Modeling of Water Film Formation on a
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Modeling of Water Film Formation on a
prepared by
N. Sinha, M.A. Sitek, and S.A. Lottes
Nuclear Science and Engineering Division, Argonne National Laboratory
August 2019
Table of Contents
Introduction and Objectives ..................................................................................................... 1
Literature Review .................................................................................................................... 2
Governing Equations of the Computational Model ................................................................ 3
3.1. Reynolds-Averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) Model............................................................. 3
3.2. Large Eddy Simulation (LES) Model .................................................................................. 4
3.3. Eulerian Multiphase with Volume of Fluid (VOF) Model .................................................. 5
Investigation of the Available Rain Modeling Methods .......................................................... 6
4.1. Mass Inflow Boundary Condition on Cable without Fillets .................................................7
4.2. Mass Inflow Boundary Condition on Cable with Fillets ....................................................10
4.3. Lagrangian Transport Model ............................................................................................. 12
4.4. Mass Source Term ............................................................................................................. 15
30 mm/hr Rain Intensity......................................................................................... 17
60 mm/hr Rain Intensity......................................................................................... 19
400 mm/hr Rain Intensity ...................................................................................... 21
Influence of Crosswind Flow on Rivulet Formation and Flow.............................................. 22
5.1. Instantaneous and Mean Flow Field in Dry Conditions ................................................... 22
5.2. Drag Coefficient ................................................................................................................ 25
5.3. Film Thickness and Upper Rivulet Formation ................................................................. 26
Conclusions ........................................................................................................................... 32
Acknowledgements ................................................................................................................ 33
References ............................................................................................................................. 33
Modeling of Water Film Formation on a Stay-Cable
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List of Figures
Figure 1-1 The Cooper River Bridge (Arthur Ravenel Jr. Bridge), one of North America’s longest
cable-stayed bridges connects Charleston to Mount Pleasant, SC. ................................................. 1
Figure 1-2 Bridge cable with two helical fillets ................................................................................ 1
Figure 4-1 General view of the domain with a bridge cable. The cable is positioned at an angle
alpha to the horizontal plane XY. ................................................................................................... 8
Figure 4-2 Volumetric mesh on a cross-sectional vertical plane (XZ) going through the cable .... 8
Figure 4-3 Initial film thickness with the upper side of cable covered with a 1 mm film (initial
wet surface assumption). The color scale is: red = 100% water and blue = 100% air. The location
of the inflow boundary condition surface is shown above the top edge of the top surface. ........... 9
Figure 4-4 Film formation on lower (left) and upper (right) side of the cable .............................. 9
Figure 4-5 Fluid film on the cable. The vertical axis denotes the length along the axis of the
cylinder while the bottom axis denotes the angle along the circumference of the cylinder with
angle 270 degrees on the top of the cable. .....................................................................................10
Figure 4-6 Snapshots showing mesh resolution on a cross-sectional plane and on the cable
surface with fillets .......................................................................................................................... 11
Figure 4-7 Film formation on the bottom (left) and the top (right) side of the cable .................. 11
Figure 4-8 Rivulet and film thickness on cable with fillets. The vertical axis denotes the length
along the axis of the cylinder while the bottom axis denotes the angle along the circumference of
the cylinder with angle 270 degrees at the top of the cable. .......................................................... 12
Figure 4-9 Injection of the Lagrangian particles into the domain, simulating rainfall................. 13
Figure 4-10 Fluid film thickness on the cable with fillets. The vertical axis denotes the length
along the axis of the cylinder while the bottom axis denotes the angle along the circumference of
the cylinder with angle 270 degrees at the top of the cable. .......................................................... 14
Figure 4-11 Velocity of water in the fluid film on the cable surface............................................... 14
Figure 4-12 Computational domain used in this part of the study ................................................ 15
Figure 4-13: Mesh description for LES simulations ...................................................................... 16
Figure 4-14 Location of the mass source term region for rain shown in blue ............................... 16
Figure 4-15 Rainfall intensity vs duration curves for various events in Louisiana. Source: .......................................................................................... 17
Modeling of Water Film Formation on a Stay-Cable
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Figure 4-16 Fluid film thickness on the cable for 30mm/hr (1.2 in/hr) rain. The vertical axis
denotes the length along the axis of the cylinder while the bottom axis denotes the angle along
the circumference of the cylinder with angle 270 degrees at the top of the cable .........................18
Figure 4-17 Rivulets on the bottom (left) and top (right) side of the cable ................................... 19
Figure 4-18 Fluid film thickness on the cable for 60mm/hr (2.4 in/hr) rain intensity. The
vertical axis denotes the length along the axis of the cylinder while the bottom axis denotes the
angle along the circumference of the cylinder with angle 270 degrees at the top of the cable. ... 20
Figure 4-19: Rivulet formation on the bottom (left) and top (right) side of the cable. ................ 20
Figure 4-20 Fluid film thickness on the cable for 400 mm/hr rain. The vertical axis denotes the
length along the axis of the cylinder while the bottom axis denotes the angle along the
circumference of the cylinder with angle 270 degrees at the top of the cable ............................... 21
Figure 4-21: Rivulet formation on the bottom (left) and the top (right) end of the cable............ 22
Figure 5-1 Vorticity magnitude for crosswind flow over cable in dry conditions, (a) plain
cylinder and (b) cylinder with filllet ............................................................................................. 23
Figure 5-2 Coherent structures based on q-criteria with no fillets (left) and with fillets (right) . 23
Figure 5-3 Shear stress distribution at wind velocity 6.2 m/s on the surface of a (a) plain
cylinder, and (b) cylinder with fillets. The vertical axis is distance along the axis of the cylinder
while the bottom axis is the angle along the circumference of the cylinder with angle 0 degrees
on the leeward side of the cable. ................................................................................................... 24
Figure 5-4 Contours of normalized downstream velocity (n0n-positive on a cross section plane
for (a) plain cylinder, (b) cylinder with fillet (c) wet cylinder with fillet ...................................... 24
Figure 5-5 Time history of the drag coefficient, Cd, for cylinders: without fillets (black), with
