© 2011 Duncan Carr Agnew
1.1 Random Time Series . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1.2 Overview of the Subject . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Linear Systems and Fourier Transforms
2.1 Linear Time-Invariant Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2.2 Convolution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2.3 The Fourier Transform . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2.4 A Transform Pair . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2.5 Fourier Theorems I: Similarity and Shift . . . . . . . .
2.6 Generalized Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2.7 Fourier Transforms of Generalized Functions . . . . .
2.8 Fourier Theorems II: Derivatives and Differentiability
2.9 Fourier Theorems III: Convolution, Power, Modulation
2.10 The Correlation Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Fourier Theory for Discrete Time
3.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3.2 Discrete-Time Sequences and Operations . . . . .
3.3 Fourier Transforms for Infinite Sequences . . . .
3.4 Discrete Fourier Transform . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3.5 Fourier Theorems for the DFT . . . . . . . . . . . .
3.6 The Dirichlet Kernel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3.7 Computing the DFT: the Fast Fourier Transform
Sampling Theory for Time-Series
4.1 Introduction: Logging Data . . .
4.2 The Sampling Problem . . . . . .
4.3 The Nyquist Theorem . . . . . . .
4.4 Aliasing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4.5 Decimation . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Violating the Nyquist Criterion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Quantization Error . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Digital Filters I: Frequency-Selective Filters
5.1 Introduction: Digital Filters in General . . . . . . . . . . . . .
5.2 FIR Filters for Frequency Selection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Digital Filters II: Recursive Filters and Simulating Linear
6.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
6.2 Lumped-Parameter Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
6.3 The Laplace Transform: System Poles and Zeros . . . . . . .
6.4 The z-transform for Digital Filters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
6.5 Recursive Digital Filters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Digital Filters III: Differentiators, Least-Squares, and MinimumPhase Filters
7.1 FIR Filters: Other Applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97
7.2 Differentiators and Digital Hilbert Transformers . . . . . . . 97
7.3 Least-squares Fits as Filters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100
7.4 Minimum-Phase Filters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102
Stochastic Processes
8.1 Introducing Ordered Random Data . . . .
8.2 Stationary Processes and Autocovariance
8.3 White Noises and their Relatives . . . . .
8.4 Examples from the Real World . . . . . .
A Computing the Discrete Fourier Transform
A.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
A.2 The Basis of the Fast Fourier Transform . . . . . . . . . .
A.3 Computing DFT’s of Real Series . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
A.4 Computing the Fourier Transform for a Few Frequencies
B Other Reading
B.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
B.2 Linear Systems and Fourier Analysis
B.3 Digital Signal Processing . . . . . . . .
B.4 Time Series and Spectral Estimation
1.1 Random Time Series
In this course we consider datasets in which the data have a particular
structure, namely that the data are ordered, whether in time or space
(or both); we shall use the term time series for the general case of data
ordered in one dimension. Most data are actually ordered, though we may
choose to ignore this; even repeated measurements of the same thing are
usually done sequentially rather than all at once.
We begin with some mathematical concepts for ordered data. In fact, we
start by focusing on the “ordered” part while ignoring the “random” part:
we discuss concepts and methods useful for working with ordered data regarded as conventional (rather than random) variables. Only after we have
introduced these concepts, in particular Fourier theory and methods, will
we return to randomness. Our ultimate aim is to develop Fourier methods for random variables, which leads to the idea of the power spectrum:
this spectrum, and the procedures for estimating it, will be our focus in the
latter part of this section of the course.
Two Examples of Time Series
We start with some examples of ordered data to show some of what we will
be discussing in more detail. Our first examples come from very close by:
sea level at the end of the Scripps pier (Figure 1.1). The ordering of these
data is crucial: if we selected values at random from those shown, we would
lose significant information. Given the ordering, two obvious features are a
periodic variation and a long-term rise. The periodic variation turns out to
be annual,1 so that a preliminary model for the data values as a function
This comes from the “steric effect”, and is caused by the annual variation in water
temperature at shallow depths; as it warms, water expands, and level rises. This annual
change does not reflect any annual variation in the amount of water in the oceans; to
Chapter 1. Introduction
Figure 1.1: Monthly mean sea level measured at the end of the SIO
pier; data from the Permanent Service for Mean Sea Level. The reference level is chosen to be well below the lowest water level.
of time t (in years) is
x i = a 1 + a 2 t i + a 3 sin(2π t i ) + a 4 cos(2π t i ) + r i
We can use the least-squares methods learned earlier to estimate the parameters a 1 through a 4 ; doing this, and subtracting the result from the
data, gives the residuals r i , also plotted in Figure 1.1. These residuals certainly cannot be called “error;” rather, these fluctuations in sea level are
caused by changes in the ocean and atmosphere, and show, for example, a
period of high sea level in the early 1980’s, caused by an El Niño.
Our next example uses exactly same quantity (water level at the end of
the Scripps pier), but measured at a much finer time resolution, to record
the ocean waves. Figure 1.2 shows 10 minutes of 1-second data, 24 hours
apart. The dominant behavior on both days is an oscillation with amplitude
about 15 cm and period about 10 seconds: the ocean swell. More than this
it is difficult to say.
Figure 1.3 shows the power spectral density (PSD) of these data, estimated from a longer sample (an hour of measurements). We define the
PSD later; for now, a simple way of looking at it is that it shows how much
of the variation is occurring at different frequencies. In this case, the PSD
is large for periods of 8-15 seconds (frequencies of 0.06-0.12 Hz), as we
what extent the long-term change is steric, and to what extent driven by changes in water
storage elsewhere, is much debated.
1.1. Random Time Series
Figure 1.2: Sea level measured at the end of the SIO pier; data from
the Coastal Data Information Program. Zero level is arbitrary (and
not the same as in the previous figure). Each frame shows 10 minutes
of data, on the top starting at 1997:240:00:00:00 and on the bottom
one day later.
might expect from the plot of the time series. But we also can see that the
decrease at higher and lower frequencies has very different forms (suggesting different physics). Further, we can see that the peak of the energy on
day 241 has moved to a frequency 0.008 Hz higher than on day 240. If we
take a series of such spectra and make a contour plot of the power spectral
density over time, we see a “ridge line” of high values which shifts gradually with time. The explanation for this is that surface waves in liquids are
dispersive; the wave energy was generated over a broad range of frequencies in one place (where there were high winds), but the lower-frequency
energy traveled faster and arrived first.2 Given the frequency shift over
three days and the known physics of wave propagation, the distance to the
source is found to be 64◦ ± 1◦ . We show this example to illustrate a common
occurrence: characteristics of the data that are not obvious in a time series
can become very obvious after we find the power spectrum of that data.
See, for much more on this subject, based on an ocean-spanning data set, the classic
paper by Snodgrass et al. (1966); a more recent summary, using satellite data, is Ardhuin
et al. (2009).
Chapter 1. Introduction
Figure 1.3: Spectrum of the wave data in Figure 1.2 (actually, of a full
hour beginning at the times shown in that figure). In each frame the
spectrum from the other frame is shown as a light line at the lowest
frequencies, to indicate the shift in frequency of the lowest-frequency
Figure 1.4: Power spectral density as a function of time for sea level
at the end of the SIO pier. Contours are in dB relative to 1 m2 /Hz.
The two dashed lines show the “slices” that give the spectra in Figure
1.3. .
1.2. Overview of the Subject
A Note on Decibels
Figures 1.3 and 1.4 shows the amplitude of the spectrum plotted in units
that may be new to you: decibels (dB). These are another way of creating a
logarithmic scale, and it is sufficiently common that you need to know what
it is. The term comes, via acoustics, from telephony: hence the name, Bel,
which refers to Alexander Graham Bell. The original definition is that if a
signal has a power (think loudness) P , and there is a reference power P0 ,
the signal level in decibels is 10 log10 (P /P0 ). The logarithm is used for two
reasons: one is the usual reason that we can use a small range of numbers
for very large changes. . The other is peculiar to acoustics, namely that the
intensity of a sensation (e.g., perceived loudness) is roughly proportional to
the logarithm of the power, a rule of psychophysics known as Fechner’s law.
In digital signal processing, the reference level is taken to be unity. If we
have something with amplitude A , then by definition the amplitude in dB
is 10 log10 ( A 2 ) = 20 log10 A . The square comes from the fact that squared
quantities relate to power: for example, if we have a voltage V across a
resistance R , the power dissipated in the resistor is V 2 /R . With this definition, a factor of two in amplitude is very nearly equal to 6 dB; a factor of
four to 12 dB, and a factor of eight to 18 dB. Conversely, if signal A is half
as large as signal B, we would say “A is 6 dB below B”; if A had a value
of one half, with the reference level being one, we would say that "A has a
level of −6 dB”. And after a little practice, you will too.
1.2 Overview of the Subject
A major aim of this course is to teach you to understand what a spectrum
is, know how to estimate it from the data, and how to decide which of the
bumps on the plotted spectrum mean something and which do not. But to
get to this, we need to spend time introducing Fourier methods and some
specialized parts of probability and statistics: all quite useful in themselves, but with the consequence that we will only discuss spectral methods
towards the latter part of the course.
We start with mathematics applicable to ordered conventional variables, in particular the Fourier analysis of functions and linear systems
theory. As we just saw, looking at data in terms of frequency rather than
time can be a very powerful tool - and this is what Fourier methods are
about: moving between a function defined in time, and its transform de-
Chapter 1. Introduction
Figure 1.5: Monthly mean water density at the end of the SIO pier,
found from the daily data for salinity and temperature archived at
http://shorestation.ucsd.edu/. The upper trace is the raw data;
the bottom trace is the residual (offset for clarity) after fitting and
removing an annual cycle.
fined in frequency. Linear systems theory helps to explain why this procedure is so useful, and also provides a useful way of looking at many phenomena.
This way of looking at time series was developed by electrical engineers
(and mathematicians who worked in collaboration with them), something
also true of our next topic, digital signal processing. This name covers
a range of concepts and methods: notably how to look at Fourier theory
applied to time series in which the data occur as samples from a continuous
function, and how to filter data for various purposes.
After this we move to ordered random variables. The subfield of probability that deals with random variables ordered in one or more dimensions
is called the study of stochastic processes; we will utilize this mathematics to create descriptions that help us understand the process. For
non-ordered random variables such descriptions include things like the
moments of the probability density function (pdf); for time series we will
develop the theory of the power spectrum, or power spectral density.
Of course, defining the mathematics of ideal models is only part of working with data: we also have to develop methods for getting a “good” estimate of this model from actual data. This, like all estimation from sets
of data modeled as random variables, is a problem in statistics, not probability; within statistics it falls into the subfield termed (by statisticians)
1.2. Overview of the Subject
time-series analysis. The concepts for estimating other parameters (e.g.,
bias, efficiency, consistency) apply equally to power spectrum estimation;
but spectrum estimation is more complex, in part because the spectrum is
a function, not just a single parameter or a set of them. Because of this
complexity, this area suffers from much confusion and reliance on obsolete
procedures. We will introduce you to useful and modern methods.
The power spectrum is a way of looking at a single set of ordered random
variables. Often we have more than one set, and want to know how to relate
them. To take an example, Figure 1.5 shows the water density at the end
of the Scripps pier; if we compare this with the sea-level data in Figure 1.1,
we can see that both show an annual cycle. We might ask if these two series
are related at other frequencies, and if so how: to answer this question we
would employ a generalization of the power spectrum known as the crossspectrum, for which there are, again, good and bad estimation methods.
Another generalization of the power spectrum comes when we want to
describe a time series in which the “spectrum” (in a rough sense of the
amount of energy at different frequencies) changes with time. The data in
Figures 1.2 through 1.4 is an example, though an “easy” case because the
spectrum changed over times that were long (days) compared to the reciprocal of the frequencies involved (seconds to minutes). But there can be
more rapid changes in frequency content, as, for example, in most seismograms. To describe such a process (which is termed nonstationary) we
would need to replace the mathematical framework of Fourier analysis by
what is called wavelet analysis – a topic we will not have time to discuss.
You should realize that there are many other areas of time series analysis that we will not touch on at all; we hope that what we do discuss will
provide a useful framework for any topics you may want to learn about
2.1 Linear Time-Invariant Systems
We begin with the mathematical theory – Fourier analysis – that underlies
many kinds of analysis of time series, including signal processing, data
filtering, and spectrum estimation. In order to make this theory usable, we
will need to introduce new kinds of functions, called generalized functions.
Fourier analysis, as we will use it, is about representing a function,
not as something that depends on the original variable (time) but as something that depends on a different variable, frequency. We can use this alternate representation because we can write the original function in terms
of the “sum” of a series of sines and cosines in time, these sines and cosines
being “indexed” by this frequency variable. We have used quotes around
“sum” and “index” because these are only analogies to what actually done
in Fourier transforms of functions on the real line – though, when we talk
about digital data series we could remove the quote marks, since in that
case these terms are correct.
We can construct functions from sums of a number of different families
of functions; for example, over a finite interval we can form any function
from sums of polynomials. Why use sines and cosines? There are number of
ways of answering this; from the standpoint of geophysical data the answer
lies in the ubiquity of linear time-invariant systems, and the especially
simple way in which sinusoids are treated by such systems.
What do we mean when we refer to a system? It is just something into
which we put an input function x( t) (a function of some variable, usually
thought of as time), and out of which we get an output function y( t). We
can write this symbolically, either as a block diagram (as shown below) or
symbolically, as x( t) ⇒ y( t).
2.1. Linear Time-Invariant Systems
✲ y(t)
Actual systems may well have more than one x and y, but we avoid this
complication for now. Some examples of systems are:
Ground motion
Magnetized sea-floor
Solar-lunar gravity
Ice loads
Solar radiation
3-4 km of water
Upper Mantle
Atmosphere & ocean
Surface magnetics
Ocean tides
Postglacial rebound
Weather & climate
These systems are given in order of increasing difficulty in studying
them. The first three are examples of systems that are linear and timeinvariant, which are the ones we will focus on. The last two are definitely
not linear, and as a result are by far the least understood. The fourth,
postglacial rebound, may or may not be linear depending on the rheology of
the mantle; the advantages of linearity are shown by the almost-universal
use of linear models of viscoelasticity in studying this problem.
The important point about linear time-invariant systems is that they
are basically all alike – the same mathematics applies to them all – whereas
nonlinear systems can be nonlinear in many different ways.
A system is linear if
x1 ( t) ⇒ y1 ( t) and x2 ( t) ⇒ y2 ( t)
implies that
x1 ( t) + x2 ( t) ⇒ y1 ( t) + y2 ( t)
which is often called the principle of superposition. Repeated application of this definition shows that
ax( t) ⇒ a y( t)
for any rational value of a; it can be shown to be true for any real value of
Time-invariance is a separate behavior, and means that for a particular
input the output does not depend on the absolute time:
x( t + τ) ⇒ y( t + τ)
Chapter 2. Linear Systems and Fourier Transforms
for all τ. An example of a linear system that would not be time invariant
is a pendulum whose length varies over times much longer than its period;
even though a simple pendulum is linear in its response to small forces
applied to the bob, gradual changes in length would keep it from being
time-invariant. Time-invariance automatically holds for any system that
depends only on physical laws, as in the magnetics example above; and
can often be assumed as an idealization for many actual systems. One
of the linear systems mentioned above, the ocean tides, will vary as the
shape of the oceans changes over geologic time because of sea-level changes
and continental motion; but over the past few centuries we can reasonably
assume time invariance.
What do these characterizations of systems have to do with Fourier
methods? The answer is that sinusoids (or indeed any exponential) are
unchanged “in form” by a linear time-invariant system: the output and the
input have the same functional representation. One way to see this is to
note that shifting an exponential e st by a time τ simply multiplies it by e sτ ,
and a linear system does not change the form of the output because the
amplitude of the input changes. More formally (and working with complex
exponentials), we suppose that
x ( t ) = e 2π i f t
y( t) = g̃( f , t) e2π i f t
which, since g̃( f , t) is unspecified, allows y to be an arbitrary function of
time. Then applying a time shift, and time-invariance, gives
x( t + τ) = e2π i f τ e2π i f t
g̃( f , t + τ) e2π i f τ e2π i f t
Linearity allows us to cancel out the constant factor e2π i f τ from both sides,
with the result
e 2π i f t
g̃( f , t + τ) e2π i f t
which implies
g̃( f , t + τ) = g̃( f , t)
But this means that g̃ can depend only on f ; the time-dependence of input
and output are then the same, namely a complex exponential, which is to
say a sinusoid.
We call g̃( f ) the frequency response of the system, where f is the
frequency of the sinusoid. In general g̃( f ) will be complex (just as x and y
are in our example), even though actual series are usually real. This use of
2.1. Linear Time-Invariant Systems
Figure 2.1: Some sinusoids, and their amplitude and phase displayed
on a phasor diagram. A is a unit sinusoid with 0◦ phase shift (note
that this depends on where we put the t = 0 point). B is a unit sinusoid with −30◦ phase shift (a delay); C is a unit sinusoid with −90◦
phase shift (we say that it is in quadrature with A); D is a unit sinusoid with ±180◦ phase shift; and E is a sinusoid with amplitude 2
and a 0◦ phase shift. F is another unit sinusoid with 0◦ phase shift,
but a different frequency; in the phasor diagram, it plots in the same
location as A though usually a single phasor diagram is taken to refer
to sinusoids of the same frequency.
complex numbers simplifies the bookkeeping; what we really mean when
we say that the input is Ae2π i f t is that
x( t) = R [ Ae2π i f t ] = 1/2[ Ae2π i f t + A ∗ e−2π i f t ]
= R [ A ] cos 2π f t − I [ A ] sin2π f t = a cos(2π f t + φ)
so that we can write the complex amplitude A as a(cos φ + i sin φ) = ae iφ , a
complex number with amplitude a and phase φ. We thus can represent
our sinusoid on the Argand diagram often used for complex numbers; in
this application it is called the phasor diagram (or vibration diagram) for
this sinusoid. The modulus of A is the amplitude and the angle φ the phase
(relative to some time, which is arbitrary but must be chosen). Figure 2.1
shows some examples.
It is very important to be aware of an arbitrary part of the amplitude
and phase representation, namely which sign of φ represents a lag (or lead).
Chapter 2. Linear Systems and Fourier Transforms
Consider our sample sinusoid, e2π i f t . If φ = 0, a maximum will occur at
t = 0. If φ is slightly greater than 0, this maximum will be at t < 0, and
the waveform will be advanced (we reach the maximum sooner in time)
relative to φ = 0; similarly for φ < 0, we reach the maximum later (a delay).
Thus, φ < 0 is a phase lag, and φ > 0 a phase lead; we will see shortly
that this convention corresponds to a particular choice of how we define
the Fourier transform. Unfortunately there is no universal agreement on
this sign convention; our choice is that used in electrical engineering (and
hence in signal processing), but much of the older geophysical literature
(for example, in tidal studies) takes phase lags to be positive.
2.2 Convolution
We have shown that what a linear time-invariant system does to a sinusoid
is specified by its frequency response g̃( f ); but what about more general
inputs? We shall simply state that, in general, we can relate the output
y( t) to the input x( t) through the convolution integral
y( t) =
x( u) g( t − u) du
where g( t) is a function characteristic of the system. We say that y is the
convolution of x and g, which we write as y( t) = x( t) ∗ g( t),
It is clear that the system described by this integral is linear; to show
that it is time-invariant we first show it to be commutative. Letting u′ =
t − u we see that
x( u′ ) g( t − u′ ) du′ =
x( t − u) g( u) du
which means that x ∗ g = g ∗ x Delaying x( t) by τ is expressed in the convolution by x( t − τ), which gives
x( t − τ − u) g( u) du = y( t − τ)
so convolution is time-invariant.
There are lots of ways of looking at convolutions; see Bracewell (1986)
for a selection. The most direct way of viewing convolution, at least for
those who think visually, is to imagine a plot of x( t) (strictly, x( u)), together
with one of g (plotted reversed because it is g( t − u)). The position of g
2.2. Convolution
Figure 2.2: A graphical representation of convolution. The left panel
shows x(u), and g(t − u) for three values of t. The dots in the right
panel show the integral of the product gx for these three values; when
this operation is performed for all values of t, we get the function y(t)
as shown.
depends on the value of t; as t increases, g moves to the right. For any
value of t, we form the product gx, and the value of y is just the area
under this product function. Figure 2.2 illustrates the process. To develop
a better sense of how convolution works, it can be useful to practice drawing
functions and sliding one past the other.
Convolution is also associative, as we can show by writing the following
series of integrals, using changes of variables to get through most steps.
( x ∗ y) ∗ z =
z( t − τ)
x( u) y(τ − u) dud τ
Z∞ −∞
x( u )
y(τ − u) z( t − τ) d τdu
x( u )
y(v) z( t − v − u) dvdu
x( u )
y(v) z[( t − u) − v] dvdu
x( u)w( t − u) du = x ∗ ( y ∗ z)
What this means in terms of linear systems is that we can aggregate
them together as we see fit, as suggested in the accompanying sketch,
where the systems A and B can be viewed separately or as a single system
C. While this result may seem a bit trivial, it is actually very important:
the concept of linear systems is so useful partly because we can combine
simple systems together to make complicated ones.
Chapter 2. Linear Systems and Fourier Transforms
✲ y(t)
2.3 The Fourier Transform
We are now ready to discuss the Fourier transform of a function. We have
seen that exponentials e2π i f t are modified in an especially simple way by
linear time-invariant systems; but how can we use exponentials for a more
general input? The most obvious method is to take a sum of exponentials,
otherwise known as a Fourier series:
x( t) = x̃n e2π i f n t
where the sum is over some finite set of frequencies f n There are some
geophysical signals that can be represented in this way, most notably the
tides, for which this is called a harmonic development.
But the Fourier series certainly cannot represent an arbitrary function;
for one thing, it cannot represent a transient (a function that is zero outside some range of t). So we generalize the weighted sum to an integral,
and write
x( t ) =
x̃( f ) e2π i f t d f
where f is now the numbers on the real line, not just a finite set of values.
It can be shown that this integral holds if and only if
x̃( f ) =
x( t) e−2π i f t dt
These two equations define a function, x̃( f ), that is the Fourier transform
of the function x( t), which we write as F [ x( t)] = x̃( f ).1 We say that equations (2.1) and (2.2) define a transform pair, (2.2) being the forward and
(2.1) the inverse Fourier transform.
Our notation for the Fourier transform of x( t) being x̃( f ) (the tilde is meant to remind
you of the sinusoid) is different from (Bracewell, 1986), who uses regular capital letters
(e.g., X ( f )) for the transforms of functions; unfortunately, this conflicts with the usage
of capital and lower-case letters in probability and statistics. Another common notation
denotes the Fourier transform of x( t) by x̂( f ) – though this, too, conflicts with statistical
2.4. A Transform Pair
Any user of canned programs or other people’s formulae should be aware
that the definitions (2.1) and (2.2) are common but not universal. One alternative usage writes (2.2) using radian frequency ω rather than cyclic
frequency f . The transform pair then becomes
1 ∞
x̃(ω) =
x̃( f ) e iωt d f
x( t) e− iωt dt
x( t ) =
2π −∞
1 ∞
x̃(ω) =
x( t) e− iωt dt
2π −∞
x( t) e− iωt dt
x̃(ω) = p
2π −∞
x( t ) =
x̃( f ) e iωt d f
x( t ) = p
x̃( f ) e iωt d f
A more insidious danger is that the transform is taken to be
x̃( f ) =
x( t) e2π i f t dt
so that the inverse transform uses e−2π i f t . This will give results quite different than the convention we use. A check on this, if you want to test a
particular algorithm, is to give it the same signal with a time lag, and compare the phases: for our convention, a lag means a more negative phase.
As we saw in the previous section, this convention comes from our choice of
e2π i f t as a test function; using e−2π i f t would give the reverse Fourier convention. There are sometimes good reasons to use this other convention;
for example, if we write a traveling wave as e i(kx+2π f t) we get something
that propagates backwards, which is undesirable. The definition in (2.3) is
therefore common when dealing with waves.
2.4 A Transform Pair
When we have a pair of functions related by (2.1) or (2.2), we often say that
x( t) is the function viewed in the time domain, and its transform x̃( f ) is
the same function viewed in the frequency domain. If you have not encountered this phraseology before, talking about the two domains can sound
rather mysterious; but in fact we do it all the time: for example, in music
pitch is about frequency and rhythm about time. When we say “Doing A
in the time domain has effect B in the frequency domain”, you should remember that this is just another way of saying, “If we modify the function
Chapter 2. Linear Systems and Fourier Transforms
Figure 2.3: The left panel shows the Π function. The next two panels
show the sinc function plotted on a linear scale (center) and on a loglog scale (right). (In the log-log plot, the zeroes in sinc should go off
the bottom of the plot but do not because of the way the plot program
works.) This plot also shows the “corner frequency” f c , defined in two
ways: one (left) as the intersection between the high-frequency and
low-frequency asymptotes, and the other (right) as the frequency at
which sinc( f ) = 1/2 (−3 dB).
in according to A, its Fourier transform will be modified according to B”.
And, as we illustrated in the first chapter, what is invisible in one domain
is often obvious in the other.
To some extent a familiarity with transform pairs and their behavior
comes only with experience; to start developing this we begin with a simple
case and explore some of the behaviors that it illustrates, and then look at
x̃( f ) for a few more functions.
