International Journal of Engineering Technology, Management and Applied Sciences November 2015, Volume 3, Issue 11, ISSN 2349-4476
Minimal Clans
Shinemin Lin, Ph.D.
Savannah State University
A minimal clan is a lattice-ordered partial semigroup having the cancellation property and difference
property. Wyler (1966 [15]) proved every Abelian clan could be embedded into an Abelian latticeordered group. Conrad (1990) showed that every clan could be embedded into a lattice-ordered group.
There are two main results in this paper. First theorem said a clan C is complete if and only if the latticeordered group generated by C is complete. The second theorem said every clan contains a greatest
generalized Boolean algebra. That answered Schmit’s question ([16]). The second part of this paper is
to that if an l-group G has minimal generating clan such that {0} is the only subsemigroup then G is a
Specker group. This theorem makes a connection between Specker groups and Clans.
Clan, Groupoid, l-group, l-ideal, Specker group, subsemigroup, Free generating Boolean Algebra, eequivalent.
I gather some terms and fundamental results about l-groups. For additional background, refer to [1], [4],
and [6]. I follow tradition and use additive notation for the group operation even though most of groups
may not be abelian. A partially ordered group (po-group) is a group (G, +) that has a partially order, ≤,
defined on it such that a ≤ b implies x + a ≤ x + b and a + x ≤ b + x for all a, b, x of G. If the order is also
a lattice order or a total order, then G is called a lattice-ordered group (l-group) or a totally-ordered group
(o-group), respectively. The symbols , and are used to denote the greatest lower bound and the least
upper bound.
A subgroup A of G is an l-subgroup if A is also a sub-lattice of G. An l-subgroup A is convex, of 0 ≤ g ≤
q ∈ A implies g ∈ A. Suppose H is an l-subgroup of an l-group G, H is large in G or G is an essential
extension of H if for each convex l-subgroup L≠ 0 of G, L ∩ H ≠ 0. An l-group G is Archimedean if 0 ≤
ng < h for all n ∈ N implies g = 0. For an Archimedean l-group G, if G admits no proper essential
extension then G is essentially closed. An essentially closed essential extension of l-group G is called
essential closure of G and is denoted by Ge. An l-group G is complete (laterally complete), if every
bounded (disjoint) subset M of G+, ∨ M ∈ G. An l-group H is a completion (lateral completion) of G if H
is complete (lateral complete), and G is l-isomorphically dense in H, and no proper l-subgroup of H
containing an l-isomorphic copy of G is complete (lateral complete). The completion (laterally
completion, divisible hull) of G will be denoted by G^ (GL, Gd). An element h ≤ g is called a component
of g if (g – h) ∧ h = 0; an element g > 0 of G is called singular if for any 0 < x ≤ g then x is a component
of g. An l-subgroup H of G is saturated if for all h of H, the components of h belong to H.
For g ∈ G, g+ = g ∨ 0 (g- = (-g) ∨ 0) is called the positive (negative) part of g, and |g| = g+ + g- is called the
absolute value of g. The principal convex l-subgroup of G that is generated by g is denoted by G(g),
which is the subset G(g) = {x ∈ G| 0 ≤ |g|≤ n|g| for some 0 < n ∈ N}.
A partial groupid is a set E with a relation S E x E and a map + : S E such that there exists an
element 0 ϵ E satisfying (0,x) ϵ S, (x,0) ϵ S and 0 + x = x+ 0 for all x ϵ E. A partial semigroup is a partial
groupoid (E, S, +) which is associative.
Shinemin Lin
International Journal of Engineering Technology, Management and Applied Sciences November 2015, Volume 3, Issue 11, ISSN 2349-4476
An ordered partial semigroup is a partial semigroup (E, S, +) with ordered relation ≤ such that µ + x + v ≤
v + x + µ holds for all x, y ϵ E satisfying x ≤ y and for all µ, v ϵ E satisfying (µ, x) ϵ S as well as (µ,y) ϵ S
and (µ+y, v) ϵ S. An ordered partial semigroup has lattice property if (E, ≤) is a lattice. It has difference
property if for all x, y ϵ E having a x y, and a x y, there exist µ and v ϵ E+ satisfying µ + x = x y = x
+ v and µ + x y = y = x y + v. It has cancellation property if x = y holds for all x, y ϵ E satisfying µ
+ x + v = µ + y + v for some u, v ϵ E. A minimal clan (or a clan) is a lattice-ordered partial semigroup
having the cancellation property and difference property. A minimal clan E is called positive if E = E+.
