ICEAT 2019
Artificial Intelligence Perspective on Healthcare
Rehab A. Rayan
(High Institute of Public Health, Alexandria University, Alexandria, Egypt
[email protected])
Abstract: Progress in computational sciences for cleaning, sorting, combining, digging,
visualizing and managing data along with technological advancements in medical devices have
urged needs for further extensive and consistent approaches to discuss the common key issues
in medicine and health. Artificial Intelligence (AI) has significantly obtained grounds in
everyday living in the era of information technology and it has now landed in healthcare. AI
studies’ in healthcare are evolving swiftly. However, it could only be the start of observing how
it will influence patient care. AI tries to simulate human cognitive capacities. It is carrying a
transformation pattern to healthcare, strengthened by the escalating availability of clinical data
and sped up advancement in analytics systems. Nonetheless, there is a similar doubt, including
some pressing warning at these elevated anticipations. This review examines the present state
of AI applications in health, major developments in health AI, and the disparate consequences
of health AI and offers some directions for institutions and caregivers utilizing AI techniques.
Keywords: Information technology, Artificial intelligence, Evidence-based practice, Health,
Practicing healthcare has been based on collecting sufficient data on the patient’s
health plus using it to reach conclusions. Medical caregivers ought to depend on their
knowledge, understanding, and problem-solving abilities while working with simple
means in confined resources. Recently, healthcare has dramatically evolved and now
more focus is added upon adopting novel methodologies to avoid illnesses, detect the
probability for diseases and intervene to manage the predicted diseases. Likewise,
employing technology enables healthcare-givers to render a great deal of competent
medical services [Ginsburg and McCarthy 2001]. By the cultural transformation
described as digital health, disruptive technologies have offered superior means open
for both health practitioners and their cases. These technologies like wearable sensors,
Artificial Intelligence (AI), biotechnology or genomics are increasingly heading to
producing an immense quantity of data, which need high-level analytics and are
making patients the centre-of-care. Rather, producing medicines for populations and
taking likewise therapeutic judgments based on some related physical features
between subjects, healthcare has moved to prevention, personalization, and precision.
Moreover, AI is a fundamental technology that can afford this possibility for daily
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Healthcare Practice
Earlier, medical practice has been directed to finding comprehensive answers, which
can handle the highest amount of cases with similar manifestations. For instance, if
cough syrup was satisfactory to treat the bulk of the coughing patients and just some
cases had dermatitis as a hypersensitivity response to it, sore throat- without
questioning- would be managed by cough syrup. Practical proof and gathering
experience on an aggregated base was the employed approach of the healthcare
society following Hippocrates until about the start of the twentieth century. Following
the advances in diagnostic devices, discovering bacteria and viruses, evolving novel
medicines and therapeutic techniques, all have made the medical practice to run
through complete innovations. The experience-based and ‘trial-and-error’ strategy in
healthcare have created the foundation of evidence-based practice. Respectively,
medical professionals ordered diagnostics and medications based on their
demonstrated effectiveness in clinical research and scientific articles. For instance,
they described in-details the reasons for a sore throat to be adequately tackled by
cough syrup and examined the adverse reactions to it. Patients with a hypersensitivity
response shall understand that they should shift into an alternative medication.
Healthcare practice was confronted by disruptive technologies [Elenko, Underwood
and Zohar 2015]. Superior biotechnology, genome sequencing, wearable health
sensors, and the data concerning patients’ course within healthcare acquired by
mobile devices have been generating an immense mass of data. Besides digital health
which is manifested by health tracker and the smartphone revolutions [Meskó,
Drobni, Bényei, Gergely and Győrffy 2017], it has grown unlikely for a medical
practitioner to investigate all these data or to stay updated.
