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2008, Lecture Notes in Computer Science
2 pages
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The paper presents an application of the FRBR OO document model for defining an information ontology of legal resources that takes into account the dimension of time. FRBR-based paradigms are used within several existing projects in computer support of activities in the legal domain, but they are mostly oriented to bibliographic organization of documents without a real modeling of the peculiar characteristics of the legal domain. Also, all of them refer to the current version of the FRBR model, called FRBR ER. Yet, in these years the FRBR model is undergoing a major revision and a new version using an object-oriented approach is being developed. Thus we first have updated the model of legal resources to rely on the new object-oriented model, called FRBR OO. More importantly, consistency problems were corrected and the time dimension was introduced, which came very useful when considering the legal domain and dealing with legal resources. Therefore, while it is not in the scope of this paper to define an abstract model of the norms (e.g. obligations, permissions, etc.) or the representation of the norms (e.g. rules model), we rather focus our attention on the abstract description of the normative acts lifecycle and how it is possible to fill the gap between the rule modeling and the structure of the legal resources.
In this paper we ,discuss the ,role of explicit specifications of domain ,conceptualisations ,- now popularly called "ontologies" - in,legal i nformation systems. We describe the advantages that accrue from producing an on tology for such systems, as well as the ontologies so far developed which are directed at t he legal domain. We ,then ,illustrate ,how ,taking ,an
We focus on the classification of descriptions of legal obligations in the Legal Taxonomy Syllabus. We compare the results of classification using increasing levels of semantic information. Firstly, we use the text of the concept description, analysed via the TULE syntactic parser, to disambiguate syntactically and select informative nouns. Secondly, we add as additional features for the classifier the concepts (via their ontological ID) which have been semi-automatically linked to the text by knowledge engineers in order to disambiguate the meaning of relevant phrases which are associated to concepts in the ontology. Thirdly, we consider concepts related to the prescriptions by relations such as deontological clauase and sanction.
1.Define Analysis 2. A firm has a lower quick (or acid test) ratio than the industry average, which implies A. the firm has a lower P/E ratio than other firms in the industry. B. the firm is less likely to avoid insolvency in the short run than other firms in the industry. C. the firm may be more profitable than other firms in the industry. D. the firm has a lower P/E ratio than other firms in the industry and the firm is less likely to avoid insolvency in the short run than other firms in the industry. E. the firm is less likely to avoid insolvency in the short run than other firms in the industry and the firm may be more profitable than other firms in the industry.
Vol. 27 Extraordinario XXVI Congreso 2017 | PONENCIAS, 2017
SUMARIO: 1. Introducción; 2. Modelo de gestión en Compliance. 2.1. Código ético; 3. Compliance en el ámbito sanitario. 3.1. La persona jurídica como responsable penal. 3.2. La seguridad del paciente: Eventos adversos. 3.3. Caso: Intimidad del paciente. RESUMEN Análisis de la gestión en Compliance cuyo alcan-ce y aplicación a centros sanitarios afecta al cumpli-miento de las obligaciones en el marco de la relación médico, paciente, centro sanitario, terceros y sociedad. ABSTRACT Analysis of the management in Compliance whose scope and application affects health centers to the fulfillment of the obligations in the medical, patient frame of the relation, health, third center and society. 1. INTRODUCCIÓN Las nuevas tendencias legislativas y la deman-da de una respuesta a la comisión de delitos ampa-rándose en la figura de la persona jurídica justificó que el legislador recogiera en la reforma del Código Penal habida con la Ley Orgánica 5/2010 de 22 de junio la responsabilidad penal de las personas jurídi-cas, cabiendo su atribución a la misma, y rompiendo el viejo aforismo latino de "societas delinquere non potest", entrando a formar parte de nuestro ordena-miento jurídico la llamada criminalidad de empresa 1 que como señala Edwin H. Sutherland es aquella co-nocida como delincuencia de cuello blanco 2 , y es que 1 Bacigalupo Saggese, Silvina; Feijoo Sánchez Bernardo José; Echano Basaldúa, Juan Ignacio. Estudios de Derecho Penal: Homenaje al profesor Miguel Bajo. Editorial Universitaria Ramon Areces. 2016. Pág. 960 y ss. 2 "La conclusión general de este estudio de las setenta grandes corporaciones es que el hombre de negocios ideal y la gran corporación son en buena medida como el ladrón pro-fesional: En primer lugar, sus violaciones de la ley son frecuentes y continuadas. Como he afirmado antes, el 97% de las grandes corporaciones son reincidentes. En segundo lugar, la conducta ilegal de las corporaciones es mucho más frecuente de lo que indican los procesos legales. En otras palabras, sólo una parte de las violaciones de la ley cometidas por cada corporación concreta acaban en deman-das y sólo una parte de las corporaciones que violan la ley son demandadas. En general, se establecen procesos contra unas pocas corporaciones por conductas que en la industria están
El narcisismo es el amor que dirige el sujeto a sí mismo tomado como objeto.
Investment for a country is a necessity or inevitability. Investment is one of the motor so that the economy of a country to encourage economic development in harmony with the demands of the development of society. On the other hand, the interests and sovereignty of the national economy should be a major cornerstone of its policy in the field of economy. To increase the number investror coming to Indonesia to increase economic development, the govemment in Article 4 of Law No. 25 Year 2007 (ULIPM) The government sets the basic policy to investment, encouraging the creation of a national business climate conducive to investments to strengthen the economic competitiveness national investment and accelerating the development of foreign investment in Indonesia has started since Indonesia proclaimed its independence, and has been through several tirnes until the current reform period. At each ofits investment policy direction kept changing alien adjusted to the political and economic conditions in Indonesia at that time.
ABSTRACTThis research develops a prototype of a remotely controlled lawn mower using Android smartphone with Bluetooth connection to avoid the risk of accidents. The lawn mower is controlled by an Android application developed with Mit App Inventor using HC-05 Bluetooth module connection. This prototype uses a DC motor as a driving motor to rotate the blade with an LM393 speed sensor using Arduino Uno microcontroller. The developed system is equipped with an option of grass height that can be adjusted. The test of HC-05 Bluetooth module resulted the maximum acceptable connection distance in the open space is 80 m and the maximum connection distance with a barrier is 10.45 m. DC motor speed tests are carried out on the lawn mowers at no load and loaded conditions. The results showed a slight decrease in motor speed at the grass height of 6 cm and 4 cm, but at 2 cm height the rotation dropped significantly.Keywords: lawn mower, remote control, Arduino Uno, Bluetooth, Android
Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering, 2019
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