ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes
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November 2005
Volume 30 Number 6
Globus Security Model for Grid environment
Nitin V. Kanaskar1, Umit Topaloglu1, Coskun Bayrak2
Applied Science Department
Department of Computer Science
University of Arkansas at Little Rock
Little Rock, AR
[nvkanaskar | umtopaloglu |
[email protected]]
Grid technology is increasingly being looked upon as a natural
extension of the internet for engaging in complex data
processing tasks over resources which are distributed across
the world. Architects and developers employing grid systems
must take into consideration security implications. Dynamic
generation of virtual organizations leads to a synergistic
picture which has to address security requirements never
encountered before. Globus toolkit has devised a framework
for making secure use of grid resource components which has
been proved to be a feasible solution by a number of academic
and scientific organizations. This paper is an attempt to
identify and discern mechanisms proposed by Globus security
model with certain test scenarios [1] [2].
Distributed computing has been used for quite some time with
technology specific security implementation catering to the
requirements of secure data and services. Technologies like
RMI, CORBA, DCOM have been adopted in enterprise
environments with composition of these environments in
terms of users, resources and services being static. Grids
propose to complement and extend these frameworks by
forming a dynamic collection of resources – users, machines,
applications – spread across multiple enterprises, continents
supported by a software backbone called middleware. This
middleware transforms heterogeneous resources into a single,
coherent, virtual machine [3] [4].
Any distributed computing platform (including grid) needs
to satisfy scalability and performance demands. Among what
clearly distinguishes grid from these platforms is its features
resulting in security requirements which cannot be addressed
by existing security technologies for distributed platforms.
Elements of grid are decided in dynamic manner such that the
trust relationship among these elements needs to be
established during application execution time. There may not
at all exist any direct security protocol among resources and
processes which form this dynamic environment. Each
resource belongs to a fixed administrative domain governed
by security standards, policies and implementation within the
domain. Security functions needed to be adopted in such
picture are quite dynamic. Importance of data and application
security issues assume critical proportions as more and more
industry and academic interests channelize their resources
towards implementing cross organizational computing
infrastructure. Security Problem For Grid
A particular term of interest with regards to grid is Virtual
Organization (VO) which consists of computers and other
resources federated by different organizations. The structure
of this VO is decided by factors like availability and nature of
problem to be solved. Some of the very common attributes of
grid environment – also called VO - recognized universally
Coordinated resource sharing in dynamic, multi
institutional virtual organizations.
Users and resources may be large, unpredictable and
dynamic at any point
Each resource and user will have local policies and
technologies that cannot be replaced by VO
Users and resources located in different
organizations which do not have trust agreements
These organizations have different security protocols
and implementations
Grid interactions are basically interactions between
services and services acting on behalf of users
More precisely, these are the security challenges posed by the
dynamic and disparate composition of grids. How in a Virtual
Organization access to resources and assets is controlled is the
crux of the security problem as VO resources and users can be
part of multiple different VOs simultaneously [5].
Attempts were made to make grid phenomenon a reality in
the form of different projects like united devices,
SETI@Home and These grid systems
accomplished the task of tapping wasted processor cycles for
doing compute intensive calculations. The major issue
identified with all these systems was a lack of interoperability
with other grid systems. All these grid projects require
specific software to be installed which do not adhere to any
universal standard encompassing the vastly dynamic security
equation pertaining to grids. Quite a number of security
technologies have been used for ensuring secure data and
applications over enterprise networks. If grid needs to
capitalize on the unused computing power of PCs in these
enterprises, integration of different existing security
implementations in these proves to be indispensable. Over the
years, past grid systems have stimulated a clear need for the
existence of a well defined standard for possible protocols of
secure communication between entities in a multi-enterprise
grid system. Global Grid Forum (GGF) is the community
involved actively in developing these standards and
specifications for grid computing [5]. GGF has come up with
a service oriented architecture which defines a set of basic
capabilities and functionalities that address prime questions in
grid systems. It is known as Open Grid Services Architecture
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(OGSA) and is principled around web services framework.
Globus Toolkit version 3 is the first grid implementation
complying with the OGSA.
Problem Elaboration
Before delving into the specifics of the conceptual model of
Globus security infrastructure, a fictitious scenario as
explained in Figure 1 would help grasp the challenge in a
heterogeneous distributed computing environment.
