Islam Obeidat & Saif Obeidat
Designing for the Elderly: Comfort, Health and Well-Being
Islam M. Obeidat, Ph.D.
Department of Design- Fine Arts College- Yarmouk University
Saif M. Obeidat, Ph.D.
Department of Interior Design- College of Arts - Philadelphia University
Designing elderly units is an essential component of interior design that provides
functional and aesthetic qualities for the elderly in the built environment. A plethora of
designs in the residence include design that is utilized to accommodate the elderly
through elements of physical and mental comfort.
Due to a lack of available current research on a direct relationship of the effect of
design on elderly behavior and design, this research paper addresses designing elderly
residential units according to effects on elderly well-being. The purpose of this
research is to address and support designing elderly units to affect elderly well-being;
through the evaluation of journal articles that discuss the elderly’s well-being impacted
by design. The question presented in this research his whether designing elderly
residential units has an effect on elderly behavior, which eventually impacts the elderly
feeling of well-being.
The research methodology used a credible scholarly journal articles written between
1997 and 2011; and was reviewed keeping the relation of elderly behavior to the design
of residential units in mind. Also, a design project for elderly care unit was developed
upon findings from the review of literature.
In the findings, while design may directly affect the elderly in a noticeable way, there
is also evidence from research that indicates that elderly people are in fact influenced
by design. When designing for elderly people; a variety of spaces, comfort, safety, and
relaxation are important components of design that can aid in creating and preserving
the well-being of the elderly. Designers need to produce design products, systems, and
services that are usable to the elderly and people with disabilities in care units. The
physical environment, when designed to be self-evident (easily understood and easy to
get around in), can help compensate for the physical and mental losses of the elderly.
− Elderly
− Interior design
− Residential
− Care Home Layout
Paper received 15th September 2015 ،accepted 6th November 2015 ،published 1st of January 2016
Since many elderly individuals spend most of their
time in care units, it is important to understand the
psychosocial and environmental factors associated
with well-being in the built environment. Interior
designers should consider the well-being of
elderly people living in care home units and
investigate factors that impacted their enjoyment
of the environment.
Designing residential units for older adults is an
essential component of interior design that
provides functional and aesthetic qualities for the
elderly in the built environment. Many residence
designs include design that is utilized to
accommodate the elderly through elements of
physical and mental comfort. Good design is
achieved when the design is useable by the
majority of residents and is aesthetically pleasing,
ergonomically sound, and produces the intended
psychological outcome of well-being.
Prior research on environments for elderly people
has focused on design elements and behavioral
outcomes. Because behaviors and environments
are complex, there may be a need for a more
holistic approach to research and design for the
elderly care unit. Many negative behaviors
associated with elderly people may be responses to
environments design rather than symptoms of
aging. Quality of life for elderly people in
residential units may depend largely on the
physical environment to maintain autonomy, and
to control every day activities in these places. The
following study addresses designing elderly
residential units according to effects of elderly
behavior, safety, and comfort.
Research Problem
Approximately 80% of elderly households own
their homes in Jordan. The elderly population (65
or older) in the Jordan is expected to double
between 2000 and 2025. Due to this growth, more
safe, accessible, and adaptable housing will be
needed across the country to allow individuals the
opportunity to age in place. In Jordan, roughly 5%
of people over 65 years of age live in residential
care facilities. Also, in Jordan, home care layouts
have recently become more uniform, offering little
gradation of space. However, previous research
indicates that privacy is important to older
T his w ork is lic e nse d unde r a Cre at ive Com mons At t ribut ion 4 .0 I nt erna t iona l Lic ense
Designing for the Elderly: Comfort, Health and Well-Being
residents and gradation of space may support their
quality of life.
Past research shows that small improvements in
quality of life for older residents can have a
relatively great impact.
Research Question
The question presented in this study addresses
whether designing elderly residential units has an
effect on human behavior, which eventually
impacts elderly well-being.
Research Methodology
The methodology of conducting research for this
study involved the thematic approach, in which
credible peer-reviewed articles published between
1997 and 2011and was reviewed keeping the
relation of elderly’ behavior to the design of
residential units in mind. The review focused on
evidence of interventions that improved the
quality of elderly care units as seen in related to
two broad categories: 1) activities of daily living
and 2) psychosocial and behavioral characteristics.
