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2011, Bibliosalud 2011 Xiv Jornadas Nacionales De Informacion Y Documentacion En Ciencias De La Salud 2011 Isbn 978 84 614 9522 1 Pag 109

A PHYLOGENETIC STUDY OF THE FERNS OF BURMA FREDERICK GARRETT DICKASON, Judson College, Rangoon, Burma, and The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio I. INTRODUCTION2 The purpose of this study is to arrange the ferns of Burma in the most natural system possible according to observed patterns of variation within the fern group.3 This goal cannot be fully achieved at present because of the very inadequate paleontological record and the very incomplete knowledge of the morphological, anatomical, physiological, and chemical characters of both sporophyte and gametophyte generations of the genera and species involved. As Carl Christensen (1938) has pointed out, many important features observed in a single or few related species are not yet known to be characteristic of all species of the same genus; as a matter of fact hardly one character ascribed to a genus is to be found in all its species! Phylogenetic systems of classification of ferns to date should be recognized as provisional attempts to fit together and integrate the growing evidence available from all sources and to record tentative conclusions as to relationship. The interpretation of data is a prime factor in the building of any phylogenetic system, for the seriation of individuals and groups depends upon the phylogenist's concept of progression. Phylogeny is in disrepute in some quarters (Bremekamp, 1942) because of the wide difference in interpretation of the same data. Since validity of the system rests upon the validity of the interpretation, it is essential that the principles of interpretation be clearly stated. It may well be that some of the elaborate taxonomic structures we have built are—like every other building— only structures. The quicker such fabrications are recognized and demolished, the quicker we will get to that final goal, a natural classification. PHYLOGENETIC CONCEPTS AND THEIR MEASUREMENT Somehow or other the present forms of life have arisen from fewer forms. Phylogenists attempt to systematize these organisms according to their true relationships. Inasmuch as some of the bases for such systems are of doubtful validity, a consideration of the concepts involved will be of value. It is often taken for granted that recent ferns are more advanced than ancient ones, but this is not necessarily so. Eames (1936) states that some of the oldest Papers from the Department of Botany, The Ohio State University, Columbus 10, Ohio, No. 2490. This paper represents part of a dissertation accepted by the Graduate School for the doctorate degree from the Ohio State University. 3 My thanks are due to Dr. R.. R. Stewart, Head of the Botany Department of Gordon College, Rawalpindi, India, for his continued encouragement, his aid in preliminary identification, and for his loan of Burma specimens after my Rangoon collection was in the hands of the Japanese; to the late Dr. Carl Christensen for his identification of my specimens of Dryopteris and Polystichum; to the late Dr. John H. Schaffner for his clearcut teaching on phylogenetic taxonomy; to the Chicago Museum of Natural History for the loan of the fern specimens collected by the Cutting Sikkim Expedition of the Field Museum; to the Rev. Harold Young for permission to study and name his fern collection made along the Stilwell Road on the Assam-Burma border; to the Arnold Arboretum for financial assistance in collecting in Burma; to Prof. C. A. Weatherby for making available the facilities of Gray Herbarium; to Dr. W. R. Maxon for his aid in identification and his kindness in making available the facilities of the U. S. National Herbarium; and to Dr. Lois Lampe and Dr. E. N. Transeau of Ohio State University for their reading of this manuscript and their helpful suggestions. 73 74 FREDERICK GARRETT DICKASON Vol. X L V I known forms of the Psilophytales are the most complex of that group suggesting that there must have been a long antecedent period of evolution. Campbell (1940) has pointed out that the Cycadofilicales may be considered as either the most advanced of the ferns or the most primitive of the gymnosperms. They are geologically ancient but definitely advanced in the possession of heterospory and seeds; they themselves were derived over a long preceding period from other and more primitive ferns. Had they survived to the present day, they would no doubt have been considered more advanced than our living ferns; the fact that very few of them survived the paleozoic period (Seward, 1931) in no way cancels out their advanced characteristics. Ancient ferns are not necessarily archetypic: the terms ancient and recent are not, therefore, to be used indiscriminately for primitive and advanced. Bateson (1915) raises the question whether we are limited to the old view that evolutionary progress is from the simple to the complex, and whether, after all, it is conceivable that the progress was the other way about. Eames (1936) takes the position that some cases of simplicity are primitive and that others, due to reduction, are advanced. But can primitive simplicity be distinguished from simplicity due to reduction? Is Monogramma dareicarpa Hk. which Benedict (1919) claimed to be the simplest fern in existence, also the most primitive? Is the simplicity of the Hymenophyllaceae due to reduction as believed by Copeland (1938), or is it hereditarily simple ? Such questions cannot be readily settled by appeal to the morphology of apparently simple organs; rather the complexity of the reaction system responsible for the organ must be studied. The complexity of the system is to be judged by the complexity of potentiality in the protoplast rather than by apparent complexity due to size or to a great multiplication or repetition of similar parts. (Schaffner, 1934.) Monogramma's one linear sorus located asymmetrically on a small leaf does not therefore indicate primitive simplicity. Bower (1923), Copeland (1907, 1929a), and others have repeatedly judged those forms to be the most advanced whose structures seemed to have developed the most "biological advantage" by natural selection. As a matter of fact the degree of survival value of an organ is the second of the two touchstones used by Bower to determine which end of his phyletic series is to be considered primitive and which advanced. But as Cain (1944) has so clearly pointed out, although apparent biological advantage, gained through supposed adaptation of structure, is often superficially credible, yet it is never safe to reason from the structure to the function, as adaptation does not necessarily reside in the obvious but is rather the result of hereditary change. Care must therefore be exercised not to confuse apparent biological advantage with advance. If phylogenetic advance cannot be measured directly by geologic age, nor by the degree of supposed biological advantage gained through selection, nor unerringly by the superficial complexity of organs, by what means can it be estimated? First, different levels in the plant kingdom have been rather generally recognized by botanists, but these levels have been most clearly defined by Schaffner (1934, 1938, 1939). He carefully listed the fundamental potentialities of the reaction systems of the plants at ten different levels, and has shown that the majority of homosporous leptosporangiate ferns have 60 of these general potentialities, and the heterosporous ferns 69 to 70. These fundamental characters which determine the general level of ferns in the plant kingdom and, to a certain extent, within their own phylum, will be considered more fully in the section on the ground-plan of ferns. To determine the relative position of any given fern within the phylum, one may catalog all the special characteristics which a species manifests throughout its life cycle in addition to the character-accumulation for the entire phylum to which it belongs, thus securing a list of the total potentialities or characteristics possessed No. 2 A PHYLOGENETIC STUDY OF FERNS 75 by that species. By this method Schaffner has shown Ophioglossum vulgatum L. to possess a total of 95 potentialities as against 105 for Onoclea sensibilis L. and 122 for Marsilea quadrifolia L. By such lists of the total character complex, the relative level or degree of advance of a species may be ascertained if the study of the various species is made on the same general basis. A simple listing of characters, without an attempt at evaluation, eliminates the possibility of arbitrariness in establishing relative values. The fact of accumulation of characters with resulting complexity should be a guiding principle in phylogenetic taxonomy. One weakness in the use of the total character complex mentioned above would seem to be that all characters are considered to be of equal value in determining the degree of advance: a potentiality for reticulate venation is given equal weight with that for dichotomous venation; the potentiality for a well developed annulus counts no more than that for a vestigeal one. Therefore an additional way to determine the relative position of a fern within the phylum is to evaluate the morphological characters and functional activities as to their general or specialized nature. A thorough study of fern genera and species shows certain patterns of variation occurring repeatedly in different lines. In these phyletic series the more specialized forms are considered to be the more advanced. A detailed evaluation of the characters of leptosporangiate ferns will be found in a later section of this paper. TYPES OF EVIDENCE ON WHICH A PHYLOGENETIC STUDY OF FERNS MAY BE BASED Were it possible, a direct reconstruction of the historic development of ferns from fossil remains would give the most certain phylogenetic arrangement, for a complete record of the past, if properly interpreted, would establish the proper sequence of the taxonomic series. Unfortunately the fossil record is, and always will be, very fragmentary. Only a fraction of the kinds of ferns of the past have been preserved in fossil form, and of these only a fraction are recognizable specifically. Seward (1931) agrees that we cannot expect to discover a solution to the problem of evolution from the records of the rocks, though he does think that these fragmentary relics of the past enable us to make tentative guesses at the truth. Reference to such scattered and fragmentary fossil records as the chief method of determining which end of a phyletic series is primitive (Bower, 1923) is of doubtful validity. Whether the modifications in the various phyletic lines appeared in the historical order of the phyletic series, we have, in most cases, no direct way of checking; but as these variations have all appeared in the genetic complex, seriation from primitive to advanced is justifiable. A second type of evidence frequently used in phyletic study is that from ontogeny. Bower (1923) holds that ontogeny reflects the probable phylogeny. But even though there may be a marked change in the structure and distribution of tissues or in the form of organs during the development of the individual, there seems to be little justification for claiming that the structure during the juvenile stage is more primitive than that of the adult stage just because the former precedes the latter. Both juvenile and adult forms are the expression of the same genetic complex. Such changes seem to be associated rather with changes in size of organs, patterns of growth, and physiological gradients. Phylogenetic variation may or may not run parallel with the changes occurring during ontogeny. It is an entirely different matter, and quite right, to consider the potentialities expressed throughout the life-cycle as a basis for the comparison of forms. A third type of evidence valuable in phylogenetic taxonomy is the chemistry, whereby plants may be classified according to the substances made by them. By contrasting the protein precipitation reactions of a large number of ferns Mez (1925), Conradi (1926), Wilkoewitz (1929), and other workers have attempted 76 FREDERICK GARRETT DICKASON Vol. X L V I to establish the natural relationships of these plants. A diagram showing the conclusions of Mez is given by Gortner (1938). Chester (1937) has reviewed the results of this type of work and concludes that so many factors influence the strength of serological reactions that their value is chiefly qualitative rather than quantitative. This fact, together with the rather widely varying results obtained by the workers in the Konigsberg and Berlin schools, definitely limits the serological approach to the interpretation of plant relationship. It is probable, however, that this method might contribute information if techniques were better standardized, and if more species were tested. At present, so far as ferns are concerned, the results may be considered as suggestive only. McNair (1932, 1934, 1935, 1945) has attempted to use a different type of chemical evidence on which to base relationships. He maintains that the higher the relative molecular weights of the plant alkaloids, the more unsaturated the fats, the higher the specific gravities of the volatile oils and the lower their refractive indices, the more advanced the plant or plant group. Although he has not dealt with the ferns, his method would be applicable to them. One serious weakness of his theory is that the chemical values which he uses vary rather markedly in the same plant when grown in different environmental conditions.. For instance, the iodine number of linseed oil varies from 175-210. With such a range of variation any indicated relationship would, of necessity, be very indefinite. Results for plants grown in the same controlled environment might be significant. Another weakness is that the range of iodine values is greater within the single order Ranales, 31-129, than in most of the other angiospermic families put together. Since this is true, what value can there be in the comparative averages for the large groups with which he works ? Other chemical evidence such as that supplied by color reactions of lignin (Crocker, 1921) may ultimately prove of value in phylogenetic taxonomy. A fourth kind of evidence is that derived from genetics and cytology (Cain, 1944). Gregory (1941), McKelvey and Sax (1933), Foster (1933), Whitaker (1933), Cleland (1936), and others have applied such evidence to good effect in clearing up the systematics of certain angiospermic groups. For example, it has been shown that polyploidy has been very important in developing large, complex, and widespread angiospermic genera. The genetic analysis of ferns, however, has only just begun (Anderson-Kotto, 1938), and thus far very little use of results has been made. That such use will bring worthwhile results is shown by the study made by Conley (1944) in which she shows that Nephrolepis exaltata and some of its varieties fall into