Potravinarstvo Slovak Journal of Food Sciences
Potravinarstvo Slovak Journal of Food Sciences
vol. 14, 2020, no. 1, p. 178-188
Received: 4 November 2019. Accepted: 2 April 2020.
Available online: 28 April 2020 at www.potravinarstvo.com
© 2020 Potravinarstvo Slovak Journal of Food Sciences, License: CC BY 3.0
ISSN 1337-0960 (online)
Zuzana Lušňáková, Silvia Lenčéšová, Mária Šajbidorová, Veronika Hrdá, Boris Rumanko
New practices and changes are appearing in personnel management in the same way as they occur in other areas of
management. New trends, which have various ways of implementation, emerge, along with its impact on employees,
managers and businesses. Employees are an important part of each business and therefore, it is important to have right
people in right places. The objective of the paper is to find out how food businesses working in Slovakia are implementing
an innovative approach to the personnel management. The research actively included 453 food businesses from all
Slovakia. We decided to do research into these businesses because they are household names in the field of production of
domestic food products. Production of high-quality domestic food products is considered important not only for people´s
nutrition and availability of quality domestic products but also due to sustainability of the employment rate in this field,
development and recruitment of professional, qualified and engaged employees. The statistical relations and correlations
between variables were performed by Cronbach alpha, Spearman test, Kruskal-Walis test using programs EXCEL and SAS
Enterprise Guide 7.1. We found out that food businesses in Slovakia had already started to implement innovative
approaches to the personnel management, but there are still significant reserves and shortcomings. The positive aspect is
that food business managers have understood importance of personnel management innovation because nowadays, their
main task to find, recruit, select and retain a prospective employee.
Keywords: innovation; news trends; personnel management; food businesses
Current practice on human resource management refers
to what human resource managers and line managers
usually do (Juríčková, Kapsdorferová and Kadlečíková,
2018). The attention is nowadays paid to the need for
strategic and systematic human resource management
application which creates an added value within an
organisation through effective and efficient use of human
resources. In this regard, various new approaches have
emerged, for example, human capital management,
enhancing loyalty, talent management, ability oriented
management, electronic human resource management,
creating systems focused on high performance, work
remuneration. A modern approach to human resource
management relates to deployment of employees within
a company, where the primary working profile of workers,
their work orientation and preferences are of the highest
importance. The tasks to which an employee has
dispositions and duties are adapted accordingly. This
practice leads to optimum use of work ability and an
employee manages to contribute to fulfilment of company
goals while boosting work effectiveness (Měrtlová, 2015).
Personnel management focuses on all the activities
connected with a person in a working process. The most
important functions are as follows: planning of human
resources, recruitment and selection of employees, hiring
and adaptation, development and education, evaluation and
remuneration, communication and motivation of
employees. The main goal of the human resource
management is to procure employees that are necessary for
occupying job vacancies within an organisation.
The global aim of the management of human resources is
to achieve a competitive advantage through strategic
distribution of capable and dedicated to the organization
employees by using an integrated system of cultural
personnel procedures (Šajbidorová, Lušňáková and
Dobišová, 2016). The first key to organisation´s success is
„to perceive the value and significance of employees and
human resources and to understand that people represent
the greatest asset of an organisation and its management
decides whether an organisation will succeed or not”
(Wroblovská, 2016). Human resources have become
a core of each single business.
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Potravinarstvo Slovak Journal of Food Sciences
Employee recruitment procedures aims to collect
a sufficient number of adequate candidates for a job
vacancy from whom, by adequate selection methods, an
organisation selects the most appropriate candidate or
candidates to occupy the work position. The basic decision
is which segment of the labour market we focus on and
what means of communication we select (Frischmann
and Žufan, 2017).
Recruitment of employees is an activity which ensures
that job vacancies within a company attract a sufficient
number of adequate applicants herefor, with adequate costs
and in adequate time (on time) (Koubek, 2015). During
recruitment of employees, we might face “conflict of
interests“, of both, an employer, who needs to satisfy
certain requirements and an applicant, who seeks new
employment. On the other side, there might company
employees who want to change their current work
environment in the company. The study by Diesel and
Scheepers (2019) gives human resource management
insight into strategically directing leadership recruitment
and development towards creating an organisational
climate to enhance ambidexterity.
Present trends in employees´ recruitment developed back
in 2004, when there was a significant technological shift in
the area of the Internet communication and the era, called
web development, started while hard website content was
being replaced by shared content. Blštáková et al. (2015)
wrote some methods, which actually show the highest
usage potential, and as such has been proved to many
• job recruiting websites of a company,
• professional webs,
• social sites,
• direct and indirect addressing of candidates.
Managers and leaders are provided with an opportunity to
communicate across the market via social sites and
therefore search for new employees. The biggest
professional social site LinkedIn is mostly used by human
resource managers when searching for professionals.