fillets (blue), and with fillets and water film (red)........................................................................ 25
Figure 5-6 Wind velocity 5.0 m/s and 60 mm/hr (2.4 in/hr) rain: fluid film thickness on the
cable surface (left), and film velocity (right). The vertical axis is the length along the axis of the
cylinder while the bottom axis is the angle along the circumference of the cylinder with angle
270 deg at the top of the cable. ..................................................................................................... 27
Figure 5-7 Wind velocity 6.2 m/s and 60 mm/hr (2.4 in/hr) rain: fluid film thickness on the
cable surface (left), and film velocity (right). The vertical axis is the length along the axis of the
cylinder while the bottom axis is the angle along the circumference of the cylinder with angle
270 deg at the top of the cable. ..................................................................................................... 28
Figure 5-8 Wind velocity 7.2 m/s and 60 mm/hr (2.4 in/hr) rain: fluid film thickness on the
cable surface (left), and film velocity (right). The vertical axis is the length along the axis of the
cylinder while the bottom axis is the angle along the circumference of the cylinder with angle
270 deg at the top of the cable. ..................................................................................................... 29
Modeling of Water Film Formation on a Stay-Cable
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Figure 5-9 Wind velocity 7.7 m/s and 60 mm/hr (2.4 in/hr) rain: fluid film thickness on the
cable surface (left), and film velocity (right). The vertical axis is the length along the axis of the
cylinder while the bottom axis is the angle along the circumference of the cylinder with angle
270 deg at the top of the cable. ..................................................................................................... 30
Figure 5-10 Wind velocity 8.7 m/s and 60 mm/hr (2.4 in/hr) rain: fluid film thickness on the
cable surface (left), and film velocity (right). The vertical axis is the length along the axis of the
cylinder while the bottom axis is the angle along the circumference of the cylinder with angle
270 deg at the top of the cable. ...................................................................................................... 31
Modeling of Water Film Formation on a Stay-Cable
Page IV
Introduction and Objectives
With the increasing popularity of cable-stayed bridges in the past few decades, longer spans are
being constructed using ever-longer stay cables. Under certain conditions, especially during
construction, and wind and rain-wind events, the cables of cable-stayed bridges may undergo
large amplitude vibrations. This type of vibration has been of concern to researchers and
engineers because large amplitude vibration can induce excessive stresses and therefore threaten
the safety and integrity of bridge structures. Figure 1-1 presents an example of a stay cable bridge
structure, The Cooper River Bridge. Many countermeasures for the wind-rain induced vibrations
have been developed to decrease the amplitude of the vibrations and consequently, the fatigue of
the cables. One of the methods is to install helical fillets on the cable surface. A sketch of a cable
with two fillets wrapped around it is shown in Figure 1-2.
Figure 1-1 The Cooper River Bridge (Arthur Ravenel Jr. Bridge), one of North America’s longest
cable-stayed bridges connects Charleston to Mount Pleasant, SC.
(by : bbatsell under Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.5 Generic license)
cable surface
helix angle
half pitch length
Figure 1-2 Bridge cable with two helical fillets
Modeling of Water Film Formation on a Stay-Cable
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The main objective of the present study is to develop and test computational methodologies, with
the use of computational fluid dynamics (CFD), that model the interaction of rain with stay cables
including: the formation of water film, development of rainwater rivulets, and rivulet behavior
under various conditions with and without wind. Interaction of water with cables with and
without fillets is analyzed, and results are presented in this report.
This study is divided into two parts. The first part of this study, Section 4, explores methods of
modeling water film formation and flow on cables. A series of simulations using the Reynolds
averaged Navier-Stokes equations turbulence model (RANS) and large eddy simulation (LES)
model are performed to analyze water film formation and flow on a cable using the fluid film
model in STARCCM+ [(b)1]. Various methods of setting up initial and boundary conditions are
tested, especially boundary conditions for introducing rain into the domain. The second part of
the study, Section 5, explores upper rivulet formation in the presence of wind, based on the
findings from the first part of the study. In that section, LES simulation with the Volume Of Fluid
model for the free surface is used. Also, various results for cases with and without water film on
the cable are presented and compared.
Literature Review
Wind induced cable vibrations in cable-stayed bridges were first observed in Japan [2] during the
construction of the Meikonishi bridge. The engineers were the first to note rain-wind induced
vibration and claim that the vibrations were neither due to wake galloping nor to vortex-induced
vibration. They performed full-scale measurements and confirmed that the frequency of the
observed vibrations was well below the critical frequency of the vortex-induced vibration. They
also ruled out the possibility that the observed vibration was a consequence of wake galloping as
the distances between the cables were not large enough to cause interference with each other.
Hikami and Shirashi [2] also made important observations about the formation of upper and
lower rivulets on a cable. They reported that upper rivulets play an important role in the
occurrence of vibrations and can only form within specific ranges of rain and wind velocity
conditions. Further, Matsumoto et al. [3] reported that upper rivulets affect the three
dimensionalities of the Karman vortex shedding, resulting in rain-vortex induced vibration.
There are two ways for mimicking rivulets on the stay cable in wind tunnel tests. First is to place
artificial rivulets on the stay cable [4], while second is to spray water onto the surface of the stay
cable to form rivulets. Kleissl & Georgakis [5] performed several tests using water spray on various
cables with surface modifications to predict rivulet formation and suppression.
Computational solutions of the rivulet formation problem are scarce. Chen et al. [6] and Li and
Gu [7] reported 2D CFD simulations to study the influence of dynamic properties and position of
the upper rivulet on rain-wind induced vibration of stay cables. They used the artificial rivulet
method (a convex hump fixed on the cylinder) in the simulation. A 2D and 3D analysis using LES
in a commercial code, Fluent [8], showed the importance of grid refinement in the radial direction
to obtain an accurate vortex shedding frequency. Further, the simulations showed that the
aerodynamic behaviour of the 3D model was different from that of the 2D model. Vortex shedding
Modeling of Water Film Formation on a Stay-Cable
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in the case of a 3D cylinder was irregular and delayed the boundary layer separation of the
approach flow compared to 2D simulation.
A numerical simulation of the formation of rivulets on a stay-cable resolving the gas-liquid
interface with the use of the volume of fluid (VOF) method was presented by Bi et al [9]. The effect
of crosswind and gravity on the morphology of rivulets was analyzed in the paper. The study
verifies the accuracy and reliability of using the VOF method to simulate the morphology of a
liquid film on the cable surface. The authors conclude that under a combination of gravity and
wind, the location of upper rivulets moves downward and thickness of lower rivulets increases as
compared to the flow without either wind or gravity, which was consistent with the experimental
results. The VOF method was also used by Bi et al [10] to determine the aerodynamic forces when
rain-wind induced vibration occurs. The vibration responses were close to experimental results.
