Powder Technology 132 (2003) 161 – 166
An equation for the breakage of particles under impact
Heechan Cho a,*, Leonard G. Austin b
School of Civil, Urban and Geosystem Engineering, Seoul National University, Seoul 151-742, South Korea
College of Earth and Mineral Sciences, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA 16802, USA
Received 28 March 2002; received in revised form 30 September 2002; accepted 19 February 2003
Using data from the literature, the following simple empirical equation is derived for the cumulative mass fraction of particles broken (m̄)
when impacted at a specific impact energy (J/g of impacted mass) of E:
m̄i ðEÞ ¼ 6
6 ĀlnðE=Ki Þ; Emini VEVEmaxi
Emini ¼ Ki
Emaxi ¼ Ki expð1=ĀÞ
Ki ¼ Cðxi =xo Þm :
In this equation, i is an integer index of a M2 screen size interval of upper size xi; xo is a standard size of 1 mm; Emini is the minimum
specific impact energy required to produce significant breakage of feed material of size i and Emaxi is the specific impact energy that breaks all
feed material of size i. Ā, C and m are material-dependent constants. Values of Ā = 0.235, m = 0.58 and C = 0.13 J/g were found for particles of
limestone in a thin bed impacted by a falling steel ball. The equation shows that smaller particles require a higher specific impact energy than
larger particles to give the same fraction of breakage out of the feed size interval.
D 2003 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Grinding; Impact breakage; Mill modeling; Particle strengths
1. Introduction
The ‘‘state of the art’’ in the construction of computer
simulation models for the description of the process behavior of size reduction machines is well advanced, particularly
for the versatile and widely used tumbling media mills such
as ball mills [1,2]. However, when these models are used for
designing a milling circuit [3], it is necessary to have
characteristic parameters that describe the breakage behavior of the particular materials or materials being ground, for
* Corresponding author. Tel.: +82-28807342; fax: +82-28732684.
E-mail address:
[email protected] (H. Cho).
input to the simulation model. Since the range of stresses
applied to particles varies with the type of mill, as does the
frequency of stress application, tests have been developed to
obtain the characteristic breakage parameters of the material
of interest for a particular type of device, usually by
crushing or grinding the material in a laboratory scale
version of the device and measuring the amount of breakage
and the product size distribution of the breakage. The
parameters then have to be scaled up to give the values
appropriate for a full-scale industrial machine, with the
scale-up methods based on previous empirical experience
of correlations of small-scale test results with full-scale
0032-5910/03/$ - see front matter D 2003 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
H. Cho, L.G. Austin / Powder Technology 132 (2003) 161–166
To date, it has not generally been possible to predict,
with sufficient accuracy for simulation purposes, the breakage properties (of a particular material in a particular
breakage environment) from a knowledge of the chemical,
mineralogical and microstructural properties of the material. It is more common to test a material extensively
before the completion of the process design simulator,
using the small-scale tests appropriate to the device(s)
involved. It would be of considerable value to have a
simple and rapid test to give more fundamental fracture
properties of a material that could then be applied to
predict the desired parameters for any type of size reduction machine.
Application of this concept involves several features.
First, it is well known that the stress required to cause
fracture of particles of a given ‘‘size’’ (defined by sieve
size, for example) is not a single number, because differences in particle shape and inherent variability in microstructure lead to inherent variability in strength. There will
be a distribution of ‘‘strength’’ (the applied stress required
to cause disintegrative fracture) even for the same diameter
of perfect spheres of a purely brittle and apparently
homogeneous material such as glass. Natural materials
are far more variable and it is necessary to test a sufficient
number of particles to obtain a reasonably accurate probability density function of the distribution of strength. It is
also well understood that this function will vary with
particle size.
Secondly, it is not enough to know that a particle has (or
has not) broken, because it is necessary also to know the
distribution of particle sizes of the mean set of fragments
produced in these primary fractures, known as the primary
breakage distribution function. Thirdly, it is clearly necessary to have precise description of the following: (a) the
probability of a given particle receiving a given impact in a
particular machine and (b) the frequency of impacts while
the material is in the machine. Fourthly, it has been shown
[4] that a particle of a given strength that receives an impact
of insufficient force to cause observable disintegrative
fracture may still suffer interval damage, so that it becomes
weaker to further impacts.