Site B
Site A
Site CKerberos
Request Data
Connect to
Resource Broker
Initiate Task
Site G
Site D- SSL
Access Parameter
Site F
Site E
Figure 1: A fictitious distributed computing scenario
Figure 1 depicts a Virtual Organization having a researcher at
site A, who initiates an analysis program at a remote site C.
Site C has the necessary data storage capability supplying data
to be processed. The analysis program leads to running a
simulation program for testing the predictions against
empirical outputs. Therefore it communicates with a resource
broker program at site D to identify resources among
organizations which can be used to run simulation
experiments. The resource broker starts simulation at sites E
and G. Required parameters for the simulations are fetched
from site F by these sites. They may also communicate with
each other and with the broker program. Thus, a few most
distinct attributes of the above described VO are:
1. The user population is large and changing.
2. The quantity and location of resources vary with equal
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Volume 30 Number 6
A computation involves dynamic creation of processes
on resources from different sites.
4. Resources may be accesses using different
authentication and authorization mechanisms. E.g. –
Kerberos, plain text passwords, Secure Sockets Layer,
and secure shell.
Such a diverse combination of resources and users across
different organizations demand security solution which
assimilates access control needs of all the concerned entities
Globus approach to defining grid security model covers
basic security functions of authentication, access control,
integrity, privacy and non-repudiation. It also encapsulates
following grid specific characteristics:
1. Single sign-on which enables a user to authenticate
once and start computations, acquire resources and
start other processes without any more
authentication process.
2. Interoperability with local security solutions by
means of some entities in a domain which act as
translators of security functions.
3. Grid application code developed should be
exportable to other grid platforms based on OGSA.
So security policy must not use anywhere bulk
message encryption.
4. A standard credential framework (X.509v3)
achieves the aim of expressing security role of an
Globus Approach to Grid Security Model
Globus security policy consists of security goals, individual
entities and the associated set of assumptions designed to
support security mechanisms mentioned in the previous
section. More specifically, it defines the individual elements
viz. security subjects, security objects and a set of rules
governing their interactions in the context of grid scenario.
The Globus security policy is designed keeping in view all the
above requirements of security infrastructure in a grid.
Following are the terms defined by Globus security policy:
• An entity which is actively involved in an
operation in a grid requiring security measures
is a subject. A user requesting a service and a
process spawned by such a request in a
computer on which such process executes are
some examples of subjects.
• A subject needs to have a credential which
makes it a legal element of the system. Subject
can establish its identity by means of passwords,
digital signatures.
• Subject authentication is first operation required
to be completed before any further interaction
takes place between two subjects in grid. The
subjects, action initiator and the respondent
adopt verify each other using credentials.
• An object is an element in grid system which
can be used as some form of resource and hence
needs to be protected.
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Whenever a subject needs to utilize an object in
grid, it needs to be authorized before doing that.
• Many different types of subjects and objects
come together to form a larger entity called as
Trust Domain. A trust domain is run by a central
administration control pursuing some specific
security goals.
Globus security model identifies set of rules governing the
relationships of the above mentioned elements as policy goals.
Following points are considered in this regard:
1. A grid is composed of many trust domains. A trust
domain made up of many subjects and objects is administered
using a consistent technology solution and policy. Many such
heterogeneous domains are required to be integrated in grid
environment. Each domain has its own independent security
implementation which cannot and should not be in any way
affected by grid security protocol. Rather these domains
should be provided with ways to easily communicate with
each other and transforming global operations to operations
controlled by local security policy.
2. When an operation is limited to single domain, it is
controlled by that domain specific security policy. Complying
with the principle of no change in the local security policy,
grid security design seeks no enhancements when an operation
is restricted unto a single domain. Only that domain policy
will dictate the operation.
3. A global domain maintains its own global subjects and
different sub-domains already have their own subjects. Global
domain connects to all sub-domains with a global subject
mapping to local subject. Thus, a grid will have users with
possibly two identities – global identity and local identity.
