Mycopathologia 156: 333–342, 2003.
© 2003 Kluwer Academic Publishers. Printed in the Netherlands.
Ecology of hymexazol-insensitive Pythium species in field soils
Mohammed Ali-Shtayeh1 , Ayman M.A. Salah1 & Rana M. Jamous2
1 Department
of Biology, An-Najah University; 2 Biodiversity and Environmental Research Center (BERC), Til
Village, Nablus, Palestine
Received 26 June 2001; accepted in final form 4 December 2002
Soils from 100 irrigated fields (95 under vegetables, 5 under citrus) in different geographical locations in the West
Bank (Palestinian Autonomous Territory) were surveyed for hymexazol-insensitive (HIS) Pythium species using
the surface soil dilution plate (SSDP) method with the VP3 medium amended with 50 mg/L hymexazol (HMI)
(VP3H50), over a period of 12 months. HIS Pythium species were isolated from 37% of the soils surveyed, with
mean population levels ranging from 4.3–1422 CFU g−1 dry weight. Eight HIS Pythium taxa were recovered on
the VP3H50 medium, the most abundant of which was P. vexans (found in 29% of field soils surveyed). Seasonal
variations in population levels of HIS Pythium species were studied in four fields over a period of 12 months.
Significant seasonal variations in HIS population levels were detected in the four fields, with the highest population
levels of HIS Pythium spp. encountered in spring and the lowest population levels in winter in three of the fields
surveyed. Effects of HMI on linear growth and colony morphology of 149 Pythium ssp. isolates were examined
on CMA amended with HMI at five concentrations. Pythium vexans isolates responded differently from those of
the other Pythium species. Isolates of this important pathogen were more insensitive to HMI at high concentrations
than the other main species tested. A large proportion of the P. ultimum isolates was either insensitive or weakly
sensitive to HMI. Furthermore, a few isolates of other Pythium species were insensitive to the fungicide at various
concentrations. The colony morphology of P. vexans isolates was not affected by HMI, whereas colonies of the
other species showed sparse growth on the HMI amended medium relative to the control. The pathogenicity of P.
vexans and P. ultimum isolates to cucumber seedlings was examined in growth chambers. Insensitive isolates of
both species were found to be more virulent damping-off pathogens than the sensitive isolates. The present study
demonstrates that HMI can not be used effectively in controlling Pythium spp. in soil inhabited with high densities
of HIS Pythium spp. pathogens.
Key words: hymexazol-insensitive Pythium species, pathogenicity, P. ultimum, P. vexans, seasonal variation,
Hymexazol (5-hydroxy-5-methylisoxazol,
(Sankyo Co., Ltd., Tokyo, Japan) and some of its
derivatives are systemic fungicides. They have been
used widely for the control of damping-off disease
of many crops caused by Pythium species and some
other soil-borne plant pathogens (e.g., Fusarium, and
Rhizoctonia spp.) at relatively low concentrations.
They were not effective in controlling Phytophthora
species [1–3].
The selective toxicity of HMI toward Phytophthora and Pythium species, led Massago et al. [4] to
suggest the inclusion of this fungicide in the selective media used for the isolation and quantification of
Phytophthora species from soil to minimize the interference of Pythium on soil dilution plates. HMI
inhibits the growth not only of Pythium spp., but
also of Mortierella species [5]. It is inhibitory effect,
however, increases when combined with other antimicrobial agents present in the selective media, such as
rose Bengal and PCNB [5–7].
Ho [8] reported different effects of HMI on growth
and reproduction of some Phytophthora species, ranging between severe inhibition of some species to
enhancement of growth of other species. As a result,
Sneh & Katz [9] suggested the use of a reduced concentration of HMI (25 mg/L) in selective isolation media to enable recovery of HMI sensitive Phytophthora
spp. from soil.
Although HMI is used in selective media to prevent the overgrowth of Pythium spp., it is, however,
clear that not all Pythium spp. are effectively inhibited by this fungicide [5, 9– 12]. Some species, such
as P. vexans [11], and P. proliferum [12], are totally
insensitive to HMI. They are very similar to Phytophthora spp. in this respect. Other species, such as,
P. mamillatum, are insensitive at low concentrations
(25 mg/L), but sensitive at higher concentrations [5].
