ART 6 (1+2) pp. 2.1–2.30 Intellect Limited 2019
Artifact: Journal of Design Practice
Volume 6 Numbers 1 & 2
© 2019 The Author(s). Published by Intellect Limited. English language. doi: 10.1386/art_00002_1
Cape Peninsula University of Technology
Oslo School of Architecture and Design
Oslo School of Architecture and Design
Cape Peninsula University of Technology and independent
University of Oslo
Investigating design-based
learning ecologies
design-based learning
relational interplay
transformative learning
futures literacies
participatory urban
In this article we argue that, for educators in design, urbanism and sustainability, the responsibility of connecting emergent design practice and changing societal needs into pedagogical activities demands that attention be given to ecologies
of learning that explore the interplay between what is and what might be. As
such, this futuring imperative brings into play a mix of modes of situated learning experience, communication and tools from design and learning to query the
planned and built environment as a given, while offering alternate future visions
and critiques. In this article, we argue for agile pedagogy that enables students to
co-create as citizens in public spaces, through agentive multimodal construction
Bruce Snaddon | Andrew Morrison | Peter Hemmersam | Andrea Grant Broom | Ola Erstad
of their identities and modes of transformative representation. Our core research
problematic is how to develop, enact and critique design-based pedagogies that
may allow designer-educator-researchers and students alike to co-create learning
ecologies as dynamic engagement in re-making the city. This we take up within
the wider context of climate change and pressing societal and environmental needs
within which design and urbanism education increasingly needs to be oriented.
Our inquiry is located within a shared practice of design pedagogy across two
continents, and climatic and disciplinary domains between the western cape in
South Africa and the far north of Norway. The main finding of this research is that
pedagogies that are enabling of and attentive to the interplay of an assemblage of
relational context-sensitive modalities can be conducive to sustainable and futuring design-based urban engagements.
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No Derivatives (CC BY-NC-ND). To view a copy of the licence, visit
As a growing global population rapidly moves to live in cities, how we
approach learning in the city and from the city becomes increasingly imperative. In this article, we address the potential dynamic between the pedagogical,
design and the urban through four case type contributions from South Africa
and Norway. They are part of an overall argument on the conceptualization of
learning futures (Facer 2011) and learning ecologies (e.g. Cope and Kalantzis
2017) that are centred in a developmental and socioculturally framed perspective on the transformative character of learning as activity (e.g. Wertsch 1998)
yet reach towards more relational, assemblages of knowledge making.
The cases are located ‘from Cape to Cape’, that is from the southern tip
of Africa to the northernmost territories of Norway. The material included is
drawn from completed projects as well as joint research underway: co-creation, collaborative inquiry and shared composition of research being a key
feature of the work. Including cases from such diverse socio-economic and
political contexts opens up an expanded space to understand and critique the
core concepts in this research.
Against such a backdrop, the development, enactment and critique of
sustainably oriented pedagogies for and through design need to situate
students in relation to different knowledge forms and modes of communication. In following a relationally framed concept of learning ecologies we
explore an ecosystem view that considers distributed agency and resource
potentials beyond the individual, and bounds of siloed territories of academia,
business, government and community. Hence ‘symbiotic learning’ seeks mutually beneficial learning partners ‘across old institutional and organizational
borders’ that may enliven and enact tacit processes that show up new possibilities for design action (Eikeland 2013: 114).
Overall, we offer an account of how negotiating difference matters in
shaping relationally positioned transformational ecologies for learning. We
have adopted a wide frame of situated, experiential and embodied cognition
Artifact: Journal of Design Practice
Investigating design-based learning ecologies
within which designers, educators and researchers, together with students
and civil society have explored ways of ‘learning the city’. Especially for
students, this has embodied new social practices of developing design-based
means to co-create as citizens in public spaces, agentive multimodal construction of their identities, and modes of transformative representation (Cope and
Kalantzis 2009). We approach this through the notion of ‘futures literacies’
(Miller 2007) in design pedagogy, but provide a more specific design focus
than prevailing learning and future studies ones, gesturing towards the importance of design pedagogies for survivable and sustainable futures.
