Hegel and the Logical Structure of Love, 2018
Autism spectrum disorders (ASDs) are extremely heritable neurodevelopmental disorders observed in... more Autism spectrum disorders (ASDs) are extremely heritable neurodevelopmental disorders observed in 1-2% of children, usually seen before they reach 3 years of age. ASD is characterized by impaired social behavior, poor communication, stereotypic behavior, abnormal sensitivity to sensory stimuli and self-injurious behavior. The exact causes of ASD are unclear but increased oxidative stress; hyperserotonemia and loss of purkinje cell integrity in the cerebellum are some pathological findings in ASD. This article reviews trends in assessment of this neurodevelopmental disorder, autism risk factors, and preventions for autism. Screening tools for ASD, such as checklist for autism in toddlers (CHAT), modified checklist for autism in toddlers (M-CHAT), autism behavior checklist (ABC) and the autism spectrum screening questionnaire (ASSQ), social communication questionnaire (SCQ), australian scale for asperger syndrome (ASAS), are available for use by general pediatricians. Pregnant ladies exposure to some toxic chemicals and selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) may increase the risk of ASDs. Mother and child cohort study (MoBa) found prenatal folic acid supplements reduce the risk of autism spectrum disorders in children, but these findings cannot determine whether they protect against other neurodevelopmental disorders.
Hegel and the Logical Structure of Love, 2018
Hegel and the Logical Structure of Love, 2018
Hegel and the Logical Structure of Love, 2018
The year 2007 marks fifty years from the format on of Adela de’s Greek-Austral an workers’ league... more The year 2007 marks fifty years from the format on of Adela de’s Greek-Austral an workers’ league, Platon. Draw ng on the record of the league’s naugural meet ng we offer a snapshot of the hopes and asp rat ons of the Greek-Austral ans who dent fied “the problems of m grant workers”, namely “language, unemployment and a d fferent l festyle” as a central neglected soc al ssue w th n Adela de’s organ sed commun ty. Through a d scuss on of the early format ve years we argue, firstly, that n close collaborat on w th Democr tus and Atlas, the older establ shed Greek-Austral an workers’ leagues of Melbourne and Sydney, Platon counter-posed an alternat ve to the dom nant v s on of m grant and ethn c commun ty l fe wh ch t based on the pr nc ples of mutual a d and collect ve self-determ nat on. Secondly, we llustrate the role that Platon played n the establ shment of strong l nks w th the w der Austral an labour and soc al movements.
Ever since the association of “ways of seeing” visual images (Berger, 1972) with multiple interpr... more Ever since the association of “ways of seeing” visual images (Berger, 1972) with multiple interpretive processes bringing into play viewers’ own knowledge and beliefs, explorations of the figure of the artist as image-maker take place within discourses that seek to determine the role of the artist’s intentions, whether actual or ascribed, in the viewer’s interpretation of the meaning of an artwork with or without the aid of an “informed eye” (cf. Maes, 2010). Yet without returning to the idea that artworks contain inherent meaning, to something discoverable independently of particular artist/viewer relations to the artwork, the figure of the visual artist also has the potential to lead us back into a consideration of the fundamentals of a subject-world relation. In such a project one presupposes a certain under¬standing of the relationship of the artist, the artwork and viewer to their world and, in particular, to their historical era, an understanding that takes this relationship t...
Australian Journal of Human Rights, 2004
The question of Australia's moral responsibilities to onshore asylum seekers is typically fra... more The question of Australia's moral responsibilities to onshore asylum seekers is typically framed in terms of the assessment of governments’ responsibilities towards competing international humanitarian and national interests. Our paper invites us to rethink the starting assumptions of this approach. We argue for the adoption of a conception of ‘unconditional hospitality’ as our ethical guide to receiving Australia's onshore asylum seekers. To this end, we elaborate a Greek-Australian concept of ‘philoxenia’ as a form of unconditional welcoming of uninvited strangers and we discuss the implications of its adoption in relation to the issues of political sovereignty and maintenance of border controls. We argue that, in the current situation, Australians should distinguish between the moral principles that should guide our assessments of liberal governmental policies, and the principles that should guide the Australian people acting in their capacity as citizens. From the applic...
