International Journal of High Energy Physics
2014; 1(5): 55-63
Published online December 27, 2014 (
doi: 10.11648/j.ijhep.20140105.11
ISSN: 2376-7405 (Print); ISSN: 2376-7448 (Online)
Casimir-like energy as a double Eigenvalues of quantumly
entangled system leading to the missing dark energy
density of the cosmos
Mohamed S. El Naschie
Dept. of Physics, University of Alexandria, Alexandria, Egypt 21511
Email address:
[email protected]
To cite this article:
Mohamed S. El Naschie. Casimir-Like Energy as a Double Eigenvalues of Quantumly Entangled System Leading to the Missing Dark Energy
Density of the Cosmos. International Journal of High Energy Physics. Vol. 1, No. 5, 2014, pp. 55-63.
doi: 10.11648/j.ijhep.20140105.11
Abstract: Starting from a quantumly entangled system we derive the dark energy and ordinary energy density of the cosmos as
a double Eigenvalue problem. In addition we validate the result using two different theories. The first theory is based on Witten’s
11 dimensional spacetime and the second is based on ‘tHooft’s fractal renormalization spacetime. In all cases the robust result is
E(O) = mc2/22 for ordinary energy and E(D) = mc2(21/22) for the endophysical dark energy. Adding E(O) to E(D) we obtain
Einstein’s famous equation which confirms special relativity although it adds a quantum twist to its interpretation. This new
interpretation is vital because it brings relativity theory in line with modern cosmological measurements and observations. Wider
technological aspects of the new insights are discussed in the light of E(D) = mc2/(21/22) being related to a Casimir-like energy.
Keywords: Casimir-Like Energy, Double Eigenvalues, ‘tHooft Dimensional Regularization, E-Infinity Theory, Dark Energy,
Magueijo-Smolin Energy Formula, Einstein’s Relativity
1. Introduction
The present work looks at the major cosmological problems
associated with the energy density measurement of the entire
universe [1-11]. We tackle the problem once again from a
novel angle, namely as a Casimir-like effect of a double
Eigenvalue problem [12-19]. Subsequently we validate our
results using Witten’s M-theory [5,6] and ‘tHooft’s fractal
renormalization spacetime [3]. We made an effort to cover
the subject with an extensive list of relevant references [1-45]
in order to keep the page numbers reasonable. For a
comparison with earlier publications, we recommend Refs.
[46,47] and Ref. [48].
1.1. The SU(2) and E8 Lie Symmetry Groups Through the
Transfinite Looking Glass
In what follows and for later use, we will put SU(2) and E8
Lie symmetry groups as well as two and three Stein spaces
under a transfinite microscope to reveal their inner fine
structure as E-infinity Cantorian fractal form [20-24]. There
are 3 generators in SU(2) given by [21,24]
SU(2) = n 2 −1
= 22 − 1
= 4 −1
= 3.
For E8 on the other hand we have 248 generators which
means 496 generators for E8E8. Both groups have extremely
important applications outside of pure mathematics, in
particular SU(2) is a subgroup of the standard model of high
energy quantum particles dealing with the weak force while
E8 underpins the prominent theory of superstrings [22-24].
The point is that the fundamentals of high energy physics
requires that we must include SU(2) on the right side to
balance the E-infinity conservation of symmetries equation [5,
6, 30, 31]
E8E8 = G (4 ) + SL(2, 7) + E + SU(2)
where E is the degrees of freedom of the electromagnetic field
as represented by the integer value of the inverse fine structure
Mohamed S. El Naschie:
Casimir-Like Energy as a Double Eigenvalues of Quantumly Entangled System Leading to the
Missing Dark Energy Density of the Cosmos
constant α = 137 , G (8 ) = 20 are the degrees of freedom of
pure gravity in super space of (D=8) compatible with the rank
of E8 and is equal to R (4 ) = n 2 (n 2 − 1) /12 for n=4 of
Riemannian tensor of Einstein gravity (n=4) while SL(2,7) is
the symmetry group of Klein’s modular space for which
|SL(2,7)| = 336. Consequently we have [6]
dim(E8E8) = 20 + 336 + 137 + ( SU(2) = 3)
= 493 + ( SU(2) = 3)
= 496
exactly as should be. However we know that the different
quantities of the right hand side could not be Weyl scaled, i.e.
