ISSN: 2639-0108
Review Article
Advances in Theoretical & Computational Physics
Alpha-buckets in High Energy Electron Storage Rings (Review of Existing
Experiments and Feasibility Studies for Future Developments)
A. Papash*, M. Brosi, P. Schreiber, T. Boltz, N. Smale, A.-S. Müller, R. Ruprecht, M. Schuh
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, P.O. Box 3640 Karlsruhe
76012 Germany
Corresponding author
A.Papash, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, P.O. Box 3640 Karlsruhe
76012 Germany.
Submitted: 05 Apr 2021; Accepted: 12 Apr 2021; Published: 29 Apr 2021
Citation: A. Papash, M. Brosi, P. Schreiber, T. Boltz, N. Smale, et al. (2021). Alpha-buckets in High Energy Electron Storage Rings
(Review of Existing Experiments and Feasibility Studies for Future Developments). Adv Theo Comp Phy, 4(2), 148-178.
Electron storage rings operating at high energies have proven to be invaluable source of synchrotron radiation. Two and even
three simultaneous beams of particles have been observed at different light source facilities worldwide. So called alpha-buckets
were studied at Metrological Light Source (MLS) in Berlin (Germany), SOLEIL facility in France, DIAMOND light source in
UK, NSLS ring in Brookhaven (USA). It is widely recognized that alpha buckets are general phenomena which is not restricted
to a certain storage ring. However, earlier measurements showed essential limitations on parameters of alpha-buckets, strong
dependence on high order (sextupole and octupoles) magnetic field imperfections and associated fast decay of electron current
as well as reduced life time. Also a rising relevance of high order non-linear longitudinal beam dynamics is associated with new
generation of diffraction limited light sources (DLSR) approaches, which all suffer nonlinear momentum compaction factor. A
large variety of future generation electron synchrotrons require a comprehensive investigation of the physical processes involved
into the operation of such rings.
In this paper, we present review of high order non-linear longitudinal beam dynamics based on the longitudinal equations of
motion and Hamiltonian expanded to a high order of the momentum compaction factor.
Roots of the third order equation with a free term are derived in a form suitable for analytical estimations. The momentum
independent term of orbit lengthening due to particle transverse excursions is estimated and taken into account. The results
from simulations were benchmarked against existing experiments at the Karlsruhe Research Accelerator (KARA), SOLEIL and
MLS rings. Parameters of three simultaneous beams and alpha buckets at MLS and SOLEIL have been reproduced with high
accuracy. General conditions for stable operation of alpha buckets are presented. Based on analytical formulas and computer
simulations, studies of longitudinal motion at KARA have been performed with an objective to estimate feasibility of filling and
storing of beam in α-buckets. A Computer model was used to describe the behavior and dynamics of simultaneous beams in the
KARA storage ring.
Short intense pulses of infrared Coherent Synchrotron Radiation
(CSR) in the terahertz (THz) frequency range are generated at high
energy electron storage rings and colliders when electron bunches
are compressed to picosecond timescales [1]. These synchrotron
radiation pulses generated by ultra-short electron bunches allow
time-resolved x-ray experiments [2]. For this, special technics are
applied to reduce the bunch length in electron storage rings. In the
so-called “squeezed” operation mode, the high degree of spatial
compression of the optics with reduced momentum compaction
factor (“low-α optics”) entails complex longitudinal dynamics of
the electron bunches.
During experiments with low-α optics two and even three simulta-
neously rotating beams have been detected and observed at some
light sources. A series of experiments have been conducted by a
few synchrotron radiation facilities, namely: at Brookhaven National Synchrotron Light Source (NSLS) in the USA [3], SOLEIL
in France [4], Metrological Light Source (MLS) in Germany [5,6],
DIAMOND in the UK [7] where parameters of two, and even three
beams, were measured and analyzed. By direct manipulation of
nonlinear longitudinal beam dynamics a few beams were circulating in a ring with spatial separation and variable transverse sizes,
positions, and energies depending on the RF frequency, sextupole
and octupole (MLS) strengths. These beams are referred to as either ‘RF’ or ‘α- bucket’ beams, this depending on the RF phase that
they occupy and energy; described later.
Dedicated studies of nonlinear momentum compaction factor and
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associated beam parameters, as well as experiments with coherent
synchrotron radiation, have been realized at MLS [8].
Dedicated operation with α-buckets is based on non-linear theory
of longitudinal beam motion with high order terms of momentum
compaction factor and requires control of compaction factor terms,
precise adjustment of sextupole strength, high stability power supplies of all magnetic elements etc.
Linear and non-linear longitudinal beam dynamics in electron storage rings are well developed and presented in peer review journals
[9], proceedings of CERN Accelerator Schools [10], proceeding of
international accelerator conferences [11], manuscripts and books
[12,13,14,15]. At low bunch current operation in high energy electron rings and when collective beam effects might be neglected,
the so-called “zero current” bunch length is proportional to the
square root of the ratio of momentum compaction factor α to the
amplitude of RF voltage. The momentum compaction factor itself
is a function of particle momentum offset from the reference orbit.
For systematic experimental observations of α-buckets, the longitudinal equations of motion should be expanded up to the third order terms of the momentum compaction factor. Thus, corresponding Hamiltonian equations describing longitudinal phase space
should include fourth order terms of relative momentum deviation
(δ4). For high energy offsets of more than a few percent, a higher
order polynomial makes for a better fit to the orbit lengthening and
momentum compaction factor as functions of energy offset.
Also, momentum independent Closed Orbit Deviation (COD) errors should be taken into account [4]. In general, path lengthening due to COD errors can be compensated by adjustment of RF
frequency. But the dispersion function at low-α optics is highly
stretched and then the beam orbit is captured by a dispersion pattern due to an energy shift generated by COD errors. Our experiments showed that compensation of coherent orbit oscillations
is quite challenging for beam injection into negative and low-α
optics [16].
In order to provide theoretical background for further studies and
consistent explanation of the experiments with α-buckets we will
cover some basics of longitudinal beam dynamics in Part 1 with
emphasis on high order terms of orbit lengthening and momentum
compaction factor. Based on Hamiltonian of longitudinal motion
with fourth order terms in energy offset (δ4), we will derive conditions for real solutions of the third order equation with a free
independent term and analytical expressions for three real roots
defining the energy gap between RF and α-buckets. Also, estimations of the free momentum independent relative orbit lengthening
term (χ) will be provided as an example from the KArlsruhe Research Accelerator (KARA) ring. In Part 2 benchmarking analysis
of existing experiments at SOLEIL [4] and MLS [5,6,8] rings will
be performed based on analytical expressions derived in Part 1.
The synchrotron frequency as a function of momentum offset and
RF frequency deviation will be reproduced with high accuracy for
both rings. Novel methods to estimate ‘life-time’ benchmarked on
existing measurements at the MLS light source [5,8] will be proposed for discussion.
In Part 3 we will consider different options for α-buckets of the
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KARA storage ring including positive and negative momentum
compaction factor optics. We will analyze and predict possible
performance of future experiments with α-buckets and will estimate life-time at specific operation conditions.
Part 1. Theory of momentum compaction factor
Before proceeding to the analysis of low-α optics at different rings
we would like to remind the reader basics and advanced features
of beam longitudinal motion in electron storage rings. We will start
from definitions and follow with the logics of standard theory expanded to high orders in momentum offset.
Orbit lengthening in electron storage rings
The Energy offset of a particle with respect to the reference particle energy E0 written in units of momentum deviation is
The Pass length element of a particle circulating in a ring and
experiencing oscillations in horizontal and vertical directions
(transverse planes are orthogonal to direction of motion) can be
expressed in a Frenet-Serret coordinate system (s,x,z) (equation
(9.94) of [12])
Here ds is the coordinates along the particular trajectory while dx
and dz are deviations of particle trajectory from the reference orbit
in horizontal and vertical planes respectively. Angular coordinates
in phase space are defined as x′=dx/ds and z′=dz/ds. The term x/ρ
in equation (2) represents a contribution to the pass length due to
the curvature generated by bending magnets. The second (x′) and
third (z′) terms are contributions due to finite horizontal and vertical betatron oscillations. The vertical bending magnets are omitted
in equation (2) for simplicity.
The reference (equilibrium) orbit in a circular storage ring is defined as a closed trajectory in a median plane of a ring
In the ideal case, the reference orbit is located in a median plane of
a ring and deviations of the reference orbit in the vertical direction
are absent (z0=z′0≡0). Furthermore, the deviations of the reference
orbit in the horizontal direction (dispersion plane) are zeroed as
well - (x0=x′0≡0).
Then, the length of a closed trajectory describing an equilibrium
orbit for one turn might be found as an integral of trajectory of the
reference particle
In a storage ring, the orbit length L for off-momentum particles, as
well as for particles deviating from the reference orbit, differs from
the length of the reference orbit because of a few factors, for exam-
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ple: dispersion in bending sections of a ring, betatron oscillations,
uncorrelated closed orbit distortions (COD) leading to orbit deviations from trajectory of the synchronous particle. Now building on
equation (4) the length of an arbitrary trajectory for one turn is the
circular integral of pass length element dl is
For further consideration we should assume that for both vertical
and horizontal oscillations all deviations from the reference orbit
are small with respect to the radius of reference orbit and curvature radius of bending magnets ρ0. Also that angular deviations are
Also, the derivative of dispersion along the orbit position (s) i.e.
the slope of the dispersion function particle D′≡∂D/∂s=1/R. ∂D/∂θcan be expanded to the second order in momentum deviation δ
Here D0(s), D′0(s) represent linear terms of the dispersion function
and dispersion slope, and D1(s) D′1(s) of equation (13) represent
the first derivative of the dispersion function in momentum as well
as the first derivative of the dispersion function slope in momentum
D2(s) D′2(s) in equation 14 is the second derivative of the dispersion function in momentum as well as second derivative in momentum of the dispersion function slope [17]
High order terms of dispersion function (13) and its slope (14)
should be included into the chromatic part of equation for particle
oscillations (9). Now one can write expressions of particle oscillations expanded to the third order of momentum deviation δ
For small deviations one could apply an approximation
Expanding the pass length variation ΔL=L−L0 over one turn up to
second order deviations from the reference orbit x2,x′2,x2,x′2 gives
The length of a particle orbit depends on transverse coordinates
and bending radius ρ. The particle oscillations in horizontal and
vertical phase spaces are composed of betatron oscillations, residual closed orbit distortions (COD) and off-energy terms
Substituting equations of particle oscillations (15) into the equation for pass length variation (8) and evaluating the integral one
can derive an equation of orbit lengthening due to chromatic as
well as amplitude dependent orbit oscillations.
It should be noted that linear terms in the expression for orbit
lengthening (8) after averaging over many turns consequently vanish due to oscillatory behavior of betatron motion [12]
Here we consider a flat lattice with no dispersion in the vertical
plane (Dz=D′z=0).
The linear part of orbit distortions is statistical in nature, therefore,
orbit correction in accelerators is done so as to minimize residual
COD errors
The amplitude of betatron oscillations can be derived from equation of beam envelope [12,13]
Betatron oscillations and CODs are completely independent and
therefore all cross terms like <xβxcod> are vanished
High order terms of momentum compaction factor
In order to study non-linear beam dynamics in both longitudinal
and transverse phase spaces one should consider variations of lattice parameters i.e. variation of dispersion function, Twiss parameters, momentum compaction factor etc. with respect to particle
energy [17].
Chromatic dependence of the dispersion function expanded to the
second order in momentum deviation δ can be written as [17].
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As stable operation of a storage ring is achieved at non-resonance
tunes Qx≠k, Qz ≠l (not integer), then cross terms like <xβDOδ> are
vanished as well
With these assumptions, the pass length variation defined by equation (8) can be split into two parts; one independent on momentum
deviation (details of this contribution will be analyzed later) and
the other dependent on high order terms of momentum offset δ
Volume 4 | Issue 2 | 150
ple, a dedicated family of chromatic sextupoles could therefore
control the quadratic term of momentum compaction factor [20]
The basic equation for orbit lengthening truncated to the second
order in energy deviation δ2 is presented in [12]. One can also find
a high order equation of orbit lengthening truncated to the third
power of momentum offset δ3, but with slightly different definitions in [4].
The momentum compaction factor αp is defined as the relative
change of orbit length with respect to momentum deviation. Thus,
the chromatic part of relative orbit lengthening (20b,c,d) might be
expressed as [13,18].
Momentum compaction factor itself depends on energy offset and
is, up to the second order of energy deviation δ, defined as [4,12]
Linear and high order components of the momentum compaction
factor are derived from equations (20,21,22) and can be written as
Equations of motion in longitudinal phase space including
high order terms of momentum deviation
In this section we analyze equations of synchrotron oscillations in
longitudinal phase space while including high order terms in momentum deviation. Summarizing equations (20) to (25) the pass
length variation is split into a chromatic part dependent on high order momentum compaction factor and another part independent on
momentum deviation. The chromatic part of relative orbit lengthening (ΔL/L0)cℎr is described by high order terms of compaction
factor and expressed by equations (21) and (22).
The momentum independent term of relative orbit lengthening (χ)
includes betatron oscillations and COD errors, see equation (20a),
and is now given as
The contribution of each element into the momentum independent
orbit length variation, and the evaluation case of the KARA storage ring will be discussed later.
The relative orbit lengthening is composed of chromatic part and
free momentum independent orbit lengthening term χ, and can be
written, up to the third order in energy deviation, in a following
form [4]
The complete equation of relative orbit lengthening, equation (30),
is similar to the second order equation from [21] as well as to the
second order equation (6.3) from [12] but expanded up to the higher order in momentum offset.
where the first term of momentum compaction factor, α1, is an
integral of linear dispersion D0(s) inside the dipoles of bending
radius ρ. The linear term of dispersion is often better written as
function of longitudinal orbit position (s) [13,17]
The second term of the dispersion function (equation (11), is the
first derivative of dispersion in momentum offset D1(s)=∂D(s,δ)/∂δ.
It is proportional to the product of sextupole strength (KSXT=1/
B0ρ0.∂2B/∂R2) and the third power of linear dispersion D03(S) [19],
and can be written as
To derive conditions for the longitudinal phase space stability under influence of high order terms of momentum compaction factor,
one should also evaluate the Hamiltonian using high order momentum deviation [3,20,21].
Energy balance in an electron storage ring is defined as when the
energy losses caused by synchrotron radiation WSR are compensated by the energy gained by RF voltage
In electron storage rings the synchronous phase (φs) is determined
as when the energy gain, supplied by RF, is equal to energy loss
due to synchrotron radiation
Also, beam energy loss per turn, due to synchrotron radiation, can
be estimated in practical units [14]
This is very useful as the value, and even the sign, of the second
term of compaction factor α2 can be modified by variation of the
second order term of Dispersion D1, see equation (24). For examAdv Theo Comp Phy, 2021
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where E0 is the energy of the synchronous particle and ρ is the
radius of bending magnets. The synchronous particle is represented in longitudinal phase space by synchronous energy (E0) and
synchronous phase φS). Particles of non-synchronous phase (φ) or
non-synchronous energy (E) experience oscillations in phase and
energy around the synchronous particle. The energy change per
turn can be described by
As synchrotron oscillations are slow in comparison to the rotation
period of particle (T0), the energy change per turn could be substituted by the derivative
where ℎrf is RF harmonic and Frf=ℎrfF0 is the frequency of RF cavity.