Each domain based on some local policy employs a global
user to local user mapping function where a global user may
be mapped to a dynamically determined local account, or a
specific group account or a static local user account. Global
log-on feature is the basis for providing the single sign-on
4. A global subject once authenticated and mapped to some
local subject becomes a replica of the local subject. It virtually
means that any local domain security goals are achieved only
after satisfying the prerequisite of grid authentication and a
valid mapping from grid identity to a local identity.
5. A local domain exhibits ultimate control on the access
capabilities of an authenticated grid subject. Globus security
model has ultimate design goal of ensuring no modification of
local policy of a trust domain on access to objects.
6. For single sign-on to work, a process can act as a
representative of a user with controlled execution of user
rights. A user initiated service request may dynamically spawn
processes, depending upon availability of different resources
which decides the inclusion of objects in the whole requestresponse flow. This model goal seeks to achieve no user
interaction after initial sign-on. A user initiated process must
have sufficient authority level to start another process or even
to communicate with another process.
7. All these processes working on behalf of a subject will
have the same credentials. In response to a subject’s sign-on
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Volume 30 Number 6
and a service request, there may be created a group of
processes in a domain or even on a single machine to
complete the service request. By allocating same credentials to
these processes, boost in performance matrix is intended.
Performance requirements become stringent while applying
this model to large scale parallel architectures [3].
Globus Security Architecture
Globus model for grid security defines grid subjects, objects,
and security design goals under whose jurisdiction these
subjects and objects will interact with one another following
certain security protocols. Figure 1 shows a pictorial
representation of this security architecture. Following
elements are depicted: entities, credentials, and protocols.
Globus security model is aimed to apply to large scale
distributed computing environments where computations
involve many processes interacting with one other and
utilizing local and remote resources. Each process performs
some action for a user. Thus, processes and users who initiate
these processes are termed as security subjects. Computers,
database systems, networks, display devices, sensors and
many other types of elements which are used by subjects are
known as objects [3].
Computations in grid environment are characterized by
high degree of unpredictability. Number of processes started
in response to a specific service request may vary depending
upon the resources available at service time. So accordingly
the time duration required to service a particular user request
has inherent flexibility associated with it. In order to make this
unpredictable process flow transparent to user, grid security
infrastructure should isolate him from direct communication
with each single process involved in the computation. Here
comes into action the concept of user proxy. A user proxy
process performs task of maintaining session of user for a
limited amount of time.
User proxy process acts as a user delegate. It carries its own
credentials which circumvents the necessity of user credentials
for each and every intermediate transactions being done on
user’s behalf. The validity period of user proxy is under the
control of user who can restrict it till the time duration for that
particular computation. A compromise of the user proxy
credentials portends less serious consequences as user can also
control what its proxy can do with these credentials [3].
A related element defined by Globus security model is
resource proxy which does the job of translating inter-domain
security operations into intra-domain methods. Pictorial
representation in Figure 1 depicts the range of interactions
between entities of a grid environment. With existing
definitions of grid framework, following types of operations
are assumed to be supported by Globus security model.
• Allocation of a resource by a user
• Allocation of a resource by a process
• Communication between processes in different
trust domains
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Host Machine
Protocol 1:
User Proxy
Protocol 4:
Global to
Protocol 3:
From process
Domain 1
Protocol 2:
Of remote
Domain 2
Local Policy,
Local Policy,
GT – Global to Local Mapping Table
Figure 2: Globus Security Architecture
Protocols are defined by Globus security model shown in
Figure 2. Protocol 1 allows user proxy creation with user logon to grid system. User proxy process can allocate resources
and create another process using protocol 2. Protocol 3 helps
us understand how a process can allocate resources. Global to
local mapping function is achieved by following protocol 4.
These protocols are based on authentication and signature
techniques instead of encryption. Also generic security
services application programming interface is implemented by
Globus toolkit.
Protocol for Creation of User Proxy
User proxy is a specific process created by user in grid which
executes on a machine which is in the same domain as that of
the user. Main concern regarding a proxy process is type of
credentials given to it and how the proxy receives these
A user could provide its proxy process its own credentials
which proxy can then use for utilizing dynamically allocated
resources and to create other processes. This condition poses
an inherent risk in that the compromise of proxy credentials is
equivalent to compromise of user credentials. Also there is no
control over time period for which the proxy can act on behalf
of the user. So Globus introduces the concept of creation of
completely new credentials for proxy process which are
signed by user credentials (e.g. user’s private key). This new
credentials control activity scope of proxy process and the
duration as well. It even specifies the host names (where from
proxy process can start), target hosts (where in grid proxy is
allowed to start processes and/or use resources).
