Astron. Astrophys. 345, 249–255 (1999)
Beryllium abundance in lithium-rich giants⋆
B.V. Castilho1 , F. Spite2 , B. Barbuy1 , M. Spite2 , J.R. De Medeiros3 , and J. Gregorio-Hetem1
Universidade de São Paulo, CP 3386, São Paulo, SP, 01060-970, Brazil
Observatoire de Paris-Meudon, DASGAL, URA 335 CNRS, F-92195 Meudon Cedex, France
Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Natal, RN, 59072-970, Brazil
Received 26 November 1998 / Accepted 2 February 1999
Abstract. About 2% of the Population I red giants show lithium
abundances significantly larger than expected by dilution due to
mixing by classical convection and, in some of them, the lithium
abundance reaches values similar to (and even larger than) the
Pop I value (meteoritic, open clusters etc.) around logN(Li) =
3.3. The classical convection predicts also a (smaller) dilution
of beryllium and (an even smaller one) of boron.
Two main interpretations of the Li-rich giants are possible:
– the initial Li has been somehow preserved (perhaps by the
inhibition of the classical mixing)
– on the contrary, a mixing, deeper than the classical one, took
place in some (or all?) giants, leading to a dilution of the
superficial lithium but sometimes overcompensating for it
by an internal production of lithium, with transport to the
surface (by the Cameron-Fowler mechanism).
In the first interpretation, Be (more robust than Li) is a fortiori preserved, in the second one, a mixing deeper than the
classical one should dilute Be more than the classical Be dilution.
We have observed the Be II λ 3130.420 and 3131.066 Å
lines in two Li-rich giants and three reference stars: one Li-poor
giant and α Cen A and B. The observations were carried out
at the ESO 3.6m telescope using the CASPEC spectrograph.
By comparing the observed spectra with spectrum synthesis
calculations we show that for the three giant stars the Be
abundance is low, suggesting that, in these giants, Be is very
depleted (>90%) from the initial Pop I value (logN(Be)∼1.4).
This result implies that the original Li in these stars must
have been almost completely destroyed, and that the high Li
abundances in the Li-rich red giants is most probably due to Li
production in these stars.
Key words: nuclear reactions, nucleosynthesis, abundances –
stars: abundances – stars: late-type
Send offprint requests to: B.V. Castilho
Observations collected at the European Southern Observatory –
ESO, Chile
1. Introduction
The internal structure of the evolved stars is not well known.
Lithium, Beryllium and Boron are fragile elements, selectively
destroyed in the deep (hot) layers of the stars. Lithium is the
most fragile element, and is preserved in a thin external layer.
Beryllium is less fragile, and is preserved in a thicker zone, and
boron in an even deeper zone. A mixing of the external layers
with deeper ones will lead to a depletion of the fragile elements
in the external layers. A shallow mixing will deplete essentially
lithium, a deeper one will deplete also Be, and a still deeper one
will even deplete B.
Gathering simultaneous data on both Be and Li is a powerful tool for a better understanding of stellar structure. Such a
tool will be useful for the analysis of the intriguing problem of
the spread of the lithium abundance in supergiants and giants:
this spread is not understood and its study should help to check
the processes of lithium depletion, and the possible lithium production in giants and supergiants. Observation of BeII lines in
two Li-rich giants using IUE data of limited resolution and S/N
gave encouraging indication that Be is not highly preserved in
these giants (De Medeiros et al. 1997).
The galactic lithium production itself is an important pending problem (Matteucci et al. 1995, Lemoine et al. 1998), linked
with the primordial nucleosynthesis. Sackmann & Boothroyd
(1999) presented the first models for the production of Li in low
mass normal red giants.
The intriguing problem of the lithium abundance spread in
giants has been widely discussed in the literature since the work
of Brown et al. (1989), without any satisfactory conclusion. A
dilution by a factor of 60 is expected from the standard convective mixing model (Iben 1967) but the observations show that
lower values of the lithium abundance are often found (even
down by an additional factor of 50). In general terms, lithium is
observed to be severely depleted in most giants.