From the two differential equations, i.e. first order for momentum
deviation (37) and RF phase deviation (40), we can get one second order equation of synchrotron oscillation. Again, substituting
length variable (s) by the time variable (t),
one can derive the second order differential equation for small momentum deviations [12]
Furthermore, as the pass length per turn is a product of electron
speed and rotation period
Now substituting variables dE/dn=(dE/ds)∙(ds/dn) and transferring
to momentum deviation (δ) instead of energy change (ΔE)
one comes to first equation of synchrotron oscillations [12,13,21]
where F0 is rotation frequency of particle.
The second equation of synchrotron oscillations is derived from
RF phase relations. Decrement of particle RF phase can be expressed via the ring azimuth change
The relation between azimuth and rotation period is Δθ=2πΔT/T0.
The relation between rotation period and orbit length is T0=L0/β0C.
And the relation between change of rotation period and change of
orbit length is ΔT=ΔLβc . All three relationships are substituted in
to the expression for RF phase shift (38). Variation of RF phase
per turn can also be accounted for as it is directly proportional to
relative change of orbit length ΔL/L0 i.e. to the first and high order
terms of momentum compaction factor, see equation (30) [4,21]
As stated earlier, synchrotron oscillations are slow in comparison
to the rotation period of particle (T0) and the change of RF phase
per turn could be approximated, similar to energy change, by derivative Δφ/turn≈d(Δφ)/dn, see equation (34).
Substituting variables d(Δφ)/dn=(d(Δφ)/ds)∙(ds/dn) and using
equation (35) for pass length, one derives the second equation of
synchrotron oscillations which includes high order terms of compaction factor and a free term defined by momentum independent
orbit errors
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Similar equation can be written for phase oscillations. The synchrotron tune, Fs, depends on high order terms of the momentum
compaction factor [4], where α can be defined as a derivative of the
relative orbit lengthening with momentum offset α=∂(ΔL/L0)/∂δ
[18, 21], see equation (21)
At positive values of momentum compaction factor, (α1>0), oscillations of particles in longitudinal phase space (Δφ,δ), are stable for
negative slopes of the RF voltage sinusoidal wave U=URF∙Sin(ωt),
i.e. at RF phases (π/2<φs<π). The minus sign “-” was included in
equation (43) for synchrotron frequency in order to get a real value
of synchrotron tune for a Stable Fixed Point (SFP) when the compaction factor is positive (α1>0) while (cosφs<0).
At negative slopes of the RF voltage curve, particles with an energy higher than the reference one, E>E0 (positive momentum offset δ>0), travel a longer way with respect to the reference particle
(ΔL>0) and will be delayed. Next turn electrons with initially higher energy will gain less energy than equilibrium particles and the
difference in energy will be reduced.
Synchrotron oscillations are stable and the same stability criteria
is applied for particles with different RF phases Δφ. For a negative linear compaction factor (α1<0), oscillations are stable for
positive slopes of the RF voltage curve (0<φ<π/2) and stable phase
is (π−φs). Unstable Fixed Points (UFP) with crossed branches of
separatrix are located at phase (φs) for negative compaction factor
(α1<0), and at phase (π−φs) for a positive linear term (α1>0).
Hamiltonian of motion in longitudinal phase space
One can rewrite synchrotron equations (37) and (40), by substituting the length variable (s) by the time variable (t) using the relation
d/ds=1/βc. d/dt
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The Hamiltonian operator, describing longitudinal phase space
[12,18,20], can be constructed using deviation of RF phase (Δφ)
and momentum offset (δ) as canonical conjugate variables, and applying canonical equations
first part has one root corresponding to on-momentum synchronous particles (δ1=0). For a positive momentum compaction factor
(α>0) the phase of a synchronous particle is (φs). The area of stable
oscillations in longitudinal phase space around a synchronous particle is referred to as an RF bucket [8,10,20]. The second part is a
quadratic equation
The Hamiltonian function of a particle motion in longitudinal
phase space is an integral of canonical equations (41a, b)
Solutions of second order equation (50) provide another two roots
with momentum offset
Substituting synchrotron equations (37a) and (40a) into the integral expression of Hamiltonian equation (45), one can derive a full
Hamiltonian operator of longitudinal motion, including high order
terms of momentum compaction factor [4,20]
Conditions of stable motion around off-momentum focal points
are defined by high order components of momentum compaction
factor. Roots of the reduced second order equation (51) should be
real in order to satisfy the stability criteria; namely:
• if the first and third order terms of compaction factor are of the
same sign, then the absolute value of second term should be
larger than double the square root of their product
The Hamiltonian is a constant of motion in time. Locations of
fixed points, where canonical conjugate variables are constant in
time, can be derived from two conditions:
Condition of fixed momentum offset, equation (47b), is realized
if Sin(φs+Δφ)−Sin φs=0. This equation has two solutions for RF
phase of fixed points
The area of stable motion in longitudinal phase space around SFPs
with momentum offset δ2 or δ3 is referred as alpha-bucket (α-bucket) [8,20,21]. α-buckets are shifted in energy and in RF phase (in
time) from RF buckets (see earlier for RF buckets). For a positive
compaction factor (α1>0), RF buckets are located at phase (φs)
while α-buckets – at phase (π−φs).
Condition of fixed phase, equation (47a), is fulfilled when the relative orbit lengthening is zeroed
Solutions of longitudinal equations of motion with high order
terms of momentum compaction factor
In this section we consider solutions of longitudinal equations of
motion up to the third order terms of the momentum compaction
factor. Equation (49) is a third order general cubic equation with a
free momentum independent term χ. Usually it is solved by Cardano method [22]. Original attempts to find solutions to a Cardano
equation led to the introduction of complex variables [23]. Cubic
equation (49) has always three roots. At least one of these roots is
real, while the other roots are complex [24]. With some conditions
all three roots of cubic equation are real. Real roots represent focus
points inside of stable buckets and are referred to as Stable Fixed
Points (SFP) [25]. Complex roots represent unstable motion - saddle points where two separatrixes are crossed – Unstable Fixed
Points (UFP) [25].
Approximation of negligible momentum independent term
Neglecting (at this moment only) the energy independent term
(χ=0), one can simplify and split equation (49) into two parts. The
Adv Theo Comp Phy, 2021
if |a2|<2√α1α3 then the first α1, and third α3 order terms of momentum compaction factor should be of different sign. For
α1>0 the α3<0 and vice versa.
When the first α1, and third α3 order terms of momentum compaction factor are of same sign and absolute value of second term
|a2|<2√α1α3, then one real (stable) solution exists. Roots δ2,3 of the
second order equation (50) are complex and RF motion around
these fixed points is unstable
General solution of third order equation with free momentum independent term
One should acknowledge that in the general case when free term
(χ) is not negligible, there is no solution with reference energy i.e.
with zero momentum offset (δ=0). All roots of the cubic equation
are shifted in momentum from the reference orbit if COD errors
are not compensated for (χ≠0).
The solution of the cubic equation involves a "discriminant"
whose sign determines the number of real solutions, as with the
quadratic equation. But more complicated techniques should be
applied [26]. Three roots of the cubic equation (49) require finding
the cube roots with either real or complex numbers
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If the free term of the cubic equation is equal to zero (in our case
the momentum independent term (χ=0)) then at least one of the
roots of general equation (49) is equal to zero. We are interested in
a case where all three roots δ1,δ2,δ3 are REAL values, i.e. determinant of cubic equation is negative (−Δ)<0 and the square root of
determinant (√(−Δ)) is a complex number. Three real roots might
be found according to the following equations
In equations (54), (55) and (56) the third order determinant Δ1
includes the momentum independent free term χ
Δ1=2a23−9a1a2a3+27a32 χ
The second order determinant (−Δ0) is described by the equation
The general determinant (−Δ) is a composition of third and second
order determinants [17]
and is related to the classical determinant Q of reduced cubic Cardano equation [10] as
If the general determinant of the cubic equation (49) is negative, (−Δ)<0 (Q<0), then all three roots δ1,δ2,δ3 are real
If the determinant of the cubic equation is positive (−Δ)>0
(Q>0) then one root is real, see equation (54) and two other
roots are complex, see equations (55) and (56)
If the determinant of the cubic equation is equal to zero,
(−Δ)=0 (Q=0) ,then two real roots exist: first root is δ1 and
second root is δ2=δ3
The minus sign for the second order discriminant, (−Δ0), as well
as for discriminant, (−Δ), were introduced here in order to be consistent with the definition of the classical determinant Q [17]. In
an approximation of the negligible momentum independent term
(χ=0), the square root of determinant (−Δ) is simplified to
For (χ=0) and (a22>4a1a3) the square root of determinant √(−Δ)
χ=0 is a complex number leading to one root of equation (55) to
be equal to zero (δ2=0), while two other roots (δ1,δ3) of equations
(54) and (56) are real numbers equal to solutions (51) of quadratic equation (50). According to Vieta's formulas [28], roots of the
cubic equation with a free term, equation (49), are related to each
other as
Tangent of angle φ is defined in equations (63) to (65) as the ratio
where the angle φ is the main argument between –π/2<φ<+π/2.
One should take care of the sign of the Sin(φ) function when angle
φ is negative.
KARA storage ring lattice at different operation modes
Simulations of orbit lengthening due to COD errors and betatron
motion were performed on example of the KARA lattice [29]. The
optics of the KARA storage ring is tuned during ‘user operation’ to
double bend achromat (DBA) conditions with D=D′=0 in straight
sections, and to a Theoretical Minimum Emittance (TME) condition where dispersion D, and horizontal betatron function βx, are
minimized at the location of the bending magnets [29]. For TME
mode, the dispersion function is always positive and varies from
+0.11 to +0.74 m. Dispersion does leak in to straight section and is
equal to +0.35 m for both long and short straight sections (Figure
1) [30].
Figure 1: One cell of the KARA lattice is composed of two pairs
of 22.50 bends. The TME operation mode with distributed dispersion function is shown. The horizontal/vertical beta-functions are
plotted in blue/red respectively, and dispersion (is zoomed in 10
times [29,30].
In order to reduce the compaction factor to a low value, or make
it negative (α1<0), one should compensate positive contribution of
the linear dispersion function inside bending magnets by negative
dispersion. One can minimize the momentum compaction factor
(squeeze α) as well as reverse the sign of α to a negative one by
varying the strength of the Q3 family of quads, see Figure 2 [31].
For example, by increasing the strength of the Q3 quads, it is possible to stretch the dispersion function from +1.44 m in the middle
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of the bending section (approx. at Q3) to -1.03 m in all straight
sections, thus reducing compaction factor from α1=+9.10-3 to
α1=+1.10-4 as shown in Figure 2. By a small additional increase
of Q3 strength the dispersion is further stretched from a highly
positive value +1.5m to a negative one -1.1 m and the momentum
compaction factor is reversed to a negative value, α1=-2.10−3[31].
Here ˂γx˃ is an average value of Twiss parameter γx in a ring. A
similar expression can be derived for vertical components of average quadratic angle 12L0/ꭍ(z′β2) ds=1/4 εz˂γz˃. One can neglect
any contribution of vertical quadratic angle in a flat lattice ring
with horizontal bending, when vertical emittance is much less than
the horizontal one εz<<εx.
In order to compensate shift of radial Qx and vertical Qz betatron
tunes during the squeezing procedure, the strength of other quadrupoles is adjusted as well.
Contribution of the quadratic term of horizontal betatron motion
inside bending magnets can be estimated by substituting equation
(67a) into equation (29). Integration should be performed at the
azimuthal position of bending magnets
In particular, for positive low -α operation mode the strengths of
Q1, Q2, Q4 and Q5 quadrupole families are monotonically reduced while strength of Q3 family is gradually increased. A similar
procedure, but in reverse order, is applied for the negative compaction factor to approach low-α optics.
where βxb is an average value of horizontal betatron function at the
azimuth of bending magnets.
We use the following parameters in order to estimate a contribution of betatron motion in the orbit lengthening of KARA storage
Radius of bending magnets ρ=5.56 m
Average Twiss parameter gamma <γx>=0.4 m−1
Average value of betatron function in bending magnets is
slightly changed from
<βx>b=1.8 m for ‘user operation’ mode (momentum compaction
factor α=9.10-3 to
<βx>b=2.0 m for negative compaction factor operational mode (α=7.10-3)
Figure 2: One cell of KARA storage ring lattice at low positive
compaction factor α=+1.10-4. Dispersion function is stretched
from +1.44 m down to -1.03 m in order for negative contribution
to compensate positive one inside bending magnets. Blue curve
is horizontal beta function βx, red -vertical function βy, green
-zoomed in 10 times dispersion D0 [31].
Longitudinal-transverse beam coupling and estimation of momentum independent term χ
The momentum independent term of relative orbit lengthening
(χ) includes betatron oscillations and CODs and it is described by
equation (29). We would like to now consider the contribution of
the momentum independent free term into orbit lengthening on
example of the KARA storage ring.
Contribution of betatron motion into orbit lengthening
The contribution of betatron oscillation terms in equation (29)
might be further simplified by using Twiss parameters and explicit
expressions for particle motion [32]
The finite value of emittance, εx, is used here as the amplitude factor for the betatron oscillation and therefore, provides orbit length
spread within the beam cross section. One can estimate the contribution of quadratic angular deviation of a beam into orbit lengthening by substituting equation (67b) into equation (29)
Adv Theo Comp Phy, 2021
In total, the momentum independent contribution of betatron motion could be estimated for KARA storage ring by following expression
Equation (70) is dimensionless, as the value of emittance is provided in [m]. Orbit lengthening due to betatron motion is directly
proportional to beam emittance and naturally grows with increasing beam energy since emittance is proportional to ϵx ~γ2.
According to [12], one should include the tails of a Gaussian distribution of an electron beam,and use the value of emittance εx≈7εxrms, for accurate estimation of betatron contribution to orbit
lengthening. Nevertheless, in order to be consistent, we use the
“rms” values of beam parameters at equilibrium after synchrotron damping. The contribution of betatron motion to relative orbit lengthening at different energies and operation modes of the
KARA storage ring is shown in Table 1, where values in blue outline growth of emittance and orbit lengthening due to Intra-Beam
Scattering (IBS) for 2 mA/bunch beam.
