European Review for Medical and Pharmacological Sciences
2002; 6: 67-73
Changes in monocyte phagocyting
activity after multi-agent chemotherapy in
non-small cell lung cancer
Dipartimento di Scienze Cardiovascolari e Respiratorie, Sezione Malattie Respiratorie,
Policlinico Sant’Andrea, "La Sapienza” University – Rome (Italy)
Abst ract . – Changes in monocyte functions
have been described in several human malignancies. The monocyte/macrophage system is known
to play a crucial role in the rejection of tumor cells
and phagocytosis represents an important defense mechanism used by these cells. This paper
reports the adherence power and phagocyting
ability (latex beads) of circulating monocytes in 20
patients with unresectable non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC), stage IIIB or stage IV, before and after
multiagent chemotherapy (carboplatin + etoposide
+ ifosfamide or cisplatinum + etoposide).
We demonstrated that both monocyte adherence and phagocytosis were not affected in lung
cancer patients before chemotherapy in comparison with healthy controls. After chemotherapy, a
statistically significant decrease in monocyte
count on day 4 (p < 0.05) and in their phagocyting ability on day 4 and 15 (p < 0.001 and p < 0.05
respectively) was showed. In addition, a statistically reduced monocyte adherence was found on
day 4 (p < 0.05). The described impairment was
prolonged but reversible. These changes in
monocyte functions after chemotherapy could be
due to a direct effect of the chemotherapy on
these cells or to functionally immature cells circulating after myelodepression. The in vitro assessment of monocyte functions may be useful
to better clarify mechanisms by which anti-neoplastic agents may act on immune functions and
prevent adverse side effects.
Key Words:
Lung cance r che mo the rapy, Mo no cyte s, Phag o cyto sis,
Antine o plastic ag e nts, Immuno suppre ssio n.
Treatment of lung cancer, is still carried
out in terms of surgery and/or chemothera-
py and/or radiotherapy. Multi-agent chemotherapy is currently under evaluation in several prospective, multicentre studies and it
has been found to have a small, short-term
but significant survival benefit 1. O n the other hand, chemotherapy can induce serious
haematological and non-haematological sideeffects, in particular on host immunity 2-10.
The monocyte/macrophage system, alone or
in association with other cells and secretion
substances, represents the main defense of
the immune system that is able to recognize
and kill tumor cells2,11. A ctivated monocytes
release several reactive oxidative metabolites including hydrogen peroxide and superoxide anion that have been implicated
as killing agents11-12. Some studies on monocytes/macrophages in patients with cancer
report conflicting results about their funct io n s 2,3-5,7-8,10,13-25 . So , it is d e scr ib e d t h a t
monocyte/macrophage functions can be depressed both before 14-17,25 and after chemotherapy 4,10,18. Cytotoxic agents can induce:
m ye lo su p p r e ssio n , wit h co n se q u e n t
leukopenia and anaemia 4,6,9-10, a decrease in
hydrogen peroxide release by monocytes4-5,13
and in monocyte-mediated cytotoxicity 10,18
and phagocytosis 19. In contrast, other authors have described restoration of defective baseline monocyte/macrophage cytotoxicty in cancer patients receiving cisplatinum chemotherapy19-23.
The aim of the present study was to analyze the phagocyting ability of circulating
monocytes and their adherence to plastic cover-slips in patients affected by unresectable
lung cancer before and after anti-neoplastic
multiagent chemotherapy.
S. Mariotta, M. Aquilini, A. Ricci, M. Papale, R. Pabani, B. Sposato, F. Mannino
Materials and Methods
Twenty patients (all smokers and male;
age range 44-69, mean 58), with histologically proven NSCLC, were recruited for the
study. A ccording to standard criteria 26, fourteen were classified as having the disease in
stage IIIB and six in stage IV. The histological diagnosis was made on biopsies taken
during fiberoptic bronchoscopy. E leven subjects were found to have squamous cell carcin o m a a n d n in e a d e n o ca r cin o m a . N in e
age-matched healthy male smoking subjects
( a ge r a n ge 35-60, m e a n 54) m a d e u p t h e
control group.