It was confirmed that when the upper rivulets formed at a specific wind speed, they could lead to
a periodic change in aerodynamic lift, which in turn would produce rain-wind induced vibrations.
Overall, the literature review showed that the rain-wind induced vibration only happens under
certain conditions, i.e. mild wind and rain, and that it is sensitive to the orientation of the stay
cable. Moreover, the upper and lower rivulets, could affect the period of the aerodynamic lift
oscillation, with the upper rivulet being one of the important factors causing rain-wind induced
Governing Equations of the Computational Model
The simulations are performed using STAR-CCM+ computational fluid dynamics (CFD) software.
For the problem at hand, a set of flow and turbulence modeling are used. Both the ReynoldsAveraged Navier-Stokes (RANS) turbulence model and the Large Eddy Simulation (LES) were
used for parts of the study.
Reynolds-Averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) Model
The Reynolds-Averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) equations can be obtained by decomposing the
instantaneous velocity and pressure fields of Navier-Stokes equations into a mean value and a
fluctuating component, averaging the equations in terms of those variables, and then adding
model terms for cross correlations. The unsteady form of the governing Reynolds Averaged Navier
Stokes (URANS) equations is given in the STAR-CCM+ User Guide [1] in terms of averaged
variables, 𝜙̅, where 𝜙 = 𝜙̅ + 𝜙′ is the variable from the unaveraged governing continuum
equations, and 𝜙′ is the turbulent fluctuating component of 𝜙.
Conservation of mass:
+ ∇. [𝜌(𝑣̅ )] = 0
Conservation of momentum, Newton’s 2nd law for the fluid motion:
Modeling of Water Film Formation on a Stay-Cable
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̅) + ∇. [𝜌𝑣̅ ⨂𝑣̅ ] = −∇. 𝑝̅ 𝐈 + ∇. (T + TRANS ) + 𝑓𝑏
viscous stress tensor
body force (gravity)
mean velocity
identity matrix
mean pressure
Reynolds stress tensor
The Realizable Two-Layer k-ε turbulence model [11, 12] was used with the all y+ wall treatment
since this model works well for Reynolds stress tensors when there are varying mesh densities in
the domain. In this eddy viscosity turbulence model
𝐓𝑅𝐴𝑁𝑆 = 2𝜇𝑡 𝐒 − (𝜇𝑡 ∇ ∙ 𝒗
̅̅̅̅̅ is averaged strain rate tensor. The all y+ wall
̅ + ∇𝒗
̅𝑇 )/2
where 𝜇𝑡 is the eddy viscosity and 𝐒 = (∇𝒗
treatment is a composite model for obtaining the wall shear stress under conditions where the
non-dimensional distance from the wall to the first computational grid point, known as y+, may
be outside the range of 30 to 100 suitable for application of standard wall functions on some areas
of the wall boundary. Details are available in the STAR-CCM+ user guide [1].
Large Eddy Simulation (LES) Model
Large eddy simulation is an inherently transient turbulence modeling technique in which the large
scales of turbulence are resolved in the flow domain, and the small-scale turbulent motions are
modeled. In the LES model governing equations, the variables, 𝜙 are split into a filtered value 𝜙̃
and a sub-grid value 𝜙′ with 𝜙 = 𝜙̃ + 𝜙′. Sub-grid values are modeled.
Conservation of mass:
+ ∇. [𝜌𝑣̃] = 0
Conservation of momentum, Newton’s 2nd law for the fluid motion:
(𝜌𝑣̃) + ∇. [𝜌𝑣̃⨂𝑣̃] = −∇. p̃𝐈 + ∇. (T + TSGS ) + 𝑓𝑏
Modeling of Water Film Formation on a Stay-Cable
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body force (gravity)
viscous stress tensor
filtered pressure
SGS stress tensor
filtered velocity
identity matrix
𝐓𝑺𝑮𝑺 = 2𝜇𝑡 𝐒 − (𝜇𝑡 ∇ ∙ 𝒗
̃ in place of
Here, 𝐒 is the strain rate tensor computed using equation 3 with the filtered velocity 𝒗
̅, 𝜇𝑡 is a modeled sub-grid scale eddy viscosity.
To complete the subgrid-scale (SGS) turbulence model, the wall adaptive local eddy viscosity
(WALE) model [13] was used with an all y+ wall treatment. The all y+ wall treatment method is
capable of resolving the boundary layer velocity distribution for a sufficiently fine grid, and in that
case, it obtains the wall shear stress directly from the discrete form of the definition.
Eulerian Multiphase with Volume of Fluid (VOF) Model
To accurately simulate the free surface of the water flow on a cable section, the Eulerian
Multiphase and Volume of Fluid physics models are selected in STAR-CCM+. The Volume of Fluid
method can model an air-water domain with a free surface interface that divides the water zones
and air zones by solving a single set of momentum and mass conservation equations and tracks
the volume fraction of water in each computational cell over the entire domain.
The equations for the multiphase fluid material properties of the air-water mixture in a
computational cell containing the free surface for the VOF model are:
𝜌 = ∑𝑖 𝜌𝑖 𝛼𝑖 , 𝜇 = ∑𝑖 𝜇𝑖 𝛼𝑖 , 𝑐𝑝 = ∑𝑖
(𝑐𝑝 )𝑖 𝜌𝑖
𝛼𝑖 ,
𝛼𝑖 =
is the volume fraction, Vi is the volume occupied by the ith phase, V is the total volume, and 𝜌𝑖 , 𝜇𝑖 ,
and (𝑐𝑝 )𝑖 are the density, molecular viscosity, and specific heat of the ith phase respectively.
The conservation equation that describes the transport of volume fraction, 𝛼𝑖 , is:
∫ 𝛼𝑖 𝑑𝑉 + ∫ 𝛼𝑖 (𝑣̃ ) ∙ 𝑑𝒂 = ∫ 𝑆𝛼𝑖 𝑑𝑉
where 𝑆𝛼𝑖 is a source or sink term of the 𝑖 𝑡ℎ phase.
