Coring Methods..................................................................................................4


Locations and Descriptions of Gravity, Box, and Push Cores Collected in San Francisco Bay Between January and February, 1990 and 1991 By Roberto J. Anima1, H. Edward Clifton2, Carol Reiss1 and Florence L. Wong1 Open File Report 2005-1453 Any use of trade, firm, or product names is for descriptive purposes only and does not imply endorsement by the U.S. Government. U.S. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY ________________________ 1Menlo Park, CA 94025 2Menlo Park, CA 94025 (retired) ABSTRACT....................................................................................................................1 INTRODUCTION..........................................................................................................2 METHODS .....................................................................................................................4 Coring Methods..................................................................................................4 DATA ..............................................................................................................................7 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS .............................................................................................8 REFERENCES...............................................................................................................9 MAP FIGURES..............................................................................................................11 Figure 1 Map of San Francisco Bay and Delta area showing core sites with inset detail maps A through Q. ........................................................12 Figure 2 Detailed map of Area A showing locations of cores collected in South San Francisco Bay between the confluences of Guadalupe River and Coyote Creek...........................................................................13 Figure 3 Detailed map of Area B showing locations of cores collected South of the Dumbarton Bridge near the mouth of Newark Slough........14 Figure 4 Detailed map of Area C showing locations of cores collected north of the Dumbarton Bridge across the main channel. .......................15 Figure 5 Detailed map of Area D showing locations of cores collected north and south of the mouth of Redwood Creek, across the main channel and subtidal flats.........................................................................16 Figure 6 Detailed map of Area E showing locations of cores collected south of the San Mateo Bridge across the main channel. ........................17 Figure 7 Detailed map of Area F showing locations of cores collected in South San Francisco Bay across the main channel and subtidal flats...........................................................................................................18 -i- Figure 8 Detailed map of Area G showing locations of cores collected in South-central San Francisco Bay between the San FranciscoOakland Bay Bridge and San Mateo Bridge............................................19 Figure 12 Detailed map of Area J showing locations of cores collected in San Rafael and San Pablo Bays, the Petaluma River to the Carquinez Bridge. ....................................................................................22 Figure 13 Detailed map of Area K showing locations of cores collected in Carquinez Strait. Note detailed map adjacent to Southampton Bay.......23 Figure 14 Detailed map of Area L showing locations of cores collected between Dillon Point and the city wharf at Benicia. ...............................24 Figure 15 Detailed map of Area M showing locations of cores collected in Suisun Bay east of the Martinez-Benicia Bridge and Chipps Island, and in Suisun Slough. ..............................................................................25 Figure 16 Detailed map of Area N showing locations of cores collected along the confluence of the Sacramento and San Joaquin Rivers. ..........26 Figure 17 Detailed map of Area O showing locations of cores collected along the Sacramento River from Sherman to Decker Islands. ...............27 Figure 18 Detailed map of Area P showing locations of cores collected along the San Joaquin River between Three Mile Slough and Seven mile Slough. ..................................................................................28 Figure 19 Detailed map of Area Q showing locations of cores collected on the Sacramento River northeast of Rio Vista to Steamboat and Cache Sloughs..........................................................................................29 CORE TABLES .............................................................................................................30 1990 Cores.......................................................................................................................31 South San Francisco Bay...................................................................................31 South of the Dumbarton Bridge ...........................................................31 - ii - Between the San Mateo and Dumbarton Bridge ................................32 San Joaquin River..............................................................................................34 Sacramento River from Northeast of Rio Vista to the San Joaquin River ........................................................................................................34 Suisun Bay in the vicinity of Roe and Ryer Island .........................................35 San Joaquin River near the confluence with the Sacramento River area of Fraser Shoal...............................................................................37 Suisun Bay, South of Ryer Island to Seal Island.............................................37 Carquinez Straits ...............................................................................................38 San Pablo Bay from the mouth of the Napa River to Sisters Rocks and Petaluma River.......................................................................................39 Richmond San Rafael Bay from Pt. San Pedro to South of Paradise Cay...........................................................................................................40 Richardson Bay ..................................................................................................41 Central Bay Off Richmond and Berkeley Marinas ........................................42 South San Francisco Bay...................................................................................43 South and adjacent to the San Mateo Bridge......................................43 North of the San Mateo Bridge to Potrero Point and Alameda outer harbor ...............................................................................43 1991 Cores, January and February 1991.....................................................................48 Gravity and Drill Cores.....................................................................................48 Sacramento to the mouth of the San Joaquin River...........................48 Suisun Bay to Benicia Bridge................................................................49 San Joaquin River to the confluence with the Sacramento ...............50 Suisun Bay ..............................................................................................51 Carquinez Straits ...................................................................................52 San Pablo Bay.........................................................................................52 - iii - Carquinez Straits ...................................................................................53 San Pablo Bay.........................................................................................53 Suisun Bay ..............................................................................................54 Richardson Bay ......................................................................................55 Oakland Area .........................................................................................56 Push Cores Collected at the Mouth of Richardson Bay .................................57 Date 2/19/91 ............................................................................................57 Date 2/20/91 ............................................................................................58 Date 2/21/91 ............................................................................................59 Date 2/22/91 ............................................................................................60 Date 2/25/91 ............................................................................................61 Date 2/26/91 ............................................................................................62 Date 2/27/91 ............................................................................................63 - iv - -v- ABSTRACT A project to study San Francisco Bay sediments collected