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“Assuming that the Exodus was followed a generation or two later by the Conquest, could these events correspond, as will be proposed here, to the end of the Old Kingdom in Egypt and the end of EB III in Canaan?” Robert M. Porter.
Asian Journal of Philosophy, 2024
On Kant's account, "public use of reason" is the use that a truth-seeking scholar makes of his reason when he communicates his thoughts in writing to a world of readers. Commentators tend to treat this account as expressing an egalitarian ideal, without taking seriously the limiting conditions-especially the scholarship condition-built into it. In this paper, I interrogate Kant's original account of public reason in connection with his construction of the "Oriental" as a linguistically and therefore epistemically and culturally inferior Other. I thereby give reasons to worry that Kant's account is substantively inegalitarian (even if it is nominally egalitarian). I also draw attention to the fact that Kant constructed a linguistic Other against the backdrop of colonialism and from a position of power. This positionality gave what he said about the Other an ideology-forming and world-making effect. In this way, his exclusionary discursive practices-such as depicting the Oriental as an inferior linguistic Other-could have a lasting impact on knowledge production and on the real-world exercise of public reason.
Actividad de aprendizaje 13 Evidencia 3: Taller “Plan de integración y TIC, 2019
Actividad de aprendizaje 13 Evidencia 3: Taller “Plan de integración y TIC
Price : Rs. 3000/-per set of two volumes (excluding postage and forwarding charges etc.)
Revista Ecúmene de Ciencias Sociales, 2024
En el presente ensayo se pretende hacer un breve análisis sobre las prácticas de edición, divulgación y de estudio, de los materiales impresos de una organización maoísta que se desenvolvió durante los años setenta en México. Esta agrupación llevó por nombre: Política Popular, y fue una organización cuyos militantes, basándose en postulados teóricos del maoísmo, principalmente de la llamada “línea de masas”, se incorporaron con trabajadores obreros en fábricas, en comunidades campesinas, así como en colonias populares. El objetivo de este trabajo es analizar, a partir de fuentes de archivo y orales, cómo los materiales impresos resultaban ser instrumentos imprescindibles para la formación política de los militantes de la organización, así como de todo aquel simpatizante con el movimiento. La temporalidad abarcada va de 1968 hasta 1979, años en los que Política Popular como organización con una estructura orgánica se mantuvo activa.
Artículo 286. La formulación de la imputación es la comunicación que el Ministerio Público efectúa al adolescente en presencia del Juez de Control, mediante la cual le informa que desarrolla una investigación en su contra, respecto de su probable intervención en uno o más hechos que la ley señale como delitos.
The author takes as his subject the internal colonisation that proceeded in the Moscow Principality between the 13th and 15th centuries according to archaeological data obtained in the vicinity of mediaeval Radonezh (Fig. 1). He has identified the stages of settlement and the specific features of each of them. The pattern of settlement along the rivers that had taken shape by the early 13th century was disrupted by the Mongol invasion (1237-1239). A new settlement pattern emerged in the latter half of the 13th century: it was represented by groups of villages containing from 1 to 3 households. At the same time people began settling on the hills. This was caused by agricultural development and resulted in the settlements' different topography (Figs. 4-6). The author pays particular attention to three groups of 1-3 household villages that were associated (according to written sources) with the Moscow princes' personal possessions: Vorya, Radonezh and Kinela of the 14th century (Fig. 8). His studies allowed him to conclude that these groups represented a new form of peasant land tenure and the princely tax-paying unit – the volost community – that is dated by archaeology to the second half of the 13th and early 14th centuries. This means that in that period the economic type and the social structure of the main landtilling population had changed. These changes were in evidence in the Moscow Principality that in the 1270s detached itself from the Vladimir Principality and in the land that formed its part up till the middle of the 14th century.
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Journal of Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis, 2014
Iowa Pork Industry …, 2007
University of British Columbia , 2021
International Journal of Physical Sciences, 2011
Malaysian Journal of Public Health Medicine, 2019
Indian Journal of Pharmaceutical Education and Research, 2019
European journal of ophthalmology, 2018
Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), 2017
2019 IEEE 24th International Workshop on Computer Aided Modeling and Design of Communication Links and Networks (CAMAD), 2019