All of these four features of the problem are being
actively investigated by a number of researchers [5 –11],
but the present paper is to illustrate one method of dealing
with the first feature. The data of Datta [12] is used to
derive an equation for the probability distribution of
disintegrative fracture on a single impact as a function
of the magnitude of the impact and the size of the
The experimental work of Datta [12], performed at the
University of Utah, was designed to give data that could
be used in applying the Discrete Element Method (DEM)
to the modeling of ball milling. However, the data is
manipulated here to give an equation that can be applied
more generally. In Datta’s test work, a drop ball apparatus
was used to impact approximately four layers of particles,
sized within a M2 sieve range, placed in a thin receptacle
positioned on an anvil. After a single impact, the impacted
mass was screened to determine the mass of undersize
material. Forty to fifty beds were broken, using feed
particles screened to the same M2 screen interval, and
the results expressed as the grams of undersize product
produced per joule of impact energy. The collected undersize material was screened to give its size distribution.
This procedure was repeated for feeds of different M2
screen sizes, each for a range of impact energies, using a
ball diameter of 5.08 cm (2 in.).
2. Analysis of impact breakage
Datta [12] gives the fitting equation for the data obtained
using a limestone (his Limestone A) as
M ¼ AlnI þ B
where M is the mass (in grams) broken out of the feed
size interval, I is the impact energy in joules (calculated
from the mass of the falling ball and its velocity at
impact), and A and B depend on feed size. The form of
this relation is shown in Fig. 1, and the values for A and
B determined by Datta are given in Table 1, where we
have considered I to be converted to the impact energy
divided by 1 J so that the units of A and B become
grams per impact.
Although Datta considers this equation to be sufficient
for his objectives, we need to answer the question ‘‘what
fraction of mass impacted with a certain specific impact
energy E ( = I/impacted mass) is broken (and hence what
fraction remains unbroken) as a function of particle size,
over a complete range of E values. The falling ball impacts
only a part of the powder mass in the receptacle, so the
Fig. 1. Production of undersize (broken) limestone A: drop ball diameter
5.08 cm, four layers of particles (Ref. [12]).
H. Cho, L.G. Austin / Powder Technology 132 (2003) 161–166
Table 1
Fitting constants A and B (Ref. [12]) and estimate of mo, Ā and K for impact
m̄i ¼ Āi lnðE=Ki Þ;
Size (mm)
A (g)
B (g)
mo (g)
K (J/g)
0.425 0.30
1.18 0.85
2.36 1.70
actual mass impacted has to be estimated. This can be
done by assuming that all the actually impacted mass will
be broken to less than the lower size of the feed size
interval at a sufficiently high impact energy. Unfortunately
for our purposes, the tests were not carried to a high
enough impact energy to achieve this, and Eq. (1) extrapolates to infinity not a finite mass.
However, the data for the smallest tested size, 0.425
0.30 mm, showed that the amount of undersized material
appeared to be approaching a fixed amount at energies
above 0.7 J. Therefore, we have used Eq. (1) with the
arbitrary but reasonable assumption that breakage out of
the feed size interval was complete at 1 J. Letting the
actual impacted mass be mo, Table 1 shows the estimated
value for this particle size range as 0.068 g. The values of
mo will be larger for larger sizes because the four layers
of particles will contain a higher mass in the impact zone.
Thus, at a given impact energy I the stresses produced in
each impacted particle will be less because, as the impact
energy is converted to the strain energy of the compressed
particles, the strain energy per unit mass will be correspondingly less. It is expected, therefore, that higher
impact energy will be required to cause complete fracture
of the impacted mass of larger particles even though the
critical fracture stress generally decreases for larger particles. The correct conversion of the impact energy to the
probability of breakage is to use the specific impact
energy E.
