Med Pregl 2012; LXV (5-6): 191-195. Novi Sad: maj-juni.
Clinical Center of Vojvodina, Novi Sad
Center for Pathology and Histology
Originalni naučni rad
Original study
UDK 616.5-001.15-091.8
DOI: 10.2298/MPNS1206191L
Aleksandra LEVAKOV, Nada VUČKOVIĆ, Matilda ĐOLAI,
Summary – Age-related skin changes can be induced by chronological ageing, manifested in subcutaneous fat reduction, and photo-ageing
eliciting increased elastotic substance in the upper dermis, destruction of its fibrilar structure, augmented intercellular substance and moderate
inflammatory infiltrate. Forty-five biopsy skin samples of the sun-exposed and sun-protected skin were analyzed. The patients were both
males and females, aged from 17 to 81 years. The thickness of the epidermal layers and the number of cellular living layers is greater in younger skin. The amount of keratohyaline granules is enlarged in older skin. Dermoepidermal junction is flattened and the presence of elastotic
material in the dermis is pronounced with age. The amount of inflammatory infiltrate is increased, the fibrous trabeculae are thickened in older
skin and the atrophy of the hypodermis is observed. Chronological ageing alters the fibroblasts metabolism by reducing their life span, capacity
to divide and produce collagen. During ageing, the enlargement of collagen fibrils diminishes the skin elasticity.
Key words: Skin Aging; Skin + physiopathology; Adolescent; Adult; Middle Aged; Aged; Female; Male; Ultraviolet Rays; Sunlight +
adverse effects; Collagen; Elastic Tissue; Dermis; Epidermis
The skin provides a large body interface with the
environment that change with ageing. These changes
begin before thirty and are developed by lifestyle and
sun exposure. Skin ageing results from two processes: chronological ageing and photo-ageing [1-3].
Intrinsic ageing is a naturally occurring process
that results in slow tissue degeneration [2]. Its features are: atrophy of the dermis due to the loss of
collagen, degeneration in the elastic fiber network
and reduced hydration [2].
Skin ageing changes can be manifested in atrophy of the lower dermis and reduction of subcutaneous fat. Photo-ageing of the skin results from the advanced cumulative effects of ultraviolet (UV) radiation leading to increased elastotic substance in the
upper dermis, destruction of its fibrilar structure,
augmented amount of intercellular substance and
moderate inflammatory infiltrate.
Ageing alters the metabolism of fibroblasts by
reducing their lifespan as well as their capacity to
divide, and produce collagen. During ageing, the
proportional reduction in large proteoglycans (chondroitin-sulfate), along with simultaneous increase in
small proteoglycans (dermatan-sulfate), causes intensified synthesis of collagen fibrils and their enlargement, which diminishes the skin elasticity.
Wound healing is affected by systemic factors (endocrine, metabolic, nutrition etc.) and local disorders
(vascular, neurological). Ageing is connected with the
decrease in fibronectin at the site of a scar, delayed
inflammatory response and re-epithelization. On the
contrary, healing in the young produces dense and
firm scars. The speed of healing is increased at the
expense of the scar quality, probably due to an altered
inflammatory response.
Dermal blood vessels changes can compromise
inflammatory reaction at the injury spot. Raised
amounts of elastin II and fibrillin affect the proximal dermal blood vessels, restore the structure of
papillary dermis and improve healing.
Extrinsic ageing is a result of environmental factors, principally ultraviolet exposure. The distinguishing feature of photo-ageing is a massive accumulation of elastotic material in the upper and middle
dermis, a process termed solar elastosis [2].
The effects of UV on the skin are inevitable and
this is scarcely surprising as the skin contains many
cells as well as subcellular chromophores which are
capable of absorbing energy within the UV spectrum.
Cellular chromophores include keratinocytes, melanocytes, dermal fibroblasts, Langerhans and mast cells.
Subcellular chromophores include keratin, melanin,
collagen, elastin, lipids and steroids [3,4].