Inherited design educational practices
Pedagogical practices in many design schools – incorporating various domains
of design, urbanism, architecture and landscape architecture – have been
strongly influenced by studio-based learning (Boling et al. 2016). Located in
the Bauhaus model of design education involving solution based and developmental creative productive practices (Cross 1983), these approaches are
supported by close tutoring and peer learning that typically results in presentations and ‘crits’. With the advent of digital media and its pervasive reach
into contemporary society, much design-based education may be understood
as taking place within a ‘digital bauhaus’ (Ehn 1998). This is a pedagogy that
is increasingly related to rapidly changing economic contexts (Friedman 2012)
and material world settings including digital, online and socially mediated
As transdisciplinary frames of design and urbanism expand and enfold,
increased attention has been given to the dynamics of learning and the
types of reflection in and on action (Schön 1983) that such pedagogy may
support (e.g. Salama 2009). Mewburn critiques Schön’s reflective practice as
being inadequate today and suggests a ‘more supple theory of pedagogical
action’ (2010: 372) that emphasizes a performative dimension. Interested in
how ‘peoples, policies, tools, representations, learning environments and the
rest – make possible different teaching and learning practices’ (2010: 372), she
proposes that design pedagogy becomes ‘responsive and attentive to what is
going on as we act’ (2010: 378, original emphasis).
Snaddon et al. (2017) have suggested three inter-related concepts when
co-creating design learning spaces for sustainable futures. These are that
educators attend to the locative as the changing context of learning activities,
the nomadic in learning as it moves out into the world and takes that experience back into universities and work practices, and the performative aspect of
students enacting their emergent identity and agency in relation to complex
real-world contexts. Attention to the afffective may also be added to this list
and highlights that we need to be engaged in noticing and ways of paying
attention to the pyschological, emotional and sensory.
Situatedness and systemic design learning
Our task as designer-educators then is to bring co-created design dispositions
to the fore by engaging students, actively and productively, in taking part in
the agentive shaping of their own learning futures (Morrison et al. 2019a). In
both design and educational terms, these challenges are systemic and situated
(e.g. Lave and Wenger 1991; Meadows 2009), yet they are for each student a
Bruce Snaddon | Andrew Morrison | Peter Hemmersam | Andrea Grant Broom | Ola Erstad
negotiation of self in a wider societal and environmental frame (Gee 2008).
Students are exposed to a variety of design disciplines and abductive alignment with others beyond design in complex real-world environments (e.g.
Costandius and Botes 2018). Agency goes beyond localization within individuals and considers agentive entanglements for human and non-human entities
that may be generative of futuring literacies (Barad 2007; Miller 2018). Marking
a shift from traditional instrumental design school pedagogies responds to
Findeli’s (2001) challenge that design education should be less reactive and
more proactive in exploring the future profile of design professions.
Design learning ecologies
The concept of design learning ecologies resonates with how design practice is becoming enmeshed in systems and ecologies, requiring us to connect
things and ‘to think and act in terms of whole systems’ (Dubberly 2017: 7). The
dynamics of such a shift highlights the importance for students to make their
own connections in ‘weaving between different knowledge processes’ inherent
within content, context and devices in a mode of situated and lived experiential inquiry (Cope and Kalantzis 2009: 187).
Lemke (1997) speaks of ‘micro-ecologies of situated activities’ (1997: 5)
and emphasizes that ‘how we play our parts in these micro-ecologies depends
not just on what the other parts do to us, and us to them, but on what these
doings mean for us’ (1997: 2) and how our ‘identity-in-practice’ (1997: 3) develops as a result. The concept of learning ecologies acknowledges such complex
notions of emergence and ‘because the parts are interconnected, the behaviour
of every part is shaped by feedback loops’ that can maintain stasis or promote
growth and change in the system as a whole (1997: 27). In this, feedback loops
can be forces promoting growth and change (positive feedback) and also ones
that resist change (negative feedback loop) (Meadows 1999). Design-based
learning ecologies are thus learning spaces where designing as doing, knowing and becoming for a student and others can be seen and understood to be
relationally dynamic.