Once a user proxy process creation is finished, it needs to
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Volume 30 Number 6
communicate with a resource proxy. Resource proxy manages
the access to a resource for doing any task which contributes
toward grid computation. User proxy needing a resource
access gets the authentication of resource proxy and
subsequently issues the request for resource. If the request is
successful, the resource is allocated with a possible process
creation on it.
The request can fail because the requested resource is not
available (allocation failure), because the user is not a
recognized user of the resource (authentication failure), or
because the user is not entitled to use the resource in the
requested mode (authorization failure). As discussed above, it
is up to the resource proxy to enforce any local authorization
requirements. Depending on the nature of the resource and
local policy, authorization may be checked at resource
allocation time or process creation time, or it may be implicit
in authentication and not be checked at all.
Protocol 2 defines mechanism used to issue a request to a
resource proxy from a user proxy. It may be required to map
the user’s credential into a local user I.D. or account name if
the policy of the resource proxy is to check for authorization
at resource allocation time. Alternatively, authorization checks
can be delayed until process creation time. The ability to have
a resource proxy create credentials on behalf of the process it
creates relies on a process and its resource proxy executing in
the same trust domain.
Essential steps for user proxy generation are as below:
1. The user gains access to the computer on which the
user proxy needs to be created using respective
authentication method.
2. The user produces user proxy credential, by using
his own credential to sign a record containing user’s
I.D., the name of the local host, validity information
of proxy credential
3. A user proxy process is generated with proxy
Credential. Protection of the proxy credential
depends upon computer policy on which user proxy
is located.
New process receives independent credentials by use of this
protocol. That gives the ability to the process to identify itself
and the identity on behalf of which it is acting (i.e. the user).
Each new generated process with credential makes it possible
to employ additional protocol which allows the process to
control access to incoming communication activity on a per
subject basis [3].
Resource Allocation Protocol
Resource allocation activity is more frequently done task of
resource proxy process which is created by a previous
resource allocation request. This protocol exhibits simplicity
and finer control. This protocol can be compared with another
option where processes can allocate resources and create
processes independently of user proxies which has got
following two drawbacks:
• A user must be able to encode and incorporate
arbitrary policy into process so that it supports
separate resource specific allocation criteria.
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A security breach at remote machine can result in
malicious allocation of resource on behalf credulous
Each process which runs on behalf of user gets separate
credentials from user along with assignment of some of the
rights of user. Optional protocol described just before requires
that there be established an inter-resource trust relationship for
distributed authentication. Globus security model always
relies on authentication between user proxy and resource
proxy which expedites the existing trust relationship between
the user and the resource. Given below is sequence of actions
required to be taken for this protocol:
1. The process and its user proxy authenticate each
2. The process issues a signed request to its user proxy,
of the form
sig(“allocate”, allocation request parameters)
3. If the user proxy decides to service the request, it
starts a resource allocation request to resource proxy.
4. The resulting process handle is signed by the user
Proxy and returned to the requesting process.
Above protocol comes into action when a user intends to
allocate remote resource for a computation. But the procedure
used while allocating a resource to start another process is
different from above sequence as follows:
1. The user proxy and resource proxy establish each
other’s identity.
2. The user proxy sends resource proxy signed request
in the form – sig(allocationspecification)
3. The resource proxy verifies if the user who signed
the proxy has the required authority according to
local policy to make allocation request.
4. If the request is accepted, resource proxy creates a
RESOURCE-CREDENTIAL record specifying
name of the user for whom resource is allocated,
resource name.
5. The resource proxy returns the RESOURCECREDENTIAL to user proxy in a secure manner.
6. The user proxy checks the RESOURCECREDENTIAL request, signs it to create credential
for the requesting resource.
7. The resource proxy allocates the resource and
assigns the new process(es) created signed resource
credential from user proxy [3].
Global to Local Mapping Protocol
This is a significant protocol in Globus security architecture
which defines how correct mapping from a global subject to a
local subject can be achieved. This is effectively done by
resource proxy process which maintains a mapping table of
global names and corresponding local names.