Chronic photodamage of the skin manifests itself
as extrinsic skin ageing (photo-ageing) and photocarcinogenesis. Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) photodamage and UV-generated reactive oxygen species
(ROS) are the initial molecular events leading to the
typical histological and clinical manifestations of
chronic photodamage of the skin [4]. The exposure
Corresponding author: Asist. mr sc. med. Aleksandra Levakov, Centar za patologiju i histologiju,
21000 Novi Sad, Hajduk Veljkova 1-7, E-mail:
[email protected]
– ultraviolet rays
– deoxyribonucleic acid
– Dendritic cells
– Langerhans cells
– interleukine
– ultraviolet B rays
of human skin to environmental and artificial UV
irradiation has increased dramatically. The reason
for increased solar UV irradiation is not only the
stratospheric ozone depletion but also the very popular although unjustified visits to the tanning salons
to get ”suntan”. In addition, travelling to equatorial
regions gives its contribution to the individual annual UV damage [5].
The long-term detrimental effects caused by energy
absorption of UV photons are immuno-suppression
and skin cancer, but the photo-oxidative damage leads
to quantitative and qualitative alterations of cells and
structural macromolecules of the dermal connective
tissue responsible for tensile strength, resilience and
stability of the skin. The clinically manifesting results
of UV induced damage are wrinkles, skin laxity, leathery appearance, sensitivity, impaired wound healing
capacities and higher vulnerability of skin [5].
Previous studies have described changes in epidermis, which becomes thinner during chronological
ageing. The thickness of human skin and epidermis is
variable, depending on their localization. Thinning is
worse at the deepest portions of wrinkles, with or
without reduction in the number of cellular layers [6].
The decrease in epidermal thickness corresponds
to the reduction in number of cellular layers. On the
other hand, stratum corneum of the wrinkle is thickened by the accumulation of corneocytes forming a
horny plug. Keratohyaline granules are more abundant in stratum granulosum of the flanks than at the
bottom of the wrinkle [6].
The dermoepidermal junction becomes flattened
during ageing. This shape is a result of disappearing
dermal papillae and epidermal buds.
During ageing, the dermis becomes atrophied due
to the reduction in collagen and some glycosaminoglycans and so does the adipose tissue of hypodermis.
These reductions lead to wrinkle formation. Atrophy
of the hypodermis with fibrous trabeculae thickening
is the most intense under the wrinkle itself.
In photodamaged skin, the elastic tissue in the reticular dermis undergoes marked proliferation named
actinic elastosis. This elastotic tissue forms real pads
on each side of the wrinkle and vanishes at the bottom
of the wrinkle. There is a severe decrease of oxylatan
fibers forming a Grenz zone in papillary dermis.
Fibrillin microfibrilar network of the papillary
dermis is particularly susceptible to degradation by
UV irradiation and results in depletion and re-organization of fibrillin in dermoepidermal junction [6].
The most important function of dendritic cells
(DCs) is their ability to activate T cells and induce their
proliferation. By producing cytokines and chemokines,
the DCs modify the survival of immune effectors.
Levakov A, et al. Age-related skin changes
They play a crucial role in initiating and regulating
immune responses so they can be directly involved in
altered antitumor immunity with ageing. Immune
function declines with ageing in contrast to increased
susceptibility to infections, malignancies and autoimmune diseases. Both T and B cell immune responses
are dramatically affected by ageing.
DCs are present in non-lymphoid peripheral tissues where they recognize environmental antigens.
They play a key role in maintaining the host integrity through the host defense and immunity.
A linear decrease in DCs, including Langerhans
cells (LCs), might reduce immunosurveillance in the
aged skin.
In addition to the reduction in their number, Langerhans cells themselves show morphological signs of
atrophy with only few dendrites and several Birbeck
granules (BGs). These morphological changes are associated with the loss of DC functions, and contribute
to the age-associated development of skin cancer. The
number of DCs, their distribution, and development
from hematopoietic precursors CD (cluster of differentiation) 34+ are markedly inhibited in the elderly.
Currently, 60% of all neoplasm occur in persons
aged 65 years and older. A significant decrease in
DCs with ageing reduces the capacity for generating
efficient anti-infectious and antitumor immune responses. The DC system is significantly impaired in
the tumor microenvironment and usually manifests as
decreased dendropoiesis and DC maturation, suppressed ability of DCs to produce interleukin (IL)-12,
increased synthesis of IL-10, inability to induce T cell
proliferation and shortened survival of DCs [7].
Material and Methods
We analyzed skin structure in biopsies perfor med
for various pathologic changes (nevus, basal cell carcinoma, actinic keratosis, sqaumous cell carcinoma,
hemangioma etc.).
Histological slides were routinely prepared at Pathology and Histology Centre, Clinical Center of Vojvodina, Novi Sad. Surgical material was fixed in formalin.