Learning as transformation
Transformative learning has its origins in emancipatory pedagogies of
democratic change (e.g. Freire 1973) and ones concerning dynamic change
processes in adult and life-long learning (e.g. Mezirow 1991). We understand
transformative learning as also being about what propels us out of present
modes of habitual and socially reinforced norms in need of critical re-imagining (Braidotti 2006). Our four case studies deal with pedagogical interventions
that collaboratively (with multiple stakeholders) aspire to enable learning and
yearnings for change in positive and creative ways. These are transformational
not only for the individual knower in changes in their own experience but
can reciprocally transform the world in which the knower lives. This notion of
reciprocity resonates ecologically in how collaborative and context-sensitive
learning within urban settings might be shaped.
Concerning urbanism, notions of transformative learning have been taken
up for example, by the Learning Cities Network that has been concerned with
fostering responsive and responsible urban stewardship to ensure sustainable and inclusive urban transformation with active citizen participation. In
the context of the Learning Cities perspective supported by UNESCO, African
Artifact: Journal of Design Practice
Investigating design-based learning ecologies
scholars have argued that conscientization (Freire 1973) is central to citizens’ arriving at actions and adaptations in transformation of their own cities
– psychologically and physically – that are connected to related governance
(Biao et al. 2013). The UK Cities of Learning project was part of a wider global
initiative with key features such as discovery, means and motivation oriented
to ‘learning as the city learns’ (Painter and Shafique 2017). Changes in conceptualizing ‘learning the city’ (McFarlane 2011) as an ‘educational urbanism’
have been presented as a matter of ‘tying together new spatial imaginaries
of educational spaces’ (Banerjee 2010: 6). McFarlane views learning the city
as understanding a set of assemblages that need to be untangled to ‘expose,
evaluate and democratise the politics of knowing cities’ and that learning is
central to such urban debate (2011: 75).
Transdisciplinary perspectives on learning cities
In the recent Seeing like a City, Amin and Thrift (2017) argue that cities can
only be partially known as they are in flux and are complex assemblages of
interests, formations and perspectives. Considering urban design and theory,
this has extended to seeing the city as not only a built environment, to be
planned and studied, but one that is experienced from the street upwards. In
the editorial to a special issue on ‘learning cities’ Facer and Buchczyk (2019:
155) argue that growing international agenda of this movement needs to be
connected with the daily realities, lived experience and complex materialities
of learning in cities to understand how a city learns.
We too see a need to recast learning and cities in regard to the dynamics of
embodiment, movement and dwelling (e.g. Ingold 2011), lively infrastucturing (Amin 2014) in schools and with communities (not socio-technical ‘smart
city’ ones), and assemblages of alternate actions and sites of engaged pedagogy and practice (Morrison et al. 2019a). Contributing to that same special
issue, we illustrated how the notion and practice of agentive learning may
be enacted by a diversity of participants (young migrants in Oslo or design
students in Cape Town) in their critical encounters with cities.
Design and sustainable futures literacies
Such interactions may be understood in part also as ‘futures literacies’ (Miller
2007; Miller 2018) that are realized through mediated meaning making for
exploring mobile and locative technologies for their communicative potential
as resources for learning. This is an anticipatory learning perspective where
spatial and temporal shifts between the present and the imagined city may
be explored and conveyed to others. Urban settings are ‘multiple entanglements associated with materializing the “not yet” now’ (Brassett and Marenko
2015: 12) for students working in complex contexts with unfolding dynamics,
relating to climate change and learning to work in sustainable design-based
Recently, it has been argued that greater attention be given to exploring
the prospective in unpacking relations between Futures Studies and Design
(Celi and Morrison 2017). Despite transdisciplinary influences (e.g. cultural
geography, multi-sited ethnography), this article accentuates the need to
unpack relations between learning and cities articulated through co-designing
and within design-centred inquiry.
Bruce Snaddon | Andrew Morrison | Peter Hemmersam | Andrea Grant Broom | Ola Erstad
Methodological matters
Over the past five years, our design, teaching and research has involved
collaborative and individual research and education projects in and between
two countries at the southern- and northern-most reaches of Africa and
Europe. Methodologically, we have drawn on qualitative inquiry to investigate dynamic and situated characteristics of a perspective on design learning inclined towards dialogue, emergence and agency (Morrison et al. 2019a).
Consequently, the research has included a mix of ways to conduct inquiry to
connect teaching and learning, framed through a productive-critical interplay
in a mode of research through design (e.g. Stappers and Giaccardi 2017). This
has ranged from the formative and constructive (Koskinen et al. 2011) to the
imaginary and speculative (Lury and Wakeford 2012).