Volume 4 | Issue 2 | 155
Table 1: Contribution of betatron motion to relative orbit lengthening for the KARA storage ring at different energies and operation modes. Values in blue outline contributions of IBS to the beam emittance growth for 2 mA/bunch beam.
compaction factor
Beam energy
Beam energy
εxrms (nm)
Beam energy
εxrms (nm)
TME mode
α1 =+9.10-3
α1 =+1.10-4
Low neg.-α
α1 = -1.10-4
2.4 (24)
12 (36)
2.8.10-9 (8.4.10-9)
For estimation purposes we convert emittance values to the beam
size, σβ (rms), at the middle of the long straight section of the
α1= -2.10-3
High neg. α
13 (40)
20 (45)
0.5 GeV
12 (36)
1.3 GeV
2.5 GeV
KARA storage ring where horizontal betatron function is βx=17
m for user TME mode and βx=20 m at low-α mode, see Table 2.
Table 2: Converting emittance to beam size σβ (rms) in the middle of long straight section of KARA storage ring. βx=20 m at
low-α and βx=17 m at user TME modes.
εx (nm)
σβ, mm
Relative orbit lengthening of the KARA storage ring as a function
of absolute value of orbit offset is shown in Figure 3, where orbit
length deviation due to COD misalignment errors is plotted by the
blue curve, the contribution of betatron motion (beam size σβ) to
the relative orbit lengthening is plotted by the red curve, and the
IBS contribution to the orbit lengthening at high beam current, in
this case 2.5 mA/bunch, is plotted by the green curve.
According to [33] the intra-beam scattering (IBS) at high current
density and low beam energy leads to growth of beam emittance.
The emittance of the KARA storage ring as function of beam energy is shown in Figure 4 taken from [33].
Figure 3: Relative orbit lengthening of the KARA storage ring as a
function of absolute value of orbit offset: blue curve – contribution
Adv Theo Comp Phy, 2021
of COD errors, red curve – contribution of betatron motion (beam
size σβ), and the green curve includes contributions of IBS into
the emittance growth and orbit lengthening at high beam current
2.5 mA/bunch.
Simulations have been performed at “zero current” (see introduction), as well as at the high beam current of 2.5 mA/bunch. The
DBA lattice was simulated using computer code ZAP [34].
Ring impedance was estimated as Z/n=2 Ohm. In Figure 4, the
natural emittance at “zero current” (shown by open circles) is defined as the equilibrium between synchrotron radiation damping
and heating due to quantum fluctuations. Natural emittance grows
as the square of the relativistic factor ϵx ~γ2 from 2.4 nm at 0.5
GeV up to 58 nm at 2.5 GeV for TME mode, and from 3.5 nm up
to 87 nm for DBA lattice.
At high beam current, the multiple small angle IBS contributes to
the total growth rate in addition to quantum fluctuations. At injection energy of the KARA storage ring, the damping is slow (damping time is 0.3 s) and IBS growth rate exceeds damping speed.
Equilibrium is reached at high values of beam emittance (~30
nmat 0.5 GeV), see green crosses in Figure 3 and black squares
in Figure 4. Values of beam emittance contributed by IBS are outlined by numbers in blue in both Table 1 and Table 2.
Volume 4 | Issue 2 | 156
At high energies above ~1.3 GeV, the damping rate of synchrotron
radiation exceeds IBS heating, and beam emittance is then defined
by the equilibrium between synchrotron radiation and quantum
fluctuations. Even at large beam emittance and high current density, the contribution of betatron oscillations to the relative orbit
lengthening should not exceed (ΔL/L)=10-8 at 0.5 GeV and 10-7 at
2.5 GeV, see red and green curves in Figure 3 as well as Table 1
and Table 2.
Figure 4: Beam emittance of DBA lattice of the KARA storage
ring. Figure is taken from [19]. Circles – natural emittance at zero
beam current, black squares – emittance at high beam current 2.5
mA/bunch including growth of beam size due to Intra-beam scattering. Ring impedance Z/n=2 Ohm. Simulations have been done
by computer code ZAP [34].
Misalignment errors and orbit lengthening
Contribution of COD errors to the relative orbit lengthening does
not depend on beam energy or on beam emittance. Pass length increases due to CODs include a few terms – the first two are caused
by a quadratic angular error x′cod2 in the horizontal plane, and
z′cod2 in the vertical plane, while a third contribution is caused by
a quadratic term of orbit distortion inside the bends xcod2/ρ2, see
equation (29)
In order to estimate quadratic angular distortions, we analyze data
from beam position measurements at a low positive compaction
factor (Figure 5a), and compare it with results of computer simulations of orbit oscillations for off-momentum particles with a low
compaction factor (Figure 5b).
magnets generate residual orbit lengthening and associated energy mismatching magnified by low-α: (a) measured data [16]; (b)
Beam with energy offset δ = -0.5% (OPA simulations).
In experiments, and simulations, with low and negative compaction factors of the KARA storage ring, the orbit offset follows the
pattern of the dispersion function where the ring lattice includes
eight DBA sections. Contribution from angular quadratic errors
was estimated by following equation
Figure 5b takes into account that for the length of regions where
orbit offset changes from a maximum positive value xcodmax, to a
minimum negative value xcodmin, is slightly less than L0/16. Because the orbit offset in the vertical plane is at least one order of
magnitude less than radial offset, we neglect any contributions of
vertical angular quadratic errors (z′cod2≈0). Contribution from the
quadratic term of orbit displacement, (xcod2), was estimated with
an approximation of a constant orbit offset inside of the bending
The total contribution of orbit oscillations to the orbit lengthening
of the KARA storage ring is given
The contribution of orbit misalignments due to COD errors to the
relative orbit lengthening is summarized in Table 3 and shown by
the blue curve in Figure 3.
Even at large beam emittance and high current density, the contribution of betatron motion into relative orbit lengthening should
not exceed (ΔL/L) ≈10-8 at 0.5 GeV and (ΔL/L) ≈10-7 at 2.5 GeV,
see red and green curves in Figure 3, as well as data from Tables 1, 2, 3. Orbit oscillations with an amplitude of more than 2
mm lead to a relative orbit lengthening (ΔL/L) > 5•10-7. At low
positive and negative momentum compaction factor operational
modes, the span of orbit deviations exceeds ±2 mm (Figure 5).
Orbit deviations due to COD errors are the main source of relative
orbit lengthening in the KARA storage ring, especially at low and
negative compaction factor operational modes.
Figure 5: Orbit oscillations of beam in the horizontal plane of
the KARA storage ring with low-α. Random position errors of
Adv Theo Comp Phy, 2021
Volume 4 | Issue 2 | 157
Table 3: Contribution of orbit deviations due to COD errors to the relative orbit lengthening of the KARA storage ring
1.6.10-10 6.4.10-10 1.5.10-9
2.4.10-9 5.4.10-9 1.5.10-8
1.6.10-8 6.4.10-8
2.4.10-7 5.4.10-
3.8.10-8 7.6.10-8
6.4.10- 1.310-6 1.9.10-6 2.6.10-6
Stability Criteria and Limits Imposed On Free Momentum Independent Term (χ)
In order to estimate limits on the free momentum independent term
(χ), one can simplify the full equation for orbit lengthening, equation (49) and neglect (at this moment only) the highest term of
momentum compaction factor a3 ≈ 0. The solution of the reduced
second order equation with a free term (χ ≠0) is [12, 21].
storage ring has no dedicated sextupoles for correcting the second
order term of compaction factor independently from the chromaticity correction. Furthermore, from the second order equation
(50), derived in approximation of a zero free term (χ = 0), but
including all three terms of momentum compaction factor, one can
find the low limit of the second order term of compaction factor
and it has two roots
Only a few options are available to realize this low limit condition:
• •If the first (α1) and the third (α3) terms of compaction factor
are of different signs, the second term is limited only from the
upper side, see equation (78), and not from the low side. The
absolute value of (α2) can be as small as possible. It is the so
called condition of zero longitudinal chromaticity;
• if the first (α1) and the third (α3) terms of compaction factor are
of the same sign, then an absolute value of the second order
compaction factor |α2| cannot be reduced to less than
Expression for synchrotron tune with an approximation of negligible third order term momentum compaction factor (a3 ≈ 0) is
simplified to [18,21,35].
see equation (79),
In general, a variation of RF frequency can be applied to compensate orbit lengthening due to coherent orbit errors. In this case, the
free momentum independent term in equation (77) is substituted
by a relative change of RF frequency
Later we will show that in order to fit experimental results the expression for synchrotron tune should be expanded to second order in energy offset (δ2) and the third order term of momentum
compaction factor (α3) must be included into the equation for (Fs),
see equation (43) [4,5]. Stable fixed points in longitudinal phase
space, i.e. buckets with bounded RF oscillations, exist if the roots
of equation (76) are real numbers. This condition imposes an upper
limit on (α2). Second order compaction factor must be less than.
One should take into account that the free term is always positive
(χ > 0). From the upper limit on (α2) defined by equation (76) it follows that at low compaction factor i.e. at |α1|~10−4 for the KARA
storage ring, the coherent orbit errors, and betatron oscillations,
should be limited to
in order to reduce the
momentum independent term to χ ≤ 2 ∙ 10−7, and keep the second
order term at α2 ≈ 10−2 “natural” level. Unfortunately, the KARA
Adv Theo Comp Phy, 2021
For (α1) and (α3) terms of the same sign, the second order term
(α2) is strictly limited
from the upper side by momentum independent residual errors
and from
the low side by the product of the first and third order terms
For example, at positive low-alpha optics α1 = +1.04×10−4 with
a third order term of opposite sign, α3 =-0.259, and a second term
α2 = +1.37×10−2, the alpha-buckets could be observed if relative
orbit errors are limited to χ < 3.6×10−7 (corresponds to ≈2.5 mm).
The magnitude of α2 can be varied in a wide range in order to fit
the energy gap between RF and α- buckets to the momentum acceptance of a ring.
At negative low -α optics, α1 = −1.4×10−4, with the third order
term also of the same sign α3 = -0.233, and a second term α2 =
−2.1×10−2, the alpha-buckets might be realized if relative orbit
errors will be limited to χ ≤ 2.34×10−7 i.e. orbit misalignment due
to COD errors should be limited to 1.7mm. In addition, in order
to satisfy the stability limit in case where the first and third order
Volume 4 | Issue 2 | 158
terms are of same sign (α1 ∙ α3) > 0, the absolute value of second
term cannot be reduced to less than |α2| ≈ 1.2.10−2. Computer simulations with the orbit lengthening function fitted by a Polynomial
of 5th order have confirmed that α-buckets just disappear if the
absolute value of the second term is reduced to |α2| < 1.4.10−2.
It is still possible to fit an energy gap between RF and α-buckets
to the momentum acceptance of a ring, but the value of the second
order term might be varied only in a narrow range
If the energy offset between RF and α-buckets stays within a momentum acceptance and the physical aperture of a ring, then a few
simultaneous beams could be expected. At positive compaction
factor, α1 > 0, and negative value of the third order term, α3 < 0,
the strong limit, equation (79), on a minimum value of the second
term α2 is cancelled. At negative compaction factor (α1 < 0), phase
space around a zero axes is reversed and RF buckets exchange
their positions with off-momentum α-buckets.
Part 2: Applications of Theory to Existing Experiments
Based on theory described in Part 1, we would like to analyze and
benchmark equations and theoretical predictions using experimental data from SOLEIL, as well as MLS [4, 8]. Also, we will
estimate different features of low-α optics at the KARA synchrotron light source in order to increase the possibilities to build up
α-buckets [16,30,31].
Analysis of Dedicated Experiments at The Soleil Ring
To benchmark simulations of α-buckets and check validity of equations (63), (64) and (65), we have chosen the same beam parameters as in the experiments at SOLEIL Light Source with nominal
as well as with low-α optics, see [4, 36]. Numerical solutions of
reduced quadratic equation (50), as well as full third order equation with a free term, equation (49), were compared and analyzed.
User Optics of the SOLEIL Ring
Parameters of momentum compaction factor terms α1 = 4.38×10
, α2 = 4.45×10−3 and α3 = -3.95×10−3, for nominal optics of the
SOLEIL ring have been applied to find solutions of equations (63),
(64) and (65). For small values of the relative momentum independent term (χ ≤ 10−7), three roots are real numbers. Two solutions
from the third order equation (δ2 = -8.95%, δ3 = +121.6%) are exactly the same as roots of reduced quadratic equation (50). Also,
the on-momentum root (δ1 = 0), corresponds to the reference orbit
with nominal energy. The third order equation provides solutions
which are complementary to solutions of a simplified second order
equation. In addition, the third order equation allows to find momentum offset of orbits with a non-negligible momentum independent free term (χ ≠ 0).
correspond to one on momentum RF bucket layer in longitudinal
phase space with coordinates (φ = φs, δ1 = 0), i.e. stored beam, and
two off-momentum alpha-buckets with coordinates (φ = π− φs, δ2
= -8.95%) and (φ = π − φs, δ3 = +121.6%). Previously described
off-momentum α-buckets, are out of the SOLEIL transverse momentum acceptance (±4%) and therefore, out of the physical aperture of the ring. The beam cannot be stored in these α-buckets.
When the residual orbit errors are not negligible, and accordingly should be taken into account, the third order equation (49), including momentum independent term (χ≠ 0), is applied in order
to derive the roots i.e. momentum offset of RF and α-buckets in
longitudinal phase space, see equations (63), (64), (65).
Benchmarking results of the influence of the momentum independent orbit errors and misalignments on the longitudinal phase
space for SOLEIL, nominal optics are presented in Figure 6 [4].
All three buckets still exist, even at high relative coherent orbit
offset up to (χ ≈ 10−5), but their energy is shifted as shown in Figure 6. The on-momentum RF bucket (blue curve) located at phase
(φs), is progressively off-centered from the reference orbit (δ1 =
0) to a momentum offset (δ1 = −4.15%), while the energy independent term of relative orbit lengthening is increased from (χ =
10−8) towards the high value (χ = 10−5). In contrary, the energy
offset of α-buckets (red curve) is reduced in absolute value from
(δ2 = −8.95%) for a low level of COD errors (χ = 10−8), down to
(δ2 = −4.96%) for large error levels (χ = 10−5). Our estimations for
nominal SOLEIL optics agreed well with results of SOLEIL simulations, which are depicted by black spots in Figure 6.
The RF and α-buckets are merged in energy, and stable motion
disappears at a critical value of
relative orbit displacement (χ = 1.2 ∙ 10−5), corresponding to the
amplitude of beam oscillations
One real
solution of a full third order equation still exists, large COD errors
exceeding the critical value, are complex numbers (δ1,2 = −0.0456
± 0.0143 i). Both stable fixed points and closed curves of elliptical shape around stable points are reversed to unstable points with
saddle shape and hyperbolic open curves around it. Stable buckets
disappear when beam motion is unstable. Results of our benchmarking estimations are well in agreement with SOLEIL coordinates of stable (δ3 = +1.2194) and unstable (δ1,2 = −0.0464
± 0.0114 i) points for parameter (χ = 1.1 × 10−5), see [3].