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For only two phases, air and water, only one phase volume equation needs to be solved because
the volume fraction of the other phase is one minus the volume fraction of the phase being solved
In an effort to represent the rain droplets falling on a cable realistically, a fully coupled Lagrangian
multiphase model was also tested. In this model, each raindrop is tracked until it adheres to the
cable surface or any other surface and becomes a part of the fluid film or flows out of the domain.
A fluid film model was tested as well. This model solves the transport equations for mass,
momentum, and volume fraction for a single layer of computational cells next to a wall surface
containing the fluid film. It assumes that the film is thin enough to consider a laminar flow of the
fluid with a parabolic velocity profile. The primary purpose of testing this model is to avoid
resolving a thin layer of the fluid and therefore save on the computational resources and time.
Details of this model can be found in STAR-CCM+ user guide [1].
Further, a rain impingement and a film striping model were also considered to enhance the fluid
film model. The Bai-Gosman impingement model helps to compute the momentum transfer
between raindrops and fluid film on the cable. The film-striping model is used to compute the
fraction of liquid stripped out of the liquid film due to gravity, film acceleration, and sharp edges.
Additional details of the complete set of model governing equations, including the transport
equations for the turbulent kinetic energy and dissipation rate in the k-epsilon turbulence model
and the wall functions used to compute wall shear can be found in the STAR-CCM+ User Guide
Investigation of the Available Rain Modeling Methods
A series of initial tests were performed to establish the most efficient method of modeling the
development and behavior of water film and rivulets on a stay cable, with and without fillets,
under various air flow conditions with currently available moderate sized parallel cluster
computer systems. The Reynolds-Averaged Navier-Stokes (URANS) solver was used in this set of
simulations. In all cases gravitational acceleration and surface tension are included in the
computational model.
The computational domain is a box with dimensions of 12D by 7D by 15D (where D is the diameter
of the cable) in length, width, and height respectively. A no-slip wall boundary condition was used
for the cable surface, and all the boundaries of the bounding box were set to a symmetry boundary
(zero gradient). In this set of simulations, the rain and crosswind were not included.
The cable was positioned in the middle of the box, at an angle to the horizontal plane. Figure 4-1
presents an isometric view of the domain with the cable inside. The domain is meshed out with a
hexahedral mesh, with cells aligned with the cable. The mesh is denser close to the cable surface
to capture the thin water film. The volumetric mesh on a cross-sectional vertical plane (XZ) is
shown in Figure 4-2.
Water was introduced into the domain in several ways. The first approach was to model ‘an
artificial rivulet’. A small ellipsoidal surface was created on the top half of the top edge of the cable
Modeling of Water Film Formation on a Stay-Cable
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and used as an inflow boundary condition to simulate a small stream of water that would be
present on the surface of the cable in the section above the area of interest. Additionally, a thin
water film was applied on the cable surface at the beginning of the simulation to represent inflow
of rain. Figure 4-3 illustrates the described conditions.
Secondly, Lagrangian particles were injected through a section of the top surface of the domain to
mimic the inflowing rain. This method gives a very realistic representation of falling water
droplets. The particles can be injected with a variety of diameters, and at a chosen flow rate. Each
of the particles can represent one, or a cluster, of rain drops. This simulation was also initiated
with a water film on the cable.
In the third approach the water was introduced into the domain with the use of a mass source in
a volume above the top surface of the cable.
The geometry of a plain cable used in the preliminary analysis of this study was represented with
a circular cylinder. A section of a bridge cable was modeled as a cylinder with double helix fillets
on the surface. The model of a stay cable used in this study is similar to the one used in wind
tunnel experiments by Larose and D’Auteuil [14]. The double helix fillets on the cable surface
were 2.3 mm thick and 2.4 mm wide with a pitch of 520 mm and a helix angle of 44.4 degrees,
matching the experimental model. The cable length and diameter were modified: the length was
decreased from 22 feet to 5.6 feet, and the diameter is changed from 6.2 inches to 4 inches. These
changes didn’t inflence the results of interest, i.e. formation of the rivulets, but allowed a reduction
of the computational resources and time of the simulations. The surface of the cable was
considered to be smooth in the computations, as the roughness of the experimental model of the
cable was about 0.6 microns, making it effectively hydraulically smooth for the purpose of
determining wall friction of the flow.
Mass Inflow Boundary Condition on Cable without Fillets
In this computational model, the formation of rivulets on the cable surface was simulated using
the fluid film model in combination with the VOF model. The two continuous phases of the flow
field were air and water. The interface between the two fluids was defined as a free surface, and
no mass transfer was allowed between the fluids. The reference pressure of the flow field was
standard atmospheric pressure, and the acceleration of gravity was set along the vertical axis of
the global coordinate system.
Initially, the upper side of cable was covered with a 1 mm water film, as shown in Figure 4-3.
Water entered the domain throughout the simulation via a small surface located on the top half
of the top edge of the cable. The mass inflow flow rate was equivalent to a 60 mm/hr (2.4 in/hr)
rain rate.
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Location of the water
inflow to the domain
Figure 4-1 General view of the domain with a bridge cable. The cable is positioned at an angle
alpha to the horizontal plane XY.
Figure 4-2 Volumetric mesh on a cross-sectional vertical plane (XZ) going through the cable
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Figure 4-3 Initial film thickness with the upper side of cable covered with a 1 mm film (initial
wet surface assumption). The color scale is: red = 100% water and blue = 100% air. The location
of the inflow boundary condition surface is shown above the top edge of the top surface.
Figure 4-4 Film formation on lower (left) and upper (right) side of the cable
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Distance along cable length (cm)
Angle around the circumference with 270 degrees at the top of the cable (degrees)
Figure 4-5 Fluid film on the cable. The vertical axis denotes the length along the axis of the
cylinder while the bottom axis denotes the angle along the circumference of the cylinder with
angle 270 degrees on the top of the cable.
Figure 4-4 shows and isometric view of the cable with a water film on the surface under
gravitational force and with no crosswind at simulated time t = 1 s. Figure 4-4 shows a contour
plot of the water film thickness distribution on the top 30% of the cable length. Water film
formation is limited to this section, and the part of the cable surface where water film thickness is
zero, was omitted. The elongated red streak represents one rivulet on the bottom section of the
cable, 90 degrees from the stagnation point. The thickness of the rivulet reaches 5 mm and the
water film thickness at all other locations on the cable surface is near to, or less than, 1 mm and is
consistent with the prescribed initial condition.
