Papers by Othniel Likkason
Arabian journal of geosciences, Jun 17, 2024
Science World Journal, Jan 15, 2024
Science World Journal, Jan 15, 2024

Dutse Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences, Jan 11, 2024
Lineament characterization and their tectonic significance in mineralization using Landsat TM dat... more Lineament characterization and their tectonic significance in mineralization using Landsat TM data and field studies Along the Mambilla Plateau and environs, northeast Nigeria .The area forms part of the mineralized shear zone of the Northeastern, part of the Basement Complex. The Basement Complex rocks underlie more than two-thirds of the plateau and date back to the Precambrian to early Paleozoic eras. While the remaining part of the plateau and its surroundings are made up of volcanic rocks of the upper Cenozoic to Tertiary and Quaternary ages. Remote sensing imagery data and field measurements were integrated for mapping the structural elements and hydrothermal alteration zones related to mineralization. Tectonically the lineaments trends NE-SW, NNW-SSE, NW-SE, and NS, are the main trends controlling mineralization in the area based on data from remote sensing and field measurements. On the other hand, applying band ratios and the constrained energy minimization (CEM) technique to Landsat-8 data pointed out alteration minerals associated with the hydrothermal fluids. Silica, sericite, and chlorite are the common alteration minerals detected, while goethite and epidote are less common in the alteration zones of the area under study. A combination of CET structural complexity, circular features, and alteration zones produced a potential mineralization map, pointing out numerous prospective zones for mineralization that are proximate to areas where artisanal Lineaments Characterization and their Tectonic Significance in Mineralization using Landsat TM Data And Field Studies along Mambilla Plateau, Northeast, Nigeria.

Dutse Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences, Jan 11, 2024
Integrated geophysical investigation on the Mambilla Plateau and its environs was necessary to ma... more Integrated geophysical investigation on the Mambilla Plateau and its environs was necessary to map the locations of basaltic intrusions and their patterns of distribution. The Landsat-8 ETM+ false colour composite image (bands 7, 4, 2 in R, G, and B) was used to identify rocks such as younger basalt (yb), porphyritic granite (pg), granite gneiss (Gn), and migmatite gneiss (Mg). Similarly, rocks like granite gneiss (Mg), porphyritic granite (pg), and migmatite gneiss (Mg) were recognised by the Principal Component Analysis of the Landsat 8 ETM+ picture (PC2, PC1, and PC4 in R, G, and B). The lowest and maximum values for the total magnetic intensity map were 33030.343 nT and 33172.792 nT, respectively, along with mean of value 31.50nT to 33068.89nT.The primary magnetic field map showed an average value of 33293.4495 nT, with values ranging from 33228.522nT to 33358.377nT. The crustal magnetic field map resulting from ore bodies or intrusions had an average value of-159.50 nT, with values ranging from-397.669 nT to-80.699 nT. The RTE values, which range from-82.382nT to-392.122nT, indicate regional geological intrusions, fractures, and faults. Values were shown on the magnetic equator field map, which was further upward continued to 15 km, with an average values ranging from-279.141nT to-157.160nT. The pseudo-gravity map of the region showed two low densities, ranging from-0.11 to-0.01 mGal, depending on the location, and three high densities, indicating moderate to intermediate densities, ranging from 0.25 mGal to 0.01 mGal. RTE anomaly data produced from subsurface rocks typically has the greatest horizontal gradient along the object's

Mineral exploration must include the mapping of hydrothermally altered regions, which are typical... more Mineral exploration must include the mapping of hydrothermally altered regions, which are typically connected to mineralization. This study presents a strategy for integrating remote sensing data with the geochemical characteristics of Precambrian rocks from the Mambilla Plateau in northern Nigeria. Tectonically, the lineaments were fractures with the following orientations: NE-SW, NW-SE, ENE-WSW, and N-S. The distinct spectral reflectance and absorption properties of remotely sensed Landsat 8 data in the visible, near-infrared, shortwave-infrared, and thermal infrared portions of the electromagnetic spectrum were exploited in various digital image processing approaches. Mapping hydrothermal alteration minerals was done effectively and efficiently using band ratios (red/blue, SWIR 2/NIR, SWIR 1/NIR), spectral band combinations (Kaufmann and Sabins ratios), and principal component analysis. Ferric, phyllic, propylitic, and argillic iron all underwent changes as a result of hydrotherm...