three groups with chromosome numbers 76 =»=, 57 =>=, and 28 ±. A fifth type of evidence, and most important in this study, is that derived from the physiology, morphology, and life-cycle of living ferns. Since the beginning of the century it has become more widely accepted that since ferns lack flowers— structures on which the taxonomy and phylogeny of the angiosperms is almost entirely based—any natural taxonomic arrangement of ferns must be based on the very broad foundation of the morphological and physiological characteristics of all organs of the plant during its development. This at once makes the study of fern relationship much more difficult not only because the basis of comparison is wider but also because evidence derived from different organs may not be readily harmonized. We are lead to the conclusion that all organs do not progress phyletically at equal rates; one organ or part may have advanced decidedly while another remained stationary (Bower, 1923, Schaffner, 1934). Despite this inequality of advance of different organs of the same fern, the ideal of phylogenetic taxonomy is to base the system on the sum of all available evidence. i Bower, in his invaluable work, The Ferns (1923, 1926, 1929) established twelve criteria of comparison by the use of which he tried to work out the true relationship of ferns. They are: No. 2 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) 12) A PHYLOGENETIC STUDY OF FERNS The The The The The The The The The The The The 77 external morphology of the shoot. initial constitution of the plant body as indicated by meristematic segmentation. architecture and venation of the leaf. vascular system of the shoot. dermal appendages. position and structure of the sorus. indusial appendages. characteristics of the sporangium and spores. spore numbers. morphology of the prothallus. position and structure of the sexual organs. embryology of the sporophyte with special reference to the suspensor. In the present state of our knowledge some of these criteria such as Nos. 2, 10, 11, 12, and to some extent No. 9, seem to be of importance in distinguishing the eusporangiate from leptosporangiate ferns. Inasmuch as the leptosporangiates differ from the eusporangiates in so many fundamental ways that they seem unlikely to have been derived from the fully evolved eusporangiate ferns, this study will confine itself to those criteria deemed valuable in the study of the leptosporangiate ferns. Smith (1938) in his summary of developments within the fern group makes no reference to Bower's Nos. 2 and 5. Eames (1926) believes that No. 12 has no real value for comparison. But if Bower includes some criteria which are not particularly useful in this study, he also overlooks some. To his criteria should certainly be added: 13) The development and differentiation of sporophylls. 14) The time of sex-determination in the life-cycle. It will be noted that these fourteen criteria are, in the main, morphological in nature. Our very limited knowledge of the physiology, and of growth and differentiation, forces us to express our conclusions at present largely in morphological terms, but ultimately when it becomes possible to speak in terms of patterns of growth, the present rather confused picture of such things as leaf type, architecture, and venation may be cleared up (Foster, 1936). From this survey of evidence available for use in a phylogenetic study of the ferns, it would seem that very heavy reliance must still be placed on the morphological life history, though the physiology, chemistry, and genetics of ferns may prove to be of increasing value in years to come. II. A REVIEW OF THE SCHEMES OF CLASSIFICATION PROPOSED SINCE THE BEGINNING OF THE CENTURY The usual practice in the past in the segregation of families has been to put all ferns with a more or less complete vertical annulus into the family Polypodiaceae, thus including in one family % of all living ferns. The other % have been, without much difficulty, separated by marked segregative characteristics of annulus and vegetative form into about 15 other very natural and often isolated families by such men as Robert Brown, Martius, Kaulfuss, John Smith, Presl, and Bower. These are composed of such similar and easily recognized forms that there is more or less general agreement as to their treatment. The real phylogenetic problem, therefore, rests not with them but with that great residual group of about 7,000 species which have been lumped together on the basis of one character, the more or less vertical annulus. It is with them that we shall deal in this review. For an excellent survey of the earlier treatment of these ferns, reference may be made to John Smith's Hisioria Filicum (1875). 78 FREDERICK GARRETT DICKASON Vol. XLVI Diels (1902) divided the "Polypodiaceae" into 9 tribes, 6 of which were subdivided into 2 subtribes each, and 1 into 4 subtribes. Christensen (1906) arranges the Polypodiaceae according to Diels' outline without change. Bower (1928) makes 11 tribes which are based directly on the tribes and subtribes of Diels, with the one exception that he breaks up Diels' No. IX, Acrosticheae, inserting most of the acrostichoid species under other tribes as acrostichoid derivatives. Copeland (1929) gives numbers rather than names to his divisions of the family which he enlarges to include such genera as Plagiogyria, Cyathea, Dicksonia, Cibotium, an Matonia in order to preserve the Polypodiaceae as one phylogenetic unit (a procedure which is not likely to stand). He disagrees with Diels and Bower as to the relationship of many separate genera, but there is a more or less close correspondence of his groups with theirs, as shown in Chart I. CHART I A COMPARISON OF THE SECTIONS OF COPELAND AND DIELS NOTE: The first digit of Copeland's numbers indicates the phyletic line, and successive figures branches of these lines. COPELAND 121-123 124 1252 DIELS I. Woodsieae II. Aspidieae V. Asplenieae Blechninae 1253 241 and 32 V. Asplenieae Aspleniinae IV. Davallieae 242 VI. Pterideae 30 III. Oleandreae 421 and 422 VIII. Polypodieae, Section 1 423-426 VIII. Polypodieae, Section 2 51-54 VII. Vittarieae Christensen, in his Third Supplement to the Index Filicum (1934) again, follows Diels' order but makes changes here and there which bring his system closer to Copeland's. Christensen clearly states that this is only a partial revision as he was preparing a thorough one to appear four years later in the Manual of Pteridology (1938). In that, his final and most complete revision, he divides the old comprehensive, Polypodiaceae into 15 subfamilies which, he says, might better be considered as families. Christensen does not follow Diels in placing the annual water fern, Ceratopteris, in a family by itself; rather he makes it a tribe in his subfamily VI, the Gymnogrammeoideae. Nor does he follow Bower in placing Dipteris in a separate family, instead, making it his subfamily XIII, the Dipteroideae. Also he separates the Lindsayoid ferns from the Davallioid, putting them into his subfamily II, the Lindsayoideae. In other respects his groups correspond very closely with the tribes and subtribes of Diels and Bower, as may be seen by reference to Chart II. No. 2 79 A PHYLOGENETIC STUDY OF FERNS CHART II COMPARISON OF THE TREATMENT OF THE POLYPODIACEAE BY CHRISTENSEN, BOWER, AND DIELS NOTE: The roman numeral before each group refers to its original position in the list to which it belongs. The arabic numerals refer to the subsections of the larger groups. CHRISTENSEN I. Dennstaedtioideae BOWER DIELS I. Dennstaedtiinae IV. Davallieae In part II. Lindsayoideae II. Davallioid ferns Section 3 IV. Davallieae In part III. Davallioideae II. Davallioid ferns Sections 1 and 2 IV. Davallieae In part IV. Oleandroideae II. Davallioid ferns Of uncertain place III. Oleandreae V. VI. Pteroideae III. Pteroid ferns VI. Pterideae 4. Pteridinae Gymnogrammeoideae 1. Cryptogrammeae 2. Ceratopterideae 2. Gymnogrammeae 4. Adianteae 5. Cheilantheae IV. Gymnogrammeoid ferns 1. Primitive genera 1. Primitive genera 2. Central group 3. Adantoid ferns 4. Cheilanthoid ferns VI. Pterideae 2. Cheilanthinae VII. Vittarioideae XL Vittarioid ferns (PARKERIACEAE) 1. Gymnogramminae 3. Adiantinae 2. Cheilanthinae VII. Vittarieae VIII. Onocleoideae VII. Onocleoid ferns I. Woodsieae 2. Onocleinae IX. Blechnoideae VIII. Blechnoid ferns V. Asplenieae 2. Blechninae X. Asplenicideae VIII. Blechnoid ferns V. Asplenieae 1. Aspleninae 1. Aspleninae XL Woodsioideae XII. Dryopteroideae Sections 1, 2 and 3 Section 4 VI. Asplenioid ferns V. Dryopteroid ferns 1. Woodsieae V. Dryopteroid ferns 2. Aspidieae XIII. Dipteroideae XIV. Polypodioideae XV. Elaphoglossoideae (DIPTERIDACEAE) IX. Dipteroid derivatives X. Metaxyoid ferns Section 2 I. Woodsieae 1. Woodsiinae II. Aspidieae 1. Aspidiinae II. Aspidieae 2. Dipteridinae VIII. Polypodieae IX. Acrosticheae 2. Platyceriinae IX. Acrosticheae 1. Acrostichinae The most adventurous treatment of the old group, "Polypodiaceae" is that by R. C. Ching, On the Natural Classification of the Family "Polypodiaceae" (1940), in which he divides the 170 or so genera with a more or less vertical annulus into 33 families, 21 of which closely parallel Christensen's subfamilies and tribes, the other 12 being segregates of one or several genera from groups where they did not seem to be closely related. It may be questioned whether anything is gained by treating 80 Vol. XLVI FREDERICK GARRETT DICKASON such groups as families rather than subfamilies and tribes, but in any case Ching seems to have done the logical thing in breaking up into natural families the old "Polypodiaceae," if that group be truly polyphyletic as Bower and Christensen believe. In most cases he has denned natural groups and established order by increasing the number of subdivisions of the Filicales; in this way the number of units per group decreases, and they may be more easily surveyed. See Chart III. CHART III COMPARISON OF THE TREATMENT OF "POLYPODIACEAE" BY CHING AND CHRISTENSEN NOTE: The dots indicate side branches from the main series. Ching Christensen LINDSAYOID-DAVALLIOID SERIES 1. Culcitaceae Ching 2. 3. 4. 5. Dennstaedtiaceae Ching Dennstaedtieae Saccolomeae Lindsayaceae Ching Lindsayaeae Taenitideae Stenolomeae Dictyoxiphiaceae Ching Davalliaceae Gaud. Davallioideae Nephrolepioideae Oleandraceae Ching 6. PTEROID-GYMNOGRAMMEOID SERIES 7. Hypolepidaceae Ching Pteridaceae Ching Lonchitideae Pterideae 9. Sinopteridaceae Koidzuma Onychieae Allosoreae Cheilantheae 10. Gymnogrammaceae Ching Gymnogrammeae Gymnopterideae 11. Adiantaceae Presl. 8. 12. Ceratopteridaceae C. Chr. 13. Antrophyaceae Ching Vittariaceae Presl., emend. Monogrammeae Vittareae 15. Loxogrammaceae Ching 14. Dicksoniaceae—Dicksonioideae (part) (or in I. Dennstaedtioideae) I. Dennstaedtioideae—Dennstaedtieae Chaetopterides Lepidopterides I I . Lindsayoideae I I . Lindsayoideae (1 genus) III. Davallioideae IV. I. V. VI. VI. VI. VI. VII. Oleandroideae Dennstaedtioideae—Hypolepideae Pteridoideae Chaetopterides Lepidopterides Gymnogrammeoideae (part) Cryptogrammeae (a) Cryptogrammeae (b) Cheilantheae Gymnogrammeoideae (part) Gymnogrammeae—Chaetopterides Gymnogrammeae—Lepidopterides Gymnogrammeoideae (part) Adianteae Gymnogrammeoideae (part) Ceratopterideae Vittarioideae jTciri oi o VII. Vittarioideae Part A Part of B XIV. Polypodioideae (1 genus) THELYPTEROID-ASPLENIOID SERIES 16. Aspleniaceae Presl. Asplenieae Athyrieae 17. Thelypteridaceae Ching Thelypterideae Goniopterideae Dictyoclineae 18. Sphaerostephanaceae Ching 19. Monachosoraceae Ching 20. Blechnaceae Ching Blechneae Woodwardieae Braineae X. Asplenioideae Asplenieae Athyrieae XII. Dryopteridoideae (part) Thelypterideae (1st part) Thelypterideae (2nd part) Dryopterideae (Sect, of Tectaria) XII. Dryopteridoideae (part) Thelypterideae (1 genus) XII. Dryopteroideae (part) Thelypterideae (2 genera) IX. Blechnoideae No. 2 81 A PHYLOGENETIC STUDY OF FERNS CHART III—(Continued) Ching Christensen CYATHEOID-ASPIDIOID SERIES 21. Onocleaceae Ching 22. 23. 24. 25. Woodsiaceae Ching Hypoderriaceae Ching Perenemaceae Presl., emend. Aspidiaceae Presl., emend. Dryopterideae Aspideae XII. Didymochlaenaceae Ching XII. 26. VIII. 27. Acrostichaceae Presl., emend. XI. V. Onocleoideae Woodsioideae Between XI and Between XI and Dryopteroideae Dryopterideae Dryopterideae XII XII (Nos. 1-18) (Nos. 19-37) Dryopteroideae Dryopterideae (1 species) Pteridoideae (derivatives) DlPTEROID-POLYPODIOID SERIES 28. Cheiropleuriaceae Nakai XIV. 29. 30. Dipteridaceae Bower Platyceriaceae Ching XIII. XIV. 31. Polypodiaceae Presl. (sensu propria) Pleopeltoideae Lepisoreae Phymatodeae Polypodioideae Polypodieae Campyloneureae 32. Grammitaceae Presl., emend. Grammitieae Cochlidieae 33. Elaphoglossaceae Ching XIV. XIV. XV. Polypodioideae Chaetopterides, 1 genus Dipteridoideae Polypodioideae Chaetopterides, 1 genus Polypodioideae—Lepidopterides Pleopeltideae Nos. 4-10 Nos. 11-36 Polypodieae Nos. 37-40 No. 41 Polypodioideae—Lepidopterides Polypodieae Nos. 42-48 Polypodieae Nos. 49-51 Elaphoglossoideae Unfortunately from the point of view of phylogeny, Ching is, on the whole, very dogmatic in his segregations, in very few cases giving adequate discussion or sufficient explanation of the bases for his divisions, and nowhere stating any principles by which he interprets his data. However, Ching worked with Carl Christensen for several years and followed his ideas very closely, so that, in a sense, Ching carried the work of Christensen to a logical conclusion. Christensen here and there states the principles on which he builds his system, but he nowhere draws them together in a unified statement. As a matter of fact no fern taxonomist has adequately presented the principles upon which he has based his phylogenetic disposition of species. True, here and there statements are made which help us to understand the points of view, but these tend to be scattered and incomplete. The morphologists have been less hesitant in trying to formulate principles of progression; certain it is that a statement of principles is essential if these are to be accurately understood and assessed. III. THE GROUND-PLAN OF FERNS If we are to arrange the ferns in series from the primitive to the more advanced, it is essential to have a starting place. Different workers vary widely in their conception of the theoretical primitive type. Bower (1935) pictures it as follows: "Such an archetype sporophyte would have consisted of a simple upright shoot of radial symmetry, probably rootless, dichotomising if it branched at all, and with the distinction between leaf and axis either absent or ill-defined. The leaf, where recognizable as such, would have been long stalked, with distal dichotomy, tending in advanced forms towards the sympodial development of a dichopodium. All the limbs of the dichotomy would be narrow and distinct from one another. The 82 FREDERICK GARRETT DICKASON Vol. X L V I whole plant would be relatively robust as regards cellular construction, generally photosynthetic, and traversed by conducting