Our first transform pair starts with the most basic of transients, the
rectangle (really square) function (often called a boxcar, at least in American usage):
Π( t) = 1/2
| t| < 1/2
for | t| = 1/2
| t| > 1/2
This function is discontinuous; the value at t = 1/2 is required in a fully rigorous definition. A more general form of Π is aΠ([ t − b]/ c), which is centered
at b, and has amplitude a and duration c.
The Fourier transform of Π( t) is easy to find and gives another impor-
2.5. Fourier Theorems I: Similarity and Shift
tant function:
F [Π( t)] =
Π( t ) e
−2π i f t
dt =
sinπ f def
= sinc( f )
−2π i f t
dt =
cos 2π f t dt
Figure 2.3 shows what the sinc function looks like. We can then write the
inverse transform
Π( t ) =
sinc f e2π i f t d f
but if we interchange f and t, and substitute − f for f , which is allowable
because sinc is an even function, we get
Π( f ) =
sinc( t) e−2π i f t dt
another Fourier transform. We see that while sinc( t) is nonzero over an
infinite range, and very smooth, its distribution with frequency is Π( f ),
which is nonzero only over a finite range (“bandlimited”) and not smooth at
2.5 Fourier Theorems I: Similarity and Shift
Now, suppose we make the rectangle function broader or narrower, so it is
Π(at). The transform is (defining t′ = at):
−2π i f t
dt =
−2π( f /a) t′
µ ¶
dt = sinc
If a becomes large, Π(at) becomes narrower, but its Fourier transform sinc( f /a)
becomes wider. This duality of width between the two domains is in fact a
general result, called the similarity theorem; again letting t′ = at
1 ∞
x( t′ ) e−2π i f t /a dt′
x(at) e−2π i f t dt =
|a| −∞
which means that if F [ x( t)] = x̃( f ),
F [ x(at)] =
x̃( f /a)
| a|
Chapter 2. Linear Systems and Fourier Transforms
where the |a| comes from the exchange of limits for a < 0. Shortening in
the time domain thus implies broadening in the frequency domain; a generalization of the obvious case of a sine wave, for which less time between
peaks means a higher frequency.
We can be more precise about this relationship between broadening and
narrowing by noting that, by the definition of the transform and its inverse,
x̃(0) =
x( t) dt
x(0) =
x̃( f ) d f
which means that
−∞ x( t) dt
· R∞
−∞ x̃( f ) d f
x( t) dt is a
x(0) −∞
kind of measure of the width of the function, specifically of the width of a
rectangle of height x(0) with the same area. This width, and the width of
the transform, are thus reciprocals. Also note that we have now seen the
first example of another duality: global aspects in one domain (the area)
are connected to local aspects in the other (the value at zero).
Rather than changing the scale of the t axis, and thus the “width” of
a function we can ask what happens if we shift it in time. The Fourier
transform of a function x( t) that has been shifted in time by an amount τ
−2π i f t
F [ x( t − τ)] =
x( t − τ) e
dt =
x( t′ ) e−2π i f ( t +τ) dt′ = x̃( f ) e−2π i f τ
x( t) dt is just the area under the function,
Looking at the amplitude and phase of x̃( f ) e−2π i f τ , we see that the first,
which is | x̃( f )|, is unchanged; but the phase has −2π f τ added to it: a time
shift thus causes a phase that varies linearly with frequency. If (as is usual)
we use the term amplitude spectrum to refer to the amplitude of the
Fourier transform, we can say that a time shift leaves the amplitude spectrum unaltered, but changes the phase spectrum. For our sign convention
for the Fourier transform, a time delay will cause the phase to be more
negative at a given frequency. In any situation in which uncontrollable, or
irrelevant, delays are present, the amplitude spectrum will be the part of
the Fourier transform to look at. For example, this is the spectrum usually
taken of seismic wave arrivals, unless the travel time is important.
2.6. Generalized Functions
2.6 Generalized Functions
So far we have proceeded as though, given a function, there would in fact
be another function that is its Fourier transform. But this may easily not
be true; we can easily come up with functions, for example x( t) = cos t, or
x( t) = 1, for which the transform integral (2.2) does not exist. We could
limit ourselves to functions for which (2.2) does exist, but it turns out to
be possible, to extend, without loss of rigor, the idea of what x( t) can be, to
include what are called generalized functions; once we introduce these
we can assume that a much wider class of functions has Fourier transforms.
Adding to the kinds of entities we can consider, rather than declaring
results to be meaningless, is often a fruitful approach. To take the simplest examples, if we start with the integers, we have to introduce rational
numbers for division of any integer by any other to make sense. Similarly,
for subtraction of any two to be possible requires that we introduce negative numbers; and allowing square roots requires irrational and imaginary
numbers. As the names of the last two attest, some of these extensions
have not been easily accepted.
A full and rigorous treatment of generalized functions goes well beyond
the scope of this course. We give a brief, and very nonrigorous, version,
though our strategy for developing generalized functions will be the same
as the one used in a rigorous approach: we treat such functions as the limit
of a sequence of ordinary functions.
As a start, consider the convolution of the rectangle function with another function x( t). Evaluated for t = 0, this is
x( t) dt
x( t) ∗ Π( t)|t=0 =
x( u)Π(− u) du =
Next, do the same thing for aΠ(at) ∗ x( t); the t = 0 value is
x( t) dt
What happens as a → ∞, making the rectangle function higher and narrower? Provided that x( t) is itself well-behaved near zero, what we get is
the area under a rectangle with height close to the average of x( t), and
with base a−1 ; we then multiply this by a. The a−1 and a cancel, so that
this product is the average of x( t) over the range from −1/2a to 1/2a. As a gets
larger, this average of x approaches x(0), so that
lim [aΠ(at) ∗ x( t)] t=0 = x(0)
Chapter 2. Linear Systems and Fourier Transforms
If we take the limiting operation “outside” the convolution, we may define
a generalized function
δ( t) = lim [aΠ(at)]
such that
x( u)δ( u) du = x(0)
This is the Dirac δ-function, which can be pictured as an infinitely narrow, infinitely high spike at x = 0. By using a shifted version of Π( t) we can
equally well show that
x( u)δ( u − t) du = x( t)
which means that convolution with δ( t − a) selects the value of the function
at t = a. The δ-function thus is the mathematical link between continuous
time and sampled data.
Note that from the above we can conclude
δ( t ) = 0
t 6= 0
δ( t) dt = 1
making the δ function one that vanishes everywhere but zero, but still has
a finite integral. Note that the value of δ at t = 0 is undefined: this function (like other generalized functions) only has meaningful properties when
integrated, not when standing alone.
A function closely related to the δ function (but not itself a generalized
function) is the Heaviside step function
H ( t) =
which is the mathematical way of saying, “Throw the switch.”2 If we perform the convolution x ∗ H we get
x( u) H ( t − u) du =
x( u) du
Entirely appropriately, Oliver Heaviside, the inventor of this and much of the other
mathematical machinery in this field, worked as a telegrapher.
2.7. Fourier Transforms of Generalized Functions
which is just the integral of x evaluated at t. Taking the derivative of this,
by the theorems of calculus, gives x( t) again. We may, very nonrigorously,
[ H ∗ x] = x
and applying the derivative operator to the step function (interchanging
differentiation and integration) gives H ′ ∗ x = x, which means that H ( t)′ =
δ( t). That the derivative of H is the δ-function, while graphically appealing,
does considerable violence to the usual notion of derivative, but again can
be made rigorous by considering sequences of functions which approach
H ( t); if these are differentiable, it can be shown that the derivatives approach δ( t). Indeed, it is possible to keep “taking derivatives” in this fashion
to get a function δ′ ( t), which when convolved with a function x( t) produces
the derivative x′ ( t).
2.7 Fourier Transforms of Generalized
So, what additional Fourier transforms can we do now? If we take Fourier
transforms of the sequence of rectangle functions, F [aΠ(at)], the transform
−2π i f t
e−2π( f /a) t dt′ = sinc( f /a)
dt =
If we now let a go to ∞, f /a → 0 and since sinc(0) = 1, we have (interchanging integration and the limiting operation)
F [δ( t)] = 1
which says that the δ-function contains all frequencies equally. Of course
just taking the transform, and using the properties of the δ-function, gives
the same result:
δ( t) e−2π i f t dt = e−2π i0 = 1
F [δ( t)] =
The inverse transform then implies that
e 2 π i f t d f = δ( t )
Chapter 2. Linear Systems and Fourier Transforms
One way to “see” this is to note that for t 6= 0 the integrand oscillates and
so gives a zero integral, but for t = 0 the integral is infinite. Again, in ordinary function theory this equation would be a complete nonsense; the left
side is nonintegrable and the right side is meaningless. The extension to
generalized functions allows us to deal with such problems in a consistent
and rigorous way.
If we now swap f and t, we get
2π i f 0 t
F [e
e2π it( f 0 − f ) dt = δ( f 0 − f ) = δ( f − f 0 )
with, as might be expected, an “infinite” peak at frequency f 0 . A δ function
away from zero is thus the Fourier transform of a complex sinusoid.
This is the transform of a complex sinusoids; what about sines and
cosines? Their transforms are:
F [cos 2π f 0 t] = F [1/2( e−2π i f 0 t + e−2π i f 0 t )] = [δ( f − f 0 ) + δ( f + f 0 )]
which is two δ-functions at ± f 0 . Similarly,
F [sin 2π f 0 t] = F [
− i 2π i f 0 t
− e−2π i f 0 t )] =
[δ( f − f 0 ) − δ( f + f 0 )]
which is purely imaginary, and also has δ-functions at + − f 0 , though they
are oppositely directed.
These two results cases illustrate some important symmetry relations
for the Fourier transform: cos 2π f 0 t is real and even, and so is its transform; sin 2π f 0 t is odd, and its transform is also, but is purely imaginary.
Since any real function can be split into even and odd parts, its transform
must have a real part which is even, and an odd part which is imaginary:
for x( t) real,
R [ x̃( f )] = R [ x̃(− f )]
I [ x̃( f )] = −I [ x̃(− f )]
which is to say x̃( f ) = x̃∗ (− f ). Functions with this property are known as
Hermitian. Because real functions have Hermitian transforms, the transform only needs to be specified for f ≥ 0.3 Table 2.7 summarizes most of the
useful symmetry relations between functions and their transforms.
Since we have just established that negative frequencies are superfluous when we are dealing with real-valued functions, and knowing that all
Or f ≤ 0, but nobody does that.
2.8. Fourier Theorems II: Derivatives and Differentiability
Time Domain
Real, even
Real, odd
Frequency Domain
anti-Hermitian x̃( f ) = − x̃∗ (− f )
x̃( f ) = − x̃∗ (− f )
Real, even
x̃( f ) = x̃(− f )
Imaginary, odd x̃( f ) = − x̃(− f )
data are real-valued, you may wonder if there is any meaning, outside the
formalism of the mathematics, for negative frequencies. The answer is that
they are useful in certain cases, namely, in dealing with 2-dimensional vector processes: for example, horizontal currents in the ocean. We can represent such data as complex numbers using the Argand-diagram representation: given a North velocity vN and East velocity vE , we can write the
vector velocity as v = vE + ivN , where v is complex-valued. The transform
of data v then has no symmetry about f = 0: we need to look at it for both
positive and negative frequencies. What the sign of the frequency tells us,
is whether the vector rotates in one sense or the other (clockwise vs anticlockwise). For systems in which gyroscopic forces are important, this can
be a useful way of looking at the data. It would be very useful if there were
something like this for vectors in three dimensions; unfortunately there
2.8 Fourier Theorems II: Derivatives and
We now return to general theorems on Fourier transform pairs, concerning
ourselves now with derivatives. A (nonrigorous) application of integration
by parts gives
x′ ( t) e−2π i f t dt =
F [ x ( t)] =
e−2π i f t x( t) ¯¯
−2π i f t
x( t ) e
¯ + 2π i f
2π i f
so that F [ x′ ( t)] = 2π i f x̃( f ), which also holds in reverse, with, F −1 [ x̃′ ( f )] =
−2π itx( t).
These results are the basis for using Fourier transforms to solve some
classes of linear differential equations, something we discuss later on in
Chapter 2. Linear Systems and Fourier Transforms
Figure 2.4: Sketches to show what level of discontinuity (left to right:
in function, first derivative, and second derivative) provides what
level of asymptotic decay of the Fourier transform.
designing some kinds of digital filters. In the terms we are developing, of
looking at the function in two domains, what this result is important for
is showing what taking a derivative or integral in the time domain does
to the function in the frequency domain. For example, consider ground
motion from an earthquake: for given displacements, the velocities (the
first derivative) will have a transform scaled by f , and will thus be much
rougher (richer in high frequencies); and the accelerations will be rougher
still, with a Fourier transform scaled by f 2 .
This result leads to other ones, which like the earlier results on widths
connect local properties in one domain with global ones in another. For
second derivatives
F −1 [ x̃′′ ( f )] = −4π2 t2 x( t)
Taking the transform of both sides gives
t2 x( t) e−2π i f o t dt =
− x̃′′ ( f )
which means that the second moment of the function x( t) is
− x̃′′ (0)
t2 x( t) dt =
that is, the second moment of the function is proportional to the second
derivative of its Fourier transform, evaluated at the origin. Once again
we see that a global property (the second moment) in the time domain is
connected to a very local property (the second derivative at the origin) in
the frequency domain.
Still another example of the local/global relation between the original
and the transform is a theorem which relates the differentiability of x( t) to
2.9. Fourier Theorems III: Convolution, Power, Modulation
the asymptotic behavior of x̃( f ) at large f ; that is, to the bounds on | x̃( f )| as
f → ∞. Intuitively one might suppose these to be connected; the “rougher”
a function is, the more high frequencies we would expect it to contain. We
can motivate (not prove!) the result we seek by supposing x( t) to contain
steps; then x′ ( t) (using our extended notion of differentiation) contains δfunctions, and so |F [ x′ ( t)]| ∝ 1 for f large. But then we have, from equation
|F [ x( t)]| = | x̃( f )| = ¯F [ x′ ( t)]2π i f ¯ ∝ f −1
for f → ∞. Similarly, a function with steps is the derivative of one that is
continuous but has corners (discontinuous derivatives) and so by the same
argument the Fourier transform of such a function will be proportional to
f −2 as f → ∞. Extended, this shows that if x( t) has a discontinuous n-th
derivative, | x̃( f )| will fall off as f −(n+1) at high frequencies; Figure 2.4 gives
a graphical summary of the first few cases.
Two extreme examples are Π( t), for which the zeroth derivative is discontinuous; and indeed
|F [Π( t)]| = |sinc f | < k/ f
f →∞
(here k = 1/π, but it is the rate of the falloff that matters). At the other
extreme, suppose x( t) = e−π t , which is infinitely differentiable. For this,
x̃( f ) = F [ x( t)] =
e−(π t +2π i f t) d e
−π f 2
e−π( t+ i f ) dt
= e−π f
e−πu du = e−π f
which for large f falls off (goes to 0) more rapidly than any power of f . We
also see that the Gaussian is its own Fourier transform.
2.9 Fourier Theorems III: Convolution,
Power, Modulation
So far, we have looked only at properties of a single function and its Fourier
transform. We now consider combinations of functions. Linearity means
that if we add two functions the transform of the result is the sum of the
two transforms. A much more interesting result appears if we consider the
Chapter 2. Linear Systems and Fourier Transforms
function formed by convolution of two functions. The result is the convolution theorem, which states that
F [ x( t) ∗ y( t)] = F [ x( t)]F [ y( t)]
which is to say, the transform of the function formed by convolving two
functions is the product of the transform of the individual functions. This
is not difficult to show; again, using change of variables freely, we have:
−2π i f t
x( u) y( t − u) dudt =
x( u )
y( t − u) e−2π i f t dtdu
x( u )
y( t′ ) e−2π i f t e−2π i f u dt′ du
x( u) e−2π i f u du = F [ y( t)]F [ x( t)]
= F [ y( t)]
Writing F [ x] = x̃, F [ y] = ỹ, we can state the related results
x ∗ y = F −1 [ x̃ ỹ]
F −1 [ x̃ ∗ ỹ] = x y
F [ x y] = x̃ ∗ ỹ
This theorem is the main reason for our use of Fourier transforms: while
the action of a linear system is a convolution in the time domain, it is a
multiplication in the frequency domain – and multiplication is much easier
to grasp than convolution. While the frequency domain may initially seem
less natural than the time domain, operations in it are often much simpler.
Our earlier result, that a sinusoid e2π i f t put into a linear time-invariant
system yields another sinusoid g̃( f ) e2π i f t out, now appears as a special case
of the convolution theorem. We write the effect of the system as y = g ∗ x,
which implies ỹ( f ) = g̃( f ) x̃( f ), and if x̃( f ) = δ( f − f 0 ), ỹ( f ) will be
g̃( f )δ( f − f 0 ) = g̃( f 0 )δ( f − f 0 )
since δ( f − f 0 ) = 0 for f 6= f 0 . Again, and now perhaps more clearly than
in our earlier discussion, we see that g̃( f ) is the frequency response of the
If we make the input to the system x( t) = δ( t), then the output is
y( t) =
δ( t − u) g( u) du = g( t)
which is called the impulse response of the system; albeit this is not
easy to produce in practice, it is still a useful characterization. Then the
frequency response is seen to be g̃( f ) = F [ g( t)]
2.9. Fourier Theorems III: Convolution, Power, Modulation
A function related to the impulse response is its integral, the step response:
g( u) du
h( t) =
which is the response of the system to a Heaviside step function H ( t) applied at t = 0. For any actual system this is much easier to produce than
the impulse response is.
As an example of a system’s frequency response, consider differentiation, which is a linear time-invariant system – though not usually thought
of as such. We have seen that F [ x′ ( t)] = 2π i f x̃( f ) and so the frequency
response for this system is g̃( f ) = 2π i f , with amplitude and phase spectra
Ph[ g̃( f )] = π/4 = 90◦
| g̃ ( f )| = 2π f
As might be expected, the response rises with increasing frequency; the 90◦
phase response means that sines are turned into cosines, and vice versa.
The frequency response of a system is often much simpler to describe
than its impulse response (and more indicative of the underlying physics);
we will (eventually) get to ways of estimating it given x( t) and y( t).
An interesting consequence of the convolution theorem relates to the
total variance, also called energy (or, sometimes, power) in x( t), which is
| x( t)|2 dt
We first consider the Fourier transform of the conjugate of x, which is
−2π i f t
−2π i(− f ) t
F [ x ( t)] =
x ( t) e
dt =
x( t ) e
dt = x̃∗ (− f )
and so, using one version of the convolution theorem,
F [ x( t)|2 ] = F [ xx∗ ] = x̃( f ) ∗ x̃∗ (− f )
Remembering that the area under a function is the value of its Fourier
transform at f = 0, this means that
| x( t)| dt = x̃( f ) ∗ x̃ (− f )¯
| x̃( f )|2 d f
x̃( u) x̃ ( u − f ) du
f =0
f =0
so that the total energy is the same in the function as in its transform. This
result goes by several names; Bracewell (1986) calls it Rayleigh’s theorem, but says that the name Plancherel’s theorem is also in use; this result
Chapter 2. Linear Systems and Fourier Transforms
is also sometimes called Parseval’s theorem, especially for the analogous
case of discrete-time Fourier transforms, which we will meet later on.
As another example of the convolution theorem, we derive the transform of a modulated waveform, in which the data looks like a “slowly varying” sinusoid, where “slow” means “over many cycles of the sinusoid”. The
slow variation, termed a modulation, can be in amplitude, frequency, or
phase; all of these are used in different forms of radiowave communication.
Suppose the sinusoid (“carrier” in radio parlance) is the cosine cos 2π f 0 t;
this has the Fourier transform
F [cos 2π f 0 t] = 1/2[δ( f − f 0 ) + δ( f + f 0 )]
Suppose also that the modulation is purely in amplitude, and the modulating function is x( t). Then the modulated waveform is x( t) cos 2π f 0 t. We
can now apply the inverse of the convolution theorem: the transform of a
product of two functions is the convolution of the individual transforms. Remembering that convolution with a δ-function recovers the function being
convolved, this means that
F [ x( t) cos2π f 0 t] = 1/2[δ( f − f 0 ) ∗ x̃( f ) + δ( f + f 0 ) ∗ x̃( f )]
= 1/2[ x̃( f − f 0 ) + x̃( f + f 0 )]
where x̃( f ) = F [ x( t)].
The effect of multiplying a function by a sine wave is thus to replicate
the original transform at ± f 0 (Figure 2.5); alternatively, we can say that the
effect of modulating a sine wave is to spread its original δ-function transform out over a broader band, though if x( t) contains only frequencies much
less than f 0 (as is true in the case of radio), the band will be narrow. This is
also true for other classes of modulation, though the relation between x̃( f )
and the transform of the modulated function is less straightforward.
2.10 The Correlation Function
We can modify the convolution integral by not time-reversing one function.
The result is called the cross-correlation, because that is the form taken
by the correlation between two random time series, as we will see later on.
For now we look at some of the properties of this expression when we use
the same function for both parts; this is called the autocorrelation. For a
complex-valued x, this is:
x∗ ( t) x( t + τ) dt
C (τ) =
2.10. The Correlation Function
Figure 2.5: From top to bottom, the time series and spectra for a signal, a carrier waves, and the amplitude-modulated carrier. The spectra are schematic.
The location of the conjugate part matters; if we conjugate the other x in
the integral, we have, since yz∗ = ( y∗ z)∗ in general, that
µZ ∞
x( t) x ( t + τ) dt =
x ( t) x( t + τ) dt = C ∗ (τ)
which is not the same as C (τ). C has some symmetry properties; if we
change variables, we get the result:
C (−τ) =
x ( t) x( t − τ) dt =
x∗ ( u + τ) x( u) du
which from the previous result is C ∗ (τ). Hence, C (−τ) = C ∗ (τ), which is to
say that C is Hermitian; this implies that its Fourier transform is always
real. If x( t) is real, C is also; which means that C , and its transform, must
be even. All of these properties will become relevant when we define the
power spectral density, since the most general form of this is the Fourier
transform of a Hermitian function, and the most usual form is the Fourier
transform of a real symmetric function.
3.1 Introduction
We now turn from Fourier theory for functions to the same theory for ordered sets of numbers: this is part of digital signal processing. As we
will see, much of what has been covered in the Fourier theory discussion
will have parallels here – though also significant differences, which come
about because the theory of the Fourier transform assumes that what is
being transformed (and the transforms themselves) are functions on the
real line (or a higher-dimensional equivalent). If we specifically take these
functions as functions of time, we say that they are defined “in continuous
time”. However, digital signals are, intrinsically, not so defined: rather,
they are collections of numbers, representing (usually) a continuous time
signal sampled at regular intervals. Such functions are called sampled
data1 and are be said to be defined in discrete time.
We begin by describing how Fourier theory works applied to such data,
for two cases:
• Discrete-time data defined, like that in continuous time, over an infinite range, so the data “go on forever.” The Fourier transform of
such data turns out to be a function on the real line; but unlike the
Fourier transform of a function, which is another function, the transform of an infinite amount of discrete data is a function defined on
only a part of the real time. A discrete-time series and its transform
are very different.
This terminology is more commonly (in statistics) used for the act of getting data on
a subset of some population, ideally without biasing the results of an statistical investigation. We will not deal with this topic.
3.2. Discrete-Time Sequences and Operations
• Discrete-time data defined over a finite range – which is what we
actually have to deal with. The Fourier transform of this turns out to
be a finite set of numbers at discrete frequencies: in this case, as with
functions on the real line, a function and its transform are the same
kind of thing.
The Fourier transform of a finite amount of discrete-time data is called
(what else?) the Discrete Fourier Transform or DFT. We will spend
some time in this chapter exploring the properties of the DFT, including
an overview of how to compute it efficiently, though we relegate the details
of this to Appendix A. In Chapter 4 we will use the theory to discuss how
to go from continuous time to discrete time without losing information: a
question best approached, as it turns out, by looking at Fourier transforms.
The following chapters describe the commonest operations we perform on
discrete-time data: filtering them to remove certain frequencies (Chapter
5), to emulate how systems behave in continuous time (Chapter 6), or for
other reasons (Chapter 7).
3.2 Discrete-Time Sequences and Operations
In discrete time there are no functions, only sequences of numbers; we
denote such a sequence by xn or x( n) or xn , where in all cases n is an integervalued index. To start with we assume that we have an infinite amount of
data, with n running from −∞ to ∞.
We seek as many parallels with the continuous-time case as we can.
Some things are much simpler in discrete time. For example, the distinction between generalized functions and other functions disappears: all are
just sequences. The δ-function is just another the sequence:
1 n=0
δ n = δ n0 =
0 n 6= 0
where δ i j is the Kronecker δ-function. The discrete-time version of the
Heaviside step function is
1 n>0
δ n = δ n0 =
0 n≤0
so that
Hn =
Chapter 3. Fourier Theory for Discrete Time
In discrete time summation replaces integration, and we face none of the
difficulties in making things rigorous that we had to consider when dealing
with functions on the real line.
Likewise, convolution is a summation rather than an integral; the convolution of two sequences (also called the serial product) is still written
as z = x ∗ y, but this now denotes
zn =
xk yn−k
(again one series is reversed). This definition satisfies the requirements for
convolution of being linear in x and y, and also invariant with shifts in time
(sequence number); if we shift x by m terms, the convolution x ∗ y is
xk−m yn−k =
l =−∞
xl yn−m−l = z n−m
so z is also shifted.