Hymexazol-insensitive (HIS) isolates of Pythium species have been recently encountered frequently on
selective media in soil dilution plates supplied with
HMI at 50 mg/L [10, 13]. Furthermore, HIS isolates of
P. ultimum have been found to be more virulent plant
damping-off pathogens than the more hymexazolsensitive isolates (Ali-Shtayeh, unpublished data).
HIS Pythium species appear to be a unique ecological group with respect to their response to fungicides, molecular features, and possibly virulence.
Therefore, the present study was aimed at studying
the ecology of this group of fungi in agricultural fields;
and exploring any correlation between their insensitivity to HMI and other features including virulence and
taxonomic status.
Materials and methods
Isolation and identification of HIS and other Pythium
species from soil
Sampling and sampling sites: One hundred irrigated
fields (95 under vegetables, and 5 under citrus trees)
distributed in the West Bank (Palestinian Autonomous Territory) were selected on the basis of cultural
practices and geographical locations (Table 1). Four
of these fields (2 in Nablus and 2 in Hebron areas)
were sampled 6 times (once every other month) over a
period of 12 months (June 97–May 98) to account for
seasonal variation in Pythium spp. populations. The
remaining fields were sampled only once. During each
sampling time, four well-spaced soil samples, each
approximately 250 g fresh weight, were taken from
Table 1. Characteristics of the fields studied.
% Water
% Organic
Nablus (11 veg., citrus 1)
Tulkarem (13 veg., 1 citrus)
Jenin (13 veg.)
Qalqilia (16 veg., 1 citrus)
Jordan Valley (5 veg., 2 citrus)
Ramallah (12 veg.)
Bethlehem (13 veg.)
Hebron (12 veg.)
an area of 16 m2 at a depth of 0–10 cm. The four
samples were thoroughly mixed in a single plastic bag
as a composite sample. Soil samples were processed
on the day of collection. Soil characteristics including
moisture content, pH, and organic matter were determined using standard methods [26, 35]. The remaining
composite samples were divided into three equal parts
each representing a replicate sample.
Isolation of total and hymexazol-insensitive (HIS)
Pythium species in field soil: The surface soil dilution plate method (SSDP) and the Vancomycin
Pimaricin Pentachlorobenzene Penicillin (VP3) nutrient medium (agar 23 g, cornmeal agar 17 g,
sucrose 20 g, CaCl2 10 mg, MgSO4 ·7H2 O, ZnCl2
1 mg, CuSO4 ·5H2 O 0.02 mg, MoO3 0.02 mg,
MnCl2 0.02 mg, FeSO4 ·7H2 .O, 0.02 mg, thiamin HCl
100 µg, vancomycin 75 mg, pimaricin 5 mg, penicillin
50 mg, PCNB 100 mg, rose Bengal 2.5 mg) [16], and
VP3 medium amended with HMI (Tachigaren, 99.5%
purity) at 50 mg/L (VP3H50 medium) were used for
the isolation of Pythium species from soil throughout this study. Soil dilutions of 1 : 50, 1 : 100 and/or
1 : 250 in sterile 0.08% water agar, depending on the
anticipated Pythium population levels in the soil were
used. One-ml of the suspension was pipetted on the
surface of each plate, and spread over the surface using a sterile, bent glass rod. 1 : 50 soil dilution was
usually used to isolate HIS Pythium species on the
VP3H50 medium. Fifteen plates were used for each
sample of soil (5/replicate soil sample). The plates
were incubated in the dark at 22 ◦ C for 36–42 h.
After 72 h incubation, final counts of the Pythium
spp. colonies were recorded as the number of Pythium
spp. colonies per plate. The mean number of the Pythium spp. colonies forming units per gram dry weight
Table 2. Pythium species isolates used in tests on the effect of
hymexazol on the linear growth of Pythium species and in the
pathogenicity experiments.
