for Object-Oriented
Dennis de Champeaux,
Fuure Inc. & Onto00
Andrew J. Baer, American
Brian Bernsen, McDonnell
Douglas Aerospace
Alan R. Korncoff,
The Boeing Company
Tim Korson, COMSOFT
& Clemson
Daniel S. Tkach, IBM International
Technical Support Center
Improving SW development processes is getting increased attention. Hence we can ask for the circumstances
under which it is preferable to stick to an existing (structured)
paradigm and strive to improve development
discipline or alternatively
when it is warranted to do an 00 paradigm
shift,. Can we formulate
a rule of thumb of
the form: An organization
should improve its
SE1 maturity level to X before considering a
paradigm shift to OO? If not, why not. If yes,
what is a recommended
value for X?
00 has won the battle, but the war is not yet over.
Success stories have been reported.
Reuse has been
observed in practice.
Work is progressing to deal
with a full lifecycle and to tackle mega systems.
While the tra.nsition to 00 ma.y or may not be
obvious for an individual,
it is a complex affair? if
not a nightmare, for large organizations.
Programmers in divisions are often eager to go 00, their
managers are often hesitant.
A recurring question
is how to deal with the large body of existing software that must keep running while at the same
time it becomes more and more of a lia.bility. Corporate software research may be “miles ahead” of
what goes on in divisions, but it is not obvious
how to transfer these insights and practices into
divisional trenches.
VVe can rephrase these topics into the following
groups of questions:
Folkore has it that the legacy
problem can be attacked by wrapping an existing system inside an object and that one subsequently objectifies the inside layer-by-layer
or subsystem-by-subsystem.
This is minimal
advice. Can we expand it?
There is a wide arsenal for
impacting software work practices.
These include training, using internal or external expertise; development
of a.dva.nced prototypes
in a corporate lab which transferred
to divisions; a,nd temporary
transfer of people from
a corporate think-tank
to divisions and/or the
other way around. What a,ctions yield the best
pay off and what are optimal circumstances
their application?
While many organizations
have small pockets of
object technology
very few have
moved to la.rge scale development
of mission critical business systems.
Using object technology to
design, develop, a,nd deploy these types of systems
requires more than learning a new language, and
more than just learning how to fully take adva.ntage
of an object development
Using object technology on this scale requires understand-
ing how objects impa.ct every
life cycle.
fa,cet of the system
the Organization
ha.nds-on experience with the technology.
This includes some limited hands-on training for designers
and managers.
Second, create a central object support
to initially champion object technology,
to seed
new project teams, and ultimately manage the corThe central object support
porate reuse library.
group member working on an object project has
the responsibility
to make sure that the project is
aware of the designs and objects available in the
corporate reuse library, is responsible for helping
the project t,ea.m to utilize these reusable objects? is
responsible for helping the team to develop new objects (or extensions to existing corporate reusable
objects) in a way tha.t is consistent with the esisting library, and is responsible for incorporat,ing
to Object
Large organizations
to object technology must choose between an evolutiona,ry
and a revolutiona.ry
The revolutionary
approach suggests that it is best to “warp” directly
to building large complex object systems, learning what you need to learn through the school of
“hard knocks”. The evolutionary
approach recognizes that people and organizations
will learn and
adapt more efficiently through a phased transition
to object technology.
I suggest that while the revolutionary approach may work for a very few organizations, that the evolutionary
approach will be
best for the large majority of those organizations
responsible for developing large-scale mission critical business systems.
these new objects (or extensions) into the corporate
reuse libra.ry. Without this central staff, it will be
difficult to make reuse an effective corporate practice.
Third, develop a reuse plan and a vision of the
basic architecture
of your object technology
It is more likely that you will crea.te
reusable objects during your early projects if the
designers and developers working on those projects
have a vision of the objects that are most reuseful
As part. of your reuse plan,
for your orga.nization.
develop a strategy for building your reuse libra,ry,
and a strategy for fostering reuse.
Daniel Tkach suggests that the phases for an evolutionary
change t,o object technology
are awareness, exploration,
and habit.