Convolution is just as important in discrete time as in continuous time;
indeed, some types of sequences are defined by what they do in convolution.
One example is that a sequence { g k } is causal if and only if g k = 0 for k < 0;
this means that if { xk } is causal, g ∗ x will be also: the output will not precede the input. If you are processing data in real time, or trying to emulate
a system that is causal (such as an instrument, or wave propagation) this
is an important distinction; more generally, however, it is not: usually we
analyze data long after they are collected, so that for most on a computer
the actual time is usually far behind real time.
3.3 Fourier Transforms for Infinite
We started our discussion of Fourier theory by looking at what linear systems do to sinusoids; similarly, we develop Fourier transforms for infinite
sequences by considering the convolution of a sinusoidal sequence with the
sequence of interest. In continuous time we saw that a sinusoid input into
a linear system produced an output sinusoid, scaled by a function (the frequency response) that is the Fourier transform of the convolving function.
3.3. Fourier Transforms for Infinite Sequences
The same thing holds in discrete time; if we convolve xn = e2π i f n with
g n , we get, starting by commuting the series,
g k x n− k =
g k e 2π i f ( n − k ) = e 2π i f n
g k e−2π i f k = g̃( f ) e2π i f n
g̃( f ) is again the frequency response, and regarding it as the Fourier transform of the sequence g k gives the definition for the Fourier transform of an
infinite sequence xn
xk e−2π i f k
x̃( f ) =
Another way to get this definition from the continuous-time Fourier
transform is to introduce the sampled-data function xs ( t), defined by
xs ( t) =
δ( t − k ) x ( t )
While this is a continuous-time function (actually a generalized function),
it is like a sequence in that it contains information about the value of x( t)
only at the sample points. Just as a single δ function samples x at a single
time, an infinite array of them samples x at the times of the sequence xn .
We will explore the effects of such sampling in the next chapter; for now we
simply note that the Fourier transform of the sampled-data function is
F [ xs ( t)] =
Z∞ X
−∞ k=−∞
δ( t − k) x( t) e−2π i f t dt =
x( k) e−2π i f k
which is equivalent to how we defined the Fourier transform for a sequence.
Notice that, as is conventional in digital signal processing, we are setting
the sample interval to unity; for a sequence indexed by integer values there
is no clue to this interval, and one is a convenient choice.
x̃( f ) is a function of f , that is, a function on the real line; but it is a
function that is periodic, and with period one:
x̃( f + m) =
xk e−2π i f k e−2π imk = x̃( f ) for m an integer
It is often more useful, and certainly sufficient, to regard x̃( f ) as defined
only over [−1/2, 1/2]. (This is the interval for f ; for ω = 2π f , the interval
would be [−π, π].) When we discuss sampling, we will see that these limits
Chapter 3. Fourier Theory for Discrete Time
Figure 3.1: An example of the relationships between a function, a
discrete-time sequence related to it, and their Fourier transforms.
The function (top left) is a Gaussian, e− x ; its Fourier transform is
shown top right. The bottom left panel shows part of a discrete-time
sequence that matches this (with the original function in gray). The
bottom right shows the Fourier transform of the sequence; the region
of f between the two dashed lines is sufficient to describe it. Note that
the transform of the sequence is close to the Fourier transform of the
function, except near to these two lines – the effect of aliasing, which
we will discuss in Chapter 4.
are what is called the Nyquist frequency for a sample interval (∆) of one.
The result for F [ xs ( t)] can be generalized to ∆ 6= 1 by replacing k by k∆, in
which case the Fourier transform becomes
x̃( f ) =
xk e−2π i f k∆
which is periodic with period 1/∆, and so defined over −1/(2∆) to 1/(2∆);
again, this will turn out to be the range between Nyquist frequencies. This
result also shows that formulas for arbitrary ∆ can be gotten from those for
∆ = 1 by replacing f with f ∆.
If we swap time and frequency in 3.2 we get an expression for a function
of time as a sum of an infinite set of sinusoids in time:
x̃k e2π itk
x( t ) =
which is just the Fourier series expansion of a periodic function of time
in terms of sinusoids: this is the result that Fourier first obtained, and the
3.3. Fourier Transforms for Infinite Sequences
way that Fourier theory is often introduced. Of course, we need a way to
find the coefficients for the sinusoids; these are given by Fourier’s result
x( t) e−2π itk dt
x̃n =
So, swapping t and f again, we get the inverse transform for the Fourier
transform x̃( f ) of a sequence xn ; the xk ’s can be regarded as the Fourier
series coefficients, which are given by
xn =
x̃( f ) e2π i f n d f
So we have a transform pair – albeit not a symmetric one, since the forward
transform is an infinite sum and the inverse transform a definite integral.
Many of the theorems already outlined for Fourier transforms carry
over to this new transform pair, although others (e.g., the derivative theorems) do not. Some examples of ones that do involve integrals that become
sums. Using x̃( f ) for the Fourier transform of both the function x( t) and the
sequence xn (remember that these are different x̃’s), we have for continuous
x( t) dt = x̃(0)
and in discrete time, from 3.2
xn = x̃(0)
For Rayleigh’s theorem we take complex conjugates of the inverse Fourier
transform relation,
xn =
x̃∗ ( f ) e−2π i f n d f
which means that
| xn | =
xn x∗n
x̃ ( f )
xn e
−2π i f n
x̃∗ ( f ) e−2π i f n d f
df =
x̃ ( f ) x̃( f ) d f =
| x̃( f )|2 d f
Chapter 3. Fourier Theory for Discrete Time
The convolution theorem becomes one of sums rather than integrals: if we
have a sequence z = x ∗ y then
z̃( f ) =
z k e−2π i f k =
l =−∞
k=−∞ l =−∞
yk−l e−2π i f k =
xl yk−l e−2π i f k
xl e−2π i f l
l =−∞
xl e−2π i f l
l =−∞
yk−l e−2π i f (k−l )
ym e−2π i f m = x̃( f ) ỹ( f )
3.4 Discrete Fourier Transform
Now we suppose that our sequence xn is, not infinite, but finite in length,
with terms x0 , x1 . . . xN −1 : N terms in all. How do we define the Fourier
transform now?
We start in what is a somewhat unusual way, or at least one that is different from most treatments in signal processing: we consider the general
problem of fitting sine waves to the data. We can always represent the data
as a sum of sine waves plus a residual:
xn =
l =0
C l e2π in f l + ǫn
n = 0, ...N − 1
where the frequencies f 0 , f 1 . . . are assumed to be specified. If we choose the
|ǫn |2 , we
coefficients C l to minimize the sum of squares of the residuals,
do so using least-squares theory. To apply this we write the sequences as
xT = ( x0 , x1 . . . xN −1 )
C T = (C 0 , C 1 . . . C L−1 )
and the array of exponentials (in l and n) as a matrix A , which is most easily written in terms of its adjoint (the complex conjugate of the transpose)
e−2π i f 1
e−4π i f 1 . . . e−2π i( N −1) f 1
e−2π i f 2
e−4π i f 2 . . . e−2π i( N −1) f 2
A =
−2π i f L−1
−4π i f L−1
−2π i( N −1) f L−1
1 e
... e
The coefficients C that minimize the sum of squares of the residual is then
given by the normal equations
( A † A )C = A † x
BC = A † x
3.4. Discrete Fourier Transform
where B is an L × L matrix with elements
B pq =
e−2π in f p ( e−2π in f q )∗ =
The solution for C is then
e−2π in( f p − f q )
C = B−1 ( A † x)
In a general least-squares problem solving this will involve inverting an
L × L matrix: a good-sized computational task if L is large.
However, for the special form of B given in equation (3.3), and with
proper choice of the frequencies, we can simplify the form of B substantially. First, we can compute the elements of B analytically rather than by
actually computing the sum 3.3, since there is a closed-form expression for
finite sums of the exponential function e−2 iπ f n . To get this expression, we
first note that for any z, we have
z n = (1 − z L )
as can be verified through term-by-term expansion; then setting L = 1 we
(1 − z) n=0
Combining these two results gives us a closed-form expression for a finite
sum; then if we set z = e−2 iπ f , we get
−2 iπ f n
1 − e−2 iπ f N
1 − e−2 iπ f
e− iπ f N e iπ f N − e− iπ f N
e− iπ f
e iπ f
− e− iπ f
= e− iπ f ( N −1)
sinπ N f
sinπ f
which gives, for the elements of B,
B pq = e− iπ( N −1)( f p − f q )
sinπ N ( f p − f q )
sinπ( f p − f q )
Next, we choose a particular set of frequencies:
fl =
l = 0, 1, . . . N − 1
Chapter 3. Fourier Theory for Discrete Time
so that there are as many frequencies as there are data values. Given this
choice of frequencies, the matrix elements become:
B pq = e
− iπ( N −1)( p− q)/ N
sinπ( p − q)
sin(π( p − q)/ N )
= N δ pq
p 6= q
where we get the result for p = q by treating p and q as real variables and
taking the limit as p → q. Note that this relationship, as given, is only true
if the integers p and q are in the range from 0 through N − 1; but this is
true for the matrix elements. A more general expression is
−2π iln/ N
− iπ l ( N −1)/ N
sin(πl / N )
N l = 0, ± N, ±2 N . . .
which we will use a little bit later.
Using 3.6, we find that B = N I , where I is the identity matrix. This
could not be easier to invert; the inverse M −1 is just N −1 I , which means
that the coefficients for our fit are
1 †
A x
which we can write out explicitly as
Cl =
1 NX
xn e−2π in(l /N )
N n=0
Getting the matrix B to be the identity matrix has required two conditions and a mathematical result. The first condition is that an increment
in sequence number is a constant increment in the fitting function; this is
a consequence of equal spacing in time. The second condition is that we
choose our frequencies according to equation (3.5). Given these specifications, the result we use is that the imaginary exponentials are orthogonal
in summation over the finite interval. A major reason for assuming equispaced samples is that without this, we lose orthogonality in the fitting
We define the Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) as our fit, though
with a different normalization:
x̃k =
xn e−2π ink/N
k = 0, ....N − 1
3.5. Fourier Theorems for the DFT
Figure 3.2: An example of a DFT pair, using a finite length of the same
discrete-time sequence shown in Figure 3.1. The right side shows
the DFT values (filled circles), with the gray line being the Fourier
Transform of the infinite sequence; in this case these look the same
because the infinite sequence is very small outside the range shown.
The unfilled circle is an “extra” DFT point to show the periodicity of
the DFT.
which, if we compare it with the definition of the Fourier transform of an
infinite sequence (3.2), shows that
x̃k = x̃( f )
k = 0, 1, . . . N − 1
The DFT coefficients can thus be considered as samples from the continuousfrequency transform.
To obtain the inverse transform, we use the orthogonality relations 3.7
again, writing
−1 N
−1 NX
1 NX
1 NX
1 NX
xm e2π i(nk−mk)/N =
xm e2π ik(n−m)/N
x̃k e2π ink/N =
N k=0
N k=0 m=0
N k=0 m=0
1 NX
xm N δnm = xn
N m=0
where the next-to-last step makes use of the orthogonality relationship
(3.7). We thus have a transform pair – the DFT (equation 3.8) and the
inverse DFT (equation 3.9) – between finite-length sequences of numbers.
3.5 Fourier Theorems for the DFT
While the DFT and inverse DFT are completely consistent, there are notable pitfalls in using them, mostly arising from trying to apply lessons in
Chapter 3. Fourier Theory for Discrete Time
continuous and infinite time, some of which do not carry over into the world
of finite-length sequences. The basic confusion lies in supposing that our
finite sequence is just a part of a longer sequence, so that we can apply
continuous-time (and infinite-range) Fourier theory simply by multiplying
the series by a function that is zero over most of the range, and one over
some part of it: that is, by a scaled version of the boxcar Π( t)).
This kind of multiplication by a function that is nonzero only over some
range is called windowing. It is tempting to take the view that the DFT of
a finite sequence is the FT of a windowed version of an infinite series; after
all, the data we analyze are usually obtained from a longer series in just
this way. However, this view is wrong. Once the data have been obtained,
the process of getting them ceases to matter: we have to regard them as
a finite sequence, not part of some longer one, and use the mathematics
appropriate to such sequences.
As an introductory example, suppose we compute the value of the inverse DFT of the DFT of a sequence for term numbers outside the original
range from 0 to N − 1. If we do this for the regular Fourier transform of
a windowed function, we of course get the original function back; having
been windowed, it is indeed zero except over a limited range. But this is
not what happens for the DFT. From the definitions of the transforms, we
can write the “recovered” series xr ec as
1 NX
2π ik(n−m)/ N
r ec
xn =
N k=0
Now, by 3.7, the part in square brackets is nonzero (and indeed equal to one)
for n − m a multiple of N ; that is, for n − m = jN , which we can rewrite as n =
m + jN , where j is any integer. The usual way to express this relationship
between n and m is to say that “ n equals m, modulo N ”, the notation for
which is
m = n modN
which, if we apply it to (3.10), gives us the result
xnr ec = xnmod N
In this expression n can be any integer, but n modN ranges only from 0
through N − 1: this is just the range over which we actually know the original sequence. The infinite sequence we have thus “recovered,” and which
is in some sense equivalent to the finite sequence, is therefore the finite
3.5. Fourier Theorems for the DFT
sequence replicated over and over; because it is periodic, it contains no information not in the original sequence – and after all, how could it?. If we
want to apply our earlier Fourier theory to an infinite sequence, it has to be
to one that is periodic, not to a finite sequence surrounded by zeros on both
Another interesting example comes from supposing that our finite periodic sequence is just a sinusoid
x n = e 2π i f 0 n
with f 0 real; the discrete Fourier transform of this is
x̃k =
e2π in( f 0 −k/N )
k = 0...N − 1
If, but only if, f 0 = l / N , with l an integer, we get
x̃k =
N k=l
0 k=
6 l
so that this finite sequence can have a (discrete) Fourier transform that is
a discrete-frequency δ-function, with only one nonzero value. In continuous time we get a δ-function as the transform only if the time series is an
infinitely long sinusoid; the transform of a section of a windowed sinusoid
F [ e2π i f 0 t Π( t/T )] = T δ( f − f 0 ) ∗ sinc( f T ) = T sinc[( f − f 0 )T ]
which is not a δ-function for any choice of f 0 .
This all fits with the concept of replicating the sequence over an infinite
interval: f 0 = l / N means that exactly l cycles occur over the finite segment,
and repeating the function then gives an infinite, untruncated sinusoid –
with a δ-function transform. But if f 0 = l / N , the replicas of the sequence do
not join smoothly, so the Fourier transform is not a δ-function – and neither
is the DFT. Figure 3.3 shows an example.
Shift Theorem
We next consider what is the effect in the time domain of some operation carried out in the frequency domain, with the “time domain” being
a finite sequence. For conventional Fourier transforms, the shift theorem
Chapter 3. Fourier Theory for Discrete Time
Figure 3.3: The top two pairs of plots show a 12-point sequence and
its DFT, where the sequence is xn = cos(2π f n), with n = 1/6 in the top
left plot and n = 1/6.5 in the middle left plot. For each the right-hand
plot shows the corresponding DFT. Especially when plotted on a log
scale (lowest plot), a very large difference is apparent between the
DFT for a cosine with an integral number of cycles, (for which the
DFT sequence is a δ sequence with roundoff error), and the DFT for
one which is merely close to an integral number of cycles.
3.5. Fourier Theorems for the DFT
states that, if we take the Fourier transform of a function x( t) shifted by an
amount τ, we get
F [ x( t − τ)] =
x( t − τ) e
−2π i f t
dt =
= x̃( f ) e−2π i f τ
x( t′ ) e−2π i f ( t +τ) dt′
and so if we multiplied a Fourier transform x̃( f ) by e−2π i f τ , and took the
inverse transform, we would get x( t − τ).
Now we consider the parallel case for finite sequences. Call the DFT of
xn , x̃k ; and multiply x̃k by e2π imk/N . What does the inverse DFT produce?
We use xns for the series whose transform is x̃k e2π imk/N ; then we write down
the definitions for the DFT and inverse DFT, to get
−1 NX
1 NX
1 NX
x̃k e2π imk/N e2π ink/N =
xl e−2π ilk/N e2π imk/N e2π ink/N
N k=0
N k=0 l =0
1 NX
e2π ik(m+n−l )/N
l =0
xns =
The sum in square brackets is nonzero for n = ( l − m)modN , since then n −
( l − m) is a multiple of N . Thus
xns = x(l −m)mod N
To see what this means, it helps to take a specific value for m; if we take
m = 3, then taking l = 3 gives n = 0, l = 4 gives n = 1, and so on:
x0s = x3
x1s = x4
xsN −4 = xN −1
This is all as we expect, but the “right end” of the back-transformed
series is
xsN −3 = xN mod N = x0
xsN −2 = xN +1mod N = x1
xsN −1 = x2
which is to say, the start of the original series. We can look at this in two
ways. One way is to view this as a linear shift applied to a replicated,
periodic sequence. The other way is to view it as a circular shift, where
we imagine the finite sequence to be on a circle, so that any shift moves the
end to the beginning.
Chapter 3. Fourier Theory for Discrete Time
Convolution Theorem for the DFT
A much more important result, with parallels to the one just given, is provided by the extension of the convolution theorem to discrete, finite-length
series. We know that the Fourier transform of the convolution of two functions is the product of the two Fourier transforms; so what is the sequence
produced by multiplying two sets of DFT coefficients and taking the inverse
DFT? More precisely, suppose xn and yn to have DFT’s x̃k and ỹk ; what
series z n has the DFT z̃ k = x̃k ỹk ? As before, the derivation just involves
writing the inverse transform, replacing z̃ by the product x̃ ỹ, substituting
in the DFT expressions for these, and finally collecting all the exponentials
zn =
1 NX
1 NX
z̃ k e2π ink/N =
x̃k ỹk e2π ink/N
N k=0
N k=0
−1 NX
−1 NX
1 NX
xl e−2π ilk/N ym e−2π imk/N e2π ink/N
N k=0 l =0 m=0
l =0
1 NX
e2π ik(n−m−l )/N
N k=0
Once again, we need the sum over k to be nonzero; the orthogonality relation (3.7) then implies that
( n − m − l )modN = 0 or
m = ( n − l )modN
giving the final result that the sequence z is given by
zn =
l =0
xl y(n−l )mod N
This is somewhat like the convolutions we have seen before, though not
exactly. Again, an example may help; taking n = 5 gives
z5 = x0 y5 + x1 y4 + . . . x5 y0 + x6 yN −1 + x7 yN −2 + . . . xN −1 y6
meaning that as the convolution sum goes off the beginning of the yn sequence it goes around to the end. One way to visualize this is to imagine
both sequences mapped onto circles: a shift is then merely a rotation of
one circle relative to another, and the kind of convolution described by the
above equation is therefore called circular convolution.
3.5. Fourier Theorems for the DFT
If we attempt to convolve two series in the time domain by multiplying their DFT’s, we must be careful to ensure that such “wraparound effects” do not create any problems. These effects complicate such seemingly
simple techniques as removing certain frequencies from data by taking the
DFT, setting some of the DFT values to zero, and taking the inverse DFT.
This can work – but we must remember that the series we get back can
show the effects of data at one end influencing data at the other, since using the DFT makes the two ends contiguous.
It is indeed possible (and indeed often most efficient) to convolve two
sequences by multiplying their transforms. To avoid wraparound problems,
we need to pad both time series with zeroes before taking the DFT’s; with
enough zeros, the circularity of the convolution has no effect. Specifically,
if we have an M -term series, xn and an L-term series yn , we will get the
correct result if we pad both out to length M + L − 1 before doing the DFT.
The circular convolution is then
zn =
l =0
xl y(n−l )mod M +L−1 =
l =0
xl y(n−l )mod M +L−1
giving (as examples from the two ends of z n )
z0 = x0 y0 + x1 yM +L−2 + . . . + xM −1 yM +L−M
z M +L−1 = x0 yM +L−2 + . . . + xM −2 yM +L−M + xM −1 yL−1
For the first sum, all terms but the first are zero; for the second sum,
all terms but the last, so we get the same series z n as we would from a
time-domain convolution in which both sequences were padded with infinite numbers of zeroes on both ends.
Symmetry Relations
The DFT output runs from 0 to N − 1, whereas we have been plotting the
Fourier transform from negative to positive frequency. The connection is
given by the result
x̃N −k =
xn e−2π in( N −k)/N =
xn e−2π in(−k)/N = x̃−k
This result is consistent with the notions of periodicity that we have been
discussing; but it also means that the “upper half” of the DFT sequence
Chapter 3. Fourier Theory for Discrete Time
( k from N /2 to N − 1) can also be thought of as the negative frequencies
k = − N /2 to −1.
As with the Fourier transform in continuous time, we have symmetry
rules for the transforms of special classes of sequences: for example, if the
sequence xn is real, the transform x̃ is Hermitian. Combining this with the
previous result, we see that, for a real sequence, half of the spectrum is
redundant: usually we say this is the top half, or equivalently the negative
frequencies. Formally, we have that if xn is real, then
x̃N −k =
xn e2π ink/N =
x∗n e−2π ink/N = x̃∗k
so the top half is just the complex conjugate of the bottom half. This makes
sense, since if we put in N real numbers, we expect to get N independent
numbers out – and we do, namely, N /2 independent complex DFT coefficients. Actually, for xn real, two x̃’s are real, namely
x̃0 =
x̃N /2 =
(−1)n xn
Our final theorem for the DFT is Parseval’s relation:
| xn |2 =
xn x∗n =
−1 NX
1 NX
2π ikn/ N
x̃∗l e−2π iln/N
N 2 n=0 k=0
l =0
−1 NX
−1 NX
1 NX
1 NX
∗ 2π in(k−l )/ N
N 2 n=0 k=0 l =0
N 2 k=0
1 NX
| x̃k |2
N k=0
which is useful for checking the normalization (and accuracy) of any actual
DFT algorithm.
3.6 The Dirichlet Kernel
We now use the result (3.4) to find the Fourier transform of the discretetime version of the rectangle (or boxcar) function; remember that in continuous time the Fourier transform is sinc( f ). In discrete time the Fourier
transform is called the Dirichlet kernel; this is worth a section because
3.6. The Dirichlet Kernel
Figure 3.4: The Dirichlet kernel D N plotted for N equal to 20 and 200,
on the left on linear scales and on the right on log scales.
it plays a fundamental role in many topics in Fourier analysis and signal
We consider a rectangle function in discrete time that is centered on the
origin and runs from − M to M ; the total length N = M + 1 is then odd, but
the derivation may be extended to an even length. The sequence is:
wn =
1 | n| ≤ M
0 | n| > M
If we now form the Fourier transform of this (in continuous frequency, since
this is an infinite sequence), we find
W(f ) =
wn e−2 iπ f n =
n=− M
( e−2 iπ f )n = e2 iπ f M
e−2 iπ f n
We evaluate the sum in square brackets using equation (3.4), with 2 M =
N − 1; the result is
sin π(2 M + 1) f
WM ( f ) =
sin π f
The Dirichlet kernel is normalized slightly differently:
DN ( f ) =
sin π N f
N sin π f
Chapter 3. Fourier Theory for Discrete Time
which means that WM ( f ) = (2 M + 1)D 2 M +1 ( f ), and also that at f = 0 the
value of the Dirichlet kernel is one. Sometimes the Dirichlet kernel is normalized so that D 2 M +1 ( f ) = WM ( f ), in which case the value at zero depends
on N but the total area under all the lobes is invariant. Either way, the
zeroes are at f = l / N , with |l | ranging from 1 through N /2. The first minimum, which is close to f = 3/2N, is about − N /5, the next extremum is about
N /7, and so on. Away from zero the function thus decays rather slowly with
increasing f .
To see the connection between the Dirichlet kernel and the sinc function, put y = N f and let N go to infinity while keeping y fixed: this is
analogous to finer and finer sampling. Then D N ( f ) behaves like
sin π y
sin π y
= sinc( y)
N sin π y/ N
3.7 Computing the DFT: the Fast Fourier
Many methods of signal processing and data analysis require that we compute the DFT – sometimes many DFT’s. This computation can be done
rapidly, though this is not immediately obvious; the DFT formula, equation (3.8), appears at first sight to be the multiplication of an N -length
vector (the sequence xn ) and an N -by- N matrix (the e’s) to produce another N -vector (the x̃k ’s). Computing such a matrix multiplication in general requires a multiple of N 2 operations (additions and multiplications),
an algorithm that we say takes polynomial time: the number of operations is a polynomial (above a linear one) of the number of data. It might
also appear that we have to compute N 2 sines and cosines (for the matrix
of e’s), but this is not so; because of the periodicity of e−2π im/N , we have
e2π ink/N = e−2π i(nk)mod N /N , so that while the matrix of e’s has N 2 elements
there are only N distinct values.
In fact, the periodic nature of e2π ink/N allows us to compute the DFT
with many fewer than N 2 operations. For certain N we can compute all
the x̃k ’s with only N log2N operations, so that the computation can be done
N / log2 N times faster: for example, 100 times faster for N = 1024. The
algorithm that does this is called the Fast Fourier Transform (or FFT).