Health AI
Evidence-based medical practice implies making enlightened clinical decisions via
perspectives from previous data. Typically, statistics have encountered this job
through denoting data trends by mathematical formulas such as the best-fit line
indicated by linear regression. By machine learning (ML), AI offers applications to
reveal compound relationships that might not be readily simplified into formulas. For
instance, neural networks resemble the human brain in portraying data via huge
amounts of interrelated neurons. This permit ML technique to mimic medical
practitioners in addressing the complicated problem solving through cautiously
considering proof to make valid decisions. Nevertheless, beyond only one
professional, these technologies may discover concurrently and operate quickly on an
immense feeds’ quantity. For instance, today in North London, an AI-driven
smartphone application manages competently to triage over one million persons to
Accident & Emergency [Burgess 2017]. Moreover, these techniques can pick up from
every progressive event and be open, in no time, to further conditions than a
practitioner might check in several time-spans. Consequently, an AI-driven
technology has shown to outpace dermatology specialists in sorting strange
dermatological injuries accurately or act reliably in frequently rejected jobs by
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professionals, like using chest radiographs to detect pulmonary tuberculosis [Esteva et
al. 2017, Lakhani and Sundaram 2017].
Public Health Intelligence
Community health experts and officials accumulate data from numerous origins and
study them collectively to figure out the incidence and prevalence of various medical
conditions associated hazards. In order to introduce a lucid picture of community
health [Shaban-Nejad, Lavigne, Okhmatovskaia and Buckeridge 2017], AI
approaches elicit medical and non-medical data at several categories, reconcile and
incorporate information around communities with proof regarding the epidemiology
and management of non-communicable conditions. Several components, which frame
the personal, and public health and welfare, hold origins extrinsic to the traditional
medical arrangement. Modern evolutions in AI techniques allow multi-dimensional
designing to merge personal data with social markers, the quantifiable indices of
societal conditions, at the population-level to enhance anticipating and surveying
diseases and executing and rating public health initiatives. For instance, societal
health determinants may forecast and discover childhood asthma cases prone to
physician revisits [Shin, Mahajan, Akbilgic and Shaban-Nejad 2018].
Additionally, growing mobile networks and the prominence of wearable devices
along with the rise in solutions like health IoT (utilizing Internet of Things to
coordinate medical devices) have furnished options for physicians and community
health specialists to clearer interpreting personal and public physical variations to
detect conditions and provide healthcare, also to improve designing cure and
preventive steps. For instance, mobile phones and short messaging service (SMS) can
trail health pursuing habits and quantify national and private centres’ usage
throughout an Ebola epidemic [Feng, Grépin and Chunara 2018]. Individuals,
particularly youngsters, devote a substantial time using or engaging with various sorts
of channels such as the internet as their main reference for medical information
[Wartella, Rideout, Montague, Beaudoin-Ryan and Lauricella 2016]. The internet has
broadened community health studies ahead of the classical domain [Shin and ShabanNejad 2017]. Mapping internet-based health indexes augment former monitoring tools
retrieving data from health repositories and systems. Breakthroughs in social media
technologies and smart web-based gadgets and software serve scholars and
community health experts in tracking habits, surveying health conditions, spotting
epidemics, and community health education and liaison.
Promising Progress in Health AI
Some studies have emphasized on activities whereby AI can efficiently prove its
ability correlated to a human caregiver. Routinely, these activities have distinctly
specified inputs and a dual output, which is feasibly verified. For example, in sorting
unusual dermatological injuries, the input is an electronic image and the output is a
plain dual categorization: malignant or benign. Within these circumstances,
investigators merely had to show that AI held outstanding specificity and sensitivity
than dermatology specialists when sorting formerly hidden images of biopsy-verified
injuries [Esteva et al. 2017].
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Moreover, computers miss humankind traits like affection and empathy, and
hence patients should understand that the physicians themselves are running visits.
Moreover, patients are not supposed to believe in AI instantly; a technology wrapped
in doubt [Oppenheim 2016]. Thus, AI usually manages crucial activities, yet quite
confined in their nature to pass on the main duty of caring to a patient by a human
healthcare provider. In this regard, an in progress clinical trial utilizes AI to compute
priority areas for head and neck radiation therapy rather promptly and precisely than a
human. A therapeutic radiologist is remaining eventually committed to providing the
treatment although AI holds a profound back-end function in safeguarding the patient
from unsafe radiation [Chu et al. 2016].