Direct addressing of selected individuals is usually the last
phase from the set of other methods, such as references of
current employees, cooperation with educational
institutions, etc. (Koubek, 2015). Due to complexity of
this method, new companies dealing with headhunting are
slowly emerging and other businesses can hire such
companies for searching for their prospective employees.
The headhunting method can be demanding especially for
Employees´ selection can be placed between recruitment
and hiring of employees. The objective of employees´
selection is to make the analysis and sort out applicants for
a specific work position, compare them with requirements
and demands of an organisation, and select the best
possible applicant for a job vacancy.
The employees´ selection process is specific because
a human resource manager has to sort out the best possible
candidate from the given list of applications, the one who
would best fulfil specific working criteria. At the same
time, it entails personal as well as professional
characteristics of applicants as well as their qualification
potential and flexibility (Mužík and Krpálek, 2017). An
assessment centre belongs to the most frequently used
methods within employees´ selection – it is a systematic
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selection tool, evaluating abilities of an applicant for
a work position by comparing their knowledge, abilities,
skills with requirements for their performance regarding
a specific work position. This type of employees´ selection
is mainly performed when occupying top management
positions (Vetráková and Bočincová, 2013). Nowadays,
traditional work interviews have been moved to informal
environment, e.g. lunch and it provides a unique view of
candidate´s character. To make companies test the skills of
candidates in a standardised way, they use for example 3D
simulation of work environment in the virtual reality. New
trends in employees´ selection and technology
development has promoted creation of so-called videorecruitment.
In general, selection of employees via the Internet is seen
more effective in contrast to offline methods. Considering
the higher number of applicants, it provides the managers
with the access to various applicants. It covers a shorter
recruitment period and helps to cut overall recruitment
costs (Christiansen, et al., 2017). Talented people from
abroad are often recruited via video-interviews.
communication technologies is likely to boost
effectiveness and influence, cuts costs or increases the
capacity in the selection process of the most appropriate
candidate. In general, digital or online recruitment and the
upcoming selection can help to reach a wider potential as
well as promote the life cycle of selection (Zeuch, 2016).
Within employees´ selection one cannot omit more and
more active use of diagnostic methods, evaluating personal
characteristics of applicants for work position and having
a significant influence on performance and work
effectiveness (Evangelu, 2008).
Scientific hypothesis
In order to evaluate the level of active work in food
businesses operating in Slovakia and implementation of
new trends within personnel management, we have stated
and, based on the analysis in question, verified the
following research assumptions:
Searching and recruitment of employees:
A1: We assume, that companies deliberately pay attention
to planning process of selection and employees´
A2: We assume, that companies, which deliberately plan
the process of searching and recruiting of employees in
companies, consequently prepare and carry out selection of
Selection of employees:
A3: We assume that companies which deliberately prepare
and carry out selection of employees, consequently accept
principles of diversity of applicants within their selection.
A4: We assume, that companies, which deliberately
prepare and carry out selection of employees, apply
innovative methods of employees´ selection (assessment
centre, chat bots, video interviews, diagnostic methods).
Today´s concept of human resource management has
started to evolve in order to form the core of the whole
management. This new approach has helped to enhance
significance of a human being as a key to organisation´s
Potravinarstvo Slovak Journal of Food Sciences
success. Human resource management no longer contains
only strategic aspects but focuses on external factors of
formation and placement of people within an organisation
as well, e.g. population development, labour market, value
orientation and social conditions.
The aim of the paper is to assess implementation of these
innovative approaches within specific areas of personnel
management in food businesses across Slovakia.
Primary research was focused on activities within
personnel management in food businesses working in
Slovakia. Based on the data available on the website of the
Statistical Office of the Slovak Republic, in the first
quarter of 2019 there were 587 988 economic subjects in
Slovakia. Out of which 4434 subjects were working,
according to the statistical classification of economic
activities SK NACE, in the sector of CA „Food, beverages
and tobacco production. Even though the given number
represents only 0.75% share of all the economic subjects,
food businesses in Slovakia are an important part of
national economy and they significantly influence
production of domestic foodstuffs and beverages and at the
same time they provide work positions for population.
A questionnaire called „New trends in human resource
management in food businesses” was created based on
elaborated theoretical results. The first part consisted of
identification questions such as a company size, legal
form, capital share of the company and the region of
Slovakia in which the company operates. Each area
contained several questions and thanks to specific
statements we found out whether a specific activity within
human resources is performed by the companies. We also
searched how new trend in individual parts of business are
implemented. Positive, rather positive, neutral, rather
negative or negative attitude to question was expressed on
a five-level Likert scale.
The questionnaire was, within the pilot research in
February 2019, tested on a sample of 20 companies in the
Nitra region. After little modification, the final research
was done from March to April 2019, the questionnaire was
provided by a phone call arrangement or e-mail
arrangement to 470 food businesses operating in Slovakia.