An abelian clan C is Archimedean if a ϵ C is such that na ≤ b in [C], for all natural number n and a fixed
element b of C, then a ≤ 0.
(Wyler) Every abelian clan C can be embedded into an abelian I-group G (= [C]). Furthermore,
C is Archimedean if and only if [C] is Archimedean.
(Conrad) Every clan C can be embedded into an l-group G (=[C]).
Definition 1.1
A clan C is called a generating clan of an I-group G, if C is a convex sublattice of G such that for
every element g of G, g=c1 + c2 + … + cn, where c 1 ϵ C for all I ϵ {1, 2, 3, …, n}. We write G = [C].
A subset D of C is called a subclan of C if D is a sublattice of C and for a, b ϵ D such that a ≤ b
there exists c ϵ D such that a + c = b. If D is also convex then D is called a convex subclan of C.
Lemma 1.2. Let C be a positive clan, and D be a subset of C then D’ = {x ϵ C| x d = 0 for all d ϵ D} is a
convex subclan.
Proof. Clearly, D’ is a sublattice of C.
If a ≤ b, a, b ϵ D’ C, then there is c ϵ C satisfying a + c = b. For all d ϵ D, 0 ≤ x d ≤ (a + c) d = b d
= 0; therefore, c d = 0 which implies c ϵ D.
Definition 1.3. D’ is called a polar subclan (or polar) of C.
Lemma 1.4. Let R(C) be the set of all polars of C. Then R(C) is a complete Boolean algebra.
Proof. The proof is similar to the proof of the theorem that the set of all polars of an I-group is a complete
Boolean algebra ([4]).
Proposition 1.5. Let C be a positive abelian clan. Then G = [C] is a free abelian I-group over C.
H, any abelian I-group
Let f be an additive lattice homomorphism from C into any abelian I-group H, and g be the natural
embedding of C into [C]. Then f(C) is an abelian clan that is in H. [f(C)] is an l-ideal of H. Now define
f*: g1+ g2+… +gn f(g1) + f(g2) + … + f(gn), then f* is an l-homomorphism from G into H.
Lemma 1.6. A clan C freely generates an abelian l-group G. Then C is a generating clan of G.
Shinemin Lin
International Journal of Engineering Technology, Management and Applied Sciences November 2015, Volume 3, Issue 11, ISSN 2349-4476
Proof. By Wyler’s construction, G is a free abelian l-group on C, it suffices to show that C is a convex
sublattice of G. Clearly C is a sublattice of G. Now suppose 0 ≤ g ≤ c, where c ϵ C, and g ϵ G. Then g =
g1+ g2+… +gn , where g 1 ϵ C for all i’s and there is 0 ≤ h = h1+ h2+… + hm ∈ G, hi∈ C such that g + h = c.
This implies the addition of g1+ g2+… + gn is defined in C hence g ϵ C.
Definition 1.7. A clan C is complete if T= { 0 ≤ ci ϵ C | i ∈ I} is a bounded subset of C then T ϵ C.
Proposition 1.8. Let C be a complete clan that generates the l-group G, and let T = { 0 ≤ ci ϵ C | i ∈ I} be a
bounded subset of C. Then ˅GT=˅CT.
Proof. Let v= v1ci be the join of T in C. Then v ≥ ci in G for all i ϵ I. Suppose u ∈ G satisfying u ≥ ci in
G for all i ϵ I, then u ≥ ˅GT. Now v ≥ v u = (˅Ici) u = t ≥ 0. Therefore t ϵ C, and v ≥ ˅I(u ci) = t t
≥ ci u = ci for all i ∈ I. That implies t ≥ ˅Ici= v, and hence t = v. Since u (˅Ici) = t, u ≥ t = v.
Therefore v = ˅GT.
Lemma 1.9 ([4]) Let G be an l-group and let {gi | i ∈ I} be a subset of G and g ∈ G. Then ˅I(gi + g) exists
if and only if ˅Igi exists. If this is the case then ˅I(gi + g) = ˅Igi + g.