Pythium species
P. aphanidermatum
P. oligandrum
P. paroecandrum
P. torulosum
P. ultimum
P. vexans
Pythium sp.b
Recovered in the
present study
a FCCAU: Fungal Culture Collection of An-Najah University, An-
Najah University, Nablus.
b Unidentified, with lobulate sporangia and small plerotic
(CFU g−1 D wt.) for each replicate soil sample was
calculated as follows: CFU g−1 D. wt. = (total number of Pythium spp. colonies per replicate sample ×
dilution factor × soil sample fresh wt.)/(soil sample
D. wt. × number of replicate plates). The %HIS
Pythium isolates were calculated as follows: %HIS
Pythium spp. isolates = (number of VP3H50 Pythium
isolates/number of total Pythium colonies) × 100%.
Identification of Pythium species: Identification of
species was mainly based on monographs or keys of
Plaats-Niterink [17], Ali-Shtayeh [18] and Dick [19].
Sensitivity to HMI
Fungal isolates: One hundred and forty nine isolates of seven Pythium species P. aphanidermatum, P.
oligandrum, P. paroecandrum, P. torulosum, P. ultimum, P. vexans, and P. sp. (unidentified with lobulate
sporangia and small plerotic oospores) were tested
for their susceptibility to HMI (Table 2). Of these
isolates, 83 were isolated during this study and 66
were obtained from the Fungal Culture Collection of
An-Najah University (FCCAU), Nablus.
Effect of HMI on linear growth of Pythium species:
Six concentrations (0, 10, 30, 50, 70, 90 mg/L) of HMI
were used. HMI was dissolved in 2-ml distilled water
and was added to the medium when it had cooled down
to 50–55 ◦ C. Corn meal agar (CMA) medium was
the base medium used in this study. Five-mm diam.
agar discs were cut out from the periphery of a 48-
h old colony of each isolate on CMA. One disc was
placed in the center of each agar plate with the specified concentration of HMI. Two replicate plates were
used for each isolate per treatment. The plates were
incubated in the dark at 22 ◦ C for 48 hours. Colony
radius was then measured in three different directions
for each plate. The percentage of growth inhibition
(% GI) was calculated for each isolate as follows: %
GI = 100 - [(100% × colony radius on supplemented
medium)/colony radius on CMA].
Pathogenicity of HIS Pythium isolates
Test isolates: All isolates of P. ultimum and P. vexans (Table 2) were tested for their pathogenicity to
cucumbers under growth chamber conditions.
Preparation of mycelial inocula: The method of Martin [20] was used for inoculum preparation. A mixture
of 3% (w/w) corn meal and sand with 20% water
was used for the preparation of the initial inocula for
each isolate. Five hundred grams of the corn mealsand mixture were placed in a 500-ml flask, covered
with aluminum foil, and autoclaved at 121 ◦ C for 45
minutes. Initial inocula were prepared by aseptically
adding five 5- mm diam. agar discs from actively
growing colonies. The inocula were incubated under
aseptic conditions at 24 ◦ C for 10 days. All flasks
were shaken every 2 days to insure uniform colonization. The population density for each inoculum was
determined by the SSDP method on the VP3 medium.
The colonized mixture preparations were then used as
inocula to inoculate the planting substrate to reach the
desired density.
Preparation of planting mixture: The planting mixture
was prepared by mixing equal volumes of vermiculite
and peatmoss. The mixture was autoclaved before
inoculation with the Pythium spp. inocula. The concentrations of the inocula in the planting mixtures
were 500, and 50 CFU g−1 for the P. vexans and P.
ultimum isolates, respectively.
Growth chamber experiments: All growth chamber
experiments were conducted with plastic pots (1L
volume). Three replicate pots were used per isolate.
Soil was moistened and twenty cucumber seeds (Dalila) were planted in each pot at a depth of 1.5 cm. All
pots were initially watered to saturation with distilled
water. They then received watering as necessary. All
pots were maintained at 20 ◦ C with 12 hours of light
per day cycle. The percentage of emergence was recorded after 10 days. The infection rate was calculated as
follows: 100× (number of surviving seedlings of the
control – number of surviving seedlings in the infested
soil)/number of surviving seedlings of the control. All
pathogenicity experiments were repeated twice.