Mass Inflow Boundary Condition on Cable with Fillets
The effect of surface irregularity, due to the presence of fillets, on water film formation was
analyzed next. The fillets used in this simulation were a double helix type with 2.4 mm thickness.
The VOF model was used to resolve the film behaviour on the cable. Water flow into the domain
through a small surface at the top edge of the cable, mimicking the upstream water flow on the
cable, as described in the chapter 4.1. The computational domain, initial conditions, and
boundary conditions were the same as the previous case with no fillets. For the purpose of
producing a smooth grid, a trimmed grid model with fine cells near cylinder was used. The total
volume mesh count for this domain was ~3 million, with a near cylinder cell size of ~100 microns.
Some mesh details are presented in Figure 4-6.
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Figure 4-6 Snapshots showing mesh resolution on a cross-sectional plane and on the cable
surface with fillets
Figure 4-7 and Figure 4-8 show the water film on the upper 90% of the cable length with no
crosswind at time t = ~1 s under gravity and with inflow from the top. The upper 30% of the cable
is covered with a thick water film. The water, injected on the top of the cable slides along the fillets
until it overtops them and strips away from the cable due to gravity. Two distinct streaks of
thickness ~1.25 mm formed at 90 degrees (lower side) and 270 degrees (upper side) of the cable.
The formation of two streaks is consistent with experimental and numerical results [10].
Figure 4-7 Film formation on the bottom (left) and the top (right) side of the cable
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Distance along cable length (cm)
Angle around the circumference with 270 degrees at the top of the cable (degrees)
Figure 4-8 Rivulet and film thickness on cable with fillets. The vertical axis denotes the length
along the axis of the cylinder while the bottom axis denotes the angle along the circumference of
the cylinder with angle 270 degrees at the top of the cable.
Although RANS modeling is able to form a fluid film on the cable, the film thickness is higher than
expected. Film thickness should be in the range of 0.1 to 0.5 mm as observed in multiple
experiments and numerical modeling [9, 10]. This behaviour of RANS modeling is not unusual as
it computes near wall turbulence from time-averaged quantities. In the thin film flows with low
Reynolds number, near wall flow (viscosity-affected region) is dominated by small length scale
turbulence with small time scales. The RANS based standard k-epsilon model uses wall functions
for this viscosity-affected region, which is based on a constant shear layer assumption [15]. In thin
film flow with low Reynolds number, the constant shear layer assumption ceases to be valid [16]
and the model tends to overestimate the eddy viscosity near the wall. Such situations require large
eddy simulation or near-wall models that are valid for the viscosity affected region and that are
integrable all the way to the wall.
Lagrangian Transport Model
In this case, adding and removing water from the water film was tested. The computational
domain size, initial and boundary conditions are the same as in the previous case (section 3.1.1),
except a rain source is used instead of water inflow from the top edge of the cable.
The rain was represented with a fully coupled Lagrangian transport model. The injection surface
was located on the top surface of the domain, and covered a section right above the cable. The
injection rate was again equal to 60 mm/hr (2.4 in/hr). The rain droplets were of mixed size,
ranging from 0.2 mm to 2 mm. About 100 thousand droplets of water were released from the
injection surface during the simulation.
Modeling of Water Film Formation on a Stay-Cable
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Figure 4-9 shows rain droplets falling on the cable at simulated time t = ~2 sec. Figure 4-10 shows
the upper 60% of the cable length, where the water film covers the cable. The small falling droplets
of water slide down the curved surface of the cable and accumulate on the bottom of the cable
forming a rivulet. A distinct elongated red streak can be seen on the plot in Figure 4-10. The
thickness of the bottom rivulet is increasing along the cable axis as more water is being added to
it. Figure 4-11 shows an instantaneous velocity magnitude of the water film on cable surface.
Figure 4-9 Injection of the Lagrangian particles into the domain, simulating rainfall
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Distance along cable (cm)
Angle along the circumference with 270 degrees at the top (degrees)
Figure 4-10 Fluid film thickness on the cable with fillets. The vertical axis denotes the length
along the axis of the cylinder while the bottom axis denotes the angle along the circumference of
the cylinder with angle 270 degrees at the top of the cable.
Figure 4-11 Velocity of water in the fluid film on the cable surface
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In Lagrangian transport modeling, each droplet is tracked independently via solution of an
independent transport equation (ordinary differential equation) and this approach makes this
type of simulation computationally very expensive for large numbers of droplets, of the order of
hundreds of thousands. As the primary focus of this study was to analyze the mechanism of rivulet
formation and flow on a cable surface and not to simulate the rain, other mechanisms that allow
for the addition of water to the cable are explored in the following section. This test did show,
however, that rain falling through air and collecting on a surface under the influence of gravity
can be modeled if sufficient computational resources are available.
Mass Source Term
According to the findings presented in previous chapters, RANS based models are unable to
predict the flow physics in the water film and in the wake of the cable sufficiently well. Therefore,
Large Eddy Simulation was tested for simulating the rivulet formation and flow.
An extended domain, as compared to the models from the initial phase of the study, was used in
the simulations described in this section. The overall domain length is 30D, with 7D in front and
22D in the downstream, where D is the cable diameter. The sideways dimension is 24D, and 7D
distance is maintained in the vertical direction from the top and bottom faces of the cable. These
dimensions were chosen to avoid boundary condition assumption effects at the bounding box
boundaries on the near wake field solutions. The model represents a section of bridge cable with
helical fillets with the same geometry as described in section 4.2. The cable was positioned at an
angle to the horizontal surface and it was parallel to the inflow surface of the domain, as shown in
Figure 4-12.
Figure 4-12 Computational domain used in this part of the study
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A trimmed mesh scheme was employed to generate a smooth and sufficiently fine grid in the
domain. Twenty grid points were used in the first 10 mm near the cylindrical cable surface with
hyperbolic stretching, and with the first grid point 40 microns away from the surface. This grid
spacing resulted in y+ = ~1 in the critical areas on the cable surface. This condition is sufficient to
compute the wall shear stress from the definition. The grid size close to the cable surface in the
tangential and axial directions ranged from 3 mm to 4 mm and the size increased away from the
surface. The total number of the computational cells used in these simulations was approximately
11 million. Snapshots of the mesh on the cable surface and fillets are shown in Figure 4-13.
