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A presente obra é disponibilizada pela equipe Le Livros e seus diversos parceiros, com o objetivo de oferecer conteúdo para uso parcial em pesquisas e estudos acadêmicos, bem como o simples teste da qualidade da obra, com o fim exclusivo de compra futura. É expressamente proibida e totalmente repudiável a venda, aluguel, ou quaisquer uso comercial do presente conteúdo Sobre nós: O Le Livros e seus parceiros disponibilizam conteúdo de dominio publico e propriedade intelectual de forma totalmente gratuita, por acreditar que o conhecimento e a educação devem ser acessíveis e livres a toda e qualquer pessoa. Você pode encontrar mais obras em nosso site: ou em qualquer um dos sites parceiros apresentados neste link. "Quando o mundo estiver unido na busca do conhecimento, e não mais lutando por dinheiro e poder, então nossa sociedade poderá enfim evoluir a um novo nível."
"Militancia Peronista para la Liberación” y “De Frente, con las bases peronistas”: una propuesta “alternativa” para la identidad política del peronismo revolucionario, 1973-1974., 2018
El siguiente artículo busca reponer el proceso de transformación de la identidad política del agrupamiento que publicó las revistas Militancia Peronista para la Liberación y De Frente, con las bases peronistas. Ambas fueron publicadas entre 1973 y 1974 y, hasta ahora, no habían sido estudiadas. Aquí propongo trazar un recorrido general de esta experiencia editorial y militante, para dar cuenta de los principales nudos problemáticos de aquella transformación identitaria y las mutaciones que produjo en las apuestas políticas que las revistas realizaron, dentro y fuera de la Tendencia Revolucionaria Peronista, en una coyuntura clave: la experiencia del tercer gobierno peronista, luego de años de proscripción política. Al calor de este movimiento, MPL-DF acentuó el carácter clasista de sus planteos y se acercó, explícitamente, a la corriente alternativista del peronismo revolucionario.
Τ ο βιβλίο επιχειρεί να καταγράψει, να αναλύσει και να τοποθετήσει στην ιστορική τους διάσταση τη θεατρική και κινηματογραφική διασκέδαση στους προσφυγικούς συνοικισμούς του Πειραιά από το 1923 ώς το 1940. Έπειτα από μια μικρή εισαγωγή, που σχολιάζει επιμέρους ιστοριογραφικά ζητήματα, το Α΄ Μέρος του μελετήματος διερευνά τις θεατρικές και κινηματογραφικές εμπειρίες των προσφύγων στη Μικρά Ασία• έπειτα, ανιχνεύει τους 'συνδέσμους' (κυρίως Σμυρνιούς ηθοποιούς) με το ελληνικό θέατρο και σινεμά• και σ' ένα επόμενο βήμα, σκιαγραφεί την πειραϊκή σκηνή των πρώτων δεκαετιών του 20ού αιώνα, έτσι ώστε να εκτιμηθεί η ιδιαίτερη συμβολή του προσφυγικού στοιχείου.
This is a calculation of net income after pricing calculation, and taxing.
Purpose Demonstrate the potential advantages to the global supply chain through adoption of blockchain ledger systems. Hypothesized gains include a revolution in transparency between actors both down and up the supply chain, improved reliability by digital signature protocols (eg, "smart contracts"), and greater flexibility for organizations to capture value at any point throughout the supply chain. Research implications This paper facilitates an understanding of potential blockchain-based solutions to complex supply chain issues, in so doing advancing findings from previous research. This paper will assist other scholars in better formulating new testable propositions for blockchain studies and experiments.
Religion and Society: Advances in Research, 2010
Following a consideration of the impact of the late twentieth-century spatial turn on the study of religion by geographers, anthropologists, sociologists, historians, and religious studies scholars, two trends are distinguished: the poetics of place and the sacred; and politics, religion, and the contestation of space. Discussion of these reveals substantially diff erent approaches to religion, space, and place-one phenomenological, the other social constructivist. Th e spatial turn has been extremely fruitful for research on religion, bringing together scholars from a variety of disciplines, and connecting not only to traditional areas such as sacred space and pilgrimage, but to new ones such as embodiment, gender, practice and religious-secular engagements.
L 'ouvrage ici recensé est une retranscription d'une conférence donnée à l'invitation de la Société d'ethnologie le 18 mars 2022 au musée du Quai Branly-Jacques Chirac, par Thomas Piketty, un économiste mondialement connu pour son ouvrage Le Capital au XXI e siècle (2013).
Current Research in Deir el-Medina, DAI Project Nekropolen ohne Grenzen - Necropolis without Borders – Nécropoles sans frontières, German House Qurna
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Sorry, preview is currently unavailable. You can download the paper by clicking the button above., 2024
Pray Without Ceasing: Perspectives in Spirituality Studies The Biennial Meeting of the Society for the Study of Christian Spirituality, Celebrating Its 25th Anniversary, 2017
Coleção Toada | Livro I | Escritos Apócrifos, 2024
Queensland Archaeological Research
Edunesia : Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan, 2021
European archives of psychiatry and clinical neuroscience, 2018
Optics Express, 2007
[Le Journal des psychologues], 2008
Revista aSPAs, 2015
Toxicology Research, 2020
Fibers and Polymers, 2012