“differentiated” or “integrated” by being converted into each
other unless they are all the same quantities but “measured” at
different energies which means at different scales. It was the
systematic application of E-infinity theory and its golden
mean counting number system which revealed that adding or
subtracting the exact transfinite values arising from the
various quantum entanglement probabilities such as that of
and El Naschie
Hardy φ , Immirzi φ , Unruh φ
(φ )
( )
( )
( )
which ensures symplecticity and thus the applicability
of Weyl scaling calculus. In particular the ‘tHooft k [3] given
( )(1− φ ) as well as
by k = φ − φ = φ
k5 = (φ 5 ) (1− φ 5 )
form the transfinite tale of α o = 137.0820395 are
indispensible for showing that the following transfinite or
entanglement correction leads to the following E-infinity
exact expression [5,6][24-34]
E8E8 = 496 → 496 − k 2
SL(2, 7) = 336 → 336 + 16k
α o = 137 → 137 + k5
where λ = 3 + φ as is easily verified [30,32]. Another, and
maybe more fundamental interpretation, is to take the view
that k2 and ko are probably entitled to be called quasi particle
as k = φ 3 (1− φ 3 ) = 0.1803393 has been considered to be a
‘tHooft renormalon [3]. In fact counting particles reveals the
quasi-particle nature of k, k5 = ko and k2 provided we count in
the fractal-fuzzy or transfinite logical way [34]. Proceeding in
this way we realize that the 12 gauge bosons of the standard
model, namely |SU(3)| + |SU(2)| + |U(1)| = 8 + 3 + 1 = are not
12 but really 14 quasi particles with a counting fractal weight
equivalent to 12 − 2φ 4 = 11.7082033989 particle [31,32].
More explicitly these are one photon γ counting as φ , 3
electroweak photons counting as 16k and 8 gluons of the
strong force counting as 8 + (k/2) = 8 + φ 5 . To these
elementary particles we have one Higgs counting as k5 = ko =
φ 5 (1− φ 5 ) and one graviton counting as k2 [3, 32]. The
final fractal sum or total topological mass, i.e. asymptotic
length of a corresponding field generalizing the Higgs field is
neither 12 nor 14 but 12 − 2φ 4 where φ 4 is self
entanglement of a single quantum particle equivalent to
Unruh’s thermal bath or dimensionless temperature as
observed in the Rindler wedge [33]. We note that 12 − 2φ γ
is equal to α o = 11.7082039325.
Next we would like to reason why 16k could also be
interpreted as the additional fine structure of SL(2,7). This
comes from the fact that |SL(2,7)| = 336 is actually eight
copies of the Klein orbit 42 so that 336 = (8)(42). On the other
hand 42 is really the truncation of ten copies of the Hausdorff
dimension <n> = 4.23606799 so that ten copies of <n>
gives 42 [30, 31, 33]. Consequently the exact transfinite result
should be 42.3606799 times 8 which gives the transfinite
continuation of |SL(2,7)| to [31,32]
G (2 ) = 20 → 20
That way however we see that SU(2) = 3 is already
indirectly taken care of by the effects of entanglement
correction. Therefore one could take the view that SU(2) = 3
is not needed at all. Alternatively a transfinite form of SU(2)
could be seen under a transfinite microscope to be formed by
the following three components [32]
SU(2) = 16k + k 2 + (k5 = ko )
= 2.8854382 + 0.03252247583 + 0.082039325
= 2.917960716 + 0.082039325
= 3.
The first number on the right hand side is what gave
|SL(2,7)| its fine structure adjustment, the second number is
the |E8E8| transfinite correction while the third number is
what gives α o = 137 its scaling ‘non-violation’ with respect
to |E8E8|, namely [34]
( )
α o ( λ ) = E8E8 − k 2
SU(2) c = (8)(42 + 2k)
= 338.8854382
336 + 16k
exactly as anticipated. In fact we could count the 8 copies also
using the fractal fuzzy logical way as (16 + k)/2 = 8 + k/2 = 8 +
φ 5 where φ 5 is Hardy’s entanglement [5,6] and find the
dimension of an M-manifold related to the sum of all the
17-fractal two and three Stein spaces where the classical
Einstein space is a one-Stein space [33]. To show that it is
exceedingly illuminating to note that the sum of all the
dimensions 17 two and three Stein spaces is exactly 686.