More recent work (see Castilho et al. 1998 and references
therein) has been successful in the discovery of a number of Lirich stars. Let us note, that in some of them, the lithium reaches
a value similar to (and even larger than) the lithium abundance
generally observed for the Population I objects; those giants,
through their wind could contribute to the enrichment of the
interstellar medium.
B.V. Castilho et al.: Beryllium abundance in lithium-rich giants
Several interpretations may be considered:
1- A combination of destruction in the MS phase with further
dilution in the giant phase: An interpretation of the low Li abundance found in most giants could be that the depletion is the
standard dilution, by classical convective mixing (Iben 1967),
but that most stars have in addition suffered a previous lithium
destruction in the main sequence phase:
a)- in the domain of the Boesgaard-Tripicco’s dip (Boesgaard
& Tripicco 1986) Li may be strongly destroyed (Balachandran 1990), but Be is only slightly depleted by the lithium
dip’s process (Garcı́a López et al. 1995) so that the final Be
abundance would be only slightly lower than predicted by
the classical convection, provided that the line is observable.
b)- in a way similar to the (not yet well understood) solar lithium
depletion on the main sequence. However, very few giants
in the solar neighborhood will have solar masses, and even
then the solar depletion of Be is moderate if existing at all
(cf. Balachandran & Bell 1998). Here again, Be would be
2- Li production: Another interpretation would be that lithium
is severely depleted in all giants, but that some variable Li production occurs in a few giants. The severe depletion would be
produced by a mixing deeper than the classical convection (first
dredge-up, standard model). This problem has been tackled by
Charbonnel (1994; 1995) who finds a deep mixing in giants of
small masses (smaller than about 2 M⊙ ): this mixing should
also dilute Be (more moderately); so that the Be observation
could confirm (or infirm) this interpretation. The problem of
the higher mass giants remains, but most Li-rich giants in the
RGB seem to have small masses (da Silva et al. 1995).
3- Li preservation: An opposite interpretation would be a variable inhibition of the deep mixing: if the low level of Li observed
in most of the giant stars is due to a mixing larger than the one
predicted by the first dredge-up standard model, an inhibition of
this mixing in a few of the giants could preserve their lithium.
The Be would then be a fortiori preserved and observable. A
simple preservation would not by itself explain the few red giants with a lithium abundance larger than the Pop I abundance.
The aim of this work is the determination of the Be abundance in Li-rich and Li-poor giants, in order to discriminate
between the possible interpretations, obtaining also some information about the mixing in the red giants.
In Sect. 2 the observations and data reduction are reported,
in Sect. 3 the calculations are described, in Sect. 4 the results
are given, in Sect. 5 a discussion is presented and in Sect. 6 the
conclusions are drawn.
Table 1. Log of observations
Exp. S/N Comments
α Cen A
α Cen B
HD 220321
HD 148650
HD 787
η Cen
G2 V
B1 V
ref. star
ref. star
ref. giant
Li-rich giant
Li-rich giant
B star
Table 2. Adopted stellar parameters for program stars
Te f f
vm t
α Cen A
α Cen B
HD 220321
HD 146850
HD 787
Note: 1 Primas et al. (1997), 2 McWilliam (1990),
3 Castilho et al. (1995)
were used. In all observations we employed the filter ESO # 4
(UG5) which is 90% transparent in the UV, and cuts light redder
than 4200 Å in order to avoid light contamination by saturation
in the redder orders. The CCD ESO # 37, a Tektronix TK1024 of
1024x1024 pixels, with pixel size of 24 µm was used as detector.
The slit was chosen to have 180x350 µm, corresponding to 2.” 4
on the sky, and (with a scale of 0.33′′ /pixel in the direction of the
dispersion) to a resolving power R ∼ 32000. The slit was aligned
in the direction of atmospheric dispersion (parallactic angle),
corresponding to the position of the star at half the exposure
time. An external Th-Ar lamp was necessary since the light of
the internal lamp crosses a prism opaque in the UV.
The data were reduced using the IRAF ECHELLE package.
