SD-WISE: A Software-Defined WIreless SEnsor network

2019, Computer Networks

SD-WISE: A Software-Defined WIreless SEnsor network arXiv:1710.09147v1 [cs.NI] 25 Oct 2017 Angelos-Christos G. Anadiotis, Member, IEEE, Laura Galluccio, Sebastiano Milardo, Giacomo Morabito, and Sergio Palazzo, Senior Member, IEEE be treated (the Actions). Entries in the table are sent to the nodes by an external Controller. The three major distinctive characteristics of SD-WISE as compared to OpenFlow and recent SDN proposals for WSNs are the following: Abstract—SD-WISE is a complete software-defined solution for wireless sensor (and actuator) networks (WSNs). SD-WISE has several unique features making it a flexible and expandable solution that can be applied in heterogeneous application domains. Its fundamental feature is that it provides software abstractions of the nodes’ resources on both the controller and the nodes sides. By leveraging these abstractions, SD-WISE (i) extends the Software Defined Networking (SDN) approach to WSNs, introducing a more flexible way to define flows as well as the possibility to control the duty cycles of the node radios to increase energy efficiency; (ii) enables network function virtualization (NFV) in WSNs; (iii) leverages the tight interplay between trusted hardware and software to support regulation compliant behavior of sensor nodes. In this paper SD-WISE is introduced, its major operations are described, and its features are demonstrated in three relevant scenarios, thus assessing the effectiveness of the approach. – It is stateful. State information is maintained inside each sensor node and can be modified by executing the Actions. – It supports a flexible definition of the Rules. Rules can involve any portion of the packet to identify the corresponding flow and can exploit a large set of relational operators to identify whether a certain condition is satisfied or not. – It is energy-aware. One of the most (if not the most) precious resources in WSNs is energy. Energy consumption is often reduced in WSN by exploiting duty cycles, i.e., nodes spend large portions of time in OFF state, and transmission power control, i.e., nodes transmit at the power level which best suits the current transmission conditions. The above techniques have not been considered in OpenFlow design because energy is not a major problem in infrastructured networks. SD-WISE instead has been designed to support both duty cycle and transmission power control. I. I NTRODUCTION The Software Defined Networking paradigm is changing the way in which networks are conceived with disruptive implications on network design, deployment, operation, and maintainance. In the last few years, the industrial and academic communities have devoted relevant efforts to SDN development, and nowadays well established SDN solutions are available for both wired and wireless infrastructured network domains. The adoption of SDN in wireless infrastructureless networks and, more specifically, in wireless sensor (and actuators) networks (WSNs), is at its infancy, instead. Accordingly, in this paper we introduce a software-defined complete solution for WSNs which we call SD-WISE. Major innovative features of SD-WISE are the following: • SD-WISE includes a software defined networking (SDN) solution for WSNs which extends the general OpenFlow approach to such domain. As in OpenFlow, SD-WISE nodes maintain a table (the WISE Table) the entries of which specify how to distinguish packets belonging to certain flows (the Rules) and how such packets should A preliminary version of this paper was presented at IEEE Infocom 2015 with the title “SDN-WISE: Design prototyping and experimentation of a stateful SDN solution for wireless sensor networks”. A.-C. Anadiotis is with the EPFL (work done during his time at CNIT UdR Catania). E-mail: [email protected] Laura Galluccio, Giacomo Morabito, and Sergio Palazzo are with the University of Catania. E-mail: {name.surname} Sebastiano Milardo is with the University of Palermo. Email: [email protected] • • SD-WISE extends network function virtualization (NFV) to WSNs. To this purpose we extend the Open Networking Operating System (ONOS), which is currently under development for infrastructured networks, and exploit the capability of sensor nodes to host an (often lightweight) operating system. For example, Raspberry Pi and other embedded devices can host operating systems like Contiki or RIoT [1], [2]. SD-WISE leverages strict interplay between trusted hardware and software to guarantee that nodes behavior is compliant to context-based rules. To this purpose SDWISE builds on the work of the Trusted Computing Group in the context of Trusted Platform Modules (TPM) which are now commercially available for several embedded systems. SD-WISE design is highly modular, in order to address the high variety of WSN devices and their capabilities as well as the large differences in the requirements stemming from the application scenarios. In fact, given such heterogeneity there can be no one-size-fits-all SD-WISE deployment. Accordingly, different parts of the SD-WISE node or controller stacks may be deployed in each context. The objective of this paper is to present the full SD-WISE architecture and to demonstrate its major features in three relevant cases. In fact, we will show how SD-WISE can exploit an OpenFlow-like definition of forwarding rules in a real WSN testbed. We will also demonstrate how SD-WISE network function virtualization capabilities can be exploited to support geographic routing. Note, however, that the same approach can be applied to support any other protocol such as 6LoWPAN or ZigBee. Finally, we will demonstrate how SD-WISE can exploit the interplay between trusted hardware and software to guarantee that certain operations cannot be performed by nodes in certain contexts which might be defined on-the-fly in a very dynamic way. More specifically, the rest of the paper is organized as follows. In Section II we provide an overview of relevant literature. In Sections III and IV we present the major characteristics of SD-WISE. Its behavior in the relevant use cases will be the subject of Section V. Finally, in Section VI we will draw some conclusions. II. R ELATED WORK SD-WISE is a holistic, integrated solution for softwaredefined WSNs. Its goal is