over 300 sediment gravity cores; six push cores, and 3 box cores in San Francisco Bay during the years 1990-91. The purpose of the sampling effort is to establish a database on the Holocene sediment history of the bay. The samples described and mapped are the first effort to catalog and present the data collected. Thus far the cores have been utilized in various cooperative studies with state colleges and universities, and other USGS divisions. These cores serve as a base for ongoing multidisciplinary studies. The sediment studies project has initiated subsequent coring efforts within the bay using refined coring techniques to attain deeper cores. USGS OF 2005-1453 1 INTRODUCTION The initial intent of this project was to focus on attaining sediment gravity cores in as many varying depositional environments within the San Francisco Bay and Delta as possible to establish a data base on the Holocene sedimentary history of San Francisco Bay. This report describes cores collected over four cruises conducted in 1990 and 1991. The first cruise of 1990 focused on the area south of the Dumbarton Bridge in South San Francisco Bay and the Sacramento and San Joaquin rivers to Suisun Bay ( The second cruise in 1990 collected cores from Suisun Bay, San Pablo Bay, Central Bay, and South Bay ( These two cruises occupied a total of 200 core sites. Although not all the sites relinquished a core, sediment samples were attained from the core catcher at each of the sites. The 1991 cruises focused on areas missed or overlooked during the first year’s cruises. The first cruise of 1991 collected cores along the Sacramento River and the confluence of the Sacramento and San Joaquin Rivers, Suisun Bay, Carquinez Strait, and San Pablo Bay ( The second cruise of 1991 focused on the mouth of Richardson Bay, and east of Treasure Island ( A total of 79 cores, including 6 push cores, were collected in Richardson Bay in 1991. This report describes the methods used to acquire cores and presents core location maps and accompanying core description tables that contain information gathered during the coring operations. The cores have been used for grain size analysis, engineering properties analysis, microfaunal investigation, and geochemical analysis. Analyses of the cores have raised questions that have resulted in further microfaunal, geochemical, and geophysical studies of the bay (Van Geen and others,1991; Luoma and others, 1992 & USGS OF 2005-1453 2 1996; Anima, 1994a, b, & 1995; Hornberger and others, 1997, Pereira and others, 1997; Hostettler and others, 1997; Fuller and others, 1997). The tables of core number, location, length, water depth, and notes are based on the onboard data collection notes taken during the coring process. Unless otherwise noted, the gravity coring was conducted using a 600 lb weight stand. In some instances the table lacks information in one or more categories; this is due to data not being noted at the time of collection. At some locations the coring device was not able to penetrate the bottom or able to retain the core due to either the bottom type or a malfunction of the equipment. In these instances, the core cutter-catcher often did manage to collect a small portion of the surface material; this small piece of material was bagged and saved. Core locations were obtained through either radar fixes both on land and navigation markers or through Mini-Ranger or Del Norte microwave antenna positions located onshore with distances being recorded onboard the vessel. Depth measurements were obtained using a hull mounted 200 kHz Raytheon DE719 Fathometer. USGS OF 2005-1453 3 METHODS Coring Methods Gravity coring, box coring and push coring were conducted in San Francisco Bay and Delta during January and February of 1990 and 1991. The work utilized the vessel R/V David Johnston on loan to the University of California Santa Cruz. The David Johnston is 43 feet in length equipped with a hydraulically operated A-frame and winch capable of lifting 2 tons. Standard gravity coring techniques utilized a 600 lb. (kilograms) weight stand and 4, 8, 10, and 12 ft (1.2m , 2.4 m, 3.0 m and 3.6 m) core barrels. Box coring used a Soutar Van Veen box corer that is scaled down to 3/4 the size of a normal Soutar corer. This corer was designed for the University of Southern California and purchased by the U.S. Geological Survey to collect undisturbed cores related to infauna studies of the bay sediments. The push coring was a cooperative effort between the U.S. Geological Survey and the University of Mississippi Minerals Technology Center who supplied the coring equipment allowing the collection of continuous cores to a depth of up to 21 meters. The 600 lb. gravity core weight stand was attached to a core barrel using a quick release pin. Clear 3 in (7.6 cm) polybuterate core liner was cut to length to fit inside the core barrel with a core catcher and cutting head attached by screws to the leading edge of the core barrel. The core barrel, with core liner, catcher ,and cutter, was attached to the weight stand and lowered to approximately 6 to 10 ft (2-3 meters) above the bay floor where possible. From that height the core was allowed to free-fall. Experience showed that to free-fall the corer from a higher distance would cause the corer to hit the bottom at an angle. This could, and did on one occasion, result in a bent and unusable core barrel. Once the corer was on the bottom and penetration made, the core barrel was pulled up and disconnected form the weight stand. Then, the core catcher and cutter were removed and the polybuterate core liner was then removed from the core barrel. The core liner USGS OF 2005-1453 4 was then capped using plastic vinyl caps with acetone as a sealant. The core liners were propped in a vertical position where residual seawater was drained from the top of the core. Excess core liner material from the top of the core was then cut off and the core measured for length, with visible physical characteristics, and other observations noted. At sites where little or no core penetration was made, samples of the material left in the core catcher was collected, bagged and marked. Box coring was accomplished using a 3/4 size Soutar Van Veen corer, with box dimensions of 10 in x 14 in x 20 in (25 cm x 35 cm x 50 cm). The core box is a split casing held together with screws that allow for the sub sampling of the core into slabs that can then be X-radiographed. The deep penetration coring, conducted only in Richardson Bay, used a 30' x 60' (9 m x 18 m) barge on a three point anchoring system, with a 3 foot by 8-foot (1 m by 2.4 m) moon pool in the middle of the barge. The coring operation used standard 3 in (8 cm) drill casing to case the upper 10 feet (3.0 m) of the core hole. The cores collected were 4 foot (1 meter) Shelby tubes with a 2 in (5 cm) diameter. The casing was lowered to the bottom and pushed into the sediment to a depth of 10 feet (3.0 m) with 10-15 feet (3-4.5 m) of additional drill casing extending to the surface at the moon pool. The Shelby tube was then attached to a 1 in (2.5 cm) pipe threaded to the end of the Shelby tube and sections of the small diameter pipe added on to allow the Shelby tube to be pushed into the bottom. Once the Shelby tube was pushed into the sediment the tube was lifted and disconnected. A water pump connected to the 1 in (2.5 cm) pipe was once again lowered to the bottom of the hole to remove any sediment tailings left behind. Once the tailings were expelled from the top of the drill casing, the Shelby tube was once again lowered to recover the next 4-foot (1 meter) section. The depth of penetration was determined by measuring the number of lengths of 1-inch (2.5 cm) pipe added to the string. This operation was repeated for each 1-meter length of Shelby tube. The drill casing was cleaned with seawater pumped through the 1-inch (2.5 cm) pipe after each core was USGS OF 2005-1453 5 collected. Uncertainties arose when material was continuously being pumped out of the drill casing with no clearing of the material. The structure of the upper 2 in (5 cm) of sediment in the Shelby tubes when looked at with X-radiographs suggested that in some instances some of the overlying material did slough into the hole. This is supported by the discrepancies between C14 dating and the faunal assemblages found in the stratigraphy. Overall, the method worked well and did allow us to extract the stratigraphic information we were seeking, but, the system needs to be refined and more control needs to be developed for cleaner cores. USGS OF 2005-1453 6 DATA This report outlines the locations, water depths, and amount of sub bottom penetration attained. Most of the cores have undergone X-radiography, some have been sub-sampling for grain size analysis, microfaunal identification, sediment geochemical analysis, radiometric dating, and stratigraphic interpretation. The maps show core numbers next to either a exclamation point (!), for 1990 cores, or a pound sign (#), for 1991 cores and (s) for the push cores. The numbers correspond to numbers listed on the table for ease of