Flatfield corrections were not applied because there was no lamp
available for the UV; but we find by inspecting the spectrum of
the B1 star that the reduction of such images can be performed
without flatfield division, since the CCD response is smooth (see
also Molaro et al. 1997). Spectra from different exposures were
added by weighting them with (S/N)2 . The final S/N ratio for
the giants goes from 40 to 20, due mainly to the low atmospheric
transmission and low CCD sensitivity at these wavelengths. The
spectrum of η Cen was inspected for telluric lines. The log of
observations and final S/N ratios are given in Table 1.
3. Calculations
2. Observations and data reduction
3.1. Stellar parameters and models
Observations were carried out using the 3.6m ESO telescope
with the CASPEC Spectrograph equipped with the long camera
centered at λ 3640 Å (order 156), covering the orders 131 to
190. The BeII λ 3130 Å lines are found at the order 181. The
échelle grating of 31.6 l/mm and a cross-disperser of 300 l/mm
Stellar parameters for the program stars were adopted from the
literature, as indicated in Table 2. Model atmospheres employed
have been interpolated in tables computed with the MARCS
code by Gustafsson et al. (1975) and Edvardsson et al. (1993).
The α Cen A and B synthetic spectra were also computed with
B.V. Castilho et al.: Beryllium abundance in lithium-rich giants
models by Kurucz (1992) and we obtain a very good agreement
with the above calculations.
3.2. Atomic and molecular line lists
Several authors discussed the list of the absorption lines which
are present in this crowded region, and chose different ways of
fitting, correcting and merging the incomplete data available in
the literature. Our list of atomic lines was built trying to adopt
only the most reliable data, using the list of identified lines by
Moore et al. (1966), and including the updated list and accurate data for Fe I by Nave et al. (1994). Oscillator strengths for
atomic lines are adopted from Nave et al. (1994), Wiese et al.
(1969), Fuhr et al. (1988) and Martin et al. (1988) whenever
available otherwise they were obtained by fitting the solar spectrum. We used the solar atmospheric model by Edvardsson et
al. (1993) and the Kurucz solar atlas (Kurucz et al. 1984) and
the abundances are adopted from Grevesse et al. (1996).
The molecular lines of the following molecules were taken
into account in the calculations: MgH (A2 Π-X2 Σ), C2 (A3 ΠX3 Π), CN blue (B2 Σ-X2 Σ), CH (A2 ∆-X2 Π), CH (B2 ∆-X2 Π),
CH (C2 Σ-X2 Π), OH (A2 Σ-X2 Π), NH (A3 Π-X3 Σ).
Franck-Condon factors with dependence on the rotational
quantum number J as given in Dwiwedi et al. (1978) and Bell
et al. (1979) were computed and adopted where possible. For
vibrational bands for which such values were not available, we
adopted a constant value kindly made available to us through
computations by P. D. Singh (Singh 1998, unpublished).
For all molecular systems the line lists by R. Kurucz (CD
ROM 18) were adopted, where we recomputed the ‘molecular
oscillator strengths’, by recomputing their Honl-London factors using the formulae by Kovacs (1979), using the FranckCondon factors as indicated above, and employing literature
values for the electronic oscillator strengths fel . We have adopted
the fel (CN blue) = 0.0338 (Duric et al. 1978), fel (C2 ) = 0.033
(Kirby et al. 1979), fel (CH) = 5.257E-3 for the (A2 ∆-X2 Π)
system (Brzozowski et al. 1976), fel (CH) = 2.5E-3 for the CH
(B2 ∆-X2 Π) system (Grevesse & Sauval 1973), and fel (CH) =
5.95E-3 for the CH (C2 Σ-X2 Π) (Lambert 1978), fel (OH) =
8.0E-4 and fel (NH) = 8.0E-3 (Grevesse & Sauval 1973) and
dissociation potentials Do (CN) = 7.65 eV, Do (C2 ) = 6.21 eV,
Do (CH) = 3.46 eV, Do (OH) = 4.392 eV, Do (NH) = 3.47 eV (Huber & Herzberg 1979).