You should realize that the FFT is just an algorithm for computing the
DFT quickly, not a definition of the DFT. A common error is to suppose that
3.7. Computing the DFT: the Fast Fourier Transform
any restrictions that apply to an FFT algorithm (notably restrictions on N )
also apply to the DFT; but this is not so: the DFT is defined for any N .
The FFT algorithm is not completely obvious, as is shown by how many
people failed to develop it: at the time the FFT was first announced, in
1965, many groups were computing DFT’s using matrix multiplication, and
it was with some amazement that they learned how much time they could
save just by using a different procedure.2 At the same time, the FFT was
obvious enough that by 1965 it had already been invented independently
several times: but either the inventors dismissed it as too small an improvement to be worth publishing (true for N very small), or the invention
was simply ignored.3
The publication, and popularization, of an FFT algorithm for N = 2 M , by
Cooley and Tukey (1965) led to a complete change, and since then, devising
faster transforms, and fast techniques for other transforms, has become a
subarea of signal processing.
The FFT is something you are very unlikely to program yourself – indeed, you shouldn’t, since other people have spent lots of time doing so. We
have therefore relegated our derivation of it to Appendix A. But it is worth
discussing the FFT because it illustrates several points:
1. The FFT shows that considerable increases in speed can come from
using a good algorithm; for whatever problem you will be doing, you
should become familiar with how the time needed (the operations
count) scales with problem size. There is a big difference between
scaling as N log N , which is not much worse than scaling as N (linear
time), and scaling as a power of N (even if the power is only N 2 ).
Even worse is when a computation scales not in polynomial time but
in exponential time: that is, the operations count scales as e N . If
the only algorithms available have this scaling, computational methods are impracticable unless N is quite small.
2. A related lesson from the FFT is that the scaling with N is much
For example, Alsop and Nowroozi (1966), computing spectra of seismic data for free
oscillations, reported that their computation time shrank from 23 minutes to 2.4 seconds.
The first (and uninfluential) discovery of an FFT algorithm was by Gauss in 1805
(Heideman et al., 1985). A notable example of the use and non-use of the FFT in the
early 1960’s was here at SIO: Philip Rudnick, at MPL, had been using his own version
of an FFT for a number of years, but only published it after Cooley and Tukey published
theirs. At the same time, Walter Munk’s group, at IGPP, was computing transforms in the
less-efficient way.
Chapter 3. Fourier Theory for Discrete Time
Figure 3.5: Fraction of highly-composite numbers for all values less
than N, as a function of N. “Highly-composite” means having no
prime factors larger than 23, a not-uncommon restriction in some implementations of the FFT.
more important than the details of implementation. The FFT at once
gave at least two orders of magnitude improvement in speed for even
moderate values of N . Thirty-five more years of effort have produced
about a factor of four improvement between a general-purpose FFT
from 1969 (Singleton, 1969) and the best one available in 2004.4
3. The shortest and simplest FFT algorithms are for N a power of 2.
But this is not a requirement: there are algorithms that are nearly
as fast if N is highly composite: that is, can be factored into a
product of small primes. While some special cases ( N prime) also
can be done quickly, you should if possible avoid values of N whose
FFTW, currently the fastest general-purpose program (hence the name: Fastest
Fourier Transform in the West). For information on FFTW, and links to lots of other
FFT programs and results, see http://www.fftw.org. Note that FFTW only gives its
best performance if you will be doing many transforms of the same length within a single
execution of the program – which may well not be true.
3.7. Computing the DFT: the Fast Fourier Transform
factors include large primes, Fortunately this is not difficult. Figure
3.5 shows the percent of lengths available, as a function of length;
while this decreases towards zero, it does so slowly: up to lengths of
10000, about 5% of the lengths are feasible. Another way to put this is
that for lengths greater than 1000, the largest change in series length
needed to be at an acceptable value is almost always less than 1%.
You should approach with care any DFT program that will handle all
N ; if N is not highly composite, then what the program actually does
may be a slow Fourier transform.
4. If, as is usually the case, your sequence xn is real, you should not
simply treat it as complex with all imaginary parts zero; you can get
a factor of two improvement in speed by instead treating alternate
terms as real and imaginary parts of a sequence of length N /2. The
DFT result then needs some auxiliary processing, which we describe
in Appendix A.
5. If you only need the transform x̃ at a few frequencies, or at those
that are not automatically produced by the DFT relationship, there
are special algorithms for rapid computation. We describe one, the
Goertzel algorithm, in Appendix A.
4.1 Introduction: Logging Data
We now consider the transition between continuous time and discrete time,
namely the sampling of a function at specified times (or, for spatial data,
specified places) to get the numbers that we later process. This sampling is
what takes place in a digital datalogger, which converts an analog function
of continuous time (almost always a voltage) x( t), into a sequence of numbers xn , each number being the value of x( t) at some instant: xn = x( t n ). For
this chapter we use xn for a single sample and xn for a sequence of samples.
& hold
(A/D Conv.)
The block diagram above shows the steps of converting an analog signal
to a digital sequence; Figure 4.1 shows the corresponding time series. The
first step is to to remove high frequencies from the continuous function; this
is done with an analog filter (we will encounter a simple analog filter in the
next chapter). This is called an anti-aliasing filter. for reasons we will see
below. The filtered signal now varies smoothly; it goes to a sample-andhold circuit; this produces a continuously-varying voltage that is held at
fixed values for a time determined by a clock; each time a clock signal goes
to the sample and hold, the value of the output changes to the value of the
input at that time ( t n ). We call this the “stepped voltage”.
This voltage is still a function of time x( t), but it has the same information as, and so can be be regarded as equivalent to, a sequence of values xn .
4.1. Introduction: Logging Data
Figure 4.1: The upper block diagram shows the steps included in
recording an analog signal and converting it to a digital sequence; the
lower plots are cartoons of the different forms of the signal at each
step. See text for details.
In the block diagram this point is the division between continuous and discrete time, though in the datalogger there is no explicit division. The next
stage in the datalogger is a quantizer, or analog-to-digital converter
(usually called “an A to D”). This device is a nonlinear system which, given
a real number x, produces a value x̆ that can be represented in a finite number of digits; the reason for the sample-and-hold is to give a constant input
voltage to the A-to-D for the amount of time needed for it to compute its
output value. We naturally want x̆ to be as close to x as possible, and it can
be an interesting problem to choose a representation for x̆ and then design
the quantizer to make the difference x̆ − x unimportant. However, in practice this is usually not too difficult, as is suggested by the bottom two plots,
which show the discrete sequence xn and the digital sequence x̆n , quantized
by rounding to the nearest integer. For most of this chapter we assume that
we have the real-valued xn ’s available; we discuss quantization error very
briefly at the end.
Chapter 4. Sampling Theory for Time-Series
Figure 4.2: A mathematical model for sampling, shown in pictures.
We start with a function (on the real line), then create another function whose values depend only on those of the sampled data. The
arrows are schematic for differently-weighted δ-functions. If we can
reconstruct the original function from the sampled-data function, we
have lost no information by sampling. The gray lines in the left and
right panels are the zero of the y-axis.
4.2 The Sampling Problem
What we shall discuss for most of the chapter is how to choose the t n ’s such
that, given { xn } we could (in principle) reconstruct x( t) – and what errors
we incur if we cannot. Classical interpolation theory would be one way of
studying this; but a different approach, working in the frequency domain,
turns out to be much more useful.
To avoid what would be substantial complications, we require the samples to be equispaced in time; the spacing is the sample interval ∆, given
in whatever time units we are using, so the times are:
t n = n∆
n = −∞, . . . − 2, −1, 0, 1, 2, . . . ∞
In the last chapter we implicitly set ∆ to be unity; for now we do not do this,
though we will assume it to be unity later on.
Slight departures of t n from absolutely equal spacing do not much matter, since they can be viewed as adding some error (noise) to the data; for
a timing error ǫ, the sample value x( n∆ + ǫ) will be approximately x( n∆) +
ǫ ẋ( n∆), and so long as the second term is usually smaller than the first
there will not be a problem. As we saw in our earlier discussion of the Discrete Fourier Transform, larger irregularities complicate analysis greatly
and are best avoided if at all possible, if necessary by filling in missing
4.3. The Nyquist Theorem
To get from functions to sequences we need an intermediate step. We
start with x( t), a function in continuous time; mathematically we say that
it is a function on the real line, which we would express pictorially as the
left-hand panel of Figure 4.2. The sequence xn , on the other hand, is just
an array of numbers, which we would express pictorially as the right-hand
panel of Figure 4.2. We connect these two using the delta-function δ( t − t n );
the (generalized) function
x ( t ) δ( t − t n )
is zero at t 6= t n , and contains the value x( t n ) in the weighting of the deltafunction. It thus is equivalent to the sampled value xn : not equal to it, since
one is a function and the other a number, but equivalent in the sense that
either could be constructed given the other. Such a link between functions
and numbers is just what we seek.1
For equispaced sampling the sequence xn is thus equivalent to the function
x( t )
δ( t − n∆) =
x( n∆)δ( t − n∆) = xs ( t)
which is shown in the middle panel of Figure 4.2 (using arrows for deltafunctions). We can view this function as formed by multiplying x( t) by an
infinite “comb” of delta-functions. The normalized version of such a comb
is the III function (so called by Bracewell because it looks like the Hebrew
letter shah):
III( t) =
δ( t − n )
Changing the spacing to ∆ rescales the III, making our sampled-data function, for a sample interval ∆,
xs ( t) =
III( t/∆) x( t)
4.3 The Nyquist Theorem
To return to our original question, we can, given xn easily get xs ( t) as a
weighted array of delta-functions, but how do we get (and can we get) x( t)
It might seem more in keeping with the action of a sampling circuit to multiply x( t)
by a function that is 1 at t = t n and zero elsewhere. But such a function, even multiplied
by any finite value, has an integral of 0. This makes any integral transform, such as the
Fourier transform, also 0: not very useful.
Chapter 4. Sampling Theory for Time-Series
from xs ( t)? We approach this problem by comparing x̃s ( f ) = F [ xs ( t)] with
x̃( f ) = F [ x( t)]. By the convolution theorem,
x̃s ( f ) = F
III( t/∆) =
∗ F [III( t/∆)]
∆ x( t )
∆ x̃( f )
To proceed further we need F [III( t)], which is
F [III( t)] =
e−2π i f t
δ( t − n) dt =
e 2π i f n
An extremely nonrigorous way to see what this might give is to observe
that for f an integer this is 1, and hence infinite; while for f noninteger
2π i f n assumes all possible values (modulo 2π) and so the sum will be zero.
This suggests what is the actual result:
F [III( t)] = III( f )
that is, that the III function is its own Fourier transform. This can in fact
be proved rigorously.
We then have
x̃s ( f ) = x̃( f ) ∗
F [III( t/∆)] = x̃( f ) ∗ III(∆ f )
Convolving any function with a δ-function simply recovers the original, and
if we convolve with δ( f − f 0 ) we recover x̃( f ) shifted by an amount f 0 . Thus
x̃s ( f ) = x̃( f ) ∗ III(∆ f ) = ∆
δ( f − n/∆) ∗ x̃( f )
x̃( f − n/∆)
Our sampled-data series xs thus has a Fourier transform that can be gotten
by replicating that of the original series at frequency interval ∆−1 , and
adding up the replicas. Figure 4.3 shows the whole process.
We can now show that if x̃s has a certain form, we can recover x( t) from
xs ( t). The requirement for this is called the Nyquist criterion, and is
given in the frequency domain:
4.3. The Nyquist Theorem
Figure 4.3: The upper panels show a function, then a sampled version
of it, then a version sampled half as often. The lower panels show
the corresponding Fourier transform: the original transform (this is
actually a made-up function), and the replicated-and-summed version
that results from sampling. In the middle, the transform replicas are
separated; on the right, they are not. The right plot shows the replicas
(aliases) with dashed lines.
x̃( f ) can be recovered from x̃s ( f ) and hence x( t) recovered from xs ( t),
if and only if
1 def
= fN
x̃( f ) = 0
|f | >
where f N is called the Nyquist frequency.
This requirement for x̃( f ) comes from its replicated nature. The replicas
are spaced 1/∆ apart; if the Nyquist criterion holds, each replica will remain
separate, as in the lower middle panel of Figure 4.3. However, if x̃( f ) is
nonzero above f N , the replicas will overlap, and when summed will blend
together, as in the lower right panel of Figure 4.3. There is then no way of
disentangling them.
Chapter 4. Sampling Theory for Time-Series
If the Nyquist criterion holds, we also have a way of getting x̃( f ) from
x̃s ( f ): we simply set all replicas but the center one to zero. by multiplying
x̃s ( f ) by a suitable boxcar function, scaled to be zero outside | f | < f N :
x̃( f ) = x̃s ( f )∆Π( f ∆)
Taking inverse transforms we have
x( t) = xs ( t) ∗ sinc( t/∆) = sinc( t/∆) ∗
x( n∆)δ( t − n∆)
t − n∆
x( n∆)sinc
The final sum is the expression for getting x( t) from xn ; note that if we put
t = m∆ the zeros of the sinc function fall on all the other values than the
one of interest, so we recover only one, x( m∆), as we should.
It is useful to look at a pure sinusoid to see how the Nyquist criterion
works. Suppose we have a sine (or cosine) with f = f N , so there are two
points per cycle. The cosine then seems to be recoverable, but the sine is
zero at all points sampled. Since
[δ( f − 1/T ) − δ( f + 1/T )]
we see that for ∆ = T /2, the replicas just meet, causing the opposing deltafunctions to cancel, so that x̃s ( f ) = 0, consistant with the sampling. But for
a cosine
F [cos(2π t/T )] = 1/2[δ( f − 1/T ) + δ( f + 1/T )]
F [sin(2π t/T )] =
and for ∆ = T /2, the two δ-functions meet and reinforce, so that x̃( f ) and
thus x( t) can be recovered.
If x̃( f ) = 0 for | f − f c | < f b , we say that x( t) is bandlimited, with a
bandwidth 2 f b and center frequency f c . A sine wave modulated in amplitude would be an example of such a function. For the Nyquist criterion
to hold, x( t) must be bandlimited about zero with a bandwidth 2 f N ; when
we sample data we ideally want ∆ to have a value that will make this true.
4.4 Aliasing
But what if x( t) is not bandlimited? And it never will be, since no transient
function is.2 The best way to understand the resulting errors is again to
The apparent paradox that no continuous function can be limited in both time and
frequency (which is what we expect of all signals we record) is discussed by Slepian (1976).
4.4. Aliasing
look at replication of the Fourier transform in the frequency domain.
To start with, we suppose that x( t) is nearly bandlimited and falls to
near zero at large frequency (otherwise we might as well give up), and that
f N is large enough that only the overlap with the two nearest neighbors
matters much:
x̃s ( f ) ≈ x̃( f ) + x̃( f − 1/∆) + x̃( f + 1/∆)
For frequencies near f N , the major overlap is with x̃( f N − 1/∆) ≈ x̃(− f N ); the
other overlap is with x̃(3 f N ) which we assume is smaller. Thus for “large”
positive frequency, the major contamination is from energy at “large” negative frequency.
We have used the term “replica” to emphasize what the convolution with
III does, but this is not the usual terminology – usually the replicas are
called aliases of the transform of the continuous-time function, the contaminating energy being termed aliased energy, and the whole process
aliasing. The expression (4.4) shows that for a complex-valued sequence
the effect of sampling is to alias energy below the negative Nyquist frequency onto positive frequencies just below the positive Nyquist frequency.
In the more usual case that x( t) is real, you may remember that x̃(− f ) =
x̃ ( f ), so we can write the “nearest-neighbor” aliases as
x̃s ( f ) ≈ x̃( f ) + x̃∗ (2 f N − f ) + x̃(2 f N + f )
It is useful to just consider | x̃| and ignore the complex conjugates. Consider the positive frequencies from 0 to f N , and consider what the aliased
frequencies are as f goes from 0 to f N (which we write as 0 → f → f N :
2fN → 2fN − f
2fN → 2fN + f
→ f N (main)
→ f N (first alias)
→ 3 f N (second alias)
We could continue this on indefinitely, but it serves to show that, for x( t)
real, we can regard sampling as mapping the real line of positive frequencies, from zero to infinity, into the finite interval 0 to f N ; if x( t) is complex,
sampling maps the entire real line into − f N to f N .
Another way of seeing this is to note that our result (4.2) for the reconstructed x( t) is a sum of sinc functions, and hence will be, as they are,
bandlimited. Given a sequence of samples, we can construct an infinity
This paper is well worth reading for its commentary on the relationship between mathematical idealizations and the real world.
Chapter 4. Sampling Theory for Time-Series
Figure 4.4: The left panel shows a made-up Fourier transform (amplitude), with two possible locations for the Nyquist frequency. The next
two panels show what the transform would be for these two choices,
with the aliases dashed and their sum solid. Choice A gives a badlyaliased result, choice B one that is probably acceptable, since the only
aliasing is near the Nyquist frequency.
of functions on the real line – but only one of these will be bandlimited.
For real functions and sequences, that bandlimited one has the transform
given by mapping [0, ∞] into [0, f N ] according to the rule (4.3), continued to
infinite frequency. One way to visualize this rule is as an accordion folding
of the frequency axis (a fold at f N brings 2 f N to 0; then another fold at 2 f N
brings 3 f N to f N , and so on). We can write a formula for this: for f > f N ,
let N be the integer part of f / f N ; then f maps to
f − N fn
N even
( N + 1) f n − f
N odd
In practice, we can do two things to minimize the effect of aliasing:
• Before we sample the data, shape its Fourier transform using an analog filter (physical or electronic) to remove high frequencies: this is
the “antialias” filter in the block diagram at the start of the chapter.
• Choose ∆ so that what aliased energy there is will be much less than
the energy in the main transform in the frequency band of interest.
We do not want “significant” contamination, but what level is significant depends on the problem in hand. Figure 4.4 shows an example;
while choice B allows some aliasing, the amount is small except near
f N , which is probably acceptable. Near f n , x̃( f ) is always slightly
4.5. Decimation
aliased; our concern is usually with lower frequencies. In actual data
an indication of aliasing is successive values with alternating sign
(perhaps around a trend); this behavior means that there is substantial energy near f N , most likely because of significant aliasing.
For a somewhat specialized example of what aliasing might do, consider
the effect of 60-Hz noise on data sampled less often (unless it is filtered out,
60-Hz hum is common on most electronic signals). If ∆ is 1 second, N (see
above) is 120 ( f N = 1/2 Hz) and f ′ is 0. This would be acceptable, except that
“60-Hz” line noise is really 60 Hz ±700µ Hz, which maps into 0 to 700 µHz;
this would interfere with a signal with a period of 12 hours. We can avoid
this peblem by sampling at some different interval; if we sampled at 2048
times per hour, f N = 0.2844 Hz, N = 210, and f ′ = 0.2667 Hz, so that any
60-Hz energy aliases to near the Nyquist, out of the way of lower-frequency
4.5 Decimation
A very common activity in digital signal processing is decimation. We
say that we have decimated a discrete-time series by n if we take every
n-th value to create a new and shorter series with sample interval n∆.
(Another term for this is downsampling.) The new series is related to the
one it came from by exactly the same aliasing rules that apply to sampling
of a continuous-time series; the only difference is that the folding of the
frequency axis extends only up to the Nyquist frequency for the original
series, instead of to infinity.
For example, if we decimate by two, there is a single folding, so that
frequencies from the old Nyquist f N to the new one (1/2 f N ) fold into the new
interval from 0 to 1/2 f N . Just as in the continuous case, the degree to which
the decimated series is aliased depends on the relative levels of the Fourier
transform above and below the new Nyquist frequency; before decimation
we may need to digitally filter the data, as we describe in the next chapter,
to avoid aliasing of the output.
The opposite of decimation is putting additional values between each
value in a sequence to give a series sampled more often; this is called either
interpolation, or, what else, upsampling. Although it seems counterintutive, we can do this just by setting the new values to zero and then digitally
filtering the series to remove energy above the old Nyquist frequency. One
reason for doing such an interpolation would be to create a smooth series
Chapter 4. Sampling Theory for Time-Series
for conversion back into analog form: standard practice in digital music
Decimation and interpolation can be combined to change sample rates;
we might, for example, decimate by 5 and then interpolate by 3 to get a new
rate that is 0.6 of the old. But whatever we do, we need to worry about, and
correct for, any possible aliasing.
4.6 Violating the Nyquist Criterion
We have discussed the importance of not aliasing data – but there are situations in which the data can violate the Nyquist criterion without loss
of information. We might, for example, have additional information at the
sample times, such as the values of both x( t) and its derivative ẋ( t)), though
this is rarely the case. More often, the signal has a special structure that
allows us to sample less often:
• A periodic signal can, under certain conditions, be measured adequately while being sampled at random times: one practical area
where this occurs is in measurements of regularly variable stars,
since for the longest-period ones the observations may occur at random times over many decades.
• If the signal can be described by a few parameters, these may be determined even though there is aliasing. To take an example from
some work done here at IGPP, the signal produced by the interferometer in an absolute gravimeter is what is called a chirp, has a timevarying frequency:
x( t) = x0 + cos[(( f 0 + f 1 t) t + φ]
where the parameter f 1 is related to the local acceleration of gravity.
The frequency rapidly increases to a value that cannot be sampled
fast enough to satisfy the Nyquist criterion, but it is still possible to
process the signal to determine its parameters (Parker et al., 1995).
• Another case is a real signal that is bandlimited between frequencies
f l and f h . To not lose information, we need to sample it so that the
sampling “folds” the frequency axis [0, ∞) into the interval [0, f n ],
none of the folds fall within the frequency band f l to f h . This is
4.7. Quantization Error
equivalent to requiring that, for for some integer n (not initially determined) the Nyquist frequency f n satisfies
( n − 1) f n ≤ f l
n fn ≥ fh
which combine to give
≤ fn ≤
This in turn means that n must be such that f h / n ≤ f l /( n − 1), equivalent to requiring that
fh − fl
Taking n to be the largest integer that satisfies this inequality, we
then have that f n ≥ f h / n, which means that the sample frequency
f s = 2 f n must satisfy
f s > 2 f h /n
and, from the other inequality involving f l ,
fs <
2 fl
4.7 Quantization Error
We close this chapter by discussing briefly the effects of quantization of a
signal; we consider the simple (and common) case in which an A-to-D converts a real-valued input voltage to an output integer. A-to-D’s are specified
by the number of bits in this integer: for example, a 16-bit system outputs
values from 32767 to 32768 (plus and minus 215 ). over the full range of
input voltage. So the more bits, the smaller the voltage corresponding to a
unit change in the output, and the larger the ratio of the maximum signal
to the smallest one that can be detected. This ratio is called the dynamic
range, for an N -bit A-to-D, it is 2 N , though it is usually expressed in dB.
The voltage range and number of bits determine the size of the least
count in volts, which may be scaled by the instrument sensitivity to find
the least count in the units of whatever is being recorded; we denote this
value by ǫ. If (as is usual) the A-to-D rounds the real value to the nearest integer, the maximum error is ǫ/2. Provided the signal moves by more
than ǫ between samples, it is easy to see that this error will be uniformly
distributed, provided that where the signal “lands”, relative to the integer
Chapter 4. Sampling Theory for Time-Series
boundaries, is reasonably random. The error thus has a uniform distribution from −ǫ/2 to ǫ/2, which has a variance of one-twelfth, equivalent to a
standard deviation of about 0.3 least counts.
This result suggests that quantization error will not be large, which in
fact is the case: in general, it is not difficult to make quantization error
small enough to ignore. You should however always estimate it and compare it to the size of what signal you might wish to record. This is often best
done, again, in the frequency domain: though this comparison requires use
of the power spectral density – which we will get to.
Engineering is the art of doing that thing well with one dollar,
which any bungler can do with two after a fashion.
Arthur M. Wellington, The Economic Theory of the Location of
Railways (1887).
5.1 Introduction: Digital Filters in General
Given a discrete-time sequence { xn } we often wish to perform some kind of
operation on it. The DFT is one such operation; many others go by the name
of filters. There are many different things that filters may be used to do;
and for each of these actions there are many different ways to design filters
that are “good”. You should remember that filter design is engineering, not
science; our aim is to get a good enough, and economical, answer, for the
situation we face.
The list of tasks that filters can be used for includes:
A. Select out certain frequencies. This is the most common operation in
the kind of analysis done in geophysics: especially removing high frequencies, to allow decimation of a sequence to make it smaller; or low
frequencies, to reduce large low-frequency changes that hide smaller
B. Differentiate or integrate, at least approximately; since these are continuoustime operations, they only make sense for sequences properly sampled
from a continuous-time function. The design of filters for these operations is quite similar to the design of frequency-selective ones.
Chapter 5. Digital Filters I: Frequency-Selective Filters
C. Simulate what a continuous-time linear system would do to the series,
again supposing the sequence to have been sampled from a continuoustime function. This goal leads to another way of designing filters, through
simulating a linear system represented by an ordinary differential equation. In the signal processing literature, these methods are used to design frequency-selective filters by simulating filter designs developed for
analog systems. For most geophysical data, such simulation filters are
more important for reproducing a synthetic instrument through which
one wants to pass synthetic data, for comparison with a real dataset
recorded by a real instrument.
