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2020, Journal of Psychosexual Health
4 pages
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The internet has become the preferred platform for use of webcam. The interactive online aspect of webcamming allows participants to have stimulating enjoyable experience for each act. There has been an increasing trend in users seeking help from the service for healthy use of technology (SHUT) specialty clinic for the management of pornography use. Clinical interviews were used to elicit details about their concern. The cases demonstrated the role of online behaviors especially cybersex in managing stress, free time, loneliness, boredom, as well as the need for novelty. It implies the need for screening the pathways to cybersex as well as to evolve intervention to manage these pathways in an Indian context.
Texila International Journal of Academic Research, 2021
Internet has become a part of our lives. Two-thirds of adult men and one third of females use internet in India. In that, 12% of websites are pornographic, 30% of net traffic is sex-related, 35% of downloads are of pornographic material. In India, 72% of adult males and 28% of adult women viewed pornography. One-third of people accessed the net for porn while in office or in school/college. In a study done on college students in a small town in South India, 84.2% view porn on a daily basis, one-half felt that they use porn more than they intended to see and were awake late at night; two-thirds felt that their academic grades dropped. On a multicity sex survey in South India on college students-69% watch, sex videos 6 hours a week; 24% of girls feel porn is harmless; 30% of students had sex relations with lovers, and 12% of girls became pregnant. In an objective assessment of porn consumption in medical students in Central India, 14 % of boys and 8% of girls were found to have the potential to become internet sex addicts. Cybersex addiction is six times more in men than in women. In the self-claimed hypersexual people, porn consumption was 6 times higher, total sexual outlets per week was three times higher, total sexual partners was double when compared with non-hypersexual people.
Introduction: Cyberpornography is an act of using cyberspace to create, display, distribute, impart or publish pornography or obscene materials, especially materials depicting children engaged in sexual acts with adults. Cyberpornography on one hand, has opened up the new terrain of " safe sex " , and a positive space for sexual non-conformists. At the same time, it has negatively impacted many offline relations, and a new space for sexual predation and exploitation. Objective: To find out the prevalence, type and form of risk towards cyber pornography addiction amongst the students. Methods & Materials: A prospective cross sectional study was conducted after obtaining an ethical approval from the institute and an informed consent from volunteers fulfilling the eligibility criteria. The Internet sex screening test (ISST) questionnaire with score sheet was used and was collected by complete anonymity and confidentiality. 300 medical students were considered for the study and data collected was analysed by Microsoft-office excel. Results: 57.15% of the volunteer are in low-risk group whereas 30% are vulnerable and 12.85% are in highest-risk group. For boys, 65% are vulnerable whereas 21% in low-risk and the remaining 14% are in highest-risk group. For girls, 73% are in a low-risk, 19% are vulnerable and 8% are in highest-risk group. Conclusion: It is concluded that the majority of boys come under vulnerable category whereas the girls comes in low-risk group showing male preponderance towards addiction. The study reveals that, questions coming under the subgroup of online sexual behaviour-isolated have been answered the maximum number of times, by both the sexes. Whereas, the questions coming under the subgroup of online sexual spending has been answered the least by both the sexes.
Medical Journal of Indonesia
Cybersex addiction is a non-substance related addiction that involves online sexual activity on the internet. Nowadays, various kinds of things related to sex or pornography are easily accessible through internet media. In Indonesia, sexuality is usually assumed taboo but most young people have been exposed to pornography. It can lead to an addiction with many negative effects on users, such as relationships, money, and psychiatric problems like major depression and anxiety disorders. A few instruments may be used to detect cybersex behavior. This review was aimed to provide a comprehensive discussion about cybersex addiction in Indonesian society and the importance of its screening for this condition to enable its early detection and subsequent management.
The Journal of Sexual Medicine
Introduction: Although findings concerning sexual outcomes associated with cyberpornography use are mixed, viewing explicit sexual content online is becoming a common activity for an increasing number of individuals. Aim: To investigate heterogeneity in cyberpornography-related sexual outcomes by examining a theoretically and clinically based model suggesting that individuals who spend time viewing online pornography form three distinct profiles (recreational, at-risk, and compulsive) and to examine whether these profiles were associated with sexual well-being, sex, and interpersonal context of pornography use. Methods: The present cluster-analytic study was conducted using a convenience sample of 830 adults who completed online self-reported measurements of cyberpornography use and sexual well-being, which included sexual satisfaction, compulsivity, avoidance, and dysfunction. Main Outcomes Measures: Dimensions of cyberpornography use were assessed using the Cyber Pornography Use Inventory. Sexual well-being measurements included the Global Measure of Sexual Satisfaction, the Sexual Compulsivity Scale, the Sexual Avoidance Subscale, and the Arizona Sexual Experiences Scale. Results: Cluster analyses indicated three distinct profiles: recreational (75.5%), highly distressed non-compulsive (12.7%), and compulsive (11.8%). Recreational users reported higher sexual satisfaction and lower sexual compulsivity, avoidance, and dysfunction, whereas users with a compulsive profile presented lower sexual satisfaction and dysfunction and higher sexual compulsivity and avoidance. Highly distressed less active users were sexually less satisfied and reported less sexual compulsivity and more sexual dysfunction and avoidance. A larger proportion of women and of dyadic users was found among recreational users, whereas solitary users were more likely to be in the highly distressed less active profile and men were more likely to be in the compulsive profile. Conclusion: This pattern of results confirms the existence of recreational and compulsive profiles but also demonstrates the existence of an important subgroup of not particularly active, yet highly distressed consumers. Cyberpornography users represent a heterogeneous population, in which each subgroup is associated with specific sexual outcomes.
