE is not sensitive to the degree 2 and
order 0 (C20) coefficients, the C20 coefficients are replaced by Satellite
Laser Ranging (SLR) solutions (Cheng and Tapley, 2004). The monthly
degree 1 coefficients are used from Swenson et al. (2008). At high
degrees and orders, GRACE Stokes coefficients are contaminated by
geometric spatial distribution of a 30 day batch of observations and
noises, including systematic errors, correlated errors and other errors.
In order to minimize the effect of these errors, we apply the 300 km
width of Gaussian filter and a special de-striping filter (Swenson
and Wahr, 2006). In addition, the Glacier Isostatic Adjustment (GIA)
represents the secular slow viscoelastic response of the Earth crust
and mantle to ice load changes during the last glacial maximum, so
GIA effects are removed from GRACE data with the estimates from
Paulson et al. (2007). After all corrections, approximately 10 years
of global total terrestrial water storage with monthly resolution can
be derived from GRACE measurements (2002 August–2012 April).
2.2. Surface water from hydrological models
A lot of hydrological models are available to describe the land water
storage, such as the Global Land Data Assimilation Systems (GLDAS)
model, Climate Prediction Center (CPC) model, the National Centers for
Environmental Prediction/National Center for Atmospheric Research
(NCEP/NCAR) reanalysis products, European Center for Medium-Range
Fig. 1. Annual variations of global groundwater, (a) annual amplitude of groundwater variations from GRACE–GLDAS, (b) annual amplitude of groundwater variations from GRACE–WGHM,
(c) annual phase of groundwater variations from GRACE–GLDAS, and (d) annual phase of groundwater variations from GRACE–WGHM.
S. Jin, G. Feng / Global and Planetary Change 106 (2013) 20–30
Fig. 2. Semi-annual variations of global groundwater, (a) semi-annual amplitude of groundwater variations from on GRACE–GLDAS, (b) semi-annual amplitude of groundwater
variations from GRACE–WGHM; (c) semi-annual phase of groundwater variations from GRACE–GLDAS, and (d) semi-annual phase of groundwater variations from GRACE–WGHM.
Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) operational model (opECMWF) and
WaterGAP Global Hydrology Model (WGHM). Recently, a number of
analysis and assessment results showed that the GLDAS and WGHM
better represent the complete global hydrological variations than others
(Jin et al., 2012). Therefore, the GLDAS and WGHM models are used to
estimate the surface total water storage in this paper.
The GLDAS model has been jointly developed by the National
Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Goddard Space Flight
Center (GSFC) and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
(NOAA) National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) (Rodell
et al., 2004). The GLDAS model is the land surface simulation system,
which is the integration of the ground and space-based high-resolution
observations, to provide the optimal near-real-time surface state variations. Currently, the GLDAS model delivers three land surface models:
Mosaic, Noah, and the Community Land Model (CLM) (Rodell et al.,
2004). In this paper, we use the CLM model with 1° resolution from the
August 2002 to April 2012. The land water storage in GLDAS model includes the soil moisture, snow water equivalent, surface water and canopy water, while does not count the groundwater. So we can calculate the
monthly global land surface total water changes based on GLDAS model
from August 2002 to April 2012. However, GLADS model does not
cover the areas over latitude of 60°S, so we do not discuss the Antarctic
and Greenland regions.
The WGHM model was developed to assess water resources and
water use in river basins worldwide under the conditions of global
change (Döll et al., 2003; Güntner et al., 2007). The model simulates
the impact of demographic, socioeconomic and technological change
on water use as well as the impact of climate change and variability
on water availability and irrigation water requirements. The WGHM
model provided not only the total land surface water storage, but
also the groundwater storage. In this paper, we calculate the land
surface total water storage from the WGHM model at 1° spatial resolution for August 2002–April 2012, including surface water, snow, soil
moisture, and canopy water. In order to compare with GRACE results,
the same Gaussian filter and de-striping filter are used to eliminate
the error for the spherical harmonic coefficients that are inverted
from the two models.
2.3. Groundwater storage
The terrestrial water storage from GRACE is the total water, including
groundwater, snow, glaciers, soil moisture, surface water and canopy
Table 1
Acceleration, trend, annual amplitude and phase, semi-annual amplitude and phase of global groundwater variations from GRACE–GLDAS, GRACE–WGHM and WGHM.