Theorem 1.10. A Clan C is complete if and only if G = [C] is complete.
T = {c i ϵ C | i ϵ I}
Proof. (
) Let
be a bounded subset of C, say bounded by g C G. Then, in G,
= v ≤ g exists. By convexity of C, v ϵ C. Let s be an element of C G such that s ≥ ci for all i ϵ I.
˅ T
˅ T
Then s ≥ G = v. Hence v = C .
( ) Let T = {a i ϵ C | i ϵ I} be a bounded subset of G, say bounded by g = c1 +c2 +…. + cn> 0, where a
ϵ C for all i ϵ I. We apply induction on n.
If n =1, then g = c1 ϵ C implying ˅I ai exists. Now suppose that T is bounded by g = c1 + c2 + ….
+cn-1, then ˅ai exists in G. If T is bounded by g = (c1 +c2+….+cn-1) + cn, cn ≥ 0, then ai - cn ≤c1 +c2 + …. +
cn-1. By induction hypothesis, ˅I(ai - cn) exists in G and is equal to (˅ai) – an. Therefore ˅GT exists.
Remark. Let G = [C], C is literally complete but [C] is not necessarily laterally complete.
Example. Let C be a complete Boolean algebra of all subset of natural numbers. Then C is laterally
complete. But [C] = set of all bounded sequences of integers, which is not laterally complete.
Corollary 1.11. Let C be a positive clan, then C is an Archimedean Clan.
Proof. C is complete [C] is complete [C] is Archimedean C is Archimedean.
Corollary 1.12. If C is a positive Archimedean clan then there exists a complete clan C^ such that C is
dense in C^.
Proof. C is a convex sublattice of G = [C] which is Archimedean, so G has a unique completion G^. Let
C^ = (G^)+ then C C^ and C is dense in C^.
Theorem 1.13. ([16]) Let C be a clan. If x ≤ 𝑛𝑖=1 yi, then there exists xi ϵ C satisfying x = 𝑛𝑖=1 xi and xi
≤ yi for all i ϵ {1, 2,…, n}. Moreover, if x ≥ 0 and y1,….,yn ≥ 0 then xi can be chosen such that 0 ≤ xi ≤ x
yi hold for all i ϵ {1, 2,….,n}.
Shinemin Lin
International Journal of Engineering Technology, Management and Applied Sciences November 2015, Volume 3, Issue 11, ISSN 2349-4476
Let C be a positive clan and let &(C) be the set of all convex subclans of C. For A, B ϵ &(C), let
A + B denote the set {a +b | if a + b is defined, a ϵ A, b ϵ B}.
Proposition 1.14. If D ϵ &(C) then [D] is a convex 1-subgroup of [C].
Proof. It is sufficient to show that [D] is convex in [C]. Let g be an element of [C] such that 0 < g < d ϵ
[D]. We have 0 < g < d = d1 + d2 + ….+ dn, where di ϵ D for all i = 1, 2, ..., n. By the theorem 1.13, g = g1
+g2 + …. + gn with 0 ≤ gi ≤ di for all i = 1, 2, …, n. Since D is convex, gi ϵ D for all i = 1, 2, … , n. This
shows g ϵ [D].
Proposition 1.15. If H is a convex 1-subgroup of [C] and D is a generating clan of H, then D C ϵ &(C)
and [D C] = H.
Proof. It is sufficient to show that D C is convex in C. Let c be an element of C such that 0 < c < d ϵ D
C [D] = H. Since [D] is convex, c ϵ [D], we can write c = c1 + c2 + ...+ cn, where ci ϵ D for all i = 1,
2, … , n. Hence c ϵ C D.
Clearly, H [D C]. Now if 0 < h ϵ H [C], then h= h1+h2+…+ hn, where hi ϵ D for all i ϵ {1,
2,….,n}. But hi ϵ [C] for all i ϵ {1, 2, … , n}, which implies hi = hi1 +….+ Him, where hij ϵ C for all j ϵ {1,
2,…,m}. We have hi ϵ D C. This shows h ϵ [C D]. Therefore, H= [C D].
Schmit asked in [16] whether each minimal clan contains a greatest generalized Boolean algebra. Here
we answer this question.
Proposition 1.16. Suppose C is a clan. Then C contains a greatest generalized Boolean algebra.