In ‘real situation’ when the orbit errors would exceed (χ > 8 × 10−6),
the energy offset of initially on-momentum RF buckets should
exceed the momentum acceptance of SOLEIL lattice, and consequently the beam will be lost before reaching the critical point.
According to estimations, see equation (72) and Table 3; the main
contribution to the reversing of stable buckets into unstable, and
visa-versa, comes from angular terms of orbit misalignment errors
Our simulations of nominal optics of the SOLEIL ring are well in
agreement with results of SOLEIL simulations (Figure 6), giving
three real roots (δ1 = 0, δ2 = -9.1% δ3 =+122%) [4]. Real roots
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Figure 6: Benchmarking of the effect of the momentum independent orbit error (χ) on the longitudinal phase space for SOLEIL using nominal optics [4]. The on-momentum RF bucket (blue curve)
is progressively off-centered from the nominal energy of reference
orbit (δ1 = 0) to an orbit with momentum offset (δ1 = −4.15%),
while the relative orbit lengthening due to COD errors grows from
(χ = 10−8) towards higher value (χ= 10−5). In contrary, the energy
offset of off-momentum α-buckets (red curve) is reduced from (δ2
= −8.95%) for small relative orbit errors (χ = 10−8) down to (δ2
= −4.96%) for high values of orbit errors (χ = 10−5). Black circle
spots depict results of SOLEIL simulations [4].
Figure 7: Images of three stable beams stored in the SOLEIL ring
tuned to low-α optics. Spot (1) is referred to RF bucket, spots (2)
and (3) are referred to α-buckets with momentum offset ±1.5%.
Figure axes are vertical and horizontal beam positions. Dispersion
at source position is D = 10 cm. The displacement in vertical plane
is artifact of measurements. The image is taken from [4].
Simulations of Three Beams at Low-α Optics at SOLEIL
Three stable electron beams were simultaneously stored in the
SOLEIL storage ring during low-alpha experiments; a mode in
which the first term of momentum compaction factor was α1 = 2.2
× 10−5, the second term α2 = -1.9 × 10−5 and the third term α3 = -9.3
× 10−2, see Figure 7 taken from [3].
According to “The beams were imaged using a visible light monitor at a bending magnet exit port. The horizontal separation between the two side beams was measured to be 3 mm [4]. The streak
camera bunch length measurements gave almost the same rms value of 4 ps for each of the beams at low current. This configuration
was stable enough to enable injection directly in the three beams. It
was then possible to ramp up the total beam current to 33 mA, distributed over 104 buckets. The total beam lifetime was 15 h.” [4].
Using SOLEIL parameters for low-alpha optics we found numerical solutions for reduced quadratic equation (50), as well as for the
full third order equation with a free term, equation
(49), and reproduced SOLEIL results at low-alpha optics with high
accuracy. The effect of the momentum independent orbit error on
the longitudinal phase space was investigated for the SOLEIL
low-alpha optics, where the first term of momentum compaction
factor is a1 = 2.2 × 10−5, the second term a2 = -1.9 × 10−5 and third
term a3 = -9.3 × 10−2.
The three stable beams, presented in Figure.7, were taken from
[4]. The beams have been imaged using a visible light monitor
at a bending magnet exit port where dispersion is ± = 10 cm, and
distance between RF and α-buckets is ±1.5 mm. The spot in the
middle of picture belongs to the bunches of nominal energy (δ1 =
0) located in the RF bucket, while the other two spots belong to
bunches in the α-buckets with momentum offsets (δ2 = +1.528%)
Adv Theo Comp Phy, 2021
Figure 8: Effect of the momentum independent orbit error on the
longitudinal phase space for the SOLEIL low-alpha optics. First
term of compaction factor is α1 = 2.2 × 10−5, second term α2 =
-1.9 × 10−5 and third term α3 = -9.3 × 10−2 [4]. The on-momentum
RF bucket (blue curve) is progressively off-centered from the reference orbit (δ1= 0) to the momentum offset (δ1 = +0.8%). while
the momentum independent term of relative orbit lengthening is
increased from low (χ ≤ 10−9) to large orbit errors (χ = 1.3×10−7).
The first off-momentum alpha bucket (red curve) reduces its energy offset from (δ2 = +1.528%) at low orbit errors down to (δ2 =
+0.9%) at high value of orbit error. Second off-momentum alpha
bucket (green curve) increases energy offset from (δ3 =−1.548%)
at low momentum independent term to (δ3 = −1.78%) at large orbit
errors. Black circle spots depict results of SOLEIL experiments
taken from [4].
(δ3 = −1.548%). In order to evaluate SOLEIL experimental results, we have simulated the energy offset of RF and α-buckets
at different values of misalignment errors using the third order
equation (49), with free term (χ), see Figure 8. The on-momentum RF bucket (blue curve) is progressively off-centered from the
reference orbit (δ1 = 0) for low levels of COD errors to different
energy (δ1 = +0.8%), while the momentum independent term of
the relative orbit lengthening is increased from low (χ < 10−8) to
high (χ = 1.3×10−7) values of COD errors. The energy offset of a
α-bucket with positive deviation in momentum (red curve) is reduced from (δ2 = +1.528%) at low orbit errors (χ ≤ 10−9) down to
(δ2 = +0.6%) at high COD errors (χ= 1.3×10−7). The energy off-
Volume 4 | Issue 2 | 160
set of alpha buckets with negative deviation in momentum (green
curve) is increased in absolute value from (δ3 = −1.548%) at small
relative orbit errors (χ~10−9) to (δ3 = −1.78%) at high values of
COD errors (χ = 1.3×10−7). Black circle spots depict measured data
taken from [4]. Results of our simulations agree well with SOLEIL
results and provide a consistent explanation of beam energy offset
with increased orbit off-centering.
the measured data with their error bars of ±10 Hz. The solid curve
corresponds to a fit of Eq. (77) expanded to the second order in
momentum deviation (δ2) in the case of a low -α optics: α1=5×10-6,
α2=-1.8×10-4 and α3=1.1×10-1. Figure is taken from [4].
Because the quadratic terms of misalignment errors cause oscillations of a beam around a reference trajectory, the orbit length, and
average orbit radius, are different from the reference ideal orbit. As
a consequence, the beam energy deviates from nominal value by
For ‘user operation’, when the value of momentum compaction
factor is relatively high and dispersion function is always positive,
one can compensate small energy offsets by variation of the RF
frequency and center orbit. During low -α operation, energy offsets
grow essentially even at small orbit misalignment and the amplitude of orbit oscillations at low -α is magnified by high values of a
stretched dispersion function (Figure 5)
During low -α experiments at the KARA storage ring, beam orbit
oscillations with span ∆Ax ≈ ±8 mm have been observed (Figure
5a). We’ve estimated the energy offset due to COD errors and misalignments to be as high as ∆E ≈ -0.5% (Figure 5b).
Variation of Synchrotron Frequency with Energy Offset at SOLEIL
Variation of synchrotron frequency of an electron beam with respect to the relative variation in the RF frequency, have been measured at SOLEIL. Results are shown in Figure 9 (obtained from
[4]). We have used already equation (43) to find the energy dependence of the synchrotron tune for up to the second order in
momentum deviation (δ2), and applied the same parameters as
reported in: beam energy is 2.75 GeV, RF voltage -2.4 MV, RF
frequency-352 MHz, RF harmonic number -416 [4]. Furthermore,
the same values of compaction factor terms in the case of low-α
optics have been chosen as well: α1=5×10-6, α2=-1.8×10-4 and
α3=1.1×10-1. Results of our simulations are shown in Figure 10.
No stable α-buckets could be formed at these chosen values of
momentum compaction factor. In order to convert momentum deviation with respect to the expected change of RF frequency, we
applied a calculated relationship between the relative change of
orbit length and that of the RF frequency variation,
Figure 9: Measured variation of the synchrotron frequency with
respect to the relative variation in the RF frequency. The dots are
Adv Theo Comp Phy, 2021
Figure 10: Synchrotron frequency (Fs) as function of momentum
offset for SOLEIL low-α optics with α1=5×10-6, α2=-1.8×10-4 and
α3=1.1×10-1. Equation (43) was used for simulations.
where the relative orbit lengthening is expanded to third order in
the energy offset
The synchrotron frequency (FS) as function of RF frequency variation (dFrf) for SOLEIL low-α optics is plotted in Figure. 11 where
results of simulations based on equation (43) are shown by black
curve and experimental data are marked by blue circles with error
bars. One can also apply an inverted polynomial and use equations
(63, 64, and 65) where the free momentum independent term (χ)
is substituted by a relative variation of RF frequency
order to convert frequency change (∆Frf) to momentum offset (δ).
Our simulations based on equations (43) and (84) fit well to that of
SOLEIL experimental data (Figure 9).
However, this was not true for the estimations of ‘synchrotron frequency variation’ with ‘RF frequency change’, based on the simplified equation (77), as this does not fit experimental data, see red
curve in Figure 11 [18, 21, 35]. Only in one case, where the third
order term of momentum compaction factor (α3) is artificially zeroed in the full equation for synchrotron tune, equation, (43), did
both equations produce the same result. The green dashed curve
represents here the expected synchrotron tune in assumption that
Fs would be dependent on α as expressed by formula (22) opposed
to definition of Fs given in formula (43). It visibly deviates from
experimental data.
Figure 11: Synchrotron frequency as a function of RF frequency
variation for SOLEIL with low α optics where α1=5×10-6, α2=-
Volume 4 | Issue 2 | 161
1.8×10-4 and α3=1.1×10-1. Black curve represents our simulations.
Experimental data are marked by circles with error bars. Momentum deviation was converted into a variation of RF frequency
using equation (84). The red curve depicts an attempt to fit the
simplified equation (77) to data measured by SOLEIL. The green
dashed curve represents here the expected synchrotron tune in assumption that Fs would be dependent on αas expressed by formula
(22) opposed to definition of Fs given in formula (43). It visibly
deviates from experimental data.
Benchmarking of low-α beams at Metrological Light Source
The Metrology Light Source (MLS) in Berlin, is a synchrotron radiation facility dedicated to metrology and scientific developments
in the THz to extreme UV spectral range [37,38]. The MLS operates in the energy range from 105 to 630 MeV and is optimized for
generating intense, broadband, coherent THz radiation, based on
a bunch shortening low momentum compaction factor mode [39].
The MLS was the first electron storage ring to apply a combination
of high order magnetic lenses (dedicated sextupole and octupole
families) to correct second and third order terms of momentum
compaction factor [5]. The beam is able to be directly injected into
RF and/or α-buckets, and stored at positive or negative values of
momentum compaction factor [8].
Parameters of RF and α-buckets at MLS
We calculated parameters of both RF and α-buckets from MLS in
order to benchmark our simulations. High order terms of momentum compaction factors and energy gaps between RF and α-buckets of nominal, positive low -α, as well as negative low-α optics of
the MLS ring are summarized in Table 4. Values of first, second,
and third order terms of momentum compaction factor are taken
from [8]. Momentum offsets of RF and α-buckets δ1,2,3 are estimated as roots (63,64,65) of the cubic equation (49), and compared
with roots δ1,2, equation (51) of the quadratic equation (50).
MLS measurements of simultaneously populated synchrotron radiation source positions associated with one RF (in the middle)
and two α-buckets (left and right) are shown in Figure.12 (obtained
[6,8]). MLS quadrupoles have been tuned for negative low-alpha
optics with the first term of the momentum compaction factor a1
= −5 × 10−4. The third term of compaction factor was fixed by
octupoles to a positive value a3 = +4, giving a longitudinal chromaticity of
and used as the vertical axis of Figure.12 from -0.2 to +0.2, which
corresponds to a change of the second order momentum compaction factor from α2 = −4.4 × 10−2 to α2 = +4.4 × 10−2. Vertical, horizontal and longitudinal sextupole families have been adjusted in
order to keep transverse chromaticity unchanged during the scan.
Dispersion was measured to be, D=0.3 m. The dashed black lines
in Figure 12 shows the position of α-buckets estimated by equation
xD = Dδ1,2. Here momentum offset δ1,2 of each α-bucket is a root,
equation (51), of the second order equation (50). Similar measurements were performed at MLS by varying the first α1 and third α3
terms of momentum compaction factor, while reducing the second
term to α2 ≈ 0.
For simulation we reproduced the working points used for the
MLS experiments and estimate the energy offset of α-buckets at
negative low-α optics, with first term of momentum compaction
factor α1 = −5 × 10−4 and third term α3 = +4, see (Figure13). The
RF buckets are shown as a green line. The momentum deviation of
α-buckets was calculated by a variation of the second term of compaction factor from a positive value α2 = +4.4 × 10−2 to a negative
value α2 = -4.4 × 10−2.
Table 4: Parameters to benchmark the nominal, positive low-α
and negative low-α optics of the MLS ring, including momentum independent coherent orbit distortion term χ
According to the dispersion function in ‘user operational’ mode
of the MLS ring varies from Dmin=-0.2 m to Dmax=+1.5 m [8].
During operation at both low positive, as well as at negative compaction factors at MLS, the dispersion is stretched from Dmin=-1
m to Dmax =+1.9m.
Physical openings of the MLS vacuum chamber are less than the
dynamic aperture of ring lattice, leading to a momentum acceptance of ±2.5% for ‘user operation’, and it is reduced to ±2% for
low/negative -α operation. In theory, one can build up α-buckets
at the MLS ring, even for user optics, because of the first (α1) and
third (α3) terms of momentum compaction factor are of different
signs and giving possible α-buckets being located at stable fixed
points, see Table 4. Nevertheless, the absolute value of the third order term of alpha should be larger than ‖ α3 ‖>90 in order to reduce
energy gap between RF and α-buckets to < ±1.5%, and fit both
beams into the MLS acceptance (Table 4). At present MLS octupoles, with maximum excitation, can provide a third term of compaction factor of no more than ‖ α3 ‖<16. Moreover, phase space
distortions due to octupole fields of high strength could destroy the
dynamic aperture of a ring.
Adv Theo Comp Phy, 2021
Volume 4 | Issue 2 | 162
Figure 12: MLS measurements of simultaneously populated synchrotron radiation source position associated with one RF (in the
middle) and two α-buckets (left and right). MLS quads have been
tuned for negative low-α optics with the first term of momentum compaction factor α1 = −5 × 10−4. Longitudinal chromaticity
was changed from +0.2 to -0.2 by variation of all three sextupole
families in order to keep horizontal and vertical chromaticity unchanged. The third term of compaction factor was fixed by octupoles to a positive value α3 = +4. Dispersion was D=0.3 m. Figure
was obtained from [6,8].