Research Objectives
The objective of this paper is to address, support,
or refute whether the design of elderly living units
environments by the evaluating journal articles
that discuss elderly behavior, safety, relaxation
and comforts they are impacted by unit design.
The aim of this study is 1) to determine whether
investment in the physical design of an elderly
care unit is an essential component towards raising
the quality of life and well-being for residents, and
2) to ensure the development of a residential care
unit in which the physical design would fit the
daily activity pattern in a coordinated way at
different levels of design development, and 3) to
allow the incorporation of design solutions based
on daily activities for elderly residents.
Information retrieved from journal articles
indicates a correlation between the design of
elderly residential units and elderly behavior. In
some cases design influences the behavior of some
individuals, depending on the occupants’ cultural
and personal preferences. The evidence used to
support the relation of design and elderly people is
Difficulties of Aging in Homes for the Elderly
The proportion of the U.S. population that is 65
years and older has been increasing in recent years
and is predicted to continue to increase in the near
future due to the large Baby Boomer population
(Frey, 1999).Most Americans over 55 years of age
prefer to remain in their homes as they age (Bayer
& Harper, 2000); however, some elderly
individuals will choose to live in care units with
suitable design instead of their prior homes. Also,
the elderly do not want to recognize their physical
limitations and discomfort; nor do they want to
accept design that may label them as disabled
(Sherman &Combs, 1997). Understanding the
wider scope of aging-in-place issues that affect the
elderly population, including the physical,
psychological, and environmental factors that
inform their decisions, may help in meeting their
needs (Ahn& Goss, 2006).
Designers should recognize the factors that
influence elderly people’s perceptions about
remaining in their homes. Elderly people should
be educated about universal design, technology,
and services that may improve their quality of life
(Sherman and Combs, 1997). Designers must pay
attention of the physical, social, and psychological
support services in the community available to the
elderly and their families. Also, they must provide
housing options for the elderly to meet their needs.
Designers should know the characteristics and
circumstances of the elderly who perceive they
can continue to live at home and they should know
the characteristics of those that do not so that they
can help develop housing to meet their needs.
Care Home Layout Affects Elderly Residents
The gradation of space (i.e., a developed range of
private and public spaces) within elderly care
homes impact the residents’ quality of life
(Barnes, 2006).Designers should provide a variety
of spaces in care homes (e.g., quiet, stimulating,
appropriate for small groups) to support residents
in maintaining personal space and engaging in a
variety of behaviors. Also, care home residents
may experience a higher quality of life and engage
in more active behavior when the layout includes
numerous public, semiprivate, and private spaces.
Residents who spend more daytime in their rooms
(e.g., not in care home lounges) may be more
likely to experience a sense of control over their
environment and to engage in active behaviors,
regardless of their level of dependence on
Elderly and Disabled People in Virtual Design
Designers and manufacturers need to produce
products, systems, and services that are usable to
aging populations and people with disabilities
around the world. There is a need for design tools,
which are cost-effective, convey complex user
information, and allow for design creativity (Gyi,
et al., 2004).Designers should consider using
emerging information and virtual technologies that
improve usability testing of design for elderly
people and people with disabilities early in the
design process. Design clearance widths and
heights using the 99th percentile population
measurement data should be used rather than the
I nt erna t iona l De sign J ournal, V olum e 6 , I ssue 1
easily accessible, commonly used 95th percentile
data to accommodate more users. Existing
anthropometric data formats may not be user
friendly and may not adequately inform designers
of dimensional requirements for complex,
everyday tasks.
Designing Alzheimer's Units
The physical environment, when designed to be
self-evident (easily understood and easy to get
around in), can help compensate for the physical
and mental losses of the elderly.The challenging
behaviors associated with Alzheimer’s disease are
often controlled by methods that may adversely
affect quality of life (e.g., physical restraints,
medication).A combination of medication, care,
and the designed environment may have the
greatest potential for improving the quality of life
for those living with Alzheimer’s disease or other
forms of dementia(Zeisel et al., 2003).
Designers should include a calm, structured
environment with places for resident social
activities. They must modify the resident's living
space to compensate for the degeneration of motor
and association skills. Also, they must control
exits from a resident's room or home into the
larger community. Designers ought to decrease
visibility of dangerous doors (exit to outdoors);
increase visibility and attractiveness of safe doors
(entry to room) to reduce confusion, which in turn
reduces frustration and increases independence.