In developing a strategy
to effect this change, an orga.nization must a.ssess where they are along this
In doing so, the organization
must also
recognize that the move to object technology does
not usually occur in isolation.
It is normally accompanied by a move to other technologies such as
GUI, and distributed
Therefore, to develop a.n effective transition
an organization
must assess where individuals
groups are in rela.tion to the phases of evolutionary change for each of the new technologies being
Of the many activities that are undertaken
part of transitioning
to object technology, I would
like to focus on four key activities.
First, make
sure to plan for ext.ensive training and mentoring.
Learning object technology is not simply learning
the syntax of a new la.nguage. It requires the designer and developer to extend their model of the
software development
process. Make sure that ev-
Finally, understand
the methods and techniques
you will use to make object technology
a repeatable and defined process.
Object technology impacts the system development life-cycle. It doesn’t
require us to “un-learn” what we already kno\v? but
it does require us to adopt new practices and procedures. At AMS our research found that while many
object technology experts have put forward ideas
on object design, and have developed
for documenting
object models, no one has documented a complete analysis, design, and development methodology
for large scale business systems.
To provide this full system life-cycle support, we
chose to select portions of several object methodologies and combine them in way that works for
the types of projects
on object
we undertake.
SE1 Maturity
It is not necessary to achieve a specific level of software engineering ma.turity prior to transitioning
object technology.
However, I believe an organization will want to move towards an SE1 level of at
least 3 to maximize the benefits of reuse. Maximum reuse will occur when the elements (both designs and code) adhere to a format and standards
used across an organization.
Having a repeatable
and defined software engineering process will foster
Software technology transfer is perhaps more difficult than other types of technology transfer due
to the abstract (and creative) nature of the design
process. Likewise, it is more difficult to justify (in
a capital budgeting sense) the investment
in technology and technology transfer. However, there are
a number of components
to successful 00 technology transfer? many of which apply to all kinds of
technology transfer.
and commitment
is a
key ingredient
in 00 technology
Management must understand
the costs and benefits of
technology since they provide the budget source for
training and tools. Cost-benefit
analysis and technical overviews should be prepared and presented
to management
to elicit their support.
support should be provided by a
technology center which selects and develops 00
technologies for in-house use a.nd applies these technologies to pilot programs. As technology is transferred to production
projects, the technology personnel can move with it. They can serve as chief
and act as a resource to other software engineers? or they can serve as chief software
architects laying 00 frameworks for others to refine. (This is an effective way to “spread the fait”,
but does not obviate the need for formal training
of all software engineers.)
work breakdown structures should reflect object hierarchies vs. functional to facilitate the technology
Training is the most important
means of 00
While some object zealots would like to believe that
we ca.n just ignore legacy systems, the ma,jority of
in our industry
that no
technology is appropriate
in all cases. In the short
term, our ability to identify successful strategies for
working with these legacy systems may determine
the pace at which large organizations
can move to
object technology.
In looking at the functionality
of legacy systems
it is important
to categorize them by their operational characteristics.
On one end of the spectrum,
some legacy systems are massive data handlers
and require very little user interaction
(e.g., large
billing systems like those found in the telecommunications industry or mailing list processors).
t.he other end are those systems that are highly interactive (e.g., customer support systems).
there are certainly exceptions
to any guideline, it
has been our experience
that a.n organization
receives the most benefit from migrating those systems at the highly interactive
end of the spectrum
first. These systems can benefit from the advanced
user interface capabilities
available on distributed
hardware! and can benefit from the response time
of distributing
the work load across a
range of CPUs. The organizational
benefits include customer support, reduced training of customer support personnel,
and reduced mainframe
technology transfer. Everyone involved in the software development
process should be trained including project managers,
system engineers, softand (in many cases) the
ware quality assurance,
with the training tailored for the target group.
Alliances with academia can provide
both training and trained individuals
(for an expanding workforce).
of an established
workforce is more difficult since old met,hods must
be “unlearned”? and there may be substantial iner-
tia. to overcome in an organiza.tion that has developed (and may be supporting)
developed with other methods.