Proof. Let G be the 1-group generated by C. i.e. G = [C]. Let H be the Specker kernel of G and X be the
set of singular elements of H. Then D = X C is a convex subclan of C that generates H. Hence D is a
generalized Boolean algebra that is contained in C. Since H is the Specker kernel of G, D is the greatest
generalized Boolean algebra that is contained in C.
Proposition 1.17. Let A, B be the convex subclans of C, then A + B = B + A if and only if A + B ϵ &(C)
and B + A ϵ &(C).
Proof. ( ) a) If a ϵ A and b ϵ B such that a+b is defined in C, then a = a1+b1 and b= a2+b2 where ai ϵ A
and bi ϵB for i= 1, 2. a+b = (a1+b1) + (a2+b2)
= a1 + (b1+a) + b2
= a1 + (a2’+b1’) +b2
= (a1 +a2’) + (b1’ + b2) ϵ A+B.
b) If a, b ϵ A+B C then there exist c1 and c2 ϵ C such that a +c1 = a˅b= c2 + a and c1 + a b =
b = a b + c2. If a b=0 then a˅b = a + b, so a˅b ϵ A +B. If a b > 0 then 0 < c1< b, so c1 ϵ B.
Therefore, a ˅ b = a + c1 ϵ A+B. Since 0 < a b < a ϵ A+B, a b ϵ A A+B. This proves that A+B is a
c) If g ϵ A+B and 0 < x <g then 0 < x < a+b = g. By theorem 1.13, x= a1+b1, where 0< a1 < a and
0 < b1< b. This shows that x ϵ A + B. Therefore, A + B is convex in C. Likewise, we can prove B+A is a
convex subclan of C.
( ) Let A˅B denote the convex subclan of C that is generated by the set {A, B}. Clearly A˅B
A+B but A A˅B and B A˅B A+B A˅B, so A+B = A˅B = B˅A = B+A.
Definition 1.18. A positive clan is normal valued if for all A, B ϵ (C), we have A+B = B+A.
Shinemin Lin
International Journal of Engineering Technology, Management and Applied Sciences November 2015, Volume 3, Issue 11, ISSN 2349-4476
Proposition 1.19. Let C be a generating clan of an 1-group G. Then G is normal valued if and only if C is
normal valued.
Proof. ( ) If A, B ϵ (C) then [A] + [B] = [B] + [A]
If 0 < x ϵ A +B, then x=a +b ϵ [A] + [B] = [B] + [A], and hence 0 < x = b1 +a1 = (b1 +a1) +< b1+
+ a1+ that implies that there exists 0 < a2 ϵ [A], 0 < b2 ϵ [B], such that x = b2 + a2 , this implies a2, b2 ϵ
C. Therefore, a2 ∈ A and b2 ∈ B. This proves A+B B+A. Likewise, we can show that B+A A+B.
( ) If A, B ϵ (G) then [A C] = A and [B C] = B.
For any a ϵA, and b ϵB, a + b = (a1+….an) + (b1+…, where ai’s ϵ A C and bj’s ϵ B C. We
know that (A C) + (B C) = (B C) + (A C). Therefore ( + (b1+….bm) ϵ B+A, which
implies A+B B+A. Likewise, we can show B+A A+B and hence A + B = B+ A.
Proposition 1.20. Suppose C is a generating clan of an l-group G. If for each G(g) there exists a c ϵ C
such that G(c) = G(g), then C = [0,c] and G = G(c).
Proof. 0< g ϵ G implies g ∈ [C]+, the semigroup generated by C.
g = c1 + c2 + …. + cn, ci’s ∈ C+
G(g) = G (c1+c2+….+cn)
= G(c1 + c2…..+ cn) = G(c1 c2 c3 … cn) = G(c), where
c = c1 c2 ….. cn∈ C.
From now on, let C be a positive abelian clan. Thus C is a convex sublattice of the positive cone
G of an abelian l-group G. Moreover, the lattice order and the partial addition on C is that induced by G.
Let S be a subsemigroup of C and let SC = {x ∈C | x ≥ s for some s ∈S} denotes the convex hull of S in C.
Lemma 2.1. SC is a subsemigroup of C. Thus each maximal subsemigroup of C contains 0 and is convex.
Proof. For x, y ∈ SC x < s and y < t for some s, t ∈ S x+y is defined in C and x+ y s + t so x + y
ϵ SC.