Hegel and the Logical Structure of Love, 2018
Hegel and the Logical Structure of Love, 2018
Part 1: the essential nature and current condition of modernity the modern turn to speculative ph... more Part 1: the essential nature and current condition of modernity the modern turn to speculative philosophy. Part 2: the development of the notion in Hegel's "Logic" the judgement, the syllogism and objectivity in Hegel's "Logic" the categories of logic and real philosophy. Part 3: the categorical syllogism and the concepts of family, love and intersubjective identity the family and personality - marriage and intersubjective identities the family and personality - family capital, children and the family's dissolution sexism, heteronormativity and plural sexualities the family and the law.
Hegel and the Logical Structure of Love, 2018
Historians endorsing an Australian mass migration success story underplay migrants' political... more Historians endorsing an Australian mass migration success story underplay migrants' political agency and activism.
Includes image:'the harbor of Kalamata', 1911.' Abstract Researchers have analysed th... more Includes image:'the harbor of Kalamata', 1911.' Abstract Researchers have analysed the post-1950 phenomenon of large concentrations of migrants within certain types of industry by focusing on its systemic impact on the Australian labour force and on the quality of the migrants’ lives. In contrast, our research examines the nature and quality of the migrants’ own interventions in twentieth century Australian cultural and political life. These interventions have included establishing an extensive organisational and communication network, which the Greek-Australian activists relied upon from the early 1960s to facilitate the absorption of the newly arriving migrants into the established political culture of the Greek-Australian communities in the major cities. In this paper we lend support to our claim that the material preconditions for establishing this network were partly secured in the 1950s following the activists’ efforts to establish their own national print media in...
A spectre is haunting white Australia, the spectre of Indigenous sovereignty. All the powers of o... more A spectre is haunting white Australia, the spectre of Indigenous sovereignty. All the powers of old Australia have entered into a holy alliance to exorcise this spectre: politicians and judges, academics and media proprietors, businesspeople and church leaders.
Hegel and the Logical Structure of Love, 2018
Higher Education Research & Development, 2021
Education for global citizenship is one of many of strategies adopted by higher education institu... more Education for global citizenship is one of many of strategies adopted by higher education institutions. We share the findings of a qualitative study in one Australian university that examined the i...
Thesis Eleven, 2020
In ‘Reification and the Consciousness of the Proletariat’, Lukács analyses the commodity-structur... more In ‘Reification and the Consciousness of the Proletariat’, Lukács analyses the commodity-structure as ‘the universal category’ that frames society as a whole. Taking seriously the aspiration to follow Marx in going ‘to the root of the matter’, Lukács examines the ways and extent to which the commodity structure extends into and remoulds society, focusing on living individuals, their needs and relations to things as use values. We propose a reading drawing on the idea of concern-in-indifference, which addresses the complexity of the practice of owning that underpins Lukács’s analysis. We argue that attention to this complexity enables us to shine a light on the commodity structure’s capacity to conceal, directing us away from Lukács’s focus to an appreciation of the significance of the universal category’s power to deny a future ethical substantiality of togetherness while giving rise to singular beings for whom this substantiality remains an orienting vision.
Higher Education Research & Development, 2020
ABSTRACT Higher education plays a critical role in producing society’s leaders by preparing gradu... more ABSTRACT Higher education plays a critical role in producing society’s leaders by preparing graduates with the knowledge, capabilities and disposition to appreciate diversity and address social injustice. Many higher education institutions within and beyond Australia have aimed to internationalise their curricula to ensure students achieve capabilities that enable them to contribute to an evolving global knowledge economy. However, the inclusion of global citizenship as a graduate attribute embedded in internationalised curricula, and the processes to achieving this, are highly contested. Guided by a discourse analysis approach, this study explored how Australian and New Zealand universities position students as global citizens in public web pages. Publicly available policy and other text documents on university websites relating to internationalisation and/or global citizenship were collected and screened. Those that met inclusion criteria were analysed to identify discourses and to further understand how higher education institutions describe their plan to advance and achieve global citizenship agendas. Two key themes were generated: expressions of internationalisation policy and global citizenship as an obscured educational intention. These findings are further elaborated, providing an outline of the possible implications for higher education policy and practice relating to the internationalisation of curriculum for global citizenship and its potential impact on educators and students.