strands with a solid xylem-core. The surface would be glabrous, or invested with simple enations. The solitary sporangia would be relatively large, and distal in position, with thick walls, and a simple method of dehiscence; and each would contain numerous homosporous spores." Bower carefully states that he is not implying that the Psilophytales represent the direct ancestry of the Filicales, but if the above description of the supposed primitive fern type implies anything, it is just that. Campbell (1940) says that there is some evidence that the Filicineae may have been derived from some of the Devonian Psilophyta but that it is problematical. He pictures the primitive sporophyte as consisting of a single leaf and a "protocorm" or foot, with the root presumably being of later development. Eames (1936) comments on the proposed primitive type by saying, "The Psilophytales are indeed 'ancient and simple;' that they are also 'archaic and ancestral' is not surely known." Though the relationship of the ferns and the Psilophyta is problematical and unproven, Bower and his followers do base their ideas of progression and development directly on that assumption, even to the cladode nature of the megaphyll or fern leaf. The present writer believes that so long as the actual origin of the ferns is so uncertain, it is unwise to start with an assumption which, if untrue, would invalidate the whole phylogenetic structure built upon it. Must we than conclude with Seward (1931) that the theoretical primitive type eludes our grasp; that though our faith postulates its existence, yet that type has failed to materialize? Fortunately there is an alternative far safer than to base our type on a very problematical ancestry, and far more positive than to make no effort at all. A generalized ground-plan can be drawn for the ferns by placing together those fundamental potentialities of the phylum to which they belong (Schaffner, 1934) but which appear for the first time in the plant kingdom as we know it in the ferns. Such a generalized type for the homosporous ferns would show the following characteristics: it would have a 2-phased sporophyte with a parasitic embryonic stage and a later completely independent stage. The sporophyte would have either an unbranched or a branched stem with longcontinued, indeterminate apical growth. The stem tip would display either negative or transverse geotropism; the well developed vascular system would be composed of xylem and phloem. On the stem in a spiral pattern would be typical leaves with a vascular supply; these would be decidedly dorsiventral, usually with phototropic reactions when young. In most lines they would have a circinate vernation. Sporangia producing spores of one kind would be borne on the leaves. Spore formation would not be followed by the immediate death of the sporophyte except where the potentiality for continued growth were inhibited by the introduction of the annual habit as in Ceratopteris. This is the ground-plan for all homosporous ferns; to get to the heterosporous ferns there would have to be added to this character complex the fundamental potentiality which causes a shift in the time of sex-determination from the ontogeny of the gametophyte back to the sporophyte, resulting in heterospory and highly dimorphic unisexual gametophytes which are also much reduced, short-lived, and dependent on the parent sporophyte for their food supply. The above description is made up of the fundamental characteristics of all the ferns. It is, therefore, a generalized picture which is as true for primitive as for advanced forms. Since it is impossible, as Seward has intimated, to postulate with any certainty the theoretical primitive type for the ferns, this ground-plan which must have been true for the primitive type also, is the next best approach. We have than a starting place for our study, not theoretical and postulated, but actual. The evolution of the ferns has consisted in the variation of expression of this ground-plan at every point and in any number of different ways. No. 2 A PHYLOGENETIC STUDY OF FERNS 83 IV. THE PHYLETIC PATTERNS OF VARIATION OF THE LEPTOSPORANGIATE FERNS A taxonomist trained to work with specific and generic plant types and precise descriptions of plant organs and structures is often at a loss to know how to harmonize his concepts with those of the newer morphology of the last two decades (Watson, 1943) whose trend has been away from fixed categories and static concepts of structural and specific entities towards a more dynamic and fluid condition. The terms leaf and stem have become for some no more than convenient descriptive words without biological meaning (Arbor, 1930). The species is "a momentary realization of a line of evolution (Faegri, 1935). Concepts which describe form are being replaced by concepts dealing with the regulation of growth (Schiiepp, 1933). However, as Watson (1943) points out, although the nature of the descriptive terms or units employed be changed, yet units of some kind are indispensable for all description. By building on the most fully substantiated morphological concepts of the past until they are actually replaced by something nearer the truth, and at the same time making use of new facts available from all sources, the taxonomist can approach with confidence a study of the phyletic patterns of variation among the ferns. 1. POSTURE. AS often happens in phylogeny, experts may disagree in their interpretations: whereas Bower (1923) holds the erect stem to be the more primitive type, Eames (1936) says that the rhizome type appears primitive for the group. Copeland (1938) believes that at least for the Hymenophyllaceae the creeping rhizome is primitive and the ascending or erect stem derived. The pose of the adult stem is not determined by its orientation in the embryo but rather by the direction of growth of the young stem. Stems may be upright from the first by continued growth of an erect embryo as in Angiopteris if the stem be negatively geotropic; but if, as in the case of Helminthostachys, it be transversely geotropic, then it quickly grows to a prone position. In the majority of the leptosporangiates where the embryonic stem is lateral and prone, the growth of the young stem is negatively geotropic and by continued growth becomes erect as in Cyathea and Brainea, or suberect as in Polystichum. If, however, the young stem displays transverse geotropism, it will continue to grow in a prone position. The negatively geotropic growth of erect stems with radial symmetry would seem by analogy with other vascular plants to be the more fundamental; horizontal growth with its various and frequent change of symmetry, the more specialized and derived. Ferns having both erect stems and runners or rhizomes as in Matteuccia struthiopteris Tod., in Nephrolepis cordifolia, and in some species of the Cyatheaceae are considered here to be more advanced in this respect than related forms with only a single stem type. 2. OTHER SPECIALIZED FORMS OF STEMS. Those specialized forms of stems such as the tuberous stems of Nephrolepis cordifolia and Todea barbata, the inflated and hollow (sometimes ant-inhabited) stem of Myrmecophila, the climbing stems of Stenochlaena and Lomagramtna, the runners with distinct nodes and internodes of Marsilea, and the rhizophores of Oleandra neriiformis are considered as derived and advanced, not because of any degree of supposed biological advantage associated with the structure, but because some very real new potentialities have been added to a primitive ground plan complex. They should not be thought of as "adaptations"—past, present, or future! 3. RATE OF GROWTH. The rate of growth varies from very slow as in most erect stems and some prostrate ones, to very rapid as in ferns like Marsilea and Lomagramma. Judging by comparison with the eusporangiate ferns and the Cycadophyta the slow growth associated with upright stems would seem to be the relatively more primitive condition. It is also associated with a more complex phyllotaxy which in a later section is considered to be a primitive characteristic. 84 FREDERICK GARRETT DICKASON Vol. X L V I Secondary growth due to a vascular cambium must also represent an added protoplasmic potentiality. 4. BRANCHING OF STEM. The upright fern stem is normally unbranched though apical twinning sometimes takes place, involving presumably the equal •division of the apical meristem. In no upright fern stems known to the writer is there repeated and regular dichotomous branching, and Wardlaw (1943b) points out that what Bower considered in many ferns to be delayed branches of unequal dichotomy probably have a different origin. Dobbie (1929, 1930) tells of a forest of forked tree ferns in New Zealand, but he attributes such branching to adventitious buds rather than to dichotomy. Wardlaw (1943 a and b) gives very interesting evidence to show that the branches of the erect stems of Matteuccia struthiopteris which form horizontal rhizomes can be traced to "detached meristems" to be found always in proximity to regions of meristele conjunction. His investigations with other ferns such as Dryopteris aristata and Onoclea sensibilis suggest that buds on fern stems near leaf bases are not adventitious; their position is regular and fixed in relation to the meristele conjunctions, that is axillary in origin though often moved out of the axil by growth distortion. Prostrate stems may be unbranched, may branch by dichotomy as in Pteridium aquilinum and Onoclea sensibilis, by axillary buds as in the Hymenophyllaceae Marsilea, and Leptochilus axillaris (Cav.) Kaulf., or by buds not distinctly in the axils of leaves as in Onoclea sensibilis which Wardlaw has shown to be of probable axillary origin. It would seem that branching due to buds associated with leaf bases represents a potentiality added to the unbranched or dichotomously branched condition. If branching by both dichotomy and axillary buds is present as in Onoclea, two heritable factors for branching must be present and consequently the hereditary reaction system of the plant may be considered more complex. 5. STELE. Bower places great emphasis on the comparative value of the stele type, concluding that "the vascular tissues provide the most constant character of the plant body." Van Tieghem's stelar theory (1886) has furnished material for much phylogenetic discussion. It has been held by Gwynne Vaughan (1901), Bower (1923), Eames (1936), Smith (1938), and Campball (1940) that the protostele is primitive and that the siphonostele and dictyostele are successively more advanced. One hesitates to take a position which differs from that of such an impressive group of authorities, but their position needs to be carefully reconsidered in the light of recent research. The evidence for their belief is based on the fact that some of the Gleicheniaceae and Schizaeaceae, and the Hymenophyllaceae, which are for other reasons regarded as ancient and primitive, possess a protostele in their adult stems. Among ferns with a polypodioid type of sporangium protostely may be found in Cheiropleuria and the tribe Monogrammeae of the family Vittariaceae. Let us examine this evidence to see if it is sufficient to warrant the conclusion that protostely is the primitive condition. First, not all of the species of the Gleicheniaceae are protostelic, one section of the family having solenosteles. The same may be said, and more emphatically, for the Schizaeaceae, because of the four genera of that tribe only one, Schizaea, is protostelic: Lygodium is solenostelic, and Anemia and Mohria are dictyostelic. If protostely is the primitive condition, certainly it is not very well fixed, for other types of steles seem to be more common than protostely in these presumably primitive families. And what about the Hymenophyllaceae in which protostely is rather more universal? Copeland (1938) believes that reduction is the key to an understanding of the family. If this is true, protostely in the family may be the result of reduction and therefore not a primitive characteristic. Certainly evidence from these supposedly primitive families is not very convincing, particularly when added to it is the fact that protostely never occurs in No. 2 A PHYLOGENETIC STUDY OF FERNS 85 the adult stems of other supposedly primitive fern families and genera. The Ophioglossaceae have solenosteles or dictyosteles, while the Marattiaceae and Angiopteridaceae have what Bower (1926) called "undoubtedly the most complex vascular system of all living Pteridophyta," a polycylic dictyostele. The Osmundaceae have dictyosteles, and the Matonaceae have "one of the most complicated solenostelic structures among ferns," a polycyclic solenostele with three concentric rings of vascular tissue. Certainly the evidence from living ferns supposedly primitive is very unconvincing. If one bases his judgment on the living evidence, the decision would have to be otherwise. The second type of evidence which has lead to the conclusion that the protostele is more primitive than the solenostele, and the latter more primitive than the dictyostele, comes from the ontogeny of the fern plant. A young sporeling usually has a protostele, but in all except the few genera named above where the adult stem retains the protostelic structure, as the stem grows and increases in diameter upward, the stele develops into a siphonostele or solenostele, and sometimes into a dictostele. By taking the events of ontogeny as a pattern for phylogeny the case for the primitive nature of the protostele is established to the satisfaction of some. Just what is involved in the change from protostele to dictyostele? In the course of individual development the simple protostele may become medulated, a condition which leads to solenostely, and this, in turn, in shoots where the foliar gaps overlap, to dictyostely. Wardlaw (1944a) has pointed out that the condition of the fully differentiated tissues in the basal portion of the young stem where protostely exists is primarily referable to the size, activity, and nutritional status of the apical meristem at the time of inception of that stage; and similarly for the fully developed tissues in the higher region where a solenostele is formed. He also shows (1944b) that the leaf gaps in the shoot stele do not form if leaf primordia are destroyed at a sufficiently early stage, and that the solenostele which would have become a dictyostele due to overlapping of leaf gaps, remains a solenostele. Therefore, the condition of the differentiated tissues in the upper, normally dictyostelic level of the stem is referable not only to the size, activity, and nutritional status of the apex at the time of the inception of that stage, but also to the modifying influence of developing leaves. He thus demonstrates very clearly that there is no phylogenetic difference between a solenostele and a dictyostele, and little or none between a protostele and solenostele. The increasing size of the apical meristem, then, plays a definite part in the shift from protostely