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2021, Para estudar a Bíblia: abordagens e métodos.
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Os estudos bíblicos no Brasil e na América Latina contam hoje com muitos especialistas antenados com as vanguardas da pesquisa internacional. Neste volume nos encontramos com autoras e autores de uma geração de exegetas formados e atuantes no Brasil, docentes, a maioria, de teologia e ciências da religião. Quanta diferença de três décadas atrás, quando ainda se faziam necessários professores missionários estrangeiros para cobrir uma enorme lacuna de quadros. Mas não se trata apenas de quadros para formação. A exegese bíblica brasileira conta com abordagens que dialogam com seu contexto cultural, com sua sociedade e sua religiosidade. Trata-se de uma interpretação bíblica forjada na relação com nossa realidade. Arrojo técnico e acadêmico alia-se a uma sensibilidade para com o complexo contexto religioso brasileiro.
The trend in local area networks (LANs) involves the use of shared transmission media or shared switching capacity to achieve high data rates over relatively short distances. Several key issues present themselves. One is the choice of transmission medium. Whereas coaxial cable was commonly used in traditional LANs, contemporary LAN installations emphasize the use of twisted pair or optical fiber. In the case of twisted pair, efficient encoding schemes are needed to enable high data rates over the medium. Wireless LANs have also assumed increased importance. Another design issue is that of access control. Local Area Networks
Gli articoli presentati alla rivista sono sottoposti a peer review. Prospettiva è una rivista inclusa in Scopus®, Web of Science (WoS) e SCImago Journal Rank (SJR); è una rivista di classe A, secondo la classificazione ANVUR (Agenzia Nazionale di Valutazione del Sistema Universitario e della Ricerca) Autorizzazione del Tribunale di Firenze n. 2406 del 26.3.75 Iscrizione al Registro Operatori di Comunicazione n. 7257 Associato all'Unione Stampa Periodica Italiana
Una Carta Anua de los jesuitas de Juli fechada en 1596 cuenta que:
Co-creator team: Aanya Aggarwal BSc PPE Dr Paul Giladi Dr Sîan Hawthorne Dr Elvis Imafidon Prof. Richard E. King Danae Miserocchi, BA Anthropology and World Philosophies Lizi Nzuki, BA History and International Relations Xiangyi Qian, BSc PPE
Religions 12: 86, 2021
In this paper, I would firstly like to supplement my observations and the materials used in the earlier paper "The aśubhā Meditation in the Sarvāstivāda". I shall remark on the authenticity of the suicide tradition, and show further how the aśubhā meditation continued to be recommended in all the Buddhist traditions. A major concern of my discussion will focus on the Buddhist traditional understanding of the meditative transition from the experience of the impure to that of the pure. In the context of this developmental process, I shall further attempt to demonstrate that: along this traditional understanding, Mahāyānistic and even Tantric elements came to be interfused with the traditional-especially Abhidharma-meditative doctrines in the milieu of an increasing interest relating to buddha-visualization.
Function and Disability Journal, 2024
Background and Objectives: Impairment in the way of sensory information by the central nervous system can cause functional problems in all areas of an adolescent's activities, including education, self-care, social participation, and leisure. Therefore, in the presence of problems in such activities, it is necessary to evaluate and screen for sensory processing. In the present study, the sensory processing assessment tools that cover the adolescent age group were investigated. Methods: In this review, PubMed, Science Direct, Google, OTseeker, and Google Scholar databases were searched, and articles published between 2000 and 2022 on sensory processing assessment tools in adolescents and their psychometrics were selected. Keywords used included sensory integration dysfunction (SID), sensory processing disorder (SPD), adolescence, adolescent, assessment, measurement, reliability, validity, psychometry, environment, scale, and instrument. Results: The assessment tools identified to evaluate sensory processing in the adolescent age group include the "adolescent/adult sensory profile" (AASP), "Glasgow sensory questionnaire" (GSQ), "sensory processing measure (SPM)", "sensory response in autism spectrum" (SR-AS) questionnaire, "sensory processing scale" (SPS), and "SPM-second edition" (SPM-2). Conclusion: The environment was considered as a factor that needs to be evaluated only in the second version of the SPM among the selected tools. The results of this review also showed that the only tool available in Persian in this field is the AASP, which does not seem to be a suitable tool for use in adolescence because the population studied in the psychometric evaluation of the Persian version was elderly people with dementia. Therefore, it seems necessary to prepare the Persian version and psychometric evaluation of an appropriate assessment tool for evaluating the sensory processing of Iranian adolescents., 2023
By all accounts, it appears that the double engine sarkar does not work in Manipur. The collapse of law and order became fully evident as ragtag mobs were given a full night-and-a-day in the valley areas to engage in extensive ethnic cleansing and genocidal attacks on Kuki-Zomi inhabited areas in Imphal.
