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EUROMET collaborative project has been set up between Finish Centre for Metrology and Accreditation (MIKES) and Croatian Laboratory for process measurements (HMI/FSB-LPM) with the objective to provide HMI/FSB-LPM with two new primary dew-point generators. Both generators operate on single pressure – single pass principle and together cover the dew-point temperature range from -70°C to 60°C, with gas flow rates up to 2.6L/min. This article presents the design of the high range generator (HRS), which operates in a dew-point range between 1°C and 60°C. To investigate how close the generator is to the ideal saturation, MIKES conducted several efficiency tests, which will also be described. Results of the tests show that HRS generator is sufficiently efficient for a primary realization of the dew-point temperature scale in the specified ranges. The estimated standard uncertainties due to the non-ideal saturation efficiency are found to be between 0.02 °C and 0.05 °C.
XIX IMEKO World Congress, 2009
This paper describes the new primary lowrange dew-point generator at LPM developed in cooperation with MIKES through EUROMET project no.912. The generator is designed for primary realisation of the dewpoint temperature scale from -70 °C to +5 °C. The principle and the design of the generator are described in detail and schematically depicted. Results of the preliminary efficiency tests of it's saturator show that it is efficient enough for a primary realisation of the dew-point temperature scale. Standard uncertainties due to the non-ideal saturation efficiency are estimated to be 0.02 °C.
Abstract: This paper describes characterization of 1-T dew point generator developed at Laboratory for Process Measurement (LPM) self-. Present operating range of generator is from-7°C to 18°C dew point range. The air flows through saturator in closed loop and is controlled with regulated flow meters. Air saturation degree is determined by measuring the temperature deviations between saturator air outlet and liquid in saturator. Thermometers are connected to the resistance bridge, which is in turn connected to the computer for data acquisition. The main design features of the 1-T generator are presented. The deviations between generated dew point temperature and LPM’s dew point transfer standard hygrometer (recently calibrated in PTB) are discussed. The deviations between saturator air outlet and liquid in saturator are also examined. The test results are presented in graphical and tabular form together with an example of uncertainty estimates for various test dew points.
This paper describes characterization of 1-T dew point generator developed at Laboratory for Process Measurement (LPM) self-. Present operating range of generator is from -7°C to 18°C dew point range. The air flows through saturator in closed loop and is contr olled with regulated flow meters. Air saturation degree is det ermined by measuring the temperature deviations between saturator air outlet and liquid in saturator. Thermometers ar e connected to the resistance bridge, which is in tur n connected to the computer for data acquisition. The main design features of the 1-T generator are presented. The deviations between generated dew point temperature and LPM's dew point transfer standard hygrometer (recently calibrated in PTB) are discussed. The deviations be tween saturator air outlet and liquid in saturator are al so examined. The test results are presented in graphical and tab ular form together with an example of uncertainty estimates f or various test dew points.
Measurement, 2019
This paper describes two methods for measurement of air pressure inside the saturation chambers of two primary dew/frost point generators, used as national humidity standards at Laboratory for process measurement (HMI/FSB-LPM) in Croatia. Together, the generators cover the dew/frost point temperature range from À70°C to + 65°C. Low range generator operates at air temperatures between À70°C and 5°C, while high range covers the range between 1°C and 65°C. The saturation pressures considered are in the range between atmospheric and 1060 hPa, at the air flow rates between 1.0 L min À1 and 2.5 L min À1. The dew/frost point of the saturated air depends strongly on the saturation pressure, making improvement in this kind of measurements of great importance for humidity realizations. In the old method, the precise digital barometer is used for determination of saturated air pressure inside the saturation chamber. The barometer is traceable to the pressure balance, which is used as a national standard for pressure in Croatia. In the new method, the pressure was maintained directly by the primary pressure balance, achieving this way the significant improvement of related measurement uncertainties for both, pressure measurement and the dew/frost point realization. The paper will give a detailed description of both measurement setups as well as corresponding measurement uncertainty analyses. During the experiments it was also observed that in the second setup, balance stabilized the pressure oscillations as well as oscillations of the dew-point temperature measured by the chilled mirror hygrometer under calibration, making indirect improvement of related measurement uncertainties.
International Journal of Thermophysics, 2015
The aim of this paper is to describe the evaluation process of the performance of the low-range saturator (LRS), when exposed to two different thermal environments. The examined saturator was designed, built, and tested at MIKES (Centre for Metrology and Accreditation, Finland), and then transported to the Laboratory for Process Measurement (LPM) in Croatia, where it was implemented in a new dew-point calibration system. The saturator works on a single-pressure-single-pass generation principle in the dew/frost-point temperature range between −70 • C and +5 • C. The purpose of the various tests performed at MIKES was to examine the efficiency and non-ideality of the saturator. As a test bath facility in Croatia differs from the one used in Finland, the same tests were repeated at LPM, and the effects of different thermal conditions on saturator performance were examined. Thermometers, pressure gauges, an air preparation system, and water for filling the saturator at LPM were also different than those used at MIKES. Results obtained by both laboratories indicate that the efficiency of the examined saturator was not affected either by the thermal conditions under which it was tested or by equipment used for the tests. Both laboratories concluded that LRS is efficient enough for a primary realization of the dew/frost-point temperature scale in the range from −70 • C to +5 • C, with flow rates between 1 L•min −1 and 2.5 L•min −1. It is also shown that a considerable difference of the pre-saturator efficiency, indicated by two laboratories, did not have influence B D. Sestan
Applied Thermal Engineering, 2007
Natural gas contents a considerable percentage of hydrogen, so is obvious to expect an amount of water vapour in its combustion exhaust gases, which would raise the dew point temperature. That means a higher speed of corrosion over the whole exposed physical area, which could represents a serious risk of breakdown, especially in pressurized hot-water equipments. In this work, a new methodology for determining the physical dew point inside a economizer depending on the fuel type burned (in this case is natural gas) has been developed. The calculation of the total amount of condensed water has also been carried out as well as the localization of the area where this condensation occurs. Acid dew point has not been taken into account here although exhaust gases are acidic, due mainly to the low sulphur content which is almost undetectable when burning natural gas, but it will be performed in a later study coming soon.
Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, 2018
Natural gas dew point temperature is a vital quality parameter. The effective control of this specification is important if the natural gas integrity and quality are to be maintained. The present work focuses on improving the dew point and condensation production rate of south Dabaa field dew point control unit (DPCU) located in the Egyptian western desert and owned to the South Dabaa Petroleum Company. Influence of the operational variables on outlet gas dew point and produced condensate were investigated. The simulation results illustrated that feed gas inlet temperature, composition and flow rate, Joule Thomson (JT) valve downstream, and upstream pressure and hot bypass flow rate have a great effect on the sales gas dew point as well as the condensate throughput. A field experiments were conducted to validate the simulation results. It is noticed that there is a good agreement between simulation and experimental results, considering the outlet gas dew point at different operating conditions. Lingo optimization software was used to find the plant optimum conditions. Two quadratic equations were developed based on regression analysis for calculating the dew point and plant condensate rate at any operational variables. The impact of replacing the existing JT valve by a turbo expander was studied. The simulation results indicate that the turbo expander is more effective in comparison with JT valve refrigeration system in decreasing the sales gas dew point and increasing the condensate production rate.
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