Enabling ‘Togetherness’ in High-Quality Domestic Video
Ian Kegel, 2 Pablo Cesar, 2 Jack Jansen, 2 Dick Bulterman, 1 Tim Stevens,
Joke Kort, 4 Nikolaus Färber
BT Research & Technology
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Low-cost video conferencing systems have provided an existence
proof for the value of video communication in a home setting. At
the same time, current systems have a number of fundamental
limitations that inhibit more general social interactions among
multiple groups of participants. In our work, we describe the
development, implementation and evaluation of a domestic video
conferencing system that is geared to providing true 'togetherness'
among conference participants. We show that such interactions
require sophisticated support for high-quality audiovisual
presentation, and processing support for person identification and
localisation. In this paper, we describe user requirements for
effective interpersonal interaction. We then report on a system
that implements these requirements. We conclude with a systems
and user evaluation of this work. We present results that show that
participants in a video conference can be made feel as 'together' as
collocated players of a board game.
Figure 1: Remote interpersonal communication, as envisioned
by Villemard
There is a lot of familiar technology in this picture: we see a
network infrastructure, active content filtering (evidenced by the
fact that the woman’s background context has been removed) and
even appropriate furniture. All of this technology is important, but
so is the faithful assistant of the couple who is orchestrating the
communication between them. Even in 1910, it was clear that
microphones, cameras and networks alone were not enough to
support intimate interactions.
Categories and Subject Descriptors
H.1.2 [Models and Principles]: User/Machine Systems – Human
factors. H.5.1 [Information Interfaces and Presentation]:
Multimedia Information Systems – Audio, Video.
video conferencing, social communication, interaction, visual
composition, togetherness
In 1910, the artist Villemard created a series of 24 postcards that
illustrated how technology would influence life 90 years later, in
2000. Most postcards show flying bicycles and other intricate
forms of public transport. In one picture, however, it is not the
public at large being transported from one place to another, but a
single person (see Figure 1). Sitting in the comfort of his own
home, a gentleman is able to interact remotely with his wife (or
mistress). A large, lifelike display helps give a feeling of remote
presence. Judging from the microphone and the phonograph-like
loudspeaker, it is clear that both audio and visual information play
important roles in this inter-personal communication.
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MM’12, October 29–November 2, 2012, Nara, Japan.
Copyright 2012 ACM 978-1-4503-1089-5/12/10...$15.00.
Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work for
Area Chair: Yuichi Nakamura
Figure 2: Remote interpersonal communication, as
instantiated by Skype
Part of Villemard’s vision has become reality. Although a full 10
years later than Villemard thought, it is now fairly commonplace
to have remote audio and visual conferences between people in
home settings. The cameras are smaller and the microphones more
lag or visual artifacts, frozen screens, and crashed applications
were all common” [1]. Other restrictions refer to functionality:
“The systems used in the homes we observed were often used by
multiple people… This suggests a need to develop a home
appliance for multiparty viewing and use” [14]. These results
corroborate our own research into user requirements [23].
subtle, but - as we can see in the image of a Skype-style desktop
(see Figure 2) - the naturalness of the communication among the
parties still has a way to go before reaching the ideal of
Villemard’s drawing. With Skype, nobody seems to know where
to look, and nobody appears to be ‘together’.This paper reports
communication for domestic videoconferences involving multiple
participants at each end. Our goal is to better understand how a
multi-camera home environment can help to make communication
and engagement easier between groups of people separated in
space – a concept we call togetherness. We particularly focus on
the processes of data capture, encoding and composition, since
they play a key role in supporting social communications. These
processes make it possible for content originating from multiple
sources to be presented at each location in a dynamic and flexible
way using embedded control within a system (much like the
faithful assistant would do in Villemard’s vision).
A key assumption within our research is the need to bound social
video conferencing with a shared activity. Kirk et al. concluded
that “… there were also times when it was clearly important that
video could be meshed with other activities as necessary” [14].
Social games such as Mafia [2] provide another example, in
which users value the ability to perform a shared activity together
with remote parties. It has been shown that interaction rituals are
important for maintaining social relationships and for building
social cohesion and social identity [8]. It has been noted [5][11]
that an important part of these rituals is performing mutual
activities. It has also been suggested [5] that interaction rituals
which make use of the full expressive capacity of human beings
will make a stronger impact than those only based on language.
The specific contributions discussed in this paper are:
The evaluation of a prototype which supports social video
conferencing based around a shared activity, carried out
between multiple people at each location by using multiple
cameras and dynamic multimedia composition.
We are seeking to achieve a form of communication that is much
less limited, in terms of its embodied interaction, than forms of
mediated communication that are popularised today [7], especially
by providing a focus on groups and not individuals as actors [17].