to solenostely, but not from solenostely to dictyostely which is controlled by leaf development. It should be pointed out, however, that there are a few cases of "perforated" dictyostele, as in leafless tubers of Nephrolepis cordifolia (Sahni, 1916), where increasing size of the organ appears to be of importance in determining the internal morphology. What then can be concluded about the occurrence of stele types and their phylogenetic significance ? Dictyostely is normally associated with erect and suberect stems, and with decumbent stems which are relatively thick and whose leaves are close and many ranked so that the leaf gaps overlap. Siphonosteles are normally associated with prostrate stems of smaller diameter having leaves few ranked and (or) so far apart that the gaps do not overlap. Protostely in fern stems is usually associated with prostrate stems of small diameter. If the large erect stem with many-ranked leaves is primitive, and the decumbent stem with few-ranked leaves is derivative, then in that sense the dictyostele may be considered more primitive than the solenostele and protostele. But since the stele type is so closely associated with the stem size, stem posture, and leaf arrangement, it would seem that these characters have been far more important phylogenetically than the stele type. In this discussion, therefore, little value will be attached to it. 6. EPIDERMAL OUTGROWTHS OF THE SHOOT. Christensen (1911) says that 86 FREDERICK GARRETT DICKASON Vol. X L V I the best and most constant specific character is to be found in the dermal appendages, hairs and scales. These appendages may vary within a species, in abundance but not in kind. They may be remarkably constant for a whole genus as in Pyrrhosia, or extremely variable as in Asplenium. Some genera such as Microlepia may possess hairs only, while others such as Cyathea may have some species with hairs and some with scales; Histiopteris may have both hairs and scales on the same shoot. Families such as the Osmundaceae includes genera which are all characterized by hairs only, while others such as the Oleandraceae have scales only on their stems but may have hairs on their leaves. Such families as the Schizaeaceae, Gleicheniaceae, Cyatheaceae, Gymnopteridaceae, and Thelypteridaceae have both hairs and scales occurring in their genera or sections. It is clear then that though the kind of dermal appendage may be constant within a species, it is not necessarily so in larger groups. Since both hairs and scales are present in such supposedly primitive families as the Gleicheniaceae and Schizaeaceae, it is apparent that hairs and scales are not very fundamentally different, and their presence, though of specific value, may not be of great phylogenetic significance. The simple hair is the product of a simpler growth process than a branched or stellate one, or than a scale. Hairs vary from one- to many-celled, and from unbranched to branched. Scales vary in shape, size, color, point of attachment, thickness of walls, and margin; it seems impossible to trace any one pattern of variation for all scales. A few generalizations, however, may be made: a scale with a basal point of attachment may be more easily derived from a hair than one with a broad base or one peltately attached. Clathrate scales having thick cell walls and clear lumen seem more specialized than those with smaller undifferentiated cells without clear lumen. Scales with entire margins may be simpler than those with dentate or ciliate margins. A glabrous shoot may be thought of as more primitive than one having a potentiality for the development of dermal outgrowths; care must be taken, however, not to mistake an adult shoot from which the outgrowths have dropped or been rubbed off for a truly glabrous one. Before considering patterns of variation of the fern leaf it will be well to examine briefly the recent thought concerning the nature of the leaf. It may be summed up thus (Bower, 1935): the megaphyll, or leaf of the ferns proper, is of cladode nature, i. e., it is a modified branch system having its origin in the dichotemous branching of a stem not yet fully differentiated as axis and appendage. Since the leaf is supposed to be only a stem, primitive leaves would be highly branched, the various branches being green and not webbed together. Although Bower has based his phyletic series on this hypothesis, he was not satisfied that it represented ultimate truth as may be seen by a statement of his (1938) in the introduction of Verdoorn's Manual of Pteridology: "Certainly the last word . . . on the origin of leaves . . . has not yet been spoken." We agree with this opinion. Not only is the actual origin of fern leaves still quite uncertain, but letosporangiate fern leaves differ in some very fundamental ways from all known branch systems in their circinate vernation during the growing period of the leaf, their direct spiral arrangement on the stem, the sporadic or regular presence of buds in their axils, and the reticulate venation of the leaves of many species. The distinctness of the leaf and stem, often from the quadrant stage of the embryo, is a strong argument that the leaf is not simply one limb of a dichotomously branched stem. Since the origin of the fern leaf is not really known, and since it differs in these fundamental ways from known branch systems, in this study the older morphological concept of the leaf as an organ distinct in nature from the stem and root will be maintained. What is primitive in the patterns of variation will not be decided on the assumption that the psilophytan branch system is the prototype of the leaf, but upon other criteria. No. 2 A PHYLOGENETIC STUDY OF FERNS 87 7. PHYLLOTAXY. AS Schaffner has so well shown in his paper on the Spiral Systems in Vascular Plants (1938a) there is a general progression from the complicated multispiral leaf arrangement to the alternate 2-ranked condition, and in a very few cases to the 1-ranked condition. His generalizations hold for the ferns, those with relatively large erect or suberect stems and dictyosteles having many-ranked leaves as is also the case in some decumbent stems with dictyosteles, for example, Pteridium aquilinum. In many decumbent stems, particularly in those with a siphonostele or protostele the leaves are two-ranked (or in some cases possibly one-ranked). Rarely leaves are whorled as in Salvinia where three leaves occur at each node, and as in some species of the Cyatheaceae where whorls of 3, 4, 5, and 6 leaves are known. In whorled types 3 or more leaves develop almost simultaneously. As has been pointed out above, the phyllotaxy is always correlated with the stele type, and both are correlated with the stem type or posture. 8. ARTICULATION OF THE PETIOLE TO THE STEM AND ABSCISSION. John Smith (1875) held the articulation of the petiole to the stem to be a character of such prime importance that he used it together with a phyllotaxis character to found his primary section Eremobrya. The present writer cannot follow Smith in making articulation a framework character for the segregation of ferns into large primary groups, but it is a specific or generic character. Very frequently articulation, together with abscission, is associated with an epiphytic habit as in Oleandra, Davallia, and some of the Polypodiaceae sensu strictu. That it is in no sense limited to epiphytes can be seen from its occurrence in Cyathea, Angiopteris, Elpahoglossum, and a few species of Asplenium. Articulation is a character which would have to be added to the ground-plan complex, and its presence is therefore to be considered an advanced character. 9. ARTICULATION OF PINNAE OR PINNULES TO RACHIS OR RACHILLA. John Smith (1875) did not include in his section Eremobrya those ferns lacking articulation at the base of the petiole even if their pinnae were articulated to the rachis. Such articulation, very frequently resulting in abscission on drying, is present in Nephrolepis, Drynaria, Lomagramma, Stenochlaena, Dicymochlaena, Angiopteris, Woodsia Sect., Physematium, and in some species of Adiantum and Lygodium. Such articulation may or may not be associated with an epiphytic habit, although the first two genera mentioned above have many epiphytic species. The succeeding genera and species mentioned are typical terrestrial ferns, so that it would be inaccurate to conclude with Copeland (1907) that articulation arises as an adaptation to the epiphytic habit, and to habitats where ferns must sometimes endure a more or less prolonged drought. Were this true, we might expect articulation and abscission to be present in all epiphytes and in most terrestrial ferns of monsoon regions, where the rainfall is seasonal, but this is not the case. Such articulation may characterize whole genera as Drynaria or only certain species in a genus as in Lygodium. Its occurrence in the ferns as a whole does not seem to form a pattern or to parallel any one or more phyletic lines, but rather appears here and there as a marked character. Its presence indicates the addition of a new factor to the ground-plan complex; ferns having articulation are to be considered that much more complex in their development than those which lack it. 10. LEAF TRACES. The number and arrangement of the meristeles, or vascular bundles, in the petiole base at the point of union with the stem is a diagnostic character of importance which is easily ascertained in fresh material. This information should be recorded in the description of all species; at present generalizations are difficult because this is one of those characters which Christensen might have had in mind when he said that many important characters known to exist in some species of a genus are not yet known to occur in all. However, Waters (1903) has used this character on which to base a key to the ferns, and Ching (1940) in his key to the 33 families which he segregated from the old 88 FREDERICK GARRETT DICKASON Vol. X L V I family "Polypodiaceae," divides them into two groups, the first having one leaf trace, and the second, two or more traces. Unfortunately there are always exceptions which make unsatisfactory the use of this character with as large groups, as families. Wardlaw (1944b) shows that in young petiole bases the procambial strands are uninterrupted and crescent-shaped, made up of small-celled tissue which during growth fails to keep pace with the enlargement of the pith within; hence the vascular crescent becomes disrupted into five to seven or more separate strands, or traces. If, however, the further growth of the primordium is inhibited or prevented at an early stage, the normal enlargement of the pith does not take place and the crescentic mass of primordial vascular tissue remains coherent or disrupted only to a limited extent. It is possible that what Wardlaw has found to be true for Dryopteris spp. may also hold for other ferns in which the leaf trace or traces are arranged in the form of a horseshoe, trough, or V. It would seem then that the pattern of variation of leaf-traces in ferns with dictyosteles is from the continuous shapes just mentioned to the interrupted C or V, the individual meristeles of which may be either elongated or rounded. In ferns with decumbent or climbing stems, distant leaves, and protostele or solenostele, the petiole bases usually have one trace either round or V-shaped,—rarely split into two traces. There is no such irregular arrangement of traces at the petiole base as that shown for Pteridium aquilinum by Waters (1903). 11. DEGREE OF DISSECTION OF THE BLADE. It should be recalled that in this study the fern leaf is treated as an organ sui generis and not as of cladode origin. Should the megaphyll sometime be really proved to be a modified branch system, this section and certain others concerning the leaf would have to be completely revised. Bower (1923) and all those who like him establish their ideas of the fern leaf on the very problematical psilophytan ancestry of the ferns hold that the large highly divided leaf is more primitive than a smaller simple leaf; that the simple or less divided forms have arisen from the more divided by the webbing of branches. This is the logical conclusion if the leaf originated from a much branched stem system; if the leaf is an organ distinct in nature from a stem, then the question of whether the primitive leaf is simple or compound is an open one and not predetermined by a theory. Let us examine the leaves of ferns from this point of view. First of all, what are the facts regarding the occurrence of simple and compound leaves in the ferns ? In almost every large family as well as in genera represented by a large number of species are ferns having leaves with all stages of division of the blade from simple and entire to highly divided. For instance, the genus Cyathea which is usually thought of as characterized by gigantic decompound leaves, really has species with all degrees of division from the undivided leaf as in Cyathea sinuata Hk., to simply pinnate as in C. brunonis Wall., to bipinnatifid in C. alternans (Wall.) Pr., to bipinnate-tripinnatifid in C. latebrosa (Wall.) Copel., to tripinnate in C. tripinnata Copel. The same is true of the family Hymenophyllaceae in which leaf blades range from simple and entire to 4- or 5-pinnate. It is more of a surprise to those acquainted primarily with the ferns of the northern United States to find that the same range of blade division may be found in the genus Adiantum. Several species of the simple-leaved maiden hair fern exist, one of which, Adiantum parishii Hk., grows in Burma. There are many species with 1-pinnate leaves such as A. philippense L. and A. caudatum L.; with 2-pinnate leaves as in A. capillusveneris L., and with 3-pinnate leaves as in A. cuneatum Langsd. & Fiseh. Similar series occur in Asplenium and Diplazium. In some families and genera the highly divided leaves are missing or rare, and simple or 1-pinnate forms predominate as in Phymatodes. Sometimes a whole genus is characterized by simple entire leaves as in Pyrrhosia, but even here one is No. 2 A PHYLOGENETIC STUDY OF FERNS 89 not surprised to find species with palmatifid or pinnatifid blades. Evidently in such cases the series has never developed beyond the second stage. In other families and genera the simple end of the series may be missing as in Microlepia in which all forms from the 1-pinnate to highly compound are known. The potentiality for the development of this pattern of variation of the leaf blade is certainly present in most of the large families. This is so general that if one of the forms is not known from one section of the world, it probably can be found in some other or in fossil form. Can it be established which end of the series is the more primitive? Foster (1936) in working with angiospermic leaves has shown that the blade develops from two elongated lateral meristems along the sides of the costa. If this develops uniformly without break, the blade is simple; but if the lateral meristem soon becomes localized rather than continuous, then