Due to the promising potential for hydrocarbon exploration in Nigeria's inland basin, more an... more Due to the promising potential for hydrocarbon exploration in Nigeria's inland basin, more and more emphasis is being paid to the structural setting associated with these basins, especially the current Sokoto basin. Lacoste and Romberg's CG-725 gravimeter collected a sizable amount of potential field gravity data for relative measurements in the region, which is used in this work. The depth of the Earth's subsurface was investigated in this study, which also provided information on the most likely process of emplacement for the bodies that gave rise to the anomalous structures in the Sokoto inland basin. The regional field, a plane with a gradient of 0.38 mG/km and an approximate 10° northeasterly dip, was used as a technique for regional-residual separation. The relative amplitudes of the negative Bouguer gravity anomaly in the region range from − 27.38 mGal to -74.88 mGal. In the southern part of the study area, a large positive anomaly with amplitude of 16.2 mGal can ...

Indonesian Journal of Earth Sciences
This study aimed to delineate the intrusion body that controls the structural setting and formati... more This study aimed to delineate the intrusion body that controls the structural setting and formation around the river Niger-Benue confluence zone with particular attention to its solid mineral potentials, this is achieved in mapping subsurface structural features through the analysis of recent high-resolution aeromagnetic (HRAM) data-sets with the purpose of examining their effects on geological structures that characterize the confluence zones from the study area. To obtain the necessary reduction in geomagnetic variation, measurements of regional gradients and time variation were used. After applying the reduction to the magnetic equator (RTE) to the corrected magnetic data that was obtained from the Nigerian Geological Survey Agency, NGSA, it was possible to determine the regional expansions of subsurface structural units for both qualitative and quantitative interpretations. In addition, the edge detection method is used to depict the structures and buried subsurface anomalies. D...

Earth’s Crust and Its Evolution - From Pangea to the Present Continents, 2022
In this chapter some preliminaries evaluation were outline briefly based on exploring the use of ... more In this chapter some preliminaries evaluation were outline briefly based on exploring the use of potential gravity field method in characterizing regional trends of Earth’s sequence system interms of gravitational potentials and fields, viz-a-viz., the background, instrumentation, theoretical model, gravity data reduction, geological framework, Bouguer reduction density, density acceptable models, free-air anomaly and interpretation of Bouguer gravity anomaly. Therefore, application of potential field method (gravity) explore these relationships by focusing on the formation and fill of a continental rift basin in characterizing regional trends of the Earth’s system interms of data processing, interpretation and Earth’s modelling. The study was carried out with the aim to understand and characterized the structural styles and regional trends of the Earth’s sequence beneath the Sokoto Basin and its surroundings. Results from the Bouguer gravity anomaly revealed gravity high of charact...

Indonesian Journal of Earth Sciences
Presently a digitized composite satellite gravity data covering the Gwandu formation in Sokoto Ba... more Presently a digitized composite satellite gravity data covering the Gwandu formation in Sokoto Basin were acquired and processed with a view to interpret the Bouguer anomalies as well to equally image the upper lithospheric structures beneath the Study area and its environs. The research work was aim to study the structural settings of crustal movement in the Gwandu formation. A least-square fitting polynomial surface of a third-degree order was applied in separating regional and residual gravity components from the Bouguer anomaly. The attributed low gravity sedimentary infill from the residual anomalies were tectonically trends NE -to- SW about the vicinities of Tambuwal, Goronyo, Gada and Argungu, Kolmalo and about Yauri, Koko and Jega, Kamba as well as Bagudo. Data enhancement techniques such as first vertical derivative, total horizontal derivative (THDR), analytic signal, spectral depth analysis, and the standard Euler deconvolution (SED) were applied to enhance deep-seated st...
Sixth International Conference on Engineering Geophysics, Virtual, 25–28 October 2021