This re-training is best
in hands-on workshops.
training and the distribution
of manuals and texts
is not sufficient. The use of 00 languages and tools
can accelerate the training process and help to enforce the methods.
00 software design should be
ta.ught in the context of the software engineering
principles on which it is based (e.g. modularity
and a,bstraction).
quantitative justification for an organiza.tion
level. Any informal, grass roots movement
would likely not be possible.
00 technology and processes will be refined and
developed on the first “real” project to which it is
applied. A flexible schedule a.llowing for this learning curve is crucia.1. In general, schedules and development plans providing for prototypes,
a.nd re-code are indicated since a. quality 00 design
is difficult (if not impossible) to achieve in a single
Before considering the question of “how” to transform a legacy system to 00, it is essential to ask
the question “why ?“. The conversion of any legacy
system to an 00 system must be examined from a
It may not be cost effective
business perspective.
or advisable to transform an existing system which
has been tested and is in a maintenance
phase to
an 00 one. Perhaps the legacy problem is simply
that there will always be systems
which are not. 00 and should not be converted. It
may be the case that 00 is only cost effective on
new or extensively modified systems.
SE1 Maturity
at this
to 00
In short, there is not a minimum SE1 level below
which a shift to 00 is not prudent, however organizations at level 1 should consider the transition
to 00 concurrently
with increasing the SE1 level.
There is some relationship
between the SE1 level
and the feasability/ease
of a transition
to 00
methods. The SE1 level can certainly influence the
ease and duration of a transition to an 00 method.
The transition
can only be as orderly as the SE1
level. According to the Capability Maturity Model
(CMM) for Software (Version 1.1, Software Engineering Institute,
1993), the software
process in an organization
at level 1 is “constantly
changed” as the work progresses, thus a transition
to 00 would be difficult to effect or measure. This
an existing system piecemeal may
also aggravate the legacy problem since there is no
clean sheet to start from. For academic purposes,
creating objects “subsyst,em by subsystem”
be difficult due to the fra.gmentation
of the properties associated with each subsystem.
It may not
be possible to make a clean cut into an existing
system to extract a subsystem and the logic associated with it. Furthermore,
at any point in the
you have an inconsistent
conversion makes more sense and
provides consistency
within ea,ch la,yer converted,
but again, it may not be possible to extract these
layers without substantial
re-work of code in other
layers not yet extracted.
would not necessarily mitigate the effects of training, an essential part of the transition.
In fact, the
shift to 00 and higher SE1 levels might well be
On the other hand, while the transition
to 00
might be more orderly in orga,nizations
at levels
3-5, it might also be more difficult in the sense
that existing processes are (as described in the
CMM) “practiced,
enforced, trained,
(and) measured”, which may imply some inertia to
change. Organizations
at level 5 are “continuously
improving”, but a shift to 00 would likely require
For several reasons then, the “conversion” of a.n
existing system to 00 may not be advised. If an
00 system is desired, a clean break with the old
system should be established to foster a clean sheet
00 design, with the old system viewed as a black
box from which performance
can be
system; t,he resistance to change will impede
Do pick a problem where
technical progress.
the domain readily supports and suggests the
of objects by other than the development team, i.e. the end users and responsible management.
It’s a good news-ba,d news situation:
The good
news is: if you are already successful in technology transfer of software projects,
the skills that
you have developed
are directly applicable.
technology transfer is not much different than the
transfer of other software technology.
The bad
news is: if you haven’t figured out how to do software technology transfer, transferring
00 technology is just an a,dded burden.
Keys to successful technology
transfer include
the following.
1. Establish
4. Plan for impacts
5. Concentrate
A central staff should do the initial development assisted and supported by the team who
will eventually undertake system maintenance.
The project plan (cost a.nd schedule) should
allow for the added time to perform this technology tra.nsfer. The team should also involve
end users.
to establish
selling management.
Emphasize that using 00 technology, enables
the solution to be provided,
“BFC” (Better?