presentation. The map letter (A through Q) that the cores are plotted on is located below the section title and location. The actual core numbers following the map number (Core Tables) are designated as San Francisco Bay (SFB) cores, with the month (01), the day (23), the year (91), and sequential number of the core collected for that particular day, i.e., SFB022190-3 for 1990 cores 39 to 200. Cores 1 to 39, 1990, were labeled with a different sequence 1-G-23, 6-G-26, etc. The setting of the core is based on general area of the sample location and distances to known range marks or land forms in nautical miles (nm), water depth is in meters (m) or feet (ft. or '), core type is either gravity (G), deep penetration (D), Grab (grab), or box core (B). The core length is in meters and the comments describe observations from the actual coring operation and any distinctive information that would aid in working up the final data about each core. The push core locations, at the end of the Core Table, were plotted on the map (I). The core information is being digitized and put into tables, maps, and core descriptions. It also is being entered into a Geographic Information Systems (GIS). USGS OF 2005-1453 7 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The authors wish to thank those individuals who aided in obtaining the numerous samples or in the processing of the cores and maps. Thanks to Gordon Smith, boat driver, who got us into places we shouldn't have been. Also Greg Gable, Bill Webber, John Chin, Tom Reiss, Nathaniel Plank, Bruce Jaffe, Tom Clifton, Tom Lorenson were involved with the core collection at various times through the project. Armando Burciaga, a Minority Participation in Earth Sciences (MPES) student from UCLA who worked diligently on the cores, conducted a portion of the X-radiography and core description. Dave Britton, a summer volunteer helped with the core descriptions. The preliminary map illustration was done by Kristin Brown. The Marine Technician crew of Hal Williams, Ranson Rideout, and Kevin O'Toole aided in the preparation of the coring equipment. And thanks to the University of Mississippi Mineral Research Institute crew headed by Bob Woolsey, and Walter O'Niell, including Bob Sheldon and Brien Noakes for the use of their equipment and expertise in the push-coring part of the operation. USGS OF 2005-1453 8 REFERENCES Anima, R.J., 1994a, Records of Contaminant input to San Francisco Bay: Core collection and sedimentology, Oral Presentation at the February 21-25, 1994 Ocean sciences Meeting of the American Geophysical Union, San Diego, Ca., in EOS, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, Vol. 75, No. 3. Anima, R.J., 1994b, Carbon 14 dating of selected cores from San Francisco Bay, Ca., oral presentation given at the June 7, 1994 CONCERT, "Geologic Structures Beneath South San Francisco Bay - A Seismic Hazard?" Workshop, Austin Hall Auditorium, Bldg. 461, Treasure Island, Ca Anima, R.J., Marlow, M.S., and Carlson, P., 1995, Variations in depositional settings based on shell layers found in gravity cores from south San Francisco Bay, CA: accepted to Pacific Section AAPG meeting, May 1995, AAPG Bull., v. 79, p. 578. Fuller,C.C, Van Geen, A., Baskaran, M., Anima, R.J., 1997, Sediment chronology in San Francisco Bay California, defined by 210Pb, 234Th, 137Cs, and 239,240Pu. Marine Chemistry, Vol. 64 – NOS. 1-2, ISSN0304-4203 pgs. 7-27. Horberger, M.I., Luoma, S.N., Van Geen, A., Fuller,C., Anima, R.J., 1997, Historical trends of trace metals in the sediments of San Francisco Bay, California. Marine Chemistry, Vol. 64 – NOS. 1-2, ISSN0304-4203 pgs. 39-55 Hostettler, F.D., Pereira, W.E., Kvenvolden, D.A., Van Geen, A., Luoma, S.N., Fuller,C.C, Anima, R.J., 1997, A Record of contaminant input to San Francisco Bay as traced by biomarker profiles in surface sediment and sediment cores. Marine Chemistry, Vol. 64 – NOS. 1-2, ISSN0304-4203 pgs. 115-127. Luoma, S.N., Van Geen, A., Fuller, C., Hornberger, M., Pereira, W., Hostettler, F., Kvenvolden, K., Anima, R.J., Ritson, P., Flegal, A.R.,1996, Historical Contamination Trends in Sediments of San Francisco Bay.: American geophysical Union 1996 Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA. Programs and Abstracts Vol. 77, No. 46, pg. 239 Luoma, S.N., Van Geen, A., Fuller, C.C, Hornberger, M., Anima, R.J., 1992, A record of Cd contamination in the water column of San Francisco Bay from Cd/Ca ratios in foraminifera: Abstract, American Geophysical Union 1992 Fall Meeting San Francisco, CA. Programs and Abstracts Vol. 73, No. 43, pg. 304. Pereira, W.E., Hostettler, F.D., Luoma, S.N., Van Geen, A., Fuller,C.C, Anima, R.J., 1997, Sedimentary record of anthropogenic and biogenic polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in San Francisco Bay, California. Marine Chemistry, Vol. 64 – NOS. 1-2, ISSN0304-4203 pgs. 99-113. USGS OF 2005-1453 9 Van Geen, A.C. Fuller, C. Brown, S. Luoma, Anima, R.J., E. Clifton, S. Trombore, D. Sloan, 1991, Cd/Ca Ratios in Foraminiferal Shells from San Francisco Bay: A Record of Estuarine Chemistry: 2nd International Symposium on Biogeochemistry of Model Estuaries "Estuarine Processes in Global Change" April 14-20, 1991, Jekyll Island, Georgia USGS OF 2005-1453 10 MAP FIGURES USGS OF 2005-1453 11 Figure 1 Map of San Francisco Bay and Delta area showing core sites with inset detail maps A through Q. Note that1990 cores represented by exclamation points (!) and 1991 cores represented by pound signs (#). The 1991 push cores are represented by an “s”, and are only located in Richardson Bay (Map I). USGS OF 2005-1453 12 Figure 2 Detailed map of Area A showing locations of cores collected in South San Francisco Bay between the confluences of Guadalupe River and Coyote Creek. USGS OF 2005-1453 13 Figure 3 Detailed map of Area B showing locations of cores collected South of the Dumbarton Bridge near the mouth of Newark Slough. USGS OF 2005-1453 14 Figure 4 Detailed map of Area C showing locations of cores collected north of the Dumbarton Bridge across the main channel. USGS OF 2005-1453 15 Figure 5 Detailed map of Area D showing locations of cores collected north and south of the mouth of Redwood Creek, across the main channel and subtidal flats. USGS OF 2005-1453 16 Figure 6 Detailed map of Area E showing locations of cores collected south of the San Mateo Bridge across the main channel. USGS OF 2005-1453 17 Figure 7 Detailed map of Area F showing locations of cores collected in South San Francisco Bay across the main channel and subtidal flats. USGS OF 2005-1453 18 Figure 8 Detailed map of Area G showing locations of cores collected in South-central San Francisco Bay between the San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge and San Mateo Bridge. USGS OF 2005-1453 19 Figure 9 Detailed map of Area H showing locations of cores collected in central San Francisco Bay. Note detailed area I at the mouth of Richardson Bay. USGS OF 2005-1453 20 Figure 10 Detailed map of Area I showing locations of cores collected at the mouth of Richardson Bay on the slope of the main tidal channel and upper sub tidal flats. USGS OF 2005-1453 21 Figure 12 Detailed map of Area J showing locations of cores collected in San Rafael and San Pablo Bays, the Petaluma River to the Carquinez Bridge. USGS OF 2005-1453 22 Figure 13 Detailed map of Area K showing locations of cores collected in Carquinez Strait. Note detailed map adjacent to Southampton Bay. USGS OF 2005-1453 23 Figure 14 Detailed map of Area L showing locations of cores collected between Dillon Point and the city wharf at Benicia. USGS OF 2005-1453 24 Figure 15 Detailed map of Area M showing locations of cores collected in Suisun Bay east of the Martinez-Benicia Bridge and Chipps Island, and in Suisun Slough. Note Ryer and Roe Islands in the center of the figure. USGS OF 2005-1453 25 Figure 16 Detailed map of Area N showing locations of cores collected along the confluence of the Sacramento and San Joaquin Rivers. Note from left center to right center of the figure; Browns, Winter and Sherman Islands. USGS OF 2005-1453 26 Figure 17 Detailed map of Area O showing locations of cores collected along the Sacramento River from Sherman to Decker Islands. USGS OF 2005-1453 27 Figure 18 Detailed map of Area P showing locations of cores collected along the San Joaquin River between Three Mile Slough and Seven mile Slough. USGS OF 2005-1453 28 Figure 19 Detailed map of Area Q showing locations of cores collected on the Sacramento River northeast of Rio Vista to Steamboat and Cache Sloughs. USGS OF 2005-1453 29 CORE TABLES USGS OF 2005-1453 30 Map # Core Number Setting Lat. Long. Water Depth (m) Type Core (G) (B) Core length (m) General Description 1.34 faintly stiff mud 1.19 1.50 Less cohesive mud at the surface probable compaction shelly mud lower slowly, shell hash at top 1.53 lower slowly, shell hash at top 1.37 J-1-90-SF 1990 Cores Map A & B South San Francisco Bay, South of the Dumbarton Bridge 1 1-G-23 Coyote Crk. mouth N. Bank 2 2-G-23 Coyote Crk. mouth up slope 3 3-G-23 4 4-G-23 5 5-G-23 6 6-G-23 7 7-G-23 8 1-G-24 Coyote Crk mouth E. of #2 