Groundwater storage
Annual amplitude
Annual phase
Semi-annual amplitude
Semi-annual phase
S. Jin, G. Feng / Global and Planetary Change 106 (2013) 20–30
Fig. 3. Correlation of annual amplitude (a) and semi-annual amplitude (b) between
water. The land surface total water storage is the summary of the snow,
glaciers, soil moisture, surface water, and canopy water from GLDAS and
WGHM models. So the groundwater storage can be obtained after
subtracting the GLDAS and WGHM land surface total water storage
from the total terrestrial water storage determined by GRACE (August
2002 to April 2012). In order to verify the results, the WGHM model's
groundwater, available in-situ measurements and satellite altimetry
are also used.
3. Results and analysis
3.1. Seasonal changes of groundwater
Since groundwater storage variations have strong seasonal,
secular and interannual signals, we use a model including the annual,
Fig. 4. The histogram of annual phase differences (a) and semi-annual phase differences (b).
semi-annual, linear trend and acceleration terms to adjust the
groundwater storage variations time series as (Feng et al., 1978):
Gwðt Þ ¼ a þ bt þ ct þ
dk cosðωk t−ϕk Þ þ εðt Þ
where Gw(t) is the groundwater, t is time, a is the constant, b is the
trend, c is the acceleration, dk, ϕk, and ωk are the annual amplitude,
phase and frequency, respectively, k = 1 is for the annual variation
and k = 2 is for the semi-annual variation, and ε(t) is the
un-modeled residual term. The starting time is zero. Using the
least-squares method to fit the time series of groundwater variations
at each grid point, the annual, semi-annual, trend and acceleration
terms of groundwater variations are estimated.
S. Jin, G. Feng / Global and Planetary Change 106 (2013) 20–30
Fig. 5. Seasonal variations of groundwater from WGHM's groundwater, (a) annual amplitude, (b) annual phase, (c) semi-annual amplitude, and (d) semi-annual phase.
Fig. 1(a)–(d) has shown the annual variations of groundwater,
(a) annual amplitude of groundwater variations from GRACE–GLDAS,
(b) annual amplitude of groundwater variations from GRACE–WGHM;
(c) annual phase of groundwater variations from GRACE–GLDAS, and
(d) annual phase of groundwater variations from GRACE–WGHM. The
both independent groundwater estimates have a good agreement in
annual amplitudes and phases. The mean annual amplitude is
28.98 mm and 35.54 mm from GRACE–GLDAS and GRACE–WGHM,
respectively, and the mean annual phase is −36.55° and −30.98°
from GRACE–GLDAS and GRACE–WGHM, respectively. The differences
of annual amplitudes and phases are 6.6 mm and 5.6°, respectively.
The larger annual amplitude of groundwater variations can be up to
80 mm, e.g., in Amazon River Basin, Niger and Zambezi River Basin,
Ganges and Northwest India. In Northern Africa and Middle Australia
with larger deserts, the smaller annual amplitude of groundwater
variations is less than 10 mm. In most parts of the world, the groundwater reaches the maximum in September–October each year and the
minimum almost in March–April. In addition, the annual amplitude
from GRACE–WGHM is a little larger than that from GRACE–GLDAS,
especially in North America and Europe, while the annual phases are
Fig. 2(a)–(d) shows the semi-annual variations of groundwater,
(a) semi-annual amplitude of groundwater variations from GRACE–
GLDAS, (b) semi-annual amplitude of groundwater variations from
GRACE–WGHM, (c) semi-annual phase of groundwater variations
from GRACE–GLDAS, and (d) semi-annual phase of groundwater variations from GRACE–WGHM. The semi-annual amplitude is almost half of
annual amplitude in the most part of the world. The mean semi-annual
amplitude is 11.06 mm from GRACE–GLDAS and 18.41 mm from
GRACE–WGHM. It is the same as annual amplitude that the
GRACE–WGHM results are also a little larger than the GRACE–
GLDAS results in the most part of the world. Both estimates have a
good agreement in the mean semi-annual phase with the difference
of 0.5° (Table 1).
In order to compare these two independent estimates in seasonal
variations, the correlation analysis is performed. Fig. 3(a) and (b) shows
the correlations of annual amplitude (a) and semi-annual amplitude
(b) between GRACE–GLDAS and GRACE–WGHM. The correlation
Table 2
The trend, annual amplitude and phase of groundwater variations at six main continents from GRACE–GLDAS, GRACE–WGHM and WGHM.
North America
South America
Note: Acc: Acceleration; Amp: Amplitude.