the blade developed will be divided or compound. In other words, to get more highly compound leaves a more extreme development of localized and isolated blade meristems is necessary. Such a distribution of meristems seems to represent a more complex system of primordia than a simple continuous one along a continuous costa. To some extent the degree of division may increase somewhat with increasing size of the leaf unless the veins are very close together as in Thamnopteris, Microsorium, Phymatodes, and Platycerium. Fertile juvenile leaves produced on the not yet fully mature stems of many species which normally have compound leaves such as Drynaria quercifolia and Arthromeric wallichiana are often simple or have very few lobes or pinnae. Ching says that far too many ferns have been described for China because juvenile forms with simple leaves have often been described as new species. The fact that juvenile leaves of many compound-leaved species precede the compound during ontogeny is not evidence that the simple leaf is more primitive than the compound, yet this occurrence does give an illustration of what takes place when a stem which has produced simple leaves begins to produce more divided ones. With increase in age and possibly in the size of the leaf primordia, there is a localization of the meristematic tissue referred to above which results in compounding. No case is known to the writer where leaves produced by increasingly mature plants are less divided than the leaves produced earlier unless the complicating factor of reproduction begins to operate. If the highly divided blade be the primitive form as so widely accepted, then we will have to conclude that as a fern plant reaches maturity, its leaf-form reverts more and more to the primitive condition. That this could be almost universally so seems hard to credit. If any portion of a blade be more highly divided than another, it is the basal part as illustrated by Lindsay a orbiculata (Lam.) Mett., in which several basal pinnae are again pinnate, and the upper pinnae are entire or only slightly incised. This is true for most ferns which have deltoid leaf blades. The lower pinnae are formed before the apical ones, originate from larger lateral pinnal meristems, and are less quickly determinate in their growth than the apical pinnae. In fact these lower pinnae tend to repeat the architecture of the apical portion of the main blade and to approach it in size. The more highly divided lower pinnae of many species is an indication of the tendency to a greater degree of division of the blade. One of the common variations in leaves is the cresting or forking of the pinnae of such ferns as Nephrolepis, Osmunda, Polystichum, and Pteris. Bower (1923) says that such cresting is essentially reversion. Tryon (1938) considers the fluctuating types of cresting as reversionary, but the heritable kinds as advance. Conley (1944) has shown that in some of the crested varieties of Nephrolepis exaltata that a correlation exists between anatomical differences and chromosome number and that none of the forms studied seemed to represent the parent diploid complex. Such evidence seems to indicate that cresting in Nephrolepis is associated 90 FREDERICK GARRETT DICKASON Vol. X L V I with polyploidy, hybridization, or reduction of chromosome number below the normal diploid complement. If there is no evidence that cresting with the consequent greater division of the blade is an advanced character, at least there seems to be no ground for hasty conclusion that it is reversionary and that the divided condition of the blade is primitive. All of the above lines of evidence seem to point to the correctness of the view that variation in the fern leaf progresses from simple to divided and compound. 12. VENATION. If Wardlaw's hypothesis (1944a) to account for the initial differentiation of vascular tissues in ferns should hold for the veins of the leaf, then different venation patterns would result from amazingly different patterns of growth in the leaf blade; for Wardlaw suggests that the initial differentiation of vascular tissue takes place immediately below or behind a meristematic center and "in the path of substances diffusing from it, one or more of these substances being casually involved in the process." If this is true, then the venation would be the blueprint of the pattern of growth of the leaf blade, particularly complicated in leaves with reticulate venation. Since no other more probable working hypothesis has been proposed to date, we shall examine the evidence from this point of view. When the apical meristem of the leaf primordium divides by equal dichotomy, the main veins are dichotomously branched as in Dipteris conjugata; when the apical meristem divides unequally and one sidedly, catadromic helicoid main veins result as in Matonia pectinata and Adiantum pedatum, or anadromix helicoid main veins as in the fossil Dictyophyllum exile. If the apical meristem divides by unequal dichotomy, the subordinate shanks being alternately right and left, a zigzag or geniculate midrib or rachis develops which appears to be a continuation of the petiole. An extreme example is Rumohra dijfracta (Bak.) Cl. Bower (1923) points out that when such a central axis of the blade is well developed, the primordia of the lower pinnae appear at a point below the apex of the leaf as lateral outgrowths upon it. Such branching of the axis is, in reality, monopodial. No clear line can be drawn between the monopodial and extreme cases of unequal dichotomy where alternate shanks develop into the subordinate branches. The architecture of the leaf may be determined, then, by the type of branching of the apical meristem, whether by equal or unequal dichotomy or by monopodial division. The secondary veins' in the pinnae or ultimate segments of the blade are exceedingly varied. Where the apical meristem of the leaflet primordium divides dichotomously from the beginning, a dichotomous pattern of veins is produced as in many species of Lindsay a, Adiantum and Asplenium. Where the apical meristem of the leaflet maintains its dominance, a midrib is produced and lateral veins grow outward from along its sides in a pinnate pattern presumably developing immediately back of meristematic centers located on the margin of the leaflet primordium. When these centers are close together, simple, unbranched, costaeform veins result, Fig. 1. Where some of the meristematic centers divide equally, once-branched veins are formed as in some species of Oleandra. Fig. 2. These lateral veins may be free and end at or near the margin, or they may be united at their tips by a connecting marginal vein as in T'hamno pteris, Fig. 3. Where the meristematic centers are further separated on the primordial blade margin, they tend to divide dichotomously more than once to form a fascicle as in Osmunda javanica, Fig. 4. Where the shanks of the dichotomy are unequal, a fascicle is formed intermediate between a sympodium and a monopodium as in Asplenium adiantum-nigrum, Fig. 5. In some species the lowest veins of adjoining fascicles grow toward each other and unite, forming an arching vein more or less parallel with the costa, from which arch grow out either simple or once-branched veins as in Brainea insignis, Fig. 6. Or the branches of adjoining fascicles may unite to form uniform areoles without A Phylogenetic Study of Ferns Frederick Garrett Dickason PLATE I TYPES OF VENATION EXPLANATION OF FIGURES 1-20 NOTE: The names of the types of venation are those proposed by Georg Mettenius (1856). Costaeform venation. Fig. Fig. Taeniopteroid venation as in Oleandra. Venation as in Thamnopteris. Fig. Fig. Neuropteroid venation as in Osmunda javanica. Fig. Sphenopteroid venation as in Asplenium adiantum-nigrum. Venation as in Brainea insignis, approaching the Doodyoid type. FigSagenioid venation of Schizoloma ensifolia. Fig. Pecopteroid venation as in Matteuccia orientalis. Fig. Pecopteroid venation as in Cibotium barometz. Fig. Fig. 10. Pleocnemioid venation as in Pteris biaurita. Fig. 11. Venation as in Cyclosorus. Fig. 12. Goniopteroid venation as in Abacopteris. Fig. 13. Goniopteroid venation as in Goniopteris prolifera. Fig. 14. Eupteroid venation as in Poly podium vulgar e. Fig. 15. Marginarioid venation as in Poly podium amoenum. Fig. 16. Goniophlebioid venation as in Poly podium subauriculatum. Fig. 17. Cyrtophlebioid venation as in Cyrtomium falcatum. Fig. 18. Phlebodioid venation as in Polypoidum aureum. Fig. 19. Drynarioid venation as in Drynaria quercifolia. Fig. 20. Anaxetioid venation as in Lepisorus, Microsorium, and Phymatodes. 91 92 FREDERICK GARRETT DICKASON Vol. X L V I free included veinlets as in Schizaloma ensifolia, Fig. 7. In many natural genera there are sections with free veins and others in which the venation is similar except that some or all the veins unite to form regular areoles without free included veinlets, as may be illustrated by the following genera or sections: Veins free Lygodium Aneimia Davallia Pteridium Pteris Asplenium Diplazium Veins anastomosing Lydodidictyon Aneimidictyon Diellia Lonchitis Histiopteris Asplenidictyon Allantodia It is evident from such a list as this that free and reticulate venation are not two fundamentally different things, but rather that reticulate venation may develop from the open type wherever a diverging meristematic center on the margin of the blade primordium meets and merges with an adjacent center. In simple leaves, leaflets, or ultimate segments of a compound blade the fascicles of veins which arise from the midrib may be pinnately branched, not forked as in some of the foregoing examples. These branches may themselves be simple and unforked as in Matteuccia orientalis, Fig. 8, or forked as in Cibotium barometz Fig. 9. The lowest veins of adjacent fascicles may unite to form a costal arch with free excurrent veinlets as in Pteris biaurita, Fig. 10, and Cyclosorus, Fig. 11. Sometimes all of the lateral veins may unite angularly with excurrent veinlets which may or may not extend to the next higher pair of united veinlets as in Abacopteris, Fig. 12, and in Goniopteris prolifera, Fig. 13. A fourth general pattern of venation is found in the Polypodiaceae. In the ultimate lobes or segments there may be veinlet fascicles in which the lowest branch on the side towards the apex of the segment is short and quickly determinate, not reaching the margin. The other branches of the same fascicle may be free and nearly reach the margin as in Poly podium vulgar e, Fig. 14; or they may unite forming one row of areoles with free excurrent veinlets running to the margin, as in Poly podium amoenum, Fig. 15; or they may unite to form two or more rows of areoles with one excurrent veinlet in each areole as in Poly podium subauriculatum, Fig. 16; or with several excurrent veinlets in each areole as in Cyrtomium falcatum, Fig. 17. A variation of this pattern in which the two included veinlets meet and fuse, gives the venation of Polypodium aureum, Fig. 18. A second modification of the type of venation in Fig. 17 may have given the close reticulum without free included veinlets found in Drynaria quercifolia, Fig. 19. Still a third modification of the same venation, in which the free included veinlets are irregularly oriented, appears in Lepisorus, Microsorium and Phymatodes, Fig. 20. To summarize, it may be said that several patterns of variation of the veins of fern leaves exist, and that in general in each series open venation represents a simpler growth pattern of the margin meristematic centers in the leaf primordia than does reticulate venation. 13. FERTILE AREAS OF THE LEAF. One of the first things that attracts attention in the study of fertile leaves of such genera as Osmunda, A neimia, or Polystichum is that the area of the leaf which is fertile varies markedly in different ferns. In Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. 21. 22. 23. 24. EXPLANATION OF PLATE II Unilaterally dimorphic leaf of Onoclea sensibilis. Unilaterally dimorphic leaf of Pteris cretica. Hemidimorphic leaf of Osmunda cinnamomea lormafrondosa. Series of leaves of Onoclea sensibilis from vegetative to reproductive. A Phylogenetic Study of Ferns Frederick Garrett Dickason PLATE II 93 94 FREDERICK GARRETT DICKASON Vol. X L V I some cases the transition between fertile and sterile regions is gradual, in others abrupt. By a study of certain species in which the leaf is fertile only in part, we may reach conclusions very different from that reached by Bower (1923) when he states, "The lower parts of the leaf are more exposed, and this may explain the frequent absence of sporangia at the base. Osmunda regalis is an example of this." Thus, Osmunda regalis may have only a few of its apical pinnae fertile, but in any large collection specimens may be found which show many more fertile upper pinnae, perhaps all on the upper half of the leaf. Osmunda japonica of Burma has a sporophyll of which all the pinnae are fertile from the apex to the base, though in other respects it is identical with 0. regalis. Evidently we have here a physiological condition which in 0. regalis does not become established until after the "foliar determination" (Foster, 1936) of the basal and first formed part of the leaf has become fixed in a prospective vegetative course of development. In 0. japonica the condition changes from the vegetative to the reproductive state earlier in the ontogeny of the leaf, with the result that the entire blade is fertile. Similarly in Polystichum acrostichoides specimens may be found which vary from those having only a few apical pinnae fertile to those in which all but the lowest few are fertile. Here again there must be a variation in the time at which the change takes place from the vegetative to the reproductive condition. Where the change is early enough in the ontogeny, the whole blade may be fertile. Osmunda cinnamomea which normally has the sporophyll completely fertile from base to tip, sometimes has leaves in which the apical half only is fertile. In literature this is called Osmunda cinnamomea forma frondosa, Fig. 23. Porte (1930) reported leaves with only one or two fertile pinnae at the top. Had the shift to the reproductive condition come any later in such leaves, there would have been no fertile pinnae at all. It may be inferred from such examples that physiological states are involved, that where a shift occurs from the vegetative to the reproductive state late in the ontogeny of the leaf, only the tip is fertile; but that with a progressively earlier change to the reproductive condition, more and more of the leaf becomes fertile until a completely fertile leaf is produced. In species such as Osmunda vachellii Hk. only the basal pinnae are fertile; evidently here the change from vegetative to reproductive state, comes in early during the development of the leaf, but quickly shifts back again to the vegetative with the result that the later-formed parts of the blade are purely vegetative. In the very similar 0. javanica Bl. the temporary