Results calculated using the quadratic equation (50) (shown as red
curves with dots) are compared to the roots of cubic equation (49)
(black curves with triangles). The momentum offsets of α-buckets
for the MLS experiments were estimated by taking the difference
the position of α-bucket and that of the RF bucket (reference orbit)
and then converting it to an energy deviation
Results of MLS measurements are presented in Figure 13 by blue
curves with squares [6]. Reduction of the momentum offsets of
α-buckets from 1.8% down to 0.7% in Figure13 corresponds to a
decrease of distance between RF and α-buckets from 7 to 3 mm
in Figure 12. Momentum acceptance of the MLS lattice is limited
at low -α optics to ±2% and three beams with energy offset up
to ±2% can therefore be stored simultaneously. Results of benchmark simulations with an energy offset of α-buckets as a function
of a high order terms of the momentum compaction factor, are in
good agreement with experimental data and are within uncertainties of experimental conditions. Roots of the third order equation
(49) should always be checked for consistency with roots of the
simplified second order equation (51). Both equations are complementary to each other.]
Adv Theo Comp Phy, 2021
Figure 13: Simulations of energy deviation of α-buckets with respect to a RF bucket (green line). The momentum offset of α-buckets was changed by variation of the second term of the compaction
factor from α2 = +4.4 × 10−2 to α2 = -4.4 × 10−2 corresponding to a
change of longitudinal chromaticity from -0.2 to +0.2. Dispersion
was D=0.3 m at the observation point. Calculations using the quadratic equation (50) are shown by the red curve, calculations using
the cubic equation (49) are given in black, and measured data in
blue [6].
Simulations of Synchrotron Tune Variation Based On MLS
Synchrotron frequency of an electron beam as a function of RF
frequency variation has been measured at the MLS ring; the results
are shown in Figure 14 (obtained from [5]). All three families of
the MLS sextuples have been tuned to minimize longitudinal chromaticity to ξs ≈ while horizontal and vertical chromaticity’s were
fixed at slightly positive values ξx, y ≤ 0.2. The value of synchrotron
frequency, Fr = 9.5 kHz, for on-momentum particles (∆Frf =0), was
measured and corresponds to a compaction factor α1=+4.6×10-4.
Octupoles control the curvature of synchrotron tune, Fs, with respect to the variation of RF frequency, ∆Frf. Referring to Figure 14,
the almost flat curve marked “B” represents the case when octuplets are “off”. The curve marked “C” shows the synchrotron tune
when octuplets were switched “on”. The value of third term of
compaction factor α3=+3 was estimated by a fit [5].
We reproduced measurements of synchrotron tune made at MLS,
and then calculated the synchrotron tune as a function of energy
deviation, while applying equation (43) with a momentum offset
up to second order (δ2). Results of our simulations are shown in
Figure 15. According to, the beam energy is 630 MeV, RF voltage
- 250 kV, RF frequency - 500 MHz and RF harmonic number is 80
[5]. Values of the first and third compaction factor terms were chosen the same as used in the MLS experiments, namely α1=4.6×10-4
Volume 4 | Issue 2 | 163
and α3=+3. The value of the second term, α2=+10-3, is a result of
our fit which produces a slight tilt of the measured curve shown
in Figure 14. Positive values of the first and third term products,
(α1. α3>0), used in the experiments prevent the formation of stable α-buckets, similar to SOLEIL measurements of synchrotron
tune (Figure 9). We benchmarked our simulations (Figure 16) with
MLS results and converted the momentum deviation to the change
of RF frequency using the relationship between the relative deviation of orbit length and the RF frequency variation (84); where
orbit length is expanded to the third order in energy offset. Results
of MLS measurements are marked by blue squares in Figure.16
while results of simulations based on equations (43) and (77) are
shown by black curve. The green dashed curve represents here the
expected synchrotron tune in assumption that Fs would be dependent on α as expressed by formula (22) opposed to definition of Fs
given in formula (43). It visibly deviates from experimental data.
Results of simulations based on equations (43) and (84) precisely
fit to that of MLS experimental data (Figure.14).
Figure 14: Synchrotron tune as a function of RF frequency variation, measured at MLS: case “B”- strength of all sextupole families were adjusted to minimize longitudinal chromaticity while
octupoles were “off”; case “C”- octupoles were excited in addition
to sextupoles in order to create a positive curvature of synchrotron
tune. Figure obtained from [5].
Figure 15: Synchrotron tune (Fs ) as a function of momentum
Simulation of MLS low-α optics with α1=+4.6×10-4,
α2=+10-3 and α3=+3. Calculations have been done using equation
Adv Theo Comp Phy, 2021
Figure 16: Simulations of synchrotron tune as a function of RF
frequency variation for MLS low-α optics with α1=+4.6×10-4,
α2=+10-3 and α3=+3. Momentum offset was converted into a variation of RF frequency using equation (84), with high order terms of
momentum compaction factor. Experimental data are marked by
blue squares while results of simulations based on equations (43)
and (84) are shown by black curve [5]. The green dashed curve
represents here the expected synchrotron tune in assumption that
Fs would be dependent on α as expressed by formula (22) opposed
to definition of Fs given in formula (43). It visibly deviates from
experimental data.
Estimation of Beam Life-tTime During low-α experiments at
MLS ring
We came to the conclusion that benchmark simulations, using the
equation for synchrotron tune with high order terms of momentum
offset (43), and converting the momentum offset to a variation of
RF frequency (84), are well fitted to experimental data from independent experiments at both MLS and SOLEIL, and can be used to
describe details of longitudinal beam dynamics [3,5,8].
In the following, we propose a consistent explanation of lifetime
effects based on the results of MLS experiments at different low-α
settings and octuplets current, see Figure 17 (obtained from [5,8].
“For a multi-bunch beam of approximately 15 mA at 630 MeV
energy and 250 kV RF voltage, the life-time was measured for
different excitation currents of the octupoles from -6 A to +6A”
[5]. According to MLS experiments, without octuplets powered
with negative current, then values of synchrotron tune less than
Fs< 7 kHz cannot be reached. For evaluation, the second term of
momentum compaction factor was reduced to approximately zero
by sextupoles. Then the scan of the octupole current over its full
range was performed and life-time was measured [8]. Measurements have been repeated for different values of positive momentum compaction factors ranging from 1.15.10-3 down to 4.5.10-5.
For a positive value of the third term of momentum compaction
factor α3>0 (corresponds to negative current of octupoles in Figure
17) life time is stable. For every α1 there is a certain octupole current, where the lifetime starts to decrease drastically” [8].
Beam losses of high energy electrons in storage rings depend on
Volume 4 | Issue 2 | 164
different factors, for example: multiple elastic scattering of electrons, but on small angles is suppressed by synchrotron damping;
multiple small energy losses due to inelastic scattering, but can be
compensated for by RF; single large amplitude elastic (vacuum
losses) and inelastic (Bremstrahlung effect) scattering of electrons
on atoms and molecules of residual gas and finally, large angle
scattering of electrons on each other inside the bunch (Touschek
effect) [40-48]. The intra-beam scattering contributes to emittance
growth at low beam energies and high beam current [34]. Large
angle scattering effects limit the beam life-time in light sources.
In general, the loss rate due to Touschek effect is dominant at low
beam energies as well as at high beam densities.
of an RF bucket, is limited by the square root of the RF voltage
amplitude [12,13], and can be found from
For ‘user operational’ mode, with a beam energy of 630 MeV and
RF voltage at 250 kV, the bucket height of the RF system limits the
maximum momentum offset of particles captured by the RF bucket
to MARF = ±1%, this is due to the high value of momentum compaction factor α1 = 0.03. But at low values of compaction factor,
MARF is increased to ±5% at α1 = 10−3 and to ±17% at α1 = 10−4.
From this one must conclude that other physical effects are responsible for the reduction of life-time in MLS experiments.
In the presence of α- buckets, one could assume that the energy gap
(δ) between RF and α- buckets limits the momentum acceptance
of a ring. Indeed, in equations (51, 63, 64 and 65) α- bucket layers are shifted in energy with respect to reference orbit. Unstable
fixed points of on-momentum RF bucket (separatrix “saddle”) are
located at the same phase (π − φs) as where the stable fixed points
(“focus”) of α- buckets are located. Thus, bucket height cannot be
larger than the energy gap between RF and α- bucket. Nevertheless, one may propose an even stronger limit based on non-linear
behavior of synchrotron tune.
Figure 17: Life-time of 630 MeV beam as a function of octupole
current and different low-α values measured at MLS experiments.
RF voltage is 250 kV. Without octupoles powered with negative
current, values of synchrotron tune Fs < 7 kHz cannot be reached.
Figure is taken from [5,8].
The rate of beam losses due to elastic scattering is inversely proportional to the physical aperture of the vacuum chamber, or dynamic aperture, whichever is less [49,50]. The rate of beam losses
caused by single inelastic scattering is inversely proportional to
the momentum acceptance of a ring [51,52]. Beam losses are reduced and life-time is improved when the momentum acceptance
is large [53].
In order to describe results of life-time measurements at MLS we
estimated the momentum acceptance of the MLS ring for different
operational conditions (Fig. 17, numeration of curves is given in
the first row of Table 5.). The ring lattice limits momentum acceptance to 2.5% in ‘user operation’ mode and to ~2% at low -α
conditions [8]. RF momentum acceptance, defined as the height
We’ve calculated synchrotron tune as a function of the momentum
offset at different settings of low -α optics of the MLS ring using
equation (43) with high order terms of momentum compaction
factor. Parameters of low -α optics and synchrotron tune are summarized in Table 5. According to, during experiments all three sextupole families have been adjusted to minimize the second term of
momentum compaction factor (α2), and fix transverse chromaticity
[8]. We’ve checked different values of (α2) and found no significant
difference in the final results for any small value less than (α2<103
). Thus, the value of the second term (α2=10-4) was chosen for our
benchmarking estimations. The semi-empirical equation derived
by M. Ries from direct Compton backscattering measurements of
low -α compaction factor was used to convert octupole current into
the expected value of the third term of compaction factor (α3) [8].
“Natural” curvature of MLS low -α optics without octupoles, α3(Ioct
= 0) ≈ −3, was predicted by MAD-X simulations and confirmed by
measurements [8]. For each value found for the first term of compaction factor (α1), presented in Table 5, we applied equation (43)
and estimated synchrotron tune (FS) as a function of the third term
(α3). Fig. 18 shows the Synchrotron tune (Fs) as a function of the
momentum offset of particles in a beam; a low-α
Table 5. Parameters of low -α optics to reproduce MLS life-time experiments [5,8].
FS, kHz
Ioct, A
Adv Theo Comp Phy, 2021
Volume 4 | Issue 2 | 165
operation mode with (α1=+1.3·10-4) was chosen as an example.
As the third term of momentum compaction factor (α3) was varied
from -3 to +4, the curvature of function FS (δ) changes from a
“natural” negative value to a positive value. At (α3≈0), the non-linear dependence of synchrotron tune on the momentum offset has
almost vanished, see “brown” curve in Fig. 18. Without octupoles
(“red” curve with (α3=-3), the synchrotron tune sharply drops to
zero at a value of momentum offset of only (δ(FS =0) = ±0.38%).
This value is a few times less than the MLS acceptance defined by
the ring lattice (MALAT ≈ ±2%), and it is essentially less than the
expected energy gap between RF and α- buckets (δα = ±0.66%)
estimated by the equation (51).
We assume that the reduction of synchrotron tune to almost zero
has led to longitudinal instability and loss of a beam as described
in experiments earlier. In the 630 MeV energy range, the equilibrium energy spread of the MLS beam is δp = 4.4 ∙ 10−4 (rms),
and particles on the periphery of the Gaussian distribution (beam
“halo”), hit a stability limit (Fs ≈ 0) and will be lost. In our chosen
example, with octupoles powered by small negative current (Ioct=1 A), the third term of the compaction factor is reduced to (α3=-1).
Consequently, the synchrotron tune (blue curve in Fig. 18) still
drops to zero, but at a higher value of momentum offset, namely
at (δ(Fs=0) = ±0.64%) and the life-time is improved. When powering
the octupoles with a high negative current, the curvature of the
synchrotron tune function is positive, and the life-time
Figure 18: Synchrotron tune (Fs) as a function of the momentum deviaton of particles in a beam from a reference orbit energy.
Low -α operation mode with (α1=+1.3·10-4) at the MLS ring was
chosen as an example. The third term of momentum compaction
factor (α3) was varied from -3 to +4 depends on other factors. Our
simulations precisely correlate with the MLS experiments where a
synchrotron tune less than Fs ≤ 5 kHz cannot be reached without
octupoles powered with negative current.
For each curve plotted in Fig. 17, we estimated experimental values of octupoles current for when the life-time starts to drop, and
then converted the octupole current to values of the third order term
(α3); parameters can be found in Table 5. These converted values
of (α3) are used to calculate the synchrotron tune as a function of
the momentum offset for each curve of Fig. 17. Results are shown
in Fig. 19. At higher values of the first term (α1), the curvature (α3),
of the compaction factor function α(δ), should be increased in order to fit approximately to the same limit of the momentum offset
where life-time starts to decrease. During MLS experiments the
Adv Theo Comp Phy, 2021
octupole current has been gradually increased for higher values of
compaction factor (α1) and the curvature of the compaction factor
was increasing. The transition point corresponds to δ(Fs=0) ≈ 0.5%,
as can be seen in the example above, see Fig.19.
For a particular case of low -α optics when the first and third terms
of the compaction factor are of different signs, and its product is
always negative (α1·α3<0), one could estimate a momentum acceptance applying the condition of zero synchrotron tune (Fs = 0).
The following equation is based on equation (43) for a synchrotron
tune as a function of high order terms of momentum offset
Roots of equation (88) define the condition of zero synchrotron
tune and maximum acceptable
energy offset of particles in a beam. Limits on momentum deviation, imposed by the synchrotron tune, can be a few times less than
the momentum acceptance defined by the energy gap between RF
and α- buckets, or by the ring lattice and RF bucket height. For a
case of minimized second term (α2=0), as well as first and third
order α- terms of different signs (α1· α3<0), the momentum acceptance limited by synchrotron tune
times less than limits imposed by the energy gap between RF and
Figure 19: Synchrotron tune (Fs) as a function of momentum
offset for low -α operation modes ranging from (α1=+4.5·10-5) to
(α1=+1.15·10-3). Values of the third term of momentum compaction factor (α3) were adjusted for each curve individually, see text.
Part 3. Studies of α- buckets at the KARA storage ring
The KARA electron storage ring (former ANKA ring) operates in
the energy range from 0.5 to 2.5 GeV. In order to improve machine performance, the comprehensive studies and precise modelling of linear and nonlinear optics have been performed [55].
In this framework, the higher order momentum compaction factor
has been determined exploiting the extraordinary precision of the
resonant spin depolarization method [56].