Leverage the capability
of rapid prototyping
as an enhancement
gathering end user requirements
and permitting higher end user involvement
in the deis also
velopment process. Rapid prototyping
an effective management
show a working version of the system rather
than a requirements
Indicate the
value of reuse in the development
of other applications
as part of the long term business
case. Do not refer to the work as a paradigm
shift; this holds a negative connotation
many managers.
staff but involve sust,aining
3. Choose a small problem
and policies.
The use of 00 technology
may not be accounted for in the e,xisting software developAreas most often imment infrastructure.
pacted are quality assurance, especially validation and verification;
software certification;
software standards;
and proMany
gram scheduling.
developed for traditional
will have to be
modified or extended to be applicable to 00
work. Team with those responsible for these
and policies to perform the necessary adjustments.
Either hire it or train the internal staff. Use of
external consultants
is, at best, a short term,
It ma.y be possible to provide internal training cost effectively: e.g. at Boeing the
majority of Smalltalk programmers
were self
taught using a tutorial included with the software. Supplemental
training can be purchased
on an as needed ba.sis from various vendors and
2. Leverage a central
support st.aff.
to standards
an initial
6. Plan for object
Size selection should be based on the ability to
produce a production
system with measurable
return on investment
within 1 to 2 years. Requirement,s of a longer time period risk losing
Do not pick a mission
critical applica.tion;
the visibility of a failure
incurs unnecessary
risk. Do not pick a legacy
Though a powerful capability afforded by 00,
reuse does not just happen.
Reuse does not
just mean developing specifications for objects
with intent of facilitating
have to be made for a variety of infrastructure issues including reuse library definition
and maintenance;
for developing and reusing
in reuse; incentives
maturity. For these 00 just seems like a very natural way of modeling their problems and the visual
are a major productivity boost in reducing the learning curve. The individuals for whom the shift appears most painful
are those well schooled in classical, top-down structured development.
This group have to “unlearn”
an analysis methodology
and a way of viewing a
problem solution. It is almost as if their maturity
gets in the way.
Large scale reuse (i.e. company-wide
or at least
outside of the development
group who origina,lly
created the objects) requires appreciable
sophistication in a variety of issues beyond just object
definition and development.
There are few companies capable of effectively levera,ging reuse for
software modules.
in managing these traditional
software reuse issues is a.
for undertaking
large scale 00 reuse.
that we as 00 professionals can do to speed the acceptance of our technology:
1. Devise a set of 00
is well aware (or at least believes
that it is well aware) of the estimated
productivity of programmers
using traditional development
It is possible to estimate
how many programmers
of a, given level maturity can cut x number of lines of code in y
days. Such metrics afford a level of comfort to
that appropriate
levels of control
and tracking are provided for in a development
We need to develop such metrics for
00 work.
2. Develop
For example, the ANSI Technical
X3J20 for Smalltalk.
Common characteristics
relevant here include:
3. Amass a library
of success stories.
of legacy systems
Fra,gility with respect
tha.t are
Layers of patch
Identify projects whose success was made possible or at least enhanced by the use of 00
We need to be able to show return on investments.
The successes should be
in a variety of domains.
mission critical
to cha.nge.
In light of this, recommendations
technology include:
for applying
1. Legacy
There are really two separate issues here: (1) Use
of the technology for application
(2) Large scale 00 Reuse.
My position on the first has been: The shift to
00 does not seem directly related to maturity is
software engineering.
Two disparate groups have
been shown most capable in leveraging the technology. First are the Hackers. These are individuals
who are always the first to tryout a new technology
of what it is. The second group is the
Domain Experts with little software development
should be left intact.
2. Layering may not be a good fit. The pa,stiche
of patches is unlikely to support objectification of successive layers; the patches are rarely
so accommodatingly
Further, there
is no guarantee that. an arbitrary
legacy system would benefit from objectification.
We all
know that 00 is not a panacea.
One approach is to
3. Consider an 00 client.
create an 00 based client process running on
a worksta,tion providing access to legacy functionality accessed as a server. The 00 client
process would be configured
with an appropriate GUI. Successive functionality
could be
selectively migrated from the server legacy system and incorporated
into the client process.
of the approach include: (a) the
migration process would be transparent
to the
end user; (b) minimad impact on existing, often mission critical functions; (c) the computing power originally only available from mainframe systems is now likely more cost effectively provided by the workstation;
(d) minima,1 or at lea,st well defined impa.ct on the fragile system.