shift from the vegetative to the reproductive condition comes slightly later, with the result that a few medial pinnae are fertile. The same timing exists in 0. claytoniana, our common interrupted fern, in which from one to six medial pinnae may be fertile, depending on how long the reproductive condition remains. It is possible to conceive of a growth substance, a sporogen, as being involved in such shifts of the physiological condition. A study of certain cases of unilateral dimorphism, in which one side of a leaf is fertile and the other sterile, may provide further evidence, for example, a specimen of Onoclea sensibilis from Ohio, Fig. 21, of Pteris cretica from the Himalayas Fig. 22, and of Dryopteris thelypteris mentioned by Blake (1933). Evidently the physiological condition on one side of the leaf was continuously reproductive while, at the same time, that operating on the other side was continuously vegetative. In each of these species there are two leaf traces entering the petiole base. It would seem that the hypothetical hormone regulating spore production might be supplied through one trace to one side but not through the second trace to the other side: no cases of such unilateral fertility have been found by the writer in leaves having other than two leaf traces. Whatever it is that regulates spore production, it must be able to work in this unilateral manner at least when two leaf traces are present, as well as in the vertical zonal manner already referred to. No. 2 A PHYLOGENETIC STUDY OF FERNS 95 Although no general survey has ever been made as to the occurrence of different fertility patterns, the least frequent pattern is probably that in which only a few pinnae near the middle of the leaf are fertile; the next more frequent, that in which only the basal part of the blade is fertile. Probably the most common pattern is that in which the leaf is fertile to varying degrees from the tip downward, often resulting in a completely fertile leaf. Knowing no more than we do about the real cause of the change from the vegetative to the reproductive state, it is difficult to establish one fertility pattern as more advanced than another. Until further facts become known, we shall work on the supposition that there is a progressively earlier shift from the vegetative to the reproductive condition of the leaf during the ontogeny of the plant, and that there is a progressively increasing duration of the reproductive state once it has been initiated. 14. VEGETATIVE AND REPRODUCTIVE LEAF FORMS. Dimorphism of the vegetative and reproductive leaves, or parts of leaves, is rather commonly supposed to be more or less restricted among the eusporangiate forms to the Bortychiales, and to Osmunda and a few other genera such as Matteuccia and Onoclea among the leptosporangiate ferns. The idea of such a restricted occurrence of dimorphism arises, perhaps, from a study of the rather meager American fern flora in which there are comparatively few cases of dimorphism. Though general in the Ophioglossales, dimorphism is by no means limited to that order. In both the Marattiales and the Filicales examples of dimorphism are to be found in most of the families and in over 55 genera. Dimorphism is neither limited to one phyletic line nor restricted to ferns of any one habit or habitat. Extreme forms of dimorphism are illustrated by such aquatic ferns as Ceratopteris thalictroides, by such swamp ferns as Osmunda cinnamomena, by such mesophytic ferns as Bolbitis, Egenolfia, and Plagiogyria, by such epiphytes as Platycerium and Drymoglossum, by such xerophytes as Pteris cretica, and by such climbing ferns as Stenochlaena. Evidently dimorphism has not arisen in response to any given set of environmental factors, and cannot be considered as "adaptive." There are varying degrees of difference between the vegetative and fertile parts, from subdimorphism to extreme dimorphism. Where such differentiation appears in different parts of the same leaf, the term hemidimorphism is used instead of dimorphism. The modification involved in the differentiation of the sporophylls are many and varied, as may be seen from the following tabulation of differences: 1. Length of the petiole: the petioles of the sporophylls may be longer than those of the vegetative leaves as in Hemionitis arifolia, or shorter as in Matteuccia struthiopteris. 2. Expansion of the blade: The blade of the sporophyll may expand during ontogeny only slightly or none at all, as in Egenolfia. A similar contraction of the sporophyll is evident in the Cycadophyta. 3. Shape of the blade: the blades of the sporophylls may be of a different shape than those of vegetative leaves. For example, sporophyll blades of Drymoglossum pilosiloides and Phymatodes rhyncophylla (Hk.) Ching are linear and the vegetative blades round or oval. 4. Leaf margin: the margin of the sporophyll as of Pteris cretica may be entire, that of the vegetative leaf toothed. 5. Degree of dissection: the sporophyll may be much more deeply lobed or divided than the vegetative leaf as in Doryopteris ludens, or much less deeply lobed or divided as in Riphidopteris peltata (Sw.) Schott. 6. Synthesis of chlorophyll: the sporophylls may lack chlorophyll as in Osmunda japonica. A similar condition is found in Equisetum arvense, the most advanced of the horsetails. 7. Duration of the leaf: sporophylls may be very ephemeral as in Osmunda cinnamomea. 96 FREDERICK GARRETT DICKASON Vol. X L V I 8. Season of production: in some ferns such as Osmunda japontca, the sporophylls appear before the vegetative leaves; in others such as Ceratopteris, Onoclea, and Matteuccia they appea much later. Explanations of many different kinds have been offered to account for dimorphism. "Physiological advantage" has been invoked by Copeland (1907, 1929a); "use and disuse," by Clute (1908). When it is recognized, however, that dimorphic and monomorphic species grow side by side in the same habitat and survive equally well, such explanations become mere hypothetical modes of escape. Some evidence from intermediate forms of normally dimorphic species such as Osmunda cinnamomena has been offered by Clute (1905) to show that injury to the rhizome may affect the degree of dimorphism of the leaves produced, but Breckenridge (1917) showed that such injury was not involved in the production of intermediate forms of the leaves of Onoclea sensibilis. Road tar was suggested as the cause of the production of the frondosa form of Osmunda cinnamomena (House, 1933), but leaves of this type have been found by the writer where no such material was present. Atkinson (1894) claimed that a modification of the nutritional balance of the plant through the removal of all vegetative leaves resulted in the production of leaves intermediate between the sterile and reproductive, but similar observations made by Breckenridge (1917) failed to confirm the earlier results. Atkinson (1911) also claimed that fire injury could be the cause of intermediate forms. Price (1912) and Weatherby (1937) considered that light intensity and moisture conditions affect the degree of blade expansion of sporophylls. However, none of the suggested environmental factors can explain the existence of dimorphism itself. Unfortunately there is very little definite information about the growth and differentiation of the tissues of fern leaves; for this reason it is impossible at present to explain just what happens when the expansion of the fern leaf is inhibited at the time of spore production. The fact that dimorphism is normally associated with areas which are reproductive shows that both the change in the anatomy of the leaf and the production of sporangia are consequences of the same factor or complex of factors. It would seem that in some ferns the hormones that induce spore production modify the effects of growth substances probably associated with the lateral meristem which develops the blade. That this inhibiting action may be slight, medium, more marked, or extreme is beautifully illustrated by forms of Onoclea sensibilis, Fig. 24, in which a closely graded series of leaves may be found from the fully expanded and slightly lobed, wholly vegetative leaf, through forms increasingly smaller, more deeply lobed, and sometimes sparsely sporogenous, to the extremely reduced fertile blade with bead-like, fertile, inrolled lobes. The production of sporophylls and vegetative leaves at different seasons may well be a photoperiodic phenomenon. Small plants of Ceratopteris thalictroid (L.) Brongn., placed by the author in the greenhouse at Ohio State University on July 7, 1945, under 14-hour summer day-length, began producing sporophylls by August 8, whereas it was not until September 1 that plants kept in light of 8-10-hour duration produced the first sporophyll (and that only after the plants had received, by accident, full length summer daylight over a weekend). On six plants kept under continuous light only one sporophyll was produced by September 25th; the vegetative growth was luxuriant. It would seem possible that the photoperiod regulates the formation of the sporogen. Further experiments, more critically controlled, should be conducted with Ceratopteris. The phylogenetic significance of dimorphism of vegetative leaf and sporophyll is evident from a survey of the vascular plants as a whole. Sporophylls, including stamens and carpels, being organs homologous with vegetative leaves, (Bower, 1923) are considered more advanced the more they differ from vegetative leaves. There is a progression from the generalized processes of a double-duty, monomorphic No. 2 A PHYLOGENETIC STUDY OF FERNS 97 leaf to the more specialized processes of dimorphic leaves. Monomorphic leaves are held, therefore, to be more primitive than hemidimorphic or dimorphic leaves. A genus in which dimorphism is characteristic is to be considered more advanced than a genus with largely monomorphic leaves, other characters being similar. There seems to be no factual basis for distinguishing primitive and advanced types of dimorphism as Eames (1936) does except as a consequence of the cladode hypothesis of leaf origin which is here considered as untenable. 15. DIMORPHISM OF VEGETATIVE LEAVES. Some ferns have in addition to sporophylls two kinds of vegetative leaves. For instance, Matteuccia struthiopteris has bipinnatifid vegetative leaves on its upright stems, and in addition has large scale-leaves on its prostrate stems. The high-climbing ferns Lomagramma and Teratophyllum (Holttum, 1937a, 1937b) have acrophylls which are the leaves formed at high levels in the forest, and bathyphylls which are formed at the ground level. These upper and lower vegetative leaves differ in shape and degree of division of their blades. The epiphytic fern, Drynaria, has deeply-pinnatifid and long-petioled ordinary vegetative leaves, and sessile, less deeply-pinnatifid sterile leaves in the axils of which humus often collects. The primordial patterns of species having several kinds of leaves are considered to be more complex, and therefore more advanced, than those of a species having only one kind of leaf. 16. POSITION OF THE SORI. Basing their speculation on the cladode hypothesis of the leaf and the psilophytan origin of the ferns, Bower (1923) and those following him (Eames, 1936, Campbell, 1940, etc.) concluded that the position of the sori at the margins must be more primitive than that on the abaxial surface of the leaf. These authors arrived at this conclusion by reasoning that since the sporangia of the postulated primitive types were apical on the branches, and since leaves are considered to be simply branches of a stem which had become united by webbing, then the marginal position of sori on a leaf blade would correspond with the apical position on unwebbed branches. These are quite logical deductions from highly speculative premises. Advance, from this point of view, would consist in any shift of the sori from their marginal position to the abaxial surface of the blade, a movement called by Bower (1923) "the phylogenetic slide." So fundamental does Bower think the soral position to be that he uses it as the primary character on which to base his three phyletic lines of leptosporangiate ferns: the Marginales, the Superficiales, and the non-soral Osmunda-Gymnogrammeoid line. On the other hand, if the theory be accepted that in the phylogenetic development of the sporophyte of the Metathallophyta there has been a progressive movement of spore production from the central axis to the periphery of the sporophyte, then the logical conclusion would be that marginal sori are more advanced than those on the abaxial surface because they are at the determinate limit of movement away from the axis of the sporophyte. Copeland (1907) has proposed that the advanced position of the sorus is that reached by the adaptation of the reproductive structures to their habitats: "The principles underlying the adaptations of the reproductive structures of ferns are very simple. . . . The mature spores must dry thoroughly enough to be easily and well scattered, and yet the drying of the spore must not involve too great a dessication of the frond." Since the marginal or apical position of the sori permits spore distribution without undue drying of the blade, the marginal position would thus be one of the most advanced. This is pure and quite unnecessary teleological theorizing. Deductions such as those drawn from the preceding three theories may be logical but not necessarily fit the facts. Let us therefore examine the soral positions and see whether the question of what is primitive and what is advanced may be settled aside from an appeal to these philosophical theories. Sori occur at the 98 FREDERICK GARRETT DICKASON Vol. X L V I following places on fern leaves: first, lateral on the veins on the abaxial surface of the leaf blade, or very rarely on the adaxial side as in Polystichum anomalum J. Sm.; second, lateral on the veins and on the epidermal tissue between the veins, a condition usually called acrostichoid; third, apical on the veins. In some cases the veins end at the leaf margin so that apical sori and marginal sori become the same; in other cases, Figs. 14-18, 20, some veins end far short of the margin; sori terminating such veins are superficial on the abaxial surface. From dry herbarium specimens of acrostichoid species with much contracted sporophylls, it is difficult in most cases to ascertain whether the sporangia are really scattered over the surface or are borne on linear or punctiform receptacles which are very close together as a result of lack of expansion of the blade. Fresh material and occasional intermediate forms of sporophylls, which are partially expanded, provide enough evidence to permit a decision. A distinction between sori which are apical on veins and those which are lateral on them is far more fundamental than a distinction between sori which are marginal and those which are "superficial" on the abaxial surface, inasmuch as sori apical on veins may be either marginal or