Benchmarking of KARA Experiments
Detailed studies have been carried out for the former ANKA ring
optics version with moderately reduced momentum compaction
factor, not far away from the threshold of observation of coher-
Volume 4 | Issue 2 | 166
ent synchrotron radiation [54]. In order to estimate the high order
terms of momentum compaction factor, the frequency of synchrotron oscillations was measured with a strip-line as a function of
the RF frequency [55]. Measured values for the synchrotron frequency Fs at different RF frequencies are plotted in Fig.20 taken
from [56]. Variation of RF frequency ΔFrf/Frf is shown relative to
the central RF frequency F0. The deviation from a linear behavior is found to be highly significant. The value of synchrotron
frequency, Fs = 8.7 kHz, for on-momentum particles (∆Frf = 0),
was measured and corresponds to a momentum compaction factor
α1=+4.84x10-4. We’ve reproduced values of the measured synchrotron tune at KARA, and then calculated the synchrotron frequency
as a function of energy deviation, while applying equation (43)
with a momentum offset up to second order (δ2), see Fig.21.
set Equation. Equation (43) with first term of momentum compaction factor α1=+4.84x10-4 has been applied for simulations (blue
curve). Values of second α2=+5.5x10-2 and third α3=-70 terms is
a result of fit to experimental data (marked by black circles). The
red dashed curve represents here the expected synchrotron tune
in assumption that Fs would be dependent on α as expressed by
formula (22) opposed to definition of Fs given in formula (43). It
visibly deviates from experimental data.
Such a high value of third term of momentum compaction factor.
Same is valid for other rings, for example MLS ring, in case if
dedicated octupole lenses are not applied, see Tables 4 and 5. Similar fit of KARA experimental data but only for one branch of the
synchrotron tune curve was performed for same first term of momentum compaction factor α1=+4.84x10-4 but slightly modified
second order term α2=+1.2x10-1 and natural value of third term α3
= -0.55. Estimated value of the second term is close to fit of α2=
(9.81±0.25)·10-2 of curve at Fig.20 [56].
Figure 20: Measured values for the synchrotron tune Fs at KARA
at different RF frequencies ΔFrf/Frf (shown relative to the central
frequency F0). Figure is taken from [56].
The blue curve in Fig.21 represents results of our simulations.
According to [56], RF frequency is 500 MHz and RF harmonic
number is 184. Value of the first term of low compaction factor
term was chosen the same as was measured in the KARA experiments, namely α1 =4.84x10-4. Values of second term α2=+5.5x10-2
and third term α3= -70 terms is a result of fit to experimental data
marked by black circles in Fig.21. The red dashed curve represents
here the expected synchrotron tune in assumption that Fs would be
dependent on α as expressed by formula (22) opposed to definition
of Fs given in formula (43). It visibly deviates from experimental
One should mention here that estimated value of the third term
is excessive in comparison with “natural” value of α3~-0.6 from
computer simulations of non-linear low -α KARA optics. Octupoles components of magnetic elements of KARA ring are small
and can’t contribute to
Figure 21: Synchrotron tune ( Fs ) as a function of momentum offAdv Theo Comp Phy, 2021
Figure 22: Synchrotron frequency of KARA as a function of
variation of RF frequency: (a) (Fs) versus relative change of
RF frequency (dFrf/Frf); (b) (Fs) as a function of RF frequency
(Frf) variation. Simulations of low -α optics where α1=4.84x10-4,
α2=+5.5x10-2 and α3= -70 are presented by blue curve. Experimental data are marked by black circles. Momentum deviation was
converted into a variation of RF frequency using equation (84).
The red dashed curve represents here the expected synchrotron
tune in assumption that Fs would be dependent on α as expressed
by formula (22) opposed to definition of Fs given in formula (43).
It visibly deviates from experimental data.
Also our estimations of all three terms of momentum compaction
factor are similar to main and high order coefficients of alpha,
namely, α1= (4.7±0.2)x10-4, α2= (1.6±0.4)x10-1 and α3= -(2±1.6)
derived from precise determination of the electron beam energy
with Compton backscattered laser photons at ANKA, see Fig. 6.18
of [57].
Volume 4 | Issue 2 | 167
We’ve performed reversed transformation of Cardano equations
(63), (64), (65) with same momentum compaction factor terms in
order to derive expected values of momentum offset (δp/p0) and
corresponding values of synchrotron tune (Fs). For that the free
momentum independent term (χ) was substituted by relative variation of RF frequency (dFrf/Frf).
study the longitudinal phase space, namely, the orbit lengthening,
linear and high order terms of momentum compaction factor etc.
For a realistic estimation of beam dynamic effects, the parameters
of the ring model were chosen close to the measured one (Table 6).
Results are well fit to blue curve shown in Fig. 21. Positive value
of the first term (α1>0) and negative value of the third term (α3<0)
would allow the formation of stable α-buckets (α1·α3>0) at these
specific settings of momentum compaction factor. By substituting
high order terms of momentum compaction factor to equations
(51) as well as (63), (64), (65), we’ve estimated energy offset of
expected α- buckets at KARA tests as δ2=+0.396% and δ3= -22%
(out of ring momentum acceptance).
We’ve benchmarked our simulations with KARA results and converted the momentum deviation to the change of RF frequency using the relationship between the relative deviation of orbit length
and the RF frequency variation (84); where orbit length is expanded to the third order in energy offset. Synchrotron frequency of
KARA vs RF frequency is shown in Fig.22. The synchrotron tune
(Fs) as function of relative change of RF frequency (dFrf/Frf) is
presented at Fig.22a. The synchrotron tune (Fs) as a function of RF
frequency (Frf) variation is shown in Fig. 22b. Results of low -α
optics tracking where α1=4.84x10-4, α2=+5.5x10-2 and α3= -70 are
presented by blue curve. Experimental data are marked by black
circles. Momentum deviation was converted into a variation of RF
frequency using equation (84). The red dashed curve represents
here the expected synchrotron tune in assumption that Fs would be
dependent on α as expressed by formula (22) opposed to definition
of Fs given in formula (43). It visibly deviates from experimental
KARA Model and Beam Parameters
In order to fill and store beam in α- buckets one should precisely
define parameters of ring elements, influencing position and energy shift between RF and α- buckets. In case of KARA light source,
we determined parameters of α- buckets based on known dispersion, strength of quadrupoles and sextupoles and derived expected
momentum offset, energy acceptance and life time of α- buckets.
Parameters of α- buckets at the KARA storage ring have been estimated based on second order equation (50) and third order equation with a free term (49), and compared with results of computer
simulations. A computer model of the storage ring, booster ring,
and injection line is shown in Fig.23. The model includes all elements with real apertures, namely: vacuum chamber, bending
magnets, quadrupoles, sextupoles, correctors, kickers, septum,
insertion devices, scrapers etc. [29,30]. High field superconducting wigglers CATACT and CLIC, as well as the superconducting
undulator SCU20, are approximated by linear models and shown
by long green strips in Fig.23. High order components of magnetic
field perturbations, in particular, the residual octupole components
of the high field superconducting wigglers, are treated as thin multipole lenses [31].
The computer code OPA was used to simulate the storage ring lattice, dynamic aperture, momentum acceptance and other non-linear features of a beam in transverse planes [58]. Furthermore, to
Adv Theo Comp Phy, 2021
Figure 23: Model of the KARA storage ring, booster ring and injection line [30,31]. Bending magnets are depicted in blue, quadrupoles in red and sextupoles are marked in green. Wigglers are
shown by long green strips.
Table 6. Model parameters of KARA storage ring and beam
Circumference, m
Chromaticity ξX,Y
Hor/vertical tunes QX / QY
RF frequency / harmonic
Vacuum and gas compositionas
RF voltage, MV
Lattice momentum acceptance
Current per bunch
Damping time (hor/vert/long)
Energy loss due to synchrotron
Natural energy spread
0.5÷2.5 GeV
+1 (α>0) / -1 (α<0)
6.761 / 2.802
500 MHz / 184
10-9 tor, Z=7, A=2,
2% (user)
1% (low-α)
0.1÷1 mA
0.5 GeV
1 keV/turn
0.5 GeV
622 keV/turn
0.5 GeV
According to theory, as well as to MLS [8] and SOLEIL [4]studies, α-buckets are shifted in energy causing them to be off from
the reference orbit. Sufficient momentum acceptance is required
to accommodate both RF and α- buckets in a storage ring. Many
light sources, like: DIAMOND [7], SOLEIL [59], MAX–IV 3
GeV ring [60], NSLS-II [61], SLS-2 [62], BESSY- II [63], ESRF
[64] etc. have incorporated low dispersive lattices with the purpose
to realize low emittance beams, large momentum acceptance and
improved beam life-time. In the ideal case, the dynamic aperture
should be larger than the geometric acceptance defined by dimensions of vacuum chamber, insertion devices, collimators, scrapers
etc. Nevertheless, at certain conditions the momentum acceptance
of the KARA storage ring is limited by non-linear features of ring
Volume 4 | Issue 2 | 168
optics (Fig.24). For a ‘user operational’ mode of KARA (Fig.1),
and 2.5 GeV energy range, the momentum acceptance of ring lattice is further reduced by the small size of RF buckets (±1%). At
present, the maximum available amplitude of RF voltage is limited
at KARA to 1.6 MV [65].
computer code OPA [58]. Scrapers at KARA reduce, for safety
reason, the aperture of vacuum chamber to Ax=±13 mm in horizontal plane and Ay=±7 mm in vertical plane. In the ‘user operation’
regime with high momentum compaction factor α1=+9·10-3, the
dispersion function is always positive and it is limited to 0.6 m
(Fig.1). The dynamic aperture is opened and betatron oscillations
are stable for particles with large momentum offset up to ±1.3%
(Fig.24a). For lower positive compaction factors (α1=+1·10-4) the
dispersion function is stretched from +1.44 m to -1.03 m (Fig.2),
and the momentum acceptance is reduced to ±0.7% (Fig24b). At
negative -α (α1= -2·10-3) the momentum acceptance is even less
(±0.5%), see Fig24c. At high value of negative momentum compaction factor (α1= -7·10-3) the beam motion is stable only for particles with small momentum deviations less than ±0.35% (Fig24d).
Possible conditions for α- buckets at KARA storage ring
We’ve estimated possible conditions to fill and store α- buckets at
KARA taking into account limits imposed by the small momentum
acceptance of a ring at lowα- operation. Variation of the main term
of the compaction factor, α1, was accomplished by tuning of the
Q3 quadrupole family, see Fig.2. The rest of quadrupole families
were adjusted to minimize deviation of betatron tunes during the
squeezing procedure. At present, the KARA storage ring has only
two sextupole families for chromaticity corrections, namely, horizontal (SH) and vertical (SV). In simulations we either reduce or
increase the energy gap between RF and α- buckets by varying the
strength of horizontal (SH) and vertical (SV) sextupole families.
Some results are shown in Table 7.
Figure 24: Momentum acceptance of the KARA lattice at different
operation regimes. Scrapers reduce aperture of vacuum chamber to
Ax=±13 mm in horizontal plane and Ay=±7 mm in vertical plane:
(a) user mode with momentum compaction factor α1=+9·10-3 and
chromaticity ξ,x,y= +1/+1, (b) low-α mode with positive value of
compaction factor α1=+1.2·10-4 and chromaticity ξx,y= +1/+1; (c)
negative compaction factor operation with α1= -2·10-3 and negative chromaticity ξx,y= -0.5/-6; d) negative compaction factor regime with α1= -7·10-3 and negative chromaticity ξx,y= -1/-6.
We simulated the dynamic aperture for off-momentum particles
of the KARA storage ring at different operation regimes using the
The energy deviations of stable fixed points (α-buckets) were estimated in three different ways: the first by calculating the roots,
(51), of the second order equation, (50), the second by calculating
the roots, (63,64,65), of the third order equation, (49), and the third
by tracking the orbit length for off-momentum particles (results
of OPA tracking are shown in Table 7 in brackets). For estimation
purposes, the free momentum independent term was zeroed (χ =0).
Thus, the focus point of RF buckets corresponds here to the reference energy with zero momentum offset (δ=0).
Table 7: Parameters of α- buckets at KARA ring
Adv Theo Comp Phy, 2021
(OPA-5th order)
-1.04 (-1.0)
+9.6 (+7.5)
+3.6 (3.6)
-0.68 (-0.67)
-0.31 (-0.312)
-1.01 (-1.02)
-0.83 (-0.85)
-0.72 (-0.73)
-0.49 (-0.49)
+0.99 (+1)
+0.73 (+0.73)
+0.48 (+0.48)
+5.9 (--)
+12 (--)
-5.3 (-2.7)
-6.7 (-3.3)
-8.3 (-3.8)
-17 (-5.8)
Volume 4 | Issue 2 | 169
Images of RF and α-buckets in longitudinal phase space (ϕ, δ) are
shown in Fig.25 for chosen values of low compaction factor terms
α1=1.0·10-4, α2= 7·10-3 and α3= -0.278. RF bucket corresponds to
reference energy (δ1=0) while α-buckets are shifted in energy at
(δ2= +3.6%) and (δ3=-1.0%). α-buckets are displaced in RF phase
with respect to RF bucket at π.
of computer tracking, are very close to each other. One should emphasize that for any specified conditions presented in Table 7 only
one stable α-bucket might be stored at KARA in addition to the
standard RF bucket.
Figure 25: Images of RF and α-buckets in longitudinal phase space
(ϕ, δ) for chosen values of low compaction factor terms α1=1.0·10-4,
α2= 7·10-3 and α3= -0.278. RF bucket corresponds to reference energy (δ1=0) while α-buckets are shifted in energy at (δ2=+3.6%) and
(δ3=+1.0%). α-buckets are displaced in RF phase with respect to RF
bucket at π. (Courtesy of A.-S. Müller).
Simulations of beam orbit lengthening by computer tracking reveals the fact that at large momentum deviations one should use
a Polynomial of higher than three orders so as to fit a tracking
curve. In Figure 26a the orbit length deviation is shown for the
low negative-α mode. At small momentum offsets the “cubic parabola”, described by third order equations (21) and (22), fits well
to the orbit lengthening as a function of energy deviation. Three
leading terms of momentum compaction factor α1= -1.4•10-4, α2=
-1.88•10-2 and α3= -0.25 were used. At a large momentum offset,
the 5th order Polynomial should be applied to fit the pattern of the
orbit length deviation
ΔL = L0 (α5δ4+α4δ3+α3δ2+α2δ+α1) δ
The momentum compaction function described by the expression
inside the brackets of equation (90) is shown in Figure 26b. The
RF buckets with a first term α = -1.4•10-4, are centered around
a reference orbit with δ3=0. Two nodes, where ΔL(δ) and α(δ)
curves cross zero, define the position of stable fixed points with
momentum offsets δ2 = -0.85% and δ1= -3.3%. The Energy gap
between RF and α-buckets was estimated for the same conditions
with the second and third order equations as δ2 = -0.83% and δ1=
-6.7%. One can explain this discrepancy between the roots of the
analytical expressions and that of those from the beam tracking
by a contribution of higher order Polynomial terms at large momentum offsets (δ>2%). For practical use for storage rings with
limited momentum acceptance, one should consider only small energy deviations; particularly we are restricted at KARA to δ≤1%.