to render WSNs modular in both communication and processing, while enforcing regulation compliance. To achieve this, it leverages software-defined networking, network function virtualization and in-device security technologies, respectively. More specifically, SD-WISE first builds a node architecture, which supports a novel SDN protocol, as well as the deployment of functions, developed by users, inside the nodes. The node architecture also incorporates a trusted environment, which relies on TPM in order to verify that the node behaves within a given regulatory context. Then, the interaction between the applications and the nodes is performed through a network operating system, which provides abstractions to instantiate and send SDN rules, network functions, as well as context rules. In this section, we discuss the relevant related work in the above topics. More specifically, we present the most common SDN solutions used for WSN, then the SDN controllers that have been individually developed in the context of fixed networks and finally, state of the art approaches for enforcing compliance of regulations in sensor nodes. Furthermore, for each solution described in the following, we outline the major shortcoming and the corresponding enhancement provided by the use of SD-WISE. Solutions for software-defined WSN. Sensor OpenFlow [3] is the first attempt to implement an SDN protocol for WSNs. It follows the OpenFlow architecture, by considering that the nodes should maintain a flow table with entries of specific, predefined format. Sensor OpenFlow supports innetwork processing mainly to enable data aggregation, as commonly done in WNS for energy preservation. Note that Sensor OpenFlow cannot support the wide range of protocols, either standard or proprietary that have been proposed in the context of WSNs. To address the above issue, the Software Defined Wireless Network approach (SDWN), introduced in [4], leverages flexible entries in the flow tables maintained by the sensor nodes so achieving higher efficiency in terms of energy and communication resources. Moreover, SDWN supports duty cycles to save energy of the nodes. TinySDN [5] focuses on the support of SDN operations across different platforms which is achieved by building on TinyOS. TinySDN enables interoperability of SDN-enabled nodes with several controllers, and has been implemented and tested with the Cooja simulator. In SD-WISE we propose a stateful extension of SDWN [4], which has already been shown to outperform existing WSN protocols in terms of delay and resource utilization efficiency [6]. By exploiting state information and network function virtualization SD-WISE allows nodes to take forwarding decision without querying the Controller, when local information is sufficient to the purpose. This results in further reduction of the delay and increased efficiency in the use of system resources. SDN Controllers. Even though OpenFlow [7] is the most well-known SDN protocol, several efforts have already been made towards controlling the network routing-plane, such as SANE [8], ETHANE [9], 4D [10] and RCP [11]. On the other hand, after the wide adoption of OpenFlow, several controllers have been developed, such as NOX [12], Floodlight [13], and Beacon [14]. Even though these controllers were successfully applied in the first days of SDN, they were centralized and therefore, have been later replaced by distributed solutions, which are able to scale in order to meet the requirements of today’s large scale SDN deployments. OpenDaylight [15] is a distributed network operating system, which has been developed as a collaborative project among several universities and vendors. OpenDaylight supports sensor nodes in the context of IoT ecosystems through the IoTDM project, and targets the integration of information coming from sensor nodes in the cloud. Therefore, it does not support full interoperability of sensor nodes and switches in the network layer. ONIX [16] is a distributed SDN controller, which identifies the scalability constraints of the aforementioned centralized solutions and builds an architecture, which distributes the network management functionality to several instances. However, its development has been discontinued, whereas it has been developed mainly for data centers and it is closed-source, as also described in [17]. In the light of these issues, the Open Network Operating System (ONOS) has been proposed [17]. ONOS is based on Floodlight, but it is distributed and provides an extensible, layered architecture, in order to integrate other devices and protocols, besides OpenFlow, which is inherently supported. In fact, ONOS has been considered in the context of this work, due to its scalability properties and its highly modular architecture, which allows the seamless integration of wireless sensor devices, as has been shown in [18]. In this work, we extend ONOS in order to support network function virtualization and enforce regulatory compliance in wireless sensor nodes. Regulation Enforcement. Recently a few solutions have been proposed to restrict the behavior of sensors (as well as smartphones) in certain contexts. From a conceptual point of view, such solutions radically differ on the basis of the element which is in charge of transforming context information into hardware dependent settings of the sensors and actuators. On one extreme in some solutions the device itself is responsible of context information processing and translation of high level regulations into device level configurations. Such solutions support high level, platform-independent definition of the restrictions that must be enforced to the device behavior. However, they require a full trusted hardware/software stack to be run by devices, which might involve high cost and processing load. The above drawbacks make such types of solutions not appropriate in most scenarios. In a recent Apple’s patent [19], for example, a use case is envisioned which implements such approach. In the solution proposed in [19] commands are broadcast to smartphones exploiting infrared signals in areas where recording is prohibited (concert halls or movie theaters, for example) to disable all recording functionalities. As already mentioned, such a type of solution assumes the availability of large processing resources in the device (actually, the patent focuses on smartphones). Furthermore, context is defined by location (besides time, obviously), whereas cases exist in which context is defined by larger set of information. At the opposite extreme there is the approach proposed in [20]. In this case, a node is envisioned in the infrastructure which acts as a regulation authority and transforms rules into detailed, platform dependent configurations. The above configurations are sent to the devices and flashed in their memory. Note that this approach requires minimal operations to be executed by the devices. In fact, it only relies on trusted reading and writing in the memory of the device and trustworthy measurements from their sensors to perform context discovery. Nevertheless, such an approach requires the definition of restrictions to be applied to IoT devices in terms of low level, platform-dependent configuration, which is difficult to be realized given the dramatic heterogeneity of the IoT landscape. Furthermore, exchange of large amount of data is required and the flashing operation may result in long time intervals during which the device is freezed. As explained in the following section, SD-WISE integrates the advantages of the two approaches described above. III. SD-WISE In this section we describe SD-WISE. More specifically, in Section III-A we provide an overview of the major components and their interactions. Then, in Sections III-B and III-C we describe the SD-WISE node architecture and the SD-WISE operating system architecture. A. SD-WISE overview Operations of SD-WISE networks are distributed between SD-WISE nodes and SD-WISE Controllers. SD-WISE nodes are wireless sensor nodes that implement the software defined networking approach and support network function virtualization. More specifically, in line with the mostly adopted SDN solutions, the forwarding behavior of SD-WISE nodes is determined by the content of a table which Recognized Authority 1 Recognized Authority 2 Legend: SD-WISE Controller Network App. 1 Network App. 2 Network App. m SD-WISE Operating System SD-WISE node SD-WISE sink node Commun. link Interaction Recognized Authority n Fig. 1. SD-WISE structure. we call WISE Flow Table. Each entry of the WISE Flow Table specifies how to treat packets with certain characteristics. Accordingly, a node receiving a packet browses its WISE Flow Table to check whether an entry related to the received packet exists. If this is the case, the packet is treated as specified in the WISE Flow Table entry. Otherwise, the SDWISE node sends a request to the SD-WISE Controller and, upon receiving the response, inserts the corresponding new entry in the WISE Flow Table. To execute such a procedure, SD-WISE nodes have to set information about a path towards the SD-WISE Controller. This is achieved by executing the Topology Discovery Protocol as specified in Section III-B. Furthermore, SD-WISE nodes execute a software stack that provides an API used to access any information related to the nodes, as well as download, deploy and execute application layer functions, specified in the SD-WISE Controller. In this way SD-WISE supports the network function virtualization paradigm. SD-WISE nodes execute a trusted firmware that has full control on nodes’ peripherals. This firmware regulates the behavior of the peripherals according to the directives generated by a remote Recognized Authority, which is identified by the SD-WISE Controller on the base of the current node context. To ensure that the trusted firmware is authentic, SD-WISE nodes are equipped with a Trusted Platform Module (TPM) which is leveraged to execute software attestation. In accordance with the current trends concerning SDN, the SD-WISE Controller is a software suite consisting of a network operating system (NOS), called SD-WISE Operating System (or SD-WISE OS in short), and several network applications. A network application defines the way the network will treat a subset of packet flows. Therefore, routing protocols are implemented as network applications. Since different network applications can be installed and run simultaneously by the same Controller, it becomes simple to provide the most suitable treatment to different applications with heterogeneous characteristics and needs. SD-WISE OS provides a rich set of APIs that allow network applications to manage different types of remote devices using unified abstractions to represent them as well as to create and send rules to them. In fact, the SD-WISE OS transforms the policies set by network applications into directives that determine the way SD-WISE nodes will generate and treat the relevant packets. As an example, in Section V-B we will Drivers Fwd. Radio Multithreading TD MCU Sensors Application loader … Sensor configuration Function installer Neighbor discovery Security management … Networking Core functions Device management VNF N VNF 2 NFV and device management VNF 1 NFV container SD-WISE node internal API SD-WISE Trusted Firmware Physical resources Radio MCU Sensors … TPM Fig. 2. SD-WISE node architecture. discuss how a network application can implement Geographic Routing by exploiting the APIs of the SD-WISE Operating System. The SD-WISE Controller is also responsible for acting as an intermediary between the SD-WISE nodes and Recognized Authorities, i.e., entities that have the power to limit the operations of nodes based on regulations or other policies, as previously explained. B. SD-WISE node architecture The architecture of SD-WISE nodes is based on the typical approach of the operating systems for sensor nodes such as Contiki and RIOT, and is represented in Figure 2. As regards the hardware characteristics, SD-WISE nodes have a Trusted Platform Module (TPM) besides the usual resources such as radio transceiver, MCU, sensors, actuators, memory, etc. The TPM implements in hardware four basic security primitives: • Random number generation; • Cryptographic key generation and storage; • Data Encryption/Decryption; • Hashing; These primitives are leveraged by SD-WISE to authenticate trusted elements, to ensure that the software run by a device is trusted, and that the values provided by sensors are authentic and have been generated and processed by trusted sensors [21]. On top of the hardware the SD-WISE Trusted Firmware is executed, which has