N. bank Btwn Coyote Crk & Guadalupe Slough in the Thalweg Upper subtidal flats NW of Calaveras Pt. Channel Slope N. of Marker #17 South of Marker #17 on shoal area Mouth of Mowry Slough N. side 9 2-G-24 10 3-G-24 11 4-G-24 12 5-G-24 USGS OF 2005-1453 Down slope from #8 at mouth of Mowry Slough NE Mkr #16 West of Marker #16 on shoal area across from mouth of Newark Slough West of Marker #16 across channel from Newark Slough at top of channel bank Thalweg down slope from #11 37° 27.65' -122° 2.83' 37° 27.65' -122° 2.83' 37° 27.70' -122° 2.68' 37° 27.57' -122° 3.17' 4.4 2 2 3.25 37° 28.10' -122° 3.34' 37° 28.92' -122° 4.58' 37° 29.23' -122° 4.89' 37° 29.57' -122° 4.72' 2.7 7.5 3.0 m barrel (G) 3.0 m barrel (G) 3.0 m barrel (G) 3.0 m barrel (G) 2.10 1.75 m barrel (G) 3.0 m barrel (G) 2.03 free fall, some shelly material at the top free fall, shell lag at top and bottom compacting sediment buried head layer of coarse material ~ 50 cm below the top = top disturbed free fall 1.97 ~ 25 cm from top coarse layer = 4.3 3.0 m barrel (G) 2.19 top disturbed worm tubes near the top 8.3 3.0 m barrel (G) 1.72 shell lag and stiff mud at the bottom, shell fragments on top 5 3.75 37° 29.57' -122° 5.02' 37° 29.33' -122° 5.21' 6 37° 29.35' -122° 6.10' 37° 29.49' -122° 6.09' 6.25 31 200 lb 3.0 m barrel (G) 200 lb 3.0 m barrel (G) 3.0 m barrel (G) 3.0 m barrel (G) 1.06 2.06 Map # Core Number Setting 13 6-G-24 14 7-BC-24 On channel slope near mouth of Newark Slough Mouth of Newark Slough down slope from #13 Lat. Long. 37° 29.74' -122° 5.99' 37° 29.83' -122° 5.97' Water Depth (m) Type Core (G) (B) Core length (m) General Description 5 3.0 m barrel (G) (B) box core 1.67 faintly stiff mud at bottom 5.5 had 3 to 4 cm of mud above box-disturbed upper layer. J-1-90-SF 15 8-BC-24 16 9-BC-24 17 10-G-24 18 11-G-24 19 12-G-24 20 1-G-25 21 2-G-25 22 3-G-25 23 4-G-25 USGS OF 2005-1453 South San Francisco Bay, Between the San Mateo and Dumbarton Bridge Map B, C, & D 37° 31.18' 5.6 (B) S. Bay just N. of Dumbarton -122° 8.56' Bridge, on west side of the main channel near top of channel bank Same area as #15 down slope 37° 31.18' 8.25 (B) -122° 8.56' on same bank Same area as #15 & 16 down slope near the thalweg Same area as #16 & 17 in the thalweg North side of channel in line with #18 along the thalweg North of #19 along thalweg 37° 31.20' -122° 8.51' 37° 31.20' -122° 8.51' 37° 31.22' -122° 8.51' 37° 31.31' -122° 8.58' 9 Along the break in slope in line with #20 Up slope from # 21 north side of main channel 37° 31.45' -122° 8.55' 37° 31.52' -122° 8.51' 14.7 Up slope of #22 on the subtidal flat 37° 31.59' -122° 8.44' 7.2 9 11 18 5.2 32 3.0 m barrel (G) 3.0 m barrel (G) 3.0 m barrel (G) 2.5 m barrel (G) shell at the top worm tubes w/worms big worms and tubes cores are aligned to each other with a line to long end of box core .40 1.20 1.01 1.34 2.5 m barrel (G) 3.0 m barrel (G) .65 2.5 m barrel (G) 1.76 2.15 free fall, sand, shell bed oysters in core catcher free fall Oyster shells in core catcher, shell with sandy silt on bottom, top has shells, tube worms, silt shells and sand at the bottom free fall, buried the head, bottom: fairly clean mud, top: real clean mud, a few burrows buried head, clean mud at the bottom, top: clean mud, a few burrows Map # Core Number Setting 24 5-G-25 25 6-G-25 26 7-G-25 27 8-G-25 28 9-G-25 29 10-G-25 30 11-G-25 31 12-G-25 32 13-G-25 Along the break in slope just above the thalweg south of the mouth of Redwood Creek South of the mouth of Redwood Creek in line with #24 in 4.7 m of water, south of # 26 South of the mouth of Redwood Creek north of #25 along the channel slope South of the mouth of Redwood Creek north of #26 along the channel slope in deeper water Adjacent to the mouth of Redwood Creek south of the shoals. Down slope of #28 near the Redwood Creek mouth shoals On top of the Redwood Creek mouth shoals south of the mouth Down slope of #30 south of the mouth of Redwood Ck. South of the mouth of Redwood Ck.,south of #28 near the thalweg 33 14-G-25 34 1-G-26 35 2-G-26 USGS OF 2005-1453 Down slope of #31 adjacent to the mouth of Redwood Ck. Along Northeast side of the main channel on the slope of the channel in line with #30,31, &33 Near the thalweg of the main channel in-line with #28, & 29. Lat. Long. Water Depth (m) Type Core (G) (B) Core length (m) General Description 37° 31.82' -122° 9.74' 6.2 3.0 m barrel (G) 1.51 let down slowly, shells at the bottom, shells at the top 37° 31.72' -122° 9.90' 4.7 2.5 m barrel (G) .75 two attempts, shell on bottom: slightly sandy silt, top: shells 37° 31.83' -122° 10.07' 6 2.5 m barrel (G) 2.01 free fall, sandy silt, top: worm tubes, shells 37° 31.96' -122° 10.21' 7.5 2.5 m barrel (G) 2.11 free fall, bottom: firm mud, top: small shell fragments worm tubes, sand 37° 32.47' -122° 11.18' 3.25 3.0 m barrel (G) 1.08 bottom - shells top: shells 37° 32.67' -122° 11.15' 37° 32.66' -122° 11.41' 6.1 3.0 m barrel (G) 3.0 m barrel (G) 1.80 bottom: stiff mud, no shells, top: firm mud, shells buried head, bottom: firm mud, top: mud, shells 37° 32.77' -122° 11.40' 37° 32.47' -122° 10.85' 11.2 3.0 m barrel (G) 3.0 m barrel (G) 1.63 37° 32.95' -122° 11.09' 37° 33.31' -122° 10.70' 4.2 3.0 m barrel (G) 2.5 m barrel (G) .62 3.9 12.5 9.2 37° 32.79' -122° 11.07' 10.5 33 2.5 m barrel (G) 2.85 .40 2.14 2.20 + .25 bottom: firm mud, top: firm mud, shells problems: short take, bottom: clay with shell material, top: worms, shell, not sure core went in vertically let down slowly, bottom: shell hash top: shell, bottom: cohesive stiff clay mud top: shell hash, worm tubes lost about 20 cm of bottom of the core: cohesive mud, top: some shelly material Map # Core Number Setting 36 3-G-26 37 4-G-26 Near the Thalweg along northeast side of the channel in-line with #35 Upslope and north of #36 38 5-G-26 Near the top of the Northeast channel margin upslope of #34 Lat. Long. Water Depth (m) Type Core (G) (B) Core length (m) General Description 37° 33.01' -122° 10.82' 14 3.0 m barrel (G) 2.03 free fall, bottom: sand fairly well sorted 37° 33.21' -122° 10.93' 10.5 3.0 m barrel (G) 1.88 37° 33.51' -122° 10.64' 5.5 3.0 m barrel (G) 2.20 free fall, bottom: shelly mud, top: silt? with some shell fragments free fall, bottom: mud, some shells San Joaquin River Map P 38° 6.06' 4.0-4.5 -121° 36.70' 2.5 m barrel (G) 1.50 38° 5.43' -121° 37.40' 2.5 m barrel (G) J-2-90-SF 39 SFB013090-1 San Joaquin River from Marker #39 shallow water on bank of point bar South west of core #39 in 6.5 m water no core penetration 40 SFB013090-2 41 SFB013090-3 Station south of Marker #38 42 SFB013090-4 On channel bank 43 SFB013090-5 Point bar upstream end 38° 5.61' -121° 37.49' 38° 5.55' -121° 38.90' 38° 5.73' -121° 39.80' 6.0 4.2 4.0 2.5 m barrel (G) 2.5 m barrel (G) 2.5 m barrel (G) 1.50 silty sand sample consist of bag sample no penetration with both box and gravity core fine silty sand on bottom. sandy in top 30 cm, muddy below at edge of tules J-2-90-SF 44 SFB013190-1 45 SFB013190-2 USGS OF 2005-1453 Sacramento River from Northeast of Rio Vista to the San Joaquin River Map O, P & Q Sacramento River from up38° 11.49' 13.5 1.0 m barrel ~.25 -121° 39.36' stream of Marker #41 near (G) dredged channel Up Steam Boat slough, in sand 38° 10.97' 1.8 1.0 m barrel bagged -121° 39.25' waves (G) sample 34 stiff mud overlain by mud coarse sand Map # Core Number Setting 46 SFB013190-3 Upper part of small bar, very steep bank 47 SFB013190-4 From N. bank 48 SFB013190-5 49 SFB013190-6 50 SFB013190-7 On the upper part of a bank protected from upstream flow Decker Island on the S. side of the island Same site as #49 51 SFB013190-8 Same site as #50 52 SFB013190-9 53 SFB013190-10 Base of slope below #50, and 51 In thalweg vicinity of #51, 52, & 53 54 SFB013190-11 55 SFB013190-12 Flat bottom, no sand waves near N. bank of Sacramento. R. Same location as #54 Lat. Long. Water Depth (m) Type Core (G) (B) Core length (m) General Description 38° 10.60' -121° 39.88' 1.5 1.0 m barrel (G) core much disturbed 38° 10.09' -121° 40.25' 38° 9.61' -121° 40.55' 38° 4.99' -121° 43.56' 38° 4.98' -121° 43.48' 38° 4.93' -121° 43.66' 38° 4.87' -121° 43.48' 38° 4.84' -121° 43.61' 2.8 very little penetratio n .50 1.0 m barrel (G) 1.0 m barrel .30 (G) 1.5 m barrel 1.50 (G) l.5 m barrel (G) 2.50 2.3 2.5 2.5 4.5 7.2 8.5 2.5 m barrel (G) 2.5 m barrel (G) 2.5 m barrel (G) 1.5 .80 good core badly disturbed sample fairly coarse sand fine densely packed sand soupy top filled core barrel, losing the top 15-20 cm disturbed coarse sand at the top, mud then coarse sand at the base buried head found mud 38° 5.23' -121° 44.81' 7.3 1.5 m barrel (G) 1.5 38° 5.05' -121° 45.20' 7.3 2.5 m barrel (G) 2.5 peat (wood detritus) in bottom of both cores loss in the top of the short barrel. 