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Market economy is characterized at a time, among others, by the existence of two partners, so that one has some money, a certain amount of capital, and one needs money. The first has money and wants to capitalize on them as possible, and the second wants to enter into possession of a capital base which is to put up a new business or develop an existing. We can say that in this context we are facing a certain demand and a supply of capital. Meeting supply and demand of the said capital shall be carried out in an organized framework, namely the capital market. Investors as owners of capital seeking to invest capital so advantageous that they must choose from several investment on the one that best suits his or her interests. In the choice between several investment options investor must thoroughly know the subject of its investment capital, form of revenue will occur when they occur, what time is immobilized the capital and the risks of its investment capital.
Dicţionarul multimedia al teatrului românesc, 2020
CECCAR Business Review, 2021
The evaluation of an entity is used by financial market participants to establish the price which they want to pay for or to receive from the sale of a business. Nowadays, Romania has 350 listed companies and the number is increasing. The present article focuses on the market capitalization, stock evaluation methods, the phases of this evaluation, as well as its benefits and limitations. The dynamic methods of evaluation focus more on the company's future rather than its current situation. An investor is more concerned with the future and the profitability of a business than with its past and current activity. Market capitalization, often referred to as market cap, is a simple, straightforward method to calculate a company's size and value, and consequently, its potential growth rate and risk outlook.
Background. Ischemic colitis is very rare in our country; there are difficulties in diagnosis and surgical treatment, and the late diagnosis in advanced cases causes a high rate of fatalities. Case. A 73-year old woman was presented with melena, diffuse abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting. Laboratory evaluation revealed a WBC of 20,900/mm 3 , blood glucose level of 194 mg/dl, without other abnormalities. Plain abdominal radiography and abdominal ultrasound were normal. Emergency exploratory laparotomy revealed a rubbery hard colon, without the normal aspect of haustrations, feeling like a parenchimatous organ, from the left colic angle to the recto-sigmoid junction. The dissection of the origin of the inferior mesenteric artery proved its complete thrombosis. We performed a left colectomy with terminal colostomy on the transverse colon. Postoperative course was uneventful. Nine months after the first operation, we restored the continuity of the digestive tract by a colo-rectal anastomosis, without any problems.
Бюллетень Уральского отделения Международной ассоциации содействия правосудию, 2010
Реалии уголовно-процессуальной науки демонстрируют признаки одной из ее проблем, связанной с нечетким различием исследований уголовно-процессуального закона de lege lata, которые могут быть актуальны, например, для создания юрисдикционных технологий участников уголовного процесса, и исследований de lege ferenda - наиболее традиционных для большинства работ, поскольку их результатом является предложение об улучшении уголовно-процессуального закона. Последние, отражая закон системно и имею целью его совершенствование, должны ориентироваться на ядро системы, определяющее ее тип и связи с периферийными элементами системы (институтами, нормами), а так же элементами между собой.
Biblioteca Ştiinţifică USARB eBooks, 2010
Codreanu-Bîrsanu, Aurelia. Unele aprecieri asupra nominaţiilor aproximative determinate de locutor / Aurelia Codreanu-Bîrsanu // Strategii actuale în lingvistică, glotodidactică şi ştiinţa literară : Colocviul şt. intern. organizat cu ocazia a 55-a aniversare a Fac. de Limbi şi Lit. Străine, ed. a 2-a,
In prezentul demers stiinţific autorul analizează, in baza izvoarelor de arhivă inedite, modalitatea de instituire si acti- vitate a Comisiei Regionale din cadrul Adunării Deputaţilor Nobilimii din Basarabia in scopul intocmirii unui nou recensământ fiscal al populaţiei. Autorul demonstrează că ţarismul a manifestat un interes special faţă de studierea situaţiei demografice din regiune in scopul impunerii fiscale si asigurării armatei ruse cu produse alimentare, furaje, incartiruirii ostasilor, in condiţiile unui eventul război cu Imperiul Otoman, dar si in scopul asigurării armatei ruse de ocupaţie din regiune. După efectuarea, in scurt timp după anexare, a recensământului populaţiei din 1817, in scopul depunerii de către populaţie a jurământului de credinţă impăratului rus si determinării numărului de contribuabili in teritoriul nou-anexat, ţarismul avea nevoie de un nou recensământ al populaţiei care ar fi reflectat mult mai veridic numărul familiilor de con- tribuabili din Basar...
Studii și cercetări lingvistice
This article is a proposal to standardize a punctuation mark – the semicolon –, and describe the situations of use and the communication implications of the sign: prosodic, pragma-semantic and stylistic functions. The relationships between the semicolon and other punctuation marks, as well as recommendations for use in writing practice are also considered. Semicolon is less and less known and used nowadays; its use depends on the author’s preferences. Among the stylistic varieties, the semicolon is used most frequently in the scientific and argumentative style. It is recommended to use semicolon in enumerative series, especially vertically, in constructions containing parallelisms, or in long and complex statements that also contain other internal punctuation marks.
Locuirea urbana constituie rezultatul complexelor functii socio-economice la nivel de grup si individuale care au loc in spatiul orasului. Calitatea urbana consta in gradul de confort de care beneficiaza populatia orasului, mai ridicat decat in restul teritoriului, rezultat al nivelului de echipare complexa al acestor asezari. Locuirea presupune de asemenea si legatura intre locuinte, dotari tehnico-edilitare si social-culturale iIntr-un scop
Phänomenal - Zeitschrift für Gestalttheoretische Psychotherapie 5(1-2), 27-31, 2013
إدارة عقود الأداء في مشاريع النفايات الصلبة
H-Soz-Kult, 2019
English Today, 2018
Habibullah, Renaldi Salim, Weni Puji Hastuti
La Alimentación en el mundo Fenicio-Púnico, 2020
Minorías eBooks 7 (2021): 147-167
International journal of social science and human research, 2024
Glasilo biljne zaštite, 2016
Glasilo biljne zaštite, 2017
Journal of International Social Research, 2017