A technical implementation which uniquely combines lowdelay, high quality audiovisual communication (including
high definition video and multi-channel audio) with dynamic
content from a shared application.
An interaction architecture which provides the ability to
dynamically modify audiovisual streams so that the
movements of participants, verbal and non-verbal
interactions and changes in a shared activity can be presented
Application-level support for aesthetically integrating
content streams and end-user interaction (such as game play)
Our prototype introduces the dynamic composition of audiovisual
streams and content. This functionality has been identified
(although not implemented) in other works, highlighting the
importance of manipulating and managing components within a
set of video streams [10]. Studies on video-mediated free play
between children found that different kinds of views led to
different types of play [22], while other experiments demonstrate
that good framing techniques improve social communication [18],
and provide more vivid recorded lectures [16]. More recently,
evaluations of remote game playing have shown that framing
techniques can improve the effectiveness of the participants [12].
Visual Composition is an architectural block which is not usually
present in video chat applications. In video chat, content stream
manipulations happen after capture (e.g. effects in Apple’s iChat
application), while more immersive systems require complex
content stream manipulations and camera control [4][19] [21]. In
our research, we have applied the latter techniques for improving
social video conferencing. Unlike previous research and
commercial systems (e.g. from Cisco, Polycom or Lifesize), our
composition component is reactive to the social interactions of the
participants (e.g. non-verbal cues) and the shared activity (e.g.
turn taking in a shared game).
This paper describes a system that was used for a series of
interactive gaming experiments. It contains an evaluation of
technical aspects of our work and the results of a user study on the
impact of this technology on a feeling of togetherness among
participants. Using objective and subjective measurements, we
conclude that high-quality communication not only depends on
the technology, but as well on how well social interactions are
The paper begins by summarising related work in Section 2.
Section 3 discusses requirements for supporting interaction rituals
in remote interpersonal communication. Section 4 describes our
technical implementation, focusing on the key data capture,
encoding and composition features of the system. Sections 5 and 6
report the results of a number of trials evaluating the system from
both a technology and a human perspective. Finally, Section 7
discusses the lessons learned during the process of implementing
the system.
In previous work [13], we reported on experiments to determine
the approximate end-to-end delay of both commercial video
conferencing systems and video chat applications. These
experiments suggest delay figures around 300ms for commercial
systems and also for Skype, and less than 200ms for Apple’s
iChat application – although both video chat applications were
using 4CIF video resolution rather than 720p HD. In Section 5,
this paper reports on more rigorous experiments which verify that
delay figures for typical commercial systems are significantly
higher than measured on our prototype system at comparable
video resolutions.
Domestic video conferencing is becoming commonplace, with
Skype providing a convincing existence proof on the viability of
home video communication. Still, users encounter many
limitations with existing technology. Recent studies on human
factors have identified common restrictions when using Skype at
home. Some of them relate to performance: “Families frequently
encounter technical difficulties even after the call is established:
unreliable Internet connections, microphones with feedback, video
Traditionally, user requirements for domestic video conferencing
have been defined based on performance measures such as video
quality and latency. The requirements have typically focused on
practice. Playing a game together like this is a valuable way of
fostering strong ties. This is typically an immersive and emotional
experience (a ritual) that creates shared memories and thus
enhances togetherness in the long term.
the low-level transfer of communication bits. In contrast, our
work has focused on a broader understanding of high-level
interpersonal communication.
In order to better understand these requirements, we conducted
interviews within 16 families across four countries (U.K.,
Sweden, Netherlands, and Germany) [13][23]. The families
consisted of adults, as well as children aged between about 6 and
25. Based on the interviews, we concluded that the use of video
communication (particularly Skype) was not found compelling
because of the technology. Users complained about the quality of
the video and about the de-synchronisation between audio and
video. Results of the interviews allowed us to identify a number of
performance requirements: multiple cameras to support the
framing of people, high definition video for fitting groups of
people in front of the camera(s), high quality multi-channel audio
that allows for speaker identification, and low delay audiovisual
(a) Choosing a planet to explore (view of room A)
More interestingly, in the interviews playful activities and games
were considered as the common way families interacted in person.
Some of the interviewees agreed that they did not see the games
as an end in themselves, but tended to play them rather as a
convenient excuse for getting together physically. This finding
imposed a functional requirement for enabling high-quality
communications: video communication should be bounded and
reactive to social activities.
(b) Choosing a planet to explore (view of room B)
Based on these results, we designed and implemented a system
that supported playful activities between multiple people at
remote locations. In particular, we focused on a shared game,
Space Alert, as a typical activity for a family gathering. Since our
goal was in gaining insights into participant togetherness, we
wanted to mimic a relatively common living room environment at
each location where the game was to be played.