surficial. According to Bower's scheme, Nephrolepis belongs to the Marginales group, yet in most of the species the sori are not marginal but definitely intramarginal or medial. Bower would explain this situation by saying that a phylogenetic slide of the sorus from the margin to the abaxial surface has taken place in Nephrolepis so that the sori are no longer truly marginal. Certainly such a system is taxonomically very unusable because many species with "superficial" sori are placed in the Marginales and many species with marginal sori are placed in the Superficiales. Whether the sori of Nephrolepis are medial, intramarginal, or marginal, in all cases they are apical on veins. The same may be said of the rest of the Davalliaceae which vary as much in the relation of their sori to the margin as does Nephrolepis. The true relationship of all these species is shown much more clearly by the common apical position of their sori on the veins than by the relation of these sori to the leaf margin. Let us further test the value of the marginal-superficial category of Bower and the apical-lateral interpretation presented here. Oleandra is a very natural genus whose relationship has always been doubtful. Bower, however, included the genus with his Davallioid ferns, a group forming a part of his Marginales line. The sori of Oleandra are neither marginal, intramarginal, or even medial; in all known species without exception the sori are costal, that is, located close to the midrib. Here the phylogenetic slide must have been complete! How very unnatural, then, to place Oleandra in the Marginales. On turning to a consideration of the position of the sori on the veins, we find that the sori of none of the oleandras are terminal on veins, in contrast to the universally apical sori of the Davalliaceae; rather they are all lateral on the veins and close to the midrib. It seems to be clear than Oleandra should neither be included with the Davallioid ferns nor placed in the Marginales, but rather that their affinity is with the Thelypteroid-Asplenioid ferns. Although in a great majority of the ferns the sori are clearly either lateral or apical on the veins, there are some soral conditions which are very difficult to interpret. The distinction between the apical and lateral positions on veins disappears in two cases: first, if sori apical on the veins spread inward along the veins, and second, if sori lateral on the veins extend outward to the apex. Tryon (1942) has suggested the possible phyletic movement of the receptacle in the tribe Cheilantheae: "The receptacle can be thought of as having moved toward the vein-ends which were then correspondingly expanded, and finally to have spread laterally, the adjacent vein-ends connecting." He begins his series in this tribe with Eunotholaena in which the sporangia are on the terminal one-half or one-fourth No. 2 A PHYLOGENETIC STUDY OF FERNS 99 of the little-modified veins, and carries it through Cheilanthes, whose sporangia are on clavate orflabellatevein-ends, to Doryopteris in which the sporangia are borne on a continuous commissure connecting the vein-ends. Tryon interprets the series as a movement of the sori outward from the terminal portion of the veins to the enlarged and expanded vein-ends. Chowdhury (1932), from the study of subdimorphic pinnae of Osmunda claytoniana and of extinct osmundaceous ferns, concluded that the primitive position of the sori of these ferns is superficial on the abaxial surface of the blade. But with the total failure of the fertile pinnae to expand, the sporangia appear to be marginal although actually they can be neither marginal nor superficial since there is no blade expansion. Chowdhury's conclusion that for the Osmundaceae the abaxial superficial position of the sori is 'primitive is directly opposite to the conclusion of Bower (1926) that the originally marginal sporangia passed to a superficial position on the abaxial surface. The writer agrees with Chowdhury and Harris (1931) that in this family the unspecialized members show the sori to be lateral on the veins and not apical or marginal. Is there any direct evidence to indicate whether the apparent spread of the sori has been toward or away from the apices of the veins? So far as the writer knows there is no direct evidence which tips the balance of decision one way or the other. Until something definite is known as to the nature of the control involved in sorus initiation, no satisfactory solution is likely to be forthcoming. Certainly it is unwise to prejudice the whole case by accepting the uncertain cladode theory of the leaf and the psilophytan ancestry of the ferns. Assuredly no appeal to "physiological advantage" can settle the question, as ferns with sori in all positions live side by side; one position would seem to be as good as another. Should the idea be true that there has been a movement of spore production from the center of the axis to the periphery of the sporophyte in the Metathallophyta, we could conclude that those sori which are apical on veins are-advanced because they have reached the determinate limit of the movement toward the periphery of the plant body. To summarize, then, ferns may be divided into two groups, the first characterized by sori borne laterally on the veins, their position ranging from very close to the midrib to the apex of the veins themselves. If the venation is reticulate, the sori may be at the point of union of veins. Probably derived from this group are the species with acrostichoid sori. The second group is characterized by sori normally located at the apices of veins which may or may not be expanded at the tip or be united by a vascular commissure. Certain ferns of this group which belong to the Polypodiaceae have veins which do not reach the leaf margin, Figs. 14-18, 20. The group also includes such families as the Dennstaedtiaceae, Lindsayaceae, Davalliaceae, Hypolepidaceae, Pteridaceae, Sinopteridaceae, and Adiantaceae in which all the veins reach the margin or equally near it. 17. SHAPE OF THE SORUS. The sporangia of ferns are grouped in clusters called sori on circular, linear, or large and unrestricted receptacles. These receptacles are usually lateral or apical on veins, but in certain genera the receptacle may cover both veins and the epidermal tissue between them. When the receptacle is small and circular, the sorus is punctiform. Should two or more receptacles occur so close together that their sporangia intermingle and appear to form one sorus, the resulting coenosorus is somewhat elongated as in Bolbitis deltigera (Wall.) C. Chr., Drymoglossum, and Colysis. Should the receptacle extend along a free vein, the sorus becomes linear as in Asplenium and Diplazium. If the receptacle extends along anastomosing veins, a reticulate sporangial pattern results as in Hemionitis and Antrophyum. If the receptacle extends along a vascular commissure connecting vein-ends, a continuous marginal sorus is formed. If the receptacle spreads from the veins to the adjacent epidermal 100 FREDERICK GARRETT DICKASON Vol. X L V I tissue as in Acrostichum and Platycerium, an acrostichoid sporangial pattern results. Among the leptosporangiate ferns small receptacles on the veins may be considered primitive, and any fusion or elongation of receptacles, a derived condition. It is not to be inferred, however, from what has been said that soral shapes within genera are widely variable unless the occurrence of coenosori is sporadic or intermittent. 18. THE INDUSIUM. Indusia are of regular occurrence in such genera as Aspleniutn and Oleandra; in others indusia may be of specific rather than generic occurrence as in Cyathea and Thelypteris. No indusia at all occur in the ferns included in the Polypodioideae by Christensen (1938); in nearly all of these ferns paraphyses are intermixed with the sporangia. Still another group of ferns including the Pteridaceae, Sinopteridaceae, Adiantaceae, and Ceratopteridaceae has modified and reflexed leaf-margins called false indusia. But no matter what these indusial scales, hairs, or flaps may be called, they are all fundamentally the same in that they are sterile growths occurring in proximity to sporiferous areas. Such elaboration of tissue is common in the higher plants—sepals, petals, corona, etc., of flowers, and the elaborate vegetative growth associated with the inflorescence of the Araceae. Although indusia may "protect" young sporangia, they should not be thought of as having arisen in order to carry out that function, but rather as vegetative out-growths associated with the development of reproductive structures. In the Hymenophyllaceae and the Davalliaceae the indusium arises below the receptacle which terminates a vein, and varies from scale-like with basal attachment, to half-cup-shaped or tubular with basal and lateral attachment. In punctiform sori which are lateral on veins, the indusia may be inferior and calyxlike as in Cyathea, lateral and scale-like as in Cystopteris, lateral and reniform as in Dryopteris, or superior and peltate as in Polystichum. In other sori which are lateral on veins but with more or less elongated receptacles, the indusia may be elongate-reniform as. in Mesochlaena, elongate and mostly unilateral but often hooked over the vein as in Athyrium, or completely unilateral as in Asplenium. Infolded leaf-margins occur irrespective of whether the sori are indusiate or not: both infolded margins and indusia may be present as in Onoclea and Marsilea; infolded margins but no indusia occur in Pteris, Onychiwn and Ceratopteris. The presence of indusia in contrast to paraphyses indicates neither an advanced nor a primitive condition, but simply a different expression of vegetative growth which occurs in the neighborhood of reproductive centers. The elaboration is localized in the one case, and is scattered throughout the receptacle in the other. 19. THE ORDER OF SPORANGIAL DEVELOPMENT WITHIN THE SORUS. Bower (1923) recognizes in his main phyletic lines of the ferns three levels or conditions based on the order of development of the sporangia in the sorus: the Simplices, the Gradatae, and the Mixtae. He believes that these states of the sori "may severally have been achieved in accordance with biological advantage" along three distinct evolutionary lines. The Simplices include those ferns in which the sporangia develop simultaneously in any one sorus. The Gradatae are those ferns, in any one sorus of which the sporangia develop in basipetal or acropetal succession. The Mixtae are those in which the sporangia originate in irregular order. Is this order of sporangial development of any phylogenetic value? The simultaneous development of sporangia occurs in the eusporangiate ferns and in such leptosporangiates as the Osmundaceae, Gleicheniaceae, Schizaeaceae, and Matoniaceae. These ferns are also characterized by their circular or elongated, unraised receptacles which bear from one to a few large sporangia. Of course where the sorus has but one sporangium as in Lygodium the order of •development, has no meaning. This simultaneous development of sporangia within each sorus No. 2 A PHYLOGENETIC STUDY OF FERNS 101 would seem to be a characteristic of those families which have a longer geologic history than the families in which the sporangia develop in succession. As a taxonomic character, therefore, soral development should take precedence over soral position which Bower uses to establish his three phyletic lines (Smith, 1938). In cases where simultaneous development is present in higher families, as in two genera of the Hymenophyllaceae, it is not associated with the same supplementary characters as those indicated for the more primitive families. Bower's Gradatae and Mixtae really constitute but one group in which sporangial initiation and development is not simultaneous but rather successive. Species with a regular sequence of sporangial development are placed in the Gradatae; those in which "the sporangia of different ages are aggregated together without any definite sequence" are placed in the Mixtae. The essential similarity of the two groups is indicated by the fact that both regular and irregular sequences of development may be present in the same genus, as in Dennstaedtia or Hypolepis, and by the fact that in some ferns such as Dennstaedtia rubiginosa, Cyrtomium spp., and some of the Pteridaceae an initial regular sequence of development is followed by the interpolation of young sporangia in an unrecognized order. The point to be emphasized is that receptacles of gradate sori are normally somewhat elongated-columnar as in Trichomanes and Matteuccia, peltate as in Cyathea, or dome-shaped as in some species of Hymenophyllum The acropetal or basipetal sequence in sporangial development seems to be expressed where some such elongation of the receptacle is present. The receptacles of the "mixed" sori are normally flat or only slightly raised. No one physiological gradient from apex to base of the receptacle, or vice versa, seems to exist: the writer believes that a careful study of the development of these mixed sori should be made to determine if the pattern of succession of the sporangia is not unapparent rather than lacking as is true in a condensed cymose inflorescence. For the present, therefore, it seems wise to give up the idea of three fundamentally different "soral states" suggested by Bower, and to think, rather, of two sections of the homosporous leptosporangiate ferns: the first with sori in which there is a simultaneous development of the sporangia, and the second with sori in which there is usually a successive development of sporangia. The first group is further characterized by sporangia which are large and relatively few per sorus, most of which also open by longitudinal dehiscence. The second group is usually characterized by sporangia which are relatively smaller and more numerous, which usually dehisce transversely. Although it is unlikely that the group of ferns characterized by the simultaneous development of sporangia in the sorus has directly given rise to the group characterized by successive sporangial development, it seems tenable that the latter are more advanced than the former. 