Lemma 2.2. If G(a)+ G(b)+ C then G(a˅b)+ C.
Proof. For all n ϵ N, na˅nb = n( a˅b).
Since a + b = b + a and since na, nb ϵ C, we have n(a˅b)= na˅nb ϵ C.
Let K= {a ϵ C | G(a)+ C}. Then by above lemma {G(a)+ | a ϵK} is a directed set of subsets of C.
Lemma 2.3. S = {G(a)+ | a ϵ K} is the largest subsemigroup of C.
Proof. Clearly S is a subsemigroup of C and, of course S is convex and contains 0. Now suppose B is a
subsemigroup of C. Then, without loss of generality, we may assume 0 ϵ B. B is convex in C. Thus if 0
< b ϵ B then G(b)+ B C, so b ϵ B and hence B S. In particular [S] is an l-ideal of G = [C].
If C is not an abelian clan then C may not have a largest subsemigroup. The next example is provided by
Dr. David Nelson.
Example. Let G = A(R) be the group of all o-permutations of the real numbers and let α(x) = x+1 for all x
ϵ R. Then [e, α] is a clan with maximal convex subsemigroups. For let β ϵ G with orbit < 1 then [e, α]
G(β)+, but the product of two such semigroups need not belong to [e, α]. Thus for a nonabelian clan need
not have a largest subsemigroup.
Shinemin Lin
International Journal of Engineering Technology, Management and Applied Sciences November 2015, Volume 3, Issue 11, ISSN 2349-4476
Definition 2.4. A clan C is called a principal clan if C = [0,g] for some g ϵ [C].
Let G be an l-group that is generated by a principal clan C and let M be the intersection of all
maximal l-ideas of G(g) (i.e. all the values of g in G(g)).
Lemma 2.5. M+ is the greatest subsemigroup of C = [0, g].
Proof. For a, b ∈ M+ we have a + b ∈ M+ which implies a + b << g implies a + b ∈ C. Therefore, M+ is
a subsemigroup of C. If B is a subsemigroup of C then, without loss of generality, we may assume 0 ∈ B
and B is convex in C. Thus [B] is an l-ideal of G with positive cone B. Suppose, by way of
contradiction, that x ∈ B\M+ then x does not belong to Gγ, a value of g, so nx is not comparable with g,
which is a contradiction. Thus B M+.
Note. G/[M] is Archimedean. In fact it is a subdirect product of real numbers, so C is an extension of the
largest subsemigroup M+ be an Archimedean principal clan.
Once again let C be an arbitrary positive abelian clan. Then for each a ∈ C, [0, a] is a principal
subclan. Let M(a) be the largest subsemigroup of [0, a], then a < b implies [0, a] [0, b] implies G(a)
G(b). Also M(a) = {b ∈ G+| g << a} so M(a) M(b).
Lemma 2.6. M = {M(a)| a ∈ C} is a convex subsemigroup of C that contains 0.
Proof. a, b ∈ C implies M(a) M(B) M(a b), so we have an upper directed set.
Note. M need not to be the largest subsemigroup of C.
Example. Let G = R R , and C = G+ then M = R 0
Lemma 2.7. If C is a positive abelian clan with {0} the only subsemigroup, then [C] is Archimedean.
Proof. If [C] is not Archimedean, then we can pick 0 < a << b in C. Then 0 a ∈ M(a), which is a
Let S = {G(a)+ | a ∈ C} be the largest subsemigroup of the clan C.
Lemma 2.8. [C]/[S] = {([S] + G©)/[S] | c ∈ C}.
Proof. x∈ ([C]/[S])+ implies x = [S] + g, g >0, but g ∈ G(c ) for some 0 < c ∈ C so x ∈ ([S] + G(c))/[S].
Lemma 2.9. [C]/[S] is the join of convex l-subgroup ([S]+G(c ))/[S] G(c )/([S] G(c ))
Proposition 2.10. Let G =[X] be a Specker group with the set of all singular elements X. Then X is the
smallest generating clan of G.
Proof. Suppose Y is a subclan of X and x ∈ X. If Y generates G then it must have an element y that is
a-equivalent to x. But then y and x are singular that implies x = y.
Now we need to show that any generating clan Y must contains X.
