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2011, CAUTHE 2011 National …
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This working paper examines the prospects for maximising community benefits through the creation of collaborative community-based tourism (CBT) networks. It outlines a proposed research approach to explore opportunities to strengthen CBT in the case of Timor-Leste, one of the world's most recently established nations and a least developed small island state.
This paper discusses the concept of community-based tourism (CBT) as an approach to tourism development that emphasises the central role of local communities, community development and capacity building. CBT often experiences difficulties associated with promotion, skills development and financial sustainability. Timor-Leste is one destination which has encountered such issues, as it has started to develop CBT. Located on the eastern part of Timor island north of Darwin it is at the fledgling stage as a nation. A collaborative network approach is proposed as a possible strategy to tackle these issues. In recognising the importance of stakeholder support for this strategy, the place of CBT in Timor-Leste and the prospects from a collaborative network as a solution to current CBT-related issues were discussed at a workshop held during a recent conference on development. A variety of representative stakeholder groups suggested that tourism in Timor-Leste should focus on nature, culture and adventure. CBT was not found to be a major type of tourism for Timor-Leste, nevertheless participants suggested that any type of tourism in Timor-Leste should recognise the central role of local communities in the development of tourism. Further discussion identified that a collaborative network is seen as beneficial for CBT development in Timor Leste. In order to be capable of providing common goals and strategies, the network should have a medium level of integration, without disempowering individual communities. Since there was general support for a CBT network, and little variation in the responses of various stakeholder groups across the majority of questions, collaboration between workshop participants may become the basis for future network establishment. To gain a thorough understanding of potential future network structures and functions, further research is needed.
A manifestation of early destination development, Community-Based Tourism (CBT) enterprises have been emerging across Timor-Leste as a rural development strategy. In the context of this fledgling and oil revenue dependent nation, CBT enterprises will need to overcome various challenges if they are to fulfil their potential. The present paper explores stakeholder perceptions towards the prospective shape and structure of a nationwide CBT network using a multi-stage qualitative research approach. Respondents broadly agreed that a CBT network can support the development of tourism and help enterprises to confront the challenges of deficient knowledge, funding and marketing, prospectively improving rural livelihoods. The researchers consider neo-colonial, social economy and community development perspectives when applying the prospective CBT model in a resource dependent developing country setting. The success of a CBT network relies on an authoritative funding body and on communications between managers and stakeholders that maintains a balance of power.
This series of Research Discussion Papers is intended to present preliminary, new, or topical information and ideas for discussion and debate. The contents are not necessarily the final views or firm positions of the Ministry of Environment and Tourism. Comments and feedback will be welcomed.
Community-based tourism (CBT) offers both opportunities and challenges in the quest for holistic community development. The evolution and development of CBT projects can follow different trajectories. This conceptual paper’s main contribution is the formulation of a comprehensive model of the development of CBT. The model suggests that CBT projects can be initiated from within and outside the community by the private, public and non-governmental sectors or a combination of these using a topdown or bottom-up approach. It also posits that CBT projects can take a formal or informal character depending on the conditions leading to their initiation. The paper highlights the benefits and constraints to the scaling up or down of operations linked to informality. It supports further research in analyzing the various aspects associated with the shift from formality to the informality of CBT projects and vice versa and the relationship with CBT development and holistic community development.
Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 21(5), 2013
This paper contributes to the debate over the validity of community-based tourism (CBT) as a development and poverty reduction strategy in the rural-peasant world. In this debate, researchers tend to compare and contrast specific experiences on which they have conducted fieldwork. This implies limitations in the analysis: conclusions may be biased, leading to circular unresolved discussions. This article introduces a structural analysis, to discover whether CBT has intrinsic characteristics which mean that as an instrument of development cooperation it increases the risks typically involved in social intervention. It applies the concept of the Social Vocation of the Territory (SVT), adapted from Land Suitability concepts used in geography and environmental studies. SVT is a historical process in which land and local society adapt over time to reach equilibrium in specific uses of natural and social resources. Employing this concept on South American case studies, this article concludes that CBT can have limitations as an instrument of development cooperation and poverty reduction, because of increasing peasant differentiation, social unrest, problems with local decision making, lack of local tourism business knowledge and training, pseudo-participation, and work and time restructuring. Use of the SVT concept can help CBT in certain very specific circumstances.
Devotion Journal of Community Service
The wealth of nature, diversity of culture, and value of history possessed by Timor-Leste are essential potential triggers for developing the tourism sector. The provision of infrastructure in the tourism area, improvement of historical buildings, and promotion of the wealth of natural as well as cultural abroad have been carried out by the government to attract visitors to be able to visit Timor-Leste. The main target of the development of the tourism sector is increasing income and community’s welfare. One of the places used to promote destination tourism is Lequiraka. The purpose of this study is to assess the readiness of the people of Ossorua Village to support the development of the Lequiraka tourism area. The study was conducted in the village of Ossorua for two months, from September to October 2021. The data collection method was a preliminary survey and interviews with thirty people from the communities of Ossorua Village. The data analysis using the Likert analysis scale ...
Research Paper , 2019
This research discusses the role of local stakeholder participation in developing sustainable community-based tourism (CBT). A survey collected in Pulau Redang, Kuala Terengganu from carefully recruited community-based tourism stakeholders is discussed to further solidify the theoretical underpinnings of stakeholder participation and community based tourism nexus. Majority of the research participants indicated that the likelihood of them being included in the decision-making process shows improvement. In connection to this, types of community participation, strengths, motivations, and barriers to participation in community-based tourism development endeavours are highlighted. Research outcomes revealed two major influential factors for the existence of better community participation, namely, the presence of strong (CBT) organizations and committed leadership with growing support. The study concludes by providing with suggestions that further improve community-based tourism stakeholder participation in developing sustainable tourism from the perspective of the remote Island destination.
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