D. Predict future values, which is an major subfield all by itself: it can be
economically very valuable, but it is also used a lot in such matters as
autopilots for airplanes, where knowledge of where the plane is about
to be is very important. Many methods exist, in part because prediction
depends on what model we take to characterize the sequence. Quite
a few methods model the sequence probabilistically: for example, the
Kalman filter operates in the time domain to infer future values from
past ones. A rapidly-growing part of this field connects to the burgeoning subject of nonlinear dynamics, since if a time series that appears
to be random can actually be described as a deterministic but chaotic
system, better predictions may be possible.
E. Detect a signal, defined as some kind of anomalous behavior. This goal
is closely related to the previous one: if the series is not as predicted,
then there might be an anomaly. Anomaly detection can be described
using the methods of statistical hypothesis testing, and has developed a
large literature of its own, again because of its technological importance
in radar and sonar.
F. Assuming that the sequence has been produced as the result of a convolution of two other sequences wn and yn , determine something about
one or both of these other two. This is known as deconvolution, and
covers a wide variety of techniques, which depend on what we think
we know about the convolving sequence wn . One example would be the
reverse of (C): we have the result of a sequence (or a function) being
passed through a known linear system, and want to determine the original. Two geophysical examples of this are correcting data for instrument response, and downward continuation of magnetic or gravity data
measured above its source (the height acts as a filter). Another type
5.2. FIR Filters for Frequency Selection
Figure 5.1: Ideal frequency-selective filters: the four commonest
types. The parts of the frequency band for which the response is 1 are
called the passband(s); where the response is 0 is the stopband(s).
The dashed lines show the region in which (for most design methods)
the response goes from 1 to 0 (not necessarily linearly as shown here),
which is called the transition band. Another name for the bandstop
filter is notch filter.
of deconvolution (used in exploration geophysics and image processing)
occurs when we have only partial knowledge about the two sequences
(e.g., some of their statistical properties).
In this chapter we discuss filters for purpose (A): certainly the commonest application in geophysics. In the next chapter we discuss (C), partly
so we can introduce some new ways of looking at digital filters. Purpose
(B), along with some other filtering topics, will be placed in a third chapter.
Purposes (D), (E), and (F), all of which combine filtering and statistics, will
not be covered in this course.
5.2 FIR Filters for Frequency Selection
Even just for purpose (A), we have many choices in how to design filters. We
start by introducing the ideal filter response Wd ( f ); for frequency-selective
filters Wd is either 1 or 0 over particular frequency bands. Figure 5.1 shows
some typical designs, and their names.
In this chapter we restrict ourselves to filters that consist of a finite
sequence {wn }, usually called the weights. These filters are used by convolving the weight sequence {wn } with the data sequence { xn } to produce a
filtered sequence { yn } = {wn } ∗ { xn }. In the signal-processing literature this
type of filter is called a finite impulse response (FIR) filter; in the statistics literature the usual name is moving average, usually abbreviated as
MA. Another term is nonrecursive filter.
Chapter 5. Digital Filters I: Frequency-Selective Filters
The frequency response of a FIR filter is just the Fourier transform of
the weight sequence:
W(f ) =
wn e−2π i f n =
wn e−2π i f n
for 0 ≤ f ≤ 1 (or − 1/2 ≤ f ≤ 1/2)
where N is the number of weights. It is useful to consider the weights to be
an infinite sequence, though one that happens to be zero outside the finite
range from 0 to N − 1.
We next impose three more restrictions:
• The weights are real.
• The number of weights, N , is odd.
• The weights are “symmetric”: that is, for N = 2 M + 1,
w M −k = w M +k
k = 0, . . . M
The consequence of all this is that wn = w2 M −n , making the frequency
W(f ) =
wn e−2π i f n =
−2π i f M
−2π i f M
wM +
wn ( e
wM + 2
wn ( e−2π i f n + e−2π i f (2 M −n) ) + w M e−2π i f M
−2π i f (n− M )
−2π i f ( M −n)
wn cos 2π( M − n) f
The part in square brackets is purely real; like any real quantity viewed using the amplitude and phase form for complex numbers, its phase is zero.
The shift theorem shows that the initial exponential is equivalent to an
M point shift, which is to say a time delay. Ignoring this, a symmetric
FIR filter thus does not shift the phases of different frequencies: this minimizes distortion of the input, other than by removing energy at certain
frequencies. If the part in square brackets were one, we would have just
an M -term delay, which obviously creates no distortion at all. Because the
phase shift is linear in frequency, symmetric FIR filters are usually termed
linear phase.
5.2. FIR Filters for Frequency Selection
Figure 5.2: Frequency response (shown in both linear and log amplitude) for lowpass filters designed by simple truncation of the sequence
of ideal weights. The ideal response Wd ( f ) has a passband (Wd = 1)
from 0 to 0.25, and a stopband (Wd = 0) from 0.25 to 0.5. The left-hand
pair of plots show the response for M = 49 (99 weights total), and the
right-hand pair for M = 99 (199 weights total).
If we do not mind having the filter be acausal (the output for a step
input precedes the step), we can make it symmetrical around n = 0, defining
wn = w−n for n = − M, . . . M . The frequency response is then
W ( f ) = w0 + 2
wn cos 2πn f
which has zero phase shift; in this form the FIR filter is often called a zerophase filter. Because such a filter is acausal it can be implemented only
after the data have been collected, but in digital systems this can always
be the case – if only because we are free to relabel the absolute time of the
terms in the series as we see fit. In general a lack of causality is not a
problem, though seismic data can be an exception to this: if our interest is
in the exact time of arrival of bursts of energy, we do not want the filtering
to put any energy before it actually arrives.1 In Chapter 7 we will see how
to make FIR filters that are better suited to this application.
Given all the restrictions so far applied, the filter design problem becomes how to choose the M + 1 weights w0 , w1 , . . . w M +1 , to best approximate a given frequency response Wd ( f ). As we will see, the meaning of
“best” is not unique. Indeed it is characteristic of filter design that the best
answer is not always the same: what we want from a filter will depend on
what we are trying to do.
A naive approach would be to just take the inverse Fourier transform of
the ideal filter response: since Wd ( f ) is real and symmetric, it might appear
A good example of exactly this problem confounding the interpretation of the initial
rupture in earthquakes is given by Scherbaum and Bouin (1997).
Chapter 5. Digital Filters I: Frequency-Selective Filters
that we can use the inverse transform for sequences to get
wn =
Wd ( f ) e
2π i f n
df =2
Wd ( f ) cos2π f n d f
However, this will not in general give a sequence of finite length – something we certainly need for a practical filter. We need to be more sophisticated.
Designs Using Tapers
One method of filter design is to construct, from the ideal response, the
(infinite) sequence of ideal weights
Wd ( f ) cos2π f n d f
and then create a finite sequence from this by multiplying by a taper (or
window) sequence {a n } to create the final weights
wn = a n wnd
The taper sequence must have two properties. The first is that a n = 0 for
n > M , so that all but a finite section of {wn } is zero, to give a finite-length
filter. The second is that the taper must also be symmetric about n = 0, to
keep the final filter weights symmetric.
We might expect that this time-domain multiplication would be equivalent to a convolution in the frequency domain; and so it is:
W(f ) =
a n wnd e−2π i f n
Wd ( u)
an e
−2π i f n
a n e−2π in( f −u) du =
Wd ( u) e2π i f nu du
Wd ( u) A ( f − u) du
where in the final convolution integral both functions are assumed to be
periodic outside the range [−1/2, 1/2].
This means that the closer A ( f ), the transform of the taper sequence, is
to a delta-function, the closer the filter response will be to the ideal Wd ( f )
Of course, what we mean by “close to” will, again, depend on what we think
is important: in thinking about closeness to a delta-function, is it more
5.2. FIR Filters for Frequency Selection
Figure 5.3: The three Dirichlet kernels used in forming the response
of the von Hann taper (left, dashed), and that response itself (solid).
The right plot shows A( f ) for the Dirichlet and von Hann kernels on
a log-log scale, for a larger value of M.
important that the peak of A ( f ) be narrow or the values away from the
peak be small? Our answer to this will depend on what we want the filter
to do, which is why there are no universal rules for filter designs.
The simplest taper is the rectangular taper, with a n = 1 for |n| ≤ M ; this
corresponds to simply truncating the sequence of ideal weights. We can see
that this is not a particularly good solution if we look at the corresponding
A ( f ):
A( f ) =
e−2π i f n = (2 M + 1)D 2 M +1 ( f )
n=− M
where D N ( f ) is the Dirichlet kernel discussed in Chapter 3. As described
there, successive maxima of |D N ( f )| do decrease, but only as f −1 : if what
we want is small values away from the peak, this A ( f ) is not a good approximation to a delta-function. Convolving this A ( f ) with the ideal response
causes much of the passband response to “leak” into the stopband, and
vice-versa. Figure 5.2 shows this effect clearly, and also shows that simply
increasing the number of weights M does not diminish its importance.
If you are familiar with Fourier series theory, another way to view this
result is to realize that in taking the rectangular taper we are simply finding partial sums of the Fourier series expression for Wd ( f ); such partial
sums always suffer from Gibbs’ phenomenon, with poor convergence near
Chapter 5. Digital Filters I: Frequency-Selective Filters
Figure 5.4: A collection of data tapers (top plots) and their Fourier
transforms A( f ), for 2M + 1 = 52 (the transforms have been interpolated for plotting, and normalized to 1 at zero frequency). The
sinc taper is given by (π n/M)−1 sin(π n/M), and the Potter taper by
k=0 a k cos(π kn/(2M + 1)) with a 0 = 0.3557702, a 1 = 0.4873966, a 2 =
0.1442299, and a 3 = 0.0126033.
the discontinuities in the frequency response.2
There is a taper that is almost as simple, but that has much smaller
values away from the central peak: this is the von Hann taper, also called
the hanning, cos2 , or 1 + cos taper:
a n = 1/2[1 + cos(πn/ M )] = cos2 (πn/2 M )
for n = − M, . . . M
which has the transform:
A( f ) =
a n e−2π i f n = 1/2
n=− M
= 1/2
n=− M
e−2π i f n + 1/4
n=− M
n=− M
e−2π i f n + 1/4
n=− M
[ eπ in/M + e−π in/M ] e−2π i f n
e−2π i( f −( M /2))n + 1/4
= (2 M + 1) [1/2D 2 M +1 ( f ) + 1/4D 2 M +1 ( f
e−2π i( f +( M /2))n
n=− M
− ( M /2)) + 1/4D 2 M +1 ( f + ( M /2))]
The three Dirichlet kernels and their sum are shown in Figure 5.3: it is
clear that, as f increases, the combination approaches zero much more
rapidly than does the original Dirichlet kernel, a point made even more
dramatically by a log-log plot.
For a good introduction, both historical and mathematical, to Gibbs’ phenomenon,
see Hewitt and Hewitt (1979).
5.2. FIR Filters for Frequency Selection
Figure 5.5: Frequency responses of lowpass filters for three data tapers, and also for the minimax design procedure described in Section
5.2.2 For each, the error (departure from unity) is shown over part of
the passband (note the different scales), and the complete response is
shown in log form.
There are many taper sequences available;3 the frequency responses of
these can vary considerably, but inevitably have a tradeoff between width
of the central peak and smallness of the fluctuations (these are called the
sidelobes) away from it. Figure 5.4 gives a small selection of tapers, including two with especially small sidelobes: the Potter taper (an empiricallydesigned one) and the 4π prolate spheroidal taper. The last, as we will see
in Chapter ??, is the function for which A ( f ) is most concentrated within a
frequency band around zero, and is one of several that are important when
estimating a power spectrum.
The effect of using different tapers for filters is shown in Figure 5.5. As
expected, the use of a Hann taper gives much lower sidelobes than does a
rectangular taper; the 4π prolate spheroidal taper gives even lower ones,
with sidelobe amplitudes due in part to roundoff error in computing the
DFT. But filter design using tapers is somewhat inflexible: given a particular taper the tradeoff between sidelobe level and the width of the transition
between passband and stopband is fixed. A somewhat more flexible ap3
Harris (1976) is a kind of bestiary of every taper then thought of, with plots of the
time and frequency responses. Most of these tapers deserve to be forgotten, since much
better ones, notably the prolate spheroidal tapers, have been developed since. It is worth
noting that the ‘Kaiser-Bessel’ tapers described in this paper closely approximate the prolates.
Chapter 5. Digital Filters I: Frequency-Selective Filters
proach has been developed by Kaiser and Reed (1977) and Kaiser and Reed
(1978), using an adjustable taper and some empirical rules for setting it
(and the filter length) to meet a given sidelobe level and transition width;
this method offers a convenient design that is adequate for many applications. However, even more flexibility is possible using different techniques,
one of which we now describe.
Design by Optimal Fitting of the Frequency
A more powerful technique in designing filters is to look at the difference
between the ideal response Wd ( f ) and the actual response W ( f ), and choose
the filter weights to minimize this difference in some way. What seems
like the most obvious approach does not however work very well, this being to minimize the mean-square misfit. Minimizing this is just like the
least-squares criterion, though in this case expressed as an integral over
frequency: the quantity to minimize is
ǫ =
|Wd ( f ) − W ( f )|2 d f
The difference between the ideal and actual responses, in terms of the
weights, is
Wd ( f ) − W ( f ) =
(wnd − wn ) e−2π i f n
where the actual weights wn are extended to infinity by adding zeroes at
both ends. But then we may apply Parseval’s theorem for infinite sequences
to get:
ǫ2 =
|wnd − wn |2 =
|wnd |2 +
n= M +1
|wnd |2 +
n=− M
|wnd − wn |2
and since only the last term is adjustable, we minimize ǫ2 by setting wn =
wnd . But this is no different from using a rectangular taper on the ideal
sequence – and we have already seen that this produces filters with large
sidelobes. Least squares, for all its merits, is not a panacea.
What is more useful is to minimize the maximum value that the misfit
|Wd ( f ) − W ( f )| attains over a range of frequencies. This is computationally
more complicated than anything we have discussed so far, and we will not
5.2. FIR Filters for Frequency Selection
describe how it is done; suffice it to say that it is possible to find weights
that will do this. Specifically, given K non-overlapping frequency bands
f L k < f ≤ f H k , for k = 1, 2 . . . K , we can find the M weights which minimize
b k max |Wd ( f ) − W ( f )|
[ f L ,f H ]
over all the bands; b k is a weight applied to each band, which allows the
fit to the ideal response to be tighter or looser. The actual amount of misfit
is largely a function of the filter length M ; what this misfit actually is, can
only be determined after the optimal weights are found. Usually some trial
and error is needed to decide on the appropriate tradeoff between length
and misfit. This approach applies the L ∞ norm, whereas the mean-squareerror criterion applies the L 2 norm; and in general gives very good designs,
with more flexibility than the tapering method. The resulting filters are
termed equiripple filters, because the frequency response shows a uniform level of departure from the ideal.
A filter designed using this method is shown in the fourth example in
Figure 5.5: by sacrificing low sidelobes at high frequency, the equiripple design can have a narrower transition band than any of the tapered designs.
The procedure for designing equiripple filters is called the Parks-McClellan
algorithm; it is included in and in MATLAB as routine firpm. The underlying algorithm is called the Remez exchange method.
There are many other variants in this method of filter design; we may,
for example, require, as well as a good fit to Wd , that the derivative dW / d f
be of one sign in the passband: this will completely eliminates ripple there.4
In general, most such refinements, and how to design filters where the word
length is short and roundoff a problem, are rarely important in geophysical
data analysis.
A Filtering Example
We close with an example that illustrates how frequency-selective filters
can be used, and also illustrates why there are no fixed rules for designing
them – what filter you choose depends on the problem you want to solve.
The data to be filtered are measurements of strain at Piñon Flat Observatory, made at one-second intervals with a long-base laser strainmeter. For
Steiglitz et al. (1992) present a fairly general program for including different
kinds of constraints using linear programming: relatively slow, but very flexible. See
http://www.cs.princeton.edu/k̃en/meteor.html for source code and examples.
Chapter 5. Digital Filters I: Frequency-Selective Filters
Figure 5.6: Equiripple filter designs. The lower right shows a
schematic response, with the frequency parameters indicated. The
different designs (A through E), have different frequency settings or
lengths M. For each, the passband response is shown on a linear
scale, the overall response in decibels.
the time period shown, these strain data show the signal from the 1994
Northridge earthquake, 203 km away. This signal, though dominated by
the seismic waves from the earthquake, also contains the static change in
strain caused by the elastic rebound of the rocks, which is what drives the
faulting. The aim of the filtering will be to remove the “high-frequency”
seismic signal so as to show the static change more clearly.
For maximum flexibility we use the equiripple design; Figure 5.6 shows
some possible filter responses. The lower right corner of this figure shows
parameters which we can choose: the transition frequency f c and the width
of the transition band f t . Once we choose these parameters, we next pick
a length for the filter; the program will then find the best design possible,
with the smallest amount of ripple in both the passband and stopband. In
this case we choose these amounts to be the same; while they can be in any
proportion to each other, making one smaller makes the other larger.
5.2. FIR Filters for Frequency Selection
Figure 5.7: Strain variations from the Northridge earthquake
recorded on the NW-SE laser strainmeter at Piñon Flat Observatory
(PFO). The lower right plot is the original unfiltered data; this actually has a much larger range than is shown. Plots A through E show
the results of lowpassing the data with the filters whose response is
shown in Figure 5.6.
Our first design (A) has a narrow passband, and a narrow transition
band – and the consequence is that the ripple is large, nearly 10%. This
means that in the stopband any signal will be only 0.1 of what it was originally – we would say, 20 dB down, which is not a large reduction. To do
better, we can try two approaches: (B) make the transition band wider, and
(C) use more filter weights (199 instead of 101). Either one gives much
less ripple; for these two examples we are trading computation time (filter
length) against the width of the passband response. In (D) we try making
the passband much larger by increasing f c ; in (E) we combine the larger f t
of (B) with the more numerous weights of (C) to get a response even closer
to the ideal.
Chapter 5. Digital Filters I: Frequency-Selective Filters
Figure 5.7 shows what these filters do to the data; without filtering
the static offset is well hidden in the seismic coda. Filter A reduces this
enough that the offset can be seen, but still leaves a lot of energy: looking
at this, you would (or should) want to say that the “true” signal would be
a smoothed version of this: a sure sign that the data need more filtering.
Filters B and C provide more filtering: since their stopband levels are the
same, the results look about the same as well; between the two, B is probably preferable because it is shorter. A much wider passband (D) turns out
to be a poor idea, at least for showing the static offset. Filter E is perhaps
“best” for this application.
6.1 Introduction
We now turn to another kind of digital filter: one that will allow us to use
a computer to imitate what some physical system does. We might need
this when, for example, we want to model a seismogram. The first step
would be to have a way of computing the the ground motion input to the
seismometer. The next step would be to simulate what the output of the
seismometer (a physical system) is for this ground motion. The FIR filters
of the previous chapter are not well-suited for this, but other designs are,
and it is these we will now describe.
But, to discuss these filters and how to design them we need to first
spend some time introducing additional mathematics for the linear systems
we discussed in Chapter 2. We will then return to the problem of designing
digital filters, introducing what is known as a recursive filter; finally, we
will show how to make such a digital filter accurately simulate an analog
6.2 Lumped-Parameter Systems
We saw in Chapter 2 that a linear time-invariant system could be characterized in three different ways:
• By its frequency response g̃( f ); this expresses the ratio (a complex
number) between output and input when the input is a pure sinusoid,
e 2π i f t .
Chapter 6. Digital Filters II: Recursive Filters and Simulating Linear
Figure 6.1: Frequency response of an RC filter with τ = 1, shown as
log amplitude, and phase, plotted against log frequency.
• By its impulse response g( t): the time-domain behavior when the input is a delta-function. This is also the inverse Fourier transform of
g̃( f ): g f o( f ) = F [ g( t)].
• By the step response h( t), which is the integral of g( t).
We now look at these characterizations for a special class of linear timeinvariant systems – though one that includes many actual cases. This
class is systems that are described by constant-coefficient linear differential
equations; a common term, especially in electrical engineering, for these is
lumped-parameter systems. For such systems the relationship between
the input x and output y is
d n−1 y
dn y
+ a0 y =
+ . . . + a1
dm x
d m−1 x
b m m + b m−1 m−1 + . . . + b 1
+ b0 x
The a’s and b’s are the parameters that describe the system.
There are standard procedures for solving such an equation to get explicit forms for y( t), especially for certain classes of inputs x( t); we shall
instead look at the frequency response of such systems. But first we provide a few examples.
6.2. Lumped-Parameter Systems
Figure 6.2: Frequency response of a seismometer to displacement.
The natural frequency is ω0 = 1. The response is shown for λ = 0
(dashed), λ = 0.8 (dotted), and λ = 1 (solid).
• The first example is the simplest analog electronic filter: the RC lowpass filter, which consists of a resistor and capacitor in series, with
input and output voltages as shown. The input voltage x( t) = Vin is
just the output voltage y( t) = Vout plus the voltage drop across the
resistor, which is given by R I ( t), where I ( t) is the current flowing
through the capacitor. This current is given by I ( t) = C ẏ( t), making
the differential equation
y( t) + RC
( t ) = x( t )
To get the frequency response, we assume, as usual, a sinusoidal input x( t) = e2π i f t ; by definition of g̃, y( t) = g̃( f ) e2π i f t . Substituting
these expressions into (6.2), we get
g̃( f ) =
1 + 2π i f τ
where τ = RC is the time constant of the filter. The two plots in Figure 6.1 show the amplitude and phase of g̃( f ) for τ equal to 1, plotted
against the logarithm of the frequency (and with the amplitude plotted in dB); these are called Bode plots. Clearly this is a lowpass
filter: high frequencies are attenuated.
Chapter 6. Digital Filters II: Recursive Filters and Simulating Linear
Figure 6.3: Response of the Earth’s polar motion to excitation; note
that since we represent the input and output (both 2-vectors) as complex numbers. we need to show both positive and negative frequency.
The response is given for a Q of 100; the Chandler resonance is at
0.849 cycles/year. The rapid change of phase at this frequency makes
it difficult to compare polar motion with excitations.
• A seismometer (Figure 6.2). The simplest form (a mass on a spring,
or a pendulum) obeys the well-known equation for a simple harmonic
ÿ + 2λω0 ẏ + ω20 y = ẍ
where y is the displacement of the mass with respect to the frame,
and x the displacement of the frame with respect to inertial space.
The system parameters are the natural frequency ω0 , and the damping λ. Again, we substitute e2π i f t for x( t) and g̃( f ) e2π i f t for y( t), and
−4π2 f 2
g̃( f ) =
−4π2 f 2 + 4 i πλω0 f + ω20
whose phase and amplitude response are shown in Bode plots (Figure
6.2) for several values of λ: λ = 0 is undamped, λ = 0.8 gives the
flattest response, and λ = 1 is critically damped.
• The Earth’s polar motion. The position of the rotation pole of the
solid earth changes because of variations in the angular momentum
and mass distribution of the fluid parts. The pole position can be
described by two coordinates, p 1 and p 2 , giving the (dimensionless)
6.2. Lumped-Parameter Systems
angular displacement of (say) the North rotation pole in directions
toward the Greenwich meridian and at 90◦ to it. If these changes are
small, it can be shown that the relationship between the pole position
and the motions of the fluid parts is
1 d p 1 ( t)
+ p 2 ( t ) = ψ2 ( t )
ω c dt
1 d p 2 ( t)
+ p 1 ( t ) = ψ1 ( t )
ω c dt
where ψ1 and ψ2 are integrals over the mass distribution and velocity
of the fluid parts of the earth (usually termed the “excitation”).1 The
frequency ω c is determined by the properties of the solid earth; for
a rigid ellipsoidal body ω c = [(C − A )/ A ]Ω, where C and A are the
polar and equatorial moments of inertia, and Ω is the frequency of
the Earth’s spin (once per day). The values of C and A for the Earth
give a value for ω c that corresponds to a period of 305 days; various
corrections, too complicated to discuss here, make the actual period
equal to 430 days. We can write this pair of equations as a single
equation by forming the complex variables p = p 1 + i p 2 and ψ = ψ1 +
i ψ2 ; then we can combine the two equations in (6.4) to get:
ṗ(t) + p(t) = ψ(t)
If we make the input e f t, and the output g̃e f t, we find
g̃( f ) =
1 − (2π f /ω c )
which has the response shown in Figure 6.3, in this case plotted
against both positive and negative frequency, since the response is
different for these: a common attribute of gyroscopic systems. (Remember that, with this trial function, negative frequency corresponds
to clockwise [deasil] rotation, and positive to counterclockwise [widdershins].)
We will use these examples in the discussion below, both to illustrate
concepts about systems, and also as examples for filter design.
For a derivation of this equation, see Munk and McDonald (1960); the version given
here has been revised to match the newer and more accurate result of Gross (1992).