In the first iteration of our system we designed the shared game to
closely replicate the physical board game by which it was
inspired. The participants used a conventional TV screen
predominantly for video communication, while at the same time a
touchscreen provided an interactive representation of the game
board which was synchronised between locations. This first
prototype worked well and enabled us to obtain and report early
results on the architecture for dynamic composition of audiovisual
streams [13]. But it also showed that the two separate screen
presentations (TV and touchscreen) did not support
communication very well. Participants tended to focus most of
their time on the game board to the detriment of the composed
video presentation.
(c) (d) Playing a mini-game (rooms A and B)
Figure 3: Playing the Space Alert shared game. Images (a)
and (b) show different presentations of the game at the same
time in two locations. Images (c) and (d) show players
interacting co-operatively during the game.
A critical component of this shared game is the presentation of the
game’s features and the effective display of interactions among
participants. Composition in togetherness-based applications is
inherently dynamic: the content will need to change as the focus
of the activity (and the roles of the participants) develops. For
example, positioning cameras to allow people to address the TV
screen, and hence their friends, from different parts of the room is
more useful than a camera that covers the whole space of the
room. For collaborative, cooperative games, the game and visual
elements should be composited on the same screen to encourage
eye contact and to enhance the value derived from the
communication. Seeing your partner in a natural, non-monotonic
manner seems essential for this activity.
In the second iteration of our system, the focus of this paper, the
Space Alert game was adapted away from the traditional board
game metaphor with the aim of providing a single focus for
participants’ attention, less complex game rules, and most
importantly to enable subjective evaluation of a new concept: the
tight integration of both audiovisual communication, game
content and interaction. In this new design, the participants use
only the TV screen both for social communication and playing the
game. Playing cards embedded with RFID tags are used to control
chance aspects of the game, while the participants use their own
bodies (via a Microsoft Kinect 3D motion sensor) as the interface
to completing a series of mini-games. The game is intrinsically
cooperative: players in different locations must collaborate to
achieve a common goal in each mini-game – for example
collectively steering a ship through an asteroid field – by taking
different individual roles which require communication. Figure 3
shows example screenshots and photos of this shared game in
In Section 2 we explained how existing video conferencing and
video chat systems are limited in their ability to effectively
Figure 4: Overall system architecture
exist on the server side to provide input of pre-recorded video
streams for multiple clients. The layer’s key output is the primary
screen – in our case the living room TV on which video
compositions will be rendered. The Audio Layer contains all the
audio processing components. Its key inputs are audio streams
from multiple microphones at each client, and its key outputs are
speakers through which sound is reproduced – usually in a
domestic living room. Finally, the analysis components take both
audio and video streams to generate cues relating to the activity
that is taking place at each client location – and hence sit between
the Video and Audio Layers.
address groups and to provide flexible, dynamic composition of
both live streams and content related to a shared application. In
Section 3 we described how these limitations were reflected by
interviews with typical families, and how through two iterations
we have created a shared game which is tightly integrated with
audiovisual communication. We therefore needed to develop a
technical system support the Space Alert experience and to help
us gain insights into togetherness in social interactions between
groups. This section describes that system, highlighting why its
features are important to the achievement of togetherness.
As discussed in Section 3, the system is designed to support a
game shared between different locations. This involves rich
communication (video and speech), together with a shared
application (the game), which can be enjoyed by multiple people,
at multiple ends, captured by multiple cameras. The design must
be capable of handling both real time and recorded streams of
both audio and video at each location independently. In addition
the system must be able to intelligently decide how to compose
the video and audio outputs at each location. This intelligent
decision-making process, which we call orchestration, is partly
based on analysis of audio and video signals captured in each
The following sub-sections focus on the key data capture,
encoding and composition features of the system and explain how
they provide functionality beyond the state of the art, moving
from personal software focused on single users (such as Skype
and Google+ Hangouts) to a system which is shared by groups at
each location. Analysis and orchestration are beyond the scope of
this paper, but further information about their functionality and
performance can be found elsewhere [9][15].
4.1 Audio Communication
The goal of audio communication should be to enable the same
user experience as if speaking to someone in the same room. This
is especially challenging for communication between groups in a
family living room, where clip-on microphones and headsets
cannot be practically used, and the environment may be noisy and
reverberant. The quality of phone calls today is still generally
limited to mono at less than 4 kHz audio bandwidth, but user
experience evaluations between groups have shown the
importance of audio quality for the effective communication.