To fit the solar spectrum with the logN(Be)=1.15 (Grevesse
et al. 1996), it was necessary to make slight modifications of the
derived log gf values of the BeII lines. The adopted values are
-0.308 for the λ 3130.420 Å line and -0.508 for the λ 3131.066
Å line. By calculating the synthetic spectrum with the Kurucz
(1992) solar model, the BeII lines are adequately fitted with log
gf -0.168 and -0.468 respectively. To fit the blue wing of the
BeII λ 3131.066 Å (avoiding large modifications of the log gf
of the surrounding lines, as found in the literature) we chose
to include a FeI line at λ 3130.995 Å with χex =3.00 eV and
log(gf)=-3.30. The behaviour of this line in the fits of α Cen A
and B proved to be appropriate.
Wavelength (Å)
Fig. 1. Our synthetic spectra for the Sun (- - -), overimposed to the
Kurucz Solar Atlas (—-).
The damping constants for the neutral element lines was calculated using tables of cross sections by Barklem et al. (1998
and references therein), and for the other lines they were determined by fitting the solar spectrum.
Therefore we have built an atomic and molecular data base,
available upon request.
In Fig. 1 we show our synthetic spectra for the Sun, overimposed to the Kurucz Solar Atlas (Kurucz et al. 1984). No
multiplicative or additive scaling was used in the Solar Atlas or
the computed spectra.
3.3. Spectrum synthesis
An updated version of the code by Spite (1967), extended to
include molecular lines by Barbuy (1982), where LTE is assumed, is used for the spectrum synthesis calculations. This
code (FSYNTH) now includes atomic and molecular lines from
UV to near-IR and the computations are made faster.
For α Cen A and B we calculated the synthetic spectra using
the solar chemical composition, scaling to the adopted metallicity ([M/H]=0.1). Small changes for some element abundances
(≤0.15 dex) were applied in order to fit the spectra. For the giants we used published abundances available for some elements
(Castilho et al. 1995 for HD 146850, and McWilliam 1990 for
HD 787 and HD 220321) and solar composition for the other
elements. A few elements for which the abundances were not
available were slightly modified.
The uncertainties in Be abundance, as given in Table 3, are
due to the S/N ratio. The intrinsic error in the abundance calculation is mostly due to the log gf and is estimated to be of
0.10 dex. We estimate that the uncertainties due to NLTE effects on the formation of the Be lines are small. The analysis
of these effects for dwarfs by Garcı́a López et al. (1995) shows
that the NLTE corrections are lower than 0.1 dex, and for the
subgiant HD 140283 it is even smaller, so that the NLTE cannot
explain the difference between a dwarf like α Cen A and a giant.
The main source of uncertainty is due to the relatively low S/N
B.V. Castilho et al.: Beryllium abundance in lithium-rich giants
Table 3. Be abundances (present work) and Li abundances (literature)
HD 146850
α Cen A
α Cen B
HD 220321
HD 146850
HD 787
1.6 (1.9nlte)(4)
2.2 (3.1nlte)(5)
HD 787
HD 220321
Note: 1 King et al. (1997b), 2 Chmielewski et al. (1992), 3 Brown et
al. (1989), 4 Castilho et al. (1995), 5 de la Reza & da Silva (1995),
6 Grevesse et al. (1996)
α Cen A
Table 4. Expected Li abundances from Be depletion
present Be
logN(Li) from
solar [Be/Li]
Fig. 2. Comparison between α Cen A (bottom) where we can see the
Be II lines and the other three giants where the lines are nearly absent.
α Cen A
α Cen B
HD 220321
HD 146850
HD 787
4. Results
In Table 3 we report the presently derived Be abundances and
literature values of Li abundances, including for reference the
Be and Li abundances of the Sun according to Grevesse et al.
We observed α Cen A and B as comparison stars. The derived Be abundances agree within the uncertainties (illustrated
in Fig. 3) with previous determinations of N(Be) = 1.21 and
0.61 (Primas et al. 1997) or N(Be) = 1.35 and 1.20 (King et
al. 1997a). The determinations for the giants were made using
the same techniques of data reduction, the same atomic and
molecular constants, and the same grid of MARCS models.