Chapter 6. Digital Filters II: Recursive Filters and Simulating Linear
6.3 The Laplace Transform: System Poles
and Zeros
Yet another way of looking at the response of a system comes if we look at
another integral transform: the Laplace transform. The Laplace transform of a function x( t) is defined as
x̃( s) =
x( t) e−st dt
for s a complex number: x̃( s) is defined on the complex plane. The Fourier
transform is x̃( f ) is just x̃( s) evaluated along the imaginary axis of the complex plane; that is, x̃( f ) = x̃( s) for s = 2π i f . The Laplace transform can thus
be thought of as a generalization of the Fourier transform; but, viewed as
a transform, it is nowhere near as useful. And, mostly because x̃( s) is a
complex-valued function over the complex plane, the Laplace transform is
much more difficult to visualize than the Fourier transform. The inverse
Laplace transform is
Z c+ i ∞
x( t ) =
x̃( s) e st ds
2 pi c− i∞
where the integral is evaluated over a line parallel to the imaginary axis,
the value of the real part depending on the nature of x̃( s). The Laplace
transform and its inverse are thus much less symmetrical than the Fourier
transform pair.
The utility of the Laplace transform for us comes through applying it
to the lumped-parameter systems described by equation (6.1). The value of
the Laplace transform is that it enables us to get significant understanding
of such a system without solving the differential equation at all.2
Taking the Fourier transform of both sides of equation (6.1) gives us the
same result as we would get (and did get for the examples of the previous
section) by substituting e2π i f t as the input. What we mean by “taking the
Fourier transform” of the system is to find the equation that describes the
connection between the Fourier transforms of the input and output: that
is, between x̃( f ) and ỹ( f ). We get this result by applying the theorem for
the Fourier transform of the derivative of a function to equation (6.1); this
gives us a polynomial in f :
[a n (2π i f )n + a n − 1(2π i f )n − 1 + . . . + a 1 (2π i f ) + a 0 ] ỹ =
[ b m (2π i f )m + b m − 1(2π i f )m − 1 + . . . + b 1 (2π i f ) + + b 0 ] x̃
Deakin (1992) describes how this approach grew to dominance.
6.3. The Laplace Transform: System Poles and Zeros
where ỹ and x̃ are the Fourier transforms of y and x. Therefore, the frequency response of the system is
ỹ( f )
j =0 b j (2π i f )
g̃( f ) =
= Pn
x̃( f )
We can follow a similar route if we take the Laplace transform of both
sides of (6.1). While this might seem like an unnecessary generalization
(who needs the system response at a complex frequency?) it actually leads
to some very useful insights into how the system will behave. We need the
derivative theorem for the Laplace transform, with we simply state without
proof: if x̃( s) is the Laplace transform of x( t), the Laplace transform of ẋ is
s x̃( s).
Applying this rule to the differential equation shows that the ratio of the
Laplace transforms of the input and output, which is called the transfer
function, is
ỹ( s)
j =0 b j s
= Pn
x̃( s)
Comparing this with equation (6.6), we see that the frequency response is
a special case of the transfer function: the frequency response g̃( f ) is just
the transfer function g̃( s) evaluated on the imaginary axis.
The additional insight to be gotten from looking at the transfer function
comes if, instead of expressing the polynomials in (6.7) in terms of their
coefficients, we instead write them as products of their roots:
ỹ( s)
j =1 ( s − r j )
= C Qn
x̃( s)
(s − p k )
The roots of these polynomials in s come in two forms, the zeros r j of
the numerator, and the poles p k of the denominator. At the zeros the
transfer function is zero; and at the poles it is infinite. The scaling value,
C , is needed to make the description complete. Looking at the locations of
the poles and zeros, and particularly how close they are to the imaginary
axis, will show where the frequency response will be large and where it
will be small. Finding the locations for either set of roots has to be done
numerically if m or n exceeds five, but our three examples can all be done
• The RC filter has a transfer function
g̃( s) = (1 + τs)−1
Chapter 6. Digital Filters II: Recursive Filters and Simulating Linear
which has a single pole on the negative real axis at s = τ−1 . This is
shown in the left-hand plot of Figure 6.4; as is conventional, we use a
cross to show the location of a pole.
• The seismometer transfer function is
g̃( s) =
s2 + λω0 s + ω20
which has p
a pair of zeros at the origin of the s-plane. The poles lie
at ω0 [−1 ± λ2 − 1]. For λ = 0, the poles are on the imaginary axis, at
± i ω0 . Since this axis corresponds to the frequency axis for the Fourier
transform, these on-axis poles make g̃(±ω0 infinite. As λ increases
from zero, the two poles leave the imaginary s-axis and follow a circular path about the origin: because the coefficients of the polynomial
are real, its roots (these poles) must be complex conjugates. The case
of λ = 0.8, which gives the flattest response, would be termed a twopole Butterworth filter. At λ = 1 the poles meet; for larger values they
lie on the negative real axis, one approaching and the other receding
from the origin.
• The transfer function for polar motion is
P(s) 1+ is
ω c + is
which has a single pole, on the imaginary axis, at s = i ω c . Again,
this gives an infinite response for f = ω c : in the Earth this resonance
gives rise to the Chandler wobble, hence the subscript c on ω. In
reality dissipation keeps the response from being infinite; we can add
this effect to the equations by moving the pole of the transfer function
away from the imaginary axis. We make this pole complex, rather
than imaginary, by defining ω c as
ωc =
2πQ c
g̃( s) =
where T c is now the period of the resonance, and Q c a measure of the
amount of dissipation.3
It is certain that dissipation occurs in the Chandler wobble, but what causes it remains unclear. Smith and Dahlen (1981) provide an exhaustive discussion of the theoretical values for these two parameters for a given Earth model.
6.4. The z-transform for Digital Filters
Figure 6.4: Pole-zero plots, showing the locations of these on the complex s-plane for some analog systems. Poles are crosses, zeros circles;
multiple roots have numbers next to them.
For all our examples, including the last one with finite Q c , the poles are
left of the imaginary axis. This is good, because for any lumped-parameter
system, stability requires that all the poles of the transfer function have
negative real parts, lying in the left half-plane. And for an unstable system,
any nonzero input leads to an infinite output. Whether or not a system is
stable is not obvious from looking at the differential equation; but finding
the poles shows this immediately. Likewise, looking at the poles we can
easily see what at what frequencies the response is large: it will be those
that are near poles that are close to the imaginary axis. Conversely, zeros
close to the imaginary axis will produce dips in the amplitude response.
6.4 The z-transform for Digital Filters
In Chapter 3 we examined the Fourier transform for sequences. We have
just seen that the Laplace transform can be regarded as the generalization
of the Fourier transform; the equivalent generalization for sequences is
called the z-transform. An infinite sequence xn , has a z-transform ζ[ xn ]
Chapter 6. Digital Filters II: Recursive Filters and Simulating Linear
that is a function of the complex variable z:
ζ[ x( n)] = x̃( z) =
xn z −n
It is important to note that this is not a definition that is universally followed. In particular, the geophysical exploration industry (which does a
lot of signal processing) defines the z-transform as a sum over xn z n , Our
usage is that found in electrical engineering; if we call our z-variable zEE ,
and the exploration one zoil , zEE = zoil
. Since z is a complex variable, this
usage is equivalent to an inversion of the complex plane on the unit circle:
the outside of the circle becomes the inside, and vice-versa, with the origin
and infinity mapping into each other. Either convention is consistent, but
in looking at results (and software) you need to know which one is being
We have seen that the Fourier transform can be viewed as the Laplace
transform evaluated on the imaginary axis of the s-plane. In just the
same way, the Fourier transform of a sequence is a special case of the ztransform. Remember that the Fourier transform of a sequence is
x̃( f ) =
xn e−2π i f n
This is equivalent to the z-transform for z = e2π i f ; in words,
The Fourier transform of a sequence is the z-transform evaluated
on the unit circle in the complex z-plane.
There are other ways of looking at the z-transform. We can, for example,
regard z−1 as a unit delay. This may sound peculiar, but is easily derived.
Suppose y is the same series as x, but delayed by m terms: yn = xn−m ; then
the z-transform of y is just
ỹ( z) =
x n− m z − n =
l =−∞
xl z−(l +m) = x̃( z) z−m = x̃( z)( z−1 )m
so that the effect of delaying x is to multiply the z-transform by z−1 a total
of m times: z−1 “represents” a delay. (That is, zEE
does; in the usage of the
exploration industry, zoil does.)
6.4. The z-transform for Digital Filters
Figure 6.5: Mapping between the s-plane and the z-plane if we get
our sequence in discrete time by sampling in continuous time. The
right-hand side of the s-plane maps outside the unit circle in the zplane, and the left-hand side to the inside of the unit circle, but in
both cases the mapping is not one-to-one. The bottom plot shows how
the continuous-time frequency f a maps into discrete-time frequency
Another way to look at the z-transform comes from taking the Laplace
transform of the function which is equivalent to the sequence xn , namely
n=−∞ x( n)δ( t − n), which we used in Chapter 4 to discuss sampling of a
function given in continuous time. The Laplace transform of this infinite
sum of delta-functions is
Z∞ X
xn δ( t − n) e dt =
e−st δ( t − n) dt =
xn e−sn
−∞ n=−∞
which becomes equivalent to the z-transform if we set
z = es
which for any s gives a value z. This derivation of the z-transform thus
introduces a mapping from the s-plane to the z-plane; as we will see below,
Chapter 6. Digital Filters II: Recursive Filters and Simulating Linear
such mappings are important in devising digital (discrete-time) models of
continuous-time systems. The particular mapping given by equation (6.11)
has an important feature, namely that it is nonunique: different points in
the s-plane all map to the same point in the z-plane.
If we consider the strip for which |ℑ( s)| ≤ π, we can see that the region of
the strip with negative real part maps inside the unit circle, the region with
positive real part maps to outside the unit circle, and the segment of the
imaginary axis that lies in the strip maps onto the unit circle.4 But exactly
the same mapping occurs for each strip defined by m − π ≤ ℑ( s) ≤ m + π, for
any integer m. This is yet another example of aliasing: when we form a
sequence by sampling a function, one frequency in the sequence can come
from many different frequencies in the function; with the mapping (6.11)
we have generalized this to complex frequencies.
It is possible to use complex-variable theory to find the inverse of the
z-transform, and also to derive extensions to the convolution theorems in
order to show, for example, how to convolve two z-transforms to get the
z-transform of the product of two sequences. Since these results are not
needed to design filters for system simulation, we do not discuss them further; see Oppenheim and Schafer (1989) for the details.
6.5 Recursive Digital Filters
In a FIR filter, the output is just a weighted combination of input values.
This kind of filter is inadequate for simulating an analog system, for which
purpose we introduce a more general form: the recursive filter, where
the output value depends on previous values of the output, as well as on
the input values. The equation for such a digital filter is
a k yn−k =
l =0
b l x n− l
where xn is the input sequence and yn is the output. Because the sums are
one-sided, we can compute the “current” value of y, yn , without needing
any values of y except for the “past” ones that we have already computed.
Using only past values of x is not necessary except in real-time processing;
but is conventional and not restrictive in practice.
In geophysical-exploration usage, the mappings to the inside and outside of the circle
would be reversed.
6.5. Recursive Digital Filters
Filters of this type, like the nonrecursive filters of the previous chapter,
go by several different names: electrical engineers call them Infinite Impulse Response (IIR) filters, and statisticians call them auto-regressive
moving-average (ARMA) systems. If L = 1, so that only the current value
of the input is used, the statisticians’ term is that the system is autoregressive (AR).
Just as we used the Laplace transform to find the transfer function of
a differential equation, we may use the z-transform to find a transfer function for a discrete-time filter. If we take the z-transforms of both sides of
equation (6.12), equation, and use the result (6.10) that the z-transform of
a delayed sequence is z−m times the transform of the original sequence, the
two sides of (6.12) become polynomials in z. The transfer function becomes
the ratio of these polynomials:
ỹ( z)
l =0 b l z
= P N −1
x̃( z)
a zk
k=0 k
This is actually a general equation for any type of digital filter, recursive
or nonrecursive; note that for zero phase shift FIR filters the range of summation will include negative as well as positive values of l .
The parallel between (6.12) and (6.13) on the one hand, and the differential equation (6.1) and its transfer function (6.7) is quite intentional:
this parallelism shows how to reach our goal of simulating a system with a
digital filter. The simulation problem now becomes how to find the coefficients of the filter (6.12), with z-transform (6.13), that will best imitate the
behavior described by the differential equation (6.1) with transfer function
We start with our simplest example, the lowpass RC filter, and begin
with the step response. If x is constant and equal to x0 , the solution to the
differential equation (6.2) is y = x0 . If at time t = 0, x then becomes zero,
the solution for y for t > 0 is y = x0 e−t/τ . An FIR filter cannot reproduce the
infinitely long response to a step that this system shows; even approximating it would require a large number of weights. But a very simple recursive
filter can give a similar response. This is
yn − a yn−1 = xn (1 − a)
For x constant this gives a constant y equal to x. If xn is 0 for n ≤ 0, and 1
for n ≥ 1, it is easy to compute y:
y0 = 1
y1 = a
y2 = a2
ym = a m = e m ln a
Chapter 6. Digital Filters II: Recursive Filters and Simulating Linear
giving the same exponential falloff as in the analog filter. The transfer
function of this digital filter is
ỹ( z)(1 − az−1 ) = x̃( z)(1 − a) or
ỹ( z)
x̃( z) 1 − az−1
which has the frequency response (using z = e2π i f )
1 − ae−2π i f
where f is now the digital frequency, running over the range from −1/2 to 1/2
(the range between the Nyquist frequencies). Clearly the analog response
(6.3) and the digital response (6.14), though similar, are not the same; the
problem we will now address is to devise a recursive filter that will be closer.
However, before doing so, we need to discuss the stability criterion for
digital filters: what makes them stable or not. If we look at the output of
the discrete-time filter for the case given above (equation (6.13), we see that
for a less than 1, the output decays when x goes to zero (from one); but if
a were greater than 1, the output would increase exponentially. The value
of a thus determines if the filter is stable or unstable, the boundary being
a = 1, for which the filter is metastable. In the z-plane, the one filter pole
is at z = a, so the condition for stability is that the pole is inside the unit
circle. This can be shown to be true in general. Just as a continuous-time
system, to be stable, must have all poles on the negative real half of the splane, for a discrete-time filter, all its poles must fall within the unit circle.
These criteria matter because we want any mapping from the s-plane to
the z-plane to preserve stability: the “stable” part of each plane should
map only into the stable part of the other. The mapping given by equation
(6.11), corresponding to sampling, fulfills this criterion; some others do not.
For example, creating discrete-time systems by replacing derivatives by
forward differences does not; if we perform this substitution on a stable
differential equation, the resulting discrete-time filter may not be stable.
A better mapping than (6.11) for system simulation is called the bilinear transformation. To motivate it, we again construct a discrete-time
system from the differential equation, but instead of using numerical differences to approximate derivatives, we use numerical approximations to
For example, we can re-express the differential equation for an RC lowpass filter in integral form as:
y( t) =
ẏ( u) du + y( t 0)
6.5. Recursive Digital Filters
Figure 6.6: Mapping between the s-plane and the z-plane if the bilinear transformation is used. The right-hand side of the s-plane maps
outside the unit circle in the z-plane, and the left-hand side to the inside of the unit circle; in both cases the mapping is one-to-one. The
bottom plot shows how the continuous-time frequency f a maps into
discrete-time frequency f d : the mapping is one-to-one, but nonlinear,
though approximately linear for f a ≪ f n .
For equispaced intervals, which we set equal to 1, this becomes
y( n) =
ẏ( u) du + y( n − 1)
We now use the trapezoidal rule for this integral to write
y( n) = 1/2[ ẏ( n) + ẏ( n − 1)] + y( n − 1)
The differential equation itself gives an expression for ẏ: ẏ( t) = τ−1 [ x( t) −
y( t)]. We may then write the above expression for y( n) as
y( n) =
[ x( n) + x( n − 1) − y( n) − y( n − 1)] + y( n − 1)
Chapter 6. Digital Filters II: Recursive Filters and Simulating Linear
which we may, finally, write in the form (6.12) of a recursive filter; using
subscripts rather than arguments since we are now working with a sequence, we get
− yn−1 1 +
( xn + xn−1 )
yn 1 +
The transfer function in the z-plane of this discrete-time filter is found
in the usual way; we take z-transforms to get
ỹ( z) 1 +
= x̃( z)[1 + z−1 ]
whence the transfer function is
1 − z−1
1 + 2τ 1 + z−1
We can equate this with the transfer function for the continuous-time case,
equation (6.8), if we make the relationship between s and z
1 − z−1
1 + z−1
which is the bilinear transformation.
In the more general case where the sampling interval is ∆, the same
derivation may be used to give the same result, with the leading 2 replaced
by 2/∆. The inverse mapping from s to z has a similar form, namely
1 + 1/2s∆
1 − 1/2s∆
While our derivation used a particular differential equation, using multiple integrals for any constant-coefficient linear differential equation will
produce the same mapping. This mapping takes the imaginary axis of the
s-plane onto the unit circle in the z-plane; since it maps the entire left half
of the s-plane into the inside of the unit circle on the z-plane, it maintains
The bilinear transformation thus gives us a design procedure for getting
discrete-time filters from continuous-time ones. The steps are:
1. Find the transfer function in the s-plane from the differential equation of the system; this will be a ratio of polynomials in s.
6.5. Recursive Digital Filters
2. Perform the bilinear mapping (6.16) to produce a transfer function in
the z-plane; reduce this to a ratio of polynomials in z.
3. Get the filter weights from the coefficients of the polynomials, as in
the relation between (6.12) and (6.13).
There is often a step before step 1: we may have to modify the differential equation to minimize a distortion from the bilinear mapping. Let
the frequency of the discrete-time system be f d , so that (equation (6.9))
z = e2π i f d , and of the analog system be f a , so that s = 2π i f a . Then
1 − z−1
= i tan(π f d )
1 + z−1
so that the bilinear transformation of the frequencies is
fd =
arctan(π f a ∆)
which maps the entire analog frequency axis, from −∞ to ∞, onto the digital frequencies from −1/2 to 1/2: that is, from the lower to the upper Nyquist
frequencies. This warping of the frequency axis, though it avoids aliasing
of the filter response, means that we must adjust the time constants of
the differential equation so that after applying the bilinear transformation
these have the correct frequency, an adjustment known as prewarping.
To show how to do this, we design a filter to simulate the polar-motion
equation (6.4). If we apply the bilinear transformation (6.15) to the transfer
function (6.5), and compute the frequency response of the resulting digital
filter, we find that it is
ω′c − (2/∆) tan(π f d )
where we have used ω′c to denote that this parameter is not necessarily
the same one as in the actual continuous-time system. For ω c real, the
frequency of the resonance in the continuous-time system is at f a = ω c /2π;
when the series is sampled at an interval ∆, this becomes the (nondimensional) frequency ω c ∆/2π, providing it is not aliased. In the discrete-time
system the resonance will be at
µ ′ ¶
ω ∆
f d = arctan c
Chapter 6. Digital Filters II: Recursive Filters and Simulating Linear
Equating these two digital frequencies gives us the relationship
ω c = tan
for the time constant (in this case a frequency) used in the discrete-time
filter as a function of the one actually present in the system. If ω c ∆ ≪ 1,
the two are nearly equal; but as this product approaches π more and more
correction is needed. In this particular example, the usual sample interval
∆ for p and ψ is 30 days; for ω c = 0.01461rad/day, ω′c = 0.01485, only a 2%
Having made this correction, we can compute the actual filter weights
by the procedure just described. We find that the polynomial in z is
ω′c ∆ + ω′c ∆ z−1
(ω′c ∆ + 2 i ) + (ω′c ∆ − 2 i ) z−1
which gives a recursive filter
pn (ω′c ∆ + 2 i ) = −pn−1 (ω′c ∆ − 2 i ) + ω′c ∆(ψn + ψn−1 )
for producing simulated polar motion from a possible excitation.
7.1 FIR Filters: Other Applications
In this chapter we look at some other uses for FIR filters than removing
bands of frequencies: differentiation, Hilbert transforms, and linear regression. We also describe the most important class of non-symmetric FIR
filters for frequency selection, the minimum-phase filters; these are sometimes important for use in seismology.
7.2 Differentiators and Digital Hilbert
We have mentioned before (Section 2.8) that differentiation can be thought
of as a linear system; this makes it appropriate for digital filtering. Equation (2.5)
F [ ẋ( t)] = 2π i f F [ x( t)]
shows that differentiation is a filter with frequency response 2π i f : that is,
a constant phase shift of π/2 (the i part of the coefficient) and an amplitude
response that is proportional to frequency.
To imitate this digitally, we make the number of weights odd, with N =
2 M + 1, and also make them antisymmetric:
w−n = −wn
n = 0, . . . M
Chapter 7. Digital Filters III: Differentiators, Least-Squares, and
Minimum-Phase Filters
Figure 7.1: The amplitude response, and weights, for a differentiating
filter, constructed by tapering the weights for an ideal response with
a Kaiser-Bessel taper so that the response at the Nyquist is −40dB.
where we have centered the filter about 0 rather than term M ; this asymmetry means that w0 = 0. Substituting these weights into the general expression (equation (5.1)) for the frequency response of a FIR filter, we find
W ( f ) = −2 i
wn sin 2πn f
which we may compare with equation (5.3) for a symmetric acausal FIR
An antisymmetric filter thus will have exactly the same phase response
as differentiation: purely imaginary. To get an amplitude response that
approximates differentiation, we take the ideal response to be W (F ) = 2π i f
– but, to avoid over-amplifying the energy close to the Nyquist, only up
to some cutoff frequency α. That is, we want the filter to have an amplitude response that is zero at zero frequency, increases linearly to the cutoff
frequency, and then falls to zero.
As with the frequency-selective filters, we can get the filter weights corresponding to this ideal response by taking the inverse Fourier transform
of it:
wn =
W ( f ) e 2π i f n d f = 4 π i
f i sin 2π f n d f = −4π
f sin 2πn f d f
π n2
2πn f sin 2πn f d (2πn f ) =
π n2
x sin x dx =
α cos(πn)
sin πnα
π n2
7.2. Differentiators and Digital Hilbert Transformers
Figure 7.2: On the left, half of the weights for a (windowed) Hilbert
transform filter with total length of 97. On the right, a time varying
series (x3 e− x sin(1.5x2 ), where x = n/10), shown as the black solid line,
its Hilbert transform (gray solid line) and the instantaneous amplitude (dashed line).
where we have made use of the antisymmetry of f around zero frequency.
As with the ideal lowpass filter, this series of weights goes on forever; and,
as in that case, we can approximate the ideal response better if we taper
the series of weights instead of simply truncating it. Figure 7.1 shows an
example. It is also possible to adapt the Parks-McClellan procedure to this
design task.
Antisymmetric filters may have other amplitude responses. An important case is when there is no frequency dependence at all: an amplitude
response equal to one from zero frequency to the Nyquist. This is the digital Hilbert transform filter, whose ideal response is
W(f ) =
f <0
f >0
Note that this has the opposite phase shift from differentiation. The ideal
weights are
2 sin2 ( nπ/2)
wn =
Chapter 7. Digital Filters III: Differentiators, Least-Squares, and
Minimum-Phase Filters
Again, actual filters can be designed by using tapers (as was done for the filter in Figure 7.2) or using the Parks-McClellan algorithm. Either of these
methods will produce a filter whose amplitude response is only approximately flat over the full frequency band, but whose phase response is, like
that of the differentiator, exact, thanks to the antisymmetry of the filter,
and its having an odd number of weights.
If a Hilbert-transform filter, is convolved with a series it converts all the
cosine components into sines and vice versa. This can be useful for a series
that is approximately sinusoidal, since then we can create what is called a
complex-valued analytic series
{ x a } = { x} + i { x h }
where { xh } is the digital Hilbert transform of the original sequence { x}.
From this, we can find the instantaneous amplitude (also called the envelope function) and instantaneous phase; these are the amplitude
and phase of each term of { xa }; differentiating the phase gives the instantaneous frequency. Figure 7.2 shows an example for a graduallychanging sinusoid.
7.3 Least-squares Fits as Filters
Next we show that parameters estimated through least-squares can be
found by filtering the data – and that sometimes, thinking of least-squares
fitting as a filter can help us understand what the fit is doing. The basis of
this is that the solution to any least-squares problem gives the parameters
in terms of a linear combination of the data; but any linear combination of
the data is a linear time-invariant system, and hence a filtering operation.
More formally, suppose we have a data vector x, which we aim to fit
parameters y to by least squares. The equations for y are the normal equations:
y = ( A T A )−1 A T x
where A is the design matrix.1 Now suppose we want to find a particular
linear combination of the parameters, z = b T y; z is a scalar (and might just
be one of the parameters). Then the solution is
z = b T ( A T A )−1 A T x = wT x
We have assumed that the errors are identical and independent; if they are not the
equations are slightly more complicated but we get an equivalent end result.
7.3. Least-squares Fits as Filters
Figure 7.3: An example of the frequency response of a least-squares
fit: in this case, for the slope of daily data fit over a two-year span.
where the weights w are given by b T ( A T A )−1 A T , which can be seen to be
an N -term vector, N being the number of data. But this is just a digital
convolution (albeit with only one output value) – so we may regard the
weights as filter weights, and compute the frequency response by taking
their Fourier transform.