Figure 4 shows the overall architecture that spans three
abstraction layers. The Control and Application layer contains
components that could be proprietary (e.g. the games) and those
responsible for instructing video composition (orchestration). The
Video Layer contains all the video processing components. Its key
inputs are video streams from one or more cameras at each
location, as well as repositories of generic or application-specific
resources (for example images, graphics, pre-recorded video, or
interactive components such as Flash movies). Repositories can
The Video Grabber/Encoder in our Video Layer is a high
performance component designed to capture images from an HD
video camera, encode them and transmit them to the remote
location with minimal added delay (below 100ms for an ideal endto-end system). The Video Grabber captures digital or analogue
video from a single camera using a hardware capture card. The
SDI (Serial Digital Interface) standard is the preferred form of
camera output, although signals can also be captured from lowcost HD webcam devices over USB. The Video Encoder is an
H.264 encoder which is optimised for low-delay video
transmission by using a number of techniques from the H.264
standard, including: not using B frames (bi-predictive pictures),
using Constant Bit Rate (CBR) transmission, and minimising
buffering throughout the system. A separate Video
Grabber/Encoder is required for each HD video camera.
We obtained the results shown in Figure 5 from video
conferencing tests in which two different audio systems were
compared during social interaction between groups of people.
Each group was exposed to “high” and “low” audio quality for a
duration of about 5 minutes each and then asked to express their
agreement to the statement “The communication was natural and
without problems” on a 5-point rating scale ranging from 1
(strongly agree) to 5 (strongly disagree). The difference in
subjective evaluation between high and low audio quality is
4.3 Audiovisual Composition
As previously mentioned, a critical aspect of combining a shared
activity with audiovisual communication is the presentation of the
game’s features and the effective display of interactions among
participants. This composition must be dynamic because the
content will need to change as the focus of the activity and
participants’ roles develop.
The Visual Composition component enables our system to
dynamically and seamlessly compose visual images at each
location. It provides decoding and rendering to screen of real-time
video at the lowest possible delay. It is capable of compositing the
real-time video streams with pre-recorded media from a local
repository. It can also incorporate other forms of content, such as
Flash, from applications running locally. This enables a wide
variety of visual presentations to be configured. It supports
composition effects such as alpha blending for increased
flexibility in presentation design. This component receives control
and composition instructions from an orchestration module (or a
faithful assistant). Composition information is expressed using the
Synchronized Media Integration Language (SMIL) [3], which has
been extended to define how real-time and pre-recorded media
can be composited spatially and temporally.
Figure 5: User experience during interactive group activity
for low and high audio quality
The “high” audio quality used in the above tests - and in our
Audio Layer - is a super-wideband Voice over IP (VoIP) system
providing multi-channel audio at low delay and full audio
bandwidth (24 kHz). The Audio Communication Component
captures audio from an array of between two and four high quality
microphones. It encodes and transmits the audio signals as two or
three distinct channels (left, right, and optionally centre) using the
MPEG AAC Enhanced Low Delay (AAC-ELD) audio codec – the
same codec also employed in Apple’s Facetime application. It
performs echo control on the audio it captures and renders, and
also allows external audio signals to be mixed with real-time
audio signals, via stereo analogue inputs on the sound card to
provide, for example, sound effects from a shared application. For
transmission over IP, it incorporates Error Concealment (EC) and
sophisticated Jitter Buffer Management (JBM) to handle packet
loss and delay variations. By adaptively changing the playout time
using Time Scale Modification (TCM) it achieves an optimal
trade-off between late-loss and buffering-delay.
Video feeds into the Visual Composition component are initially
set up using RTSP (Real Time Streaming Protocol). Because live
video is treated just as any other media renderer there is no
architectural limitation on the number of simultaneous incoming
video streams: the available hardware is the only factor
determining how many video feeds can be displayed
simultaneously. Video streams can also be decoded without
display, in a form of ‘standby mode’. This offers the significant
advantage that, if control instructions decide to switch the
currently displayed video to a stream that is in standby mode, the
switch can happen instantaneously because the new video data has
already been received and decoded. Setting up a new stream using
RTSP would delay the switching time by least a few hundred
milliseconds, and possibly significantly longer in practice in the
case of aggressively optimised H.264 streams.
4.2 Video Communication
To provide effective coverage of social communication between
groups, a higher quality video experience must be provided. A
higher video resolution is necessary to provide both peripheral
awareness of other participants and, when appropriate, eye contact
plus the ability to transmit and interpret gestures and body
language. Low delay is particularly important for the coherence of
conversations, especially if they involve multiple participants. The
use of multiple cameras also provides the flexibility to capture
different views of each location, again improving the ability for
the system to ensure that the activities of a group are effectively
conveyed on the remote screen. While some commercial video
telepresence systems do offer high resolution, low delay and even
multiple cameras, they are designed for controlled room
environments and optimised private networks – neither of which
can be assumed in a domestic context.