A fter informed consent, patients (pts) with
cancer received chemotherapy with the purpose of reducing the tumor mass and controlling tumor growth. Patients were divided into
t wo gr o u p s. T h e fir st gr o u p ( 10 p t s) wa s
treated with carboplatin (120 mg/m 2), etoposid e ( 120 m g/m 2 ) a n d ifo sfa m id e ( 1000
mg/m 2) for three consecutive days, while the
second group (10 pts) was treated with cisp la tin u m ( 60 mg/m 2) o n th e fir st d a y a n d
etoposide (120 mg/m 2) for three consecutive
days. In addition to anticancer drugs, all patients received a daily dose of anti-emetic
d r u gs ( o n d a n se t r o n 8 m g) , st e r o id s ( b e tamethasone 4 mg) and anti-H 2 receptor ant a go n ist ( r a n it id in e 100 m g) . B o t h
chemotherapy regimens used were scheduled
to be repeated every 28 days for six consecutive courses.
For the purpose of the present study only
the first course was considered. Total and differential peripheral blood cells were counted,
adherence to cover-slips and the ability of peripheral blood monocytes to phagocytose latex beads were measured in healthy controls
a n d in p a t ie n t s wit h ca n ce r b e fo r e
ch e m o t h e r a p y ( T 0) a n d t h r e e t im e s a ft e r
chemotherapy administration, on day 4 (T4),
on day 15 (T15), at the time of maximal granulocytic suppression (nadir), and on day 28
Human peripheral blood mononuclear
cell preparation and in vitro
phagocytosis assay
Thirty ml of venous blood were drawn in
plastic test tubes containing 0.2 ml of heparin.
The blood was diluted 1:1 with a phosphate
buffer solution (PBS). Five aliquots of dilute d b lo o d we r e ge n t ly la ye r e d u p o n 3 m l
Lymphoprep ®, taking care not to mix the two
liquids. The tubes were centrifuged at 800 × g
for 20 min at room temperature in a swingout rotor. The surface mononuclear cell band
t h a t fo r m e d wa s r e m o ve d wit h a P a st e u r
pipette. The harvest fraction of mononuclear
cells, separated from red cells, was washed
three times with PBS. A n aliquot of these
cells was cytocentrifuged (H ettich U niversal,
Tuttlingen, G ermany) and stained with MayG rünwald-G iemsa. A nother three aliquots
were incubated for four hours in R PMI 1640
( a d d e d with se r u m ca lf 10% a n d str e p to mycin 1% ) on plastic cover-slips at 37° C in
5% CO 2 atmosphere. E ach aliquot contained
1 × 105 cells. Supernatant and non-adherent
cells were discharged and the attached monocytes were kept in touch with 50 µl of latex
beads (Sigma Chemical Co, St Louis, MO ,
U SA ), measuring 3 microns in diameter diluted in 1 ml R PMI 1640 for two hours in the
above mentioned conditions. A t the end of
in cu b a t io n t h e co ve r-slip s we r e ge n t ly
wa sh e d , d r ie d a n d st a in e d wit h M a yG rünwald-G iemsa.
E ach slide was used for counting the cells
attached in twenty pre-arranged microscopic fields (400 × magnification) for establishing monocyte adherence, expressed as the
mean number of the adherent cells in each
The number of latex particles phagocyted
was counted with the aid of an image analyzer connected via a TV camera to a brightfie ld p h o t o m icr o sco p e ( M icr o im a ge a n d
Microphot FXA , Nikon Instruments SPA ,
Florence, Italy) in a sample of almost 400
cells for each slide. Phagocytosis ability was
expressed as the mean number of particles
phagocyted by each cell.
Statistical analysis
D ata are shown as mean and standard devia t io n ( SD ) . R e su lt s b e fo r e a n d a ft e r
chemotherapy, at the different steps of the
study as mentioned above, were analyzed by
u n p a ir e d o r p a ir e d St u d e n t ’s t -t e st .
D istribution of monocytes in controls and in
patients prior to chemotherapy, in regard to
phagocyting ability, was analyzed by the chisquare (χ2). A p value < 0.05 was considered
Monocyte and chemotherapy in lung cancer
A ll patients received and showed good tolerance to the first cycle of chemotherapy regimen assigned. Side effects were restricted and
transient; none of the patients had leukopenia
or anaemia such as to require growth factors.
Total leukocyte count in cancer patients was
not statistically different before chemotherapy in comparison with healthy controls (8.6 +
2.83*10 3 vs 8.1 + 2.3*10 3 /m m 3 ) . A ft e r
chemotherapy, there was a mild decrease in
leukocyte number on day 4 (7.1 + 1.8; p >
0.05) which became significant on day 15 (5.24
+ 1.8; p < .001); on day 28 the data returned to
baseline value (6.8 + 2.4; p > 0.05). In contrast, chemotherapy caused a statistically significant decrease, in comparison with baseline
value, in the number of monocytes/µl (Figure
1). These changes were first detected on day 4
(T4 vs baseline, p < 0.001) and were still documented on day 15 (T15 vs baseline, p < 0.05).