full control on the hardware resources. By exploiting the TPM functionality, the SD-WISE Trusted Firmware can be authenticated both locally and remotely by executing software integrity measurement and attestation, respectively. Note that the SD-WISE Trusted Firmware is in the position to filter all interactions to/from the hardware and therefore, has full control on all peripherals - sensors and actuators. The Drivers implement the core abstractions of the hardware resources of each node. Access to the physical resources is only given through the SD-WISE Trusted Firmware. The Core functions layer builds on top of the SD-WISE node abstractions and provides key functionalities such as the support of Networking, Multithreading and Application Loading, which allows to load and execute new applications in the SD-WISE node without the need to restart the node. Recent versions of the major operating systems for embedded systems, such as Contiki and RIOT, offer this functionality. The Networking component of the Core layer implements two fundamental protocols: the SD-WISE Forwarding Protocol and the Topology Discovery Protocol. The SD-WISE Forwarding Protocol is mostly responsible for the management of incoming packets with an approach which is derived from OpenFlow and will be described in Section IV. The Topology Discovery (TD) protocol, instead, is executed by SD-WISE nodes for generating local topology information and delivering it to the Controller. More specifically, the TD protocol maintains updated information about the next hop of each node towards the Controller as well as its current neighbors. To this purpose all sinks in the SD-WISE network periodically and (almost) simultaneously transmit a Topology Discovery packet (TD packet) over the broadcast wireless channel. This packet contains the identity of the sink that generated it, the battery level of each node transmitting it, and the current distance from the sink which is initially set to 0. A node A, upon receiving a TD packet from node B (note that B can be also a sink), performs the following operations: 1) inserts B in the list of its current neighbors along with the current RSSI and the battery level. Obviously, if B is already present in the list of current neighbors, then only the RSSI and battery level values are updated; 2) controls whether it has recently received a TD packet with a lower value of the current distance from the sink. If this is not the case, then node A updates the value reported in the TD packet to the current value plus one and sets its next hop towards the Controllers equal to B; 3) sets its battery level in the corresponding field of the TD packet; 4) transmits the updated TD packet over the broadcast wireless channel. Periodically, each node generates a packet containing its current list of neighbors and sends it to the Controller. Note that the list of neighbors is periodically cleared. Nodes receiving packets directed towards the Controllers relay them to the node that is closer (in terms of number of hops) to the sink. The Network function virtualization and device management layer runs on top of the Core layer. At this layer the virtual network functions, which can be loaded on the fly, are executed. The network functions make use of the Core API, which gives them access to the node resources. Furthermore, at this layer node management functions run. Examples of such functions include node configuration, security management, and applications/NF installation. Finally, interactions between all SD-WISE node components occur through the SD-WISE node internal API. SD-WISE Opera-ng System Network App. 1 Northbound Distributed Core Southbound Network Service API Path mng Topology manag. Network App. 2 Node API Flow API NF consolid. Context disc. Flow entry prep. Service virtual. … Packet format API Resource store Node conf. & control Network App. N RegulaGon API Rule IdenGf. NF prep. & deploy Drivers Fig. 3. SD-WISE Operating System architecture. C. SD-WISE operating system architecture The architecture of the SD-WISE Operating System extends the one of the Open Network Operating System (ONOS) and is depicted in Figure 3. Like ONOS, the SD-WISE Operating System consists of three layers called Southbound, Distributed Core, and Northbound. Objective of the Southbound is to provide the higher layers with services supported by the existing resources which are independent of platform-specific features, such as the layer 2 packet header format, the addressing scheme, the sensor data format, etc. Accordingly, major responsibilities of the Southbound are the creation and management of the network topology, the formatting and management of the flow entries that will be sent to the SD-WISE nodes, the virtualization of the services offered by the sensor and actuators deployed in the nodes, the configuration and control of the SD-WISE nodes, and the preparation and deployment in the nodes of the network functions (NF). The Distributed Core is responsible of most critical management functions. For example, it is responsible of identifying optimal communication paths and transform them into sequences of WISE table entries which will be deployed in the SD-WISE nodes. Furthermore the Distributed Core is responsible of the so-called Network Function consolidation, i.e., identify the subset of nodes where NF should be installed at the Device management and applications layer, as described in the previous Section III-B. The Distributed Core implements the functionality needed for discovering the context in which each SD-WISE node is operating and identify the respective Recognized Authority. The distributed core maintains the so called Resource Store updated , i.e., a database containing information and characterization of the resources provided by the active SD-WISE nodes. The Resource Store can be queried by the applications through the Northbound. Finally, the identification of the rules that SD-WISE nodes must comply with, based on the high level directives coming from the relevant Recognized Authorities is also within the scope of the Distributed Core layer. The Northbound is responsible of providing applications with access to the services offered by SD-WISE networks. Such access must be completely independent of the specific characteristics of the underlying physical