Eq. (1) can then be put as
m̄ ¼
ln½Emo expðB=AÞ;
then Eq. (1a) becomes
In order to calculate Ki, it is necessary to estimate moi.
Examination of the data for breakage of the three tested
sizes shown in Fig. 1 indicate that all three curves can be
reduced to a single curve by appropriate choices of mo.
This means that Ki becomes a scaling factor on the specific
energy scale for different particle sizes, so that the mass
fraction of particles broken at a given E/Ki is the same
independently of i. The variation of Ki with xi will be the
variation of the comparative strength of the particles,
where ‘‘strength’’ is defined as the specific strain energy
required to cause breakage. It is expected that Ki will
decrease for larger xi values because larger particles require
more force and energy to break them but less specific
strain energy. Making this assumption, that the distribution
of strengths is the same for all particle sizes except for a
scale factor in E, Eq. (3) shows that Āi is a constant
independent of i and
moi ¼ moi* Ai =Ai*
where i* is the size interval for which mo has been already
estimated, 0.425 0.3 mm in this case. For example, for
1.8 0.85 mm particles, moi = 0.068 (0.036/0.016) =
0.153. Āi = 0.036/0.053 = 0.235. Ki = 1/(0.153 exp(0.146/
0.036)) = 0.113. Table 1 shows the values of all sizes
predicted using this assumption.
The constraints on Eq. (3) mean that a minimum specific
impact energy is required to produce significant breakage of
size i material and
Emini ¼ Ki
Similarly, the specific impact energy required to produce
complete breakage out of size i (m̄ = 1) is
Emaxi ¼ Ki expð1=ĀÞ
where m̄ is the fraction of actually impacted mass broken at
specific impact energy E J/g. Note that ‘‘broken’’ in this
sense means that particles are broken to less than the lower
screen size of the tested feed interval. Since the data refer to
feed material in M2 sieve size intervals the measured values
of A and B become Ai and Bi where, in the usual way, i is an
integer of particle size interval starting with 1 for the largest
size interval with a top sieve size of x1, ranging to n for the
final ‘‘sink’’ interval for all material less than a sieve size xn.
Letting Ai/moi = Āi and
Ki ¼ 1=moi expðBi =Ai Þ;
Fig. 2 shows a plot of Ki (J/g) versus xi (mm), which can
be represented by
Ki ¼ Cðxi =xo Þm ;
xo ¼ 1 mm
where, for this data, C = 0.13 J/g and m = 0.58, xo being a
standard size of 1 mm. The value of C is the value of K for a
size of 1 0.707 mm. The dimensionless curve of Eq. (3) is
shown in Fig. 3, using the value of Ā = 0.235 determined for
this data.
H. Cho, L.G. Austin / Powder Technology 132 (2003) 161–166
Fig. 4. Predicted mass fraction left in feed size as a function of specific
impact energy, showing that smaller particles are inherently stronger.
Fig. 2. Variation of Ki values as a function of particle size.
Combining equations, m̄i as a function of E is:
m̄i ðEÞ ¼ 6
6 ĀlnðE=Ki Þ; Emini VEVEmaxi
Ki ¼ Cðxi =xo Þ
Emini ¼ Ki
Emaxi ¼ Ki expð1=ĀÞ
m for the limestone data, expressed as the mass fraction left
unbroken versus specific impact energy, for a range of feed
Eq. (8) is the final result of the development, and Fig. 4
shows the results of this equation using the parameters Ā, C,
Fig. 3. The assumed dimensionless curve of fraction broken versus reduced
specific impact energy.
3. Discussion and conclusions
When a powder bed is compressed in a piston-cylinder
test device, the breakage of the particles can be correlated
with the applied pressure (the grinding pressure) and the
specific energy of compression can be calculated from the
integral of pressure over the compressive deformation of the
bed [13]. However, when a ball is dropped into a bed of
particles the mass of particles actually impacted is not
known and the pressure is neither measured nor evenly
spread over the impacted mass. Only the energy input is
known, so the breakage has to be correlated with energy and
not grinding pressure. The method of analysis presented
here enables the impacted mass to be estimated, but the
resulting mean grinding pressure still cannot be calculated
because the mean deformation of this mass is not measured.
