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11 pages
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Acts is the companion; both volumes consist of the work of Jesus. Luke is the longest gospel covering twenty-five percent of the entire New Testament.
2009 handouts on the study of the historical Jesus, accompanying a course on that subject taught at Credo House.
Graduate Diploma Dissertation - Queen's Foundation, 2017
An exploration of the ethical call of John’s Gospel to become one with God, imitate Jesus, and do ‘greater works’ of compassion through God’s Holy Spirit.
Overt self-alienation characterises wilful disunity existing among Christians, particularly in Nigeria. Evidence of this is obvious in the number of Christian sects springing up daily. Each has its own interpretation of the message of Christ's Good News, thereby generating diversified and conflicting views on Christian belief. This paper argues that the Pater Noster (The Lord's Prayer), a common Christian prayer, is a paradigm for ecumenical commitment. It studies the Matthean version of this prayer in conjunction with its other traditions in the New Testament and the Didache. In the Pater Noster we find the reason for ecumenical endeavour for which Jesus prayed and which should be a concern of all Christians.
This paper attempts to look at a topic, healing miracles, found in the Bible, and define and investigate how society may interpret it. The importance of contextualization is highlighted through doing exegetical work on John 5, and with a comparison of the resurrection texts.
Pedoman Pengelolaan PKB Bagi Guru Pembelajar 1 Pedoman Pengelolaan PKB Bagi Guru Pembelajar 1 Pedoman Pengelolaan PKB Bagi Guru Pembelajar 1 Pedoman Pengelolaan PKB Bagi Guru Pembelajar
Business: Theory and Practice, 2020
Le printemps de l'archéologie préhistorique. Autour de Gabriel de Mortillet, 2024
PARALELLUS Revista de Estudos de Religião - UNICAP
International Journal of Engineering Research and Application, 2019
Goldschmidt2021 abstracts, 2021
Regional Statistics, 2020
Ukrainian Journal of Physics, 2015
European geosciences union general assembly, 2005
IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, 2015
International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology, 2016
Entornos híbridos en la pospandemia: posibilidades para las nuevas tecnologías. Congreso Internacional de Ingeniería de Sistemas 2022
Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hepatology, 2013