resources. More specifically, the Northbound specifies the high level features of the services (i.e., unicast, broadcast, anycast, geocast, etc.) offered by the WSN. In the Northbound, the abstractions of SD-WISE nodes are also provided. In this context, we extend what is available in ONOS, by introducing node features that are specific of sensor networks and cannot be found in traditional infrastructured networks. Examples include abstractions of the sensors and of the actuators deployed in the node, the level of battery, the current state1 . We extend ONOS for the Flow API as well. In fact in SD-WISE it is possible to define flows utilizing several relational operators, as anticipated in Section I and discussed deeply in the following Section IV. The Packet API, instead, is exactly the same as in ONOS. Finally, for what concerns the communication involving the most external layers of the proposed architecture, while on the one hand the Northbound will define the interface that Recognized Authorities must use to define context-based rules in platform-independent way, on the other hand, the Southbound will interact with the physical devices enforcing secure and authenticated sessions. It is worth noting that in many cases IoT devices may lack of direct Internet connectivity or may have limited resources in terms of memory or computational power, therefore identity validation using standard protocols like X.509 may be unfeasible. In this case, the TPM will support such validation by allowing the exchange of signed messages using pre-shared pairs of public/private keys stored inside the TPM itself. IV. SD-WISE OPERATIONS In this section we will describe the two major novel operations introduced by SD-WISE, that is, the SD-WISE Forwarding included in the Networking module of the Core layer of the SD-WISE nodes and the procedures run to guarantee that SD-WISE nodes are compliant to context-based rules set by a recognized authority. The above operations will be detailed in Sections IV-A and IV-B, respectively. A. SD-WISE forwarding For what concerns forwarding, the behavior of SD-WISE nodes is completely encoded in three data structures, namely: the WISE State, the Accepted IDs Array, and the WISE Flow Table. Along with most SDN approaches, such structures are filled with the information coming from the Controller, running in appropriate server. In this way the Controller defines the networking policies which will be implemented by the SD-WISE nodes. At any time SD-WISE nodes are characterized by the current WISE State which is an array of strings of sState bits each. The State can be modified by the Controller or by nodes themselves. 1 Recall that sensor nodes spend most of the time in idle state to reduce energy consumption. Given the broadcast nature of the wireless medium, in general sensor nodes can receive packets which are not meant for them (not even for forwarding). The Accepted IDs Array allows each WISE node to select only the packets which it must further process. In fact, the header of the packets contains a field in which an ID is specified. A node, upon receiving a packet, controls whether the ID contained in such field is listed in its Accepted IDs Array. If this is the case, the node will further process the packet; otherwise it will drop it. Note that SD-WISE specifies the packet format proposed in [4] in which the ID field replaces the next hop address. Each network application can, however, override such format and specify its own through the Packet format API provided by the Northbound of the WISE Operating System as described in the previous Section III-C. If this is the case, a field in the packet header is used to identify the application that has generated the packet. Nevertheless, the ID field must remain as it is required to enable SD-WISE operation over network segments in which all communications are broadcast. In the case the packet must be processed, the sensor node will browse the entries of its WISE Flow Table. Each entry of the WISE Flow Table contains a Matching Rules section which specifies the conditions under which the entry applies. Matching Rules may consider any portion of the current packet as well as any bit of the current state. If the Matching Rules are satisfied, then the sensor node will perform an Action specified in the remaining section of the WISE Flow Table entry. Note that such action may refer to how to handle the packet as well as how to modify the current state of the node. If no entry is listed in the WISE Flow Table whose Matching Rules apply to the current packet/state, then a request is sent to the Controller. In order to contact the Controller, a node needs to have a WISE Flow Table entry indicating its best next hop towards one of the sinks. This entry is different from the others because it is not set by a Controller but is discovered by each node using the Topology Discovery protocol briefly described in Section III-B. Note that sensor nodes have limited capabilities in terms of memory, therefore, selection of the size of the different data structures is very important. The optimal choice of such size depends on several deployment specific features set by the SD-WISE Operating System during the initialization phase. B. Context-based regulation compliance The scheme of the operations performed by SD-WISE to guarantee regulation-compliant behavior of sensors (and actuators) is shown in Figure 4. We assume that each sensor node has a cyber counterpart, called virtual sensor instantiated in the SD-WISE OS. The virtual sensor acts as a proxy between the physical device and the Recognized Authority. This approach is common in several solutions [22] because exploitation of cyber counterparts of physical sensor nodes has many advantages. In fact, on a first hand virtual sensors are persistent, always-on entities whereas physical devices might spend large portions of the time in idle mode. Furthermore, virtual sensors can rely on theoretically Trusted server Context discovery é Sensed data Recognized Authority ê Context informa<on, Device characteriza<onè Sensed data è ç Configura<on commands Trusted sensor ç Restric<ons Recognized authority Virtualized sensor Fig. 4. Scheme of the operations performed by SD-WISE to guarantee regulation-compliant behavior of sensor (and actuator) nodes. unlimited