The Be abundance estimated for the three red giant stars
(Table 3) show that the Be abundance has been very depleted
(by >90% i. e. by a factor of 10 or larger) from the initial Pop
I value (logN(Be)= 1.4). By computing the Be abundance for
HD 220321 and HD 787 using the atmospheric parameters used
by Brown et al. (1989) Teff = 4510 K and 4220 K; log(g)=2.3
and 1.5 and [Fe/H]=-0.32 and 0.07, we find Be abundances of
logN(Be)= 0.1 and -0.2 respectively.
In Table 4 we show the present observed Be fraction (from
Primas et al. (1997) for α Cen A and B and from Table 3 for the
giants) with respect to the meteoritic value (2nd column), and
the corresponding Li abundances (3rd column) deduced from
the observed Be depletion by assuming the same depletion ratio
of Be relative to Li as in the Sun. These estimations show large Li
depletions for the three observed giants, that agree with the observed Li abundance for the low Li abundance giant HD 220321
but are in complete discordance with the two Li-rich giants.
Wavelength (Å)
It is important to note however that this Li/Be depletion ratio
is correct for dwarfs of solar mass (as shown by the agreement
of the computations with the observed values for α Cen) - the
ratio may be different for giants -, and that Balachandran &
Bell (1998) have found that the solar Be abundance is, in fact,
not depleted with respect to the meteoritic value of N(Be) =
1.42 dex. In this case the Li depletion with respect to Be will be
even larger.
Our results for Be show good agreement with recent calculations by C. Charbonnel, carried out for giants of [Fe/H] = 0.0
and -0.5 and masses between 1.2 and 2.0 M⊙ , where mean values of Be/Be⊙ ∼ 0.1 and Li/Li⊙ ∼ 0.05; our depletions for Li
are larger than predicted by the models, but an extra Li depletion
is expected.
In Fig. 2 we compare the observed spectrum of α Cen A,
where we can see the Be II lines, to the other three giants where
the Be II lines are essentially absent.
In Figs. 3 to 7 we show the Be spectral region together with
synthetic spectra for different Be abundances respectively for α
Cen A and B, HD 220321, HD 146850 and HD 787.
5. Discussion
The small Be abundance found in the Li-rich giants suggests
a Be depletion, since the Be depletion found in the giants is
larger than the one found in the region of the dip. Moreover, it
is not likely that these two stars had by chance a low Be initial
abundance, in spite of the fact that the Be abundance in Pop I
stars shows some spread. Therefore, Be is not preserved, and its
depletion should be due to a rather deep mixing, implying that
the original Li in these stars must have been strongly depleted,
as in the case of HD 220321. As a consequence, the high Li
abundance found in the two Be-poor Li-rich giants analysed
here (and in all Li-rich giants) is due to a further Li production
(cf. Sackmann & Boothroyd 1999).
Recently, two Hyades giants have been analyzed by Duncan
et al. (1998). They have a lithium depletion by a factor of 120,
B.V. Castilho et al.: Beryllium abundance in lithium-rich giants
Wavelength (Å)
Wavelength (Å)
Fig. 3. α Cen A (+ + +), synthetic spectra with logN(Be) = 1.10, 1.20,
1.30 (—–). The best fit with logN(Be)=1.20 agrees with logN(Be)=1.21
from HST observations (Primas et al. 1997).
Fig. 6. HD 146850: Observed spectrum (+ + +) and synthetic spectra
(—–). computed with Be abundances: logN(Be) = −1.0, −0.5 (best
fit), 0.0, and 1.2.
Wavelength (Å)
Wavelength (Å)
Fig. 4. α Cen B (+ + +) together with synthetic spectra for three Be
abundances: logN(Be) = 0.50, 0.80 (best fit) and 1.10 (—–).
Fig. 7. HD 787: Observed spectrum (+ + +) and synthetic spectra (—–)
computed with Be abundances: logN(Be) = −0.4, 0.0 (best fit), 0.4 and
Wavelength (Å)
Fig. 5. HD 220321: Observed spectrum (+ + +) and synthetic spectra
(—–) computed with Be abundances: logN(Be) = 0.1, 0.3, 0.5 and 0.7.
