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In this paper we propose a joint optimization technique for coupled autoencoder which learns the autoencoder weights and coupling map (between source and target) simultaneously. The technique is applicable to any transfer learning problem. In this work, we propose a new formulation that recasts deblurring as a transfer learning problem; it is solved using the proposed coupled autoencoder. The proposed technique can operate on-the-fly; since it does not require solving any costly inverse problem. Experiments have been carried out on state-of-the-art techniques; our method yields better quality images in shorter operating times.
Journal of Imaging
A dual autoencoder employing separable convolutional layers for image denoising and deblurring is represented. Combining two autoencoders is presented to gain higher accuracy and simultaneously reduce the complexity of neural network parameters by using separable convolutional layers. In the proposed structure of the dual autoencoder, the first autoencoder aims to denoise the image, while the second one aims to enhance the quality of the denoised image. The research includes Gaussian noise (Gaussian blur), Poisson noise, speckle noise, and random impulse noise. The advantages of the proposed neural network are the number reduction in the trainable parameters and the increase in the similarity between the denoised or deblurred image and the original one. The similarity is increased by decreasing the main square error and increasing the structural similarity index. The advantages of a dual autoencoder network with separable convolutional layers are demonstrated by a comparison of the ...
2017 IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision Workshops (ICCVW)
Removing blur caused by camera shake in images has always been a challenging problem in computer vision literature due to its ill-posed nature. Motion blur caused due to the relative motion between the camera and the object in 3D space induces a spatially varying blurring effect over the entire image. In this paper, we propose a novel deep filter based on Generative Adversarial Network (GAN) architecture integrated with global skip connection and dense architecture in order to tackle this problem. Our model, while bypassing the process of blur kernel estimation, significantly reduces the test time which is necessary for practical applications. The experiments on the benchmark datasets prove the effectiveness of the proposed method which outperforms the state-of-the-art blind deblurring algorithms both quantitatively and qualitatively.
In this paper, we address the problem of dynamic scene deblurring in the presence of motion blur. Restoration of images affected by severe blur necessitates a network design with a large receptive field, which existing networks attempt to achieve through simple increment in the number of generic convolution layers, kernel-size, or the scales at which the image is processed. However, increasing the network capacity in this manner comes at the expense of increase in model size and inference speed, and ignoring the non-uniform nature of blur. We present a new architecture composed of spatially adaptive residual learning modules that implicitly discover the spatially varying shifts responsible for non-uniform blur in the input image and learn to modulate the filters. This capability is complemented by a self-attentive module which captures non-local relationships among the intermediate features and enhances the receptive field. We then incorporate a spatiotemporal recurrent module in th...
Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Internet of Things and Machine Learning - IML '17, 2017
In this paper, a novel convolutional neural network model for blind deconvolution of images is proposed. The structure of the model is based on two sub models devoted, respectively, to deblurring and denoising of an input image. The model has been designed to restore a picture affected by different kinds of noise. The main innovation is the introduction of a regularization term in the training cost function, based on a blurred/non-blurred classification tool. Results show interesting features of the model, particularly regarding the robustness of results. The comparison with other state-of-the-art models confirms the value of the model proposed in this study.
2007 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, 2007
In this paper, we propose a learning-based image restoration algorithm for restoring images degraded by uniform motion blurs. The motion blur parameters are first approximately estimated from the robust global motion estimation result. Then, we present a novel framework to refine the image restoration iteratively based on recursively adjusting the motion blur parameters for image restoration to achieve the best image quality measure. Note that a no-reference image quality assessment model is learned by training a RBF neural network from a collection of representative training images simulated with different motion blurs. Experimental results blured on real videos are given to demonstrate the performance of the proposed blind motion deblurring algorithm.
2015 IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2015
In this paper, we address the problem of estimating and removing non-uniform motion blur from a single blurry image. We propose a deep learning approach to predicting the probabilistic distribution of motion blur at the patch level using a convolutional neural network (CNN). We further extend the candidate set of motion kernels predicted by the CNN using carefully designed image rotations. A Markov random field model is then used to infer a dense non-uniform motion blur field enforcing motion smoothness. Finally, motion blur is removed by a non-uniform deblurring model using patch-level image prior. Experimental evaluations show that our approach can effectively estimate and remove complex non-uniform motion blur that is not handled well by previous approaches.