However, an only AI application can stand for a huge community and hence it fits
optimally scenarios wherever work force capacity is a deficient asset. For example, in
some TB-endemic regions, there is a deficiency in radiologists at distant facilities
[Hoog et al. 2011]. Utilizing AI, radiographs uploaded from these facilities could be
translated through one focal application; a late research reveals that AI properly
diagnoses pulmonary TB with a 100% specificity and 95% sensitivity [Lakhani and
Sundaram 2017]. Moreover, below-equipped jobs whereby patients are encountering
disappointing periods of waiting are likewise appealing to AI triaging application
[Burgess 2017].
The latest Applications of AI in Health
Beyond just showing superior adequacy, novel systems joining the health arena
should attain proper legal permits, merge in on-line procedures, and motivate patients
and healthcare practitioners to contribute to this novel approach. These obstacles have
prompted a list of rising courses in AI studies and implementation. Though the
following illustrated tracks look encouraging, the producing companies should prove
the safety and efficacy regarding their techniques by peer-reviewed research.
A principal application of AI in medicine is to gather, warehouse, settle, and track
data. Google- the search titan- has started its AI research branch so-called “DeepMind
Health” to mine medical records’ data and render reliable and agile medical services.
Together with Moorfields Eye Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, they began a
collaborative project to enhance optic therapy in 2016 [DeepMind 2016]. Moorfields
distributed one million anonymous optic scans and their associated data about the
optic status and condition management to DeepMind for examining whereby the
technology can serve in investigating these scans.
IBM Watson started its unique application- “Watson for Oncology”- to equip
oncologists with evidence-based treatment alternatives. The application holds an
exceptional capacity for examining the setting and significance of structured and
unstructured data within records and medical notes to decide on a treatment plan.
Next, through merging traits of the patient’s portfolio beside medical experience and
research, the application recognizes likely treatment strategies for a patient [Zauderer
et al. 2014]. IBM started a second application named “Medical Sieve” for producing
the upcoming “cognitive health assistant” with rational and logical capacities plus a
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medical knowledge spectrum. Medical Sieve can support cardiologists and
radiologists in making clinical decisions. The cognitive assistant can examine
radiological images to find and identify issues reliably and quickly [Syeda-Mahmood
et al. 2016]. Towards the future, radiologists might simply have to see the most
complex problems wherever human guidance is inevitable. Furthermore, IBM Watson
Health and Microsoft’s InnerEye, a diagnosing computer-assisted analyst for medical
images, that can immediately recognize illnesses with the eyes and show diseased
spots including cancers [Shrivastav 2019].
Zorgprisma Publiek- a Dutch company- investigates insurance companies and
hospitals’ digital bills by adopting IBM Watson in the cloud to mine the data. They
could determine whether a physician, clinic, or hospital produces errors frequently in
managing a particular case to assist them in recovering and bypassing patients’
additional admission [Mesko 2017].
“Deep Genomics” can recognize patterns in sets of big data concerning clinical
records and hereditary information, scanning for deviations and correlations to
disease. They are running upon a novel production of computational technologies,
which could inform health professionals anything appears inside a cell if the genetic
material is modified by native or therapeutic hereditary mutation [Mesko 2017].
Concerning pharmaceuticals advancement, clinical trials need occasionally longer
periods and fetch billions of dollars. Racing this up and executing it with costeffectiveness could produce an immense impact approaching present’s medicine
including how innovations strike daily healthcare. “Atomwise” employs
supercomputers to figure treatments out of a molecular structures’ database. The
company started a virtual exploration for trustworthy, current medications to be
redesigned to manage the Ebola virus in 2016. They discovered two medications via
the AI technology prediction that could efficiently diminish Ebola pathogenicity. This
study, that could have demanded months or years, was accomplished within one day
[Atomwise 2015].
Further applications include da Vinci, an AI-derived robot that enables surgeons
to operate in narrow spots since a hand could not deal effectively. It minimizes man
flaw rates’, offers consistency and accuracy dealing with the highly fine operations
and hence satisfactorily lowers operational ramifications’ rates;, a virtual
nurse assistant, operates with ML algorithms where patients data are introduced to
assist in monitoring appointments, filling the gaps between physician encounters,
managing patients conditions’ and suggesting therapies; Babylon Health that enables
detecting, investigating and diagnosing viruses; and Careskore, an AI-assisted health
calculator, that tracks vitals for a patient anywhere and anticipates the need for
hospital admission [Shrivastav 2019].
