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The CLIC damping rings should produce the ultra-low emittance necessary for the high luminosity performance of the collider. This combined to the high bunch charge present a number of beam dynamics and technical challenges for the rings. Lattice studies have been focused on low emittance cells with optics that reduce the effect Intra-beam scattering. The final beam emittance is reached with the help of super-conducting damping wigglers. Results from recent simulations and prototype measurements are presented, including a detailed absorption scheme design. Collective effects such as electron cloud and fast ion instability can severely limit the performance and mitigation techniques have been identified and tested. Tolerances for alignment and technical system design such as kickers, RF cavities, magnets and vacuum have been finally established.
The CLIC Damping rings are designed to produce unprecedentedly low-emittances of 500 nm and 5 nm normalised at 2.86 GeV, with high bunch charge, necessary for the performance of the collider. The large beam brightness triggers a number of beam dynamics and technical challenges. Ring parameters such as energy, circumference, lattice, momentum compaction, bending and superconducting wiggler fields are carefully chosen in order to provide the target emittances under the influence of intrabeam scattering but also reduce the impact of collective effects such as space-charge and coherent synchrotron radiation. Mitigation techniques for two stream instabilities have been identified and tested. The low vertical emittance is achieved by modern orbit and coupling correction techniques. Design considerations and plans for technical systems, such as wigglers, transfer systems, vacuum, RF cavities, instrumentation and feedback are finally reviewed.
JAVAR, 2024
Reverse zoonosis or zooanthroponosis is the transfer of pathogens from humans to animals. Although less studied than zoonotic diseases, this phenomenon poses significant risks to both animal and public health. The increasing human-animal interactions driven by urbanization, globalization, and environmental changes have exacerbated the occurrence of reverse zoonosis. This review evaluated the global impact and transmission patterns of reverse zoonosis, highlighting the anthropogenic and intrinsic factors contributing to its emergence. The study performed a systematic review and included 91 scientific articles published from 2000 to 2022, covering viral, bacterial, parasitic, fungal, and protozoal reverse zoonoses. This study indicated that viral infections, particularly respiratory viruses such as severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus-2 and influenza, have the highest incidence of reverse zoonosis, followed by bacterial infections like tuberculosis and methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus. The United States, India, and Hong Kong are among the most reported regions for reverse zoonotic events. Major risk factors identified include environmental degradation, climate change, antimicrobial resistance, and global wildlife trade. The review underscores the need for enhanced surveillance systems, interdisciplinary collaboration, and stringent regulations on wildlife trade and animal husbandry practices to mitigate the risks associated with reverse zoonosis. Understanding the dynamics of human-animal pathogen transmission is crucial for developing not only effective but also sustainable strategies to protect animal populations as well as public health from emerging infectious diseases.
Background: Intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR) is the term used to describe when a foetus does not achieve its anticipated growth. Timely diagnosis of IUGR is essential for providing the best possible obstetric treatment in order to minimise foetal complications, neonatal morbidity, and mortality. Aim: To determine efficiency of transcerebellar diameter (TCD)/abdominal circumference (AC), head circumference (HC)/abdominal circumference (AC), and femur length/abdominal circumference (AC) ratios in diagnosing IUGR Methods: A total of five hundred expectant mothers, with GA ranging from 18 to 40 weeks, were included. TCD/AC, HC/AC, and FL/AC ratios were computed. SPSS version 22.0 was utilised to perform statistical calculations. The correlation coefficients were utilised, and regression analysis was performed. Both parametric and non-parametric tests were employed
Este trabajo parte de la referencia para intentar establecer qué es lo que hay en el mundo que permite a los seres humanos utilizar oraciones que contienen un valor de verdad e intenta demostrar que la incorporación de consideraciones lingüísticas puede hacer un aporte importante a la hora de diferenciar referencias. Para esto, se asume una estrecha relación entre el lenguaje y el mundo, así como el hecho de que es posible encontrar un vínculo entre las expresiones que el lenguaje nos permite construir y las entidades del mundo 1 . Esta estrecha relación nos permite partir desde el lenguaje para caracterizar las entidades que pueden ser referidas a través de la utilización de oraciones verdaderas, si es que tales entidades existen. Esto implica, por una parte, la eliminación de un problema ilosóico sobre los distintos valores de verdad que nos alejaría del objetivo de intentar caracterizar las entidades antes mencionadas; y por otro, que asumimos una visión de la verdad como ser, en el sentido de que solo cuando usamos una oración verdadera podemos referir a algo 2 . * Para correspondencia, dirigirse a: Ana Clara Polakof ([email protected]), Instituto de Lingüística, Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación, Magallanes 1577, 11.200 Montevideo, Uruguay. 1 Aunque pueda tratarse de una airmación controvertida, en este trabajo asumimos las consecuencias que comporta su suposición. 2 El problema entre el vínculo de la verdad con la referencia o con el mundo ha sido trabajado por muchos ilósofos desde los tiempos de Platón hasta la actualidad (cf. Chateaubriand 2001).
In the earlier days still the new brand car are the status symbol and upper class of the society had the car but in the present scenario this trend has entirely changed new car is not only status symbol but also is a basis need of the higher and medium class people but all the medium and lower class people cannot buy new car so this study will be highlights all the reason and factor for which customer buy second hand car as a replacement of bike.
This is an analysis of standards related to dimensional metrology, with recommendations regarding standards development. The analysis focuses on the degree to which existing and developing standards provide a complete set of non-overlapping specifications for information needed to perform dimensional metrology. The analysis identifies four major software systems and their interfaces. It also identifies 15 dimensional metrology activities, each of which is expected to correspond to a software module. The major systems are made up of sets of modules. Twenty-two application programming interfaces and data formats for dimensional metrology are identified and discussed. The analysis also discusses issues regarding languages in which standards may be written.
in L’italiano e i giovani. Come scusa? Non ti followo, a cura di Annalisa Nesi, Accademia della Crusca, goWare, Firenze, 2022
Direktorat Pengembangan Strategi PB, 2022
Work in Progress. Work on Progress. Doktorand*innen-Jahrbuch der Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung, Hamburg: VSA Verlag
arXiv (Cornell University), 2023
Erasmus. Revista para el diálogo intercultural, 2024
International Journal of Education, Psychology and Counseling, 2018
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 2019
Miedos Medievales en tierras americanas, 2019
World Journal of Science, Technology and Sustainable Development, 2020
Semitica et Classica 13, 2020
JPMA. The Journal of the Pakistan Medical Association, 2014
Kampo Medicine, 2016
Proceedings Second International Symposium on Environmentally Conscious Design and Inverse Manufacturing
Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae, 2016