High Leverage
Technology transfer activities depend on the stage
Daniel Tkach has deof technology
scribed the stages as: Awareness!
a.nd Habit.
I would like to focus my remarks on the transition stage. There are many appropriate
for this stage tl1a.t have been extensively
in the literature.
Most of them are not unique to
OOT and therefore not as interesting to explore as
those activities that are more directly related to
My experience is that the creation of 00 domain
specific libraries and frameworks is one of the highest leverage activities appropriate
to the transition
stage. These libraries and frameworks can serve as
a focal point for many of t,he other more traditional
For example, the 00 traintransition
ing curriculum could now include courses on these
In a.ddition 00 apprenticeship
programs can be structured
around the continued development and maintenance
of the libraries. Most
importa*ntly, development
teams will now staat to
use these libraries and frameworks,
which will automatically
propagate the use of OOT.
Another very high leverage activity is the creation of a corporate object center whose sole mission is to fa.cilita,te the transfer to OOT. This center
is charged with activities such as:
1. Coordinating
other corpora,te bodies such a.s
the process group, measurements
group, testing group? training department,
R&D group,
etc. to make sure that they underst.and OOT
and it’s impact on them;
2. Producing
and guidelines for the
support of development
3. Maintaining
a staff of 00 experts to serve a,s
project ment,ors; a.nd
4. Lobbying
upper level management
policy and organizational
for the apchanges.
Even when an organization
has an existing technology insertion group, the temporary
creation of
an object center staffed with 00-specific
agents is a good idea. Many companies are doing
this. For example, IBM has a generic technology
insertion group, but has recently also created an
object technology center.
SE1 Maturity
I do not see any need for an organization
to be at
a certain level of maturity before moving to OOT.
In fa.ct t,he more ma.ture a. soft,ware development,
the more likely it is that the organzation will be reluctant, to move to OOT because
of the immature state of the process infrastructure
for 00 software development.
Most organizations
support a variety of development efforts. Consider a health care organization
that develops billing, payroll and other standard
DP systems, but also develops labora,tory analysis
software and other patient care systems that deal
with on-line retrieval of s-rays, EKGs etc. The DP
systems are probably
based on a stable technology with a reasonably mature development process.
The advanced multimedia
and embedded systems
are the more likely candidates
for OOT precisely
beca.use the development
does not yet
have a mature technology and process for these systems.
port, Q&As, electronic flashes, and participation
conferences and meetings (SHARE, GUIDE etc),
are vehicles for technology transfer.
The idea of wrappers is often presented as a solution to the problem of making legacy systems
“look” 00. However, why should legacy systems
have to “look” OO? Most corporations
have a mix of software technologies.
OOT is one
more technology
to add to the mix. It is a mistake to assume that all legacy systems should be
at some level to OOT. It is true that
00 systems will need to be able to interface with
some legacy systems, and that some legacy systems should be migrated to OOT, but there are
numerous ways to accomplish this. Wrappers are
often indicated when the new 00 systems are written in a pure OOPL like Smalltalk and the legacy
systems are in a language like COBOL. However,
most commercial
systems are written in a hybrid
When the legacy code is written in the
base language of the 00 hybrid, one could choose
to recompile the old code with the hybrid compiler.
In addition lightweight interface procedures are often indicated.
and Cir-
The process of transferring
a new technology to an
is not linear: the needs of the target organization
vary during the process, depending on the phase of the transfer the organization
involved in. Four transfer phases can be identified
from the point of view of the target organization:
The target organization
should know
about the existence of the new technology and
the advantages and risks involved
in embracing it.
The target organization
sets up
projects using the new technology.
The target organization
has decided
to embrace the new technology, and the existing technology base is being converted t.o the
new one.
The new technology has become “business
as usual” in the target organization.