amount of processing and communication resources, whereas physical devices might be characterized by strict resource limitations. Finally, the virtual sensors can define a high level abstraction of the sensor node hiding the specific details of the hardware platform implementing the physical device. Therefore, the interactions between the sensors and the Recognized Authority are platform independent, whereas the interactions between the physical sensor and the virtual sensor can occur according to proprietary protocols. These can be optimized according to the specific needs arising from the hardware characteristics as well as the deployment scenario. For what concerns the focus of our work, the virtual sensor will receive the information from its physical counterpart that will forward it to the Context Discovery module to determine the current context. According to [23], the context is defined by the identity of the node itself and the assets in its neighborhood and, therefore, relevant information is [24]: • Social environment: location, nearby people, situation • Computing environment: nearby sensors/actuators, connectivity options • Physical environmet: noise, temperature, humidity, lighting, etc. Accordingly, the values that the sensor node will collect and send to its cyber counterpart are the values measured by its sensors and the list of sensor nodes and access points in the neighborhood. By leveraging sensor attestation as described in [25], values received by the virtual sensor and forwarded to the Context Discovery module can be considered authentic. In fact, the Context Discovery module uses data received by all virtual sensors to infer the context and identify the corresponding Recognized Authority. This is responsible for identifying the rules which sensors must comply with. In our prototype implementation the context is defined by the position of the sensor and its owner; however, more complex cases can be easily thought. The restrictions are sent to the virtual sensor that translates them into configuration parameters of sensors (and actuators). Such configurations are finally transmitted to the physical sensor which will implement them and send a confirmation to its cyber counterpart. Also in this case sensor attestation2 can be exploited to ensure that the sensor has applied the restrictions sent by its virtual counterpart. 2 In this case it would be more correct to call it sensor/actuator attestation. Fig. 5. Nodes deployment. V. SD-WISE IN ACTION Objective of this section is to demonstrate the specific features of SD-WISE in relevant use cases. More specifically, in Section V-A we will show how SD-WISE forwarding based on the use of the WISE Flow Table performs in a physical testbed. Then, in Section V-B we will provide an example of network application running on top of the SD-WISE OS which implements geographic routing and leverages the NFV capabilities of SD-WISE. Finally, in Section V-C we will present a use case in which the behavior of sensor nodes is regulated by a Recognized Authority. A. WISE Flow Table-based forwarding Similarly to OpenFlow, the main communication overhead of SD-WISE is represented by the exchange of information between the OS and the devices. To measure such overhead, the performance of SD-WISE have been tested in a real testbed made of 5 wireless sensor nodes and a sink physically connected to the SD-WISE OS. In each measurement campaign 5000 data packets have been sent, each every 15 seconds. Different payload sizes have been considered for such packets (10, 20 and 30 bytes). Furthermore, the time interval, T , between two consecutive generations of the TD packets has been changed. In each campaign we have set the time interval between the transmissions of local topology information to twice the value of T in order to receive at least one beacon packet. In the following we illustrate the performance achieved by SD-WISE in terms of: • Round Trip Time (RTT), that is, the time interval between the generation of a data packet and the reception of the corresponding acknowledgment; • Efficiency, measured as the ratio between the number of payload bytes received by the intended destinations and the overall number of bytes circulating in the network; • Controller response time, measured as the interval between when the Controller receives a request for a new entry and the time instant when the Controller sends the corresponding entry. In Figures (6a) and (6b) we represent the Cumulative Distribution Functions (CDF) of the RTT when the distance between the packet source and the packet destination is equal to 3 and 5 hops, respectively. In each figure we represent three curves obtained for different values of the payload size (10, 20, and 30 bytes). As expected, RTT increases as the distance and the payload increase. Furthermore, we expect a similar behavior for the standard deviation. Indeed, this is reflected in Figures 7 and 8 where we show the average and the standard deviation of the RTT vs. the payload size for different values of the distance between source and destination. In Figures 7 and 8 we plot a curve for the multicast case, as well. This has been obtained by measuring the time interval between the transmission of a packet and the reception of the acknowledgement from the last destination. In this case, only three destinations were considered and were deployed within the radio range of the source. Obviously, the average and the standard deviations of the RTT is slightly higher than in the analogous (one hop) unicast case. The corresponding CDFs are represented in Figure 9. Finally, the performance in terms of efficiency are shown in Figures 10 and 11. More specifically, in Figure 10 we represent the efficiency vs. the payload size for different values of the lifetime of an entry in the WISE Flow Table, which we denote here as TTL. Instead, in Figure 11 we show the same curves obtained for different values of the interval between consecutive transmissions of the TD packets, T . Note that most of the inefficiency is due to the high ratio between the header size and the payload size. B. Geographic routing Objective of this section is to show how the typical, centralized, SDN operations shown in the previous sections, can be distributed by leveraging NFV. More specifically, in this section we will