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2000, Archives of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine
5 pages
1 file
Smooth muscle tumors of the serosal membranes are extremely rare and have received little attention in the literature. To the best of our knowledge, only 1 published series of 5 pleural smooth muscle neoplasms has been published to date. We describe a primary pleural neoplasm with smooth muscle differentiation documented by light microscopy, immunohistochemistry, and electron microscopy. This tumor originated in the parietal pleura in a 32-year-old white man and was diagnosed incidentally by chest radiography; the diagnosis was confirmed by magnetic resonance imaging and biopsy. Four years later, the tumor was noted to have increased in size and disseminated into the chest wall as a separate circumscribed mass located in the pectoral muscle. Both masses were resected and diagnosed as smooth muscle tumors. We conclude that smooth muscle tumor of the pleura is a well-defined entity with a low, but definite malignant potential; therefore, we recommend complete resection and long-term f...
American Journal of Roentgenology, 1997
Annals of Thoracic Surgery, 1998
Critical Reviews in Oncology/Hematology, 2003
Objective: The localized benign fibrous tumor of the pleura represents 8% of all benign pathologies of the chest and 10% of neoplasms of the pleura. The authors review the literature, and report on 15 cases of localized benign fibrous tumors of the pleura surgically treated over a period of 15 years to further knowledge of this pathology, its therapy and prognosis. Methods: With respect to the well-known diffuse malignant mesothelioma, different etiopathogenesis, prognosis, and therapeutic approaches characterize the localized benign fibrous tumor of the pleura. In our experience, 15 patients underwent thoracotomy with excision of a pathological endothoracic mass, then histologically proved to be a localized benign tumor of the pleura. The whole group underwent pre-operative evaluation and, when clinic suggested, stadiation and post-operative frequent follow-up. Results: The whole group of 15 patients underwent surgical approach well tolerated the surgical treatment with perfect recovery of post-operative respiratory function. There was no relapse of disease in any patients. At the moment all patients are still alive except one dead of heart failure. Conclusion: The differential diagnosis of benign fibrous tumor of the pleura and lung and pleural malignancy depends upon immunohistochemistry of the surgical specimen so that prognosis could be formulated only after surgery. We consider surgery as the treatment of choice in this pathology. #
Archivos De Bronconeumologia, 2004 located on the World Wide Web at:
Asian Cardiovascular and Thoracic Annals, 2008
Respiratory medicine case reports, 2015
We present a case of a 58 years old man with a large heterogeneous and well circumscribed soft tissue mass arising from the right pleural surface, found at a computer tomography of his chest. This mass after complete resection through a right lateral open thoracotomy, proved to be a Solitary Fibrous Tumor, previously known as 'benign mesothelioma'. This tumor is usually discovered at routine chest X-rays since patients are either asymptomatic or report atypical symptoms. Only 10-20% of the published cases report a malignant solitary fibrous tumor, however, definite diagnosis can only be made after complete resection which is the proposed diagnostic algorithm for these cases.
The aim of the present study was to evaluate the etiology and clinical and pathological behavior of solitary fibrous tumors of the pleura (SFTPs), as well as the most appropriate surgical approach and the results of long-term follow-up of this condition. Materials and methods: Clinical and long-term follow-up records of 14 patients who had surgery for SFTP between 2001 and 2014 were reviewed retrospectively. Etiological factors, diagnostic procedures, and clinical courses and outcomes for these patients were studied. Results: Of the 14 patients, 8 were male (57%) and 6 were female (43%) patients. The mean age was 54.14 ± 10.35 (41-75) years. There was no remarkable common etiological factor. Preoperative diagnosis was achieved only in 2 patients. Predominant symptoms were cough and chest pain. Complete resection was achieved in all patients. Video-assisted thoracic surgery (VATS) was performed in 8 patients. All but one patient were classified as having benign SFTP. The mean follow-up was 58.5 ± 41.4 (10-132) months and no recurrence was noted in the follow-up. Conclusion: These rarely seen tumors of the pleura are usually benign and asymptomatic and their preoperative diagnosis is difficult. Clinical and pathological behavior is still unpredictable and the treatment consists of complete resection. Minimally invasive techniques such as VATS are recommended for surgery if the tumor size is appropriate.