A mature
stage of t,his phase would be characterized
the presence of process control? quality standards, and productivity
The position presented in this panel draws from
my experience
as the consultant
the transfer
of technology
in the field
of object-oriented
at the IBM International Technical Support Organization
which is a worldwide “transfer of technology”
The ITS0 has centers close to the main
IBM hardware
a.nd software laboratories
the world.
The objective
of those centers is to
transfer technology from where it is created - the
labs - to where it is needed in the organization
- marketing,
and services staff - and
also to IBM customers.
The technologies are transferred via publications
(known as redbooks), workshops taught worldwide, and residencies in which
field support specialists (and eventually customers and lab developers)
produce the workshops and redbooks mentioned
The awareness phase is key to achieve an effective
transfer of technology.
This phase is particularly
crucial for object-oriented
technology, since many
economic and cultural decisions have to be made.
The recipients of the transfer in this phase are both
managers and programmers.
Managers and programmers
have to be aware of
the advantages of object-oriented
technology and
the requirements
for capitalizing
on these advantages. The bottom line message is that productivity and quality in object-oriented
software development
are achieved through reuse, but then
the meaning and nature of reuse have to be un-
In addition.
3rd level direct
as well as the organizational
cesses, control, and metrics, which usually have to
be imported.
A source of exchange of sophisticated
questions and solutions has to be established, such
as e-mail conferences and forums.
In the habit phase, the quest is for refining the
technology, improving existing processes, and exploring the next steps. This level justifies the existence of a.n in-house staff of high level specialists which determine where and what aspect of the
technology should be transferred.
Although awareness - exploration
- transition habit is a na.tural sequence, it is by no means a
necessary one. The following are three counterexamples describing ca,ses where this sequence will
not hold (and many more can be found):
entails. Technical decision issues such as the choice
of language and methodology
have to be explained,
but should not become the focus at this point. It
is more important
to deal with the “not invented
here” syndrome, and with legitimate concerns such
as incentives, performance
and training opportunities.
The main objective
of the transfer of technology in the awa.reness is that the technology
should not be perceived as threatening
by anyone
but as a growth opportunity
for everyone.
courses (from 1 t,o 5 days) that include technology
technical and organizational considerations,
success stories (both internal
and external),
and marketplace
trends and directions, are effective transfer means in this phase.
Those courses should be delivered in-house and
there should be several opportunities
to attend
them on different dates; a teach-the-teachers
company experts or external consultants
may be
a convenient way t.o sta,rt the process. A list of recommended conferences
and trade shows may be a
useful tool for stirring the interest of key people in
the target organization.
1. A company take-over or merger where the new
owner has already developed object-oriented
2. A multi-national
company that imposes the
new technology on its world-wide branches.
3. A start-up
The exploration
phase is characterized
by the
existence of “points of light” or “negative entropy
pockets”, that is small nuclei of developers that test
the new technology, many times with manager consent during normal working hours, but often after
hours. Enthusiasts
of the new technology appear,
probably with some background
from the university, from readings, or from previous jobs.
transfer of technology in this phase requires the definition of a specific development
availability of such an environment
and the training of selected people in its use for concrete pilot projects.
Users groups, where the practitioners
of the new technology and interested people meet,
say, once per month, to discuss topics, present their
projects and even invite external speakers, have
proved to be a successful transfer of technology instrument in this stage.
that decides to start
the systems with object-oriented
The described sequence is: however, a typical
cess for any organizational
paradigm shift.
SE1 Maturity
Level and Paradigm
If the report that says that about 80% of t,he US
MIS shops are at level 1 is correct: and we accept
“Thou shalt not perform
Yourdon’s admonition:
paradigm shifts at low SE1 maturity
levels”: the
world would never go to
00. My position here is that a paradigm shift does
not depend OII the maturity of the whole organization but on the characteristics
of projects and of
the group that will implement
them. In addit,ion,
transfer of 00 technology
does not have to start
with programming
in the large, but with smaller
teams where the process management
can be relaxed, and therefore not require a particular SE1 maturity level, even for that team.
We should not lose the perspective
on the prob-
In the transition phase, the key issue is productivity.
