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2022, Genes
3 pages
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The current diversity of metazoans has been achieved through a long process of evolution since the appearance of their unicellular ancestor about 1000 Mya [...]
Developmental Biology, 1996
D epart m en t of In t egrat iv e Biology an d M u seu m of Paleon t ology , U n iv ersit y of C aliforn ia, Berk eley , C aliforn ia 94720; †D epart m en t of Paleob iology , N H B-121, N at ion al M u seu m of N at u ral H ist ory , W ash in gt on , D C 20560; an d ‡D epart m en t of G eoph y sical Scien ces, U n iv ersit y of C h icago, 5734 S. Ellis A v en u e, C h icago, Illin ois 60637
Integrative and Comparative Biology, 2007
Geological Journal, 2007
Timing the evolutionary appearances of early Metazoa on Earth may rely on the combined information of fossil occurrences, molecular divergences and the geological background. Recent advances in the studies of Neoproterozoic and earliest Cambrian strata in South China and elsewhere, together with numerous works on molecular dating, provide an opportunity to draw a more precise timescale for the early metazoan evolution. This study presents a synthesis of available molecular and fossil dating results, placed in the palaeoenvironmental background, which leads to the recognition of the following time events for early metazoan cladogenesis: (1) Animal multicellularity occurred most probably during early to middle Neoproterozoic times (between $1000 and $660 Ma) during the geological period of gradual increase in oxygen content; (2) Eumetazoans and sponges (or sponge-like organisms) parted from each other during the Neoproterozoic glaciation interval (ca. 750-580 Ma), but both experienced adaptive radiation after the glaciations as evidenced by the Doushantuo Biota (ca. 635-551 Ma); (3) A great metazoan radiation event (MRE) occurred during the late Ediacaran and earliest Cambrian periods (ca. 550-530 Ma), interpreted here as a metazoan radiation at higher taxonomic levels, as compared with the early Cambrian radiation representing one at lower taxonomic levels (lower than subphylum or class). In order to better constrain the phylochronology of early metazoans, we present evidence for the divergences of arthropod subgroups on the basis of molecular dating results and the fossil record. It is shown that the arthropod stem group diverged from its sister taxon at between $700 and $565 Ma and major arthropod subgroups originated coevally with MRE. The MRE is probably correlatable with the d 13 C negative anomaly in the late Ediacaran Period.
Evolution & Development, 2003
A phylogenetic framework is essential for understanding the origin and evolution of metazoan development. Despite a number of recent molecular studies and a rich fossil record of sponges and cnidarians, the evolutionary relationships of the early branching metazoan groups to each other and to a putative outgroup, the choanoflagellates, remain uncertain. This situation may be the result of the limited amount of phylogenetic information found in single genes and the small number of relevant taxa surveyed. To alleviate the effect of these analytical factors in the phylogenetic reconstruction of early branching metazoan lineages, we cloned multiple protein-coding genes from two choanoflagellates and diverse sponges, cnidarians, and a ctenophore. Comparisons of sequences for a-tubulin, b-tubulin, elongation factor 2, HSP90, and HSP70 robustly support the hypothesis that choanoflagellates are closely affiliated with animals. However, analyses of single and concatenated amino acid sequences fail to resolve the relationships either between early branching metazoan groups or between Metazoa and choanoflagellates. We demonstrate that variable rates of evolution among lineages, sensitivity of the analyses to taxon selection, and conflicts in the phylogenetic signal contained in different amino acid sequences obscure the phylogenetic associations among the early branching Metazoa. These factors raise concerns about the ability to resolve the phylogenetic history of animals with molecular sequences. A consensus view of animal evolution may require investigations of genome-scale characters.
The evolutionary origin of vertebrates has been debated ad nauseam by anatomists, paleontologists, embryologists, and physiologists, but it is only now that molecular phylogenetics is providing a more rigorous framework for the placement of vertebrates among their invertebrate relatives that we can begin to arrive at concrete conclusions concerning the nature of ancient ancestors and the sequence in which characteristic anatomical features were acquired. Vertebrates tunicates and cephalochordates together comprise the chordate phylum, which along with echinoderms and hemichordates constitute the deuterostomes. The origin of vertebrates and of jawed vertebrates is characterized by a doubling of the vertebrate genome, leading to hypotheses that this genomic event drove organismal macroevolution. However, this perspective of evolutionary history, based on living organisms alone, is an artifact. Phylogenetic trees that integrate fossil vertebrates among their living relatives demonstrate the gradual and piecemeal assembly of the gnathostome body plan. Unfortunately, it has not been possible to demonstrate gradual assembly of the vertebrate body plan. This is not because vertebrates are irreducibly complex but because many of the characters that distinguish vertebrates from invertebrates are embryological and cellular and, therefore, inherently unfossilizable.
Trends in Genetics, 1999
Molecular Biology and Evolution, 2008
The evolution of multicellular animals (Metazoa) from their unicellular ancestors was a key transition that was accompanied by the emergence and diversification of gene families associated with multicellularity. To clarify the timing and order of specific events in this transition, we conducted expressed sequence tag surveys on 4 putative protistan relatives of Metazoa including the choanoflagellate Monosiga ovata, the ichthyosporeans Sphaeroforma arctica and Amoebidium parasiticum, and the amoeba Capsaspora owczarzaki, and 2 members of Amoebozoa, Acanthamoeba castellanii and Mastigamoeba balamuthi. We find that homologs of genes involved in metazoan multicellularity exist in several of these unicellular organisms, including 1 encoding a membrane-associated guanylate kinase with an inverted arrangement of protein-protein interaction domains (MAGI) in Capsaspora. In Metazoa, MAGI regulates tight junctions involved in cell-cell communication. By phylogenomic analyses of genes encoded in nuclear and mitochondrial genomes, we show that the choanoflagellates are the closest relatives of the Metazoa, followed by the Capsaspora and Ichthyosporea lineages, although the branching order between the latter 2 groups remains unclear. Understanding the function of ''metazoan-specific'' proteins we have identified in these protists will clarify the evolutionary steps that led to the emergence of the Metazoa.
Italian Journal of Zoology, 1998
Arab Gulf Journal of Scientific Research
The energy crisis, especially electricity consumption, is a crisis that plagues the world in general and Kuwait in particular. The Ministry of Electricity and Water in Kuwait (2009) said that the high temperature in the summer months, sometimes reach to 50 degrees Celsius in the shade, leads to increase demand in the air-conditioning loads. The study aims to assess the methods of electrical energy rationalization in Kuwaiti mosques using the simulation software (HAP). Since the mosques are located in separate areas of Kuwait and operate simultaneously, one of the mosques was selected as an example to find the best way to conserve energy. The results showed that, there are several possible ways to reduce the air-conditioning loads. Replacement incandescent bulbs with the energy-saving bulbs, installing programmable thermostat technology and control the infusion rate, lead to energy savings up to 32%, 2.9% and 11.4% respectively. The study also demonstrated the impact of other ways in...
The Arts in Psychotherapy, 1993
Journal of Information Systems and Technology Management, 2013
Close to the Heart or Close to the Home? Motivational Factors Influencing EFL Teaching as a Career Choice among Female Arab Citizens of Israel Students, 2021
L'occhio di Hammurabi, 2024
Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 2022
ESG , 2024
German Heritage Languages in North America: Acquisition, Attrition, and Change, 2015
HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), 2015
Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 2010
Australian Journal of Crop Science, 2017
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering
CAPACITAREA : Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat, 2021
Molecular Psychiatry, 2011
International Journal of Industrial Chemistry, 2017