When transfinitely corrected, the sum turns out to be exactly
equal (5)
(α ) where α
= 137 + ko. That means [30,33]
∑ Stein = (5)(137 + k
= 585 + (5)(ko )
= 685.4101966.
International Journal of High Energy Physics 2014; 1(5): 55-63
Now for 8 +
(1 / φ ) = (1)1 / φ + (0)(1 / φ )2
one finds on the other hand
1 / φ 2 = (0)(1 / φ ) + (1)φ 2
dim M = (8 + φ 5 )(42 + 2k)
1 / φ 3 = (1)(1 / φ ) + (1)φ 2
= 336 + 16k + (42)(φ 5 ) + 2kφ 5
= (336 + 16k) + 3.787137645 + 0.0325331174
= 342.7050983.
1 / φ 4 = (1)(1 / φ ) + (2)φ 2
1 / φ 5 = (2)1 / φ + (3)φ 2
1 / φ 6 = (3)1 / φ + (5)1 / φ 2
2 dim M = (2)(342.7050983)
= 685.4101966
1 / φ 8 = (8)1 / φ + (13)(1 / φ )2
= ∑ Stein.
in complete agreement with what we said earlier on [5,6,33].
The paper is organized as follows: In Section 1 we
introduce the main problem and the mathematics used. In
Section 2 the decomposition of Einstein’s formula is explained.
Section 3 gives the derivation of the ordinary and dark energy
density. Finally in Section 4 we connect it to the Casimir
effect as the source of dark energy and follow that with general
conclusions in Section 5.
Now is the time for us to look in some detail at the Weyl
scaling calculus form of E-infinity. It is a well known fact that
the ratio of two successive numbers of the Fibonacci growth
law converges towards the golden mean φ = 5 − 1 / 2 . From
this many other results follow and we could thereafter
formulate two well known fundamental theorems:
Theorem 1: Any positive integer can be written uniquely as
the sum of nonconservative Fibonacci numbers of the “F”
series (i.e. the Fibonacci series).
Theorem 2: Any positive real number can be represented
uniquely as a sum of nonconservative numbers from the
(1 / φ )∞ = ∞
and φ ∞ = 0 , i.e. the
Furthermore the F and
and b φ 2 where a
φ n = Fn−2 (1 / φ ) + Fn−1 (1 / φ )2 .
Therefore we can write
dc (n)
to the quantum particle, i.e. the zero set
dc (0 ) and the quantum wave cobordism,
dc(−1) one immediately finds that
i.e. the empty set
dc (0) = (1 / φ )0−1
dc (−1) = (1 / φ )−1−1
series can easily be used to show
φ n can be written as the sum of a φ
and b ∈Fn . That means
5 − 1 / 2.
dc (n) = (1 / φ ) .
From the above and particularly theorem No. 2 we see that
the φ series is like a number system to the base of 2.
The exact E-infinity formula corresponding to the above
has been used extensively because it is a more compact and
superior notation, termed the bijection formula
... φ , φ , φ , 1, 1/ φ , 1 / φ , 1 / φ ...
D = a + b φ , a,b∈Z
In fact something similar to the above recursive formula
turned out to be an excellent example of noncommutative
space dimensional function [5,6] which is nothing more or less
than Penrose compactified hyperbolic fractal tiling [5,6]. This
dimensional function we give here, not for the sake of
completeness but because it represents the dimensional
function of E-infinity theory in the K-theoretical form, namely
1.2. E-infinity arithmetic and Weyl scaling
1 / φ = (5)1 / φ + (8)(1 / φ ) = 29.0344418
Clearly two copies of dim M gives us the sum of the
dimensions of the 17 Stein spaces
infinite series between
= φ2
so that we may write
Do (quantum particle) = (DMU , DH )
= (O, φ )
D−1 (quantum wave) = (DMU , DH )
= (−1, φ 2 )
Mohamed S. El Naschie:
Casimir-Like Energy as a Double Eigenvalues of Quantumly Entangled System Leading to the
Missing Dark Energy Density of the Cosmos
where DMU is the Menger Urysohn topological dimension and
DH is the Hausdorff dimension [5,6,25].