In this paper, we present an end-to-end unsupervised domain adaptation approach to image deblurring. This work focuses on learning and generalizing the complex latent space of the source domain and transferring the extracted information to the unlabeled target domain. While fully supervised image deblurring methods have achieved high accuracy on large-scale vision datasets, they are unable to well generalize well on a new test environment or a new domain. Therefore, in this work, we introduce a novel Bijective Maximum Likelihood loss for the unsupervised domain adaptation approach to image deblurring. We evaluate our proposed method on GoPro, RealBlur_J, RealBlur_R, and HIDE datasets. Through intensive experiments, we demonstrate our state-of-the-art performance on the standard benchmarks. 9 10 65 noise. K is a known (non-blind) and unknown (blind) blur 66 kernel. In equation 1, * represents the convolution operator 67 [5], [6]. Many of the deblurring problems fall under the cat-68 egories of non-blind and blind deblurring. Non-blind deblur-69 ring (NBD) methods attempt to restore the original image, 70 given the blur estimate. Most of the methods depend on tra-71 ditional approaches such as Wiener filter [7] and Richardson-72 Lucy deconvolution [8] which are known to cause ringing 73 artifacts and to obtain sharp image (I) estimates. Some meth-74 ods of non-blind deblurring use a Maximum a posteriori 75 (MAP) estimation, which employs an augmented optimiza-76 tion objective that incorporates a prior distribution. Although 77 image global priors [9], [10] are commonly used in NBD, 78 local priors that are patch-based [11] have been effective. 79 The existing image prior in MAP is assumed to be combined 80 with one specific data term for deblurring which is based 81 on the l2 norm that models image noise with a Gaussian 82 distribution [9]. However, in the presence of outliers and 83 serious noise in the input image, The Laplacian model [12] 84 shows effectiveness and produces good results in a reasonable 85 amount of time compared to the Gaussian model. More-86 over, the gradient of natural images is well represented by 87 hyper-Laplacian methods. Prior methods have tried to address 88 the problem of outliers. Cho et al. [13] discussed the severe 89 ringing artifacts caused by outliers in input images. In the 90 method, they used Expectation-Maximization to develop a 91 deconvolution method [14] to address the non-linear property 92 of the image formation due to saturated pixels. They use a 93 forward model that is a modified version of the Richardson-94 Lucy algorithm. In recent time, CNNs have been widely used 95 to deal with image noise and saturation: [15] captured the 96 characteristics of degradation by utilizing both traditional and 97 CNN based methods. However, the methods were found to be 98 ineffective since their networks need to be fine tuned for every
International Journal of Scientific Research in Computer Science, Engineering and Information Technology, 2020
Image is the object that stores and reflects visual perception. Images are also important information carriers today. Acquisition channel and artificial editing are the two main ways that corrupt observed images. The goal of image restoration technique is to restore the original image from a noisy observation of it which is aiming to reconstruct a high quality image from its low quality observation has many important applications, like low-level image processing, medical imaging, remote sensing, surveillance, etc. Image denoising is common image restoration problems that are useful by many industrial and scientific applications. The application classifies images based on single image selected from user. The noise from the corrupted image is removed and original clear image is obtained. In our project we are making use of Auto-encoder. Auto-encoder do not need much data pre-processing and it is an end to end training process which helps to remove the noise present in some pictures using some data compression algorithms.
We present a solution for the goal of extracting a video from a single motion blurred image to sequentially reconstruct the clear views of a scene as beheld by the camera during the time of exposure. We first learn motion representation from sharp videos in an unsupervised manner through training of a convolutional recurrent video autoencoder network that performs a surrogate task of video reconstruction. Once trained, it is employed for guided training of a motion encoder for blurred images. This network extracts embedded motion information from the blurred image to generate a sharp video in conjunction with the trained recurrent video decoder. As an intermediate step, we also design an efficient architecture that enables real-time single image deblurring and outperforms competing methods across all factors: accuracy, speed, and compactness. Experiments on real scenes and standard datasets demonstrate the superiority of our framework over the state-of-the-art and its ability to gen...
For the success of video deblurring, it is essential to utilize information from neighboring frames. Most state-of-the-art video deblurring methods adopt motion compensation between video frames to aggregate information from multiple frames that can help deblur a target frame. However, the motion compensation methods adopted by previous deblurring methods are not blur-invariant, and consequently, their accuracy is limited for blurry frames with different blur amounts. To alleviate this problem, we propose two novel approaches to deblur videos by effectively aggregating information from multiple video frames. First, we present blur-invariant motion estimation learning to improve motion estimation accuracy between blurry frames. Second, for motion compensation, instead of aligning frames by warping with estimated motions, we use a pixel volume that contains candidate sharp pixels to resolve motion estimation errors. We combine these two processes to propose an effective recurrent vide...
R. Smolnik (Hrsg.), Ausgrabungen in Sachsen 8. Arbeits- u. Forschber. Sächs. Bodendenkmalpfl. Beih. 36 , 2022
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