Statistical analysis: The correlation coefficients of soil
factors and their presence or absence, and abundance
(mean population levels) were used to detect any relationship between soil factors and the population levels
of HIS Pythium species. Analysis of variance and
Duncan’s multiple-range test were used to determine
the significance of seasonal fluctuations. The data on
sensitivity of the Pythium species to HMI were analyzed by using variance and cluster analyses. Multiple
comparisons were used to compare the responses of
the Pythium spp. isolates at the different concentrations of HMI. The ANOVA and Scheffee’s tests were
used to detect differences among the various species in
their susceptibility to HMI. The grouping of isolates
in five categories of sensitivity was done by cluster
analysis. This latter procedure was employed to reveal
any similarities among the subjects that were measured, and to determine a classification scheme that
accounted for variance among the subjects [21]. The
relationship between virulence and sensitivity to HMI
was determined by regression analysis. All statistical analysis tests were performed by using the SPSS
computer program [22].
Occurrence and mean population levels of HIS Pythium species in soils: Vegetation type, pH, organic matter content, and moisture content of the
hundred soil samples studied are given in Table 1.
Summary data on the occurrence, and abundance
(CFU g−1 D. wt.) of HIS- and total Pythium species
recovered from the fields are given in Table 3.
Pythium species were recovered from 88% of the
fields sampled with mean population levels ranging
from 0.0–1736 CFU g−1 D. wt. HIS Pythium species
were detected in 37% of the soils using the VP3H50
medium. Mean population levels of HIS Pythium spp
ranged from 0.0–1422 CFU g−1 D. wt. Eight taxa of
Pythium were isolated on the VP3H50 medium. The
most abundant HIS Pythium species was P. vexans; it
was isolated from 29% of the fields. The next most fre-
quently isolated HIS species was P. ultimum, detected
in 4% of the fields.
Mean population levels of HIS Pythium varied
considerably between the different localities studied
(Table 3), ranging from 0.6–176.5 CFU g−1 D. wt.,
with the Jenin locality yielding the highest mean population level (176.5), and the Jordan Valley yielding
the lowest population level (0.6).
The number of HIS Pythium taxa recovered from
different localities ranged from 1–6 species (Table 3),
with the Nablus locality yielding the highest number
of HIS Pythium taxa (6), followed by Bethlehem and
Hebron (4).
Fluctuations in population levels of HIS Pythium species in field soils: Inoculum density levels of HIS
Pythium species was determined in four field soils
over a 12-month period using the VP3H50 medium.
Inoculum density levels varied significantly (P =
0.001) with time throughout the course of the study
in four fields (Table 4). HIS Pythium population levels
followed almost similar seasonal fluctuation patterns
with the highest population levels occurring in spring
and early summer, and lowest in winter. Fluctuation
in mean inoculum density levels of individual HIS
Pythium species were also detected in all fields. In
field (A) however, P. vexans was the only HIS Pythium
species recovered. Other Pythium species including P.
oligandrum, P. ultimum, and Pythium group G, were
recovered from the remaining three fields (Table 4).
Sensitivity of Pythium species to HMI: Data on the
effect of HMI on linear growth were recorded as the
percentage of mycelial inhibition of the Pythium species. Response curves of the percentages of growth
inhibition against HMI concentrations for P. aphanidermatum, P. ultimum, and Pythium vexans are
presented in Figure 1. Other species P. oligandrum,
P. paroecandrum, P. torulosum, and P. sp., unidentified) were excluded from this figure since they were
represented only by a few isolates (2–6). The mean
percentage of mycelial growth inhibition (%GI) of
all species tested is presented in Table 5. A linear
relationship was detected between fungicide concentration and sensitivity of the Pythium species in terms
of mycelial inhibition (correlation coefficient = 0.912).
Single isolates of the Pythium species tested varied considerably in respect to their susceptibility to
HMI. On the basis of their response to HMI at various
concentrations, all isolates were grouped into five categories by cluster analysis (Table 6). Response curves
Table 3. Occurrence and range of means of population levels∗ of hymexazol-insensitive (HIS) Pythium
species (CFU g−1 D. wt.) in soils in different localities in the West Bank.
HIS Pythium spp. Population (CFU g−1 D. wt.)
Total HIS
Other HIS
Pythium spp
P. vexans
Pythium spp
Jordan Valley
Total Pythium
∗ Means of three replicate samples. Soils were sampled only once between June and July 1997.