The next most important tool in our mathematical tool kit is
Weyl scaling [35]. This is in reality a substitution for calculus
and scaling up corresponds to integration while scaling down
corresponds to differentiation. Nothing could be simpler than
our main scaling sequences as an example to explain what we
mean. This we do next.
Let us start by scaling the inverse fine structure constant
α o = 137 + ko
for a Cooper pair which means fermionic
earlier on. Consequently
N o (Transfinite)=(26+k)(336+16k)
exactly as anticipated [5,6,31,32]. Now we examine the down
scaling spectrum of No.
We will give here only the most important results, namely
for n = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 as well as the remarkable result for n
= 16. Thus we have
electron forming one boson, i.e. ( α o / 2 ) = 68.5 + ko/2 . We
will scale it first down (differentiation) and then up
(integration) using the golden mean exponents φ and 1 / φ .
That way one finds
(α / 2 ) (φ )
n = 1 42 + 2k Non-super symmetric quantum
gravity coupling
Super symmetric quantum
gravity coupling or the 26 bosonic string dimensions
The extra 16 boson dimensions of
Heterotic strings [30]
The dimensions of super
stringspacetime [21]
Compactified dimensions of super
regularization fractal spacetime [3]
Fractal string world sheet
Compliment of the string world
sheet [21]
Note that 26 + k, 16 + k, 10, 6 + k and 4 − k gives the
Heterotic superstrings hierarchy when k = 2φ 5 of ‘tHooft
fractal renormalization spacetime [3] is set equal zero. An
even more fundamental quantity is the first massless gauge
boson of Heterotic superstrings, namely the well known No =
8064 reported for instance by Green [20,21]. The
corresponding transfinite exact value is given by ten copies of
the intersection of the moduli space M(80) with the
dimensionality of the fractal M-theory 11 + φ 5 .
Consequently we have
N o (transfinite)=(11+φ 3 )(800)
To see that this is the correct value we demonstrate first that
N o = (Instanton number) ( SL(2, 7) )
= (24)(336)
= 8064.
However the exact transfinite instanton density is 26 + k
rather than 24 and the 336 is really 336 + 16k as explained
(i.e. R. Loll et al spectral dimension). Now the first five results
when divided by superstrings dimensionality D = 10 give us
the sum of all the E-line 8 exceptional groups, namely (4) ( α o )
= 548.328. The second gives us the compactified Klein
modular space which is E-infinity holographic boundary
338.8854382. For n = 4 divided by 10 we fund the
compactified electroweak unification value of α o = 137 + ko,
namely α o (ew) = 128 + 8k = 129.4427194. For n = 6
divided by 10 we find the well known modular lattice of
Narian D = 80 [21]. Finally for 16 times Weyl differentiation
one finds the fermions spectral dimension of R. Loll et al,
namely D = 4.02 which measures the fractal spreading out of
spacetime-like cosmic growth. It is not the El Naschie
E-infinity spacetime Hausdorff dimension 4 + φ 3 nor the
‘tHooft-El Naschie 4 − k [3] but is something fundamentally
related [5, 6, 30, 33].
2. A Nonconservative Derivation of an
Extended Einstein Formula for
Ordinary Energy and Dark Energy
We start with an epistemological reappraisal of Einstein’s
formula from a Lagrangian approach viewpoint which
incidentally Einstein never attempted. This Lagrangian is
clearly dependant on a single generalized coordinate, namely
the ordinary photon γ o . Consequently the equation of
motion could in principle be generated from a corresponding
Lagrangian L( γ o ) via the calculus of variation, i.e.