Solitary fibrous tumour of the pleura causing bulging of the thoracic wall in a 44-year-old man A 44-year-old male patient presented with right chest pain for 6 years, along with progressive swelling in the same region. He did not report fever, weight loss, trauma or previous surgery. On physical examination, a 5 cm focal bulge was observed in the right hemithorax just below and medial to the nipple (figure 1). Chest x-ray showed opacification of the anterior lower third of the right hemithorax (figure 2), which on CT scan corresponded to a heterogeneous mass, compressing the right lung parenchyma and the mediastinum, partially protruding through the chest wall (figure 3). These findings were confirmed by an MRI scan, which also showed that there were no signs of cardiac invasion (figure 4, online supplementary movies 1 and 2). A transparietal biopsy of the mass revealed a proliferative lesion with fusocellular areas. Immunohistochemical examination was compatible with solitary fibrous tumour of the pleura. Surgery was indicated and a heterogeneous pale mass measuring 12.5 cm in diameter was removed confirming the diagnosis (figure 5). Pathology showed an absence of rib or muscular infiltration, while the adjunct lung showed recent haemorrhage. Postoperative recovery was uneventful and the patient was discharged from the intensive care unit on the first postoperative day and from the hospital on the fifth postoperative day.
The Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery, 2009
Objective: We sought to define the long-term outcome of surgically treated solitary fibrous tumors of the pleura. Methods: We performed a retrospective review from December 1972 through December 2002. Results: There were 84 patients (39 men and 45 women) with a median age of 57 years (range, 34-83 years). Forty-six patients were symptomatic. Surgical resection included pulmonary wedge excision in 62 patients, lobectomy in 4 patients, segmentectomy in 2 patients, chest wall resection in 3 patients, isolated pleural resection in 7 patients, and chest wall resection with pulmonary wedge excision, lobectomy, or pneumonectomy in 3, 2, and 1 patients, respectively. Tumors were polypoid in 57 patients, sessile in 20 patients, and intrapulmonary in 7 patients. Histopathology was benign in 73 and malignant in 11 patients. Nine (82%) patient with malignant tumors and 37 (54%) patients with benign tumors were symptomatic (P ¼ .11). The median tumor diameters for malignant and benign tumors were 12.0 and 4.5 cm, respectively (P ¼ .001). Operative mortality and morbidity occurred in 3 (3.6%) and 7 (8.1%) patients, respectively. Median follow-up in survivors was 146 months (range, 23-387 months). Median survival for patients with benign and malignant tumors was 284 and 55 months, respectively, and 5-year survival was 88.9% and 45.5%, respectively (P ¼ .0005). Eight (9.5%) patients had recurrent solitary fibrous tumors of the pleura. Recurrences were malignant in 6 and benign in 2 patients. Localized chest recurrences occurred in 3 patients, all of whom had reresection, with 2 patients again having recurrence. Conclusion: Resection of benign solitary fibrous tumors of the pleura carries an excellent prognosis. Larger tumors are more likely to be malignant. Both benign and malignant tumors can recur. Although prolonged survival after resection of malignant tumors is possible, recurrence is common. Solitary fibrous tumors of the pleura (SFTPs) are rare mesenchymal tumors most commonly arising in the pleura. They can, however, also present as an intrapulmonary mass. 1 SFTPs are distinct from diffuse malignant mesothelioma (DMM), which is associated with asbestos exposure and typically carries a poor prognosis. 2 The histopathologic characteristics of SFTPs were first described by Klemperer and Rabin in 1931. 3 Over the years, SFTPs have been characterized by a number of terms, including fibrous mesothelioma, localized fibrous mesothelioma, localized mesothelioma, localized fibrous tumors, fibrous mesothelioma, solitary fibrous mesothelioma, pleural fibroma, submesothelial fibroma, and subserosal fibroma. 4 The absence of clear nomenclature has only added to the confusion about these tumors, From the Division of General Thoracic Surgery a and the Section of Biostatistics, b Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minn.