∗∗ P. torulosum, P. paroecandrum, P. aphanidermatum, P. oligandrum, P. group G; ∗∗∗ P. ultimum; ∗∗∗∗
P. aph; ∗∗∗∗∗ P. ult, P. par, P. unidentified Pythium sp.
† Percent of soils in which HIS and Pythium species were found.
Table 4. Mean population levels (CFU g−1 D. wt.) of total and HIS Pythium species and seasonal distribution of HIS Pythium
spp. in four fields in the West Bank.
June 97
Sep 97
Nov 97
Jan 98
Mar 98
May 98
56 (0)
50 (0)
96 (0)
126 (0)
156 (0)
117 (0)
± 100.6 ±
508.3 ±
277 (25)
105 (25)
68 (22)
94 (0)
142 (0)
154 (23)
140.0 ±
585.3 ±
507 (0)
119 (0)
120 (0)
129 (0)
151 (0)
349 (87)
229.0 ±
1213.8 ±
105 (21)
65 (0)
43 (14)
82 (24)
136 (32)
943 (100)
228.9 ±
678.5 ±
a Sites A & B in Nablus area, and sites C & D in Hebron area.
b Vex: Pythium vexans, others include P. ultimum, P. oligandrum, and P. group G.
∗ p < 0.01; ∗∗ p < 0.001.
Table 5. Effect of hymexazol on mycelial growth of Pythium speciesa as a mean percentageb of
mycelial growth inhibition (%GI)
Fungal species
P. aphanidermatum
P. oligandrum
P. paroecandrum
P. torulosum
P. ultimum
P. vexans
P. spc
Hymexazol concentrations (µg/ml)
68 ± 11.5
73.3 ± 9.5
42.8 ± 22
14.5 ± 8.5
52.9 ± 21.3
52.9 ± 19.4
12.3 ± 5.1
92.6 ± 9.0
90.3 ± 4.0
76.0 ± 4.9
56.5 ± 2.5
85.5 ± 9.4
74.3 ± 24
69.3 ± 2.9
98.5 ± 0.0
98.8 ± 0.0
89.0 ± 5.3
84.5 ± 15.5
96.3 ± 7.1
83.7 ± 24.6
77.8 ± 3.2
79.9 ± 10.8
81.3 ± 5.8
57.8 ± 16.7
23 ± 0.5
66.7 ± 19.9
66.7 ± 21.8
36.8 ± 3.3
87.1 ± 11.8
87.0 ± 4.9
69.3 ± 10.4
45 ± 1
75.7 ± 11.9
64.6 ± 23.4
54.3 ± 5.9
a Number of isolates of each species as in Table 2.
b Mean ± SD.
c Unidentified, with lobulate sporangia and small plerotic oospores.
Figure 1. Response curves of the percentage of mycelial growth
inhibition against hymexazole concentrations for three Pythium species. vex, P. vexans; ult, P. ultimum; aph, and P. aphanidermatum.
(mean percentage inhibition vs HMI concentration)
for the five categories are shown in Figure 2. Category
A (resistant) included 8 isolates of P. vexans (Table 6).
Isolates of this category were highly resistant to HMI
at all concentrations tested. Category B (insensitive)
included 15 isolates: of P. paroecandrum, 1 isolate; P. torulosum, 2 isolates; P. ultimum, 6 isolates
(11.3%); P. vexans, 2 isolates (3.7%); and 4 isolates
of the unidentified Pythium species. Isolates of this
group were totally insensitive to HMI at concentrations of 10, 30 and 50 mg/L. They tolerated the higher
concentrations (70 and 90 mg/L) with good growth.
Category C (weakly sensitive) consisted of 32 isolates:
1 isolate (3.8) of P. aphanidermatum, 2 isolates of P.
paroecandrum, 8 isolates (15.1) of P. ultimum, and 21
isolates (38.9) of P. vexans. Isolates of this group were
classified as weakly sensitive to HMI; they were not
sensitive at 10 and 30 mg/L, but were moderately sensitive at higher concentrations. Category D (moderately
sensitive) included 66 isolates: P. aphanidermatum
12 isolate (46.2), P. paroecandrum 3 isolates, P. ultimum 32 isolates (60.4), and P. vexans 18 isolates
(33.3). These isolates were moderately sensitive to
HMI. They grow well on the medium amended with
HMI 10–70 mg/L with a high percent of inhibition
relative to the control. They were completely inhibited
(>90% inhibition) at 90 mg/L HMI. Category E (sensitive) consisted of 28 isolates: P. aphanidermatum 13
isolates (50), P. oligandrum 2 isolates, P. ultimum 7
isolates (13.2), and P. vexans 5 isolates (9.3). These
isolates were sensitive to HMI with growth inhibitions
more than 50% at 10 and 30 mg/L HMI, and showed
>85% inhibition at higher concentrations.
