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The research is focused on experimental methods and technology for detailed MR-visualization of solid calciferous tissue boundaries (i.e. teeth and adherent bony structures) and estimation of overall resonance shape throughout the speech production process. Vocal tract area evaluation from MRI data requires a special technique for tooth visualization because of the lack of signal from the teeth as objects consisting of solid calciferous tissue. In this paper, a new method is proposed to capture MR-images of this kind of biological objects and accurately superimpose their outlines onto MR- images of sagittal plane of articulatory tract. Upper and lower incisors' MR-images with the sur- rounding bony structure are obtained by MR-scanning a subject with a contrast medium enveloping teeth's surfaces. As a contrast medium we've used a chewing gum turned out to be an adhesive ma- terial with optimal for MRI special properties. The teeth and adherent bony tissue contours wer...
Известия на Съюза на учените – Варна Серия „Медицина и екология”, 2019
Introduction: Malocclusions disturb the integrity of the dental arch and the interdental/occlusal relationship. All this leads to a change in the position of the upper molars in the sagittal, transversal and vertical plane. The rotation of the upper first molar leads to a shift of position of molar cups in a mesio-distal direction demonstrated by the great impact on the distribution of occlusal forces. Aim: The rotation of upper first molars should not be underestimated in the biometrical analysis of diagnostic dental casts as this can lead to incomplete and improper treatment plan. Мaterials аnd Methods: Our study investigated 681 children aged 7-10 years who attended the Department of Orthodontics at the Faculty of Dental Medicine in Varna. All children were clinically evaluated and biometrical assessment of diagnostic dental casts was performed. Diagnostic records included also photo-analysis and measurements of diagnostic dental casts. The relationship between the rotation of upper first permanent molars and the transversal and sagittal dimension, and also the overjet were assessed. The degrees of rotation were classified using the Friel and Vigano methods. Results: A regressional statistical analysis was conducted to determine the frequency of malocclusion and to establish the relationship between the rotation of upper first permanent molar and the length of the arch, the intercanine distance, and the overjet. The comparative analysis demonstrated inverse relationship not only between the rotational position of the
Zdravstvena zastita, 2011
Relevance. The success of implant-supported prostheses depends on the quality of the jawbone. Traditionally, it is assessed radiographically, but this method is not only invasive but also unreliable and inaccurate for predicting the outcome of treatment.Material and methods. The study included 80 patients (49 women and 31 men) with a mean age of 71 ± 7 years, which formed four groups. Group A (control group, n = 20) consisted of patients with healthy periodontium; comparison group B, n = 20, comprised patients with terminal dentition; the main group C (n = 20) included patients with extended rehabilitation, fixed 7-10 days before; group G (n = 20) was composed of patients with “Trefoil” implant-supported prostheses, fixed three years earlier. The blood flow of peri-implant tissues was assessed using ultrasound Doppler flowmetry (UDF). All patients (n = 20) underwent dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) before the prosthetic treatment.Results. The analysis of pre-prosthetic-treatme...
Статья посвящена анализу артикуляционных моделей производства гласных звуков в разных языках. Основной метод получения экспериментальных данных – МРТ-визуализация артикуляторного тракта в сагиттальном разрезе в процессе производства ре-чи. Предложен новый метод онлайновой МРТ-съемки для получения достоверных качест-венных изображений артикуляторных органов в движении. Полученные эксперименталь-ные данные об особенностях артикуляционных моделей русских гласных звуков сопос-тавлены с аналогичными данными об особенностях артикуляции гласных звуков в немец-ком, французском, шведском и корейском языках. The MRI investigation of Russian vowels articulatory patterns was realized upon original technology elaborated by the authors for real-time visualization of the speech articulation dy-namics (sagittal cuts). Experimental results of the MRI investigation of the Russian language da-tabase have been confronted with the corresponding data of German, French, Swedish and Ko-rean vowels.
RUDN Journal of Medicine, 2019
Orthodontic treatment planning is a practice that depends on the accuracy of teeth and dental arches’ size measurement. The purpose of the study is to compare the accuracy and the duration of teeth and dental arches’ measurement, utilizing different approaches from conventional plaster models to virtual 3D models obtained by intraoral and extraoral scanners. Fifteen patients were included in the study (7 males, 8 females, mean age 21.7 ± 0.7 years), with a moderate anterior teeth crowding and class I Angle’s classification of malocclusion. Plaster models, as well as virtual 3D scans were obtained by intraoral and extraoral scanners prior to the orthodontic treatment, crown sizes of incisors, transverse and longitudinal sizes of dentitions, as well as the length of dental arches’ segments were measured, the duration of each measurement was also evaluated. Material and Methods: groups were allocated according to the four different ways the measurements were obtained: 1) biometric meas...