Following are the steps taken in adopting the above
1. User proxy authenticates with resource proxy.
2. User proxy issues a signed MAP-SUBJECT-UP to
the resource proxy, with global and subject name
and resource subject names as parameters
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Volume 30 Number 6
User logs on to the resource using resource’s identity
verification method to start a map registration
Map registration process issues MAP-SUBJECT-P
request to resource proxy with global subject name
and resource subject name as parameters.
Resource proxy waits for MAP-SUBJECT-UP and
MAP-SUBJECT-P with same parameters.
Resource proxy ensures that map registration
process belongs to the resource subject specified in
the map request.
If a match is found, resource proxy sets up a
mapping and sends acknowledgements to map
registration process and user proxy.
If a match is not found with timeout period, resource
proxy removes the pending request with an
acknowledgement to waiting entity.
If acknowledgment is not received within map
timeout period, request considered to have failed [3].
Globus Implementation of Grid Security Architecture
Globus security architecture provides support for user proxies,
resource proxies (the Globus resource allocation manager,
GRAM), certification authorities, and implementation of
protocols described above.
All the protocols defined in previous sections are based on
high level concepts like signature, authentication and
authorization without any dependence on some specific
technology. So an implementation of grid security
infrastructure can possibly leverage a technology which is
suitable for the respective environment. This has drastic
positive effect on the portability and flexibility of resulting
Protocol 1
Protocol 1
Protocol 1
Protocol 1
Figure 2: GSS-API in Globus [3]
Globus security infrastructure is based on Generic Security
Services application programming interface (GSS-API). This
API provides its callers generic services whose
implementation can be done using any technology. GSS-API
is transport independent meaning it is not affected by specific
communication method or library. Any GSS-API call
generates a sequence of tokens which can be transported using
any communication method. Globus employs TCP sockets
and the Nexus communication library to move tokens between
processors. The API is mechanism independent indicating it
does not mandate use of any specific protocol like Kerberos,
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SESAME, DES, or RSA public key cryptography.
Currently Globus security infrastructure (GSI) uses
authentication as defined by the Secure Sockets Layer
protocol. There are a few reasons for the selection of SSL.
SSL has been implemented in public domain (SSLeay) with
proven quality service which has been developed outside the
United States eliminating export related issues. SSLeay is
known to have an architecture which allows easy extraction of
token stream. Also, SSL is a popular protocol chosen for
authentication and secure message transfer for different types
of distributed computing platforms like HTTP web servers,
web browsers, index services. As a result, a combination of
GSI with SSL can enable a grid user to utilize not only pure
Globus services but also common web services.
Globus Toolkit for Grid Security Simulation
Globus toolkit components have been used to simulate some
scenarios in grid environment. After running these test
conditions, a good understanding of how Globus Security
Infrastructure helps to achieve secure communication over
grid platform can be attained by leveraging the analysis of its
pros and cons.
Before carrying out any test experiment, the grid
environment has to be set up by installing Globus toolkit. The
prerequisite steps to be taken for doing so are:
A system with Fedora Linux 3.0 for running
simulations is used. For the purpose of test case
scenarios, two users in addition to root are created –
user globus which is used to run the Globus container
and all grid services deployed by the container by
default. User account to run all the grid service clients
is created.
2. Globus 3.2.1(stable release) is installed on the system.
3. Installation procedure is followed from web site [8].
4. Globus toolkit is configured [9].
GSI uses public key cryptography (asymmetric
cryptography) as the basis of its security support. This system
employs a pair of digital keys – private key and public key for establishing three pillars of secure communication –
privacy, integrity, and authentication. One can enforce
encryption on a message using private key and receiver can
decrypt the message using its public key to achieve privacy of
data. Digital signature can ensure message integrity which is
created with the help of private key. Authentication of a valid
subject is obtained by the use of digital certificate which is
signed by a certification authority. Globus provides a simple
certification authority tool. Configuration of Globus involves
setting up a simple CA (certification authority). For users
globus and testuser (for invoking clients), certificates are
created following the instructions as given in configuration
procedure. Also, Globus simple CA provides scripts to create
proxy certificates for these users.