International Conference on Women in Science & Technology: Creating Sustainable Career (ICWSTCSC2018) at BVM Engineering College, Vallabh Vidyanagar, Gujarat Paper ID: ICWSTCSC2018_233, 2018
In Construction Industry, significance of Cost of Quality has been acknowledged with the appearance of innovation keeping in mind the end goal to finish the work at the most reduced cost. Cost of value choices are a test for customers. Contrasts in the idea of the procedures and conditions of two businesses make it hard to survey whether comparative quality cost ideas can be utilized as a part of development?? Choices have an impact to go past the money related parts of related expenses since disappointments amid the period are considered consumer loyalty and may affect future prospect of the work. Techniques ought to be conceived with an attention on the most proficient method to convey them to enhance the two reserve funds and tenant fulfillment. As it is by all accounts simple in speculations yet practically speaking it is a significant complex assignment. For the said reason, the present paper proposes an audit of systematic model for evaluating the COQ for development ventures.
Український історичний журнал, no.6, 2020
The article examines new date regarding the history and transmission both the Doctrina Jacobi nuper baptisati, the important Byzantine source translated into Old Church Slavonic in the 11th century known as the Book of Jacob the Jew, and some Old Russian texts, with the emphasis on the Tikhonravov’ Chronograph. The background of my examination is provided by recent researches of A.Pereswetoff-Morath, which survey much borrowings from the Book of Jacob in the Kyivan Metropolitan Hilarion’s Sermon on Law and Grace and the Primary Chronicle or A Tale of Begone Years. The aim of this study is to expand the base of comparison of Doctrina Jacobi with Old Russian texts by drawing new source and specify features, applied by the authors of these compilations. The methods are textological, including textual and literary criticism. The academic novelty is tracing all quatations from Doctrina Jacobi in the Tikhonravovsky chronograph. Though was a compilation of the16th century, it largely consists of the very early texts, what determine its significance for the history of the booklearning in Old Rus’. Tikhonravovsky chronograph provides reliable material for textological comparison, because it offers a bulk quotations from the Book of Jacob (more than 90 citations), while there are only a dozen ones in the Sermon of Kyivan Metropolitan Hilarion, and approximately two dozens in the Primary Chronicle. Conclusions. The similar rearrangings of biblical citations in Tikhonravovsky chronograph and the Primary Chronicle point to an unknown early author from the 11th century that made a selection and reworked fragments from the Book of Jacob linking them in a totally different order. He create a lengthy “biblical collection”, that served as intermediary between the translated Byzantine and original Old Russian sources. Taking into considerations these new materials, we have now construct the scheme of relations between our texts as: from the Book of Jacob to the lengthy “biblical collection” and from later to the Kyivan Metropolitan Hilarion’s Sermon on Law and Grace and the Primary Chronicle and so on. In the all, Tikhonravovsky chronograph shed new light on intricate problems of Kyivan Rus’ writing.
Attention Perception & Psychophysics, 2005
Kant E-prints, 2019
Engineering, 2010
Staps Revue internationale des sciences du sport et de l'éducation physique, 2013
Matriz de Formação do Sistema Nacional de Atendimento Socioeducativo (SINASE), 2015
Les constructions identitaires dans les espaces francophones d’Europe Orientale et d’Afrique, 2015
Value: Jurnal Manajemen dan Akuntansi, 2022
Chen Songchang 陈松长 (ed.), /Yuelu Qinjian yanjiu lunwenji/ 岳麓秦简研究论文集, Shanghai cishu chubanshe, 2023
Schizophrenia Research, 2018
Neurobiology of Disease, 2023
SSRN Electronic Journal, 2019