The number of monocytes was not statistically
different from the pre-chemotherapy values
on day 28. In all patients studied, the monocyte counts on days 4 and 15 have never fallen
under 150/microl value that was reported as
predictor for neutropenia 3.
Monocyte adherence, expressed as mean
number of adherent cells counted in each
microscopic field of plastic cover-slips where
1 × 105 cells had been incubated, did not display statistically significant difference prior to
the first course of chemotherapy in comparison with healthy controls. In contrast, a statistically significant impairment (p < 0.05)
was found on day 4 after the administration
of chemotherapy (T4) when compared to the
pre-chemotherapy data. No statistically significant differences were found on days 15
and 28 (Figure 2).
Prior to the first course of chemotherapy
t h e q u a n t it a t ive a n a lysis o f m o n o cyt e
phagocytosis, expressed as the mean number of latex particles phagocyted by each
monocyte, was not statistically different in
neoplastic patients compared with healthy
controls (Figure 3). A fter chemotherapy, a
considerable decrease in monocyte phagocyting ability was displayed. This decrease
was documented immediately after the first
course of chemotherapy (T4, p < 0.001) and
was present also on day 15 (T15, p < 0.05).
O n day 28, the monocytes recovered their
p h a go cyt in g a b ilit y a lt h o u gh it r e m a in e d
lower than baseline.
Figure 1. Circulating monocytes (mean + SD ) in healthy controls (white column) and in lung cancer patients (black
columns) before (T0) and after chemotherapy, on days 4 (T4), 15 (T15) and 28 (T28). Statistical analysis was performed by unpaired and paired Student’s t test (* and **: p < 0.05 and p < 0.001).
S. Mariotta, M. Aquilini, A. Ricci, M. Papale, R. Pabani, B. Sposato, F. Mannino
Latex beads n./ monocyte
Figure 2. Monocyte adherence in healthy controls (white column) and in lung cancer patients (black columns) before and after administration of anticancer drugs. The histogram represents the mean number of adherent monocytes
in prearranged light microscope fields before (T0) and on day 4, 15, 28 (T4, T15, T28) after chemotherapy. Statistical
analysis was performed by unpaired and paired Student’s t test (*: p < 0.05).
Figure 3. Monocyte phagocyting activity in controls (white column) and in lung cancer patients before (T0) and after
chemotherapy (black columns; T4, T15, T28). Phagocyting activity was espressed as mean number of latex beads
phagocyted by 400 cells per slide in prearranged fields. Note the decrease of phagocyted particles on days 4 (T4) and
15 (T15) and the recovery on day 28 (T28). Statistical analysis was performed by unpaired and paired Student’s t test
(* and **: p < 0.05 and p < 0.001).
Monocyte and chemotherapy in lung cancer
Likewise, when we analyzed the distribution of monocytes, in regard to the number
of latex particles phagocyted, on baseline,
we observed a similar distribution of monocyt e s in n e o p la st ic p a t ie n t s a s we ll a s in
healthy controls (Figure 4). O n day 4 after
chemotherapy, this pattern was found to be
statistically different, in regard to baseline
and controls (χ2; p < 0.05), with a high number of monocytes showing a low phagocyting
ability. O n day 15 and 28 no statistically significant difference was found.
The two different chemotherapy regimens
used affected in the same manner monocyte
number and functions (data not shown).
M onocyte %
The monocyte/macrophage system alone
and/or in association with lymphocytes and
the cytokine represent a strong cellular defense system against external and internal injuries. In neoplastic disease, the immune system is cheated and cancer cells survive and
develop to the extreme consequences for the
host. Several studies on monocyte function at
d ia gn o sis h a ve sh o wn t h a t t h e ir ch e m o taxis 14,16,22 or natural cytotoxicity 15,21 is impaired, while others reported phagocyting activity or adherence within the normal range.
Multi-agent chemotherapy is a useful strategy for the treatment of lung cancer even if
not resolutive. Side-effects are considerable
especially on a wide range of immune functions2-8,10,15,18. In vitro and in vivo studies on
monocyte functions after chemotherapy are
limited and have often shown conflicting results reporting both immunosuppression or
restoration of their activity, impaired at diagnosis4,10,18-20.
In the present study, the effects of anticancer chemotherapy on monocyte phagocytosis and adherence were evaluated at various times from the administration of drugs
emphasizing maximum depression and its recovery. A t baseline, there were no differences
in the number, adherence and phagocyting
ability of monocytes in lung cancer patients
a s co m p a r e d wit h h e a lt h y co n t r o ls.