S. Jin, G. Feng / Global and Planetary Change 106 (2013) 20–30
between GRACE–GLDAS and GRACE–WGHM is 0.73 for annual
amplitude and 0.83 for semi-annual amplitude, respectively. Fig. 4(a)
and (b) shows the histogram of annual phase differences (a) and
semi-annual phase differences (b), which are obtained from GRACE–
GLDAS minus GRACE–WGHM. It has shown that about 62.22% phase
differences are located in the ±40° and 75.36% phase differences are
located in the ±60°. For the semi-annual phase, about 48.93% phase
differences are located in the ±40° and 63.78% phase differences
are located in the ± 60°. Furthermore, it is compared with WGHM
model's groundwater results. Fig. 5 shows seasonal variations of
groundwater from WGHM's groundwater, (a) annual amplitude,
(b) annual phase, (c) semi-annual amplitude, and (d) semi-annual
phase. The WGHM groundwater has a general agreement in annual
and semi-annual variations with GRACE–WGHM and GRACE–GLDAS,
especially in semi-annual phase (Table 1). The GRACE–WGHM and
GRACE–GLDAS results have a better consistency both in annual and
semi-annual amplitudes, while the WGHM groundwater variations are
much smaller than the other two results.
In addition, the global continents are divided into 6 parts, Asia,
Europe, North America, South America, Africa and Australia, which
are assessed from different groundwater estimates (Table 2). The
three estimates have a good agreement in Australia and South
America with the difference of less than 15 mm and 10° in annual
variations. In all continents, the annual amplitude of WGHM groundwater
results is smaller than the other results. For the annual phase, the three
observations agree well with each other, and the largest difference is
about 28°. The largest difference in annual phase is located in Africa, mainly due to the lack of field observations for the models. For most parts, the
GRACE–GLDAS results agree much better with GRACE–WGHM both in
annual amplitude and phase than the WGHM results.
3.2. Secular variations of groundwater storage
The secular variations of global groundwater storages are estimated
and investigated from GRACE–GLDAS, GRACE–WGHM and WGHM
groundwater. Fig. 6 shows the trend of groundwater variations from
GRACE–GLDAS (a), GRACE–WGHM (b) and WGHM groundwater (c).
The mean trend of global groundwater variations is 1.86 mm/y from
GRACE–GLDAS, 1.20 mm/y from GRACE–WGHM, and 0.55 mm/y from
WGHM's groundwater component (Table 1). The both trends from
GRACE-GLDAS and GRACE-WGHM mostly reflect the groundwater depletion, floods and drought, e.g. groundwater depletion in Northwest
India and North China, droughts in La Plata and Southeast USA, and
flood in Amazon. The trends between GRACE–GLDAS and GRACE–
WGHM are much closer at most parts of the world. For example, the difference of the trend is 0.24 mm/yr in Africa and 0.21 mm/y in Australia
(Table 2). In Asia, Europe and North America, the trend of GRACE–
GLDAS result is a little larger than the GRACE–WGHM result and
the largest difference is up to 1.66 mm/y (Table 2), while the
trend of groundwater variations is opposite in South America with
2.59 mm/y from GRACE–GLDAS and − 0.55 mm/y from GRACE–
WGHM. The GRACE–WGHM trend should not be correct due to more
observation evidences with large floods recently. In addition, we also
calculate the correlation coefficient of the trends between GRACE–
GLDAS and GRACE–WGHM (Fig. 7). The correlation coefficient between
Fig. 6. The secular variations of global groundwater storage from GRACE–GLDAS (a),
GRACE–WGHM (b) and WGHM groundwater (c).
Fig. 7. Correlation between GRACE–GLDAS and GRACE–WGHM trends.
S. Jin, G. Feng / Global and Planetary Change 106 (2013) 20–30
Fig. 8. Acceleration variations of global groundwater from GRACE–GLDAS (a), GRACE–WGHM (b) and WGHM groundwater (c).
GRACE–GLDAS and GRACE–WGHM trends is 0.48. The WGHM's
groundwater results are significantly smaller than the other two estimates, such as in Asia, Europe, North America and South America. In
Australia, the trend of WGHM groundwater is even opposite to the
other two estimates (Table 2), which conflicts to recent drought in Australia. So the WGHM's groundwater cannot capture well the long-term
S. Jin, G. Feng / Global and Planetary Change 106 (2013) 20–30
Fig. 9. Averaged groundwater variations and their differences in Illinois. (a) Averaged groundwater variations from GRACE–GLDAS (red circles), GRACE–WGHM (green asterisks),
WGHM (blue plus signs) and in situ observations (black triangles); (b) differences between GRACE-models and in-situ ground observation of groundwater storage variations.