Our approach to design inquiry encompassed a four-way enactment of
means (crossing between distinctions and sets of inter-relations) through
which design inquiry may be understood, practiced and critiqued. Based on
shared interests and experiences, we have positioned this as part of connecting qualitative inquiry in the social sciences, including education, with ones
enacted in design making that involve knowledge production through embodied, situated and material production. We have labelled these four aspects:
research methodology, research methods, design techniques and design tools
(Morrison et al. 2019b). In the four cases presented below, the investigations
included co-design and participative research, working within, between and
across disciplines, and studies of design learning in formal and informal places
and contexts (see Table 1).
Methodologically, this has meant adopting a shared view between
students and designer-researchers on the status of design and learning as a
dynamic activity of finding and forming ways of knowing that are inventive
and prospective (Wilkie et al. 2017) rather than ones of only solving immediate known needs.
Research methods, design techniques and tools
In terms of qualitative research, we drew together a range of methods applied
in the human sciences (Kelly et al. 2008) and related studies of interdisciplinarity with a focus on processes and the dynamics of shaping knowledge (Lury
et al. 2018). This extended to the interplay of digital and situated ethnographic
methods (Hjorth et al. 2017) and design pedagogy located within practices of
co-design and co-creation (Sanders and Stappers 2008). Participant observation, situational photography, student diaries, open discussions, semi-structured interviews and course evaluations were taken up.
A medley of design techniques and tools were applied. These allow the
educator and researcher to focus on means used in making that also reveal
how design is not only developed, produced and even shared but also what
we may know about a context and its inhabitants and the views of member
participants in case-based experiments and interventions. In the four cases
these included design sketches and prototypes, fictive narrative scenarios,
putative personas, visual urban ‘scenography’ and collages, and evidencing.
These design techniques and tools were further realized on site, through
collaborative learning activities as well as by ways of students’ individual design
production. The cases include visual mediations of this work, contrasting in
Artifact: Journal of Design Practice
Investigating design-based learning ecologies
Case 1
6-week practice-based learning and participatory design action
Cape Town city centre
on social and natural systems
5 design educators, 70 multidisciplinary undergraduate and bachelors design students
Case 2
3-month emergent process connected to studio on urban design
Longyearbyen, Svalbard
unscripted multimodal fictive narrative on potential climate
change futures
five volunteer master’s urban studies students and researcher
Case 3
Whole semester studio
Norwegian arctic border town
on potential urban development undergoing a shift from mining
master’s urbanism students, classroom and on-site urban
Case 4
3-year participatory design action research dialogue
informal urban settlement in Cape Town
on service delivery processes
between students, educators, local government and community
Table 1: Summary of cases.
purpose, style and participation. The array of work is given to suggest some of
the variation that may be connected in developing and enacting design-based
learning ecologies.
Case-based research
The inquiry centred on case-based research which covers a range of inquiry
and disciplines. It provides ways of locating specific interests and change in
relation to contexts, typical and particular (Stake 1995; Shrank 2006; Swanborn
2010). Our cases are included from a wider set of heuristic case-based design
teaching and research into what may be called designs for learning and learning designs (see also Morrison and Aspen 2013; Hemmersam et al. 2015;
Hemmersam and Morrison 2016; Snaddon and Chisin 2017).
Case # 1: Design, transformative learning and urban change
Project: Biomimicry in the urban fringe
This case study presents a project module ‘Developing collaborative design
process through a biomimicry-inspired curriculum’ in a Design and Informatics
Faculty at the Cape Peninsula University of Technology (CPUT), South Africa.
Located in the District Six precinct within which the campus is situated, the
Bruce Snaddon | Andrew Morrison | Peter Hemmersam | Andrea Grant Broom | Ola Erstad
challenge was to use newly introduced biomimicry thinking as a lens and
methodology to conceive future scenarios inspired and modelled on natural
The main focus was to immerse students experientially in environments
where they could directly observe and reflect on contextual dynamics of urban
change, and then apply this learning to a set of design challenges. The central
question was how a design learning intervention could provide stakeholders
in the city with innovative ideas for energy-use, social regeneration, retrofitted
products and ways to green and re-imagine the economy through creative use
of existing resources.