Figure 2. Response curves of the percentage of mycelial growth
inhibition against hymexazole concentrations for the five categories
of Pythium spp. isolates. Categories: A, resistant; B, insensitive; C,
weakly sensitive; D, moderately sensitive; E, sensitive.
The species varied considerably (p = 0.001) in
their response to HMI (Table 5, Figure 1). The overall
picture of the three curves revealed that P. vexans was
the least affected species (totally insensitive), followed
by the isolates of P. ultimum, which were weakly sensitive at low concentrations, and moderately sensitive at
higher concentrations, and P. aphanidermatum, which
was relatively sensitive. Percent of growth inhibition
ranged from 9–95, 46–100, and 67–100 at 50 mg/L
HMI for isolates of P. vexans, P. ultimum, and P.
aphanidermatum, respectively (Figure 1).
The sensitivity (GI%) of the three species at various HMI concentrations (Figure 1) differed significantly according to Schefee’s test (p < 0.05). Pythium
vexans was significantly less sensitive than the two
species at all concentrations; it was totally insensitive
to HMI. Pythium ultimum, was weakly to moderately
sensitive, and differed considerably from P. aphanidermatum at 10, 30 and 50 mg/L (p = 0.05). The
latter two species were, however, sensitive to HMI at
higher concentrations (>50 mg/L).
The response of the colony morphology of P. vexans isolates on HMI amended media was different
from that of the other species. All P. vexans isolates
from the resistant, insensitive and weakly sensitive
groups grew well on HMI amended media with colony
morphology similar to that of the control. However, in
the HMI altered colony morphology of the majority
of insensitive P. ultimum isolates; hyphal density was
almost lower than that of the controls.
Pathogenicity of the Pythium spp. isolates in relation
to their sensitivity to HMI: Results of the pathogenicity (in terms of infection rates) experiments using 107
isolates of P. vexans and P. ultimum on cucumber seedlings revealed that the different isolates of the Pythium
spp. produced significant decrease (p < 0.01) in seed-
Table 6. The distribution of the Pythium species isolates in the five categories with regard to their
susceptibility to hymexazol.
A (Resistant)
B (Insensitive)
C (Weakly sensitive)
D (Moderately sensitive)
E (Sensitive)
Number of isolates from each species
P. vexans
P. ulimumt
P. aphanidermatum
8 (14.8)b
2 (3.7)
21 (38.9)
18 (33.3)
5 (9.3)
54 (100)
0 (0)
6 (11.3)
8 (15.1)
32 (60.4)
7 (13.2)
53 (100)
0 (0)
0 (0)
1 (3.8)
12 (46.2)
13 (50)
26 (100)
Other species
a Grouping of all isolates into the five categories was made by cluster analysis.
b Values between parentheses represent the percentage of that category in the total number of isolates in the
same column.
ling emergence as compared to the control. Means of
% damping-off given were 25% and 69% for isolates
of P. vexans and P. ultimum, respectively. Significant, interspecific variations in the virulence of isolates
were also detected (p < 0.05).
The relationship between the virulence of the isolates of P. vexans and P. ultimum and their sensitivities
to HMI is presented. A negative correlation was found
between virulence and sensitivity (Table 7). Isolates
with the lower sensitivity were generally more virulent
than the more sensitive isolates.
Our study clearly demonstrated that HIS Pythium spp.
are widely distributed in field soils in the West Bank.
Eight species of Pythium were recovered using the
VP3H50 medium with P. vexans as the most frequently isolated species being found in 29% of the
fields sampled. In fact, it was recovered from all soils,
as demonstrated by its recovery on the VP3 plates.