Paraffin embedded tissue sections of 5-7μ were further
stained with hematoxylin-eosin and observed at low
and high light microscope magnification. Masson’s trichrome staining serves for showing collagen fibers,
whereas orcein dye is for elastotic material. Alcian bluePAS shows glycogen content.
Forty-five biopsy samples were observed from various body regions (frontal, face, parietal, neck, abdominal, back, lumbar, gluteal, limbs). The patients were of
both genders, their age ranging from 17 to 81 years. The
intact skin next to a pathological change was under observation.
Two groups of patients were analyzed: specimens of
the sun exposed skin and specimens of the sun protected skin. The patients were categorized according to
their age.
Med Pregl 2012; LXV (5-6): 191-195. Novi Sad: maj-juni.
The obtained results were processed with respect
to quality and quantity and the taken images were
also analyzed.
All these parameters were counted manually by
one examiner.
The following paramters were observed:
– thickness of the epidermal layers,
– number of cellular living layers in epidermis,
– horny plug formation,
– amount of keratohyaline granules in stratum
– shape of dermoepidermal junction,
– presence of elastotic material in the upper and
middle dermis,
– atrophy of the adipose tissue in hypodermis,
– amount of inflammatory infiltrate,
– thickness of fibrous trabeculae.
Various body regions in both groups of patients
showed different changes. Specimens of the sun exposed skin (frontal, face, parietal, neck, back, limbs)
and specimens of the sun protected skin (abdominal,
lumbar, gluteal) were analyzed. The patients were
divided into two age groups: from 17 to 49 and from
50 to 81 years.
The following parameters were reported in the
skin specimens from the older group:
– flattened shape of dermoepidermal junction
(Figure 1)
– number of cellular living layers in epidermis is
reduced (Figure 2)
– accumulation of keratohyaline granules in
stratum granulosum (Figure 3)
– presence of elastotic material in the dermis is
pronounced with age (Figure 4)
– atrophy of the adipose tissue in hypodermis is
observed with ageing
– a mount of perivascular inflammatory infiltrate is slightly raised (Figure 5)
Fig. 2. Reduction in number of living cell layers of epidermis,
age 78, head parietal (HE, x 40)
Slika 2. Smanjen broj slojeva živih ćelija epidermisa, 78 godina,
poglavina parijetalno (HE, x 40)
Fig. 3. Accumulation of keratinized cells, age 78, neck (HE, x 40)
Slika 3. Nagomilavanje keratinizovanih ćelija, 78 godina, vrat
(HE, x 40)
Fig. 1. The flattened shape of dermoepidermal junction in older
skin, age 69, face (HE, x 40)
Slika 1. Zaravnjena dermoepidermalna granica u starijoj koži,
69 godina, lice (HE, x 40)
– thickness of fibrous trabeculae is observed in
the aged skin
The following changes were recorded in the skin
specimens from the younger age group:
– greater thickness of the epidermal layers
– number of cellular living layers in epidermis is
Fig. 4. Dermal accumulation of abnormal elastic fibers, age 82,
lumbar (orcein, x 20)
Slika 4. Nakupljanje elastičnih vlakana u dermisu, 82 godine,
lumbalno (orcein, x 20)
Fig. 5. Dermis contains inflammatory infiltrates, mostly perivascular and perifollicular, age 69, face (HE, x 10)
Slika 5. Inflamatorni infiltrat u dermisu smešten perivaskularno
i perifolikularno, 69 godina, lice (HE, x 10)
– shape of dermoepidermal junction is more wavelike
– small amount of elastotic material in the dermis
– larger amount of the adipose tissue in hypodermis
– slight amount of inflammatory infiltrate.
The horny plug formation depends on the site of
the skin, and is not in correlation with ageing.
Chronological ageing and photo ageing induce
atrophy of all cutaneous structures with the exception of elastotic hypertrophy in dermis.
This study showed a reduction in the number of
living cell layers of epidermis. In addition, there
was a disorder in the cell differentiation or desquamation process and the result was the accumulation
of keratinized cells.
Levakov A, et al. Age-related skin changes
Collagen IV forms a dense network at the level of
dermoepidermal junction. Its diminution could
weaken this junction and compromise the mechanical stability of the skin itself. Some studies have
shown that there is no significant alteration of collagen IV pattern in photodamaged skin; however,
there is a significant reduction in it at the bottom of
the wrinkles [6].