Following implementation of the prototype system described in
Section 4, we carried out experiments to evaluate specific aspects
of the data capture, encoding and composition components. As
explained in Section 3, low-delay audiovisual communication and
the dynamic composition of different camera views with game
content were key requirements. We therefore chose to focus our
technology evaluation on these requirements, and to provide
comparisons with the state of the art where possible.
delay times further, although these could not be incorporated in
our prototype system.
We have taken care to incorporate all components (e.g. from
camera through to screen, or ‘glass-to-glass’) in our evaluations.
This means that we have measured true end-to-end delays, and not
isolated algorithmic or networking delays. For this reason, the
results presented here are not always directly comparable to data
published by other sources.
A rolling shutter on the camera allows an image to be transmitted
before a whole frame has been captured, and can reduce the delay
by a fraction of the time it takes to capture one frame (25fps
40ms; 30fps 33ms, 60fps, 16.7ms). In addition, the Gradual
Decoder Refresh (GDR) scheme enables I-frame information to
be staggered over several frames, which reduces the bandwidth
requirement and/or decreases the requirement for buffering and
hence reduces the delay.
5.1 Video Transmission Chain
We measured the user-perceived round-trip delay of the video
transmission chain as follows. Our experimental system
comprised one endpoint in Amsterdam, The Netherlands, and
another in Ipswich, England, both connected via the public
Internet. These systems were equipped with the Video
Grabber/Encoder and Visual Composition components described
in Section 4.
To effectively employ these techniques we developed an HD
camera with a rolling shutter, and a capture card employing the
above techniques and capable of handling the output from the
rolling shutter camera. The glass-to-glass delay on the optimised
video chain was measured at 85ms [13], a significant reduction on
our prototype system.
5.2 Audio Transmission Chain
A different approach was required to perform measurements on
the audio transmission chain, partly because the echo control in
our prototype system meant that round-trip measurements could
not be made. Instead, a PC-based oscilloscope was used to
automatically measure the time difference between plots of a
reference pulse which was passed into one Audio Communication
Component, over a local network and out of a second such
component. Several test runs of 1000 samples were carried out by
repeating the reference pulse over long periods of time. The
minimum delay end-to-end delay measured using this approach
was about 52ms. It can be seen from Figure 7 that the distribution
of delay values follows a repetitive sawtooth pattern. This is an
interesting side-effect due to unsynchronised clocks at each Audio
Communication Component. The resulting slight difference in
sampling frequency produced an excess or deficit number of
samples at the opposing sound card causing buffers to fill or
empty respectively. The buffer control then dropped or created a
frame when the latency grew too large.
Figure 6: Round-trip video delay measurements
The network delay between the systems was 11ms. We took 500
measurements and measured an average delay of 580ms (with a
standard deviation of 22ms); the distribution plot is presented in
Figure 6. These are round-trip measurements including capture,
encoding, transmission and display, and also the delays introduced
by the measurement system itself. As the measurement system
was measured to have a delay of 97ms (standard deviation 15ms)
the actual end-to-end delay of our video chain is 242ms (standard
deviation 37ms).
For comparison, we measured an equivalent commercial video
conferencing system (using equipment from Polycom and
Lifesize) connected through a conferencing bridge also via the
Internet. This was the closest emulation of our prototype we could
achieve using commercially-available equipment. The network
delay between the systems was again 11ms. The measured round
trip delay was 855ms (standard deviation 40ms); the distribution
plot is provided for comparison in Figure 6. After correction for
the measurement system delay, the actual end-to-end delay of the
commercial system was 379ms (standard deviation 55ms). For
this measurement we took care to use the similar codecs, bitrates
and video sizes as we used for our own prototype.
Figure 7: End-to-end audio delay measurements
If the measured network delay of 11ms for the Internet-connected
systems used in the video delay tests is added to the delay
observed here, the average end-to-end audio delay is
approximately 70ms. While this could be reduced slightly by
better clock synchronisation, it is still significantly smaller than
the equivalent video delay. During subjective evaluation of our
prototype system, it was necessary to artificially delay the audio
transmission chain in order to achieve lip synchronisation between
the audio and the video streams.
While these results clearly show a significant improvement over a
typical commercial system available today, the challenge remains
to reduce the end-to-end delay as far as possible. In a laboratory
environment, additional experiments were carried out to reduce
Figure 8 shows some results obtained from tests of the Visual
Composition Component, including the composition of real-time
audiovisual streams and other pre-recorded media, and the
dynamic composition of visual elements during game play
(illustrating how camera sources can be switched within the same
graphic composition).