This indicated that resistance to HMI is probably a
distinct character of this species as predicted by other
workers [5, 11]. The other HIS Pythium species were,
however, isolated at lower rates from some fields on
the VP3H50 plates, including P. ultimum (4%), P.
paroecandrum (3%), P. aphanidermatum (2%), and P.
torulosum, P. oligandrum, and P. group G (1%). All
these species were isolated at higher rates from soils
on the VP3 medium plates in the current study. This is
in agreement with previous studies carried out on the
ecology of Pythium species in soils in the Palestinian
area [16, 23, 24]. They demonstrated their widespread
distribution in soil.
The presence and abundance of HIS Pythium spp.
was shown to be correlated with the higher moisture
levels in the soil’s environment. This finding is similar
to that found for Pythium species reported by several
investigators [e.g., 16, 23–26]. However, no significant correlation was detected between the presence and
abundance of HIS Pythium spp. and the soil’s organic
matter content and pH (Table 8).
Significant seasonal variations in the levels of HIS
Pythium spp. population levels were detected in the
fields studied. Generally, the highest CFU levels occurred in spring and early summer and lowest in
winter. This may be attributed to variations in soil temperature, which is usually higher in spring and summer
months than in winter, since all HIS Pythium species
recovered from these fields had optimum temperatures
of 25–27 ◦ C for growth [8]. On the other hand, the
other Pythium species generally had their highest population levels in winter and early spring and lowest in
summer. This is in agreement with that reported for
total Pythium species from soils from the West Bank,
Gaza and England studied over a period more than
12 months [27, 28]. The seasonal fluctuation of these
species was partially associated with environmental
factors [27]. However, soil moisture was not expected to account for seasonal variations in HIS Pythium
population levels in the soil, since moisture content in
the irrigated fields studied were relatively high with
little variation, during the 12-month period of study.
Radial growth on CMA often varied among the
different species and among isolates of the same species. Their responses to the fungicide were not always
similar at the various concentrations. Since inter- and
intra-specific comparisons are an important part of the
sensitivity experiment, the comparisons and constructions of response curves were based on percentage
Table 7. Correlation coefficients, obtained by regression analysis of infection rates
of seedlings against the percent of growth inhibition at the various concentrations of
Pynthim species
Correlation coefficients at different hymexazol concentrations
P value
P. vexans
P. ultimum
Table 8. Correlation coefficients obtained by regression analysis
between soil factors and mean population levels of HIS Pythium
P value
% Soil moisture
% Organic matter
% Soil moisture + % organic matter
growth inhibitions relative to radial growth of the
The growth of a few species of Pythium on a
HMI-containing medium has been investigated [5, 11,
13]. However, in our study a large number of soil
samples was tested for the presence of HIS Pythium
species to be able to cover their variations in habitats
as much as possible. Also large numbers of isolates
of three Pythium species, which were suspected to be
resistant, or hymexazol-tolerant, were tested for their
response to the fungicide. The range of concentrations
of the fungicide used was selected to give maximum
information on the shape of the inhibition curves, and
to enable intra- and inter-specific comparisons to be
made. The sensitivity test responses of the Pythium
spp. to the fungicide were notably diverse and could
not be simply described as resistant or sensitive. The
P. vexans isolates responded differently from the isolates of other species. The majority (31/54, 57%) of
P. vexans isolates were resistant (14.8%), insensitive
(3.7%) or weakly sensitive (38.9%). However, 18 isolates (33.3%) showed some level of tolerance to HMI
at 10, 30 and 50 mg/L, and were classified as moderately sensitive. Only 5 isolates (9.3%) of P. vexans
were classified as sensitive to the fungicide although
the inhibition of these isolates was not complete. They
were also recovered on VP3H50 plates.
The isolates of P. ultimum showed diverse responses to the fungicide, but to a lesser degree than
P. vexans. However, a large proportion (14/53, 26.4%)
of this important pathogen’s isolates was either insensitive or weakly sensitive to the fungicide.
Isolates of P. aphanidermatum were either moderately or totally sensitive to the fungicide at various
concentrations, except one isolate that was classified
as weakly sensitive. This isolate was one of two isolates of this species that were recovered on VP3H50
plates during our study.