Monocytes, in relation to phagocyted latex
b e a d s, sh o we d a go o d a ct ivit y a n d ce lls
phagocyting a low-to-high number of parti-
Latex beads phagocyted
Figure 4. Monocyte distribution, in regard to the number of latex beads phagocyted, in healthy controls (♦) and in
lung cancer patients before ( ●) and after chemotherapy administration on day 4 ( ➐), day 15 ( ■), and day 28 ( ).
Statistical analysis was performed by Chi-square [on day 4 ( ➐), p < 0.05 versus controls(♦) and baseline( ●)].
S. Mariotta, M. Aquilini, A. Ricci, M. Papale, R. Pabani, B. Sposato, F. Mannino
cles had a balanced distribution in the investigated groups. A fter chemotherapy, a significant and prolonged decrease, on days 4 and
15, in monocyte count was found. The early
monocytopenia with values less than 150/µl
on day 6 to 8 after chemotherapy was demonstrated to be a predictive factor for grade 3 or
4 n e u t r o p e n ia a t n a d ir d u r in g ca n ce r
ch e m o t h e r a p y a t 3- o r 4-we e k in t e r va ls 3 .
Powell et al10 found in mice, after chemotherapy, a reduced activity of natural cytotoxic
cells with a behavior similar in time to the
phagocyting activity found in our patients.
This reduction in natural cytotoxic activity
co in cid e d wit h a r e d u ct io n in cir cu la t in g
m o n o cyt e s. A lso L o we r a n d B a u gh m a n 4
found a significant decrease in hydrogen peroxide release from monocytes two weeks after chemotherapy.
In our study, monocyte adherence did not
show any differences between patients and
controls before chemotherapy while after
chemotherapy, on day 4, a significant impairment was found. O ther authors4 do not report the influence of chemotherapy on this
step of monocyte defense.
Some conflicting results could be explained
by different times and cycles of chemotherapy regimens when these functions were tested; furthermore, some authors showed different changes with different treatments. O n
t h e o t h e r h a n d a r e st o r a t io n o f d e fe ct ive
monocyte functions, chemotaxis or cytotoxic
activity has also been reported, after administration of chemotherapy regimens containing cisplatinum 20-23 underlining an interaction
between monocyte activity and cytostatic
The mechanisms that induce the impairment of monocyte phagocytosis or of hydrogen peroxide release after chemotherapy are
still controversial. D irect cytotoxicity of anticancer agents does not seem to be the only
cause that affects monocyte functions. It has
been documented that the half life of circulating monocytes is only three days and cytotoxic agents are quickly metabolized and excr e t e d 2 . I n o u r st u d y, t h e im p a ir m e n t o f
monocyte functions on day 4, after the end of
chemotherapy, may be related to a direct effect of chemotherapy while the decreased
phagocytosis ability detected on day 15 could
be caused by different mechanisms. R ecent
studies have revealed a reduced phagocyting
ability of immature granulocytes with decreased cell membrane Fc receptors during
the cycles of chemotherapy24. It can be assumed that as far as the granulocytes are concerned, after bone marrow suppression due
t o ch e m o t h e r a p y t o xicit y, t h e r e is a n in cr e a se d n u m b e r o f cir cu la t in g im m a t u r e
monocytes that show a reduced phagocytosing ability. H owever, impairment of monocyte functions is prolonged but reversible.
P h a go cyt in g a ct ivit y o n d a y 28 a ft e r
chemotherapy and prior to the subsequent
cycle was normal suggesting further that the
impairment in monocyte functions, following
chemotherapy, may be due to immature cells.
In this regard, Lower and Baughman 4 found
a transient decrease in hydrogen peroxide release, a mediator of the killing activity, by adh e r e n t m o n o cyt e s t wo we e k s a ft e r
chemotherapy in breast and lung cancer patients. Vukovic-D ekic et al18 compared monocyte phagocytosis three weeks after the 2nd
and 4th cycles of chemotherapy; an impairment of this function was found only after the
4th cycle. Both chemotherapy regimens, administered to our patients, seem to affect
monocyte phagocytosis with the same modality. This observation further suggests that the
impairment of monocyte functions can be related to an aspecific cytotoxic activity of the
compounds used. The in vitro assessment of
monocyte functions may help to better clarify
the mechanism of action of antineoplastic
agents on immune functions and to test drugs
capable of modulating the side effects of anticancer drugs on these cells.
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