1.55 free fall, flat smooth bottom 1.63 flat surface above smooth sloping muddy bank between sites 1 & 3 J-2-90-SF 56 SFB020190-1 57 SFB020190-2 58 SFB020190-3 USGS OF 2005-1453 Suisun Bay in the vicinity of Roe and Ryer Island Map M SE of Dutton Island in Honker 38° 4.10' 3 3.0 m barrel -121° 57.72' Bay (G) Further up Honker Bay 38° 4.35' 2.7 3.0 m barrel -121° 57.38' (G) Margin of Honker Bay 38° 3.73' 2.8 3.0 m barrel -121° 57.43' between sites #56 & 58 (G) 35 1.94 Map # Core Number Setting 59 SFB020190-4 38° 4.57' -121° 59.42' 60 SFB020190-5 61 SFB020190-6 62 SFB020190-7 63 SFB020190-8 Channel floor E. of Snag Island. Sand waves on fathometer Channel of Pt. Buckler feeding into Grizzly Bay. On sloping bank midway in Grizzly Bay mouth Between mouth of Suisun Slough & Garnet Pt. on Ryer Island, on high in channel center Inshore in Grizzly Bay 64 SFB020190-9 65 SFB020190-10 66 SFB020190-11 67 SFB020190-12 68 SFB020190-13 69 SFB020190-14 70 SFB020190-15 USGS OF 2005-1453 Water Depth (m) Type Core (G) (B) Core length (m) General Description 5.5 1.75 m barrel (G) .60 smooth floor below platform w/sand waves 38° 5.67' -122° 1.16' 38° 6.06' -122° 1.58' 38° 6.27' -122° 2.93' 9 2.5 m barrel, (G) 2.5 m barrel, (G) 2.5 m barrel, (G) 1.30 sand at top 2.05 wood detritus in bottom, bagged sample 18 cm sand at top 38° 6.47' -122° 2.97' 2 3.0 m barrel (G) 3.05 On ridge extending SW into main Suisun Bay channel (shoal extension of Garnet Pt. At the tip of shoal in the middle of Susiun Bay south of the Mothball fleet Old geochemical site., Sand waves seen on fathometer 38° 5.39' -122° 3.83' 2.3 1.75 m barrel (G) .76 38° 4.35' -122° 5.16' 3.3 2.5 m barrel, (G) 1.69 38° 3.45' -122° 5.91' 3.5 2.5 m barrel, (G) N/C Southeast of #65 on sand shoals Just North over divide into channel between Roe & Ryer Islands N. of Roe Island on bank 38° 4.16' -122° 4.54' 38° 4.99' -122° 3.20' 3.2 2.5 m barrel, (G) 2.30 38° 4.64' -122° 1.85' 38° 4.43' -122° 1.07' 4.0 2.5 m barrel, (G) 1.75 m barrel (G) .35 S. side Ryer Island base of channel Lat. Long. 3.6 3 2.01 filled the 3.0 m barrel (G), mud 10 - 20 cm ? loss of the top of core sand in upper part of core (liquidized) organic detritus in base bag sample much washing not enough stratigraphic coherence to keep 4.5 5.5 36 1.07 poor penetration, sand waves on fathometer sand with some wood at the base Map # Core Number Setting Lat. Long. Water Depth (m) Type Core (G) (B) Core length (m) General Description 1.52 mostly organic hash 1.70 head partly buried in mud, sandy at top, sandy silt at base. 1.04 organic rich top and bottom .60 sand and mud .20 sand 1.03 7 cm sand at top sharply/mud 1.90 base of head buried/mud 1.98 organics at base good core 2.26 mud/ penetration N/C No penetration no core sandy on core bottom bagged sand 2.15 good penetration head partly buried in mud J-2-90-SF 71 SFB020290-1 72 SFB020290-2 73 SFB020290-3 74 SFB020290-4 75 SFB020290-5 76 SFB02029--6 77 SFB020290-7 78 SFB020290-8 79 SFB020290-9 80 SFB020290-10 San Joaquin River near the confluence with the Sacramento River area of Fraser Shoal Map N 38° 3.25' 1.1 2.5 m barrel, (steep bank of broad -121° 50.76' (G) slough., Nose of boat almost on bank 38° 2.84' 2.75 1.75 m barrel On W. side of Medial shoal in -121° 50.33' (G) Broad Slough ~ 1/2 up slough smooth bottom gradual incline W. bank of Broad Slough on 38° 2.27' 3.5 2.5 m barrel, -121° 50.48' steep slope (G) NW bank of Kimball Island 38° 1.97' 2.5 2.5 m barrel, -121° 49.54' (G) E channel of Broad Slough, S. 38° 2.04' 4.7 2.5 m barrel, -121° 49.78' end sand waves (G) Channel floor E. channel of 38° 2.20' 7.4 2.5 m barrel, -121° 49.94' Broad Slough (G) E. bank of channel at location 38° 2.30' 2.2 2.5 m barrel, -121° 49.75' of # 77 upper bank (G) of channel (Fraser 38° 2.48' 3.2 2.5 m barrel, -121° 50.19' shoal side) (G) W bank of channel behind 38° 4.18' 2.5 m barrel, -121° 51.49' Chain Island (G) 38° 2.72' 3.4 2.5 m barrel, NW side of Browns Island- lee -121° 52.39' (G) on depositional slope irregular bathymetry slumps? sand waves? (slumps? on side scan record) J-2-90-SF 81 SFB020590-1 USGS OF 2005-1453 Suisun Bay, South of Ryer Island to Seal Island Map M On S. side of shoal extending 38° 4.48' 2.75 2.5 m barrel, -121° 59.58' SE from Ryer Island in ~ 3 m (G) 37 Map # Core Number Setting 82 SFB020590-2 Channel floor 83 SFB020590-3 84 SFB020590-4 On N. bank of Middle Ground S of SE end of Ryer Island v. irregular bottom-excavation? NE end of Middle Ground 85 SFB020590-5 86 SFB020590-6 Lat. Long. Water Depth (m) Type Core (G) (B) Core length (m) General Description 38° 4.37' -121° 59.63' 38° 4.06' -121° 59.28' 6.6 1.25 m barrel (G) 2.5 m barrel, (G) .22 sand/sand mud 1.13 3.5 1.75 m barrel (G) 1.75 m barrel (G) ~.30 S bank Middle Shoal between #17 & # 19 38° 3.99' -121° 58.88' 38° 4.12' -122° 0.16' 38 cm sand, sand waves ebb oriented 5 m depth channel off NE end Middle Ground sand/mud Shoal area W. of Seal Island smooth bottom sloping bank 38° 3.50' -122° 2.87' 2.5 2.5 m barrel, (G) 1.00 Carquinez Straits Map K & L 38° 2.45' 3 -122° 8.91' 38° 3.32' 2.25 -122° 10.49' 1.75 m barrel (G) 2.5 m barrel, (G) .96 gravel at the top 2.30 core nearly full 38° 3.20' -122° 10.42' 5.4 2.5 m barrel, (G) 2.05 38° 3.16' -122° 10.53' 38° 3.21' -122° 10.70' 38° 3.27' -122° 10.59' 7.5 2.5 m barrel, (G) 1.5 m barrel (G) 1.5 m barrel (G) 1.99 bury 5' core & head top 15 cm looks like detrital mud clasts shells less penetration shells at top .90 barrel partly full .63 some sand 3 2.2 N/C no penetration shells separated valves disarticulated in both 4' & 2.5 m barrel (G) cast (bag sample) decent penetration sand on outside of core barrel J-2-90-SF 87 SFB020690-1 88 SFB020690-2 89 SFB020690-3 90 SFB020690-4 Slightly deeper >3 91 SFB020690-5 Deeper than #90 92 SFB020690-06 Near base of slope smooth bottom to 18 m USGS OF 2005-1453 On bank N. side of channel at Benicia bend On bank SE of South Hampton Bay - off Commodore Jones Point On bank just off site 2 off Commodore Jones Pt. 10.7 12.75 38 Map # Core Number Setting Lat. Long. Water Depth (m) Type Core (G) (B) Core length (m) General Description 1.89 sand and mud 1.68 52 cm of sand at top/mud J-2-90-SF 93 SFB020690-7 94 SFB020690-8 95 SFB020690-9 96 SFB020690-10 97 SFB020690-11 98 SFB020690-12 99 SFB020690-13 100 SFB020790-1 101 SFB020790-2 102 SFB020790-3 103 SFB020790-4 104 SFB020790-5 USGS OF 2005-1453 San Pablo Bay from the mouth of the Napa River to Sisters Rocks and Petaluma River Map J On sediment build up in front 38° 4.11' 4.75 2.5 m barrel, -122° 14.14' of dike #9, Mare Island Strait (G) E. side of build up around pier 38° 3.32' 5 -122° 15.29' S.side 38° 1.23' 3 2.5 m barrel, Entrance to the Petaluma River -122° 25.68' (G) from San Pablo Bay-channel floor 38° 2.66' 2.5 2.5 m barrel, W bank of Petaluma channel -122° 25.49' (G) mouth actually just beyond bank top 38° 8.35' 3.5 3.0 m barrel Petaluma River off bend with -122° 31.06' (G) towers Black John slough, accretionary bank-channel floor is at 4.5 m W. margin of channel just 38° 8.44' 4 3.0 m barrel -122° 31.04' above base of channel (G) Central San Pablo Bay N of 38° 2.38' 2.5 3.0 m barrel -122° 23.72' ship channel (G) San Pablo Bay 38° 3.45' 13 2.5 m barrel, -122° 16.26' (G) On bank (upper part) sand 38° 2.41' 6.5 2.5 m barrel, -122° 16.71' waves at base (G) 38° 1.83' 2.5 m barrel, On old geochemical sample -122° 17.15' (G) site #39 SW of Lone Tree Pt. smooth bottom Pinole shoal 38° 2.50' 10 2.5 m barrel, -122° 18.92' (G) N. side of ship channel San 38° 3.65' 4 2.5 m barrel -122° 19.69' Pablo Bay on platform (G) 39 2.21 2.50 2.84 slowly dropped, buried head at 2.5 m barrel (G) really soupy mud buried barrel and head, mud no shells at base 2.38 2.89 .39 smooth bottom full 10' core but not extruded at top sandy clean sand/mud 1.90 good core 2.55 shell at top .97 disturbed sand/mud 2.03 buried head, mud all the way Map # Core Number Setting Lat. Long. 105 SFB020790-6 106 SFB020790-7 107 SFB020790-8 108 SFB020790-9 In ~ 5.5 m to test sand mud interface 5.5 to 6 m sand waves Old geochemical site #45 in shallow area N central San Pablo Bay S of ship channel, Pinole Shoal middle part Shallow central Pinole Shoal 109 SFB020790-10 110 SFB020790-11 111 SFB020790-12 112 SFB020790-13 113 SFB020790-14 114 SFB020790-15 115 SFB020790-16 W end of Pinole Shoal (Shallow) Off Pinole Pt, sloping bank W. of Pinole Pt. irregular bottom Deeper water on slope between Pt San Pablo at Pinole Pt, sand waves Near bank top, NW of Pt San Pablo (just on bank top) N. of Pt San Pedro in small trough, very irregular bottom 1 m relief, ~ 3' penetration Old geochemical sample site #75, platform N. of Pt San Pedro too shallow to reach Water Depth (m) Type Core (G) (B) Core length (m) General Description 38° 3.03' -122° 19.35' 5.5-6 2.5 m barrel, (G) 2.10 buried head no sand mud throughout core split in barrel 38° 4.40' -122° 22.51' 3.2 3.0 m barrel (G) 38° 2.02' -122° 19.57' 38° 1.61' -122° 19.10' 38° 1.19' -122° 20.96' 38° 1.44' -122° 22.09' 38° 0.69' -122° 22.53' 38° 0.03' -122° 23.70' 4.5 2.5 m barrel, (G) 3.0 m barrel (G) 2.5 m barrel, (G) 2.5 m barrel, (G) 2.5 m barrel, (G) 2.5 m barrel, (G) 3 3.5 6 2 ~5.2 37° 59.35' -122° 24.24' 37° 59.89' -122° 26.58' 3 5 38° 0.72' -122° 27.04' undisturbed top oxidized mud at surface 2.38 2.53 2.71 shell lag 1.79 2.49 sand waves on furrows on fathometer filled barrel 2.03 no sand waves 2.5 m barrel, (G) 1.75 m barrel (G) 1.99 sandy mud 3.0 m barrel (G) 2.60 .93 J-2-90-SF 116 SFB020890-1 USGS OF 2005-1453 Top of steep bank N of San Rafael Bay Richmond San