Complete Grid Scenario
Once the necessary software is set up to run our simulation
cases, software programs are written which are needed to
November 2005
Volume 30 Number 6
simulate following grid scenario.
Organization 2
Organization 1
Clie nt
Applic ation
Phy sicsServ ice
dd dd
MathServ ice
Serv er
config.wsd d
Figure 3: Simplistic Grid picture
Complete grid scenario consists of two enterprise
organizations with their networks set up so that a grid
computing environment provides different types of services in
addition to PhysicsService and MathService, as shown in
Figure 3. Software programs are written in Java programming
language to provide simple services:
• PhysicsService – implementing a method
• Math Service – providing simple addition of two
The tools provided with Globus are used to build respective
grid services whose architecture is mainly derived from web
services framework. MathService is described briefly below
which is deployed on grid container running from the domain
of organization 2.
MathService has following 3 simple interface methods which
can be invoked by an authorized grid subject:
1. add
2. subtract
3. getValue
MathService is a stateful grid service whose add method
keeps on summing integer parameter passed by clients
invoking the service. Subtract method subtracts 1 from the
current value of the counter and getValue method returns the
latest value of the counter to the client. Client programs are
written which invoke these services in different test scenarios.
Test Scenario I
This scenario assumes that a secure client program is invoking
MathService where the client is run from a valid user account
from the same domain. The MathService in this case is
configured to run with default security features provided by
Globus tollkit (i.e. message level encryption). That means
that, only message data is encrypted and the message format is
kept intact. Motivation for this kind of security feature is to
make the data interpretation and processing portable across
different grid containers which comply with OGSA
specification. OGSA specification is primarily based on web
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services standard. So the message format, in which client and
server communicate with each other, has been decided using
SOAP protocol which is a standard in web services
architecture. In our case, the client program is run from user
account testuser. Another program needs to be run –
TCPMonitor - which acts as listener for TCP packets on port
8081 and redirects all traffic which comes on this port to port
8080 where Globus container is listening for client requests.
The logging feature provided with the Globus toolkit is
enabled to see appropriate messages on server side. An entry
in the file which is present in the
Globus installation directory as follows enables this:
Client side output message is:
Added 5
Subtracted 1
Current value: 4
TCPMonitor consists of a GUI (Graphical User Interface)
which displays both the client request and server response
packets in two different scrollable windows. As described in
the previous paragraph, it is observed that only message data
is encrypted and the message format is kept intact.
Test Scenario II
According to Globus model, each client must have a valid
proxy certificate associated while invoking a grid service. If it
does not have one, Globus container rejects the request.
MathService is invoked with the same client program as above
case from user account nitin, but without a valid proxy
certificate. This throws following error message:
ERROR: Defective credential detected [Root error
message: Proxy file (/tmp/x509up_u500) not found.]
ERROR: Defective credential detected [Root error
message: Proxy file (/tmp/x509up_u500) not found.]
ERROR: Defective credential detected [Root error
message: Proxy file (/tmp/x509up_u500) not found.]
This is a scenario when a user’s proxy certificate may have
expired or may have been deleted or may have been
corrupted. This presents a loop hole in Globus security model.
Test Scenario III
Globus incorporates a good control over type of security
features built into client server communication for each
service by means of a service specific security configuration
file. Each grid service is configured in the web services
deployment descriptor in Globus installation directory. A
security configuration file is specified as shown below:
<parameter name="securityConfig" value=<location of
configuration file>>
Through this security configuration file, container specifies
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Volume 30 Number 6
what type of authentication mechanism must be adopted by
client program for each method provided by the service. Three
different types are possible options to be set on client side
according to what is specified in the configuration file:
a. Message encryption
b. Digital signature
c. No security
In this test scenario, client program which invokes the
MathService using no authentication mechanism when run,
gives the following error message:
ERROR: GSI Secure Conversation authentication
required for
gtutorial/MathService}add" operation.
ERROR: GSI Secure Conversation (signature
only) authentication required for
gtutorial/MathService}subtract" operation.
Current value: 4
Another client is programmed to invoke all the methods with
message encryption. Server side security configuration file
allows encryption for the method ‘add’ only. Subtract method
is configured for signature. Thus, an invocation of this service
with such client gives us following output:
Added 5
ERROR: GSI Secure Conversation (signature only)
authentication required for
al/MathService}subtract" operation.