δ L(γ o ) = 0
That way one finds the Eigenvalue to be the famous
International Journal of High Energy Physics 2014; 1(5): 55-63
λ (γ o ) = mc 2
= E(Einstein)
However we know in the meantime extremely well that
nature harbours far more than our classical photon and is
really functioning based on 12 rather than a single messenger
particle. In other words our submitted Einstein Lagrangian is
missing eleven more generalized coordinates
To be precise the supposed Einstein Langrangian should
have included 3 more SU(2) particles of the electroweak, i.e.
the experimentally verified W + , W and neutral current Zo as
well as the equally experimentally confirmed 8 gluons of
SU(3) which together with the U(1) conventional photon form
the basis of our current SU(3) SU(2) U(1) standard model of
high energy physics. Not only that but from the physical
theory of E-infinity which is based on the mathematical theory
of the highly structured E-infinity golden mean rings we know
that the exact fractal number weight of the 12 bosons of the
standard model is exactly
12 − 2φ 4 = 11.70820339 which is
the square root of α o = 137 + ko = 137.082039325 and more
over correspond to 14 rather than 12 particles [31,32]. From
this mathematically firm results we can relax our approach
momentarily and make an educated guess based on gauge
theory, fractal self similarity and Weyl-Nottale scaling namely
that an adequate correction of Einstein’s E = mc2 could be
obtained by scaling down the eigenvalue using the number of
the missing generalized coordinates, i.e. messenger particles
of the standard model
λ (12 −1) = 1 /11
1 1
E(O) = (m)(v → c)2 .
2 11
δ L(γ o,1 ... γ 12 ) = 0
rather than simply E = mc2 found for a single photon γ o by
Einstein. Now we ask ourselves where is the rest of the energy,
namely mc2(21/22)? We could speculate scientifically that
there is no rest of energy and that is all what we have.
However we could let ourselves be guided by cosmological
measurements and observations that the rest is the mysterious
dark energy which is suspected to be behind the accelerated
rather than decelerated expansion of the cosmos. That could
indeed be the case for two reasons. First because 21/22 mc2 is
indeed the indirectly measured missing dark energy. Second,
and that is even more general, we know that the particle-wave
duality is a fundamental real aspect of quantum physics and
that the wave, although devoid of anything we could call
ordinary matter, momentum or energy, has a real physical
possesses two Eigenvalues and not merely one Eigenvalue.
The first Eigenvalue is that found earlier on to be E(O) =
mc2/22 while the second is inferred from the
physical-mathematical scenario to be E(D) = 1 − E(O)
=mc2(21/22). The above problem could be solved easily via
comparison theorems for combined Eigenvalue problems due
to Southwell and Dunkerly [12-19]. The corresponding
formulas were widely used in the literature on vibration and
buckling Eigen frequencies and critical loads. In E-infinity of
high energy physics these comparison theorems were used as
nested oscillators by L. Marek-Crnjac [36]. Since mass in
quantum mechanics is basically frequency and consequently
by Einstein’s equivalence frequency is also energy, we can
combine the ordinary energy and the dark energy Eigenvalues
as we do for buckling loads or frequency of oscillation. In
other words we can write
E E(O) E(D)
Rearranging one finds
E = E(D) 1+ E(O)
That means
E = 1+ E(O)
That means the ordinary energy-mass relationship should
be [3-7]
E(O) = mc2/22,
effect which goes as far as telling the particle where to go.
Thus we could make a second educated guess and wonder if
we are facing what in mathematics is called a double
Eigenvalue problem rather than a single Eigenvalue problem.
That would mean that our nonconstructively found 12
equilibrium equations defined via a 12 by 12 solvability
This must be taken in conjunction with either super
symmetry or simply Newton’s kinetic energy so that we find at
the end that
Assuming that c in a fractal spacetime must be itself an
expectation fractal value of a speed that varies between zero
and infinity, we see that we can make the following
identification ‘transformation’, namely [25]
(1) E → E
(2) E(D) → mc 2 = (5)(φ )2 / 2
(3) E(O) → mc 2 = (φ 3 )(φ )2 / 2
→ 1+ 2
(4) 1+
or the dual correspondence
5φ 2
→ 1+ 5
It is an elementary task to insert these values in the double
Eigenvalue formula and find that the result agrees completely
Mohamed S. El Naschie:
Casimir-Like Energy as a Double Eigenvalues of Quantumly Entangled System Leading to the
Missing Dark Energy Density of the Cosmos
with what we obtain from the corresponding
Magueijo-Smolin famous extension of Einstein’s E = mc2 [25].