The technology
required now, in addition
to the continuous
training efforts, relates to pro-
lem: in any case, the para.digm
shift has to start at
some level of maturity, based on some technology.
Probably, if we wait long enough, there will be another paradigm shift within the next 10 years for
which we will not be prepared either, so . . . And
since achieving a SE1 maturity
level requires establishing formal methodologies
and process definitions of some kind, there does not seem to be an
a,pparent adva.nta,ge for an organization
to rea,ch to
a level 3 maturity
with a process based on structural analysis instead of object-oriented
and then make the transition to object-orientation.
quired, probably due to technological reasons, such
as a change in the data store and retrieval access
Another approach is not to wrap the legacy systems directly, but to use them as servers to the
new object-oriented
leaving them in
their own environment.
For instance, the legacy
code could probably be left to execute in a server
machine connected to the true object oriented application via, a network operating
system (NOS)
providing location transparency,
and have a wrapper or proxy object at the client’s end providing
the required interface to the NOS (i.e. wrapping
the NOS instead of wrapping
the legacy code).
This approach is particularly
useful when the server
(native legacy) environment
is quite different from
the object-oriented
client environment,
as is usually the case with mainframe legacy systems.
If legacy code can be re-engineered
through existing tools, there may be an opportunity
for objectifying without the use of wrapping techniques,
by transforming
the resulting models into object
These transformations
will at this stage
have to be performed
“by hand”, by carving, as
Eric Herness advocates,
the E-R models that the
process may produce.
The present
level of the technology does not allow for productive direct object-model
the use of techniques derived from the field of artificial intelligence,
seems to be promising.
code-slicing techniques are not adequate for objectoriented layering, since they are usually functionoriented.
tools that could find clusters
of accessed data would enhance the productivity
of the re-engineering
process, but their commercial
availability is not widespread.
Andy Baer is currently a Vice President at American Management
Systems and Director of Object
Technology in the AMS Center for Advanced Technologies. His responsibilities
include managing the
creation of a reuseable software infrastructure
developing large business applications,
emerging object technology
products and trends,
helping transition AMS’s staff to using objects, and
being the primary focal point at AMS for marketing object technology.
Brian Bernsen is a Unit Chief in the Center for Software Engineering
at McDonnell Douglas Aerospace East (MDAE), where he investigates CASE tools and software development methods. Prior to joining the Center for Software Engineering, he held various software development
positions on the F/,4-18, AV-8B, and A-12 projects?
where he wrote the Software Standards
and Procedures Manual.
He has taught several in-house
classes on Ada and Software Engineering
and is
developing a “Best Practices”
Legacy relational databases should be used “asis”. There is no apparent justification
for a massive
conversion to an OODBMS, especially in a business
Wrappers could be used as a technique for objectifying
both legacy code and objects.
But a
deep series of layers of wra.ppers would be hard to
specify and maintain.
In addition, wrappers [also
known as “ada.pters”) could be used for materializing objects from legacy data stores such a,s flat files.
When wrapping legacy systems, legacy data stores
should be wrapped separately,
because they may
be the first things for which a change may be re-
for Ada software development,
Alan Korncoff is Senior Principal
the Research
and Technology
at MDAE.
Scientist in
of the Boe-
ing Company.
Present assignment is Principal Invest,igator, Object-oriented
for Manufacturing Automation.
In this capacity, he developed a.nd lead the deployment
of the Exception
Processor (patent pending), the first application of
00 on the factory floor in Boeing. He is currently
Program Ma.nager, Project Ma.nager, Principal Investigator for four 00 projects.
Tim Korson ha.s two affiliations:
He is Executive Director, The Consortium for the Management
of Emerging Software Technologies
and he is also a R.esearch Associate at Clemson
Tkach is a Senior Information
Technology Consultant for Object-Oriented
He works for the IBM International
Technical Support Center in San Jose, California, where he is responsible for the IBM worldwide transfer of technology projects in object-orientation.
His recent
book on the topic, “Object-Oriented
in the Application
in the process of being published
by The Benjamin/Cummings
Publishing Company.