Pathways should be created that are continuous
and have social or visual interest areas along them
and a destination (without being a dead end) to
encourage resident walking instead of wandering.
Two to three social areas with different aesthetic
looks and functions should be provided so
residents are stimulated, see diverse interiors, and
are less bored. Designers should design quiet,
private areas for residents that have the ability to
be personalized, such as a bedroom/sitting room or
small areas in a community space to help them
maintain calm and trigger memories through
personalized space (Zeisel et al., 2003).
Interior components should be used that have a
residential aesthetic to create a sense of familiarity
and security such as small scale furnishings, wall
coverings, and lighting fixtures. They have to
incorporate handrails, non-slip flooring, and highrise toilets into the space so residents can do things
by themselves, thereby supporting safety and
promoting independence. Finally, they must
develop comprehensible designs solutions that are
not extreme (a color scheme that is too dull or too
bright) but that promote the residents' interest.
Air Quality in Homes of the Elderly
According to Coelho et al. (2005), designers
should know that building characteristics (e.g.,
presence of carpet, need for renovation, garbage
Islam Obeidat & Saif Obeidat
chutes in apartments, and gas stoves) may be
associated with poor health among the elderly.
Also, they should know that many habits of the
elderly (e.g., drying laundry in living rooms,
spending a lot of time in the kitchen) may create
health risks. Designers must aware that inadequate
ventilation (e.g., unclean screens, furniture placed
over air vents, returned air from oven hoods) and
the inability of elderly to perform cleaning tasks
(e.g., reaching ventilation screens for cleaning)
may contribute to pollution in their homes.
Improving Home Safety for Older Adults
Understanding the approaches to injury prevention
that is most effective in increasing safety among
older adults is crucial for designing successful
intervention programs in the future (Valente, et al.,
1998). Environmental conditions in the homes of
older adults should be evaluated through the use of
safety to encourage changes in behavior.
Designers should pay special attention to hazards
in the bedroom and bathroom as these are the two
most unsafe locations in the home. They must
provide fire extinguishers, smoke detectors,
flashlights, and post a list of emergency numbers
to improve emergency safety conditions in homes
of older adults. Also, they have to remove
obstacles such as furniture, rugs, and electrical
cords from traffic paths in the home and repair
porches and steps to prevent falls. Hot water
temperature should be reduced to prevent scald
injuries. Designers must use non-skid flooring and
bath strips to reduce slipping, encourage the use of
step stools to reach high items and prevent falls,
and recommend sitting a safe distance from space
heaters to prevent injuries from fire (Valente, et
al., 1998).
Safety Precautions for the Elderly
Successful prevention strategies for elderly people
who had fallen previously included professionally
supervised balance and strength training exercise,
reducing home hazards, and discontinuing
psychotropic medication (Tinetti, 2003).Designers
should reduce hazards in the home that may
contribute to falling (e.g., remove rugs, use
nonslip bathmats, reduce glare from lighting, and
add hand rails to stairs). Adjustable beds that may
reduce drops in postural blood pressure by
elevating the head should be provided. Also, they
must provide an emergency system or telephone
on the floor, especially for people who live alone
or are at risk of falling. Designers have to consult
with a physical therapist and the elderly
individuals to develop strategies that reduce the
risk of falling (e.g., avoid environmental hazards,
be aware of side effects of medication use). They
must accommodate the use of assistive devices
(i.e., canes and walkers) in the home.
Lighting Standards for Elderly Care Units
T his w ork is lic e nse d unde r a Cre at ive Com mons At t ribut ion 4 .0 I nt erna t iona l Lic ense
Designing for the Elderly: Comfort, Health and Well-Being
The design of the 24-hour lighting scheme was
created on the basis of providing high circadian
stimulation during the day and low circadian
stimulation at night, acceptable visual conditions
during the day; and nightlights that do not disrupt
sleep quality but promote safety (Figueiro, 2008).
Blue light can improve sleep efficiency for older
people with and without Alzheimer’s disease;
however, it is not always appropriate or
comfortable in occupied spaces. A lighting scheme
that considers both circadian rhythms and a
supportive visual environment for older adults is
needed. Designers should realize that a properly
designed lighting scheme, such as the one
proposed in this study, may be beneficial to sleep
patterns of older adults with and without
Alzheimer ’s diseases. However, such a scheme
may also use a significant amount of energy. They
should create quantitative lighting solutions that
consider circadian sleep patterns and visual
comfort and safety rather than solely qualitative
solutions (e.g., bright or dim; cool or warm). Also,
they should provide exposure to daylight (e.g., sun
rooms, patios, courtyards) in senior centers and
spaces for older adults to increase time of
exposure to acceptable lighting.