Never the less what we did needs a little more elaboration.
First in E-infinity theory the topological speed of light is given
by an expectation constant transfinite value equal to the
golden mean. Second, splitting spacetime into counter factual
parts given by the Hausdorff expectation dimension 4 + φ 3 =
4.23606799 and local part given by the pure entanglement of
two Cantorian-fractal points thought outside spacetime, i.e.
φ 2 ten we see that φ 2 corresponds to c2 and 1/(4 + φ 3 ) =
corresponds to the intrinsic probability of Cantorian
spacetime or its frequency, that is to say its intrinsic
topological mass. Seen that way mc2 of the Cantorian point in
spacetime is ( φ 3 )( φ 2 )= φ 5 which happens to be Hardy’s
probability for quantum entanglement of two quantum
particles and therefore gives per particle a dimensionless
topological energy density equal φ 5 /2. Moving now to the fat
fractal voids between the zero set particle points of space, i.e.
the empty set space we have a five dimensional Kaluza-Klein
spacetime with a Kaluza-Klein topological mass equal to 5.
That means E = mc2 becomes now E = (5)( φ )2. The average
energy is obviously the average of both energies. The first mc2
= ( φ 3 ) ( φ 2 )= φ 5 is the energy density of the quantum
particle zero set and the second mc2 = 5 φ 2 is clearly the
energy density of the quantum wave empty set. The sum is
φ 5 + 5φ 2 = 2.
Noting that Einstein’s equation lives in d = 4 and Witten’s
equation in d = 11 one finds the following ratio for the
Lorentzian factor of E = mc2, namely
γ (Lorentz) =
D(d = 4)
(4)(1) / 2
D(d = 11) 11(11 − 3) / 2
= 4 / 88
= 1 / 22
E(O) = (mc 2 )(1 / 22).
3. (Deriving the Lorentzian Factors
γ = 21 / 22 of Dark Energy
The two other equations are consequently
Let us first recall the relation between Einstein spacetime
and that of ‘tHooft fractal renormalization spacetime. The
ratio of the respective dimensionality, i.e. D(‘tHooft) to
D(Einstein) defines the dark energy coupling. Thus from [3,
D('tHooft) = D(Einstein) − k
for ordinary energy and
for dark energy. The sum of both energies gives Einstein’s
E(O) + E(D) = [(φ 5 / 2) + (5φ 2 / 2)]mc 2
= mc 2
which leads to Einstein’s original equation
E = mc2
D = d(d − 3) / 2
We may add at this point that all experimental wok to test E
= mc2 is exophysical. The only endophysical experimental test
of E = mc2 is that of WMAP and type 1 supernova leading to
our result that E = (mc2/22) + mc2(21/22) = mc2 [39-45].
Consequently the average is
1 5
φ + 5φ 2 ) = 1
experimentally confirmed with high accuracy because they
totally agree with the cosmological measurements of COBE,
WMAP and Planck as well as the supernova observations [1-3,
10]. In conclusion we may add that there is a very simple
method to confirm the result of ordinary energy, i.e. 1/22 via
the vacuum state of pure gravity applied to Einstein’s 4D
space and Witten’s 11-D space. The degree of freedom of pure
gravity is given as is well known by
= E(Einstein).
We stress again that E(O) and E(D) can be considered
where k = φ 3 (1− φ 3 ) , φ = ( 5 − 1) / 2 and D(Einstein)
which is of course equal four, one finds that
= 1− k / 4
= 1− 2φ 5 / 4
= 1− φ 5 / 2
where φ 5 is Hardy’s probability of quantum entanglement.
Regarding the nice properties of the golden mean arithmetic,
one easily finds that
1− φ 5 / 2 = 5φ 2 / 2
International Journal of High Energy Physics 2014; 1(5): 55-63
and therefore our coupling between the two spaces is given by
= 5φ 5 / 2
= (21 / 22).
exactly as before.