consider geographic routing as a proof-ofconcept of network function. In a typical SDN scenario, nodes ask the Controller to provide the rules to forward a packet to the destination. Even though SDN-based approaches have been proven to be more efficient than the common distributed protocols in WSNs [6], they still require that the nodes contact the Controller when they have to send a packet to an unknown destination, whereas they need to maintain an entry per destination in their flow tables. As it will be shown later in this section, by applying a geographic routing approach, nodes can reduce the signaling overhead and the number of flow entries that they have to keep, resulting in a significant reduction in their overall energy consumption. Geographic routing has been shown to be very efficient in several WSN scenarios, both for unicast and multicast communications [26] [27] [28]. In geographic routing, a node relays incoming packets to its immediate neighbor, which has the shortest Euclidean distance to the destination. In order to do so, it only needs to know the position of itself, its immediate neighbors and the destination. This information is received by the Controller, which maintains a consistent view of the network topology, by inferring the positions of the nodes from the Received Signal Strength Indication (RSSI) values that the nodes are anyway reporting periodically to the Controller. More specifically, as explained earlier in Section III-B, in the context of the Topology Discovery protocol, every node 1 1 0.9 0.9 0.8 0.7 10 20 30 0.6 CDF 0.6 CDF 0.8 Payload [Bytes] 0.7 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.1 0 Payload [Bytes] 0.5 0.4 10 20 30 0.1 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 0 70 0 10 20 30 40 RTT [ms] 50 60 70 80 90 100 RTT [ms] (a) Number of hops = 3. (b) Number of hops = 5. Fig. 6. CDFs of the RTT for different payload sizes and different distances between the source and destination node. 90 70 0.9 0.8 0.7 60 Efficiency Average RTT [ms] 1 1 hop 2 hops 3 hops 4 hops 5 hops Multicast 3 nodes 80 50 40 0.6 0.5 0.4 WISE Flow Table Entry TTL 10s 30s 50s 70s 90s 0.3 30 0.2 20 10 0.1 5 10 15 20 Payload [Bytes] 25 30 0 10 35 Fig. 7. Average RTT vs. the payload size, for different values of the number of hops. 90 40 50 60 Payload [Bytes] 70 80 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 Beacon Period 10s 30s 50s 70s 90s 0.3 0.2 10 0.1 5 10 15 20 Payload [Bytes] 25 30 0 10 35 Fig. 8. Standard deviation of the RTT values vs. the payload size, for different values of the number of hops. 1 0.9 0.8 0.7 CDF 0.6 Payload [Bytes] 0.5 10 20 30 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 RTT [ms] 30 35 40 45 50 Fig. 9. CDF of the RTT in the multicast case for different payload sizes. 100 0.8 30 20 90 1 60 50 40 0.9 Efficiency Standard Deviation RTT [ms] 70 30 Fig. 10. Efficiency for different values of maximum WISE Flow Table entry TTL. 1 hop 2 hops 3 hops 4 hops 5 hops Multicast 3 nodes 80 20 20 30 40 50 60 Payload [Bytes] 70 80 90 100 Fig. 11. Efficiency for different values of beacon sending period. periodically sends to the Controller a packet, which contains its immediate neighbors and the RSSI value corresponding to each one of them. The typical Controller operation in this case is to update the topology graph, in order to keep a consistent view of the network topology. In case geographic routing is enabled, the Controller also employs a localization algorithm to extract the coordinates of the nodes based on the RSSI values. Note that there are several localization algorithms [29] [30], which provide reliable results [31]. In case the position of a node has changed, the Controller sends the new coordinates to that particular node as well as its immediate neighbors. This way, nodes are always up-to-date about the positions of themselves and their immediate neighbors. Then, when a node wants to send a packet with geographic routing enabled, it only sends a request to the Controller for the coordinates of the packet destination and then all forwarding decisions are performed independently by each individual node along the communication path. In the multicast case, the Controller also decides the path that the packet has to follow in order to reach all the nodes of the group. Typically, the algorithm used to construct that path is the Steiner tree, with complexity depending on the size of the whole network. However, when using geographic routing, the Euclidean Steiner tree algorithm can be leveraged, which has complexity dependent only on the number of nodes in the mulicast group. Observe that the Euclidean Steiner tree algorithm may introduce Steiner (branching) points, which do not necessarily correspond to nodes of the multicast group, however they are necessary in order to optimize the routing path. In fact, Steiner points are artificial, as there might not be a network node corresponding to their coordinates. In this case, the node closest to these coordinates is selected as a Steiner point. In the rest of this section, this node will be referred to as Steiner node. When a node wants to send a multicast packet, it sets the group address as the destination and sends a request to the Controller. Then, Controller calculates the Euclidean Steiner tree and replies with the destination coordinates of the next multicast or Steiner node. Nodes use geographic routing, as described above, to forward the packets towards each multicast or Steiner node. When a multicast or Steiner node receives a packet, it sends a request to the Controller, which sends back the next multicast or Steiner node. This process is repeated until the packet has reached all nodes in the multicast group. The implementation of both the geographic unicast and multicast is made as an SD-WISE application. New packet types and formats have been introduced in order to manage the geographic-related requests by the particular application. Moreover, group management operations have also been implemented by following a protocol similar to IGMP. Geographic operations are made available on the sensor nodes by leveraging the NFV capabilities enabled by SD-WISE. In fact, in case geographic routing is enabled, SD-WISE OS sends a message to the nodes at system bootstrap with the function returning the intermediate node which is the