(For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)
variations of groundwater. Although in some part of world, the
long-term trend of GRACE–GLDAS and GRACE–WGHM have some difference, such as South America, the long-term trend of GRACE–GLDAS
and GRACE–WGHM results generally agree well in most part of the
3.3. Acceleration variations of groundwater storage
In addition, the acceleration variations of global groundwater
storages are estimated and analyzed. Fig. 8 shows the acceleration variations from GRACE–GLDAS (a), GRACE–WGHM (b) and WGHM groundwater (c). The acceleration variations are closer between GRACE–
Table 3
Annual amplitude and phase, semi-annual amplitude and phase of groundwater variations
in Illinois from GRACE–GLDAS, GRACE–WGHM, WGHM's groundwater component and in
situ observations.
In-situ observation
GLDAS and GRACE–WGHM with up to ±4 mm/y2 in some part of the
world, such as in Australia, South Africa and Amazon River Basin. While
the WGHM's groundwater component cannot capture the acceleration
signals, so we here do not plot it. The mean acceleration of global groundwater variations is −0.28 mm/y2 from GRACE–GLDAS, −0.18 mm/y2
from GRACE–WGHM, and 0.02 mm/y2 from WGHM's groundwater
component (Table 1). Some parts have larger differences, e.g., in Australia and South America (Table 2), which may be that the GLDAS and
WGHM cannot model well recent large floods in South America and
drought in Australia.
4. Validation and discussion
In order to confirm our results, we further compared with the in-situ
ground observations and other independent measurements. Since global
real ground groundwater storages are hard to be observed, here the
available groundwater observations in Illinois are used. The groundwater
data set is comprised of water levels from 16 wells, all of which are under
unconfined conditions and far from streams or pumping wells
(Changnon et al., 1998). Changes in well level are converted to changes
in storage by multiplying the specific yield (Swenson et al., 2006).
Fig. 9 shows averaged groundwater variations in Illinois from GRACE–
GLDAS (red circles), GRACE–WGHM (green asterisks), WGHM (blue
plus signs) and in situ observations (black triangles) (a) and differences
between GRACE-models and in-situ ground observation of groundwater
S. Jin, G. Feng / Global and Planetary Change 106 (2013) 20–30
Fig. 10. Averaged groundwater variations and their differences in Aral Sea. (a) Averaged groundwater variations from GRACE–GLDAS (red circles), GRACE–WGHM (green asterisks),
WGHM (blue plus signs) and satellite altimetric observations (black triangles); (b) differences of groundwater storage variations between GRACE-models and satellite altimetric
observations. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)
storage variations (b). Since the in-situ observations in Illinois are very
short within three years, the trend and acceleration variations are not
analyzed and compared here. The four independent observations
agree well in annual and semi-annual variations, especially in annual
phases. While the GRACE–GLDAS results agree much better with
in-situ observations both in annual amplitude and semi-annual
amplitude than the other results (Table 3). The GRACE–WGHM results
have larger amplitude than the in-situ observations, while the
amplitude of WGHM model's groundwater component is smaller than
the in-situ observations in the annual amplitude. Furthermore, Rodell
et al. (2009) also showed good agreement between GRACE–GLDAS
and in-situ observed groundwater variations in the Mississippi basin.
With the development of satellite altimetry since 1993, satellite
altimetry has been widely used to measure the sea level and lake
water variations with high accuracy. Therefore, the land sea and lake
water variations can be monitored by the satellite altimetry. The satellite
altimetric observations (Topex–Poseidon, GFO, ERS-2, Jason-1, Jason-2
and Envisat) can provide the temporal and spatial time series of lakes
surface height on the whole Earth (Cretaux et al., 2011). The level variations for about 150 lakes and surface-volume variations of about 50 big
lakes are available at
HYDROWEB. After getting the land sea and lake surface total water
variations, the groundwater storage variations can be obtained from
GRACE-derived terrestrial water storage minus the land sea and lake
Table 4
Acceleration, trend, annual amplitude and phase, semi-annual amplitude and phase in groundwater variations at Aral Sea from GRACE–GLDAS, GRACE–WGHM, WGHM's component and
GRACE–satellite altimetry.
Groundwater storage
Annual amplitude
Annual phase
Semi-annual amplitude
Semi-annual phase
S. Jin, G. Feng / Global and Planetary Change 106 (2013) 20–30
surface total water. Similar above results of groundwater variations
are obtained at most land seas and lakes. For example, Fig. 10 shows
the averaged groundwater variations in Aral Sea from GRACE–GLDAS
(red circles), GRACE–WGHM (green asterisks), WGHM (blue plus
signs) and satellite altimetric observations (black triangles) (a) and
differences of groundwater storage variations between GRACE-models
and satellite altimetric observations (b). For annual and semi-annual
variations of groundwater storages, the GRACE–GLDAS results agree
better with satellite altimetric observations than other estimates both
in amplitudes and phases, while WGHM groundwater has much smaller
amplitudes (Table 4). Furthermore, the three independent observations
show similar secular and acceleration variations of groundwater, and
the WGHM still does not capture acceleration signals with much smaller
In addition, to accurately estimate the global groundwater storage
variations from GRACE, the surface total water should be well determined, including surface water, soil moisture, snow, ice and canopy
water. However, it is hard to accurately model each component from
hydrological models, e.g., GLDAS and WGHM. These assimilation
models cannot well represent the surface total water changes for
extreme climate and anthropogenic events, e.g., glacier melting, drought
and floods as well as reservoir water storage. In the future, it still needs to
improve the hydrological models with assimilating more hydrologic
observation data.