Current value: 5
This shows how the container rejects a call to method
‘subtract’ with encryption which is configured such that it
must be called using digital signature only.
Another client program is written which calls all the
methods with digital signature enabled. The security
configuration file specifies <integrity/> - signifying digital
signature – as one of the authentication methods for methods
‘add’ and ‘subtract’. For method ‘getValue’, no authentication
is specified. Thus this client runs successfully. Client output
as follows is observed:
Added 5
Subtracted 1
Current value: 9
Test scenario IV
Grid service can be invoked by a user who does not belong to
the domain which hosts the service. This is made possible by
facility where a global grid subject to local domain mapping is
specified in a grid map file which is maintained by local
network administrator. User must be having a valid certificate
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from a common CA which provides certificates to both the
user domain and the service domain. This grid map file is
mentioned as one of the parameters in the web service
deployment descriptor for the particular service in the
following manner:
<parameter name="authorization" value="gridmap"/>
<parameter name="gridmap" value=<location of grid map
A situation is considered where client program is invoked
from a subject which is not a part of the domain which hosts
the service. Here, the client subject has a valid certificate and
a proxy certificate issued from a common CA (Certification
Authority). From the proxy credentials which are used with
client request, container in the target domain determines the
original credentials of the client. This subject which is
retrieved finally is used to check if the subject is mapped to
some local subject belonging to the domain. If such a mapping
exists, client request is allowed to be serviced.
The MathService is invoked using client program which is
run by account ‘testuser’ which may be considered as a user
not belonging to the domain hosting the MathService. For
account ‘testuser’ an entry in the grid map file is made in
following manner:
"/O=Grid/OU=GlobusTest/OU=simpleCAlocalhost.localdomain/OU=localdomain/CN=testuser" testuser
In the above line, quoted string signifies the global subject
i.e. a valid grid entity – user/process - which is mapped to
local subject i.e. legal entity under the jurisdiction of local
domain. That means MathService published on this grid
environment can be invoked by any user or process which
assumes the credentials of the above specified global subject.
A client program is written and deployed with the same
MathService with grid map file added into security features.
When the above client program is run with user account
‘nitin’, the success message is seen:
Added 5
Subtracted 1
Current value: 4
If an attempt is made to invoke the service with a global
subject whose entry is not present in the grid map file, or if the
entry is present but it is corrupt, below given error message is
nException: Gridmap authorization failed: peer
"/O=Grid/OU=GlobusTest/OU=simpleCAlocalhost.localdomain/OU=localdomain/CN=globus" not
in gridmap file.
nException: Gridmap authorization failed: peer
"/O=Grid/OU=GlobusTest/OU=simpleCAlocalhost.localdomain/OU=localdomain/CN=globus" not
in gridmap file.
nException: Gridmap authorization failed: peer
"/O=Grid/OU=GlobusTest/OU=simpleCAlocalhost.localdomain/OU=localdomain/CN=globus" not
in gridmap file.
November 2005
Volume 30 Number 6
Above is the output message when MathService is invoked
with ‘globus’ user account on the system whose mapping
entry is not made in the grid map file.
Test Scenario V
Last scenario describes how Globus handles the issue of
credential delegation. In simple terms it can be put as – proxy
credential which are generated from client credential are
assigned to grid service which in turn invokes another
service(s) with the proxy identity. An additional grid service is
written – PhysicsService. PhysicsService is invoked by a
client application which delegates credentials of the global
This is achieved by defining the runtime identity of the
method invoked to be equal to the caller’s identity. Globus
model allows us to add this feature to a method by means of a
tag <run-as> in the service specific security configuration file.
E.g. –
<method name="math:add">
The above example sets the run time identity of method
‘add’ to be equal to the invoker’s identity. Through the
method ‘add’, the service can further call other services
deployed on the grid with credentials which were delegated to
it by the client. This is how Globus achieves single sign on by
a client. Client provides his credential only once for
interacting (indirectly) with many services.
In our example situation, client is run from user account
‘testuser’ to invoke PhysicsService which subsequently calls
MathService with the delegated proxy credentials of the client.