The respondents who answered the questions were mostly
the managers from human resource departments. In case
that the organisation did not have a specific department for
human resources, the questionnaire was filled in by the
manager or the owner, responsible for this area. By the
beginning of May 2019 we received electronic or a printed
version of 453 filled questionnaires ready for use,
elaboration and evaluation.
The research included 70 big, 125 middle, 148 small and
110 micro companies. From the organisational-legal
business form point of view we focused exclusively on
companies which are incorporated (160) or limited (293)
because there are various businesses with different legal
forms in Slovakia to control assumptions we wanted to
ensure representativeness of a selection file as for the
organisational-legal business forms.The research included
379 exclusively Slovak businesses, 35 exclusively foreign
businesses and 39 businesses with a combined capital
share. As for the territorial point of view, there were food
businesses from all the eight regions of Slovakia.
The questionnaire´s answers were elaborated and
classified which enabled consequent verification of the
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given research assumptions by selected mathematicalstatistical methods and formulation of suggestions and
recommendation for the practice.
Except for the questionnaire, we carried out managed
structured interviews in selected food businesses from
February to March, providing us with entrance to the issue
of human resources and enabled us with quality analysis of
the given issue from another point of view, even though
the answers of the respondents can be considered as
partially subjective.
Nevertheless, we used the method of monitoring,
findings of which served as a contribution within
discussion, formulation of suggestions and conclusions.
Statistical analysis
Processing the data, obtained by the questionnaire, was
done through table processor MS EXCEL 2016. The data
was evaluated through statistical software SAS Enterprise
Guide 7.1.
The consistency of a selection file was found by
Cronbach alpha coefficient. Cronbach alpha coefficient
belongs to widely used methods of scale reliability
evaluation and represents level of the internal consistency.
If Cronbach alpha coefficient reaches values of 0.7 and
more, it represents sufficient internal scale consistency
(Benda-Prokeinová, 2014).
From the data obtained from the questionnaire, where
respondents had a possibility to express the level of
approval or disapproval with the statement on a five-level
Likert scale, we found the characteristics of a position.
According to Prokeinová (2010), through application of
basic descriptive characteristics we gain values of modus
and averages of individual respondents´ preferences.
In the next part of the research we applied correlation
analysis. Correlation analysis represents, according to
Benda-Prokeinová (2014), statistical approach which
describes a relationship between numeral variables. The
more the absolute value of correlation coefficient reaches
one, the stronger the dependence and vice versa, the more
it reaches zero, the weaker the dependence.
For testing statistical hypothesis resulting from research
assumptions, mathematical-statistical methods – non
parametrical test were applied: Kruskal-Wallis test and
Spearman coefficient. We searched for differences in
answers of the questionnaire based on specific
identification symbols, dependence between two variables,
as well as the power of this dependence (Markechová,
Stehlíková and Tirpáková, 2011; Rimarčík, 2007).
Except for the questionnaire, we realized managed
structured interviews in selected food businesses from
February to March, providing us with the entrance to the
issue of human resources and enabled us with quality
analysis of the given issue from a different point of view,
even though the answers of the respondents can be
considered as partially subjective. Nevertheless, we used
the method of observation, findings of which were
a contribution for a discussion, formulation of suggestions
and recommendations and making conclusions.
Employees are an important part of each company,
therefore it is important to have right people in right
Potravinarstvo Slovak Journal of Food Sciences
For more comprehensive interpretation of research results
we selected characteristics of average and modus, which
can be used within questions with the possibility of
answers on a five scale range. In the first round there were
three such questions and their average and most common
answers are showed in the Figure 1.
The bar graph represents average answers of respondents
(data is shown in the basis of the graph) and the line graph
shows the most common answers of respondents (data is
shown above the graph).
Statement „Process of searching and recruitment of
employees in a company is planned and we pay a target
attention to it“ is approved by the most of the respondents
because 67.77% respondents answered either partially or
absolutely agree with this statement. Only 4.19% of
companies expressed that they absolutely disagree with the
statement. An average answer was 3.98 regarding the
answer „I partially agree“ and the most selected value was
5, representing absolute approval.
An average answer of the representatives of food
businesses within the statement „Within searching and
recruitment of employees we use even innovative forms
and ways“ reached 2.97, representing answer I rather agree
than disagree and at the same time modus represented the
same value. From the overall number of companies only
15.23% absolutely agreed with this statement and 18.10%
absolutely disagreed with the statement.
The statement „Within searching and recruitment of
employees we apply even active searching for talents or
headhunting (hunting for managers)“ reached absolute
disapproval of 43.7% companies. Absolute approval was
expressed by 9.27% and partial approval was expressed by
8.6% companies. An average value selected was 2.2,
representing possibility „I partially disagree“ and the most
frequently selected value was „I absolutely disagree“ (1).