The Earth is principally made up of three parts: core, mantle and crust (Fig. 1). As understood t... more The Earth is principally made up of three parts: core, mantle and crust (Fig. 1). As understood today, right at the heart of the Earth is a solid inner core composed primarily of iron. At 5, 700°C, this iron is as hot as the Sun’s surface, but the crushing pressure caused by gravity prevents it from becoming liquid. Surrounding this is the outer core, a nearly 2, 000 km thick layer of iron, nickel, and small quantities of other metals. Lower pressure than the inner core means the metal here is fluid. Differences in temperature, pressure and composition within the outer core cause convection currents in the molten metal as cool, dense matter sinks while warm, less dense matter rises. This flow of liquid iron generates electric currents, which in turn produce magnetic fields (Earth’s field). These convection processes in the liquid part of core (outer core) give rise to a dipolar geomagnetic field that resembles that of a large bar magnet aligned approximately along the Earth’s rotati...
Global Journal of Geological Sciences, 2006
Journal of Mining and Geology
Journal of Mining and Geology
Global Journal of Geological Sciences, 2008
Advanced Geoscience Remote Sensing, 2014
Neues Jahrbuch für Mineralogie - Abhandlungen, 2004
... mineral formed through various processes such as weathering (Beauvais & Bertaux 2002)... more ... mineral formed through various processes such as weathering (Beauvais & Bertaux 2002), hydrothermal and diagenetic alteration of feldspar-rich rocks such as ignimbri-tes (Kadir & Karakas ... 3. X-ray powder diffractogram of unorientated representative sample from Alka-leri. ...
Journal of African Earth Sciences, 1997
There are several methods available for the integration of geological, geophysical and even remot... more There are several methods available for the integration of geological, geophysical and even remotely sensed data sets. Several published reports have discussed the successful application of these integration techniques, including geologically orientated geographical information systems (GIS), to non-renewable resource exploration.Many geoscience data sets often have only partial coverage, and in most cases have different spatial resolution. These shortcomings plague statistical

Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects, 2013
ABSTRACT With an upbeat in petroleum exploration efforts in the Middle and Upper Benue Trough, em... more ABSTRACT With an upbeat in petroleum exploration efforts in the Middle and Upper Benue Trough, emphasis is increasingly laid on the structural setting of the basin. This work reports the results of the analysis of aeromagnetic data over the Middle Benue Trough, Nigeria. It is well known that the expression of the spectrum (radial and angular) for the total-field magnetic anomaly field has been extensively used in a variety of geologic applications ranging from depth estimates to magnetic body tops and bottoms and estimates of polarization directions and other linear features. In the same vein, matched filters are capable of separating magnetic anomalies of individual magnetic layers from the total magnetic field anomaly. Consequently, the spectra of the different layers can be separated through the matching of the observed spectra to the spectra of equivalent sources at different depths. This technique can also yield dipole equivalent layers, which might be magnetic ensemble discontinuities. The angular spectrum of the magnetic anomaly, on the other hand, is capable of yielding information on the directions of polarization vectors, as this spectrum is usually maximum in these directions. These processing tools have been briefly examined and applied to the aeromagnetic anomaly data of the Middle Benue Trough, Nigeria. The performances of the radial spectrum and matched filtered output of the field are compared. Results from the plot of log radial spectrum against the frequency numbers indicate five discernable linear segments giving depths corresponding to magnetic layers ranging from 20.62 km (highest) to 0.26 km (lowest). Results from the spectral matching yielded three dipole equivalent source layers at 0.89, 4.33, and 18.22 km, giving two corridor bands. With the sensed magnetic discontinuities at depths of 18.10 to 20.50 km (from ground level), the temperature gradient probably over the area lies between 28.80 and 25.40°C/km for the Curie temperature of 520°C. Finally, we have computed the angular spectrum of the field over this area. It is found that the angular spectrum in the mid and high frequency bands shows two peaks at 62° and 145°. Also there are peaks corresponding to the direction of polarization and the rectangular tapered window used in the analysis.
Papers by Othniel Likkason