Collagen VII forms anchoring fibrils that stabilize binding of the basement membrane to the underlying papillary dermis. The number of anchoring
fibrils in the photodamaged skin is lower than in the
sun protected areas. The disappearance of collagen
VI weakens the bond between the epidermis and
dermis and contributes to the wrinkle formation [6].
Chondroitin-sulphates consolidate collagen fibers and participate in cutaneous hydration. They are
also decreased during ageing [6].
Photo-ageing is associated with the accumulation
of abnormal elastic fibers in the dermis due to decreased degradation and overproduction of elastic
fibers. Separated material has been derived from
disintegrated elastic fibers resulting from the long
exposure to UV irradiation. Histological studies of
chronically sun-exposed skin show that the dermis
contains inflammatory infiltrates, mostly perivascular and perifollicular. Mast cells are more abundant
in photodamaged skin than in the normal skin. They
synthesize and release mediators which modulate directly or indirectly extra cellular matrix production
and degradation [7]. Ultrastructural studies of the
sun-exposed skin have also shown infiltration of the
epidermis by macrophage (dendritic like cells), but
with fewer Langerhans cells [1,8].
Ultraviolet B rays (UVB) irradiation has been reported to induce photo-ageing and suppress systemic
immune function, thus leading to photocarcinogenesis [9]. The measurements have shown a significant
increase in skin surface roughness and the loss of
skin elasticity. The sample of the skin exposed to
UVB irradiation exhibited a significant increase in
epithelial keartins, elastins and metaloproteinases as
well as the degradation of collagens (I,IV,VII) [10].
Several investigators have shown that exposure of the
skin to UV induces leukocyte infiltration and elastase secreted by leukocytes or dermal fibroblasts [11].
It is generally accepted that there are two different
processes: chronological and photo-induced skin ageing, both being present in the sun exposed skin. The
amount of chondroitin-sulphates that consolidate collagen fibers is reduced during the ageing process.
The linear decrease in DCs, including LCs as
well, might reduce immunosurveillance and lead to
carcinogenesis in the aged skin. Infiltration of the
epidermis by macrophages (dendritic-like cells), but
with fewer Langerhans cells, was observed in the
sun exposed skin, which could also contribute to the
higher incidence of skin cancer.
Med Pregl 2012; LXV (5-6): 191-195. Novi Sad: maj-juni.
UVB exposed skin has a rough surface and loses its
elasticity; it contains leukocyte infiltrates which release
elastase, causing further skin damage.
Knowledge of the ultravolet-absorbing chromophores in the skin and of the molecular mechanisms
leading to the unwanted effects of sun exposure provides the basis to develop novel strategies in the prevention and repair of photo-ageing.
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Starosne promene kože su rezultat: hronološkog procesa i kumulativnog dejstva UV zračenja.
Materijal i metode
Analizirani su isečci kože izloženi i zaštićeni od sunca, kod pacijenata oba pola, uzrasta 17–81 godina.
Debljina epidermisa i broj slojeva živih ćelija veći su u mlađoj
koži. Starija koža sadrži više keratohijalinih granula i veću količinu keratinizovanih ćelija u epidermisu. Dermoepidermalna
granica je zaravnjena, s izraženim elastotičnim metarijalom u
dermisu. Inflamatorni infiltrat je povećan, a fibrozne trabekule
su zadebljale u starijoj koži. Primetna je i atrofija hipodermisa.
Hronološko starenje oštećuje metabolizam fibroblasta skraćenjem njihovog života, kao i sposobnosti da se dele i proizvode
kolagen. Tokom starenja se sa uvećanjem kolagenih vlakana
smanjuje elastičnost kože. Starenje je udruženo sa smanjenjem
količine fibronektina u ožiljku, zakasnelim inflamatornim odgovorom i reepitelizacijom tkiva. Starenjem opada funkcija imuniteta, nasuprot povećanoj podložnosti za infekcije, malignitete i
autoimune bolesti.
Ključne reči: Starenje kože; Koža + patofiziologija; Adolescenti; Odrasli; Srednjih godina; Stari; Žensko; Muško; Ultraljubičasti
zraci; Sunčeva svetlost + neželjeni efekti; Kolagen; Elastično tkivo; Dermis; Epidermis
Rad je primljen 22. VIII 2011.
Prihvaćen za štampu 14. IX 2011.