Except for the questions where respondents had
a possibility to express level of approval or disapproval
with the statement, there were, within the first round,
„searching and recruitment of employees“ included two
questions with more possibilities of answers, from which
the respondents could select one or more answers. As the
results of the research show, 53.8% companies within
searching and recruitment of employees by traditional
methods, they rely on recommendations of their
employees. Some more than 40% of companies use
advertising in media and portal www.profesia.sk.
Personnel agencies are used by 20.5% of companies and
using Office of Labour, Social Affairs and Family is used
by 5% of companies for searching for employees.
If companies implement even innovative ways and
possibilities of searching and recruitment of employees,
67.4% of them use social network of Facebook, 13.6%
Instagram and 9.8% LinkedIn. Almost 20% of the
representatives stated that their company does not use any
innovative forms and ways of searching and recruitment of
In the next step, using SAS Enterprise Guide 7.1, we
realized Kruskal-Wallis test, to find out whether there are
statistically significant differences among the answers of
companies according to their size, legal form of business,
capital participation of business or region, in which the
company operates.
places. To have a reliable and responsible employee is not
easy, as labour market is currently facing a lack of
qualified personnel and is also recording a limited amount
of work offers. Nowadays, companies have to attract
a potential employee, not vice versa. People have the
opportunity to select from various work offers, they are
interested in what an employer can offer them. An
organisation needs to have a good reputation, a right
strategy, organisation culture and quality system of
motivation and remuneration of employees.
Searching and recruitment of employees
To find and obtain the most appropriate candidate to
occupy work place is not an easy task. Present-day labour
market is marked with globalization, ongoing
technological progress and occupational competitiveness
results in talent fight. Potential of an employee, thus level
of their abilities and skills, becomes inevitable part of
every society´s prosperity.
Situation on the labour market is, from the employers´
point of view, demanding, as a number of free work
positions still surpasses number of unemployed. To hire
a new employee is becoming more and more difficult and
costly. Therefore, many companies start to realize, that it is
more effective to keep those working in the companies.
Searching and recruiting best candidates for a position is
an activity, which contains identification and searching
adequate work sources, informing about vacant work
positions in an organisation, providing these vacant work
positions, in negotiation with candidates, in receiving
adequate information about candidates and in organisation
and administrative arrangement of all these activities.
In the 1st round of questions of the questionnaire,
respondents expressed the level of their approval or
disapproval on a five scale range within three statements
regarding searching and recruitment of potential
-Process of searching and recruitment of employees in
company is planned and we pay target attention to it.
-Within searching and recruitment of employees we use
even innovative forms and ways.
-Within searching and recruitment of employees we apply
„headhunting“(„hunting for brains“).
In two questions, the respondents selected more
alternatives and could select one or more answers:
Searching and recruitment of employees is realized
traditionally by:
-personnel agencies,
-cooperation with educational institutions,
-recommendations of employees,
-advertisement in media,
Searching and recruitment of employees is realized by new
Volume 14
Potravinarstvo Slovak Journal of Food Sciences
Targeted and planned
searching and
recruitment of
Using innovative
forms and ways
Using active searching
for talents or
Figure 1 Characteristics of postion evaluating searching and recruitment of employees.
Acceptance of
preparation principles of
and realization applicants´
Using chat Application of
bots or video diagnostic
Figure 2 Characteristics of the position evaluating employees´ selection.
Table 1 Results of Kruskal-Wallis test – searching and recruitment of employees.
Values of Kruskal-Wallis test according to
Legal form
of Capital
participation of the
Targeted and planned searching and
recruitment of employees
Using innovative forms and ways
Using active searching talents or
Note: * statistically significant differences on the level of significance 0.05. ** highly statistically significant
differences on the level of significance 0.01.
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Potravinarstvo Slovak Journal of Food Sciences
The results of Kruskal-Wallis test are shown in the Table
1. Values marked as „*“ represent statistically significant
differences on the significance level 0.05 and values
marked as „**“ represent highly statistically significant
differences on a significance level 0.01.
In case of targeted and planned searching and recruitment
of employees, we can see that within the company size and
capital participation of the company, the value of KruskalWallis test was lower than 0.0001. Thus, there are
statistically significant differences in the answers pf
companies based on their size as well as capital
participation of companies. Legal form of business and
region, in which the company operates, does not have an
influence on targeted and planned searching and
recruitment of employees and vice versa – size of
a company and capital participation does have an influence
on it.
Based on Kruskal-Wallis test, we can state that size of
a company and its capital participation has influence on
using innovative forms and ways of searching and
recruitment of employees. We can state that legal form of
business sand region in which the company operates, do
not influence using innovative forms and ways within
searching and recruitment of employees.