We may assume, without loss of generality, G Z and X is the set of all characteristic elements of
G. Since Y is convex, for each y ∈ Y the characteristic function on the support of y belongs to Y.
Therefore, Y X generates G as a group and it is a convex sublattice of G. Therefore, Y X is a
generating clan so Y X = X and hence Y X.
Shinemin Lin
International Journal of Engineering Technology, Management and Applied Sciences November 2015, Volume 3, Issue 11, ISSN 2349-4476
The converse is not true. For it we let G be a totally ordered abelian group with no maximal convex
subgroup, then G+ is the only generating clan and hence the smallest generating clan. But G is not a
Specker group.
Proposition 2.11. Let C1 and C2 be generating clans for the representable 1-group G. Then C1 C2 is a
generating clan.
Proof. We know that [C1] = [C2] = G and want to show that [C1 C2] = G.
Let ~ denote a-equivalence. 0 < g ∈ G g ~ a ∈ C1 and g~ b ∈ C2. There is an integer n such that ng > a
and b and na, nb > g ng > a b and nan b = n(a b) > b. Therefore, b a ~ g.
Remark. Suppose G is an o-group. Then, since the subclans are the convex subset of G+, they form a
chain. So if G does not have a largest proper convex subgroup then G+ is the only generating clan.
Suppose M is the largest convex subgroup of G then the generating clans are of the form [0,g], where g
G+ \M.
Corollary 2.12. If G = [X] is Specker with X the generalized Boolean algebra of singular elements, then
G is the free I-group over X.
Proof. X is a generating clan of G.
Corollary 2.13. If C = [X] is Specker with generating clan X of singular elements, then any two addition
on G so that it is an l-group are connected by an isomorphism t that is an identity on X.
Proof. The only addition on X is the join of disjoin elements. So each addition of G must agree on X.
Definition 2.14. A &(C) is regular if A is maximal with respect to not containing c ∈ C.
Proposition 2.15. A &(C) is regular if and only if [A] is regular in G = [C].
Proof: ( ) Let Gα be a value of g G = [C]. Then there is a element c C such that c ~ g since G(g) =
G[c] for some c C. Therefore c Gα hence c Gα C = A &[C]. If B A such that B &[C] then
[A] [B]. Therefore, c ~ b for some b [B]. Therefore, c [B] hence c [B] C = B, Therefore A
is maximal with respect to not containing c.
( ) Suppose A &[C] is maximal with respect to not containing c C. Then pick g G such
that g ~ c then g [A] for if g [A] implies c [A] which implies c A which contradicts our
assumption. Now for any X &(G) such that [A] X then A X C &(C) c X C g
[X C] = X. Therefore, [A] is a value of g.
Lemma 2.16. Let N be a convex sublattice of C, then [N] is an l-ideal of [C]. Consider the subset T of
the l-group [C]/[N], where T={c + [N] | c ∈ C} then
T is a convex sublattice of [C]/[N] and hence a clan.
[T] = [C]/[N].
Proof. (1) T is a lattice, since (c + [N]) (d + [N]) = c d + [N] T, and (c + [N] (d + [N]) = c d
+ [N] T, Now we want to show that T is convex. If 0 < g + [N] d + [N] T, then there is m [N]+
such that g d + m. Since 0 < g + [N] so 0 < (g+ - g-) + [N] = (g+ + [N]) – (g- + [N]) so 0 < g- + [N] < g++
[N] implies g- + [N] = 0 hence g- [N]. Without loss of generality, we may assume 0 < g G = [C].
g = d1 +m1 where 0< d1< d and 0< m1< m. g + [N] = d1 +m1 + [N] = d1 + [N] T.
To show (2) Suppose 0 < s [C]/[N]. Then
S = c + [N]/[C], where c [C]
Shinemin Lin
International Journal of Engineering Technology, Management and Applied Sciences November 2015, Volume 3, Issue 11, ISSN 2349-4476
= c1 + c2 + … + cn + [N], ci C for i=1,….,n
= (c1+ [N]) +….+ (cn + [N]) [T]
On the other hand, suppose 0 < t [T]. Then
t = (t1 + [N]) +……+ (tn + [N]), ti C for i = 0,…..,n.
= (t1 + t2 + … + tn) + [N] [C]/[N].