5.3 Audiovisual Composition
The Visual Composition Component is responsible for the
seamless blending of visual streams, creating an immersive
experience for the user where social communication and activities
(e.g. gaming) become integrated. Because this functionality is
very different to any other video communication system, no
appropriate comparative performance metrics could be determined
experimentally for the Visual Composition Component in
isolation. Therefore, this subsection lists the component’s features
which were required to support effective integration of a shared
activity, and which extend the implementation of visual
composition which we have previously reported [13]:
In addition to the technology evaluation described in Section 5,
we carefully evaluated our system with real users in a
representative social setting. This section describes the design of
that evaluation and our findings.
Directly measuring togetherness is a difficult task: we wanted the
users of our prototype system to be able to freely participate in
social activities (without being wired with a dozen sensors), but
we still wanted to obtain a number of objective results that would
help us determine the added value of our technological choices.
We felt that a comparison with existing conferencing technology
was unfair (the use of better audio and video would highly skew
the results in our favour, but say little about our approach in an
abstract sense). We decided to compare interaction via our
prototype with a more ground-truth-like togetherness experience:
playing a board game in a physically co-located setting.
Aesthetic composition of real-time audiovisual streams and
other pre-recorded media (text, graphics, video, Adobe Flash
Both temporal (when to render) and spatial (where to render)
Graphic overlays via an alpha channel with varying
Dynamic manipulation of visual elements, for example
enabling external functions such as ‘cut to camera’
As discussed in Section 3, the basic interactive game model that
we used was based on an outer space metaphor. Instead of
developing one long game, we devised three short games, or minigames. The mini games tested during the evaluation we: Space
Cruiser, Meteorite Girl and Pitch Matching. The mini-game
approach meant that a feeling of togetherness would be less
dependent on the game logic: each mini-game was intentionally a
short, focused and directed interactive experience. Collectively,
we refer to this suite of mini-games as The Family Game.
The board game we selected was, like the Family Game suite, a
turn-based cooperative game. The final goal was to evaluate how
our system would compare to face-to-face game playing. We are
aware of the differences between these two situations of game
playing. The underlying game mechanics and in the interaction
itself are different. The board game is played on a board, with
playing cards and other game pieces and people communicate
directly with each other (not-mediated), whereas Family Game is
played through interaction with the Microsoft Kinect sensor and
RFID playing cards - and people communicate through
audio/video communication (mediated). Figure 9 illustrates some
of the room infrastructure we used for running the Family Game
(a) Composition of real-time audiovisual streams and other
pre-recorded media
6.1 Approach
The evaluation consisted of two parts: the evaluation of the
remote Family Game, and the evaluation of the co-located board
game. In order to perform the evaluations we used the Social User
Experience Framework (SUX). This framework is intended for
better understanding how people use and experience mediated
social communication. The framework studies, among other
issues, interactics (referring to people’s experiences of interacting
with the system and with others) and aesthetics (referring to the
sensorial qualities of the system that enable social
communication). Interactic experiences are based on human
cognition (shortly) before, during, and (shortly) after interaction,
and include the following constructs: Quality of Communication;
Social Connectedness; Challenge; Group Attraction; Inclusion of
Other in Self; Overlap of Self, Ingroup and Outgroup; and
Emotion. Aesthetics are closely related to human perception, and
include the following constructs: Social Presence and Presence,
(b) Dynamic composition of visual elements during gameplay
(e.g. cut to camera)
Figure 8: Visual Composition tests. The images above show
key features of the Visual Composition Component, including
the representation of different camera shots combined with
game graphics.
RFID readers for interacting with the game (left), and main capture camera and Kinect sensor (right).
Figure 9: Room infrastructure for running the subjective evaluations
Naturalness, and Immersion/Engagement. Further information
about this framework and the questionnaires used in our study are
beyond the scope of this paper, but can be found elsewhere [20].
6.2 Findings
Cronbach’s Alpha [6] is widely used as a statistic to estimate the
reliability of results from a sequence of experiments. Table 1
summarises the Cronbach’s Alphas for the aesthetic constructs:
SPP, N, and I/E. From this table we can conclude that the
Cronbach’s Alphas are consistent enough over different
measures/evaluations. In reading the tables, it can be generally
assumed that similar scores for the board game and the online,
interactive Family Game means that the ‘togetherness experience’
is reasonable similar. This means that the infrastructure and the
remoteness does not degrade the feeling of togetherness.
During the evaluation we used multiple methods for data
collection, including several questionnaires:
A general questionnaire beforehand (asking for information
about the relationship of a specific person towards others in
the group playing the game and to the group as a whole.
Questionnaires after each condition (playing the Family
Game or playing the board game).
Group interviews were used after playing both games to obtain
qualitative information about people’s experiences. Furthermore
video recordings were made throughout the evaluations (in both
conditions). All of our participants were paid a modest sum (€30)
to take part in our experiments.