Application of active searching of talents or headhunting
within searching and recruitment of employees is not
influenced only by legal form of business. Thus, there is
no difference in whether the company is incorporated or
limited, from the statistical point of view there are no
differences in answers of these companies. However, in
case of the region, in which the company operates, there
are statistically significant differences on a significance
level of 0.05. We can state, that size of company, capital
participation and the region in which the company operates
have influence on application of active searching of talents
or headhunting.
To find out the power of dependence among individual
questions from the questionnaire of the research, we used
SAS Enterprise Guide 7.1 values of Spearman correlation
coefficient for combination of questions. Values marked
with “**” mean, that they are highly statistically
significant at the level of significance 0.01.
As the first, we found out power of dependence among
the questions of the first round. The values can be seen in
Table 2. The highest correlation reaches value of
0.36598 and consequently is marked as „**“ meaning that
it is highly statistically significant. Based on the
interpretation of correlation coefficients according to De
Vaus (2002), this statistical dependence between the third
and the fifth question, is middle to significant. We can
state, that there is middle to significant positive
dependence between using innovative forms and ways of
searching and recruitment of employees and application of
active searching of talents or headhunting. The remaining
two correlations are highly statistically significant as well
but represent low or middle dependence.
Except dependences among questions of the first round
we were interested in dependences among questions of the
first and the second round. Values of Spearman correlation
coefficient are given in the Table 3. Values marked with
“**” mean, that they are highly statistically significant at
the level of significance Alpha = 0.01. Values marked with
“*” mean, that they are statistically significant at the level
Volume 14
of significance Alpha = 0.05. The highest dependence can
be seen between the questions 1 and 6, where the value
found, was 0.47605 which is highly statistically significant
and represents middle to significant dependence. We can
state, that between planned searching and recruitment of
employees and targeted preparation and detailed
realization of selection of employees, there is middle to
significant dependence.
Selection of employees
The main objective of the employees´ selection is to
perform analysis and sort out applicants for specific
position, compare them with the requirements and requests
of the organisation, and to select the applicant who would
be the best choice for the organisation.
Within the employees´ selection we can use an approach
characteristic for modern human resource management,
consisting of the fact that it pays more attention to whether
the applicants fulfil conditions of specific position as well
as requirements of organisation as a whole. These
requirements include even ability to work more effectively
as a member of a team. These characteristics are needed to
be taken into account in case that an applicant is a member
of the TOP management of the organisation, or if their
position is in production.
Within the second round of questions of the
questionnaire, regarding employees´ selection, and
application of new trends within selection, the respondents
expressed level of approval or disapproval with the
following statements:
-Employees´ selection is prepared and realized in a detail.
-Within employees´ selection we accept principles of
applicants´ diversity.
-Employees´ selection is done by assessment centre.
-Within employees´ selection we use chat bots or video
-Within employees´ selection we apply even diagnostic
methods (such as personal cards packet, table of requested
work, motivation table, creative pattern, brain teasers,
Average answers and the most common answers of
companies´ representatives are shown in the Figure 2. The
bar graph represents average answers of respondents (data
is given in the basis of the graph) and the line graph shows
the most common answers of the respondents (data is
given above the graph).
The most common value selected, expressing
respondent´s answer to the statement „Employees´
selection is prepared and realized in a detail“ was value
„5“ „I absolutely agree“. This value was selected by 37.5%
of managers. The value „4“ „I partially agree“ was
selected by 28.03% companies, representing together
65.53%. Average selected value was 3.83. It represents
answer „I partially agree“. Only 5.73% of the respondents
absolutely disapproved of this statement. Average value of
approval with the statement „Within employees´ selection
we accept principles of applicants´ diversity“ was 3.40.
This one is between the answers 3 and 4, closer to
3 expressing the answer „I rather agree than disagree“. The
most common answer reached the value of 4, so 30.63%
companies „partially agree“ with the statement. Absolute
approval was expressed by 19.20% companies. Together,
Potravinarstvo Slovak Journal of Food Sciences
the value represents 49.83% of companies, which partially
or absolutely agreed with the statement.
Statement „Employees´ selection is done by assessment
centre“ was absolutely approved by only 19.20%. Up to
58.28% of the respondents absolutely disapproved of this
statement, representing the most common answers at the
same time. Partial agreement was expressed by 20.75% of
the respondents, representing together 79.03% of the
companies, which partially or absolutely do not use
assessment centre within employees´ selection. Average
answer had a value of 1.76 – closest to the answer
„I partially disagree“.
The average value selected within statement „Within
employees selection we use chat bots or video interviews“
was value of 1.56. It ranks among the answers
„I absolutely disagree“ „I partially disagree“ (values 1 and
2). The most common answer was „I absolutely disagree“,
that was the answer of 73.51% of the respondents. 3.09%
of the respondents absolutely agreed and 5.96% agreed
partially. Together, only 6.05% agreed partially or
The most common answer to the statement „Within
employees´ selection we apply even diagnostic methods
(such as personal cards packet, table of requested work,
motivation table, creative pattern, brain teasers, etc.“ was,
same like within the previous two answers, „I absolutely
disagree“, stated by 55.85% of the representatives of
companies. Average answer was 1.88 of the value. 18.32%
of the companies expressed that the „partially disagree“.