With these conditions the Polynomial of the third order fits the
tracking curves with good accuracy. Expected “candidates” to fill
and store α-buckets at the KARA storage ring are highlighted in
bold in Table 7. For small momentum offsets, roots of analytical
equations based on third order Polynomials (20), (21), and results
Adv Theo Comp Phy, 2021
Figure 26: Beam orbit lengthening as a function of energy deviation: (a) off-momentum orbit length deviation from the reference
orbit is described by the Polynomial of 5th order; (b) momentum
compaction factor as function of momentum offset. While a stable fixed point with α1= -1.4•10-4 corresponds to a RF bucket at
δ=0, two other points, where α crosses zero, define the position of
α-buckets with momentum offset δ2 = -0.85 % and δ1= -3.3 %
Energy offset of α-buckets at low positive compaction factor of
the KARA storage ring
For positive values of the momentum compaction factor (α1>0),
the signs of the third and first terms are different, the curvature of
momentum compaction function is negative and three real roots
exist (63, 64, 65). As was expected, at high values of momentum
compaction factor α1=+9•10-3, the energy offsets of the stable fixed
points, (±10%), well exceeds the momentum acceptance of the
ring (±1%). Therefore, only RF buckets can be stored while in the
‘user operation’ regime of KARA.
Short bunch operation at 1.3 GeV and low positive compaction
factor α1=+1•10-4, is another routine regime of the KARA storage
ring. This mode is used for studies of beam bursting effects caused
by coherent synchrotron radiation in the THz frequency range [66,
In this mode, one fills in and realizes simultaneous circulation of
RF and α-buckets at a positive low-α regime, by adjusting the energy gap between RF and α-buckets so as to fit both beams into
the ring momentum acceptance (Figure 27). For this, we slightly
Volume 4 | Issue 2 | 170
decrease the strengths of SF and SD sextupole families, and reduce
horizontal and vertical chromaticity from ξX,Y= +1.4/+1.5 down
to ξX,Y= 0/0, see Table 7. As a consequence, the value of the second term of compaction factor grows from α2=+7•10-3 (curve 1 in
blue) up to α2=+3.3•10-2 (curve 3 in red) and the slope of compaction factor curve α(δ) is increased. This results in the orbit lengthening curve, ∆L(δ), as well as the momentum compaction factor
curve, α(δ), crossing
increased to σx=1.2 mm (rms) at 1.3 GeV because the natural momentum spread grows almost three times from σE=+1.8•10-4 at 0.5
GeV to σE=+4.7•10-4 at 1.3 GeV. The blue contour line depicts the
projection of the vacuum chamber at the observation point. For the
dynamic aperture, shown as a red contour line, together with this
momentum acceptance, is sufficient to store both beams.
Figure 28: Expected images of RF and α-buckets to be simultaneously stored at KARA during low-α operation where the first term
of momentum compaction factor is α1=+1•10-4. Bunches at 0.5
and 1.3 GeV are split in the vertical plane for clarity. Dispersion D
= -1m at observation point. It was assumed that momentum offset
between RF and α-buckets is ~1%.
Figure 27: Reduction of the momentum offset of α-buckets with
respect to the energy of the reference orbit at low-α mode with
α1=+1•10-4 by variation of second term of momentum compaction
factor: (a) orbit lengthening as a function of momentum offset; (b)
compaction factor vs energy deviation. Curve 1 (blue) corresponds
to second term α2=+7.13•10-3, curve 2 (green) - α2=+1.37•10-2 and
curve 3 (red) - α2=+3.26•10-2.
The zero axis (∆L=0) and (α=0) at smaller values of energy offset
(δ) (Figure 27a, b). The energy gap between RF and α-buckets,
shown in Figure 27, is reduced in absolute value from 1% down
to 0.3%. One can capture both beams simultaneously providing
the momentum offset between RF and α-buckets fits to the KARA
storage ring acceptance at low-α.
In Figure 28 one can see the expected separation between two
beams (RF and α-buckets) simultaneously stored in the KARA
storage ring during low-α operation. The axis of Figure 28 is vertical (Y) and horizontal (X) beam positions. Bunches at 0.5 GeV
and 1.3 GeV are split in the vertical plane for clarity. Dispersion is
negative D= -1 m at the observation point (middle of long straight
section). The first term of the momentum compaction factor
α1=+1•10-4 was chosen from estimations. It was assumed that the
second term would reduce to α2=+7•10-3 and the momentum offset
between RF and α-buckets is 1%. In the middle of long straight
section, the horizontal size of the low current 0.5 GeV beam at
equilibrium is estimated as σx=0.7 mm (rms). The beam width is
Adv Theo Comp Phy, 2021
Positive low-α mode in presence of orbit errors
We simulated the energy offset of both RF and α-buckets at different values of orbit misalignments, associated with COD errors, by
calculating roots (63, 64, 65) of the third order equation (49) where
the free term (χ) has been varied, see Figure 29. The compaction
factor was evaluated using the first term α1=+1•10-4 and with the
same starting conditions from Table 7 and Figure 27. In Figure
29 curves (1) and (1-α), both marked in blue, represent RF and
α-buckets with the second term α2=+7.13•10-3, while curves (2)
and (2-α) both marked in green, represent RF and α-buckets with
α2=+1.37•10-2 and curves (3) and (3-α) both marked in red, represent RF and α-buckets with α2=+3.26•10-2.
Initially on-momentum RF buckets (δ1=0) are progressively
off-centered from the reference orbit because the momentum independent term of relative orbit lengthening, (χ), grows from a low
level of orbit errors (χ<10-9) to large errors of (χ>1•10-7); negative
energy offset of α-buckets is reduced in absolute value at high levels of orbit errors.
For an initially small energy gap between RF and α-buckets (δ =
0.3%) it seems not to be possible to capture both beams simultaneously if the relative momentum independent term would exceed
(χ>5•10-8). According to estimations, see Figure 3, one should
carefully center the beam and reduce orbit oscillations to less than
1 mm in order to limit relative free term to an acceptable level of
(χ<5•10-8). Precise adjustment of sextupole strength to limit the
second term of momentum compaction factor within a small range
Volume 4 | Issue 2 | 171
between 7•10-3< α2<1•10-2 should allow to capture both beams
simultaneously when the energy gap between RF and α-buckets
is large enough to split both beams in space but still fit to a ring
acceptance (0.6%<δ<1%).
Figure 29: Energy offsets of α-buckets in the presence of momentum independent coherent orbit errors (χ). Positive low- α optics
of the KARA storage ring with first term α1=+1•10-4 was chosen as
an example. Curves marked in blue represent RF (1) and α-buckets
(1-α) with second term α2=+7.13•10-3, curves marked in green - RF
(2) and α-buckets (2- α) with α2=+1.37•10-2 and curves marked in
red - RF (3) and α-buckets (3- α) with α2=+3.26•10-2. The on-momentum RF buckets are progressively off-centered from reference
orbit (δ1=0) at low level of COD errors to different energy offsets while momentum independent term of relative orbit lengthening (χ) grows from low to high values. Negative energy offsets
of α-buckets are reduced in absolute value at high level of COD
Momentum acceptance at positive low-α operation mode of the
KARA storage ring
The synchrotron frequency, (FS), as a function of momentum offset, was estimated for positive low-α optics of the KARA storage ring. Equation (43) was applied to define dependence of (FS)
up to the second order in momentum deviation (δ2), see Figure
30. The following parameters have been chosen: beam energy is
1.3 GeV, RF voltage - 700 kV, RF frequency-500 MHz, RF harmonic number - 184 and the first term of momentum compaction
factor is α1=+1•10-4. Figure 30 plots the following: Blue (1) and
dashed blue (2) curves represent RF and α-buckets with the second term α2=7.1•10-3, curve (3) in green represents RF buckets
with α2=+1.4•10-2 and curve (4) in red represents RF buckets with
α2=+3.26•10-2. Furthermore, the black dashed curve (5) corresponds to low-α optics with a reduced second order term α2=+7•104
. As was discussed in previous sections, at certain conditions the
criterion for zero synchrotron tune (FS=0) might be considered as
the lowest limit imposed on the momentum acceptance of a ring.
For all cases described in Figure 30 the maximum momentum offset, defined by condition of (FS=0), is approximately 2 times less
than the limits imposed by the energy gap between RF and α-buckets. This Ratio is slightly higher than theoretical prediction of √3,
because the second term, α2, is not negligible and the synchrotron
tune drops to zero even faster.
For example, with a second term at α2=7.13•10-3, the momentum
acceptance is limited by synchrotron tune to ≈0.55% (curve 1 in
Adv Theo Comp Phy, 2021
Figure 30) while the energy gap between RF and α-buckets is
δ2=1% (curve 1 in Figure 27). With the second term at α2=1.37•102
, the maximum beam energy deviation is limited by synchrotron
tune to ≈0.35% (curve 3 in Figure 30), while the energy gap between RF and α-buckets is δ2=0.67% (curve 2 in Figure 27). For a
high value of the second term α2=+3.26•10-2, the synchrotron tune
acceptance is reduced to 0.16%, even though the gap is δ2=0.31%.
The energy spread of the KARA beam at an injection energy of
500 MeV is σE=1.8•10-4 (Table 6). It is still possible to store the
beam with this reduced momentum acceptance of a ring, but the
life-time might be unacceptably small.
It is obvious that minimization of the second term of the momentum compaction factor to the level of α2<10-3 would allow to increase the momentum acceptance and improve life-time during
low-α experiments, see curve (5) in Figure 30. Unfortunately, the
energy gap between RF and α-buckets for a very small second
term α2=+7•10-4 is equal to δ1= -1.8% and δ2=+2.1% i.e. well beyond the KARA lattice limits ±0.7% (Figure 24b). Therefore, only
α-buckets can be stored with low positive compaction factors with
a first term α1=+1•10-4 and positive second term ranging between
α2≥+5•10-3 and α2≤+3•10-2.
Figure 30: Synchrotron frequency (FS) as function of momentum
offset at low-α optics of the KARA storage ring. The first term of
the momentum compaction factor is α1=1×10-4. Blue (1) and blue
dashed (2) curves represent RF and α-buckets with second term
α2=+7.13•10-3, green (3) curve - RF bucket with α2=+1.37•10-2 and
red (4) curve - RF bucket with α2=+3.26•10-2. Black dashed curve
(5) illustrates dependence of synchrotron tune on energy deviation
for a beam with third term α3= -0.278and reduced second term
Estimation of life-time at low-α operation
When in a KARA low-α operation mode, the RF bucket height,
see equation (86), exceeds ±13% and cannot limit the life-time of
a beam. At certain conditions, namely, at low-α operation with first
term α1=+1•10-4, the momentum acceptance of KARA is limited
by the ring lattice to ±0.7% because of the high span of the dispersion function (Figure 24b). Moreover, the momentum acceptance
is further reduced by high order terms of momentum compaction
factor because of the drop of synchrotron tune to FS=0, see equation (89) and Figure 30. Condition FS=0 might be applied as a
figure of merit in order to estimate the life-time of a beam.
Momentum acceptance as function of second term α2 is shown
in Figure 31a. Increasing of the second term allows to reduce the
energy gap between RF and α-buckets and capture both beams
Volume 4 | Issue 2 | 172
(Figure 27), but at the expense of a sharp drop of acceptable energy spread, especially at large values of the second term α2≥10-2
(Figure 31a). While momentum acceptance is reduced the lifetime drops.
The amplitude of the RF voltage in our simulations was significantly reduced to ~50 kV in order to fit small values of momentum
acceptance between 0.2% and 1%. As a consequence, zero current
bunch length σl defined by expression [12, 13].
The life-time of electrons in storage rings at moderate beam energies, (E~1 GeV) and high beam current per bunch (~1mA/bunch),
strongly depends on loss rate due to the Touschek effect [46]. The
Touschek life-time [47] might be estimated by the following equation
where σ’s are transverse and longitudinal beam sizes are rms values, re is the classical electron radius, ne the total number of particles in the bunch, c the velocity of light and γ the relativistic factor. The parameter, Momentum Acceptance (MA)min, is a minimum
of physical, dynamical, RF or synchrotron tune acceptances. The
variable ζ depends on the square of momentum acceptance
and term D(ζ) is approximated by expression
D(ζ) ~ √ζ (-ln (1.78ζ – 1.5))
The Touschek life-time is inversely proportional to the bunch current, ττ~ne−1, and it is improved when the momentum acceptance
is increased ττ~(MAmin).
We’ve estimated the life-time for a 1.3 GeV electron beam as function of the second term of the momentum compaction factor (α2),
see Figure 31b. The low-α operation regime, with the first term
α1=+1•10-4, was chosen for our simulations. For each value of (α2)
we’ve estimated a corresponding limit on momentum deviation
implied by the synchrotron tune, see Figure 31a, and calculated a
life-time by the OPA tracking code. The code does not include an
option to vary the momentum acceptance of a ring by changing
the high order terms of the compaction factor, but does include
the dependence of the momentum acceptance on amplitude of RF
voltage, see equation (86). Thus, we’ve precisely adjusted the RF
voltage in the OPA tracking subroutine “Touschek Lifetime” in
order to fit to the desired value of momentum acceptance and estimated life-time.
Curve 1 (blue) and curve 2 (red) in Figure 31b correspond to expected life-time at low (0.1 mA/b) and high (1 mA/b) bunch currents. As predicted, the life-time drops significantly with an increase in the second term of the compaction factor. At high values
of α2>0.015, the momentum acceptance is reduced to <0.3% and
the beam might be lost, which is in good agreement with MLS experimental evaluations of life-time (Figure 17) and its theoretical
interpretation (Figure 18, 19). Momentum acceptance of α-buckets
defined by the synchrotron tune, FS, was estimated from curve (2)
in Figure 30 and it is marked by a black square in Figure 31a. In
Figure 31b the life-time of α-buckets is marked by a blue square
for low bunch current and by a red square for high bunch current.
Adv Theo Comp Phy, 2021
Figure 31: The momentum acceptance (a) and life-time (b) of
KARA beam as a function of the second order term of the momentum compaction factor (α2). Low-α operation mode with the first
term α1=10-4, the beam energy 1.3 GeV, average pressure 10-9 tor
and RF frequency 500 MHz were chosen for estimations purposes. Curve 1 (blue) and curve 2 (red) correspond to expected lifetime at low (0.1 mA/bunch) and high (1 mA/bunch) bunch current.
Momentum acceptance of α-buckets was taken from curve (2) in
Figure 26 and it is marked by a black square in (a). Life-time of
α-buckets is marked by a blue and a red square in (b).
was artificially increased in our simulations, and additional growth
of Touschek loss rate due to bunch shortening was neglected. At
high bunch current and low-α optics, when bunches are squeezed,
one could expect greater beam losses and shorter life-time than the
one shown in Figure 31b. In practice, during low/negative-α injection at 0.5 GeV, the RF voltage amplitude was decreased from 300
kV to 50 kV in order to increase bunch length, reduce Touschek
loss rate and improve life-time to an acceptable level of 1.5 to 2
hours [16].