Rafael Bay from Pt. San Pedro to South of Paradise Cay Map J & H 37° 58.35' 2 2.5 m barrel, -122° 27.14' (G) 40 smooth bottom 1.83 good upper 65 cm shelly at top Map # Core Number Setting 117 SFB020890-2 Mid bank down from #116 118 SFB020890-3 119 SFB020890-4 120 SFB020890-5 121 SFB020890-6 122 SFB020890-7 123 SFB020890--8 124 SFB020890-9 125 SFB020890-10 Lower bank down from sites 115 & 116 Channel floor down from 115 & 116 bottom flattens at ~ 16.5 m Upper bank where it is more gentle, S of the San Rafael boat channel, smooth bottom Down slope from #120 ~ 5 m depth Lower most slope below #119 & 120 Channel floor out from sites #119 -121, not quite flat S. San Rafael Bridge or San Quentin Bay platform at 4 m On irregular bottom 126 SFB020890-11 127 SFB020890-12 128 SFB020890-13 Channel floor SE from Paradise Cay Inshore-up bank from depth 5.5m Top of bank between Paradise Cay and Pt Chauncey smooth gently sloping bottom Lat. Long. Water Depth (m) Type Core (G) (B) Core length (m) General Description 37° 58.32' -122° 27.00' 37° 58.29' -122° 26.86' 37° 58.17' -122° 26.87' 6.5 2.5 m barrel, (G) 2.5 m barrel, (G) 2.5 m barrel, (G) 2.10 partly buried head 1.90 good core not buried 1.47 sandy at top 37° 57.69' -122° 27.50' 2.5 3.0 m barrel (G) 2.33 buried head 37° 57.61' -122° 27.33' 37° 57.54' -122° 27.15' 37° 57.28' -122° 26.68' 37° 55.43' -122° 28.39' 37° 54.78' -122° 27.55' 37° 54.33' -122° 27.60' 37° 54.28' -122° 27.91' 37° 54.17' -122° 28.04' 5 3.0 m barrel (G) 2.5 m barrel, (G) 2.5 m barrel, (G) 3.0 m barrel (G) 2.5 m barrel, (G) 2.5 m barrel, (G) 2.5 m barrel, (G) 2.5 m barrel, (G) 2.32 buried head 12/5 16.5 13 19 4 7 9 5.5 2 1.51 2.17 sand/mud 2.45 3.0 m barrel (G) buried 2.45 buried 1.45 1.90 buried head 2.49 really buried head 2.93 mud 1.98 lost a bit of the top of the core J-2-90-SF 129 SFB020990-1 Richardson Bay Center 130 SFB020990-2 Mouth of Richardson Bay midway up gentle slope from 4 - 2 m, Upper part of a fairly abrupt drop mud bottom USGS OF 2005-1453 Richardson Bay Map H & I 37° 52.46' 2 -122° 29.42' 37° 51.64' 5 -122° 28.19' 41 3.0 m barrel (G) 2.5 m barrel, (G) Map # Core Number Setting 131 SFB020990-3 Mouth of Richardson Bay, top of steep slope into central bay 132 SFB020990-4 133 134 Lat. Long. Water Depth (m) Type Core (G) (B) Core length (m) General Description 37° 51.51' -122° 28.15' 6 2.5 m barrel, (G) 2.40 sand waves, mud, buried 8' core and head, shell in bottom, sandy at the top Slope into Richardson Bay ± mid slope 37° 51.40' -122° 28.02' 18.5 2.5 m barrel, (G) 2.08 SFB020990-5 Same location as #131 37° 51.36' -122° 28.00' 18.5 1.75 m barrel (G) SFB020990-6 Still further down slope from #131 and 132 1 m above the base of the slope 37° 51.29' -122° 28.08' 29 2.5 m barrel, (G) mud buried to head double reflector soupy top of core transparent fluid layer. upper part of sedimentary column good core yogurt like mud at top, potters clay at base mud buried head full 8' core intact top 2.50 J-2-90-SF 135 SFB020990-7 136 SFB020990-8 137 SFB020990-9 138 SFB020990-10 139 SFB020990-11 140 SFB020990-12 141 SFB020990-13 USGS OF 2005-1453 Central Bay Off Richmond and Berkeley Marinas Map I & H 37° 51.22' 30 2.5 m barrel, A few meters down slope from -122° 28.06' (G) #133 to sample area below break in slope Crest of South Hampton Shoal 37° 53.05' 7 1.75 m barrel -122° 24.00' (G) ± irregular bottom with flank ± smooth top Trough floor E of South 37° 53.30' 8 2.5 m barrel, -122° 23.65' Hampton Shoal (G) Sloping bank WSW of Brooks 37° 53.59' 4 -122° 23.25' Island Shallow subtidal flats S. of 37° 53.37' 2 3.0 m barrel -122° 21.47' Richmond (G) 37° 51.41' 4.5 3.0 m barrel Platform N of Berkeley Pier -122° 21.54' (G) distinct bottom irregular sand waves On platform N of Treasure 37° 50.87' 9.5 3.0 m barrel -122° 22.67' Island (G) 42 N/C .20 Muddy shell sand, gravel bag sample sand/gravel/soft mud slight penetration some penetration sand 1.30 sandy mud filled 2.04 mud poor penetration sticky sand Map # Core Number Setting Lat. Long. Water Depth (m) Type Core (G) (B) Core length (m) General Description 2.34 shell on top 2.06 shell at top and bottom 1.57 shell at top and bottom J-2-90-SF 142 SFB021290-1 143 SFB021290-2 144 SFB021290-3 145 SFB021290-4 146 SFB021290-5 147 SFB021290-6 148 SFB021290-7 149 SFB021290-8 150 SFB021290-9 151 SFB021290-10 South San Francisco Bay South and adjacent to the San Mateo Bridge Map E Above top of bank ~ 1.2 m S 37° 34.03' 3 3.0 m barrel -122° 14.10' of San Mateo Bridge (G) Top of bank just above break 37° 34.12' 3.0 m barrel -122° 14.03' in slope (G) Bank slope 37° 34.11' 6.65 3.0 m barrel -122° 13.83' (G) Base of slope 37° 34.24' 10.5 3.0 m barrel -122° 13.96' (G) Mid channel 37° 34.35' 14.5 3.0 m barrel -122° 13.60' (G) Above slope top 37° 34.80' 4 3.0 m barrel -122° 13.38' (G) Upper mid-bank slope 37° 34.47' 5.75 3.0 m barrel -122° 13.29' (G) Base of slope 37° 34.55' 16 3.0 m barrel -122° 13.26' (G) Lower slope bank 37° 34.63' 10.5 3.0 m barrel -122° 13.27' (G) Shallow subtidal flats SE of 37° 34.80' 3.5 3.0 m barrel -122° 11.57' San Mateo Bridge (G) 1.38 1.18 Shell at surface sand at depth 1.49 shell at top 2.21 1.76 stiff mud at bottom Stiff mud at base J-2-90-SF 152 SFB021290-11 153 SFB021290-12 USGS OF 2005-1453 South San Francisco Bay North of the San Mateo Bridge to Potrero Point and Alameda outer harbor Map G, F & B Shallow subtidal flats off 37° 35.63' 3.5 3.0 m barrel -122° 18.94' Coyote Pt. (G) Base of slope N of #8 Marker 37° 36.63' 16 3.0 m barrel -122° 17.67' at or near the slope base (G) 43 buried head Map # Core Number Setting 154 SFB021590-1 155 SFB021590-2 Top of slope just N of #8 N of San Mateo Bridge Mid-slope N of #8 156 SFB021590-3 157 SFB021590-4 158 SFB021590-5 159 SFB021590-6 160 SFB021590-7 161 SFB021590-8 162 SFB021590-9 163 SFB021590-10 164 SFB021590-11 165 SFB021590-12 Base of slope E of #160 and 161 Channel floor off Hunter s Point Channel off Pt Advisadero 166 SFB021590-13 Channel off Potrero point 167 SFB021590-14 168 SFB021590-15 169 SFB021590-16 S. of Alameda evenly gently sloping bottom 30' - 6' in general transition of sand and mud Shoal area S of Alameda smooth bottom In burrow areas in bottom of one of the excavations normal depth 3.5 USGS OF 2005-1453 W. bank top off SFO ship channel Base of slope E of #3 Mid channel S of ship channel furrow field Subtidal flats off SFO, flat bottom Channel floor off Oyster Pt. Top of bank S of Hunters Point Mid-bank E of #8 Lat. Long. 37° 36.61' -122° 17.96' 37° 36.69' -122° 17.89' 37° 37.83' -122° 19.56' 37° 37.90' -122° 19.26' 37° 38.28' -122° 18.67' 37° 37.91' -122° 20.33' 37° 39.55' -122° 20.82' 37° 41.83' -122° 22.16' 37° 41.82' -122° 22.03' 37° 41.82' -122° 21.88' 37° 42.59' -122° 21.06' 37° 43.36' -122° 19.73' 37° 45.09' -122° 20.09' 37° 45.44' -122° 18.79' Water Depth (m) Type Core (G) (B) Core length (m) General Description 3.25 2.5 m barrel (G) 2.5 m barrel (G) 2.5 m barrel (G) 2.5 m barrel (G) 2.5 m barrel (G) 1.95 shelly at surface, shell layer at bottom penetrate to core top shell at top and bottom of core bury head 7 3.8 8 10.5 4 6 1.8 4.5 2.5 m barrel (G) 3.0 m barrel (G) 3.0 m barrel (G) 6.25 13 14 6 37° 45.25' -122° 17.42' 37° 43.91' -122° 17.02' 2.5 10 44 2.51 2.25 2.35 2.13 bury head shell layers in bottom shelly at base 2.48 shell at top sink head 2.69 2.55 buried barrel and head 2.63 3.0 m barrel (G) 1.75 m barrel (G) 1.75 m barrel (G) 2.5 m barrel (G) 2.5 m barrel (G) 2.5 m barrel (G) full penetration lost of shell on anchor 1.17 very short core sand 2.52 filled with sandy mud, shell at top 2.68 shell at top and bottom of core 1.90 bury barrel and head stiff mud in core cutter Map # Core Number Setting 170 SFB021590-17 171 SFB021590-18 172 SFB021590-19 173 SFB021590-20 Subtidal flat off N. tip of Oakland Airport Just S. of patch of sand waves on smooth bottom Near base of gentle slope off NW end Oakland Airport Crest of San Bruno shoal 174 SFB022090-1 175 SFB022090-2 176 SFB022090-3 177 SFB022090-4 Area on E. side of channel N. of San Mateo Bridge up to South Hampton Shoal bank top, flat bottom In topographically irregular area Mid-slope of bank E. side of channel Lower slope of E. bank 178 SFB022090-5 Channel floor in furrow field 179 SFB022090-6 180 SFB022090-7 Above abrupt scarp (dredge) N. of bridge Below break in slope 181 SFB022090-8A 182 SFB022090-8 183 SFB022090-9 184 SFB022090-10 USGS OF 2005-1453 In area w/ topographic irregularities on bottom ~ 0.5 m relief In same area as #180 Mound structure SE from S. crest of San Bruno Shoal Subtidal flats W of San Lorenzo Creek Lat. Long. 37° 43.43' -122° 16.48' 37° 43.01' -122° 16.97' 37° 42.26' -122° 16.65' 37° 39.94' -122° 18.20' 37° 36.15' -122° 15.51' Water Depth (m) Type Core (G) (B) Core length (m) 4 2.5 m barrel (G) 2.5 m barrel (G) 2.5 m barrel (G) 1.75 m barrel (G) 3.0 m barrel (G) 2.91 4 4 4.5 37° 36.01' -122° 15.57' 37° 35.90' -122° 15.68' 37° 35.73' -122° 15.61' 37° 35.53' -122° 15.86' 37° 36.45' -122° 15.21' 37° 36.37' -122° 15.34' 5 10 14 17 3.5 3.0 m barrel (G) 3.0 m barrel (G) 3.0 m barrel (G) 3.0 m barrel (G) 3.0 m barrel (G) 3.0 m barrel (G) .65 2.58 some penetration, sandy w/shells core