Only 4.41% of the companies absolutely approved and
8.83% partially agreed.
With the aim to find out, whether there are statistically
significant differences between the answers of the
respondents of the companies according to the size, legal
form of business, capital participation of the company or
region, in which the company operates, we performed,
same as before, Kruskal-Wallis test. The results of the test
are shown in Table 4. The values marked as „*“ represent
statistically significant differences on the significance level
0.05 and values marked as „**“ represent highly
statistically significant differences on the significance level
of α = 0.01.
Based on the realised Kruskal-Wallis test, we can state
that size of company and capital participation have
significant influence on targeted preparation and detailed
realization of employees´ selection, as their value is lower
than 0.0001 and we can confirm highly statistically
significant differences. The region, where the company
operates has influence on targeted preparation and detailed
realization of employees´ selection. The value
0.0107 represents statistically significant differences in the
answers of respondents. Legal form of business in this case
does not have statistically significant influence.
In case of acceptance of diversity principles, from table it
is clear that within size of company, legal form of business
as well as capital participation, the value is lower than
0.0001, which proves the existence of highly statistically
significant differences. As for the region, in which the
company operates, the value is 0.0327, representing
statistically significant differences. Based on our findings
we can state that, all four factors have influence on
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acceptance of applicants´ diversity principles within
selection of employees.
Table 4 shows that using assessment centre within
employees´ selection is influenced by all the factors (size
of company, legal form of business, capital participation of
company and region in which the company operates),
because within all four the result of Kruskal-Wallis test is
smaller than 0.01. There are highly statistically significant
differences in answers of companies on significance level
In case of using chat bots or video interviews there are
highly statistically significant differences within size of
company and capital participation of company. We can
state that legal form of business and region where the
company operates, do not have influence, and on the
contrary, size of company and capital participation of
company have a significant influence on using chat bots or
video interviews within employees´ selection.
Application of diagnostic methods within employees´
selection is significantly influenced by one identification
symbol. Within all the factors there is a value lower than
0.01. Thus, in every case, there are highly statistically
significant differences in the answers of the respondents.
Within the topic of „employees´ selection“, identification
symbols of companies show significant influence on
respondents´ answers.
Another research continued by finding values of
Spearman correlation coefficient in order to find out the
power of dependence among the questions of the second
Relationship among questions of the first and the second
round was already solved and it is given above within the
issue of „Searching and recruitment of employees“.
Values, showed by relationship among questions of the
second round, are in Table 5. Values marked with “**”
mean, that they are highly statistically significant at the
level of significance 0.01. The highest value in the table
expressing dependence, has a value of 0.52563 and at the
same time it is highly statistically significant. It represents
significant to very strong dependence between using
assessment centre and at the same time using chat bots or
video interviews within selection of employees.
The second highest correlation has a value of 0.44927, it
is highly statistically significant and it ranks among
questions 9 and 10. It represents middle to significant
dependence between using chat bots or video interviews
and applying diagnostic methods within employees´
selection. In the table there are other two correlations
which are from then category of middle to significant, they
are grey colour and they both are highly statistically
significant. From the rest of the correlations there are four
highly statistically significant, they represent low to
middle dependence and two of them are not statistically
significant. All the correlations in Table 5 belong to
positive correlations.
Verification of the given research assumptions
Within the sub-chapter „Material and methods“ we
formulated research assumptions. Based on realized
analysis and mathematical – statistical methods they were
verified and the results are as follows:
Potravinarstvo Slovak Journal of Food Sciences
Table 2 Values of Spearman correlation coefficient for questions of the firs round.
Question 1
Question 3
Question 1
Question 3
Question 5
Note: ** highly statistically significant on the level of significance 0.01.
Question 5
Table 3 Values of Spearman correlation coefficient for questions from the first and the second round.
Question 6
Question 7
Question 8
Question 9
Question 10
Question 1
Question 3
Question 5
Note: * statistically significant on the level of significance 0.05. ** highly statistically significant on the level of
significance 0.01.
Table 4 Results of Kruskal-Wallis test – employees´selection.
Values of Kruskal-Wallis test according to
Size of company Legal
of Capital participation Region
of company
and detailed
Acceptance of principles of
applicants´ diversity
Using assessment centre
Using chat bots or video
Note: * statistically significant differences on the level of significance 0.05. ** highly statistically significant differences
on the level of significance 0.01.
Table 5 Values of Spearman correlation coefficient for questions of the second round.
Question 6
Question 7
Question 8
Question 9
Question 6
Question 7
Question 8
Question 9
Question 10
Question 10
Note: ** highly statistically significant at the level of significance 0.01.