Elderly and Home Control Systems
Smart technology could increase independence
and security among vulnerable populations (e.g.,
the elderly, people with disabilities) (Petersen, et
al., 2001). Designers must recognize that the older
population may use traditional media sources (e.g.,
television, magazines, newspapers) to obtain
information as opposed to new technologies (e.g.,
Internet). Age may influence perceptions of
residential technologies among older populations.
Residential technology products that are easy to
use, functional, and reasonably priced and that are
conducive to aging-in-place, meeting the changing
needs of the elderly over time should be specified.
Designers should consider increasing housing
value by adding smart technology (e.g., lighting
controls and dimmers). Also, they should increase
market share by making smart technology
available to new homebuyers.
Residential Satisfaction of the Elderly
Researchers have identified various characteristics
that can be used to predict elderly persons'
preferences or satisfaction with their housing,
neighborhood, and
community. However,
satisfaction is a complex concept; elderly persons'
satisfaction is determined by the relevance of
various features or characteristics (i.e., the
congruence of their person-fit with their
environment) (Kahana, et al., 2003).
Designers must develop an understanding of the
person-environment fit framework to understand
and help predict residential satisfaction.
Characteristics of the person, the environment, and
the person-environment fit (i.e., congruence) are
critical in predicting residential satisfaction.
Personal characteristics include age, gender, race,
education, and personality. Environmental
characteristics include physical amenities and
aesthetics, resource amenities, safety, stimulation
or peacefulness, homogeneity or heterogeneity,
and interaction or solitude. When these
environmental characteristics were present in the
neighborhood, they were shown to be relevant to
the residential satisfaction of the elderly.
The role of interior design is a critical factor
to a facility’s success as an appropriate
setting for the aging. For instant:
• The incorrect mounting height for an
appliance or handrail can make it unusable.
• An incorrectly shaped handrail, especially one
that is too narrow, can be hard for an arthritic
• Some floor patterns with strong contrast can
be perceived as a hole or step impeding
mobility for those with restricted vision.
• Inappropriate use of flooring materials can
generate slips and falls, which become a
common cause of injury and death among the
• A poor selection of lighting fixtures can
create glare that can effectively blind
• Many chairs and couches are too deep or do
not have arms that permit a frail person to rise
from them without assistance.
• The wrong carpet will trap stains and colors
created by incontinence.
These are just some of the hundreds of interior
design issues that a sensitive, informed interior
design can overcome. Therefore interior and
environmental designers are uniquely qualified to
create supportive, livable environments for older
persons that are functional, healthy and safe. There
are also interior factors that should be considered
when designing interior spaces to meet the needs
of older populations:
• Installing evenly distributed non-glare lighting
with appropriate foot-candle levels specific to
tasks by area.
• Providing contrast between the horizontal and
vertical planes to provide better visual
discrimination that will improve the sense of
balance. For example, a corridor whose floor
and wall finishes were a similar color and value
were perceived by the residents of one facility.
• Acoustics should be considered when designing
and selecting finishes; chosen materials that
reduce background noise for improved hearing
I nt erna t iona l De sign J ournal, V olum e 6 , I ssue 1
Islam Obeidat & Saif Obeidat
at social gatherings.
• Density and firmness: The cushions must be
• Flushing transitions from one flooring material
supportive so that the bottom of the seat will not
to another are vital. Plan for slab recesses to
sink much lower than the height of the
reduce trip hazards.
occupant’s knee.
• Avoiding sharp corners or edges in millwork,
• Upholstery issues: To address incontinence, the
wood trim, furniture, hardware, and other
current trend in upholstery is a woven material
interior elements.
known as Crypton, which is sealed to repel
stains and prevent the passage of moisture
• Choosing flooring products that have patterns
through to the cushion. This can be an attractive
without high contrast and with colors close in
alternative to stiff and sticky vinyl upholstery.
value. Otherwise there is a potential for vertigo
Upholstery materials that made out of nylon
and falls.
have the same protective top layer as the
• Selecting textiles and wall coverings with easily
traditional vinyl material, but are soft and
recognizable patterns that will not be perceived
supple like leather.
as objects, faces, or any other objects.