To show that the preceding in the meantime well known
result for the dark energy density of the cosmos is far from
being an ad hoc one, we show in what follows how it can be
logically deduced from the general framework of superstrings
and Witten’s fractal M-theory.
We recall that |E8| = Dim E8 = 248 and that the transfinitely
corrected version is given by |E8| = 248 − (k2/2) =
247.9837388. Now we have to take out of the |E8 E8| − k2
massless gauge bosons the 11 + φ 5 dimensions of the fractal
version of Witten’s D = 11 M-theory. Since we are using two
E8 exceptional Lie symmetry groups we have to then subtract
(2)(11 + φ 5 ) = 22 + k which should not be confused with
compactified bosonic dimensions even though they are
numerically equal. Second we have to subtract the ‘tHooft
coupling order parameter k. That way we have taken out all
that is responsible for producing ordinary energy density. The
ratio to the total of |E8 E8| − k2 is consequently the dark
energy density in the |E8 E8| − k2 universe. This conclusion
is easily verified by a trivial computation and one finds
γ (Dark) =
(496 − k 2 ) − (22 + k) − k
496 − k 2
= 5φ 2 / 2
= (21 + k) / (22 + k)
≅ 21 / 22
= 0.9545454...
Some readers may still feel awkward about why we had to
account for the k coupling in this way. To alleviate any doubt
let us compute γ (D) in a different way without super
symmetry. This way we have only D = 4 and we know that the
inverse non-super symmetric quantum gravity coupling is
α g = 42 + 2k . The new point of view starts again with the
following self explanatory ratio
(496 − ko ) − (D(k − k) = 5 − α g
(496 − ko ) − (D(Einstein) = 4)
Now that we did not take any super symmetric intersection,
we must take the square root because the above expression
represents γ (D) squared. That means
(γ D ) + x (γ D ) − = (γ D ) 2
γD =
(496 − k 2 ) − (47 + 2k)
(496 − k 2 ) − 4
That way ‘tHooft k is not needed and the same result is of
course found, namely that
4. Casimir-like Energy and Wider
Technological Aspects of Utilizing
Dark Energy
From the preceding discussion and the very mathematical
derivation of the dark energy density not as a missing energy
equal unity minus the ordinary energy density but as a density
directly related to the empty set Hausdorff dimension in D = 5,
i.e. 5φ 2 it follows that dark energy is the nature of the true
vacuum [3-7]. In other words dark energy is deeply related in
intricate and mostly indirect ways to the century old dreams of
people like Tesla [37] but also to real well known and
established effects such as the experimentally observed
Casimir effect [38]. In particular this effect is related to the
wave and since the wave is modelled in our theory with the
empty set, it follows that the Casimir effect is governed by
φ 2 . It is thus possible that dark energy is the K-K, i.e.
Klein-Kaluza form of the Casimir effect. In any event we have
to start by measuring dark energy in a direct way, not just as
inference from the accelerated expansion of the cosmos. To do
that we need a quantum wave non-demolition measuring
instrument which has not yet been designed, not even in the
most rudimentary form. However and with reference to
Hawking’s radiation, Casimir experiments and Unruh
temperature [25-28], it is conceivable that we will be in a
position to experiment with dark energy technologies in the
not too distant future. That would be the ultimate literally
infinite source of clean energy for the human race. This
prospect is not far fetched in view of generalizing
E = 5φ 2 / 2 mc 2 to E = nφ 2 / 2 mc 2 where n could be n =
2 or space dimension n = 3 or even spacetime n = 4. It should
not be difficult to show experimentally that these correspond
to Casimir-like energies.
5. Conclusion
Einstein’s equation E = mc2, without Einstein or in fact
anyone else realizing until recently, consists of two quantum
components. The first is the energy of the quantum particle
E(O) = mc2/22 which can be readily measured. The second is
the energy of what is actually energyless quantum waves E(D)
= mc2(21/22) and is intimately related to the Casimir effect.
Obviously we say energyless because this is not ordinary
energy and it is not a coincidence that it agrees exactly with
the energy density of the presumed dark energy of the cosmos.
Adding both energies together we are back to the classical
relativistic equation of Einstein. These fundamental results
were obtained in the last three years or so using various
Mohamed S. El Naschie:
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