Bulletin of Problems Biology and Medicine, 2018
Bone conditions around abutment tooth is one of the criteria for choosing an orthopedic prosthese. Those can be estimated only by auxiliary radiological methods. The initial changes of jaws cortical plate destruction before its complete destruction, cannot be visualized with help of orthopantomography, and pathological changes can only be observed in the mesiodistal areas of the interdental septa. Dentists often use panoramic zonography in their practice, without paying attention to such important indicator as bone resorption near the abutment teeth in vestibular-oral direction. The vestibular-oral projection of a cone-beam computed tomography (CВCT) indicates the bias of using a twodimensional image to obtain an accurate X-ray picture of alveolar bone conditions and to assess functional state of studied abutment teeth. Panoramic zonography (medial, distal) was used to assess the bone destruction level around all sides of supporting teeth in the frontal and lateral sites. Detailed study of indicators in vestibular-oral direction was conducted in sagittal projection. A dental tape-measure was used as a tool. We analyzed bone destruction/resorption of about 80 teeth, which were planned as an abutment teeth for non-removable metal-ceramic constructions. The gender was not taken into account when entering the resorption rating table. Bone resorption levels were compared between experimental groups. The feature was determined after comparison of the CBCT-numerical values of bone resorption around future abutment teeth for metal-ceramic prostheses in frontal and lateral sites of dentition. The feature was presented with the increased levels of alveolar bone destruction exactly in vestibular-oral direction of frontal and lateral jaws sites. It was conclude that CBCT is only appropriate method for timely detection of such changes and prognosis of orthopedic treatment duration.
Следдипломна квалификация и непрекъснато усъвършенстване в стоматологията, 2017
Mandibula’s vascularization ensures the adequate growth and development of lower jaw’s teeth and bone, on one hand, and of the soft tissue of the lower lip and the chin, on the other. Arterial blood is supplied by а. alveolaris inferior – one of the five branches of a. maxillaris. Venous drainage is effectuated via v. alveolaris inferior. The latter is part of lower jaw’s neuro-vascular bundle, which traverses canalis mandibulae. Mandibula’s vascularization is subject to pathology with variations in the topographic anatomy of the described blood vessels and their branches. Additional anomalies include structural malformations of embryonal origin, as well as tumors – mainly hemangiopericytomas and angiosarcomas.
Сильне поширення карієсу зубів у населення є актуальною проблемою для України і багатьох країн світу. Відновлення коронкової частини жувальних зубів шляхом їх реставрації з фотокомпозитного матеріалу стало щоденною практикою більшості лікарів-стоматологів світу. Найчастіше виконання такої реставрації-це багатоетапна і трудомістка маніпуляція. Виконання реставрацій вимагає не тільки ідеального знання анатомії жувальних поверхонь бічних зубів, а й розвинених мануальних навичок у процесі створення конструкції в зонах горбиково-фісурних контактів зубів-антагоністів. У таких клінічних випадках наявні можливості використання техніки оклюзійної матриці (штампа) для спрощення реставрації зуба. Описано клінічний випадок відновлення трьох зубів жувальної групи в пацієнтки з використання оклюзійної матриці, виготовленої з PeroxiDam, і пломбувального наногібридного фотокомпозиту «Jen-Favorite LC».
Actual problems in dentistry, 2017
Предмет. На поверхностях каждого зуба располагается огромное количество бугорков, углублений, формирующих его микроархитектонику, что обеспечивает необходимый процесс помола пищи и создания пищевого комка. Недостаточное измельчение твердых частиц пищевого комка в полости рта приводит к дисфункции пищеварительной системы. Одним из методов, позволяющим исследовать размеры твердых частиц пищевого комка в ротовой жидкости, является метод лазерной дифракции. Использование метода лазерной дифракции позволяет достоверно установить влияние микрорельефа окклюзионной поверхности зубов на степень диспергирования твердых частиц в пищевом комке. Цель. Оценить степень диспергирования частиц в пищевом комке в зависимости от микрорельефа окклюзионной поверхности зубов с помощью метода лазерной дифракции. Методология. Для установления достоверных результатов качества пережевывания тестового образца были выполнены жевательные пробы. Для определения размеров твердых частиц в жевательных тестовых образцах был использован метод лазерной дифракции. Определение размера частиц проводили мокрым способом в водной суспензии на лазерном анализаторе SALD-2101 (SHIMADZU). Для объективного анализа формы и размеров конгломератов частиц до и после герметизации зубов проводилось исследование с использованием сканирующего электронного микроскопа (СЭМ). Результаты. Анализ результатов исследований показывает, что сглаженность форм моляров приводит к изменениям фракционного состава жевательных тестовых проб. Выводы. Использование метода лазерной дифракции позволяет достоверно установить влияние микрорельефа окклюзионной поверхности зубов на степень диспергирования твердых частиц в пищевом комке. Ключевые слова: жевательные пробы, метод лазерной дифракции.
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