Cyber Sexual addiction disorders are becoming quite widespread these days due to the ease of access, low cost and instant gratification. The prevalence rates are quite staggering and involve age groups from 10yrs to 60yrs. These problems also bother the family members especially the spouse or the parents, so systematic and stringent methods should be adopted for the management of these problems. We present two cases of Cyber Sexual addiction and discuss the condition and its treatment.
Global Journal of Addiction & Rehabilitation Medicine, 2017
Cyber Sexual addiction disorders are becoming quite widespread these days due to the ease of access, low cost and instant gratification. The prevalence rates are quite staggering and involve age groups from 10yrs to 60yrs. These problems also bother the family members especially the spouse or the parents, so systematic and stringent methods should be adopted for the management of these problems. We present two cases of Cyber Sexual addiction and discuss the condition and its treatment.
Academia Biology, 2023
Background: Hypoxia can affect the health and safety of patients and persons in various occupations. There is uncertainty surrounding the effect acute hypoxia may have on cognition and the cardiovascular system. Aims: The aim was to examine cognition using the Wechsler Abbreviated Scale of Intelligence – First Edition (WASI-I) and investigate heart rate variability (HRV) with varied fraction of inspired oxygen (FiO2) of 0.12, 0.165, and 0.21. Methods: Seventeen healthy volunteers participated in two tasks of the WASI-I: block design (BD) and matrix reasoning (MR). BD, MR, and HRV were measured during randomized gas interventions. A subset had their cerebral tissue oxygenation levels (TOI) evaluated. Results: Cognitive tests for BD (p = 0.133) and MR (p = 0.237) were not significantly different under different O2 concentrations. HRV data showed a decrease in high frequency (HFnu) for MR subset (p = 0.001) with decreasing FiO2. Mean heart rate for BD (p = 0.016) and MR (p = 0.007) increased with decreasing FiO2. NIRS data showed the mean TOI did not significantly change (p = 0.611) during BD; however, during MR, TOI (p = 0.003) decreased with lowering FiO2. Conclusions: Parasympathetic activity and cerebral tissue oxygenation both fell during MR with increasing hypoxia. The cognitive tests did show decreasing trends, albeit non-significant, with increasing severity of hypoxia. HR also increased during hypoxia for both BD and MR. We suspect cognitive function is related to oxygen saturation (SpO2) levels.
I will focus on the 'playful attitude' factor Morreall briefly landed on and integrate it with a deeper explanation of how play and humour are intertwined with Morreall's' own theory on humour, which I do agree with. So, basically, this thesis will try to deepen Morreall's theory with the works of his critics. Superiority Theory Superiority theory by Plato The term 'superiority theory' of humour was coined in the 20 th century but it has been around since Plato and Aristotle were walking the earth. The general idea of this theory is that humour, and its subsequent laughter, express a feeling of superiority over others or over a former state of ourselves. 1 This view does not seem so nice, and some would argue that this theory of humour caused a bad reputation of laughter and humour in general. 2 The superiority theory was the leading theory of humour from Ancient Greece up until the 18 th century. 3 Though this theory seems outdated, I would argue it can still be seen today. Most evidently in so-called 'cringe' or embarrassment humour. This type of comedy employs jokes to make the audience feel embarrassed, or even cringe, at what the characters are doing to elicit laughter. 4 Plato does not appear to have been a humorous kind of man. He looked around the agora and reached the conclusion that people laugh at the vices of other ignorant, relatively powerless people. This type of humour is still very effective and popular, the successes of television shows such as Fawlty Towers (1975-1979) and more recently the American version of The Office (2005-2013) attest to the idea that the superiority theory might plausibly explain contemporary examples of humour and laughter as well. Superiority Theory by Thomas Hobbes Considering that laughter and humour persisted over the ages, it seems safe to assume that not everyone held this view. This is difficult to assess, because not a lot has been written about humour by philosophers in the past. One old philosopher who had, however, was Thomas Hobbes. Hobbes largely agreed with Plato, and even strengthened this position in his own political-philosophical ways. Hobbes' view of laughter was that it was an expression of