Table 1: Cronbach’s Alpha for SPP, N, and I/E
Each evaluation group consisted of four people who knew each
other well (families or groups of friends). In total 36 people
participated in the experiments. Half of the groups started with the
Family Game (45 minutes) and then played the board game (45
minutes). The other half of the groups started with the board game
and then played the Family Game. The youngest participant was 9
years old, the eldest 59. The mean age of the 36 participants was
22.5 years old. We realise that these 36 people represent only a
modest sample group, but we feel that the results they provided
are sufficiently instructive to warrant use.
The use of Cronbach’s Alphas means that constructs show
‘internal validity’ across measures for the aesthetic constructs.
The Social Presence and Presence (SPP) for the board game is
somewhat different from the other Cronbach’s Alphas. This is due
to the fact that one item (measuring the feeling of presence in the
virtual situation) was lacking. Immersion/engagement (I/E) in the
board game has a lower Cronbach’s Alpha as well. We assign this
result to the fact that in real life situations, or in this case playing
the board game, the item related to ‘feeling part of the activity’ is
interpreted differently than it is in a ‘virtual situation’ as is the
case in the other measures. When this item is left out of I/E, the
Cronbach’s Alpha goes up and is .660, a little higher.
Participants were invited to fill out several questionnaires:
Characteristics of their personal relationship with the others
and with the others as a group.
Characteristics of their personal relationship as experienced
at that moment (immediately after playing).
Aesthetic experiences: Social Presence and Presence,
Naturalness and Immersion/Engagement.
Interactic experiences: Quality of Communication, Social
Connectedness, Challenge and Emotion: affect (positive
versus negative), arousal (relaxed versus aroused), and
dominance (being in control versus being controlled).
Table 2: Cronbach’s Alpha for QC, SC, Ch
The sessions closed with group interviews in which the focus was
on how people experienced both conditions in terms of social
connectedness and a feeling of togetherness.
When we compare the Cronbach’s Alphas for the interactic
experiences, we see that the Alphas are very similar across
playing the board game and playing Family Game — see Table 2.
very good alternative to have high quality social interaction with
others when no other means are available.
This indicates that these constructs have sufficient ‘internal
validity’ over both tested situations.
When we look at the aspects playing a role in long term
relationships and how these are experienced over time (e.g.
personal effort, thinking about each other, sharing experiences,
staying in touch, recognition, and group attraction) we see that
only the Cronbach’s Alphas for thinking about each other and for
group attraction carry sufficient internal validity — see Table 3.
Current-generation video conferencing has provided a powerful
communication tool for people and (to a more limited extent)
families who wish to stay in touch while apart. In our work, we
have looked at a next generation of domestic video conferencing,
in which fluid interactions and higher quality audio and visual
content - some of which is generated and composed dynamically provide a sounder basis for a greater feeling of togetherness. Our
work has consisted of doing a significant analysis of user
requirements, followed by the development of a research
prototype that has been deployed and tested in an international
setting. We conducted a systems-level evaluation of the user
interaction requirements for domestic multi-person, multi-party
conferences. Finally, we conducted an analysis of the social
aspects of perceived ‘togetherness’ compared with a baseline
situation of intimate family interactions.
Table 3: Cronbach’s Alpha for thinking about each other and
group attraction
The reason why these two constructs are interpreted in the same
way when asked in the context of one’s relationship or after
playing the game (Family Game or board game) is that they ask
about an experience on a specific moment in time (e.g. a contact
moment in the past and what happens after that in terms of
experiences). The other constructs carry items that more generally
ask a participant about their experiences of a social relationship
over time, not a specific moment therein. When asked in the
context of your relationship to the others, the items are therefore
differently interpreted than when asked about your experience of a
specific contact moment.
We can conclude that the original performance and functional
requirements developed in Section 2 for domestic video
communication were met. Our solutions advance not only the
state of the art for home conferencing, but also provide advances
over ‘conventional’ video conferencing in a business
environment. In Section 5 we have shown advances in terms of
audiovisual transmission and composition, while in Section 6 we
have reported on a comparative study between of our system and
a collocated board game. In general the results are encouraging,
indicating that our system is a good alternative for family
gatherings when apart.
Table 4: Paired Sample Tests:
Family Game versus Board Game
During our work, we have gathered a number of lessons learned
that we believe will be useful for other researchers attempting to
follow our lead.
A key result, we feel, is that interaction in video conferencing
requires more support than the efficient end-to-end transport of
bits. Multiple information sources need to be gathered, selected
and composed to support effective interaction. Our Visual
Composition Component was designed to enable the separation of
composition mechanisms and composition policies. This way,
external components (manual or automatic) could be used to
signal composition instructions, while reusing the core system.