20. THE SPORANGIUM, It should be made clear at the outset that the beautifully perfect mechanism of the polypodioid type of sporangium has not arisen due to any continued experimentation on the part of the plant and subsequent selection of the most biologically advantageous forms. The oblique annulus of the Gradatae does not become vertical because "the oblique position would be mechanically inconvenient when the receptacle is flat" as suggested by Bower (1935), but rather heritable protoplasmic factors are responsible for the variation and modification of the fern annulus. In that group of leptosporangiate ferns with simultaneous sporangial development, the annulus consists of a cluster of thick-walled cells located near the apex of the sporangium, as in the Osmundaceae, or of an apical ring with a 1-celled apical plate as in the Schizaeaceae, of a horizontal ring with a large apical plate as in the Gleicheniaceae, or of an irregular and variable incomplete ring as in the 102 FREDERICK GARRETT DICKASON Vol. X L V 1 Matoniaceae. Dehiscence is median longitudinal except in Platyzoma and Matonia. The sporangia are sessile or short-stalked, the stalks being more than three cells thick. The spore-output per sporangium (Bower, 1923) varies from 1024 to 16: in the Osmundaceae from 512-256, in the Schizaeaceae from 256-128, in the Gleicheniaceae from 1024-512 in Gleicheniaflabellata,to 256 or less in G. linearis In Platyzoma the spore-count varies from 32-16, but there is considerable doubt whether this genus really belongs in the Gleicheniaceae. In that group of the leptosporangiate ferns with successive sporangia! development, the annulus consists of a more or less complete ring which varies in orientation from oblique to vertical.. This ring may be complete with either some or all of its cells thickened, or it may be incomplete and interrupted by the stalk of the sporangium. The thin-walled part of the ring, often forming the stomium, may be little modified or may be clearly specialized as lip-cells. Dehiscence is lateral and takes place in this thin-walled area, except in Loxsoma. The sporangial stalk varies from short to long, and is 4-3-1 -cells thick. The spore-output per sporangium varies from 420 to 1: in the Hymenophyllaceae from 420-32, in the Cheiropleuriaceae 128, in the Cyathaeceae from 64-8, in most of the "Polypodiaceae" about 64, in the Sinopteridaceae from 64-12, in the Ceratopteridaceae from 32-16, and in the Marsilaeceae from 64 microspores to 1 megaspore. In the past; sporangial characters have been largely used:to segregate families. Most of the ferns that have a more.or less complete vertical annulus have been put into the "Polypodiaceae." Actually there is, a very marked variety in sporangial structure. For instance, the annulus is oblique in Odontosoria reiusa (Cav.) J. Sm., complete and slightly oblique in Polystichum deltodon (Bak.) Diels and in Neocheiropteris waltoni Ching, complete except for the interruption by the stalk in Cheiropleuria bicuspis (Bl.) Presl, and very broad and exceedingly variable in Ceratopteris. In recent years the "Polypodiaceae" have been subdivided into many families, sometimes on the basis of sporangial characters but more often on other bases. 21. THE TIME OF SEXUAL DIMORPHISM. The time of appearance of sexual diversity in the life-cycle of plants varies at different levels of differentiation in the plant kingdom (Schaffner, 1923). At the most primitive level the appearance of sex differences takes place in the gametes themselves; their gametangia appear to be identical, as in the alga Ulothrix. The second level is that in which sex differences appear in the gametangia located on a common hermaphroditic prothallus, as in most homosporous ferns. The third level is that in which there are distinct male and female gametophytes as in the unisexual prothalli of Onoclea and Matteuccia (Mottier, 1910). A fourth level is that in which sex differentiation occurs at the initiation of the sporangia in the sorus. This results in the formation of micro- and megasporangia, and micro- and megaspores as in Marsilea. In the fifth level the differentiation occurs still earlier, at the initiation of the sorus, with the result that each sorus contains microspores or megaspores but not both. This occurs in Salvinia where the two kinds of sori are similar in appearance, and in Azolla where the sori are dissimilar. If sexual dimorphism began any earlier in the life-cycle, microsporophylls and megasporophylls would be formed, but this level has not been reached by any of the known ferns. The preceding twenty-one patterns of variation occurring in the ferns provide a basis on which the ferns of Burma will be classified. It should be recognized, of course, that some of these patterns will be valuable primarily in the arrangement of species in their genera; this will be true especially of patterns of vegetative structures. Others, particularly those having to do with reproductive structures and the life-cycle, will be of use in working out the relationships of larger groups. From such a review of the variations occurring in the leptosporangiate ferns certain deductions of phylogenetic interest may be drawn. (Cf. Schaffner, 1936.) No. 2 A PHYLOGENETIC STUDY OF FERNS 103 1. Phylogenetic development in general is not teleological and does not advance because of some assumed utility of organs or mechanisms. 2. Lamarkian and Darwinian evolutionary hypotheses receive no support from the detailed study of ferns. 3. There is no general correspondence between the taxonomic system and phylogenetic progress on the one hand, and environments on the other. 4. Ph}rlogenetic development is postulated as the result of an intrinsic process which is dependent upon the fundamental organization of the protoplasm—a sort of "internal predestination." 5. Any one character may become more specialized while other important characters remain unchanged. : . . . V. THE ORDERS AND FAMILIES OF FERNS Taxonomists who have contributed greatly in recent years to the understanding of the relationships of ferns include W. R. Maxon, E. B. Copeland, Carl Christensen, and R. C. Ching. Attention is particularly directed to Copeland's treatise, The Oriental Genera of Polypodiaceae (1929), to Christensen's most valuable revision of the Filieinae in Verdoorn's Manual of Pteriodology (1938), and to Ching's publication, On Natural Classification of the Family "Polypodiaceae" (1940b). In the present study the fern families are placed in five orders, the Ophioglossales, Marattiales, Filicales, Marsileales, and Salviniales, as shown in Chart IV on page 105. In the past the family Marsileaceae has either been included with the Salviniaceae and Azollaceae in a separate order, the Hydropteridales, or has been included in the Filicales. Campbell (1904), Bower (1926), and Christensen (1938) have considered that the Marsileaceae are descended from Schizaeaceous stock. Eames (1936) agreed in general with this view but suggested that the family may have been derived from Gleicheniaceous ancestors. Smith (1938) thought that the Marsileaceae could not have been derived from the Schizaeaceae, and that their origin should be sought among the Hymenophyllaceae or the Cyatheaceae. To connect the Marsileaceae with any homosporous fern family is to assume a degree of change in heritable characters quite beyond that which a study of genetics would lead us to expect. It is wisest to place the Marsileaceae in a separate order, making no guesses at present as to the definite origin of this family. The order Filicales, as here delimited, includes only the homosporous leptosporangiate ferns. Linnaeus (1753) classified the 190 known homosporous species of ferns under ten genera—Osmunda, Onoclea, Acrostichum, Hemionitis, Poly podium, Asplenium, Pteris, Blechnum, Lonchitis, and Trichomanes. As more and more ferns became known, most of these original genera became the bases of families. Presl, a century after Linnaeus (1850), classified the then known homosporous leptosporangiate ferns under 149 genera and 17 tribes or families. Although 5663 ferns belonging to the Filicales were known by 1906, Christensen classified them under only 136 genera and 8 families. We see here, linked with a three-fold increase in the number of species known, a reduction of over 50% in the number of families recognized. By 1938 Christensen recognized 9000 species and 200 genera belonging to the Filicales which he classified under 11 families, one of which, the "Polypodiaceae," he subdivided into 15 subfamilies; these, he suggested, might better be dealt with as families. Ching (1940), following this suggestion, divided the "Polypodiaceae" into 32 sections, to each of which he gave a family status. This is a large increase in the number of fern families, but it is in harmony with the present trend in splitting large and unwieldy taxonomic groups into smaller ones; for example, Copeland (1938) divided the species of the family Hymenophyllaceae into 33 genera in place of the two usually recognized. 104 FREDERICK GARRETT DICKASON Vol. X L V I Some of the families proposed by Ching will likely stand as natural groups, but not all of them. For instance, the Sphaerostephanaceae which Ching based on Sphaerostephanos J. Sm. (or Mesochlaena R. Br.) cannot stand. Smith, himse (1841), repudiated his genus as having been founded on a misconception of the nature of the receptacle. Ching's "Sphaerostephanaceae" is based on the same misconception and must therefore be repudiated. Copeland (1941c) pointed out several other families which he considered to be unnatural, but for the present the writer is accepting 31 of the families which Ching has revived or proposed anew. Bower, and following him Eames, Smith, and Campbell, have considered the " Polypodiaceae " to be polyphyletic. The Davallioid and Pteroid sections of the family they considered to have evolved from the Dicksoniaceae, and this family in turn from the Schizaeaceae. The Gymnogrammeoid ferns they believed to have originated from the Plagiogyriaceae, and this family from the Osmundaceae. The Asplenioid, Dryopteroid, Woodsioid, Onocleoid, and Blechnoid sections of the Polypodiaceae they considered to have originated from the Cyatheaceae, and this family from the Gleicheniaceae. The Dipteroid section they supposed to have originated from the Gleicheniaceae through the Dipteridaceae. To some extent Ching, too, has been influenced by this polyphyletic concept. He arranges the 32 families segregated from the "Polypodiaceae" in six phyletic series as follows: first, a Lindsayoid-Devallioid series originating from Dicksonioid stock; second, a Pteroid-Gymnogrammeoid series originating from a similar ancestral stock; third, a Thelypteroid-Asplenioid series, with the Blechnoid ferns as an offshoot, originating from some extinct and unknown stock; fourth, a Cyatheoid-Aspidioid series originating from Cyatheoid stock; fifth, a DipteroidPolypodioid series, with the Elaphoglossaceae as an offshoot, originating from Dipteroid stock; and sixth, an isolated family, Didymochlaenaceae, originating from unknown stock. The weak point of these theories which postulate the polyphyletic origin of the "Polypodiaceae" is the large amount of parallel development which they have to assume. How does it happen that all phyletic lines develop the same type of sporangium? As pointed out by C. A. Weatherby, we have been accustomed to think of evolution as largely a process of diversification; why, then, have these ferns produced a series of end members more alike than their ancestors were, and yet are to be kept wide apart because their ancestors are considered to have been different ? Actually there is little evidence to indicate that Bower's "Simplices"—the Schizaeaceae, Osmundaceae, and Gleicheniaceae—are really parent stocks which have given rise to three separate phyletic lines of ferns, of which each in turn gave rise to certain sections of the "Polypodiaceae." In Chart IV the writer has arranged the families of the Filicales in generally related groups, without implying anything as to their origin. The ferns in Groups A-E are characterized by sporangia located in sori which are lateral on the veins on the abaxial side of the leaf. Group A includes ferns which are further characterized by exindusiate sori in which the sporangia develop simultaneously and dehisce longitudinally. Group B is further characterized by sori with superior peltate indusia, and by sporangia which develop simultaneously and dehisce laterally. Group C includes tree ferns with either exindusiate or indusiate sori. If present, the indusium is inferior and cup-like. The sporangia develop simultaneously in species having flat receptacles, and successively in species with elongated receptacles; the annulus is oblique and the dehiscence lateral. Group D includes those non-tree fern families, which normally have indusiate sori in which the sporangia develop successively. The sporangia have a more or less complete vertical annulus and dehisce laterally. Group E includes those non-tree fern A Phylogenetic Study of Ferns Frederick Garrett Dickason CHART IV T H E ORDERS AND FAMILIES OF FERNS 105 106 FREDERICK GARRETT DICKASON Vol. X L V I families which normally have exindusiate, paraphysate sori in which the sporangia develop successively and have a more or less complete vertical annulus and lateral dehiscence. The families in Groups H-L are characterized by sori located at the apices of veins. Group L includes those ferns in which the sporangia are borne on more or less cylindrical receptacles usually with basal intercallary meristems. The development of the sporangia on the receptacle is usually basipetal, and the dehiscence, usually lateral. Group K includes those tree ferns having thick, erect or decumbent stems, sori with inferior cup-shaped or 2-lipped indusia, and sporangia with oblique annulus and basipetal development. Group J includes non-tree fern families which are usually characterized by sori each subtended on the basal side by a scale-like or half-cup-like indusium, by sporangia with more or less vertical annulus and successive development. Groups H and I are characterized by sori which are not subtended by indusia as above. The sporangia may be apical or may extend from the apices of the veins back along the veins for a short distance. The margins of the fertile leaves are usually reflexed over the sori. Group I is further characterized by sporangia with oblique annulus; Group H by sporangia with more or less vertical annulus. The families in Groups F and G are characterized by lack of indusia, and by sporangia scattered on elongate receptacles which follow the veins and which sometimes extend to the epidermal tissue between the veins. Group G is further characterized by having no reflexed leaf margin, and by sporangia of the normal polypodioid type. Group F, on the other hand, is characterized by reflexed colorless leaf margins, and by very large sporangia with broad and variable annulus, located very far apart on the veins. It is not to be inferred from Chart IV that the families in each group evolved in the order in which they are listed, nor that families originated from the immediately preceding ones on the chart. The grouping merely shows possible general relationships among the families of ferns and possible lines of diversification within the order Filicales. LITERATURE CITED Anderson-Kotto. 1938. Genetics, Chapter IX in Manual of Pteridology, edited by Verdoorn. Martinus Nijhoff, The Hague. Atkinson, G. F. 1894. A Preliminary Note on the Relation Between the Sterile and Fertile Leaves of Onoclea. Bot. Gaz. 19: 374^375. 1911. The Relation Between the Sterile and Fertile Leaves of Dimorphic Ferns. Fern Bull. 19: 81-84; Linnaean Fern Bull. 4: 34. Bateson, W. 1915. Pres. Address Brit. Assoc. Sci., Melbourne. Benedict, R. 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