Figure 4-13: Mesh description for LES simulations
Figure 4-14 Location of the mass source term region for rain shown in blue
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A multiphase Eulerian model was used in the LES simulation. The air-water interface was
modeled with the VOF model, as in the RANS simulations described in the previous sections.
Unlike the RANS simulations, no inflow surface was used. Instead, a mass source term was
employed on the upper section of the cable to mimic the effect of rain droplets accumulating on
the cable surface. Figure 4-14 shows the mass source term region near the cable top surface
(marked in blue).
intensity (mm/hour)
1 yr
Duration [hr]
2 yr
10 yr
50 yr
Figure 4-15 Rainfall intensity vs duration curves for various events in Louisiana. Source:
The simulations were performed for three rain rate events: 30 mm/hr (1.2 in/hr), 60 mm/hr (2.4
in/hr), and 400 mm/h (16 in/hr) corresponding to 1-year, 2-year, and 200-year rainfall events.
The 30 mm/hr and 60 mm/hr events are based on a 1-hour rain duration while the 400-year rain
is based on a 6-minute rain duration. The data used is based on the rainfall intensity vs duration
curves for Louisiana, as shown in Figure 4-15.
Although it is possible to resolve all the features of a liquid film, e.g., residual layers and capillary
waves, using VOF and LES, the accuracy of the solution depends on the grid resolution. The grid
used in this simulation was sufficiently refined to resolve most of the wall normal components of
the flow and turbulence, but not refined enough in the tangential and axial direction to resolve
the sub-grid scale features. The unresolved subgrid-scale features are modeled using an eddy
viscosity based (wall adaptive local eddy viscosity (WALE)) model.
4.4.1. 30 mm/hr Rain Intensity
In this simulation, the film formation on a stay-cable in low-intensity rain (30 mm/hr) was
studied. Figure 4-16 and Figure 4-17 show the water film with no crosswind at time t = ~1 s under
Modeling of Water Film Formation on a Stay-Cable
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film thickness (mm)
Distance along cable length (cm)
the influence of gravity and rain entering via a mass source term. For low rain rates, the inclination
of the cable causes small droplets of water to slide on the curved surface and form a thin film. The
water accumulates along the fillets and falls off after overtopping them. Figure 4-16 shows the
entire surface of the cable. The cross lines in this figure represent the fillets on the cable surface.
Near the lower section of the cable, between 50 and 90 degrees, relatively thicker water streaks
form. The rivulets have a thickness between 0.5 mm and 1 mm, which is consistent with the
experimental measurements of Li et al [17]. These streaks form as the surface tension forces
cannot overcome the gravitational forces. Also, several red spots on the top part of the cable
represent the overtopping and separation of the film from the outer edge of the fillets, which then
drops away through the air. In all other locations on the cable, a thin film is formed on the surface
with a thickness less than 0.2 mm due to the rain mass source condition.
Angle around the circumference with 270 degrees at the top of the cable (degrees)
Figure 4-16 Fluid film thickness on the cable for 30mm/hr (1.2 in/hr) rain. The vertical axis
denotes the length along the axis of the cylinder while the bottom axis denotes the angle along
the circumference of the cylinder with angle 270 degrees at the top of the cable
Modeling of Water Film Formation on a Stay-Cable
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Figure 4-17 Rivulets on the bottom (left) and top (right) side of the cable
4.4.2. 60 mm/hr Rain Intensity
For a two year rain event with rain intensity of 60mm/hr (2.4 in/hr) simulation, the water film
on stay-cable is shown in Figure 4-18. The mechanism of the formation of lower rivulets is similar
to that observed for the 30mm/hr (1.2 in/hr) rain case. However, the effect of the high-intensity
rain can be easily viewed in terms of coherency of the streak and rivulet structures. The figure
shows a slightly thicker and more continuous streak (lower rivulet) of water in the region between
60 and 80 degrees, as compared to the 30mm/hr rain case. This streak can also be seen in Figure
4-19. The position of the lower rivulets is consistent with measurements of Chen et al [6]. On the
upper side of the cable, except for a few elongated streaks, no continuous film is visible, suggesting
the absence of the upper rivulets. Apart from these, raindrops sliding along the sides of the cable
can also be seen in the region near the 0 degrees (±30 degrees) and 180 degrees (±30 degrees)
sections. This sliding film has a thickness of less than 0.3 mm.
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film thickness (mm)
Distance along cable length (cm)
Angle around the circumference with 270 degrees at the top of the cable (degrees)
Figure 4-18 Fluid film thickness on the cable for 60mm/hr (2.4 in/hr) rain intensity. The
vertical axis denotes the length along the axis of the cylinder while the bottom axis denotes the
angle along the circumference of the cylinder with angle 270 degrees at the top of the cable.
Figure 4-19: Rivulet formation on the bottom (left) and top (right) side of the cable.
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4.4.3. 400 mm/hr Rain Intensity
film thickness (mm)
Distance along cable length (cm)
The 200 year (400mm/hr) rain event represents a strong downpour scenario. For this case, a
water film with distinctive streaks is shown in Figure 4-20. This extreme rain event produces a
much thicker water film, which increased by 5 to 6 times as compared to the 30 mm/hr and 60
mm/hr rain events. This extreme event did not generate any upper rivulets on the cable, see Figure
4-21, which supports the observations of other researchers [3, 18, 19] (that the upper rivulets can
only appear in the presence of a crosswind. The thickness of the lower rivulet is about 2.4 mm in
this case and is limited by the height of the fillets. Any water beyond the 2.4 mm thickness in the
film is shed off at the edge of the fillet under the influence of gravity.
Angle around the circumference with 270 degrees at the top of the cable (degrees)
Figure 4-20 Fluid film thickness on the cable for 400 mm/hr rain. The vertical axis denotes the
length along the axis of the cylinder while the bottom axis denotes the angle along the
circumference of the cylinder with angle 270 degrees at the top of the cable
Modeling of Water Film Formation on a Stay-Cable
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Figure 4-21: Rivulet formation on the bottom (left) and the top (right) end of the cable
Influence of Crosswind Flow on Rivulet Formation and
In this section, we examine modeling of rivulet formation in crosswind flows and analyze the
change in aerodynamic behaviour of the cable with and without fillets. First, the aerodynamic
behaviour of the cable with and without fillets for dry conditions (with no inflow of the fluid) was
analyzed. Then, the flow over a cable in wet conditions in several crosswind flows was studied.