A simple, and common, example is fitting a straight line to data; assume
we have 2 M + 1 values, centered about 0. Then if y1 is the value of the fit
at n = 0 and y2 is the slope, the design matrix is
A =
−M −M + 1
... 1 1 1
. . . −1 0 1
M −1 M
which, conveniently, means that the matrix for the normal equations is
2M + 1
A A=
M ( M + 1)(2 M + 1)
Chapter 7. Digital Filters III: Differentiators, Least-Squares, and
Minimum-Phase Filters
which in turn makes the weights for finding the slope
wn =
M ( M + 1)(2 M + 1)
n = − M, . . . M
Note that this is quite different from the weights for finding the derivative,
which is a local measure of slope: the weights for the fitted slope are largest
far from the center, something that is often stated by saying that such parts
of the series have more influence. The frequency response, which then is
W(f ) =
n sin(2πn f )
M ( M + 1)(2 M + 1) n=1
so that the frequency response depends on M , the length over which the fit
is made. Figure 7.3 shows the frequency response for N = 730: this might
be, for example, 2 years of daily geodetic data. What is interesting is that
the response actually peaks at a frequency of about 0.3 cycles/year. This
is lower than the lowest frequency that is usually resolvable from data,
namely one cycle over the record, which would be 0.5 cycles/year. The location of this peak in the response becomes more obvious if we think about
what kind of sinusoid “looks like” a straight line: namely, one with about a
quarter of a cycle over the range of data. Much lower frequencies look more
and more like a constant.
7.4 Minimum-Phase Filters
Next, we turn to what are called minimum-phase filters. As mentioned in
Section 5.2, sometimes we do not want to use zero-phase filters because
they lack causality: if the data have sudden changes (notably from earthquakes) we may not want leakage of energy into times earlier than the time
at which the change occurs. But, also, we usually want the filter to be as
compact as possible: that is, we would like the filter to spread any impulses
or steps over the minimum possible time span. Making the filter compact,
but still causal, turns out to be equivalent to minimizing the phase shift.
The design of such filters depends on the locations of the roots of the
z-transform polynomial; these are, for weights w0 , w1 , . . . w N ,
W ( z) =
wk z −k
7.4. Minimum-Phase Filters
where z is complex. This polynomial has N − 1 roots, r 1 , r 2 , . . . r N −1 ; given
these roots, the z-transform can alternatively be written as a product of
degree-one polynomials:
W ( z) = w0
(1 − r k z−k )
with the w0 providing appropriate scaling.
For common choices of the weights wn , there are a number of “symmetry” relationships that apply to the roots r k . If the weights are real, the
roots r k must either be real, or occur as complex conjugate pairs. If the
filter is symmetric, with an odd number N = 2 M + 1 of weights, then if r k is
a root, so is r l = 1/ r k : the roots occur as reciprocal pairs unless they are on
the unit circle. To see this, write the z-transform as
W ( z) =
wk z
wM +
wk ( z
M −k
k− M
) = z−2 M W ( z−1 )
so that if W ( r k ) = 0, then W (1/ r k ) = 0 as well.
Combining these results, we have that for real and symmetric weights
(the commonest case), the roots of W ( z) occur in reciprocal pairs plus single
roots on the unit circle, and all pairs (or singlets) not purely real occur as
complex conjugate pairs.
If the weights are real and symmetric, the response on the unit circle is
W ( f ) = e−2π f M w M + 2
wk cos 2πk f = e−2π f M Wa ( f )
where Wa ( f ) is the amplitude response, which is purely real. If there are
single roots of W ( z) on the unit circle, there must be values of f for which
Wa ( f ) ≤ 0. Conversely, if Wa ( f ) > 0 for all f , there can be no roots on the
unit circle: all roots occur as reciprocal pairs. Quite commonly, Wa ( f ) is
nonnegative, but equal to zero for particular values of f ; these values of f
then correspond to double roots of W ( z), for which the root and its reciprocal
are equal.
We have discussed the locations of the roots in such detail because of
some less obvious results that relate to the goal of obtaining a compact
filter. Suppose some sequence wn , with z-transform W ( z), has a root within
the unit circle; without loss of generality we can take this to be the “last”
Chapter 7. Digital Filters III: Differentiators, Least-Squares, and
Minimum-Phase Filters
root r N −1 . Now consider another z-transform polynomial
W ( z) = W ( z)
z−1 − r ∗N −1
1 − r N −1
= W ( z) A ( z)
The form of the term A ( z) means that for the polynomial W ′ the root at
r N −1 has been divided out of the polynomial for W ( f ) and replaced by its
reciprocal complex conjugate, which will be outside the unit circle. For
z = e−2 iπ f ,
¯ −1 1 − r ∗N −1 z ¯2
¯ =1
| A ( Z )| = ¯ z
1 − r z−1 ¯
which means that the amplitude responses |W ( f )|2 and |W ′ ( f )|2 are identical. For this reason filter expressed by the A ( z) polynomial is termed an
allpass filter; note that this is a recursive filter.
We can use the factorization (7.1) to get a relationship between the two
sets of weights, wk and w′k , that have the responses W ( z) and W ′ ( z). Let
V ( z) be a polynomial of degree N − 2, obtained by factoring out the last root
(this is called deflation of the polynomial). Then we can rearrange equation
(7.1), to get
W ( z) = V ( z)(1 − r N −1 z−1 )
W ′ ( z) = V ( z)( z−1 − r ∗N −1 )
But these polynomial relationships imply the following expressions for the
coefficients of W and W ′ :
wk = vn ∗ (1, − r n ) = vk − r N −1 vk−1
w′k = vn ∗ (− r ∗n , 1) = − r N −1 vk + vk−1
Next, we compute the difference of the sums of squares of the weights
up to the penultimate term. Most of the terms in the sum cancel, giving
|wk |2 − |w′k |2 = (1 − |r N −1 |2 )|v N −2 |2
Because |r N −1 | < 1 (by assumption, we chose a root with this property), this
sum has to be positive. This means that the sequence wk has more energy
(measured by the sum of squared amplitudes) concentrated before the last
point than the sequence w′k does.
This result can be extended to show that, among all FIR filters with the
same amplitude response |W ( f )|2 , the one whose z-transform has all its
7.4. Minimum-Phase Filters
roots on or inside the unit circle will have the most concentration of energy
towards the early terms of the sequence; that is,
|wk |2
will be maximized for all m < N − 1. (For m = N − 1 the sum is the same,
being the filter response at f = 0.) This choice of roots thus makes the filter
as compact as possible.
Additional results follow if we express W ( f ) as amplitude and phase:
W ( f ) = Wa ( f ) e−φ( f ) . The phase of W and W ′ are related, by equation (7.1),
though the phase of the allpass term in equation (7.1). If we write the root
in polar form as r N −1 = ρ e2π iθ , we find that its phase is the phase of
−2π i f
1 − ρ e2π i( f −θ)
1 − ρ e−2π i( f −θ)
which gives a phase
φ( f ) = −2π f − 2 arctan
ρ sin 2π( f − θ )
1 − ρ cos2π( f − θ )
A more interesting quantity is the group delay D ( f ), which defines
the delay energy in a signal with frequency f (exactly analogous to group
velocity in wave propagation), which is given by the derivative of the phase.
If the phase is given by
S( f )
φ( f ) = arctan
C( f )
the group delay is given by
D( f ) =
1 S ′ ( f )C ( f ) − C ′ ( f ) S ( f )
1 dφ
2π d f
S2( f ) + C2( f )
which when applied to (7.2) gives
D( f ) =
−1 − ρ 2
1 + ρ 2 − 2ρ cos 2π( f − θ )
which is negative for ρ < 0 (the root inside the unit circle) so that W ′ ( f )
has a greater delay, and a larger (more negative) phase than W ( f ). The
sequence with all the roots inside the unit circle is thus not only the most
Chapter 7. Digital Filters III: Differentiators, Least-Squares, and
Minimum-Phase Filters
Figure 7.4: Weights for two filters with the same (lowpass) frequency
response: on the left, a symmetric filter, on the right, its minimumphase equivalent. Both are shown as being applied causally.
compact; of all the filters with a given amplitude response, it minimizes
group delay, and makes the phase lag as small as possible. Such sequences
are therefore usually referred to as providing minimum-phase FIR filters.
To design such filters requires, besides approximating the desired frequency response, that the roots of the z-transform all fall inside of or on the
unit circle in the complex plane. There are two different ways to accomplish
One, suggested by equation (7.1), is to replace all roots outside the unit
circle with their reciprocal complex conjugates, leaving roots on the unit
circle in place. This procedure is called the allpass decomposition, because of the allpass term in equation (7.1). This equation, generalized to
contain as many such factors as there are roots outside the unit circle, becomes the result that any FIR filter can be expressed as the convolution
of a minimum-phase FIR filter and an allpass filter. Note that the allpass
filter itself is not a FIR filter, but would need to be computed recursively;
this is acceptable for correcting for the previous application of a non-causal
FIR filter to data (Scherbaum and Bouin, 1997).
A second approach, called spectral factorization, depends on the result that, for symmetric filters, if Wa ( f ) ≥ 0 on the unit circle, then all the
roots can be paired into reciprocals, with double roots on the unit circle.
The factorization consists of taking all the roots inside the unit circle and
half of the roots on it, and constructing the corresponding sequence.2 The
A good description of the procedure, and some pitfalls, is given in Orchard and Willson (2003) – though there have been difficulties with the Newton’s method procedure given
7.4. Minimum-Phase Filters
resulting filter will have an amplitude response |W ( f )| = Wa ( f ), which
therefore requires that the initial filter have a nonnegative amplitude response, W ( f ) ≥ 0. Such a filter can be created using the Parks-McClellan
algorithm if we constrain the stopband response to oscillate around the error level ǫ, rather than (as is more usual) zero.
Figure 7.4 shows an example of filter weights for a zero-phase and
minimum-phase filter with the same amplitude response.3 It is obvious
that the symmetric (linear-phase) filter, applied as a causal filter. is less
compact than the minimum-phase filter applied the same way.
This is one of several filters combined to produce 5-minute data from 1-Hz data
recorded with the strainmeters installed by the Plate Boundary Observatory. For more
details, see Agnew and Hodgkinson (2007),
8.1 Introducing Ordered Random Data
We now turn to sequences of random data: that is, data in which (1) the
order of the values is important, and (2) the data are random. The first
attribute is the same kind of specification that we have been dealing with
in signal processing: we have a sequence of data x1 , x2 , x3 , . . . xn , which we
will often call, as statisticians do, a time series. As before, we assume that
the index n denotes a time t = n∆ at which the observation was made: we
are again sampling uniformly in time at an interval ∆. Obviously we could
equally well be treating a data set sampled in space or, much more rarely,
some other variable. For theoretical purposes it is sometimes useful to be
able to treat time as a continuous variable, and to work with functions x( t);
but as we will see, if we do this for a random variable things can become
mathematically extremely difficult without some further quite severe simplifications. We will, as before, often want to consider infinite sequences,
maybe infinite in both directions.
The time series of data { xn } is modeled by a stochastic process { X n }
or { X ( t)}. Such a process is a family of random variables indexed by the
integer n (when it is a discrete process) or by the real number t (when it is
a continuous process).1
What do we mean when we say “random variable”? The conventional
variables we have been dealing with up to now (and which we did not, up
to now, need a special name for) were a particular kind of mathematical
entity that obeyed certain rules. Random variables are also mathematical
entities, with different rules.
A. A conventional variable is assumed to have a definite value, although
we may not know it: it might, for example, be integer-valued, real1
Notation alert: random variables or functions will normally be denoted by uppercase letters, but not all uppercase letters denote random variables.
8.1. Introducing Ordered Random Data
valued, complex, or a vector. A random variable does not have a definite
value; rather, it is described by its probability distribution function
(pdf), giving the probability density over some range. The range, and
any parameters of the function used for the pdf, are however conventional variables.
B. Conventional variables obey the rules of algebra (arithmetic): we can
add, subtract, multiply, or (for real-valued ones) divide them. Formally,
we can perform the same operations on random variables, but what
happens when we do is described by a new set of rules. For example,
the sum of two random variables is another one: but the pdf of this sum
is not the sum of the pdf’s of the two variables that have been added.
Conventional variables are appropriate models for things we want to
represent as having a definite value: for example, data values that we have
measured or otherwise acquired. This makes them appropriate for signal
processing: we assume the signal has some definite value. The terms of
a sequence may not be equal to a known number (that is why they are
variables, after all), but we treat them as though at some point they will.
In contrast, random variables are appropriate models for things that are
somehow uncertain. We might be using a random variable to model the
outcome of some experiment, in which case we can think of it as one of an
infinite collection of values from which the experiment will extract a single
one. Or it might be used to model something about which we are simply
A key point is that the choice to model something by a random variable
is just that: a choice of what mathematical entity we decide is appropriate
to what we are studying. There are no absolute rules for this, and it may
well be that, depending on what different models are for, we might treat
the same thing as a conventional variable in one, and as a random variable
in the other.
One way to think about a given series of random variables is as being
the result of an experiment that could be repeated as many times as we
like. We say that each repetition produces one realization, drawn from an
ensemble of series that would be produced if we made many repetitions;
in that sense the ensemble is generated by the underlying random process.
So we can think of such operations as finding the expected value at a
particular n or t, as the average, over an infinite number of realizations,
of the variable for that n or t. Figure 8.1 shows realizations of a several
stochastic processes.
Chapter 8. Stochastic Processes
Figure 8.1: Five realizations of four different stochastic processes:
from left to right, lowpassed white noise, a random walk, a randomly
modulated sinusoid, and f −1, or “flicker” noise.
Even in discrete time the general stochastic process is horribly complex.
A single random variable is specified by a single pdf; but a set of them is
specified completely only if we have the joint pdf of every element X n with
every other element. Suppose all the elements have a Gaussian distribution. Then for a sequence of length N the joint pdf is a function φ of an
N -vector X = ( X 1 , X 2 , . . . X N )T
φ(X) =
(2π) N /2
det(C ) exp[−1/2(X − x̄)T C −1 (X − x̄)]
This expression contains N parameters x̄ ∈ |ℜN |, the vector of mean values, and C ∈ |ℜN ×N |, the covariance matrix. This is a symmetric, positive
definite matrix that describes the correlations among the random variables
X n , and has 1/2 N ( N + 1) values. So, to describe completely these N random
variables, we need a total of 1/2 N ( N + 3) parameters, far more than we are
likely to have observations: even a short time series of 50 numbers would
need 1325 parameters to be fully specified, and for a reasonably long data
series of 2000 terms, we would need more than 2 million parameters. If
we instead consider continuous time the problem is almost completely intractable, and such a general treatment has no practical value because it
would be impossible to make estimates of the necessary parameters, even
if the mathematics were possible – and this turns out to be very hard for
the general case (see Priestley (1981), Chapter 3).
8.2. Stationary Processes and Autocovariance
8.2 Stationary Processes and
Since the perfectly general stochastic process is much too general to be
useful, we follow the conventional approach of limiting ourselves to a much
more restricted class of random processes: those called stationary processes. These have the property that, while the actual observables vary
over time, the underlying statistical description is time invariant. This restriction can be weakened a bit, but we will consider only these so-called
completely stationary processes. Assuming stationarity (as this restriction is called) has the gratifying effect of reducing the number of parameters needed to a manageable number. For example, the mean value of
a stationary process is
E [ X n ] = x̄
where E stands for “the expectation of”; we could call this the expectation
operator, which converts a random variable into a conventional one. For a
stationary process the mean is one number: a constant independent of n,
or of time t if the process is continuous. It is often assumed the mean is
zero, since it is a trivial operation to remove or add the mean value into a
time series, if necessary. Of course, many observational series do not look
as if the mean is constant – there may be a secular trend, as there was in
the first example we gave in Chapter 1. Stationarity is such a powerful and
useful property that one often attempts to convert an evidently nonstationary series into a stationary process, for example, by fitting and removing a
straight line trend, or forming a new stationary sequence by differencing:
Yn = X n+1 − X n
The variance of a single random variable is defined as
σ2X = V [ X n ] = E [( X n − x̄)2 ]
which defines the variance operator V ; again, this converts from a random
to a conventional variable. With stationarity σ2X must also be independent
of n (or t). But most importantly, the covariance between any two random
variables in the sequence cannot depend on where we are in the series; it
must look like
C [ X m , X n ] = E [( X m − x̄)( X n − x̄)] = R X ( m − n)
Chapter 8. Stochastic Processes
which is to say that the covariance can be expressed by a function R X ,
whose argument is the interval between the two points. (Note that though
we use a capital letter for this it is not itself random). The function R X
is called the autocovariance. For continuous processes equation (8.2) is
usually written
C [ X ( t), X ( t + τ)] = R X (τ)
and τ is called the lag. Observe that by definition
R X (0) = σ2X
Also notice that, because of stationarity, one can set s = t − τ in (8.3) and the
result will be the same, since the answer is independent of which time was
selected. This yields:
R X (−τ) = R X (τ)
which shows that the autocovariance function is an even function of the
lag. A stationary process does not contain information on which way time
is flowing – it is the same if time is reversed.
For a stochastic process with a Gaussian pdf as in (8.1), we see that in
place of the vector x̄ of mean values we have a single number. How about
the covariance matrix? You may recall that the j - kth entry of C is
C jk = C [ X j , X k ] = R X ( j − k)
and so, for a stationary process, the covariance matrix has the same values
on all its diagonals:
R X (0)
R X (1)
R X (2)
R X (3)
R X (N )
R (1)
R X (0)
R X (1)
R X (2)
. . . R X ( N − 1)
R X (1)
R X (0)
R X (1)
. . . R X ( N − 2)
C = R X (2)
R X ( N ) R X ( N − 1) R X ( N − 2) R X ( N − 3) . . .
R X (0)
This type of matrix is called a Toeplitz matrix. So we only need N + 1
parameters, instead of 1/2 N ( N + 3) parameters, to describe the pdf of the
You should note that just because a stochastic process is composed of
random variables, this does not mean it is completely unpredictable. Recall
the correlation coefficient of two random variables:
ρXY = p
C [X , Y ]
V [ X ]V [Y ]
8.3. White Noises and their Relatives
From (8.3) we find the correlation coefficient between any two points in a
sequence in continuous time:
ρ (τ) =
R X (τ)
with a similar result for discrete processes. The function ρ is called the
autocorrelation function; it has the advantage over the autocovariance
that the variance has been removed from the definition, so that for any
process −1 ≤ ρ ≤ 1. Unless the autocovariance function is zero for the lag
τ, there is some correlation between the value X ( t), and the later value
X ( t + τ); we can predict something about one given the other.
So far we have considered the average of the variables, and also averages of the products of variables, ( X ( t 1 ) − x̄)( X ( t 2 ) − x̄). Such averages are
examples of moments of the process. The second-order moments are the
ones involving products, and provide the variance and the autocorrelation
function (or the autocovariance, which includes both), nothing else. We can
define higher order moments, for example the third-order moments that
come from the product of three X ’s. But if the process is based on a Gaussian pdf, we have seen that the complete pdf is specified by the second-order
moments alone: all the higher-order moments, if we wanted them, can be
found from these second-order moments. And even if the pdf is not Gaussian, a great deal can be learned about a process from its second-order
moments; the higher order moments are rarely studied–and we will not do
8.3 White Noises and their Relatives
Let us look a few concrete examples of stationary stochastic processes. The
simplest one is what is called white noise. This is defined as a stationary
process in which the random variable at any time (or sequence number) is
independent of the variable at any other time.2 It is commonly assumed
that the mean value is zero. In the discrete case we have
RW ( n) = σ20 δn0
where δ jk is the Kronecker delta symbol. In this case the random process
More precisely, that the correlation is zero; for non-Gaussian variables this can be
true even if the variables have some dependence. But this gets into the matters of higher
moments that we just promised to ignore.
Chapter 8. Stochastic Processes
Figure 8.2: Three noises and their pdf’s. All have the same variance
σ2 . The top two are white noises; the random telegraph turns out to
be slightly nonwhite.
really is unpredictable: we learn nothing about the value at one time from
knowing the value at another. However, the values are still not completely
unpredictable; we can say something about the range of values to be expected based on the known variance, σ20 . For continuous processes, it turns
out that a white noise is singular because the variance at any point must
be infinite:
RW (τ) = σ20 δ(τ)
But these definitions do not completely specify the stochastic process.
At any particular time t (or index n) X is a random variable with a pdf;
that pdf will be the same for every t, but so far we have not specified it. Of
course, the most common choice is the Gaussian, for which
φ( X ) =
σ0 2π
e− /2( X /σ0 )
Because of the statistical independence, the joint pdf is
φ( X 1 , X 2 , X 3 , . . .) = φ( X 1 )φ( X 2 )φ( X 3 ) . . .
This is Gaussian white noise which is shown in Figure 8.2.
We could allow any other pdf for X n ; suppose we choose a uniform distribution:
φ( X ) = b−1 Π( X / b)
so that V [ X ] = b2 /12. This is a different kind of white noise, as is easily
seen by comparing the top two panels in Figure 8.2. The joint pdf is given
8.3. White Noises and their Relatives
by (8.6) again, with the appropriate choice of φ. We have actually encountered this kind of white noise already, since it is what quantization noise
(Section 4.7) looks like. If the series varies by much more than ±1 between
samples, the value recorded is the true value of the measurement plus an
unpredictable (that is, random) amount that is distributed uniformly over
the interval (−1/2, 1/2). Since the consecutive values of the rounding error
are uncorrelated, the recorded series appears to be the true signal with a
white noise added. The noise is zero mean and its variance is 1/12. If the
last digit doesn’t change very often in the series, then the round-off noise
added is no longer uncorrelated; but then the signal is most likely not being
recorded with enough accuracy.
Another white series with a limited range is the random telegraph
signal: this one switches discontinuously between two values, say 0 and 1,
at random times:
φ( X ) = 1/2[δ( X ) + δ( X − 1)]
Here the mean value is not zero but 1/2, and the variance is a 1/4. The random telegraph signal is used as a calibration signal for seismometers or
other instruments since it is easy to generate electronically. A zero mean
version of it has sometimes been suggested as a model for the Earth’s dipole
moment over time scales of 105 to 106 years, but this is actually very implausible because the moment is far from constant between reversals. The
bottom panel of Figure 8.2 shows a sample.
These three examples of white noise are clearly different to the eye.
Somewhat remarkably, if they are normalized to the same variance and
converted into a sound track, they sound identical – the ear doesn’t have a
very good density-function discriminator.
These three sequences were not observational; they were made with
a random number generator. We can obtain other kinds of stochastic sequences by filtering white noise in various ways; the series in Figure 8.1
were generated that way. Note that as consequence of the Central Limit
Theorem. filtered white noise tends to have a Gaussian distribution. Many
physical processes can be thought of as resulting from filtering applied to
some stochastic process, so Gaussian distributions are often assumed in
a signal, and are quite often. though not always, observed too. A common exception, an example of which we will see later, is marine magnetic
anomalies; these are usually heavy in the tails compared with a Gaussian
Suppose we apply a FIR filter, of any type, to white noise; that is, we
Chapter 8. Stochastic Processes
convolve the white noise sequence W j with a finite number of weights wk :
Yn =
wk Wn−k
Assume for simplicity that the mean of the white noise is zero. Then we
can calculate the autocovariance of the new sequence using the definition
R Y ( l ) = C [Yn + l, Yn ] = E [Yn+l Yn ]
w j Wn+l − j
wk Wn−k
j =1
w j wk E [Wn+l − j Wn−k ]
j =1 k=1
j =1 k=1
w j wk σ20 δl − j+k,0
The delta symbol vanishes except when l − j + k = 0 or j = l + k; so
R Y ( l ) = σ20
wk wk+l = σ20 wk ∗ w−k
And so we see that the previously uncorrelated (zero covariance) white
noise Wk has become correlated. Notice that R Y is zero for |l | > K .
You are invited to verify that the same result is obtained for the continuous time version: if
Y = w∗W
R Y = σ2 w( t) ∗ w(− t)
It is possible to produce an even wider range of stochastic processes if
we use recursive filters. For example, suppose our recursive filter is
yn = yn−1 + xn
which is about as simple as you could ask for. If we apply this to a whitenoise sequence X n , the resulting Y is a process known as a random walk
8.4. Examples from the Real World
Figure 8.3: On the left, a time series of water height on the shore of
the Salton Sea, showing a seiche. The right plot shows the correlation
between data at two times eight minutes apart.
or a Brownian process.3 This process is actually nonstationary, with a
variance that grows with time.
A great deal of the statistical literature on time series is devoted to
processes defined by filters; in Chapter 7 we introduced the terms autoregressive (AR) and autoregressive/moving-average (ARMA) as names for different kinds of recursive filters; and from these come the names AR and
ARMA processes. The utility of this approach for geophysical data, outside
some special cases, seems to be limited, and we shall not speak of it again.
8.4 Examples from the Real World
Instead, we look at some examples of actual observations which a stationary process might be an appropriate model for. Our first example is the
water height at the edge of a lake4 over several hours. The water rises and
falls in response to the wind, and because of standing waves in the basin,
there are well-defined oscillations, known as seiches. Figure 8.3 shows
nearly 10 hours of data. Note that the mean is not zero; on the other hand,
the zero level is purely arbitrary. and there is no reason not to make the
The “Brownian” name comes from the applicability of this process to explaining the
motion of small particles that are moved about by the kinetic motions of (much smaller)
molecules, something known as Brownian motion because it was first observed. in pollen,
by the microscopist Robert Brown.
A very large, shallow one: the Salton Sea
Chapter 8. Stochastic Processes
Figure 8.4: Magnetic anomaly profile over the eastern Pacific Ocean.