Thus, the particle data set used here is from a test that has
the advantage over single particle impact tests that each
impact involves many particles, but the test has the disadvantages mentioned. The major disadvantages, that the
impacted mass is not known and the pressure not uniformly
distributed, could be removed if the drop weight test used a
vertical cylindrical weight falling into a cylindrical container
of slightly greater diameter.
The form of Eq. (8) may be applicable to many impact
conditions, although it is also probable that not all materials
will fit this simple form. For a given value of Ā, the value of
C is a direct measure of the ‘‘strength’’ of unit size
(1 0.707 mm) since a higher value of C means that a
higher E is necessary to cause the same fraction of breakage.
H. Cho, L.G. Austin / Powder Technology 132 (2003) 161–166
If the median ‘‘strength’’ is defined as the specific energy
where 50% of the particles are broken, E50, then the median
strength of the standard size is a function of both C and Ā, as
shown in the following:
From Eq. (3),
forces can be readily described (feature three) knowing the
velocity and geometry of the hammers. It was found that the
high number of high energy impacts as feed material was
converted to product required the use of damage mechanics
[4] to allow for particle weakening (feature four).
0:5 ¼ ĀlnðE50i =Ki Þ
A measured constant in Eq. (1), material-and sizedependent (g)
A/mo, a material constant, assumed independent of
particle size (– )
A measured constant in Eq. (1), material- and sizedependent (g)
A measured constant in Eq. (7) (J/g)
Specific impact energy (J/g)
The minimum specific impact energy to give
significant breakage of material of size i (J/g)
The specific impact energy that breaks all feed
material of size i (J/g)
The specific impact energy required to produce
50% breakage of a given particle size (J/g)
The value of E50 for the material of size 1 0.707
mm (J/g)
An integer index to a M2 sieve size interval of
upper size xi ( –)
Value of i for the size interval where mo has been
estimated (– )
Kinetic energy of the impacting drop weight (J)
A material constant for size i defined by Eq. (2) (J/g)
Mass of particles broken out of the feed size
interval per impact (g)
Exponent in Eq. (7) (– )
Mass of particles actually impacted by the falling
weight (g)
Fraction broken of actually impacted particles, m/
mo ( –)
Integer index of the ‘‘sink’’ interval (– )
The upper sieve size of the M2 sieve interval
indexed by i (mm)
It follows
E50i ¼ Ki expð0:5=ĀÞ
From Eq. (7), Ki = C for the standard size because xi = xo.
E50o ¼ Cexpð0:5=ĀÞ
The mean strength of the standard size is higher for larger C
and smaller Ā. The relative width of the distribution, defined
as the spread of E/E50, is dependent on Ā
Ki expð0:5=ĀÞ expð1=2ĀÞ
Ki expð1=ĀÞ
¼ expð1=2ĀÞ
Ki expð0:5=ĀÞ
where a smaller Ā gives a wider relative spread.
Combining Eqs. (7), (9a) and (9b) gives
¼ ðxi =xo Þm ¼ ðxo =xi Þm
Therefore, a higher value of m gives a higher relative
increase of strength as particle size decreases.
The analysis of the apparent breakage distribution functions from the data (the second required feature) has been
presented separately [14]. The basic concept is that weaker
particles struck with a high impact energy will fracture and
the primary fragments will then fracture again because the
dropping weight will still be moving, until all the kinetic
energy of the weight has been converted to strain energy and
hence to multiple fractures. Obviously, in order to do the
energy and breakage balances required to deduce true
primary breakage distributions it was necessary to use Eq.
(8). It was concluded that a single true primary breakage
distribution function of dimensionally normalized form
could explain the product size distributions obtained at
higher specific impact energies.
Eq. (8) has been used [15] to construct a simulation
model for high-speed hammer milling. In this case, the
particles are not struck between a moving object and an
anvil but are struck by the moving object while in suspension. However, the basic concepts are the same and this type
of mill is amenable to analysis because the range of impact
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