Design, learning and the city
The campus, located in District Six where apartheid era forced removals
took place has had a chequered past in its relations with local community
groups. Starting from when the university was built by the apartheid government on land where homes and businesses had been demolished, concerns
have grown over potential gentrification of areas with historical character and
established businesses.
Initiatives by CPUT executive management and staff have attempted to
bridge divides by instigating projects that are inclusive of community stakeholders. A pedagogy of learning positioned as part of urban change has
produced speculative student proposals that have challenged the status quo
and posed difficult questions on how this area can be more inclusive and
engaging for its diverse populace. Two guiding conceptual perspectives were
taken up.
The first was the mobility of learning communities, enabling a view of the
city as a learning resource, and the offer of students being a learning resource
for the city (Wenger 1998; Rudd et al. 2006). Through the involvement of
academia in local outreach activities with anticipatory processes prompting and informing innovative social upliftment initiatives, learning extended
beyond the bounds of academic inquiry to involve local stakeholder networks
in a situated and participatory manner.
The second conceptual perspective concerned biomimetic pedagogy as
creating conditions for learning characterized by cross-fertilizing strategies for
reading the new and unfamiliar, including the role of diverse agency (human
and non-human) within the meaning making process. Pedagogically, this
starts with an immersive, spatio-temporal shift of register that decentres and
leads students away from what they have already seen in the built environment, to natural ecosystems where relational interdependency can be understood through deep observation (O’Sullivan 2001). Learning with rather than
from or about nature is enabled through attending closely to evolved strategies by organisms within an ecosystem. The possibility of emulating natural
forms, processes or systems can then be explored. This is essentially a transdisciplinary move that exposes students to expertise from domains other than
design, bringing about collaborative learning processes characterized by openness to difference.
Growing the city
This project sought to ‘fold in pedagogic moments across the urban fabric’
by enabling ‘learning pathways’ within ‘physical, social, urban, virtual and
de-territorial spaces and places’ (Banerjee 2010: 7). Guest talks including city
Artifact: Journal of Design Practice
Investigating design-based learning ecologies
planners provided students with an enlivened sense of the intricacies of an
urban visioning project with all attendant complexities. This entailed a vision
for the area as a design and innovation hub, where quadruple helix activity involving academia, business, government and community could thrive
(Carayannis and Campbell 2012). Walkabouts and a talk by a water activist
generated a space for curious enquiry, where exposure to a wider set of mediational processes animated an emergent and shared community of practice for
all participants.
Momentum gained through this initial phase built anticipation among
students for an introduction to biomimicry, its embodied practice and methodology, which followed on the third day at the Kirstenbosch Botanical Garden.
The aim of this was to immerse students within a living natural ecosystem
before exposing them to the deeply complex challenges of the District Six
precinct. Immersion in close proximity to a functioning ecosystem heightened students’ observation skills and revised personal conceptual schemas.
Biomimicry would become an inclusive design methodology through which
multi-disciplinary groups could work towards sustainable design proposals
within the urban fringe area with its highly visible poverty, pollution, decaying buildings and vacant land. Observations of ‘natural champions’ served as
inspiration that could then be abstracted from and emulated within the built
environment of District Six.
The following two points characterize aspects of ecologies for learning
within this project:
1. Students found the deep observation methods of biomimicry to be beneficial to their mapping and noticing of relational activities in the urban
fringe. One remarked on how the time spent on the streets revealed many
‘broken systems edged alongside each other without communication […]
[and that] they could benefit from one another in well-optimised relationships’. The learning experience took them into spaces where they engaged
deeply with all levels of socio-economic activity in the area, through a variety of times and weathers to detect multiple layers of activity taking place.
This process challenged preconceived notions by opening up students to
unexpected encounters, some positive and some negative. Walking and
learning the city in this way enabled students to notice patterns and relationships previously unseen, and to hear first-hand what the aspirations
of historically marginalized communities might be. These communities
consisted of informal traders with their unwieldy mobile stalls, homeless and jobless vagrants, a wide range of local business owners, school
children cutting across the area on the way to school, and students from
several private/public higher education institutions. Engagement with
these different groups shifted preconceived notions of who belongs and
who contributes towards an urban economy, and helped establish an ethical and valuative stance.