Proposition 2.17. Let N be a convex subsemigroup of C, hence a convex sublattice. Then there is a one to
one correspondence between the set of all convex subsemigroups C(&[C]) of C that contain N and the set
of all convex subsemigroups of T, where T = [c +[N]| c C].
Proof. (1) Suppose M is a convex subsemigroup of T.
Let α : [C] [C]/[N] be the natural l-homomorphism. Then α maps C onto T. Let M* = [c
C| cα M]. Then
For all n N, nα = 0 hence N M*.
If h1, h2 M* then h1α, h2α M, h1α+h2α M T.
h1α + h2α = (h1 + h2)α . Hence h1 + h2 is defined in C. Hence h1 + h2 M*.
(c ) If 0 < h h1 M* then 0 <hα h1α M* hα M h M*. Therefore M* is a convex
subsemigroup of C that contains N and (M*)α = M. For if m* M*, then m*α M and if m M T,
there is c C such that cα = m, so c M*.
(2)If J is a convex subsemigroup of C that contains N then J’ = Jα = [j + [N] | j J] is a convex
subsemigroup of T and [J’] * = J. For if c (J’)* then cα J’. There is j J such that cα = jα c –
j N c = j + m J. If j J then jα J’ j (J’)*.
Now define f : C(&[C]) T by f(J) = J’ and g : T C(&[C]) by g(M) = M*, then by (2) g(f(J)) = J and
by (1) f(g(M)) = m.
Corollary 2.18. If S is a maximal subsemigroup of C, then T = [c + [S] | c C] has no proper nonzero
convex subsemigroup.
Lemma 2.19. Let S be the largest subsemigroup of C. Then [S] = G = [C] if and only if S = G + (if and
only if C= G+).
Proof. ( ) Clear.
( ) Suppose, by way of contradiction, that S is a proper subset of G+. Hen pick g ∈ G+\S then
there is a value Gα of g such that S Gα hence [S] G which is a contradiction.
Proposition 2.20. Let C be a proper generating clan of G. S be a maximal subsemigroup of C, and P is a
value of G such that P [S]. Then
G/P is an Archimedean o-group
G/[S] is Archimedean.
Proof. 1) G/P is generated by {c + P | c ∈ C}, which is a convex sublattice of G/P and hence is a clan. If
{c + P| c ∈ C} is not Archimedean then there is 0 < x + P << y + P. Let K = {c ∈ C | c + P << y + P}.
Then K C and K = [0]. If k1 + P << y + P and k2 +P << y + P then (k1+k2) + P << y +P hence k1 + k2
+ P << y + P and hence k1 + k2∈ K. So K is a subsemigroup of C and for all s S, s + P = 0 + P << y +
P hence S is properly contained in K which contradicts that S is maximal subsemigroup. Therefore [c + P
| c ∈ C] is Archimedean so G/P is an Archimedean o-group.
{G / P | [ S ] P and P is a value of G} by
Now define : G
Shinemin Lin
International Journal of Engineering Technology, Management and Applied Sciences November 2015, Volume 3, Issue 11, ISSN 2349-4476
{G / P | [S ] P and P is a value of G} . Clearly [S] {P | [S] c P and P is a value of
G}. If g [S] then there is a value P of g such that [S] P
g {P | [S] c P and P is a value of G} [S] {P | [S] c P and P is a value of G}.
Therefore ker = {P | [S] c P and P is a value of G} = S.
G/[S] (G) {G / P | [ S ] P and P is a value of G} .
Therefore, G/[S] is a subdirect product of Archimedean o-group hence Archimedean.
Corollary 2.21. M = {M | ∈ , M is a maximal 1-ideal of G} then {M | M ∈ M } C.
Proposition 2.22. For an abelian I-group G. The following are equivalent.
G has proper generating clan.
G has maximal I-ideal.
Proof. (2) (1)
Let M be a maximal 1-ideal of G. Then G/M is an archimedian o-group. Pick 0 < g M then [M, r+M]
generates G/M, so C = [0, g m] | m ∈ M] is a proper generating clan of G.
Let C be a proper generating clan of G. Since G is abelian, G is a subdirect product of O-groups.