This allows for reusability in different contexts (e.g. supporting
other activities) and conditions (e.g. reacting to other low-level
If we look at the other constructs, we see differences in means
between the Family Game and the board game, but most of these
differences are not statistically significant — see Table 4. For
most measures, the board game scores on average a little bit
better. For the emotional arousal, the Family Game scores best
and this difference is statistically significant. The emotional affect
is also higher, but this difference is not statistically significant.
Effective interaction will always be related to the underlying
performance of the overall system. Calculating end-to-end delays
is typically done at the network level. Unfortunately, this level
alone does not measure perceived quality, since delays in
processing and rendering the media are not considered. Typically,
manual solutions (cameras and high-precision clocks) can be used
for measuring, but these are tedious and prone to errors. In our
research, we have determined the necessity to develop a
standalone tool to obtain computable measurements of round trip
delay times (glass-to-glass delay) for a complete end-to-end
system. Further research in this area is still required.
Related to the fun people had during both games, people often
reported a preference for the board game, but they sometimes had
more fun during playing the Family Game. We think this is
largely related to the fact that the Family Game was more
thrilling, and there was more tension in short periods of time than
was the case during the board game. In the board game fun was
often related to the social communication and a feeling of
connectedness and direct contact. In the Family Game fun was
often related to the thrill of playing the mini games.
The experience of the Family Game was more positive compared
to the board game (though not statistically significant). Arousal
was higher in the Family Game (statistically significant). Overall,
it can be concluded that the Family Game did very well compared
to the board game in these tests since there are only few
significant differences. Though people tended to find a real life
situation better and socially more enjoyable, the Family Game is a
The combination of the AAC-ELD audio codec with low-delay
streaming and multi-channel echo control provided an extremely
effective Audio Communication Component. The use of a 4microphone array proved to be essential in providing directional
audio. This support is essential if participants are to have the
freedom of movement required to support interaction in an
unencumbered manner.
[5] Collins, R. 2005. Interaction Ritual Chains. Princeton
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While we are encouraged by the results of this work, it is clear
that there are many nuances to supporting interaction that could be
further developed. The context of the activity (a game, a birthday
party, a shared remote dinner) could be used to influence the types
of shots selected from the multiple cameras that are available in
each location. This process could be manual (as in Villemard's
vision in Figure 1), or it could be automatic. We suspect that some
hybrid form will need to be developed first.
[6] Cortina. J. M. 1993. What is coefficient alpha? An
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Psychology, 78, 98-1
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There is also scope to explore the applicability of our results for
domestic multi-party video conferencing to very different
contexts. One such example is the teaching of skills which require
embodied learning, such as playing a musical instrument. The use
of multiple cameras and dynamic composition could significantly
improve the experience of a remote lesson conducted through a
video conferencing system. We also anticipate that our approach
could be applied to other domains including remote healthcare
and semi-structured business environments.
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Regardless of its type, not only will the context of the activity
influence the selection of individual shots, it may also help
influence graceful degradation of network connections between
parties. More work is required to really understand how social
togetherness can be maintained in the face of transient resource
[12] Groen, M., Ursu, M.F., Falelakis, M., Michalakopoulos, S.,
and Gasparis, E. 2012. Improving Video-Mediated
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Finally, at the highest level, an in-home system should be
responsive to the privacy needs of parties who are incidental to
the shared interaction taking place. Unlike a managed office
setting, the home often has multiple parallel activities taking
place. These need to be protected and potentially exploited.
[14] Kirk, D. S., Sellen, A., and Cao, X. 2010. Home video
communication: mediating 'closeness'. In Proceedings of
ACM CSCW, 135-144.
The advent of a new generation of super-fast broadband access
networks, with increased speeds upstream as well as downstream,
is making high quality domestic video conferencing viable in
many countries for the first time. We feel that we have
demonstrated the requirements and a solution for supporting
increased 'togetherness' for domestic video conferencing – and
shown that network speed alone is not enough to provide support
for fine-grained home interaction. Our approach provides a
valuable model for the development of future conferencing
systems for both consumer and business applications.
[15] Korchagin, D., Motlicek, P., Duffner, S. and Bourlard, H.
2011. Just-in-time multi- modal association and fusion from
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[17] Ljungstrand, P., and Björk S. 2008. Supporting group
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The authors would like to acknowledge the support of Orlando
Verde and Wolfgang Van Raemdonck at Alcatel-Lucent, Rene
Kaiser and his team at Joanneum Research and Dr. Marian Ursu
and his team at Goldsmiths, University of London. This work was
supported in part by funding from the European Community's
Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) under grant
agreement no. ICT-2011-287760.
[18] Nguyen, D.T. and Canny, J. 2009. More than face-to-face:
empathy effects of video framing. In Proceedings of ACM
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