Teori kurva Phillips menunjukkan hubungan negatif antara inflasi dan pengangguran. Penerapan teori kurva Phillips ini di Indonesia diharapkan dapat memberikan penjelasan mengenai hubungan inflasi dan tingkat pengangguran di Indonesia. Namun, adanya penerapan inflation targeting dengan tujuan mencapai tingkat inflasi yang rendah dalam jangka panjang ternyata dihadapkan pada kebijakan RAPBN 2009 yang salah satu tujuannya adalah mengurangi tingkat pengangguran. Tingkat pengangguran Indonesia rata-rata sebelum krisis selama periode tahun 1985-1996 adalah 3,3 persen, kemudian selama pasca krisis periode tahun 1997-2008 tingkat pengangguran naik menjadi 8,09 persen. Dengan demikian, antara periode sebelum dan sesudah krisis 1997 telah terjadi perubahan rata-rata tingkat pengangguran lebih dari dua kali lipatnya. Rata-rata tingkat inflasi Indonesia sebelum krisis dari tahun 1985-1996 relatif rendah yaitu masih berkisar satu digit sebesar 7,9 persen per tahun. Namun, ketika terjadi krisis, tahun 1998 tingkat inflasi mencapai 58,3 persen dan setelah tahun 1998 tingkat inflasi mencapai dua digit sekitar 10 persen. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh inflasi terhadap pengangguran di Indonesia melalui pendekatan kurva Phillips mulai dari tahun 1985 hingga tahun 2008. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode regresi berganda Ordinary Least Square (OLS) dan Granger Causality Test. Selain itu, penelitian ini juga bertujuan untuk melihat pengaruh krisis ekonomi 1997-1998 dengan menggunakan Chow Breakpoint Test. Hasil estimasi menunjukkan bahwa tingkat inflasi tidak berpengaruh signifikan terhadap tingkat pengangguran. Hal ini dapat dilihat dari nilai koefisien inflasi yang positif dan tidak signifikan. Jumlah angkatan kerja signifikan berpengaruh terhadap tingkat pengangguran. Peningkatan angkatan kerja sebesar 1 persen menyebabkan tingkat pengangguran meningkat sebesar 7.79 persen dari jumlah pengangguran sebelumnya, asumsi ceteris paribus. Tingkat pengangguran tahun sebelumnya berpengaruh signifikan terhadap tingkat pengangguran saat ini. Jika tingkat pengangguran tahun lalu meningkat sebesar 1 persen, maka tingkat pengangguran tahun sekarang bertambah 0.57 persen dari jumlah tahun sebelumnya, asumsi ceteris paribus. Uji kausalitas Granger menunjukkan bahwa tidak terdapat hubungan kausalitas antara pengangguran dan inflasi. Selain itu, Uji Chow breakpoint menunjukkan bahwa krisis ekonomi 1997-1998 tidak berpengaruh pada tingkat pengangguran walaupun tingkat inflasi meningkat tajam. Hal ini juga dapat diamati dari tren tingkat pengangguran yang cenderung positif baik sebelum maupun sesudah krisis ekonomi [1997][1998]. Selain itu, keberadaan sektor ANALISIS HUBUNGAN INFLASI DAN PENGANGGURAN DI INDONESIA PERIODE 1985-2008: PENDEKATAN KURVA PHILLIPS Oleh: SRI MULYATI H14050975 Skripsi Sebagai salah satu syarat untuk memperoleh gelar Sarjana Ekonomi pada Departemen Ilmu Ekonomi DEPARTEMEN ILMU EKONOMI FAKULTAS EKONOMI DAN MANAJEMEN INSTITUT PERTANIAN BOGOR 2009
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