,11l momomorphism
Gi, Gi is a 0-group for all i ∈ I.
pi, a projection map
Identify C as a subset {<c> | c ∈ C} of G. Let Ci = pi( (C )), then for 0 < gi∈ Gi there is g ∈ G such that
pi( (g )) = gi, and since C generates G there is c ∈ C such that c is e-equivlent to g. Hence g nc for
some n ∈ N. Therefore 0 < gi = pi( (g )) pi( (nc )) = npi( (c )), which implies gi is a-equivalent to
pi( (c )), so Ci generates Gi. Similarly (C ) generates (G) properly since is one to one.
Gi (C ) (G ). Let [S] = (G)
Now, it Ci = Gi for all i ∈ I, then Gi = Ci (C )
then (G ) = S = (C ), which is a contradiction. Therefore [S] is a proper subset of (G) = [ (C )].
Then pick 0 < g ∈ (G)\[S]. Let P be a value of g such that S [S] P, then (G)/P is an 0-groupp
generated by { (c ) + P| c ∈ C} = T. If there is (c1) + P << (c2) + P ∈ T, then let K = { (c)| (c)
<< (c2)} 0. Claim K is a subsemigroup of (C ). For if (a), (b) ∈ K, then (a) + P<< (c2)
+ P, (b) + P << (c2) + P, so (a)+ (b) + P << (c2) + P, so S K which contract to that C/P is
It follows that T is an Archimedean clan, hence (G)/P is an Archimedean o-group. Therefore P
is a maximal l-idea of (G). Let M = {x ∈ G | (x) ∈ P}, then M is an l-idea of G. Suppose M J, an
l-ideal of G, then P = (M) (J) (G) so (M) = (J), hence M = J. This proves that M is a
maximal l-ideal of G.
If there is i ∈ I such that Ci Gi, since Gi is an o-group, Gi has maximal l-ideal Mi. Let M = {g ∈
G| pi( (g)) ∈ Mi} then Mi is an l-ideal of G.
Define : G/M Gi/Mi by g + M pi( (g))+ Mi. Then is onto and ker = {g + M | pi( (g)) ∈
Mi} = {g + M | g ∈ M} = 0 so is one to one. So G/M is an Archimedean o-group. That means M is a
Shinemin Lin
International Journal of Engineering Technology, Management and Applied Sciences November 2015, Volume 3, Issue 11, ISSN 2349-4476
maximal l-ideal of G. In particular, if S = [0] then all values of G are maximal l-ideal, so G is an
Archimedean l-group.
Theorem 2.23. G admits min generating clan C in which {0} is the only subsemigroup then G is Specker.
Proof. (1). G is Archimedean and hence abelian.
(2). G+ is not the only generating clan so G has maximal l-ideals.
(3). Let M = {M | ∈ } be the set of all maximal l-ideal. For each M , T = {c + M
|c ∈ C} generates G/M and T is a minimal generating clan of G/M . For if there is H* = {h + M |
h ∈ H} T such that H* is also a generating clan of G/M , then N = M C, then N H. For g ∈
G if and only if g ∈ M g ∈ [N] [H]. If g M , g + M = n(h + M ) g = nh + m ∈ [H],
m ∈ M H is properly contained in C and H generates G. This is a contradiction. So G/M has least
element d + M and hence G/M Z. we may assume, without loss of generality, T [0, 1] as clans.
(4). {M | ∈ } C, hence {M | ∈ } = 0.
If g C then there is a value Gα of g such that g Gα. Let Cα =Gα C, then Cα is a value of C, hence
a convex sublattice of C. Let Tα = {c + [Cα]| c ∈ C} = {c + Gα | c ∈ C} then Tα is a convex sublattice of
G/Gα and generates G/Gα. If [C]/Gα is not Archimedean then [c +G| c ∈ C] is not an Archimedean clan.
Then there exists 0 < c + Gα << d + Gα] in T. Let K ={c ∈ C | c + Gα << d + Gα} then K is a nonzero
subsemigroup of C which is a contradiction. Therefore T is an Archimedean clan. Therefore, Gα is a
maximal l-ideal. Hence g all maximal l-ideals all maximal
l-ideals C.
(G/M )
Z by α(g) = (…g +M ….). Then ker α = {M | ∈
(5). Define α : G
}= 0, so α is a one to one l-isomorphism and α|C : c I where I = [0,1]. Therefore C is the
set of all singular elements of G and hence G is a Specker group.
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