For the cases in wet conditions, water was introduced into the domain with the use of a mass
source on the cable surface. The size of the domain was the same as described in section 4.4 and
presented in Figure 4-12. The boundary surface on the left side of the domain was assigned an
inlet velocity type of a boundary condition, through which air enters the domain with specified
velocity to simulate wind. Pressure boundary was assigned to the right side of the domain, and
the other surfaces were assigned a symmetry boundary condition.
Instantaneous and Mean Flow Field in Dry Conditions
A steady crosswind flow with speed 6.2 m/s and angle of attack zero degrees was analyzed. The
mesh used in this study was the same as shown in Figure 4-13. Figure 5-1 presents an
instantaneous vorticity magnitude field around the cable in dry conditions. The figure illustrates
the effect of the fillets on the von Karman vortex street. They trigger an earlier, than in the case
without fillets, separation of flow which results in a larger wake size. This early separation can
also be seen in Figure 5-2. Figure 5-2 (a) shows the flow on a plain cylinder with no fillets. The
Modeling of Water Film Formation on a Stay-Cable
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structures form at a point of separation that is near 90 degrees from the downwind direction. This
separation zone is also visible in the shear stress plot in Figure 5-3, as separation occurs at the
point of zero shear stress. For the case of a cable with fillets, the flow separation is triggered by
the presence of fillets and separation zone is located along them. Figure 5-3 shows the zero shear
stress (dotted blue) line along the fillet on the cylinder surface. Multiple separations and
reattachments of inner shear layer occur at the location where fillets are at a smaller angle from
the downwind flow.
Figure 5-1 Vorticity magnitude for crosswind flow over cable in dry conditions, (a) plain
cylinder and (b) cylinder with filllet
Figure 5-2 Coherent structures based on q-criteria with no fillets (left) and with fillets (right)
Modeling of Water Film Formation on a Stay-Cable
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shear stress (Pa)
Distance along cable (cm)
(a) without fillets
(b) with fillets
Figure 5-3 Shear stress distribution at wind velocity 6.2 m/s on the surface of a (a) plain
cylinder, and (b) cylinder with fillets. The vertical axis is distance along the axis of the cylinder
while the bottom axis is the angle along the circumference of the cylinder with angle 0 degrees
on the leeward side of the cable.
Figure 5-4 Contours of normalized downstream velocity (n0n-positive on a cross section plane
for (a) plain cylinder, (b) cylinder with fillet (c) wet cylinder with fillet
Modeling of Water Film Formation on a Stay-Cable
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Drag Coefficient
Figure 5-4 shows isolines of the mean velocity in the streamwise direction representing the scale
of the near wake recirculation region. The extent of this region is known as a vortex formation
length and is defined as a distance from the centroid of the cable to a point where the centerline
crosses the downstream end of the near wake zone. The formation length can be used to compare
the relative drag force coefficient for different cable and flow configurations [20]. In Figure 5-5,
the formation length is shown for three cases. For the plain cylinder (short cylinder L/D=~17) the
obtained drag coefficient is ~1.04, which is in the range of experimental values of Nakayama and
Boucher [21] and Kleissl and Georgakis [5]. The introduction of a fillet increases the drag
coefficient to about 1.4. Although it is hard to find any experimental data or other evidence to
support the obtained value for the particular fillet and flow velocity, the addition of a fillet should
increase the drag coefficient of the cable [14]. This increase is also evident from the increase in
the vortex formation length. In the wet cable case, the water film on the surface acts as a lubricant
and therefore delays the boundary layer transition and results in a drag reduction. This lubricating
behaviour of fluid is similar to laminar flow control [22] and only valid for slow moving fluid, as
fast moving fluid can destabilize the thin film layer. In this case, the drag coefficient is equal to
approximately 1.34 (Figure 5-5), and the vortex formation length is slightly smaller compared to
the case of a dry cable with a fillet. Drag reduction due to the water film on the cable is also
observed by Matteoni and Georgakis [23].
Figure 5-5 Time history of the drag coefficient, Cd, for cylinders: without fillets (black), with
fillets (blue), and with fillets and water film (red)
Modeling of Water Film Formation on a Stay-Cable
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Film Thickness and Upper Rivulet Formation
In wet conditions with crosswinds, upper and lower water rivulets form on the cable surface when
the wind velocity reaches value sufficient to overcome gravity in combination with the surface
tension force. When the wind speed is very high, the rivulet formation gets disrupted as liquid
droplets are blown off the surface due to the wind inertia.
The rivulet formation process is time-dependent. The rivulet configuration can be influenced by
the incoming flow from the rivulets formed farther up on the cable. Figure 5-6 to Figure 5-10 show
the water film surrounding the cable at a time instance of 2 seconds for wind speeds: 5 m/s, 6.2
m/s, 7.2 m/s, 7.7 m/s and 8.7 m/s. In each of the figures, the water film thickness distribution on
the cable surface is shown on the left, and surface film velocity on the top and bottom face of the
cable is shown on the right.
Figure 5-6 shows the presence of upper rivulet on the cable for a wind velocity of 5 m/s. It forms
due to the wind action on the fluid and follows a slightly sinusoidal trajectory along the cable
length. There are two types of structures present in the upper rivulet: a thick streak called the
‘main rivulet’ and a less coherent secondary structure called a ‘sub-rivulet’. The less coherent subrivulet looks like a mini tube flow and appears due to the air pushing the water film and therefore
causing instability at the air-water interface also known as Rayleigh-Taylor instability. The
maximum thickness of the lower rivulets is about 2.5 mm while the maximum upper rivulet
thickness is less than 1.75 mm. In the figure on the right, the surface velocity of the rivulet is
For a crosswind velocity of 6.2 m/s, see Figure 5-7, the upper rivulet thickness increased, and the
rivulet became more coherent. Also, the thickness of the lower rivulets decreased with an increase
in wind speed and almost disappeared at a wind speed of 8.7 m/s (see Figure 5-8, Figure 5-9, and
Figure 5-10). The thickness of the upper rivulet, when the crosswind speed equals 8.7 m/s, is more
than 3 mm. This increase in thickness can be attributed to the fact that the rivulets separated from
the cylinder surface near the fillets due to the strong wind. The upper rivulets for crosswind
velocities 7.2 m/s and 7.7 m/s have a similar thickness, which is consistent with experimental
measurements [7, 9].