Moral aspects of Deploying AI in the Medical Practice
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Irrespective the distributed consumption of intelligent technologies in medicine, there
are still constraints to implementation. Adopting technology-particularly for
diagnostics in the medical context- raises worries regarding expandability,
interoperability and consolidating data, privacy, confidentiality, and morals of
accumulated electronic data. For instance, incorporating AI techniques in social
media analytics disclosed many moral constraints, which may ultimately sabotage
personal liberty and privacy and induce stigma [21]. Moreover, patient intricacy is
growing with the falling mean lifespan in the US [22]. Boomers are getting old (20%
of the above 65 years of age citizens by 2029) and comorbidities impact 60% of them
and are coupled with doubled physician-patient interactions [23]. Behaviours and
culture settings contribute critically to manage those patients and ought to be
fundamental elements in technology-based approaches. Additionally, general
constraints are state legislation and guidelines on community healthcare data and
genetic research, caregiver’s beliefs, vigilance and training, information technology
adoption, and monetary matters [24].
Nowadays, an AI software may detect dermatological tumour rather precisely
than an expert dermatology specialist [Esteva et al. 2017]. Moreover, the software is
able to carry that out competently and swiftly, requiring an educated data collection
instead of years of personnel demanding and costly clinical training. Although it
could seem that it is merely a short period prior clinicians are brought outdated for
this sort of techniques, a sharper glance at the function this systems might act in
delivering health services is justified to realize their existing qualities, drawbacks, and
moral dilemmas. AI, involving natural language processing, machine learning and
robotics domains, might be used in nearly all healthcare areas’, and the prospective
impact on clinical education, biomedical studies and health services’ delivery deems
countless [Ramesh, Kambhampati, Monson and Drew 2004]. Via AI’s dynamic
potential to adapt and explore huge medical data collections, it might take a part in
detection, clinical decision-making and precision medicine [Amato et al. 2013,
Bennett and Hauser 2013, Dilsizian and Siegel 2014]. For instance, AI-driven
detection algorithms used in mammograms are providing recommendations to
radiology practitioners, facilitating breast cancer diagnosis [Shiraishi, Li, Appelbaum
and Doi 2011]. Furthermore, innovative simulated man avatars can interact in
significant discussions that possess dimensions in detecting and managing mental
illness [Luxton 2014a]. AI programs as well unfold in the clinicians' domain by
physical task support applications, robotic prostheses and portable operators helping
in telehealth delivery [Riek 2017].
However, this dynamic innovation fosters a new band of moral constraints that
should be recognized and addressed because AI techniques retain considerable
potential to jeopardize patient choice, confidentiality and security. Notwithstanding,
Present-day AI systems’ strategy and regulating ethics are hanging back to the
advances it has rendered in the medical arena. Although several initiatives to interact
in these moral discussions have arisen, the healthcare society stays unaware of the
moral difficulties that emerging AI applications may bring [Luxton 2014b, 2016,
Peek, Combi, Marin and Bellazzi 2015]. Correspondingly, an expected and valuable
debate that could substantially gain from clinicians’ perspective, for they soon would
probably be engaging with AI in their regular routine. Some of the highly urgent
worries voiced in this matter entail dealing with the further threat to patient
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anonymity and secrecy, exploring the lines across the clinician’s and computers’
duties in managing patients, and adapting the training of next practitioners to
dynamically respond to the inevitable transformations in the healthcare field.
Furthermore, negotiations on these issues would enhance caregivers and patients’
awareness about the part AI could do in medicine, serving stakeholders to formulate a
pragmatic impression about AI capabilities. Subsequently, predicting the likely moral
shortcomings, finding feasible fixes, and providing strategy guidelines could
contribute to professionals accepting AI approaches into their routine, also the
patients who get the service.
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AI and Terminating Human Touch
Beside improvements would additionally appear legitimate problems and moral
concerns. For instances, the one to blame if an AI system gives wrong predictions or
conclusions and the one to consolidate security points and the marketplace response
to the rise of AI while it causes some jobs to go incompetent. Driverless vehicles
brought the universal dispute respecting the algorithms’ conclusions under
complicated circumstances. In medicine, this grows a much consequential moral trial.