• Chairs for dining should have cross support
• Colors should be specified that should not be so
stretchers to prevent the legs from loosening due
dark that they would perceive as black or so
to the constant pushing and pulling from
subtle that they appear dreary to the aging eye.
residents sitting at and rising from the table.
• Choosing floor finishes that are not slippery or
Casters can be added to the front legs to reduce
have a high-gloss appearance.
the stress on the structure of the frame and assist
• Installing carpets with fiber construction and
the resident when pulling up to the table. For
moisture-barrier backing systems appropriate
safety reasons, however, casters should be
for the aging population with incontinence.
placed on the front legs only.
• Limiting use of mirrors on walls to create the
• Appropriate weight: Furniture to be placed in
illusion of space, as this can cause confusion
rooms with multiple functions and flexibility,
and disorientation.
such as stackable chairs, need to be light enough
The physical effects of the aging process can be
the occupant to move while still providing a
addressed by selecting furniture that meets the
stable frame with arms that will not tip over
following criteria:
the seated person tries to rise. Tables that
• Proper dimensions: seat height 18-19 inches,
to have mechanisms that lock in place
seat depth 20 inch maximum, arm height 25-26
without any sharp edges or movable
inches; style of arm: the arms must extend to the
cut and pinch when set in place.
front of the seat so that they will support the
can be summarized in the
weight of residents who lean on them in order to
stand or sit unassisted.
Table 1: Manifestation, environmental issues and problem in designing elderly unite:
Design Solutions
• Stairs generate some issues for the users
who use mobility assistive devices.
• Falling is a serious issue for elderly
• Insufficient room in entryways and
hallways for Walkers and wheelchairs
• Stairs create multiple falls and
challenges for people who use mobility
assistive devices.
• Many fall injuries.
• Using dim lighting is problem for
people who have limited vision, and
using indirect lighting causes shadows
that affect depth perception.
• Using smooth surfaces
• materials can cause people who these
kind of surfaces fear always of falls
• The use of interior elements such as
rugs can cause losing stability for the
elderly users
1. Seniors users should live in ground floor, with
less use of stairs.
2. Using ramps near entrances. Using handrails in
all need area
3. Suitable floor plan enough accessible spaces
ADA requirements
4. Standards products rails or bars mechanical
storage shelves
5. Old people should live in ground floor, with
less use of stairs.
6. Using ramps near entrances.
7. Using handrails in all need area
8. All services and utility areas should be in
ground floor
1. Using propitiate direct lighting in stairways,
corridors and entranceways.
2. Nonslip surfaces materials
3. on floors, bathrooms, bathtubs should be
4. Avoid throw rug
5. Should use nonslip surfaces on floors,
bathrooms, bathtubs, and ramp
T his w ork is lic e nse d unde r a Cre at ive Com mons At t ribut ion 4 .0 I nt erna t iona l Lic ense
Designing for the Elderly: Comfort, Health and Well-Being
• Smooth surfaces cause falls
• Wet Surfaces are slippery.
• People with these kind of surfaces fear
always of falls
6. Using handrails in hallways and bathrooms
7. and entrance ways.
8. Using a proper direct lighting in stairways,
9. Provide railings and other supports to stabilize
• Use a globe door handles pose a
challenge for people who lack strength
or dexterity.
• Using toggle- and twist-type light
switches require manual dexterity
• Inappropriate heights for
• interior element such as windows
• Inappropriate heights of
• shelving units generate more energy
efforts for elderly
• Use shelving units make energy for
• Electrical outlet with standard height
may not suitable for elderly with
wheelchairs to reach
• Poor ergonomic design can cause pain,
discomfort and injury
1. Should use a lever door handles
2. Using rocker light switches
• Poor lighting and poor
• selection of colors could generate vision
• Using lighting as element of visual
identification system
• Lighting affected human ability to see
and work effectively
• Lost
• Stress
• a dark mat in front of a door may
appear to be a deep hole
• visual cliffing
• Noise
• difficulty recognizing words
• Bad listening performance
Vision problems
Bad mood
No control
Visual cues
Design Project
Design plays two roles in alleviating stress for
elderly. One is through enabling comfort and
welfare of care units that provide health, and the
other is through the design of environments that
improve elderly people’s lives.