bottoms in mixed clean sand, mud penetrates to barrel top 2.63 hint of shell layer in bottom 2.44 stiff green clay at base 2.14 green-yellow stiff clay at core base, shelly at top. furrows evident good stratification lots of shells on anchor 2.17 2.50 5.5 1.75 m barrel (G) filled barrel 37° 37.70' -122° 16.24' 37° 38.37' -122° 16.59' 37° 40.46' -122° 14.66' 5.5 2.5 m barrel (G) 3.0 m barrel (G) 3.0 m barrel (G) 1.81 3.5 45 shell/ mud 2.52 37° 37.61' -122° 16.08' 5.5 General Description 2.43 2.65 buried 3.0 m barrel (G) and head, bag the material from the core cutter.? filled 1.75 m barrel (G) shelly at top over mud Map # Core Number Setting 185 SFB022090-11 186 SFB022090-12 1st appearance of bottom irregularities on shallow subtidal flat E of S. Lorenzo Bottom irregularities neutral 187 SFB022090-13 Low ridge w/sand waves 188 SFB022090-14 189 SFB022090-15 190 SFB022090-16 191 SFB022090-17 192 SFB022090-18 Trough of E of N end San Bruno Shoal Trough E of San Bruno Shoals upper end In mined area at S. end of San Bruno Shoal- on natural flay (finger that protrudes N in the middle of dredged hole) On bench at 6.5 m within excavation At bottom of excavation 193 SFB02190-1MH 194 SFB02190-1A 195 SFB022190-1 196 SFB0221902MH 197 SFB022190-2 Same area as 195 198 SFB0221903MH 199 SFB0221903A North edge of irregular bottom, down slope from 194 and 195 in slump mass Same area as 197 USGS OF 2005-1453 Slump area off Newark Slough., On slope in evacuated zone of slump Same area as #192 Free fall in same area of cores 192-193 Above slump mass Lat. Long. Water Depth (m) 37° 41.28' -122° 15.48' Type Core (G) (B) Core length (m) 3.0 m barrel (G) 37° 41.37' -122° 16.05' 37° 41.82' -122° 16.91' 37° 41.38' -122° 18.13' 37° 39.27' -122° 17.00' 37° 37.80' -122° 17.17' 4.5 4.5 9.25 5.5 3 37° 37.91' -122° 17.41' 37° 37.84' -122° 17.57' 37° 29.76' -122° 5.29' 6.5 10 5 37° 29.76' -122° 5.29' 37° 29.76' -122° 5.29' 37° 29.84' -122° 5.55' 5 5 3.25-3.5 37° 29.84' -122° 5.55' 37° 29.84' -122° 5.74' 3.25-3.50 7.5 37° 29.84' -122° 5.74' 7.5 46 3.0 m barrel (G) 3.0 m barrel (G) 3.0 m barrel (G) 3.0 m barrel (G) 3.0 m barrel (G) 3.0 m barrel (G) 3.0 m barrel (G) 1.75 m barrel (G) 1.75 m barrel (G) 3.0 m barrel (G) 2.5 m barrel (G) 2.5 m barrel (G) 2.5 m barrel (G) 1.75 m barrel (G) General Description Pipeline area - core in flat bottom just beyond dredged material short core not likely sand waves/ bury 1.25 m barrel (G)s sand at bottom 2.32 2.64 sandy mud shell at bottom of core 2.21 all mud 1.27 Core for geotechnical analysis 1.19 1.80 free fall 1.71 Core for geotechnical analysis 1st free fall 1.73 1.58 1.40 Core for geotechnical analysis free fall, upper 1.5' probably disturbed power down full Map # Core Number Setting 200 SFB022190-4 Base of slope, toe of slump USGS OF 2005-1453 Lat. Long. 37° 29.66' -122° 5.53' 47 Water Depth (m) Type Core (G) (B) Core length (m) General Description 10 2.5 m barrel (G) 2.05 power down all the way to bottom Map # Core Number Setting Lat. Long. Water Depth (m) Type Core (G) (B) Core length (m) General Description 1.25 m barrel (G) 1.25 m barrel (G) .53 m sandy in upper part live bivalves at top has organic detritus layer lose at least 5cm at the top 2.5 m barrel (G) 2.5 m barrel (G) 2.10 2.5 m barrel (G) 2.5 m barrel (G) 2.20 peat at base sample collected 2.25 .70 bury 1.25 m barrel (G) lose top try again w/10' detrital peat at base again-sample sand on core barrel J-1-91-SF 1991 Cores, January and February 1991 Gravity and Drill Cores Sacramento to the mouth of the San Joaquin River 1 012391-1 2 012391-2 3 012391-3 4 012391-4 5 012391-5 6 012391-6 7 012391-7 8 012391-8 USGS OF 2005-1453 N. side Sac. River above (N) on Dredged channel Sac. River under E most power line relocation of site 15(1/31/90) Sac. River same site as #2 Sac. River at 9 m H2O N. side of shipping channel bank 0.11>N bank, under E line of double power line Sac. River slightly shallower than site 50.06-> N bank. Sac. River N. bank of channel above dredged channel Sac. River just down slope into channel 0.15-> n. bank, .29->#131. 23>#12 Sac. River split difference between 11 & 12 since they were so different. Map O 38° 6.23' -121° 43.14' 38° 5.15' -121° 44.98' 3.5 6 1.3 m 38° 5.15' -121° 44.98' 38° 4.90' -121° 45.29' 6 38° 4.91' -121° 45.29' 38° 4.55' -121° 46.08' 7.9 38° 4.52' -121° 45.97' 9.3 2.5 m barrel (G) 38° 4.41' -121° 45.92' 8 2.5 m barrel (G) 1.78 9 6.8 48 1.08 peaty detrital layer , sandy at base sample get partial core sandy mud no organics at the base peat at the base Map # Core Number Setting 9 012391-9 10 012391-10 San Joaquin River try to core on isolated sand ridges east of#12 core attempt on high feature San Joaquin River 1.12->#2, .86->#1, .06->E. Bank Lat. Long. Water Depth (m) Type Core (G) (B) Core length (m) General Description 38° 3.82' -121° 47.40' 6.0 2.5 m barrel (G) .72 coarse clean sand/mud 38° 3.74' -121° 47.29' - 2.5 m barrel (G) .22 Coarse sand J-1-91-SF 11 012491-1 12 012491-2 13 012491-3 14 012491-4 15 012491-5 16 012491-6 17 012491-7 18 012491-8 USGS OF 2005-1453 Suisun Slough near mouth flat, smooth bottom in channel axis Suisun Slough along bank next to mouth Suisun Bay near sites 9 & 10 at Grizzly Bay mouth (2/1/90) Suisun Bay in thalweg, .87 -> #9, .84->dol., .49->Garnett Pt .99->Pt Buckley Suisun Bay on slope more like site 8 last yr., .97->#9, .86>dol., .87->pt. Buckley. .51->Garnett Pt. nearer to 8, .72->Pt. Buckley .92->dol. 1.13->#9 NE of N end of Ryer Island, 1.20->#90, .40->shore , 2.38->#6 Next to SW corner of Ryer Island, .84->platform, .6->shore, 1.09->R20, 2.00->25 Suisun Bay to Benicia Bridge Map M 38° 8.47' 5.4 2.5 m barrel (G) -122° 4.00' 38° 8.71' 2.5 2.5 m barrel (G) -122° 4.05' 38° 6.33' 2.5 m barrel (G) -122° 2.95' 38° 6.20' 3.5 2.5 m barrel (G) -122° 1.93' 1.95 wood detritus at base 2.10 upper part really disturbed .33 eased in filled to win 5 in. 1.17 sand in lower part 38° 6.17' -122° 1.71' 3.4 2.5 m barrel (G) 2.08 no wood at base 38° 6.05' -122° 1.42' 38° 5.82' -122° 2.21' 3.4 2.5 m barrel (G) 2.41 no wood at base 3.5 2.5 m barrel (G) .90 organics, shells ~2 2.5 m barrel (G) 1.31 ~40 cm penetration eased, dropped good core sand/mud 38° 4.67' -121° 59.64' 49 Map # Core Number Setting 19 012491-9 Suisun Bay SW corner of Ryer Island.42->dolphin NW of Honker Bay, .57->Pt. Palo Alto, .88->#24A, 1.10->#21 Lat. Long. 38° 4.10' -121° 57.30' Water Depth (m) Type Core (G) (B) Core length (m) - 2.5 m barrel (G) 1.01 General Description - J-1-91-SF 20 012591-1 21 012591-2 22 012591-3 23 012591-4 24 012591-5 25 012591-6 26 012591-7 USGS OF 2005-1453 San Joaquin River to the confluence with the Sacramento Map N 38° 3.43' 7 2.5 m barrel (G) .95 Zigzag structures, .49->#1 Sac. -121° 50.79' R., 1.57-># Broad Slough .06->W. Bank 38° 3.50' 3 Grab bag N.side of Fraser Shoal, -121° 50.39' .49->#1 Sac..R., .67->#5 Sac. R., 1.57->#1 Broad Slough 38° 3.05' 3 2.5 m barrel (G) 1.13 W. side Fraser Shoal.75->#3 -121° 50.34' Sac. R.1.26->#1 Broad Slough.32->W. Bank 38° 2.32' 3 Grab San Joaquin River grab W. -121° 49.99' side of Fraser Shoal, .3->N#1, .28->, .31->#1 38° 2.11' 5.5 Grab San Joaquin River grab sand -121° 49.81' waves just off #1 in channel, .16->#1, .62->#4, .31->#2 38° 1.90' 7.5-8.09 Grab San Joaquin River off Beener -121° 49.96' Pt in sand wave field in Broad Slough, .19->#1, .55->#4 Main San Joaquin Channel big 38° 1.66' 13 Grab -121° 50.29' sand waves; .47->#4, .43->#1, .18->#11 50 Sand/ mud Sand at top sand sand well sorted sand waves coarse sand Map # Core Number Setting Lat. Long. Water Depth (m) Type Core (G) (B) Core length (m) General Description J-1-91-SF 27 013191-1 28 013191-2 29 013191-3 30 013191-4 31 013191-5 32 013191-6 33 013191-7 USGS OF 2005-1453 Suisun Bay at end of side scan run; .67->#9, 1.52->#6, .87->N. Dol, .68->N bank .96->Garnett pt. Suisun Bay vicinity of site 12 (2/1/90) to look for wood layer in areas of similar depth nearby- follow 10' isobath S.W. of #6 to ~.3 nm from #6 .39->#6, .77->#4, .67->S dolphin, 1.37->N. dolphin Suisun Bay just up channel from; #1, 2.49->#6, .73->#4, 1.37->N.dolphin Suisun Bay off N.W. end Ryer Island; .34 nm->each of the two points on Ryer Isl., .32-> S most Pt., 1.32->#9, .86->Dolphin Suisun Bay same locality as #31 use 3.0 m barrel (G) Suisun Bay channel bank S.W. of Ryer Island; .45->platform, .98->N. dolphin 1.96->#9 Suisun Bay off E. end Roe Is. (Gillespie Pt.) mud slope Suisun Bay Map M 38° 5.82' 7.5 -122° 3.28' 2.5 m barrel (G) 1.11m 38° 4.57' -122° 4.93' 4.5 2.5 m barrel (G) 1.14 sand at top 38° 4.54' -122° 4.65' 2.8 2.5 m barrel (G) 1.29 Sand/mud 38° 5.24' -122° 2.60' 2.0 2.5 m barrel (G) 1.30 buried the head 38° 5.24' -122° 2.62' 38° 4.84' -122° 2.19' 2.0 2.5 m barrel (G) 2.21 organics at base 4.5 2.5 m barrel (G) 1.73 38° 4.12' -122° 0.62' 4.5 2.5 m barrel (G) .38 51 1.25 m barrel (G) dropped good penetration did not bury head. Map # Core Number Setting Lat. Long. Water Depth (m) Type Core (G) (B) Core length (m) General Description J-2-91-SF 34 020191-1 35 020191-2 36 020191-3 37 020191-4 38 020191-5 39 020191-6 Carquinez Straits off Commodore Jones Pt.; .93->21 Dillon Pt .21->Commodore Jones Pt. .50->#22 