HKTC hosted King Professor Victor Guy Hoogstaden as guest speaker

HESSEQUA KHOI TRIBAL COUNCIL TOUWSRIVIER HOUSE HOSTED KING PROFESSOR VICTOR GUY HOOGSTADEN OF UNITED ABORIGINAL KHOISAN KINGDOM 09 APRIL 2022, TOUWSRIVIER KING PROF. VICTOR GUY HOOGSTADEN King Victor Guy Hoogstaden, Head Office: 20 Choir Street STEENBERG 7945 Tel: 0682153123 / 0832534119 Email Address: | [email protected] HKTC HOSTED KING PROFESSOR VG HOOGSTADEN AT THE TOUWSRIVIER EVENT The King was welcome by senior headman Aubrey Dampies and members of the Hessequa Khoi Tribal Council Touwsrivier traditional house. Chief Professor Derek Wolfaardt spoke about the garden projects that was endorsed by the Hessequa Khoi Tribal council and the possibility of skills development to empower the youth. Chief Professor Derek Wolfaardt was supported by senior traditional leaders of the Hessequa Khoi Tribal Council, Chief Professor Richard Aubrey Fortuin, Senior Headman Professor Ivan Januarie, and Senior Headman Dr Joky Nel who hosted King Professor Victor Guy Hoogstaden as the guest speaker. King Professor Victor Guy Hoogstaden shared sentiments with the Hessequa Khoi Tribal Council for inviting him and shared his story, vision and what it is that the Hessequa Khoi Tribal Council partnership mean for United Aboriginal Khoi – San Kingdom and what they can achieve as a nation of Aboriginal Royal people. King Professor Victor Guy Hoogstaden introduced himself as King Victor Hoogstaden, Monarch of The United Aboriginal Khoisan Kingdom. He said that Khoi – San people walked a long walk of suffering and enslavement for the past 500 years, the story which he will tell in his own words as history must be created by the 21st century khoisan traditional leaders and communities. Released by the Hessequa Khoi Tribal Council in Partnership with United Aboriginal Khoi – San Kingdom Page 2 HKTC HOSTED KING PROFESSOR VG HOOGSTADEN AT THE TOUWSRIVIER EVENT He mentioned that his council is currently engaging with the Hessequa Khoi Tribal Council of which he is a partner as it is prescribed by Law in the Bill in the traditional Khoisan Leaders Frame Act 3 of 2019. He said that he is recognized by the United Global Kingdoms which is the global platform for all the Kings all over the world and are currently awaiting invitations from Nguni Kings of South Africa to form meaningful relationships based on trust, on economy prosperity for our people as a whole. He said that the time has come for khoisan people to recognize themselves as they are of the Oldest Aboriginal Nations on earth, heir and title holders of Southern Africa as per the writings on the walls of the caves. He said that khoi – san people must be awaking as the nation and realizing the time to assert themselves and walk the walk in the glory of God as the Prophecy dictated. The land needs healing and the healing of khoisan people to lay hand on the soil who are imminent important. He said that the knowledge of the Aboriginal people is needed to heal the land and declared as King and Monarch his duties and responsibilities is to walk amongst his people and listen to them and get to know them, as they are waiting Released by the Hessequa Khoi Tribal Council in Partnership with United Aboriginal Khoi – San Kingdom Page 3 HKTC HOSTED KING PROFESSOR VG HOOGSTADEN AT THE TOUWSRIVIER EVENT for him. King Professor Victor Hoogstaden said that the time has come to free our people from the Coloured Mentality so that they become the enlightenment. The time has come to economically empower khoisan people so that they will not be bounded again by any financial institution. He said that the time has come to teach khoisan people the value of the Spiritual embodiment for them to connect with their God, Free from the rules of any institution. The time has come for khoisan people to look beyond there indifferences and see the beauty of what lies ahead. The time has come for khoisan people to build and rebuild the lands and territories which was bestowed to them by God, as is their Title. The time has come for khoisan people to educate themselves with their Aboriginal knowledge and take ownership for their intellectual property. The time has come for khoisan people to Re-Open the factories and till their soil. The time has come for khoisan people to be a Nation of selfsufficient, economical powerful enterprise owners. Owners of all industries big and small from fisheries to aviation’s, agriculture to road and rail transport. Released by the Hessequa Khoi Tribal Council in Partnership with United Aboriginal Khoi – San Kingdom Page 4 HKTC HOSTED KING PROFESSOR VG HOOGSTADEN AT THE TOUWSRIVIER EVENT The time has come for khoisan people to defend their lands and territories an all those who reside within. He declared that, he King Victor Hoogstaden the 4th will build new relationships with all the kings on the United Global Kingdoms. Reinforce his commitments for the survival of khoisan people as a whole and secure peace among all who United Aboriginal Khoi – San Kingdom deem as Kings of Sovereign nations as United Global Kingdoms prescribed. In Conclusion King Professor Victor Guy Hoogstaden said that he will do whatever is needed to be done as a King called by God to complete Gods work Released by the Hessequa Khoi Tribal Council in Partnership with United Aboriginal Khoi – San Kingdom Page 5 HKTC HOSTED KING PROFESSOR VG HOOGSTADEN AT THE TOUWSRIVIER EVENT Released by the Hessequa Khoi Tribal Council in Partnership with United Aboriginal Khoi – San Kingdom Page 6 HKTC HOSTED KING PROFESSOR VG HOOGSTADEN AT THE TOUWSRIVIER EVENT Released by the Hessequa Khoi Tribal Council in Partnership with United Aboriginal Khoi – San Kingdom Page 7 HKTC HOSTED KING PROFESSOR VG HOOGSTADEN AT THE TOUWSRIVIER EVENT Entertainment by the youth of Touwsrivier with the “traditional Rieldans” Chief Professor Derek Wolfaardt, Senior Headman Professor Ivan Januarie & Chief Professor Richard Fortuin Released by the Hessequa Khoi Tribal Council in Partnership with United Aboriginal Khoi – San Kingdom Page 8