A best fit is for logN(Be) = 0.4
similar to the solar depletion. In fact, in the sample of Brown
et al. (1989) the depletions are generally even larger. The boron
is found depleted by a factor of 10: the mixing responsible for
the lithium depletion has been deep enough for depleting significantly the boron, implying a Be depletion by an even larger
factor. In fact, a NLTE analysis of the lithium abundance shows
a depletion of only ≈ 80. This analysis suggests that the relatively moderate lithium depletion in the Hyades giants has been
obtained by a deep mixing, deep enough for depleting Boron
and, a fortiori Be (the three depletions of Li, Be and B are found
compatible with the Yale model of stellar evolution by Pinsonneault et al. 1992).
Both results concur to suggest that rather deep mixing occurs
generally in Li-poor giants, implying depletions of Li, Be and B.
The occurrence of a high Li abundance in Be-poor giants suggests some lithium production, compensating (and sometimes
overcompensating) the previous depletion.
B.V. Castilho et al.: Beryllium abundance in lithium-rich giants
Except for the Li abundance, the Li-rich giants are normal
red giants. No correlation was found between mass, rotation
or 12 C/13 C ratio and Li abundance (da Silva et al. 1995; De
Medeiros et al. 1996a). Observations with the CORAVEL spectrometer indicate that HD 146850 is a binary system, very probably with a double-lined behaviour, noting however that this was
not detectable in our spectroscopic observations (Castilho et al.
1997). A projected rotational velocity V sin i of 2.8 km s−1 is
found for this star, which seems to be the first known Li-rich
giant presenting indication of binarity. The rotational velocity
for HD 146850 can be considered normal in comparison with
the observed rotation for giant stars. As shown by De Medeiros
et al. (1996b) the mean rotational velocity for K3 III giants (the
assigned spectral type for HD 146850) is near 2.0 km s−1 . For
the other two lithium-rich stars of our sample, CORAVEL observations show no sign of binarity.
These facts suggest that the Li-rich giants are not a particular class of stars, but ordinary low mass stars, observed during
a short phase of their evolution, when Li is created (Castilho
1995). Sackmann & Boothroyd (1999) demonstrated that 7 Li
can be created in low mass red giant stars via the CameronFowler mechanism, due to non-classical deep mixing and the associated “cool bottom processing” yielding photospheric abundances like the ones observed in the Li-rich red giants. Observed
Li abundances in red giants can even reach values larger than
the Pop I value, such as the case of HD 19745 (de la Reza &
da Silva 1995). If indeed all low mass red giants go through a
phase of Li production in the RGB (that could be cyclic), together with an increase in mass loss seen in the IRAS colour
diagram (Gregorio-Hetem et al. 1993, de la Reza et al. 1996),
and since some of them reach a lithium abundance larger than
the Pop I abundance, they could be an important source of Li
enrichment in the Galaxy.
6. Conclusion
The observations presented here suggest that the lithium abundance distribution observed in the red giants is best explained by
a classical mixing, deep enough for depleting B, Be and Li, and
probably deep enough for inducing (sometimes, or in delimited evolutionary phases) a variable lithium production, confirming the computations of extra-mixing in low-mass giants
published by Charbonnel (1998) and of cool bottom processing in such stars recently presented by Sackmann & Boothroyd
(1999). However, in the limited telescope time attributed to this
project, it was possible to observe only two Li-rich giants, and
owing to the importance of a better understanding of extra mixing processes in stars, and lithium production in the Galaxy, the
observation of some more Li-rich giants would be desirable.
Acknowledgements. We are grateful for useful discussions with C.
Charbonnel, F. Primas, and J. Melendez. We thank Matthew Shetronne
and the ESO 3.6m team for the preparation of the instrument setup for
these observations, and the referee Dr. Y. Chmielewski for the careful
reading of the manuscript. We acknowledge partial financial support
from CNPq and Fapesp (Brazil) and CNRS (France). BC acknowledges
the FAPESP PhD fellowship no 97/007814-4.
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