PhysicService method is configured to run with client’s proxy
credentials. This proxy credential is used in establishing
identity of the caller subject by MathService.
For better understanding Credential delegation process
flow, following pictorial representation is drawn:
Organization 2
Organization 1
Clie nt
Applic ation
Dynamic Ide ntity=
Call er’s Identity
Invocation w ith Del egate d Cred entia ls
Phy sicsServ ice
MathServ ice
Hand le
Serv er
Global to Loc al
Subject map pin g
dd dd
config.wsd d
Figure 4: Credential Delegation Scenario
ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes
Page 9
MathService is configured to validate client authentications
based on grid map file as global to local mapping is performed
according to entries made in this file. Figure 4 shows the
relation between MathService and grid map file. Client first
invokes PhysicsService with proxy credential which are
delegated to the service because of security configuration file.
PhysicsService assumes caller’s identity at run time and with
this credential it invokes MathService from another domain. It
communicates with index service which is an important
component in Globus toolkit package. MathService receives
secure request with a credential which is signed by clients
original certificate and is valid for limited time period.
MathService retrieves identity of the main client as both the
domains share a common Certification Authority. The global
subject which is obtained from the CA database for the client
is checked if it is mapped to any local user account from grid
map file. If such an entry exists, the resource proxy process
validates the request and allows access to MathService.
Otherwise the request is invalidated and removed from the
request cache. Client first calls PhysicsService which in turn
invokes ‘add’ method from MathService 7 times in a loop
and then calls ‘getValue’ method from MathService to display
result of addition. Following output is seen:
Answer: 42
Functional Analysis
Globus Security Architecture is the first grid implementation
which is designed with a view to support and complement
different security solutions so as to federate as many disparate
components as possible. No previous grid software contained
this feature. It also is the first standard set of tools
implementing grid entities communication protocol adhering
to OGSA (Open Grid Services Architecture) which is the
universal standard for charting grid specifications and
protocols. In other words, Globus has set the trend of
developing grid solutions based on universal standards so that
different grid implementations from different vendors will be
more inclined to follow its suit. Needless to say, this will go a
long way in discerning grids better and utilizing them in more
and more business and research areas.
Future Developments
There appear a few areas in Globus security design where it
can be revamped to a more reliable, robust framework. It
needs to overcome some of the drawbacks related to
certificates management. Proxy certificates and even the
original certificates are stored in files on local machines which
stand susceptible to accidental corruption or deletion. Proxy
Certificates need to be renewed manually at fixed time
intervals. There is a scope for further improvement with novel
methods being devised for storing the certificates in an online
database and users requesting proxy certificates on demand
[7]. MyProxy can be considered as an example of such a
system [6]. Proxy certificates hold good chances of being used
November 2005
Volume 30 Number 6
in unison with mobile agent technology in dynamic field like
mobile network.
Globus security model for high performance grid computing
has its pros and cons. It has come up with an implementation
which strives to resolve the main security concerns like
privacy, integrity and authentication in grid computing
environment. It is characterized by security features which are
controllable through application programs as well as
configuration files so that a good compromise of security and
performance for a grid application is achieved. Client
delegation is a noticeable feature which empowers users with
single sign-on capability.
[1] Ian Foster, Carl Kesselman, Steven Tuecke, “The
Anatomy of Grid Enabling Scalable Virtual
[2] Ian Foster, Carl Kesselman, Jeffrey M. Nick, Steven
Tuecke, “The Physiology of the Grid, An Open Grid
Services Architecture for Distributed Systems
[3] Ian Foster, Carl Kesselman, Gene Tsudik, Steven
Tsuecke, “A Security Architecture for Computational
Grids,” Proceedings of the 5th ACM Conference on
Computer and Communications Security, 1998, pp 83-92.
[4] Zsolt Nemeth, Vaidy Sunderam, “A comparison of
Conventional Distributed Computing Environments and
[5] Nataraj Nagaratnam, Philippe Janson, John Dayka,
Anthony Nadalin, Frank Siebenlist, Von Welch, Ian
Foster, Steve Tuecke, “The Security Architecture for
[6] Jim Basney, “Using the MyProxy Online Credential
[7] Olivier Chevassut, “Secure (one -time-)Password
Authentication for the Globus Toolkit”, online at