The second significant assumption was accepted based
on values of Spearman correlation coefficient which
proved positive dependence between the target planned
process of searching and recruitment of employees and of
detailed preparation and realization of employees
selection, of providing possibilities of their improvement,
of providing possibilities for their development and
education and at the same time perceiving communication
as an important attribute of cooperation in the company
and outside. The strongest dependence among the three
given above was proved between planning process of
searching and recruitment of employees and detailed
preparation and realization of employees´ selection.
Searching and recruitment of employees
A1: We assume that companies deliberately pay attention
to planning process of searching and recruitment of
The first research assumption was accepted. Based on
characteristics of the position of answers we state that two
thirds of respondents partially or absolutely agreed with
the statement about planning process of searching and
recruitment of employees of company.
A2: We assume that companies which plan the process of
searching and recruitment of employees in company, plan
and realize selection of employees as well.
Volume 14
Potravinarstvo Slovak Journal of Food Sciences
bureaucracy and duties, they have no time left for
systematic work with human resources.
In spite of the fact that the analysed food businesses in
Slovakia plan the process of searching and recruitment of
employees and they pay attention to it, the representatives´
standpoint was neutral as for using innovative forms and
ways of searching and recruitment of employees. The new
ways include e-recruitment, which utilizes available
computer network services, especially web sites and e-mail
(Šikýř, 2014). The Internet offers employers additional
options for communicating with potential job seekers, such
as creating and developing social networks (Facebook,
LinkedIn, Myspace, and Google+), and virtual
communities of users with common interests. Social
networks enable job seekers to publish their professional
and personal profiles and give employers the opportunity
to reach out to suitable job candidates in their enterprise
(Vetráková et al., 2018). Companies within searching and
recruitment of employees very occasionally apply active
searching for talents or headhunting. This condition should
therefore be changed. The reason is given by Grenčíková
(2015) and she writes that quality work force is becoming
a competitive advantage. It is an advantage especially for
employers who offer interesting work conditions. The
author did not mean financial evaluation but relationship
between the employer and employees. According to
Lenčéšová et al. (2018) it is complicated for the
companies in Slovakia to find and obtain talented
employees or professionals. This issue is not only
connected with small and medium sized companies.
Social media serves as a mediator for the effect of
external knowledge flows on firm innovativeness when
firms attach high importance to modern HRM practices.
Taken together, the findings of de Zubielqui, Fryges and
Jones (2019) underscore the importance of modem HRM
practices to enable knowledge inflows via social media to
influence innovativeness.
Food businesses in Slovakia, according to our findings,
prepare and realize employees´ selection. They, anyway,
had neutral standpoint to acceptance of applicants´
diversity principles within their selection. Horváthová,
Bláha and Čopíková (2016) on the other hand, write
about necessity to manage cultural work forces and take
into account individual and group differences in needs, in
work styles and various aspirations. It is important to take
steps for everybody to be satisfied, to provide ethic
approach of all the employees, which is based on equality
principle and we all have the same rights and deal equally
with everyone regardless the sexual orientation, religion,
race, political ideals and various beliefs.
The area of employees´ selection, according Bělohlávek
(2017), includes the main methods of interview,
assessment centre and various types of tests on working
ability. The selected companies within employees´
selection only occasionally use assessment centre, chat
bots, video interviews and other innovative methods. Lisá
(2019) states, that ability to predict, is very limited, during
testing traditional curriculum vitae. Well-designed
assessment centre best predicts success of an applicant on
a work position but it can only be used within the most
complicated work positions or with university based
Employees´ selection
A3: We assume that companies, which deliberately
prepare and realize employees´ selection, at the same time
accept applicants´ diversity principles within their
The third research assumption was accepted. If
companies deliberately prepare and realize process of
employees´ selection, they try to accept and follow
applicants´ diversity principles.
A4: We assume that companies that deliberately prepare
and realize employees´ selection, apply innovative
methods of employees´ selection (assessment centre, chat
bots, video interviews, diagnostic methods).
The fourth research assumption was not accepted. We
suppose that those companies which prepare and realize
employees´ selection, will, within this kind of activity use
innovative methods. We found out only very low
dependence between preparation and realization of
employees´ selection by using assessment centre as well as
applying diagnostic methods. In case of using chat bots
and video interviews there was no statistically significant
influence found. Based on literature sources we assumed
that assessment centre is very used method within process
of employees´ selection. Based on our findings we can
therefore state that between preparation and realization of
employees´ selection and using assessment centre there is
above mentioned positive dependence.
The process of economic growth greatly depends on the
qualification and use of human resources, of the creative,
dynamic capacity of the human factor in the unfolding of
economic life (Lušňáková et al, 2018). According to
Armstrong and Taylor (2015), intention of human
resources is to ensure that organisation has employees who
are necessary to fulfil the entrepreneurial goals. Therefore,
the objective is to ensure competitive advantages of
organisation through recruitment, stabilization and
development of employees. The diversity of jobs and lack
of candidates force the employers to find creative ways to
recruit new employees (Briscariu, 2019).