Carquinez Straits West of #23 Benicia Pt .21->#23 .74->#22, 1.14->T cross Same location as #35 used 3.0 m barrel (G) Carquinez Straits 1/2 of the way down bank .12->#23 .75->#22, 1.04-> T. cross Carquinez Straits same location as #37 Carquinez Straits East of Ozol Dock on mud bank; .54->T-cross, .52-> w. end jetty Marina, .16-> shore Carquinez Straits Map L 38° 3.29' .4m -122° 10.55' 2.5 m barrel (G) 1.33 1.25 m barrel (G) eased in full 38° 2.60' -122° 10.12' 2.6 2.5 m barrel (G) 1.39 1.25 m barrel (G) eased in full barrel 38° 2.60' -122° 10.12' 38° 2.72' -122° 10.28' 2.6 3.0 m barrel (G) 2.55 used 3.0 m barrel (G) 10.5 2.5 m barrel (G) 38° 2.70' -122° 9.97' 38° 2.84' -122° 10.09' 10.5 2.5 m barrel (G) 2.40 1.25 m barrel (G) eased in, full, organics at base in well defined layers 3.0 m barrel (G) dropped 1.75 2.5 m barrel (G) 2.27 3.0 m barrel (G) buried head 2.5 2.5 m barrel (G) 1.33 1.25 m barrel (G) eased in 2.1 2.5 m barrel (G) 2.42 5.1 2.5 m barrel (G) 2.42 3.0 m barrel (G) short drop kept upright plugged top - J-2-91-SF San Pablo Bay Map J 40 020691-1 41 020691-2 42 020691-3 USGS OF 2005-1453 Central San Pablo Bay;.18->#1 .31->#2 N.E. central San Pablo Bay; .84->#9, 1.36->#7, 1.61->#11 San Pablo Bay mid bank N. side Pinole channel .49->#9, 1.41->#1 38° 0.99' -122° 25.71' 38° 3.14' -122° 22.18' 38° 2.91' -122° 21.87' 52 Map # Core Number Setting 43 020691-4 44 020691-5 San Pablo Bay lower bank N. side of Pinole channel near #9, irregular bottom; .14->#9, 1.20->#7, 1.27->#11 San Pablo Bay, .96->#5, 2.00->#1, 1.49->Sisters Lat. Long. Water Depth (m) Type Core (G) (B) Core length (m) General Description 38° 2.62' -122° 21.45' - 2.5 m barrel (G) 1.89 Interbedded clean sand/mud top 50cm 38° 0.51' -122° 26.65' 3.9 3.0 m barrel (G) 2.54 mud sandy upper 40-50 cm. Grab - sand dunes clean sand Grab - Grab - Coarse sand w/ pebbles shell lag/clay dunes sand Grab - small sample, sand, mud clast Grab - small sample mud J-2-91-SF 45 020791-1g 46 020791-1g 47 020791-3g 48 020791-4g 49 020791-5g 50 020791-6g Carquinez Straits; .16-> Army dock., 47->bridge Carquinez Straits; .43->w. end Army, dock, .40-> W.end jetty Carquinez Straits Ozol dunes, .54->#2, 1.41-> T-cross Carquinez Straits, .90->#23, .27->#20 Carquinez Straits, .42->#22 Carquinez Straits, .14->#21, .35->#20 Carquinez Straits Map K & L 38° 2.22' 10 -122° 8.08' 38° 1.93' 15 -122° 8.58' 38° 1.93' 12 -122° 9.25' 38° 2.96' 27 -122° 10.69' 38° 3.32' 2.4 -122° 11.03' 38° 3.45' 37.5 -122° 11.90' Grab J-2-91-SF 51 020791-1 52 020791-2 USGS OF 2005-1453 San Pablo Bay between #13 & #14, 1.21->#5, 1.00->#4, 1.00>#E San Pablo Bay 1.67->#8, 2.00>#4, 1.35->#5 San Pablo Bay Map J 37° 59.72' 3.6 -122° 23.90' 38° 0.26' -122° 22.92' 2.3 53 2.5 m barrel (G) 1.36 1.25 m barrel (G) 2.5 m barrel (G) 1.35 1.25 m barrel (G) eased in- full organics in catcher Map # Core Number Setting 53 020791-3 54 020791-4 55 020791-5 56 020791-6 57 020791-7 58 020791-7a San Pablo Bay on grooved bottom main channel N.E., of "E", .6-> "E", 1.50->"P", .91>#5, 1.39->#7 San Pablo Bay attempt to core crest of ridge between dune filled furrows .71->#9, .52>#7, 1.82->"p" San Pablo Bay on bank E. of Pinole Pt., 1.39->#9, 2.00>#11 1.70->#7, 1.30->#6 San Pablo Bay bank off Hercules, 1.52->#13 3.13->#7, 1.90->#15 2.21->#9, 1.70>#11 San Pablo Bay inside end of Dike #12, .24-> west end dike, .59->#15, .71->#13, 1.64->#9 San Pablo Bay same location as #57 Lat. Long. Water Depth (m) Type Core (G) (B) Core length (m) General Description 38° 1.85' -122° 23.14' 11.3 3.0 m barrel (G) 2.79 3.0 m barrel (G) dropped long coarse sand layers at top. 38° 2.15' -122° 21.50' 8.2 2.5 m barrel (G) .94 sand/mud 38° 1.42' -122° 19.97' 2.2 2.5 m barrel (G) 1.35 full barrel mud 38° 1.99' -122° 18.10' 2.1 2.5 m barrel (G) 1.36 1.25 m barrel (G) eased in mud Ostrea lurida layer at top 38° 4.06' -122° 16.81' 1.7 3.0 m barrel (G) 2.97 full 3.0 m barrel (G), tilted so top is possibly mixed. 38° 4.16' -122° 16.79' 1.7 1.25 m barrel (G) 1.25 m barrel (G) eased in to preserve top full 4', can see where mud fell in to top ~7cm 1.25 m barrel (G) .88 1.25 m barrel (G) dropped reasonable penetration shells at top sand layers 3.0 m barrel (G) 1.81 10' core dropped pushed the inner barrel in too far may have disturbed top a bit. J-2-91-SF 59 020891-1 60 020891-2 USGS OF 2005-1453 Suisun Bay coring furrow field S.W. of Suisun slough ~ end of furrow field, .92->#9, .41>N. bank Suisun Bay field where furrows are smaller, .74->#9, .32-> Suisun Bay Map M 38° 5.82' 8.3 -122° 3.79' 38° 5.94' -122° 3.57' 5 54 Map # Core Number Setting 61 020891-3 Suisun Bay area of good furrows seen 1/31/91-1141, .51->#9, .23-> Lat. Long. 38° 6.11' -122° 3.81' Water Depth (m) Type Core (G) (B) Core length (m) General Description ~.5 2.5 m barrel (G) 2.08 4m H2O seems to have dropped core on crest 10' dropped reasonable penetration partial core (but buried head) 2.5 m barrel (G) 1.90 eased in 3.0 m barrel (G) (geotech core), mud J-2-91-SF 62 022591-1 63 022591-2 64 022691-1 65 022691-2 66 022691-3 67 022691-4 68 022691-5 69 022691-6 USGS OF 2005-1453 Richardson Bay near drill site #3.44->Cone Rock, .05->#2, .60->#3 Richardson Bay on drill site 4, .13->#2, .48->Cone Rock Richardson Bay 60 m from drill site 6.35->#3, .29->Cone Rock .38->#2RB Richardson Bay on drill site #1, .58->#3, .20->Cone Rock .29->#2 Richardson Bay on drill sites #2 & 5, .57->#3, .29->Cone Rock .20->#2 Richardson Bay ~on drill hole #7 1.09->#1, .35->#2, .98->#3 Richardson Bay on slope west of the mouth, .47->#2, 1.00>#1, .93->Cone Rock Richardson Bay mid-slope NE end of bay, .19->#3, .50>Cone Rock, .45->#2RB, .78>#2SFB Richardson Bay Map I 37° 51.46' 4 -122° 28.24' 37° 51.45' -122° 28.10' 37° 51.71' -122° 27.94' 8 2.5 m barrel (G) 1.95 Geotech core mud sample 5 3.0 m barrel (G) 2.72 Geotech core all 10' dropped 37° 51.75' -122° 28.09' 4 2.5 m barrel (G) 1.90 Geotech core 37° 51.62' -122° 28.26' 5.5 2.5 m barrel (G) 1.75 Geotech core 37° 51.19' -122° 28.70' 37° 51.01' -122° 28.69' 7 2.5 m barrel (G) 1.90 - 11.7 2.5 m barrel (G) - - 37° 51.58' -122° 27.73' 24.5 2.5 m barrel (G) 2.08 mud sample 55 Map # Core Number Setting 70 022691-7 71 022691-8 Richardson Bay 6.5m back end of D.J. just above platform, .25->#3, .41->Cone Rock .42>#2RB1 .10->#2SFB Richardson Bay just down slope from # 7, 1.23->#3, .44>#2RB, .43->Cone Rock .99>#2SFB Lat. Long. Water Depth (m) Type Core (G) (B) Core length (m) General Description 37° 51.66' -122° 27.80' 7 2.5 m barrel (G) 2.02 - 37° 51.56' -122° 27.84' 8.5 2.5 m barrel (G) 1.83 - Oakland Area 72 022691-9 73 022691-10 USGS OF 2005-1453 Yerba Buena Island East side of Island on top of platform, .45->G"3" S. of, bridge, .20>#4, .29-> end of Davy, dock Yerba Buena Island on bank, .45->G"3", .34->#4, .17>W.end of Navy, dock 37° 49.35' -122° 21.27' 11.5 2.5 m barrel (G) 1.48 3.0 m barrel (G) worms at top mud 37° 49.09' -122° 21.58' 14.5 2.5 m barrel (G) ~ Stiff green mud stuck to base of barrel sandy, limited penetration 56 J-2-91-SF Push Cores Collected at the Mouth of Richardson Bay Map Number: 74 Date 2/19/91 Beginning Depth: 35' Ending Depth: 40' H2O Depth: 9' Hole #: 1 Lat.: 37o51'40" N Long.: 122o28'10" W Shelby tube # Depth interval 1 15'9" 2 20'9" 3 20'9"-23'3" 4 23'3"-25'9" 5 25'9"-28'3" 6 28'3"-30'9" 7 36'9"-39'3" 8 42'2" USGS OF 2005-1453 57 Map Number: 75 Date 2/20/91 Beginning Depth: 13'2" Ending Depth: 38'2" H2O Depth: 14' Hole #: 2 Site: 2 Lat.: 37o51'32"N Long.: 122o28'09"W Shelby tube 1 Depth interval 13' 2"-15'8"2 15'11"-18'0" 3 18'7"-20'8" 4 21'6"-23'2" 5 23'10"-25'8" 6 24'0"-28'2" 7 28'4"-30'8" 8 30'10"-33'2" 9 33'4"-35'8" 10 35'10"-38'2" USGS OF 2005-1453 58 Map Number: 76 Date 2/21/91 Beginning Depth: 14'9" Ending Depth: 36'10" H2O Depth: 16'10" Hole #: 3 Lat.: 37o51'24"N Long.: 122o28'07"W Shelby tube # Depth interval 1 14'9"-16'10" 2 17'4"-19'4" 3 19'6.5"-21'10" 4 21'10"-24'4" 5 24'6"-26'10" 6 26'10"-29'4" 7 29'6.5"-31'10" 8 32'2"-34'4" 9 34'8"36'10" USGS OF 2005-1453 59 Map Number: 77 Date 2/22/91 Beginning Depth: 19'4" Ending Depth: 54'2" H2O Depth: 19'6" Hole #: 4 Lat.: 37o51'24" Long.: 122o27'58" Shelby tube # Depth interval 1 16'10"-19'4" 2 21'10"-24'2" 3 26'8"-29'2" 4 31'8"-34'2" 5 36'8"-39'2" 6 41'8"-44'2" 7 46'8"-49'2" 8 51'8"-54'2" USGS OF 2005-1453 60 Map Number: 78 Date 2/25/91 Beginning Depth: 35'0" Ending Depth: 52'6" H2O Depth: 19'4" Hole #: 5 Lat.: 37o51'32"N Long.: 122o27'50"W Shelby tube # Depth interval 1 35'0"-37'6" 2 47'6"-50'0" 3 50'0"-52'6" USGS OF 2005-1453 61 Map Number: 79 Date 2/26/91 Beginning Depth: 17'5" Ending Depth: 64'11" H2O Depth: 18' Hole #: 6 Lat.: 37o51'40" Long.: 122o27'42" Shelby tube # Depth interval 1 17'5"-19'11" 2 22'5"-24'11" 3 27'5"-29'11" 4 32'5"-34'11" 5 37'5"-39'11" 6 42'5"-44'11" 7 47'5"-49'11" 8 52'5"-54'11" 9 57'5"-59'11" 10 62'5"-64'11" USGS OF 2005-1453 62 Map Number: 80 Date 2/27/91 Beginning Depth: 16'6"(+5') Ending Depth: 47'6"(+5') H2O Depth: 18'5" Hole #: 7 Lat.: 37o51'05" Long.: 122o28'21" Shelby tube # Depth interval 1 16'6"-19'0"(+5') 2 21'6"-24'0"(+5') 3 26'6"-29'0"(+5') 4 31'6"-34'0"(+5') 5 36'6"-39'0"(+5') 6 41'6"-44'0"(+5') 7 46'6"-47'6"(+5') USGS OF 2005-1453 63