An elderly room unit design project was
developed to address the specific elements of
1. Half-height partitions and windows permit
users to see into adjacent spaces. Adjustable
shelving and brackets, and should follow
standards of zone of continent reach of the
1. Provide design element that are ergonomically
decreasing the level of stress when use design
2. deep counters
3. increase lighting levels
4. contrast and avoid sudden changes in light
5. washed-out colors
6. Clear view
7. No objectives on stairs or corridors
8. No angles, distances, and surface textures
1. Warm fluorescent or incandescent light
provided more home-like atmosphere.
2. Full-spectrum lighting that comes close to
natural sunlight recommended.
3. Compact fluorescent or halogen lamps needed
for task lighting.
4. Indirect lighting needed for work areas.
5. Dimmers for control of lighting in elderly
settings recommended
easily accessible routes
tactile maps
directional signage
carefully consider structural and layout
tripping over objects
avoid using architectural features that become
1. carefully consider structural and layout
2. seating arrangements and lighting systems
must provide clear lines of sight to
particular design in a care facility for elderly
residents. Renovations an elderly care unit
designed as a typical form for an elderly resident’s
room. This design project (See figure: 1-16) was
used to answer a fundamental question: how was
the bedroom, bathroom, sitting area and hallways
in the elderly care unit designed to give direct
insight about place-centered behavioral activity.
I nt erna t iona l De sign J ournal, V olum e 6 , I ssue 1
Designing for the Elderly: Comfort, Health and Well-Being
Figure 1: Existing building plan and new arrangement plan.
Figure 2: Diagram for whole elderly building departments
Figure 3: Proposed patient room from elderly building.
I nt e rna t iona l De sign J ourna l, Volum e 6 , I ssue 1
Designing for the Elderly: Comfort, Health and Well-Being
Women’s Unit Design
Figure 4: Privacy levels in patient room.
Figure 5: Women’s unit floor plan.
Figure 6: Women’s unit elevation.
Figure 7: Women's Unit proposed perspectives.
I nt erna t iona l De sign J ournal, V olum e 6 , I ssue 1
Islam Obeidat & Saif Obeidat
Figure 8: Women's Unit interior materials.
Figure 9: Women's Unit lighting plan & lighting fixtures.
Figure 10: Women’s unit proposed furniture
Figure 11: Men’s unit floor plan
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Designing for the Elderly: Comfort, Health and Well-Being
Men’s Unit Design.
Figure 12: Men’s unit elevation.
Figure 13: Women's Unit proposed perspectives.
Figure 14: Men's Unit interior materials.
I nt e rna t iona l De sign J ourna l, Volum e 6 , I ssue 1
Islam Obeidat & Saif Obeidat
Figure 15: Men's Unit lighting plan & lighting fixtures.
Figure 16: Men’s unit proposed furniture perspective.
any modification in the design of the environment
needs to be orchestrated with appropriate activities
In conclusion, evidence from research indicates
of residents to achieve the full potential of a
that elderly people are in fact influenced by
design. It is pertinent that designers are aware of
characteristics and human needs.
the impact that the built environment has on its
Elderly unit design should allow residents to
occupants. When designing for elderly people, a
experience continuities with self and environment:
variety of spaces, comfort, safety, and relaxation
a private room, some of the individual’s own
are important components of design that aid in
belongings, and access to relationships and
creating and preserving well-being. Designers
activities associated with self and environment.
need to produce products, systems, and services
As this study offers insight on designing elderly
that are usable to elderly and people with
home units, additional research should be
disabilities in care units. The physical
addressed in order to generate a more complete
environment, when designed to be self-evident
overview of elderly homes units that demonstrates
(easily understood and easy to get around in), can
behavior in their residential units. Due to a lack of
help compensate for the physical and mental
available current research on a direct relationship
losses of the elderly.
between elderly behavior and design, this
This study reaffirms our understanding of
literature review only provides the basics for the
designing the physical environment, and the ways
beginning of an in-depth review of theories of
it affects the behavior, performance and activities
elderly residential environments, units,
of residents in an elderly care facility. However,
T his w ork is lic e nse d unde r a Cre at ive Com mons At t ribut ion 4 .0 I nt erna t iona l Lic ense
Designing for the Elderly: Comfort, Health and Well-Being
and elderly behavior. Further research needs to be
conducted to form a more complete understanding
of elderly' behavior in the built environment.
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Petersen, T., et al. ( 2001). Analysis of the
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Sherman, S., and Combs, E. (1997).
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