A standard geomagnetic model has been removed, so that the mean
values are nearly zero. The sample interval (in space) is 0.35 km.
mean zero. Next notice the oscillations, which are not completely regular,
but nonetheless suggest periodicity. This definitely looks like a stochastic
process, but one might be skeptical that it is stationary, given the amplitude increase at about 210 minutes. However, we will stick with that model
because it is so much more mathematically tractable than the alternative.
Do these data look like a good approximation to a white noise? If they
did, values at one time would not be related, to values at other times. That
looks improbable to the eye. If we draw a scatter plot (Figure 8.3) where the
observed height at one time is plotted against the height 8 minutes later, we
see what looks like a very clear correlation; and indeed, the correlation coefficient estimated using (8.4) is 0.626. We used 1293 data values in finding
this; the probability that ρ would be this big in an uncorrelated Gaussian
sample5 is less than 10−180. Perhaps surprisingly, the distribution of the
data is almost perfectly Gaussian.
Our second example of a geophysical data sequence is a series of values
in space: the magnetic field measured on an aircraft flying 7 km above
the south-eastern Pacific Ocean. Figure 8.4 shows the vertical component
Z , and the horizontal components X , which is along the flight path. As
with the lake-level data, we see an irregular line with a certain amount
of order. A stochastic process seems like a good model, but there seems
to be little evidence of a regular oscillation, or even an irregular one. A
feature to notice here is that the two components appear to be related,
varying together in some fashion: there is a lag and perhaps a suggestion
of differentiation of Z to obtain X . We will discuss later how to look at pairs
of time series for evidence of this kind of relationship.
Found using the t test; t N −2 = 28.8.
8.4. Examples from the Real World
Figure 8.5: Left: estimated autocorrelation function for magnetic component Z. Right: pdf of Z data (gray) and of a Gaussian distribution
with the same mean and variance (black).
Concentrating for the moment on the Z component, let us look at an
estimate of the autocorrelation function, shown in Figure 8.5. We do not
describe yet how that estimate was made; that will be the subject of a later
lecture. For now notice how the R Z dies away monotonically from one. This
means that neighboring values are likely to be very similar indeed, but as
one separates two samples in space, their correlation fades away so that
by a lag of 30 samples (about 100 km), they are uncorrelated. It is easy to
believe this series could be generated by applying a suitable filter to white
The histogram of the data shows something mentioned earlier: the magnetic anomaly data is somewhat non-Gaussian, being asymmetric, with a
large positive tail and a compressed lower tail. A test for Gaussian behavior
shows that Gaussian variables would depart this much from a true Gaussian about 18% of the time: not a resounding rejection of the Gaussian
model, but a reason to be suspicious of it. The reason for this commonly
observed behavior is not understood.
The final example (Figure 8.6) is a bathymetry profile across one side
of the East Pacific Rise: another example of a spatial series, though this
would be a true time series if we used the age of seafloor rather than distance. Here the data are very obviously not stationary, because the seafloor
becomes deeper with age: as a realization of a stationary process, this is
a miserable failure. But if we remove a average trend, (the line shown),
we get a much more satisfactory-looking approximation to a stationary series, as we see from the gray line in Figure 8.6. Now in fact we should
Chapter 8. Stochastic Processes
Figure 8.6: The upper plot shows bathymetry along a profile perpendicular to the East Pacific rise, along with a linear trend and a funcp
tion where depth increases as t. The bottom plot shows the “depth
anomaly” found by removing these nonstationary features.
removed, not a straight line but a parabola, because of the famous
t approximation to depth changes caused by the cooling of the plate as
it ages. The least-squares best-fitting parabolic curve is also shown; it fits
the observations slightly better than the straight line does, and produces a
residual that is the black curve in Figure 8.6.
Here we have done something very common (we saw another example
in the sea-level data in Chapter 1), which is to model the observations as
a steadily evolving part, plus a random, stationary part. Unusually in this
example, we have a good model for the evolving piece of the model; normally we would just take a straight-line trend to represent that. The pdf of
the depth anomaly is again not quite Gaussian – the distribution is heavy
tailed, but not enough for a test to reject it as not being Gaussian.
As we noted in Chapter 3, the nominal form of the Discrete Fourier Transform (equation 3.8), which is
x̃k =
xn e2π ink/N
k = 0, . . . N − 1
does not well express how to actually perform the computation. First of
all, as noted in that chapter, we would first compute the exponents using
e2π ink/N = e−2π i(nk)mod N /N ; then the formula above would imply doing N “operations” (additions and multiplications) to get a single x̃k – and we would
then do this N times to get all the DFT values, for a total of N 2 operations.
The Fast Fourier Transform gives us the same result with many fewer operations.
The Basis of the Fast Fourier Transform
The first discovery of an FFT algorithm was by Gauss in 1805 Heideman
et al. (1985); like all the others before Cooley and Tukey’s, it was not noticed. In fact, these algorithms are the same, at least if Gauss’ procedure is
updated to use complex exponentials. We now outline how it works.
The key to the whole procedure lies in assuming that N , the series
length, be a composite integer, so that we can write N = N1 N2 , where N1
and N2 are both integers. We will show how to compute the DFT in fewer
operations for this case; and then we will assume that N1 is also composite,
apply the same procedure, and continue until we run out of factors. The
simplest algorithm is for all the composite factors of N to be the same size,
Appendix A. Computing the Discrete Fourier Transform
and as small as possible – which amounts to requiring that N be a power
of two.
We divide the N -length sequence of data xn into N2 sequences of length
N1 , and the N -length sequence of DFT values x̃k into N1 sequences of
length N2 . Then we re-index the subscripts for the two sequences as
n = N2 n 1 + n 2
where n 1 , k 1 = 0, . . . N1 − 1 and
k = k 1 + N1 k 2
n 2 , k 2 = 0, . . . N2 − 1
We apply this indexing to the e2π ink/N in the DFT expression:
e−2π i(k1 n1 N2 +k1 n2 )/N e−2π iN1 k2 n2 /N e−2π ik2 n1
and note that the last exponential is always one. Then the full DFT expression becomes
1 −1
2 −1 NX
xn e−2π i(k1 n1 N2 +k1 n2 )/N e−2π iN1 k2 n2 /N
x̃k1 +N1 k2 =
n2 =0
n1 =0
which we can write more compactly as
x̃k1 +N1 k2 =
2 −1
S k1 n2 e−2π iN1 k2 n2 /N
n2 =0
where S k1 n2 is the sum in brackets: we can view this as an N1 by N2 matrix, each of whose terms takes N1 operations to compute.1 Each of the
columns of this matrix is just the result of performing a DFT on a sequence
of length N − 1 to get N − 1 coefficients; So the total operations count to get
all the elements of S is N1 ( N1 N2 ) = N12 N2 . Then to get the final result requires the second (outer) sum, multiplying the S matrix into the N2 -length
vector represented by the final exponential to get a second vector of length
N1 – which we have to do for N2 values of k 2 . The operations count for
each matrix multiplication is N1 N2 ; doing it N2 times makes the total operations count for this step N1 N22 . The total number of operations is the
sum: N12 N2 + N22 N1 and remembering that N = N1 N2 , this is
+ N · N2
Actually 2 N1 operations if we count both additions and multiplications as operations;
but here and in the rest of the derivation we ignore expressions that do not depend on N .
A.3. Computing DFT’s of Real Series
which for N large and N2 small would be less than N 2 ; for N2 = 2 it would
be 1/2 N 2 + 2 N .
But now suppose that N1 is composite, with N1 = N2 N3 , which means
that N = N3 N22 . then we can decompose each of the N1 -length sequences
in the same way, and use the same decomposition to compute each of the
DFT’s in S more efficiently. The total number of operations then becomes,
replacing the N12 term in the above,
N2 ( N32 N2 + N22 N3 ) + N22 N1 =
+ 2 N2 N
And finally, if N = N2 we can do this decomposition q times, so that the
total operations count is
+ qN2 N = N (1 + qN2 )
Since q = log N2 N , the operations count scales as N log N2 , or for N2 = 2,
N log2 N : a much smaller number than N 2 , even for N as small as 1024,
100 times smaller.
Computing DFT’s of Real Series
If we are computing the DFT of a real-valued series, we can always reduce the computation time, and storage requirements, by a factor of two.
The standard definition of the DFT, which is followed by almost all FFT
programs, assumes that the sequence xn is complex. Transforming N real
numbers then means transforming N complex numbers, all with imaginary
parts equal to zero – and then half the output will be redundant, because
the x̃n ’s will be Hermitian. While we could replace the DFT with a purely
real transform, (such as the Hartley transform), this is not necessary. Instead, we represent our N real numbers as N /2 complex numbers, take an
N /2-length complex DFT, and rearrange the output to give the N /2 complex
x̃k ’s that we want.
To do this, we combine adjacent pairs of real xn ’s to form our complexvalued sequence; we may not even have to do this explicitly, because in
many computer languages (certainly FORTRAN), passing a real-valued sequence to a subroutine that expects complex numbers will automatically
Appendix A. Computing the Discrete Fourier Transform
cause this reassignment to occur. The DFT is then
Ck =
( x2n + ix2n+1 ) e−2πkn/M
k = 0, . . . M − 1
where M = N /2. To see what to do with the C k ’s, construct two complexvalued sequences A and B, defined by the sums
Ak =
x2n e−2π ink/M
Bk =
x2n+1 e−2π ink/M
which means that C k = A k + iB k , If we could find the A and B sequences,
we can compute the X k that we actually want, since
Xk =
xn e−2π ink/2 M =
= Ak + e
−π ik/ N
x2n e−2π i2nk/2 M +
k = 0, . . . N /2 − 1
x2n e−2π i(2n+1)k/2 M
To get the A ’s and B’s from the C ’s that we have computed with out
DFT, consider
C N − k + C k = A n− k + A k + i ( B N − k + B k )
Sine A and B are both derived from real sequences, both are Hermitian,
with A N −k = A ∗k and B N −k = B∗k . Therefore,
C N − k + C k = 2R [ A k ] + 2 i R [ B k ]
which means that
R [ A k ] = 1/2R [C N −k + C k ]
R [B k ] = 1/2I [C N −k + C k ]
and similarly,
I [ A k ] = 1/2I [C k − C N −k ]
I [B k ] = −1/2R [C k − C N −k ]
So, by computing first C then A and B, and finally X , we have achieved our
aim. We can get slightly greater efficiency using DFT algorithms specifically designed to handle real sequences (or, for the inverse transform, Hermitian ones), though the improvements are not large enough to be important unless you plan to do a lot of transforms; Sorensen et al. (1987) give
both algorithms and comparisons.
A.4. Computing the Fourier Transform for a Few Frequencies
Computing the Fourier Transform for a
Few Frequencies
Finally, suppose we want to compute, instead of the DFT coefficients, the
transform x̃( f ) for arbitrary f :
x̃( f ) =
xn e−2π i f n
Certainly you might imagine (correctly) that even for the DFT case, where
f = k/ N , that the FFT will not be the most efficient procedure if we only
want a few values of f . But again, we do not need to do the sum as written;
by using a recursive method known as the Goertzel algorithm we need
to compute only one trigonometric function for each frequency.
We define a series of sums:
Uk ( f ) =
xn sin 2π f [ n − ( N − k) + 1] for
sin 2π f N −k
k = 1, . . . N
and set U0 = U−1 = 0. Then the difference between the final sum and the
penultimate one, multiplied by e2π i f turns out to be the Fourier transform
we seek:
U N ( f ) − e2π i f U N −1 ( f )
xn sin 2πn f
xn sin 2πn f − i
xn sin 2π( n + 1) f − cos 2π f
sin 2π f n=0
xn (sin 2πn f cos 2π f + cos 2πn f sin 2π f − cos 2π f sin 2πn f )
= x0 +
sin2π f n=1
= x0 +
xn sin 2πn f
xn (cos 2πn f − i sin 2πn f ) =
xn e−2π in f
The point of all this is that the we can compute the Uk ’s recursively, and
need to compute only one cosine, once, to do so. As above, we start with the
Appendix A. Computing the Discrete Fourier Transform
answer and show that it gives the result we wish. Take
xN −k + 2Uk−1 cos[2π f − Uk−2 ]
= x N −k +
sin 2π f
N −k+1
xn [2 cos[2π f sin 2π( n − N + k) f ]
− sin[2π( n − N + k − 1) f ]]
A general expression for the trigonometric functions is
2 cos u sin[( m − 1) u] − sin[( m − 2) u] = sinm u
which, applied to the sum in A.4, gives
xN −k + 2Uk−1 cos[2π f − Uk−2 ]
= x N −k +
sin 2π f
N −k+1
xn sin[2π( n − N + k + 1)]
xn sin[2π( n − ( N − k) + 1)]
sin 2π f N −k
a recursion that allows us to find U1 ,U2 . . . U N in N real multiplications
and 2 N real additions; and once we have the U N −1 and U N , we can find
x̃( f ).
One difficulty with this approach is that, for values of f near 0 or 1/2, it
can be inaccurate because of roundoff (Gentleman, 1969). For example, for
f = 0, the recursion becomes
U1 = xN −1
U2 = xN −2 + 2 xN −1
U3 = xN −3 + 2 xN −2 + 3 xN −1
Finally, we would compute x̃(0) = U N − U N −1 by differencing two numbers
that are potentially very large: this is a sure invitation to roundoff error.
There is however a simple solution to this: define ∆Uk = Uk − Uk−1 . Then
the recursion in terms of ∆U is
∆Uk = Uk − Uk−1 = xN −k + 2(cos 2π f − 1)Uk−1 − Uk−2 + Uk−1
= xN −k + 2(cos 2π f − 1)Uk−1 + ∆Uk−1
A.4. Computing the Fourier Transform for a Few Frequencies
and the expression for x̃( f ) is
X ( f ) = ∆U N − (cos 2π f − 1)U N −1 − i (sin 2π f )U N −1
Now, for f small, cos 2π f − 1 becomes small, and the recursion and its final
processing become numerically stable.
There is a similar problem with the original recursion for f close to 1/2;
for f = 1/2 the original recursion is for which the original recursion gives
U1 = xN −1
U2 = xN −2 − 2 xN −1
U3 = xN −3 − 2 xN −2 − 3 xN −1
which again means (potentially) differencing large numbers. The cure is
again to define a new quantity (for which we use the same notation):
∆Uk = Uk + Uk−1
in terms of which the recursion becomes
∆Uk = xN −k + 2(cos 2π f + 1)Uk−1 − ∆Uk−1
and the final step becomes
X ( f ) = ∆U N − (cos 2π f + 1)U N −1 − (− i (sin 2π f )U N −1 )
The need for three recursions complicates the process somewhat, but not
so much so as to render this method unattractive for special purposes.
B.1 Introduction
There are a many books that cover different aspects of this course, but none
that provide the mix we think most useful. Most books tend to either focus on the statistical viewpoint, without much discussion either of Fourier
theory or of actual algorithms; or else focus on the signal-processing topics
with little discussion of randomness. The list here is certainly not complete, but includes some of our own favorites, both textbooks and reference
B.2 Linear Systems and Fourier Analysis
Pippard (1978) gives a particularly detailed and readable discussion of one
class of linear system: the damped oscillator (or sets of oscillators), including a number of interesting ways of looking at the Fourier transform. Books
on the Fourier transform differ substantially in their level of mathematical rigor. The two least rigorous are James (1995), which is at about the
level of these notes, and Bracewell (1986), which is much more complete,
and is probably the best book on Fourier theory for non-mathematicians.
It emphasizes getting a “feel” for transforms, being able to visualize the
connection between the time and frequency domains, and the ubiquity of
Fourier transforms, as shown by a wide range of examples (most from electrical engineering). Editions after the first one are basically unchanged,
except for a discussion of the Hartley transform, about which the author is,
in our view, overenthusiastic.
Moving up the scale of rigor, Champeney (1987) covers the Fourier theorems rigorously, with due attention to what kinds of functions they apply to
and what the integrals really mean, though results are given rather than
proved. Korner (1988) is a collection of anecdotes, theorems and applica128
B.3. Digital Signal Processing
tions, mostly to do with Fourier analysis; many of the essays can be read
in isolation from the rest of the book. It provides an entertaining look at
some mathematical culture. Lighthill (1958) is a brief, elegant, readable,
and rigorous exposition of Fourier analysis and its connection with generalized functions; if you want to see the proofs done right, but readably, this
is the place to look to fill in many of the details we have skipped. It is not,
however, complete: there is no discussion of convolution. Finally, for the
mathematically inclined Dym and McKean (1972) treats the subject with
modern notation, and full rigor but in a lively style. They show lots and lots
of unexpected applications ranging from differential equations to the Prime
Number Theorem. They do not make any use of generalized functions.
B.3 Digital Signal Processing
Because digital signal processing is, now, used inside devices ranging from
cell phones to satellites to DVD players and washing machines, it has a
huge literature on it; and because this subject is a standard course for electrical engineers, many authors have tried their hands at textbooks. Perusal
of the relevant classification number (TK5102.9) in the library catalog will
reveal dozens of books, all with similar content, though with levels varying from introductions for computer musicians whose mathematical background may be quite modest, to detailed treatments for graduate-level engineers. Many of these books address issues of finite word length and computational efficiency that, while of considerable engineering importance,
are rarely relevant to data analysis. Many books also include a section
on spectrum analysis, but usually without doing justice to the statistical
questions involved.
Given this abundance, we can only offer a selection. Two basic introductions are Scherbaum (2001), which is oriented towards seismology but not
very complete, and Steiglitz (1996), which is oriented towards people doing
computer music – and thus avoids the assumption of many of these books,
which is that you are an electrical engineer. Another in this class is Hamming (1983), which is very readable, and pays lots of attention to common
stumbling blocks. It is however somewhat idiosyncratic in its methods and
its coverage. One particular strong point is the especially good treatment
of what some common operations (e.g. numerical integration) look like if
viewed as filters.
Oppenheim and Schafer (1989) is a standard introductory textbook,
Appendix B. Other Reading
with probably all the information that you are likely to ever need, presented in a way that shows the authors’ command of the subject and how
to teach it. It is much more detailed than the books just mentioned; and it
does assume some familiarity with continuous-time theory and (in places)
an electrical-engineering background. The notation will be familiar, since
the notation in our class notes comes from an earlier version of this text.
Signal processing as done in exploration geophysics, has very different
goals and standards from the rest of the field. Robinson and Treitel (1980),
by two of the founders of the subject, begins at a very basic level, but can be
quite advanced in the later chapters, which tend to focus on special topics
the authors happen to be interested in.
B.4 Time Series and Spectral Estimation
Jenkins and Watts (1968) was long the standard text in the field, but it
is now showing its age in terms of estimation methods (the theory is still
perfectly correct). It is probably still one of the best discussions of multivariate methods. Chapter Four, on statistical inference, is still well worth
reading. Priestley (1981) provides a careful but readable treatment of all
the standard material with a nice balance between proof, discussion and
illustration. This book focuses on the statistical issues, and includes some
discussion of time-domain estimation. Bendat and Piersol (1986) has a
strong emphasis on estimation, particularly of response functions for linear systems. The orientation is towards engineering, not statistics.
Percival and Walden (1993) introduces univariate spectral analysis at
a reasonably high level. They cover stochastic processes, filtering, Fourier
theory, and spectral estimation, with special emphasis on direct multitaper estimation techniques. They also cover parametric spectral estimation
and harmonic analysis. A promised volume on cross spectra has not yet
appeared. This is probably the best single book on univariate spectral estimation, though it is not always easy going; the authors have emulated
the inventor of multitaper methods, Dave Thomson, in the lavish use of
subscripts and superscripts, which tends to obscure the discussion.
Agnew, D. C., and K. M. Hodgkinson (2007), Designing compact causal digital filters for low-frequency strainmeter data, Bull. Seismol. Soc. Amer.,
97, 91–99.
Alsop, L. E., and A. A. Nowroozi (1966), Faster Fourier analysis, J. Geophys.
Res., 71, 5482–5483, doi:10.1029/JZ071i022p05482.
Ardhuin, F., B. Chapron, and F. Collard (2009), Observation of swell
dissipation across oceans, Geophys. Res. Lett., 36, L06,607, doi:
Bendat, J. S., and A. G. Piersol (1986), Random Data: Analysis and Measurement Procedures, John Wiley, New York.
Bracewell, R. (1986), The Fourier Transform and its Applications, McGrawHill, New York.
Champeney, D. C. (1987), A Handbook of Fourier Theorems, Cambridge
University Press), New York.
Cooley, J. W., and J. W. Tukey (1965), An algorithm for the machine
computation of complex Fourier series, Math, Comp., 19, 297–301, doi:
Deakin, M. A. B. (1992), The ascendancy of the Laplace Transform and how
it came about, Arch. Hist. Exact Sci, 44, 265–286.
Dym, H., and H. P. McKean (1972), Fourier Series and Integrals, Academic
Press, New York.
Gentleman, W. M. (1969), An error analysis of Goertzel’s (Watt’s) algorithm, Computer J., 12, 160–165.
Gross, R. (1992), Correspondence between theory and observations of polar
motion, Geophys. J. Internat., 109, 162–170.
Hamming, R. W. (1983), Digital Filters, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs.
Harris, F. J. (1976), On the use of windows for harmonic analysis with the
discrete Fourier transform, IEEE Proc., 66, 51–83.
Heideman, M. T., D. H. Johnson, and C. S. Burrus (1985), Gauss and the
history of the Fast Fourier Transform, Arch. Hist. Exact. Sci., 34, 265–
Hewitt, E., and R. Hewitt (1979), The Gibbs-Wilbraham phenomenon: an
episode in Fourier analysis, Arch. Hist. Exact Sci., 21, 129–169.
James, J. F. (1995), A Student’s Guide to Fourier Transforms: With Applications in Physics and Engineering, Cambridge University Press), New
Jenkins, G. M., and D. G. Watts (1968), Spectral Analysis and its Applications, 525 pp., Holden-Day, San Francisco.
Kaiser, J. F., and W. A. Reed (1977), Data smoothing using low-pass digital
filters, Rev. Sci. Instrum., 48, 1447–1454.
Kaiser, J. F., and W. A. Reed (1978), Bandpass (bandstop) digital filter design routine„ Rev. Sci. Instrum., 49, 1103–1106.
Korner, T. W. (1988), Fourier Analysis, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
Lighthill, M. J. (1958), Fourier Analysis and Generalized Functions, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
Munk, W. H., and G. McDonald (1960), The Rotation of the Earth: a Geophysical Discussion, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
Oppenheim, A. V., and R. W. Schafer (1989), Discrete-time Signal Processing, Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, N.J.
Orchard, H. J., and A. N. Willson (2003), On the computation of a minimumphase spectral factor, IEEE Trans. Circuits Systems I, 50, 365–375.
Parker, P. R., M. A. Zumberge, and R. L. Parker (1995), A new method of
fringe-signal processing in absolute gravity meters, Manuscrip. Geodet.,
20, 173–181.
Percival, D. B., and A. T. Walden (1993), Spectral Analysis for Physical
Applications: Multitaper and Conventional Univariate Techniques, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
Pippard, A. B. (1978), The Physics of Vibration, Cambridge University
Press, New York.
Priestley, M. B. (1981), Spectral Analysis and Time Series, 890 pp., Academic, Orlando, Fla.
Robinson, E. A., and S. Treitel (1980), Geophysical Signal Analysis, Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, N.J.
Scherbaum, F. (2001), Of Poles and Zeros: Fundamentals of Digital Seismology, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston.
Scherbaum, F., and M.-P. Bouin (1997), FIR filter effects and nucleation
phases, Geophys. J. Internat., 130, 661–668.
Singleton, R. C. (1969), An algorithm for computing the mixed radix fast
Fourier transform, IEEE Trans. Audio Electroacous., AU-17, 93–103.
Slepian, D. (1976), On bandwidth, Proc. IEEE, 6, 292–300.
Smith, M. L., and F. A. Dahlen (1981), The period and Q of the Chandler
wobble, Geophys. J. R. Astron. Soc., 64, 223–281.
Snodgrass, F. E., G. W. Groves, K. F. Hasselmann, G. R. Miller, W. H. Munk,
and W. H. Powers (1966), Propagation of ocean swell across the Pacific,
Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc., Ser. A, 259, 431–497.
Sorensen, H., D. L. Jones, M. T. Heideman, and C. S. Burrus (1987),
Real-valued Fast Fourier Transform algorithms, IEEE Trans. Acoustics
Speech Sign. Proc., 35, 849–863.
Steiglitz, K. (1996), A DSP Primer: with Applications to Digital Audio and
Computer Music, Addison-Wesley, Menlo Park.
Steiglitz, K., T. W. Parks, and J. F. Kaiser (1992), METEOR: A constraintbased FIR filter design program, IEEE Trans. Signal Proc., 40, 1901–
Amplitude of complex number, see Complex numbers
Argand diagram, see Phasor diagram
Complex numbers
amplitude, 11
phase, 11
Decibels, 5
Fechner’s law, 5
Fourier series, 34
Fourier transform
symmetry relations, 22
Linear systems, 9
definition, 9
time-invariant, 9
of complex number, see Complex
sign convention for, 12
Phasor diagram, 11
Quadrature, defined, 11
Sea level
at SIO pier, 1
steric effect, 1
swell, 2
Swell, propagation, 3
Symmetry relations of Fourier transform, see Fourier transform
Systems, see Linear systems
Time invariance, see Linear systems,
Vibration diagram, see Phasor diagram