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Anggaran utang me r u p a ka n a n g g a r a n ya n g me r e n can a kan ju mlah u t a n g pada wa kt u yang a ka n d a t ang. Baik u t a n g ja n g ka p en de k ma u p u n u t a n g ja ng ka p a n ja n g pe rlu di r e n ca na ka n dan d i susun a n g g a r a n n y a agar dapat me mp e r l a n ca r ja l a n nya p e r u sahaan. Anggaran modal a d a l a h proses u sa ha ya ng dila ku kan u n t u k mengevaluasi p ot en si proyekpr oye k be sa r a t a u investasi. An g g a r an mo d a l a t a u dikenal ju g a d e n g a n seb u t an a n g g a r a n b elan ja mo d a l a d a l a h ca r a b a g i ma n a je me n p e r u sa h a a n u n t u k me r e n c an a k an pe n ju al an dan pe mb elian aset tetap. Biasanya a n g g a r a n ini me mb a n t u ma na je me n menganalisis b e r b a g a i str at egi ja ng ka p a n ja n g yang dapat d i a mb i l p e r u sa h a a n u n t u k me n ca p ai sasara n ekspansi.
Equity: Jurnal Ekonomi, Manajemen, Akuntansi, 2019
This research aims to understand and analyzes the effect of debt covenant, bonus plan, and political cost against company’s accounting conservatism. Independent variable for which used in this research was debt covenant measured by the ratio of leverage, bonus plan measured by company share ownership by managers, and political cost measured by the size of the company. While the dependent variable measured by accounting conservatism. The sample selection is using purposive sampling method, in order to obtain 36 observations of manufacturing company which narrowed to subsector industrial consumer goods and consistently listed at Indonesia Stock Exchange during the period 2012-2015. This research uses secondary data from company financial statements obtained from the Indonesia Stock Exchange. Multiple linear regression technique is used in this research to achieve analytical results. The result showed that debt covenant have negative insignificant effects to accounting conservatism, bonus plan have negative and significant effects to accounting conservatism, and political cost it has positive effects and significantl to accounting conservatism
Evaluating the International Legal System through the Case of Israel at the ICJ, 2024
Colonial Objects in Early Modern Sweden and Beyond. From the Kunstkammer to the Current Museum Crisis, 2022
Cambridge Encyclopedia of Anthropology, 2022
Revue Internationale Langue Littérature et Arts, 2024
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International Journal of Process Management and Benchmarking, 2016
Evoluzione dell’organizzazione istituzionale cittadina in Italia e nelle province occidentali dalla tarda Repubblica all’epoca severiana. Atti della XXI Rencontre franco-italienne sur l’épigraphie du monde romain, Campobasso 24-26 settembre 2015, 2017
The American Journal of Human Genetics, 2004
Journal of KIISE, 2014
Cogent Medicine
Partial Answers: Journal of Literature and the History of Ideas, 2013
Optics in Atmospheric Propagation and Adaptive Systems IX, 2006
Surveys in Operations Research and Management Science, 2013