When the amplitude of the RF voltage is sufficiently high (~700
kV at 1.3 GeV), the total momentum acceptance is fixed by the
ring lattice, and limited by a high span of the dispersion function
to ±1%. The life-time of a beam with dominant Touschek effect
depends on the density of particles in the bunch. Bunch length is
decreased for a low momentum compaction factor α1, see equation (94). In addition, by increasing the RF voltage, one squeezes bunches further down and reduces the bunch length σl. When
Volume 4 | Issue 2 | 173
bunch density is increased, the Touschek loss rate grows and lifetime is reduced – in contrary to the situation when life-time is improved with increasing of RF voltage.
α-buckets at negative momentum compaction factor of KARA
storage ring
Few operation modes with negative momentum compaction factors were realized recently at KARA [16]. To build up the negative-α optics one should strongly stretch the dispersion function,
see Figure 2, where the ring lattice with a negative compaction
factor α1= -2•10-3 is shown. With this operation regime of KARA,
the span of the dispersion function grows from Dmin= -1.1 m to
Dnax= -1.6 m in order for the negative contribution to exceed the
positive one inside bending magnets.
exceeds the physical dimensions of the KARA chamber (3%) and
the beam cannot be stored in α-buckets, see Table 7. The difference
between 3rd order Polynomial and the 5th order orbit tracking is
essential, but roots with large momentum offset are excluded from
further consideration. Meanwhile, the energy gap between two
other stable fixed points is fitted to the ring acceptance (±0.5%
and ±0.7%) i.e. RF and α-buckets can be stored simultaneously. At
small momentum offsets (δ˂1%), difference between roots of 3rd
order Polynomial and 5th order orbit tracking is negligible.
Possible options to fill in α-buckets at negative compaction factor
We’ve considered and analyzed a few possible options to generate
α-buckets with a negative compaction factor. Namely,
• α-buckets at negative low-α mode with first term α1= -1.4•10-4
and negative second terms α2<0
• α-buckets at negative low-α mode with first term α1= -1.4•10-4
and positive second terms α2>0
• α-buckets at negative -α mode with first terms ranging from
α1= -1•10-3 to α1= -2•10-3 and positive second terms α2>0
The third term of the momentum compaction factor of the KARA
lattice is less than zero (α3<0), see Table 7. Thus, for a positive
values α1>0, as well as for negative values, α1<0, the curvature of
compaction factor as a function of momentum offset α(δ) is negative. By adjusting SH and SV sextupole families for zero longitudinal chromaticity ξl~0, one can explore an opportunity to reduce
the absolute value of the negative compaction factor down to the
level of 10-5. This procedure involves the minimization of the second order term α2. As a consequence, the α-buckets cannot be built
at very low negative compaction factors unless dedicated octupole
lenses are installed at KARA in order to reverse the curvature of
the momentum compaction factor.
Strong limitations exist when reducing a positive value of momentum compaction factor to a low level of <10-4 because of the
natural curvature of the momentum compaction factor is still negative, see Table 7. At very low values of the first term α1≈10-5, the
momentum acceptance is so small that particles on the periphery
of the momentum distribution of a beam will be outside of the area
of stable motion, and the beam will be lost.
The same is true for low negative compaction factors (α1= -10-4),
one can find a proper combination of the second -α2 and third -α3
order terms, and build up the ring optics with simultaneous RF and
α-buckets, see Figure 32. Adjustment of α2 could be realized by
a variation of strengths of the existing sextupole families SH and
SV, see Table 7.
At KARA, the signs of the first (α1<0) and the third (α3<0) terms
are the same at a negative compaction factor; the curvature of the
momentum compaction function, α(δ), is negative, and three real
roots, (63, 64, 65), might exist only when the absolute value of the
second term (α2) is sufficiently large, and condition (52) is satisfied. For all described cases the energy offset of one real root well
Adv Theo Comp Phy, 2021
Figure 32: Energy gap between RF and α-buckets at negative
low-α mode with first term α1= -1.4•10-4 as a function of the second term of momentum compaction factor: (a) Variation of orbit lengthening with momentum offset; (b) compaction factor as
function of energy gap. Curves 1 (green) and 2 (blue) correspond
to positive slope with second terms α2=+3•10-2 and α2=+1.5•10-2,
curves 3 (black) and 4 (red) - negative slope with second terms
α2= -1.6•10-2 and α2= -2.9•10-2.
Stable fixed points are fitted to the KARA storage ring acceptance
and equations (63, 64, 65) can be applied for our studies.
Variation of energy gaps between RF and α-buckets with negative
low-α optics, and the first term α1= -1.4•10-4 was simulated by
changing the second term of the momentum compaction factor,
see Figure 32. The orbit lengthening and momentum compaction
factor, as a function of energy deviation, are presented in Figure 32a and Figure 32b correspondingly. Curves 1 (green) and 2
(blue) represent a positive slope with second terms α2=+3•10-2 and
α2=+1.5•10-2, while curves 3 (black) and 4 (red) represent a negative slope with second terms α2= -1.6•10-2 and α2= -2.9•10-2. For
Volume 4 | Issue 2 | 174
both, positive and negative slopes, the momentum offset between
RF and α-buckets is reduced, while the absolute value of the second term, α2, is increased.
At a positive slope (α2>0), one can increase the energy gap between RF and α-buckets from +0.3% to +0.7% by reduction of the
strength of vertical sextupoles SD.
KARA experiments indicate strong instabilities during beam injection into negative-α optics with positive chromaticity ξX,Y>0.
However, the beam was stabilized when the strength of sextupoles
has been reduced for negative chromaticity.
During the adjustment procedure at negative-α optics with positive
second term α2>0, both horizontal ξX, and vertical ξY chromaticities are negative (ξX,Y<0), and the beam should be stable.
At low negative-α optics, and with a negative slope of the second term (α2<0), one can broaden the energy gap between RF and
α-buckets from -0.3% to -0.7% by increasing the strength of vertical sextupoles SD (Table 7). Unfortunately, during the adjustment
procedure of the negative second term, α2<0, the horizontal ξX and
vertical ξY chromaticity are positive ξX,Y>0 and beam accumulation might be harmed by instabilities.
Negative α-buckets with non-negligible momentum independent free term (χ≠-0)
Energy deviation of RF and α-buckets in the presence of momentum independent coherent orbit errors (χ) was estimated for negative values of momentum compaction factor. In particular, we
considered the case of a low first term α1= -1.4•10-4; the energy
gap between RF and α-buckets is shown in Figure 33 as a function
of the relative term (χ). Curves 1 and 1-α (blue) represent RF and
α-buckets with the second terms α2= -1.6•10-2, curves 2 and 2-α
(green) represent RF and α-buckets with α2= -2.1•10-2 and curves
3 and 3-α (red) represent RF and α-buckets with α2= -2.9•10-2. Initially, on-momentum RF buckets are progressively off-centered
from the reference orbit (δ1=0) at low level of COD errors (χ≤108) with respect to energy offsets, while relative orbit lengthening
grows to a high error level of (χ≥3•10-7).
mentum compaction factor α1= -1.4•10-4 and negative second term
in the presence of the momentum independent term (χ) associated with COD errors. Curves 1 and 1-α (blue) represent RF and
α-buckets with second term α2= -1.6•10-2, curves 2 and 2-α (green)
- RF and α-buckets with α2= -2.1•10-2 and curves 3 and 3-α (red)
- RF and α-buckets with α2= -2.9•10-2. Initially on-momentum RF
buckets are progressively off-centered from reference orbit (δ1=0)
at low level of COD errors (χ≤10-8) with respect to positive energy
offsets while momentum independent term of relative orbit lengthening grows to high level (χ≥5•10-7). Energy offset of α-buckets
grows in absolute value at high error level.
In contrary to positive low-α optics (Figure 29), RF and α-buckets
at negative compaction factor and negative second term (α2<0) are
diverged, while COD errors grow. Energy offsets of RF, as well as
α-buckets, are increased in absolute value at high levels of COD
errors, see curves 1, 2, 3 for RF buckets and curves 1-α, 2-α and
3-α for α-buckets in Figure 33.
There is no limit on the maximum allowable level of parameter
(χ), and expression (72) is always satisfied. In this case RF and
α-buckets still exist and are always separated at large (χ), but the
energy gap between RF and α-buckets is increased and will exceed
the momentum acceptance of the storage ring at a high level of
COD errors. Orbit distortions at a level of (χ≤3•10-7) might be
considered as a practical limit on ‘beam off-centering’ for a case of
negative first and second terms.
In contrary to negative low-α optics (where (α1<0) and a negative
slope (α2<0)), RF and α-buckets at a negative compaction factor
(with (α1<0) and a positive second term (α2>0)) are converged
while COD errors grow, see Figure 34.
Curves 1 and 1-α (blue) represent RF and α-buckets with the second terms α2=+1.5•10-2, curves 2 and 2-α (green) represent RF and
α-buckets with α2=+2.03•10-2 and curves 3 and 3-α (red) represent RF and α-buckets with α2=+3•10-2. Initial energy offsets of
α-buckets are +1% (curve 1-α), +0.73% (curve 2-α) and +0.48%
(curve 3-α). Similar to positive low-α optics (Figure 29), initially
on-momentum RF buckets increase the momentum offset from a
nominal energy, while COD errors grow to high level of (χ≥1•107
). Concurrently, for high level of COD errors, α-buckets reduce its
positive energy gap with respect to the reference orbit, see curves
1-α, 2-α and 3-α at Figure 34. RF and α-buckets are converged and
stability should be lost when both buckets will merge in energy.
One should consider that the operation of α-buckets with a negative second term should be more stable against orbit lengthening caused by beam trajectory misalignments. The limit imposed
on relative COD errors at negative value of second term α2˂0 is
(χ≤5•10-7), see Figure 33 and it is reduced to (χ≤1•10-7) for a positive slope of compaction factor, regardless of the sign of the first
term α1, see Figure 33 and Figure 34.
Figure 33: Energy offset of RF and α-buckets at low negative mo-
Adv Theo Comp Phy, 2021
Volume 4 | Issue 2 | 175
31a and Figure 35. We believe our estimations of life-time for RF
and α-buckets at positive low-α optics (Figure 31b) might be applied as well for negative low-α optics.
Figure 34: Energy offset of RF and α-buckets at low negative momentum compaction factor α1= -1.4•10-4 and positive second term
in presence of momentum independent COD errors (χ). Curves
1 and 1-α (blue) represent RF and α-buckets with second terms
α2=+1.5•10-2, curves 2 and 2-α (green) - RF and α-buckets with
α2=+2.03•10-2 and curves 3 and 3-α (red) - RF and α-buckets with
α2=+3•10-2. Initially on-momentum RF buckets are progressively
off-centered from reference orbit towards positive energy offsets
while momentum independent term of relative orbit lengthening
grows to high level at (χ≥1•10-7). Energy offset of α-buckets is
decreased at high level of COD errors. RF and α-buckets are converged.
Synchrotron tune at negative compaction factor
We computed the dependence of synchrotron tune on the beam
energy deviation with an objective to estimate the momentum acceptance of a ring with negative low-α optics. The synchrotron
frequency as function of momentum offset, FS(δ), in a negative
low-α regime of the KARA storage ring is shown in Figure 35.
The first term of the compaction factor was fixed to α1= -1.4•10-4
for all curves presented. Curve (1), marked in green, represents the
synchrotron tune for optics with a positive second term α2=+3•10-2,
negative third term α3= -0.316 and an energy gap between RF and
α-buckets δ1=0.48%. Curve (2), marked in blue, refers to the beam
with α2=+1.5•10-2, α3= -0.102 and δ2=0.99%. Curve (3), marked in
black, corresponds to the beam with a negative second term α2=
-1.6•10-2, α3= -0.258 and δ3= -1.01% and curve (4), marked in red,
represents a beam with a negative second term α2= -2.9•10-2, α3=
-0.16 and δ3= -0.49%.
One can see that for any value of the second term of the momentum offset, where the synchrotron tune is approaching zero i.e.
δFs=0=±0.48%, as is for curves 2 and 3, as well as δFs=0=±0.24%
for curves 1 and 4, it is almost two times less than the energy offset
of corresponding α-buckets i.e. δ∆L=0=±1% described by curves 2
and 3 as well as δ∆L=0=±0.48% for α-buckets described by curves
1 and 4.
By decreasing the energy gap between RF and α-buckets, for example from 0.7% down to 0.3%, one can better fit both beams
to the dynamic aperture of a ring, but at an expense of reduced
momentum acceptance and a drop of life-time. Our simulations
of synchrotron tune as a function of the momentum offset reveal
that the momentum acceptance for negative-α optics is not much
different from those for positive low-α optics, compare Figure 30,
Adv Theo Comp Phy, 2021
Figure 35: Synchrotron frequency (FS) as function of momentum
offset at negative low-α optics of the KARA storage ring with first
term α1= -1.4•10-4. Green (1) curve represents beam with positive second term α2=+3•10-2, negative third term α3= -0.316 and
energy gap between RF and α-buckets δ1=0.48%; blue (2) curve beam with α2=+1.5•10-2, α3= -0.102 and δ2=0.99%; black (3) curve
- beam with negative second term α2= -1.6-10-2, α3= -0.258 and
δ3= -1.01%; red (4) curve - beam with negative second term α2=
-2.9•10-2, α3= -0.16 and δ3= -0.49%.
In this paper, consistent analysis of different experiments with
low-α beams has been provided. High order terms of the momentum compaction factor, as well as a free momentum independent
term describing relative orbit lengthening due to CODs and betatron motion, were included into equations of longitudinal motion.
Solutions for three real roots of third order equations with a free
term have been derived in a form suitable for analytical estimations and were applied for analytical studies of RF and α-buckets. Results of analytical studies based on second and third order
equations were compared with high order computer tracking, and
benchmarked against existing experiments at KARA, SOLEIL and
MLS rings. Even though at large momentum offsets only the polynomial of fifth (and higher) order fits to the orbit lengthening and
momentum compaction factor as functions of energy deviation,
one can apply the equation of cubic parabola based on the Cardano
equation for practical purposes at small energy gaps between RF
and α-buckets in existing storage rings.
We showed that for certain conditions, strong dependence of the
synchrotron tune on the energy offset might limit the momentum
acceptance and life-time at low and negative-α operation.
The momentum independent term of orbit lengthening at the
KARA storage ring caused by particle transverse excursions was
estimated and taken into account. Based on good agreement between simulations and experimental data we expanded our studies
to other rings and have used an example of KARA electron synchrotron to estimate possible conditions and constrains for α-buckets, beam life-time etc.
The authors are grateful to the operation, diagnostics, and power
supply groups of KARA storage ring for their support during low
and negative-α experiments.
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Adv Theo Comp Phy, 2021
Volume 4 | Issue 2 | 178