Revue Française de Sociologie, 2001
Adolescence, post-adolescence, jeunesse, ces termes sont souvent employ6s de fa9on proche pour designer la p6riode de la vie qui s'intercale entre l'enfance et l'age adulte. Pourtant, ces choix engagent, parfois de maniere implicite, a des interpretations sociologiques distinctes que cet article tente d'6clairer. Pour entamer cette reflexion, on part d'un article de Parsons qui, en 1942, proposait une des premieres analyses sociologiques de la << youth culture >> en d6finissant l'adolescence comme une culture de l'irresponsabilit6. Plus tard, l'apparition du th6me de la << post-adolescence >> prolongera cette id6e. D'autres travaux proposeront au contraire de distinguer radicalement adolescence et jeunesse, definie comme << un nouvel age de la vie >. La relecture critique de cette derniere these conduit neanmoins a la rdviser sur deux points importants : d'une part, la << jeunesse >>, si elle est bien distincte de l'adolescence telle que la definissait Parsons, ne constitue pas, autant qu'on le pensait, une phase de la vie clairement sdpar6e de celles qui l'encadrent; sa caracteristique principale est plutot d'6tablir une continuit6 entre elles. D'autre part, les travaux de comparaison intemationale men6s depuis montrent que les dispositions culturelles comme les dispositifs institutionnels concourant a organiser cette phase de la vie restent extraordinairement divers d'un pays a l'autre. Revue franpaise de sociologie Pour plusieurs raisons (2), la sociologie fran,aise n'abordera que beaucoup plus tard la question des ages de la vie dans une perspective sociologique. Dans le domaine de la jeunesse, apres les travaux pionniers de Morin, puis les mises en garde de Bourdieu (1980), la perspective ? cycle de vie >> ne prendra corps qu'au milieu des annees quatre-vingt (Bejin, 1983; Galland, 1984). Cet article voudrait faire le point sur cette evolution en mettant en parallele les transformations effectives des modes vie et leur apprehension intellectuelle dans les categories de la sociologie. II ne s'agit pas de montrer ici, sur ce sujet particulier, la progression reguliere et maitrisee de la connaissance, mais plutot, a cote de ses eventuels progres, ses hesitations et peut-etre meme ses impasses. Pour commencer cet exercice, nous partirons donc de l'article de Parsons comme d'une reference lointainedans l'espace, le temps et les references culturelles (3)mais utile parce qu'il propose un premier modele interpretatif, sans doute meme le premier modele de l'apparition d'une nouvelle classe d'age, la jeunesse. Nous voudrions revenir ensuite sur l'interpretation que nous proposions de la situation fran,aise, dans cette meme revue, il y a une dizaine d'annees (Galland, 1990). Ce retour en arriere se fera d'un double point de vue comparatif et critique: de quelle maniere l'article de 1990 se demarquait-il de l'interpretation initiale de Parsons ? En quoi par ailleurs l'interpretation qu'il developpait at -elle ete validee ou au contraire mise a mal par les nombreux travaux publies depuis ? L'adolescence comme culture de l'irresponsabilite Parsons definit la << culture jeune >, a la frontiere entre l'enfance et l'adolescence, par deux traits principaux complementaires: elle est fondee a la fois sur une opposition tranchee, quoique ambigue, a la culture adulte et sur la profonde separation des roles masculin et f6minin. La culture jeune, qui est en fait une culture de l'adolescence, se definit comme une culture de l'irresponsabilite. Son trait dominant, selon Parsons, consiste ia < prendre du bon temps >, en contraste avec l'imperatif de responsabilite propre aux roles adultes masculins (4). Mais, et c'est la que le caractere sexue de la jeunesse se combine avec ses caracteristiques d'age, les fa9ons de vivre cette culture de l'irresponsabilite sont tres diff6rentes pour les garfons et pour les filles. Les premiers valorisent essentiellement les qualites et les exploits sportifs, tandis que l'echelle de prestige des secondes est fondee sur le stereotype de la << glamor girl >. En meme temps, ces qualites diff6rentes, qui manifestent (2) Voir quelques 1eements d'explication a l'on connait de la situation fran9aise: voir par ce sujet dans Galland (2001, chap. 2). exemple la pratique du dating dont il est (3) Distance culturelle non pas tellement question un peu plus loin. du point de vue des orientations sociologiques (4) Voir aussi Coleman (1962) et Keniston mais plut6t des ph6nomenes sociaux que decrit (1960). Parsons dans son article au regard de ce que
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