There are now further unsettled inquiries and probably with global public debates, this
would explicate since AI is growing into a reality. AI further holds severe barriers in
medicine. Prediction and forecasting are inferred depending on prior patterns
encountered in machine learning, however, algorithms could break in unusual
situations of medication resistance or adverse reactions wherever there is no
preceding model to formulate on. Therefore, AI might not substitute implied
knowledge, which could not be systematized efficiently. Despite the progress in data
analysis, it ought to strengthen the health practitioners’ abilities and is not intended to
substitute the established rapport between patients and health professionals. So as to
maintain the human touch in health for expanding the management of the appropriate
conditions by the most individualized remedies, the following arrangements could be
Founding mandated and relevant moral measures in applying AI for the
entire medical practice. A related model is the German state who formulated
the world’s primary moral guidance for producing independent vehicles. The
principles insist that human security should ever be preferred above
defending assets or animals and evermore enabling the human driver to
replace the application’s conclusions though the guideline acknowledges that
not all moral judgments could be patterned [Maiberg, Rogers and Lunau
Training healthcare providers on the fundamental knowledge regarding how
AI operates in the health environment to realize how before-mentioned
solutions can support their daily work. Whereas AI is not expected to
displace medical practitioners, those who work with AI may substitute those
who do not.
Progressively improving AI by assessing each developing level explicitly by
autonomous bioethical investigation societies and organizations prior to
moving to the subsequent one, to provide an opportunity for charting the
probable impediments and to establish fail-safe systems to counter an AI
apocalypse [Shermer 2017].
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Obligating the AI technologies producing companies to provide peerreviewed research and transparent dialogue approaching the broad society
around the implied gains and hazards from adopting AI in healthcare.
Raising patients’ awareness of AI to find out its advantages. For instance,
using CogniToys that support young kids’ cognitive improvement through
Taking all the required measures by decision-makers at medical foundations,
to gauge the impact and the progress of such systems. It is likewise crucial to
driving companies to advance affordable AI solutions for making facts out of
science fiction promises and adapting AI as the stethoscope of the future.
Respectively, the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) has authorized some
AI technologies for clinical purposes [Arterys 2017].
Consequently, it is crucial to weigh AI approaches’ gains versus threats. Efficiently
incorporating AI techniques in the medicinal practice may enhance the productivity of
delivering health services and managing patient standards. Conversely, it is
imperative to reduce moral pitfalls of adopting AI that might involve risks to
anonymity and secrecy, informed consent, and patient free will, and count for aligning
AI with healthcare system. Stakeholders should be invited to adaptively introduce AI
applications, probably as a supplement element and not a substitute for a caregiver.
Regardless of drawbacks, early AI methods and technologies yet can afford thorough
personal medical data and forecast community health hazards, and their medicinal or
population health application is presumed to spike dramatically in the horizon
Assumptions, patterns and approaches from AI are transforming the health scene in
community and clinical perspectives and have previously exhibited encouraging
outcomes in various applications in medicine. AI shall have far-reaching implications
that will transform the healthcare practice, changing caregivers’ regular routines and
the patient experience. The application of AI in medicine could even reach surprising
fields like artistic work, including brand-new perplexities arising from the emergence
of thinking automata in previously human hunts. Although AI in healthcare promises
exceptional advantages to patients, it correspondingly implies jeopardies to data
security, patient safety, and health equity. Consequently, there is a considerable effort
to set the conventional moral basis for practicing AI technology productively and
securely in medicine examining patient autonomy and privacy, medical education
and, etc.
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Throughout developmental transformation via digital health, conventional healthcare
is shifting into equitable cooperation among patients and health providers.
Furthermore, from several disruptive technologies, AI has a prominent perspective to
encourage this shift by investigating the immense quantities of data recorded by
medical organizations and patients in each instant. Through removing the monotonous
elements of a caregivers’ work, it could drive to paying extra valuable time for
patients and enhancing the human touch. However, AI can just accomplish its purpose
if it endures an established, secure and effective support in managing patients and
reforming health. For allowing AI grow reliably, information technology should be
improved and made interoperable and the quality and scope of clinical data must be
thoroughly improved as well. The healthcare institutions should also hold strong
strategies to afford backup services if technology systems collapse or are breached.
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