Modeling of Water Film Formation on a Stay-Cable
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film thickness (mm)
distance along cable (cm)
angle along circumference (degrees)
Figure 5-6 Wind velocity 5.0 m/s and 60 mm/hr (2.4 in/hr) rain: fluid film thickness on the
cable surface (left), and film velocity (right). The vertical axis is the length along the axis of the
cylinder while the bottom axis is the angle along the circumference of the cylinder with angle
270 deg at the top of the cable.
Modeling of Water Film Formation on a Stay-Cable
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film thickness (mm)
distance along cable (cm)
angle along circumference (degrees)
Figure 5-7 Wind velocity 6.2 m/s and 60 mm/hr (2.4 in/hr) rain: fluid film thickness on the
cable surface (left), and film velocity (right). The vertical axis is the length along the axis of the
cylinder while the bottom axis is the angle along the circumference of the cylinder with angle
270 deg at the top of the cable.
Modeling of Water Film Formation on a Stay-Cable
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film thickness (mm)
distance along cable (cm)
angle along circumference (degrees)
Figure 5-8 Wind velocity 7.2 m/s and 60 mm/hr (2.4 in/hr) rain: fluid film thickness on the
cable surface (left), and film velocity (right). The vertical axis is the length along the axis of the
cylinder while the bottom axis is the angle along the circumference of the cylinder with angle
270 deg at the top of the cable.
Modeling of Water Film Formation on a Stay-Cable
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film thickness (mm)
distance along cable (cm)
angle along circumference (degrees)
Figure 5-9 Wind velocity 7.7 m/s and 60 mm/hr (2.4 in/hr) rain: fluid film thickness on the
cable surface (left), and film velocity (right). The vertical axis is the length along the axis of the
cylinder while the bottom axis is the angle along the circumference of the cylinder with angle
270 deg at the top of the cable.
Modeling of Water Film Formation on a Stay-Cable
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film thickness (mm)
distance along cable (cm)
angle along circumference (degrees)
Figure 5-10 Wind velocity 8.7 m/s and 60 mm/hr (2.4 in/hr) rain: fluid film thickness on the
cable surface (left), and film velocity (right). The vertical axis is the length along the axis of the
cylinder while the bottom axis is the angle along the circumference of the cylinder with angle
270 deg at the top of the cable.
Modeling of Water Film Formation on a Stay-Cable
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In stay cable bridges, rain-wind induced vibrations can induce excessive stress and could pose a
risk for the safety and integrity of the structures. The formation of rivulets on the cable surface,
which affects the three-dimensionality of the Karman vortex street, is an important part of the
rain-wind induced vibration process. The capability of CFD software to model rivulet formation
and flow provides a means to study rivulet distribution and evolution in the presence of fillets that
may be used to investigate options to mitigate or reduce the risk of large scale wind-rain induced
cable vibrations. This study investigated current advanced multiphase modeling options that can
be run efficiently on commonly available mid-range parallel computer clusters using up to a few
hundred cores in the 3D geometry of a stay cable segment with and without fillets.
A fully coupled 3D modeling technique was developed to study water film formation and the
morphology of rivulets flowing under gravity with wind interaction on the cylindrical surface of a
stay cable segment. A modeling approach based on a combination of the gas-liquid two-phase
theory and the volume of fluid (VOF) technique for modeling free surface flows was found to be a
good option for modeling rivulets on stay cable segments. The conditions necessary for the upper
and lower rivulets to form
and their flow evolution on the cable surface were studied using the CFD software Star-CCM+.
These models appear to be adequate for determining rivulet formation, thickness, and flow on a
cable surface with and without fillets.
CFD multiphase physics interaction models exist within STAR-CCM+ and other CFD software to
model rain drops with a size spectrum falling on a cable segment along with the water
accumulation on the cable surface to form and add to water rivulets on the cable. Computer
resources needed to run a model this detailed, however, begin to become prohibitive, extending
from days into weeks on a mid-scale parallel computer cluster. An alternative way to model the
addition of water at the cable surface is to add source terms for water mass and momentum to the
differential equations that add water at the modeled rain intensity and fall velocity. This option
for modeling the rain source of incoming water in rivulets has negligible additional computational
cost and appears to function well in models focused on the formation and flow of rivulets on a
cable surface.
The vortex shedding effects may produce significant lateral (across-wind) vibrations with
nonlinear redistributions of cable forces and displacements as well as introduce additional
deformations to the cable system. Large eddy simulation can be employed with reasonable run
times of 1 to several days on mid-scale computer clusters, 128 to 256 cores or more if available, to
capture and study vortex shedding and its effect on the drag coefficient and time varying forces
on a cable segment.
CFD analysis without the crosswind showed for a cable segment without fillets that water droplets
accumulate in a liquid film forming rivulets that flow toward and along the underside of the cable
under the force of gravity. When fillets are present, they intercept and channel the rivulet along
the fillet until the fillet is overtopped. This computational result is in agreement with experimental
Modeling of Water Film Formation on a Stay-Cable
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observations. In the case of a cable with fillets and crosswind, two distinct symmetrically placed
rivulets are formed at the separation zones of the airflow around the cable, which is in agreement
with the experiment and previous published numerical results. The thickness of the upper rivulet
increases with the increase in wind velocity from 5 m/s to 7.7 m/sec. Also, sub-rivulets are found
on the cable due to the Rayleigh-Taylor instability.
The funding for this project came from the Hydraulics Research Program at the Turner-Fairbank
Highway Research Center, through Interagency Agreement Number DTFH61-14-X-300002
between DOT and DOE, and the work is performed under DOE’s contract with UChicago Argonne,
LLC, contract no. DE-AC02-06-CH11357.
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9700 South Cass Avenue
Argonne, IL 60439-4815
Argonne National Laboratory is a U.S. Department of Energy
laboratory managed by UChicago Argonne, LLC