Among the human resources processes, recruitment has
been considered to be one of the most important ones.
Many theories nowadays emphasize the importance of
recruitment practices in the welfare of an organisation,
stressing that its impact is crucial even in the business
financial performance (Vejsiu, 2019). Process of
employees´ recruitment should start with planning,
establishing number and time span of the necessity to
occupy vacant positions. Then it leads to time span of
addressing applicants from the external and internal labour
market. The advantage of internal searching is the
acquaintance of employees, support for flexibility and
internal mobility reflected in career development,
stabilization, and improvement of work ethics (Lawrel
and Boudreau, 2009). As for our research, food
businesses in Slovakia which were included into research
of using new trends in human resource management, they
expressed their effort to plan human resources in company,
however some of the addressed representatives of
companies did not know exactly how to define what
human resource management includes. Especially
representatives of domestic micro and small companies
(mostly owners) explained that because of exceeded
Volume 14
Potravinarstvo Slovak Journal of Food Sciences
Recruiting and selection process are the most interesting
functions for western researchers when we write about
green human resources management (Shahriari and
Hassanpoor, 2019). In commitment-based human
resource management, employees are hired based on their
knowledge, their expertise is developed, and they are
empowered to take reasonable risks in the interest of longterm outcomes. HRM policies, which mediated by
innovative work practices, enable firms to realize their
strategic intention to engage in innovation (Ko and Ma,
2019). Effective leadership of human capital is a major
managerial issue. Hiring and keeping employees is key to
sustainable competitive advantage (Smith and Rupp,
playing and with maximum usage of assessment
centre and so forth.
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The important assumption for working and prospering
organisation is to ensure the whole process, from human
resource planning through searching and recruitment of
work force, employees´ selection, their adaptation,
education and development, communication and
motivation, support of creativity and work environment
and all the other areas should be secured on the highest
level possible within active implementation of innovative
processes to all the areas of human resource management.
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companies to understand importance of implementation of
innovative processes within personnel management,
however practical application of processes in practice is
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investment into planning, recruitment, development and
sustainability of employees is the cleverest decision
Resulting from the results of the analysis of
implementation of innovative processes within personnel
management in food businesses in Slovakia, we
recommend to:
- provide professional planning of human resource
management in short time and in ling time
perspective regardless the size of company,
organisation. legal form, capital participation and
- immediately start intensive using available, effective
and especially financially less demanding innovative
ways of searching and recruitment of employees, like
for example social networks,
- think and implement strategy of obtaining the best
employees, who would be willing to work for
a company and remain there; for example by
headhunting, together with searching for talents,
necessary for the company to have,
- intensively search for information and opportunities
to discuss things with professionals, educational
institutions and other organisations, how to apply
new processes to every kind of activity within work
with human resources, as new trends are used by
food businesses in each area of human resource
management minimally or not at all,
- within employees´ selection, apply maximally
principle of diversity and get rid of any prejudices,
support employees´ selection through time less
demanding and effective video interviews, role
Volume 14
Potravinarstvo Slovak Journal of Food Sciences
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This paper was created within the KEGA project Theory
and practice of human resources management and managerial
work. Project registration number 041SPU-4/2018.
Contact address:
*Zuzana Lušňáková, Slovak University of Agriculture in
Nitra, Faculty of Economics and Management, Department
of Management, Trieda A. Hlinku 2, 949 76 Nitra,
Slovakia, Tel.: +421 37 641 4169,
[email protected]
ORCID: http://orcid.org/0000-0001-6331-9930
Silvia Lenčéšová, Slovak University of Agriculture in
Nitra, Faculty of Economics and Management, Department
of Management, Trieda A. Hlinku 2, 949 76 Nitra,
Slovakia, Tel.: +421 37 641 4133,
[email protected]
ORCID: http://orcid.org/0000-0001-5826-3813
Mária Šajbidorová, Slovak University of Agriculture in
Nitra, Faculty of Economics and Management, Department
of Management, Trieda A. Hlinku 2, 949 76 Nitra,
Slovakia, Tel.: +421 37 641 4139,
[email protected]
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7120-7653
Veronika Hrdá, Slovak University of Agriculture in
Nitra, Faculty of Economics and Management, Department
of Management, Trieda A. Hlinku 2, 949 76 Nitra,
Slovakia, Tel.: +421 37 641 4160,
[email protected]
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-9401-7257
Boris Rumanko, Slovak University of Agriculture in
Nitra, Faculty of Economics and Management, Department
of Management, Trieda A. Hlinku 2, 949 76 Nitra,
Slovakia, Tel.: +421 37 641 4133,
[email protected]
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-3320-8508
Corresponding author: *