nearest to the destination, as well as a rule to call it. This rule is triggered when the node receives the coordinates of the destination and has to forward the packet to the next hop. The performance of geographic forwarding in SD-WISE have been evaluated using the Mininet emulator. More specifically, we consider a 80x80m2 area with 100 nodes. The positions of the nodes were generated randomly according to uniform distribution. There is one sink, which acts as a gateway between the WSN and the outside world, including SD-WISE OS. Even though we considered both the case of unicast and multicast routing, we present the results of the unicast case only, since multicast follows the same trends, as the forwarding decisions are made based on the same principles. According to the already described protocol specification, all nodes know their own coordinates, as well as the coordinates of their neighbors, from SD-WISE OS. We compare the following approaches: (i) Shortest path where the SD-WISE OS estimates the shortest path to reach the destination using the Dijkstra algorithm and sends back this information to the source node so that intermediate nodes simply relay the packet according to a pre-computed path; (ii) Geographic-CTRL where SD-WISE OS preliminarily decides on the geographic forwarding paths, so that intermediate nodes simply relay the packets; (iii) Geographic-DIST where the distributed geographic forwarding is implemented as already described earlier in this section. Figure 12 depicts the impact of geographic forwarding on the number of signaling messages (Fig. (12a)) and on the number of forwarding rules installed on the nodes (Fig. (12b)). As clearly shown, the Geographic-DIST forwarding case outperforms the Geographic-CTRL case, even if the latter still considers geographic routing. The reason is that in Geographic-DIST, SD-WISE OS only needs to send the coordinates of the destination and all the other decisions are made independently by each node. The impact of this behavior is outlined in Fig. 13, which shows the CDF of the energy consumption of the nodes. Since most of the energy consumption of the sensor nodes is due to communication, the reduction of signaling strongly affects the energy consumption and, therefore, the overall network lifetime. C. Context-based fencing As already described in Section II, there are several examples of applications where context-based regulations are required. Given the virtually endless combination of devices, environments, and regulations, this section will describe a sample application that, although specific, will be taken as a model to generalize the requirements and design tradeoffs to be considered in similar deployments. The proposed use case consists of a drone equipped with a camera that is allowed to record a video only if it is flying over a certain area and it is oriented towards a particular target in order to avoid copyright or privacy infringements (e.g. the drone is flying over an open air concert). In this case, the context of the device being considered is given by the status of the camera, the position and orientation of the drone, and the status of the activity within the area framed by the camera. All of these information are used by the Recognized Authority to choose what limitations should be imposed to the device. These limitations should have priority over the commands and configurations decided by the user of the device and, at the same time, must be implemented using information that are up to date and trustworthy. To achieve such result, the drone is equipped with a TPM which guarantees that the firmware running on the device has not been tampered and the measurements coming from the GPS and accelerometers sensors mounted on the device are authentic. It should be emphasized that, given the limited resources in terms of storage and computation on most of the controlled devices and to allow a dynamic activation of such restrictions, the controlled devices have to report their context to their cyber counterpart. From a communication point of view, this design requirements imposes a trade-off between the amount of information (a) CDF of the overall number of signaling messages for different unicast forwarding strategies (b) CDF of the number of rules for different unicast forwarding strategies Fig. 12. Impact of geographic routing on the size of flow tables and signaling Fig. 13. CDF of the energy consumption in the unicast case for the considered forwarding strategies exchanged with the Recognized Authority and the delay after which these restrictions become active. In fact, the frequency of such information exchange can be easily changed taking into account that: • The higher the chosen frequency, the higher the communication cost, which in many cases is the most relevant key performance metric; • The lower the chosen frequency, the less reactive is the solution to rapid changes of context, which is critical in cases where the restriction policy dictated by the Regulation Authority depends on some parameters that change rapidly. The trade-off between the amount of data transmitted and the average activation delay is shown in Figure 14. The x axis shows the amount of data generated which is a function of the chosen signaling frequency and the format used to transmit the data. On the y axis, instead, the average delay after which the restriction becomes operative is reported. The choice of the signaling frequency can be posed as a minimization problem where the cost function to be minimized is cost = a × rate + b × delay where a and b are the weights chosen by the user depending on the application requirements. VI. C ONCLUSIONS In this paper we have introduced a Software-Defined WIreless SEnsor networking solution called SD-WISE. SD-WISE Fig. 14. Trade-off between data rate and activation delay. extends the SDN approach to wireless sensor networks and introduces two major novelties when compared to similar solutions. First of all, SD-WISE leverages existence of operating systems for wireless sensor nodes to support the network function virtualization (NFV) paradigm which can be applied to implement any networking function. As an example, in this paper we have exploited the NFV paradigm to implement geographic routing. 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