The variation in sensitivity to HMI of the different
Pythium species may be have been due to differences
in the efficiency of the defense mechanisms [11] of
these species against the fungicide, including immobilization of the fungicide due to binding, inactivation
or degradation of the active part of the fungicide molecule, and adaptive changes in the metabolism of the
fungus exposed to the fungicide. Differences between
the sensitive and resistant isolates of a fungus may also
be due to the extent of degradation of the fungicide by
the fungus [11].
The differential toxicity of the fungicide for certain
species or isolates of soil-borne fungi may be due not
only to its antimicrobial activity, but also to its metabolic alteration by the microorganisms and to the life
form of the fungus affected [1]. Some isolates showed
tolerance to HMI in the sensitivity experiment and
were grouped with the insensitive isolates although
they were not isolated on the VP3H50 plates. On the
other hand, some VP3H50 isolates were inhibited at a
high rate in the sensitivity tests. It is therefore important to assess the response of different life forms of the
fungus to HMI.
HMI has been used for the control of Pythium
damping-off of many crops at relatively low concentrations [1–3]. However, the current study has
shown that some Pythium species, some of which are
well-known plant pathogens (e.g., P. vexans and P.
ultimum), are resistant or insensitive to HMI. In ad-
dition, our study demonstrated that the HIS isolates
were more virulent pathogens than the sensitive ones.
The percentages of damping-off seedlings were larger
in the planting mixtures infested with the HIS isolates.
This may be partly attributed to differences in the abilities of the HMI-insensitive and sensitive isolates to
produce celluloytic and pectolytic enzymes.
It is important that fungicide mixtures and applications maximize crop protection and minimize damage
to related species of fungi in the community, thereby
causing the least disruption of the environment. Unfortunately, this principle may not be achieved when
using HMI to control Pythium species. Excessive dependence on the use of HMI in fields inhabited with
HIS Pythium will result in continued increases in the
inoculum densities of these virulent pathogens. So
HMI appears to be effective for disease control as
long as the proportion of resistant isolates of the Pythium spp. in the soil is low, but its use should be
discontinued in soils with high proportion of resistant Pythium spp. isolates. However, if HMI is used at
high concentrations in controlling damping-off, it may
cause retardation of the growth and germination of the
seedlings [1].
The presence of HIS Pythium spp. at high rates
in soils was always a problem in many studies aimed
toward the isolation and quantification of pure cultures of Phytophthora spp. using HMI as the selective
agent [10, 13]. Many Pythium spp. outgrew the growth
of the Phytophthora species in HMI amended media
[13]. In our study, HIS Pythium isolates had been
recovered on VP3H50 plates from 37% of the soil
samples tested. On the other hand, many Phytophthora
spp. are sensitive to HMI [8, 9, 29]. So the use of HMI
as a selective agent for the isolation and numeration of
Phytophthora spp. in such soils may not be practical.
Pythium vexans has some characteristics that distinguish it from the other Pythium species. These
characteristics are based on morphological characters.
It has bell-shaped antheridia [18]; and physiological
characteristics, which include, the requirement of
thiamin for growth [30]. Its response to some fungicides (e.g., metalaxyl and HMI) is different from
the rest of the Pythium species [4, 11]. Furthermore,
this species differs from other Pythium spp. in some
molecular features. Its ribosomal DNA (rDNA) differs from that of the typical characters of the genus
Pythium [31]. In ribosomal RNA (rRNA) sequencing,
P. vexans again showed different sequences in five
sites, and it was close to Phytophthora spp. in four
of these sites [32]. Pythium vexans possesses another
unique character among the Pythium species namely
the production of elicitins, a characteristic feature of
Phytophthora spp. [33–34]. It has been therefore, suggested [33] to place P. vexans and some other species
of the genus Pythium in a new genus, and consider it
as a linking genus between the Phytophthora and Pythium spp. In the present study, the P. vexans isolates
in response to HMI was marked unlike the isolates of
other species with regard to hyphal growth and colony
morphology. Our results therefore, are in accordance
with those of Panabieres et al. [34].
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Address for correspondence: M.S. Ali-Shtayeh, Department of Biologic Science, An Najah University, PO Box 696, Nablus Israel
Phone: 0097292346406; E-mail:
[email protected]