5. Conclusion
In this paper, the global groundwater variations are obtained and
investigated from GRACE–GLDAS, GRACE–WGHM, WGHM's groundwater component and other independent observations. For the seasonal
changes of global groundwater storages, the GRACE–GLDAS results
are almost consistent with GRACE–WGHM with the correlation of
0.83 for annual amplitude and 0.73 for semi-annual amplitude. The
mean amplitude is 28.98 mm and 35.54 mm from GRACE–GLDAS and
GRACE–WGHM, respectively, and the mean annual phase is −36.55°
and −30.98° from GRACE–GLDAS and GRACE–WGHM, respectively.
The differences of annual amplitudes and phases are 6.6 mm and 5.6°,
respectively. The larger annual amplitude of groundwater variations
can be up to 80 mm, e.g., in Amazon and Zambezi Basins, and the smaller
annual amplitude of groundwater variations is less than 10 mm, e.g., in
Northern Africa with larger deserts. In the most parts of the world, the
groundwater reaches the maximum in September–October each year
and the minimum in March–April. The mean semi-annual amplitude is
11.06 mm from GRACE–GLDAS and 18.41 mm from GRACE–WGHM,
and the mean semi-annual phases agree well with each other. Compared
to the WGHM model's groundwater component, the WGHM results are
much smaller than the other two results in the annual and semiannual amplitudes, but close in the phases. In addition, the GRACE–
GLDAS results agree much better with in-situ observations in Illinois
and satellite altimetric observations in Aral Sea both at annual
and semi-annual amplitudes than the other results, while the amplitude
of WGHM model's groundwater variations is smaller than the in-situ
observations and satellite altimetry at the annual scale.
For the trend, the mean trend of global groundwater storage
variations is 1.86 mm/y from GRACE–GLDAS, 1.20 mm/y from GRACE–
WGHM, and 0.55 mm/y from WGHM's groundwater component. The
trends between GRACE–GLDAS and GRACE–WGHM agree well at the
most parts of the world, such as Africa and Australia, and the difference
is 0.24 mm/y in Africa and 0.21 mm/y in Australia. The both trends from
GRACE-GLDAS and GRACE-WGHM mostly reflect the groundwater depletion, floods and drought, e.g. groundwater depletion in Northwest
India and North China, droughts in La Plata and Southeast USA, and
flood in Amazon. The WGHM's groundwater component cannot capture
well the long-term variations of groundwater storages. In addition, the
groundwater variations from GRACE–GLDAS and GRACE–WGHM show
clear accelerations, which are close to each other in most part of the
world, while the WGHM's groundwater component cannot capture the
acceleration signals. The mean acceleration of global groundwater variations is −0.28 mm/y2 from GRACE–GLDAS, − 0.18 mm/y 2 from
GRACE–WGHM, and 0.02 mm/y 2 from WGHM's groundwater component. Compared to satellite altimetric results, the GRACE–GLDAS and
GRACE–WGHM show similar secular and acceleration variations of
groundwater storages.
Therefore, the GRACE–GLDAS provides the relatively reliable data
set of global groundwater storage, which enables to detect large-scale
variations of global groundwater storage. Since GRACE has a low
spatial resolution and larger uncertainties of hydrological models, the
precise groundwater estimates still need to be improved in the future.
With the launch of the next generation of gravity satellites later, higher
precision and longer groundwater storage variations are expected with
improving the accuracy of measurements and hydrological models.
We are grateful to thank the Center for Space Research, University
of Texas at Austin for providing the GRACE solutions. This research is
supported by the National Basic Research Program of China (973
Program) (Grant No. 2012CB720000), Main Direction Project of Chinese
Academy of Sciences (Grant No. KJCX2-EW-T03), Shanghai Science and
Technology Commission Project (Grant No. 12DZ2273300), Shanghai
Pujiang Talent Program Project (Grant No. 11PJ1411500) and National
Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) Project (Grant No.
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