2. The project outcome yielded twelve proposals that were presented to
an audience of stakeholders including academia, local government,
Biomimicry SA, and an NGO.
The performative expression of these presentations to an audience from
beyond the bounds of academia enabled learning not only for students, but
also for the invited stakeholders who in turn drew inspiration that was then
Bruce Snaddon | Andrew Morrison | Peter Hemmersam | Andrea Grant Broom | Ola Erstad
shared with their networks. Students learnt that their design imaginaries,
which visualized alternative scenarios based on how natural systems enhance
the wellbeing of all in a balanced and symbiotic manner, could engage the
attention of planners and local business. The latter realized the value of
engagement with academia in serving their civic mandate and how the relationship showed up surprising possibilities unforeseen within institutionally
bound practices and approaches.
One offering, titled ‘Greening Harry’ (Figures 1 and 2), proposed a scenario
in Harrington Street that has now come to pass. The area has now transformed into the creative precinct that was envisaged and a key factor has been
the work of one particular individual, a business owner who was inspired by
the student work that was presented six years ago. The ‘Mayor of Harrington
Street’ as he is known has been a catalyst in the area that has promoted open
and shared practice through a ground level ‘garage space’ that houses a coffee
shop and eatery with work space for hire. The combination of these activities
with an entrance that opens onto the street (the ‘Mayor’s’ office) has activated
Figure 1: An alleyway transformed (Images: Steven Harris).
Figure 2: The ‘Mayor’s’ office after activating the creative community (Images: Steven Harris).
Artifact: Journal of Design Practice
Investigating design-based learning ecologies
a creative design community that attracts a range of businesses and activities
catering to Cape Town’s creative design industry.
Many young design students and early career designers continue to use
the shared workspace to meet and collaborate on joint projects. CPUT design
educators have made use of the space for off-campus supervision of students
during times when the campus has been forced to shut down due to #feesmustfall student protests (Langa 2017).
This case illustrates how agentive and performative learning in spaces and
places that are socially and politically contested was productive of networked
knowledge that has influenced evolution of a real-world context. Immersing
students within the lived dynamics of particular settings, activated dormant
relationships through the speculative, imaginary and performative aspects
of the design process. Through an ecology for learning that drew disparate
networks together, the relational connections between these groupings were
invigorated. Student project presentations acted as communicative catalysts
in how the creative design proposals prompted civic responses. What seemed
futuristic and fantastical in the student design proposals came to be through
a mutual process of agentive learning for students and local stakeholders – a
shared social imaginary that created new possibilities for inhabiting the urban
fringe (Fendler 2013).
Case #2: Projecting fictional urban futures
Project: Longyearbyen 2050
Engaging people creatively and critically in looking into urban futures in the
wider context of climate change is a difficult task. Urbanism has a considerable legacy of imaginary, visionary and purely conceptual projects geared
towards reimagining the city (e.g. Amin and Thrift 2002). In courses in urbanism and interaction design students may be encouraged to engage creatively
in their responses to the immediate world and to work towards and into the
conjectural (e.g. Lim 2017). For us this has been a matter of making space
for connections between futures studies and design that is concerned with
prevailing needs and emerging complexity (Celi and Morrison 2017). This case
takes this up in pedagogy of design urban fiction as part of a wider argument
for examining further design literacies (Sheridan and Rowsell 2010).
Design, learning and the city
Design fiction has blossomed in the past decade as a mode of speculative inquiry that works with imagined future scenarios that are positioned
as means to critique present contexts, especially technologies and policies
often framed within a humanities perspective that is prospective (Morrison
2017a). This has extended to critiques of the ‘smart city’ and prevailing ideologies centred on techno and infrastructural determinism. Drawing on traditions of science fiction imagery and writing, a design fiction innovation and
open experiment was devised as an adjunct to master’s in urbanism studio
at the Oslo School of Architecture and Design (AHO). Called ‘Urban Design:
Arctic City – Longyearbyen’, the studio took place in Longyearbyen, the
main town of Svalbard with a population of around 2000 workers, students,
scientists and increasingly eco- and experience-driven tourists. As physical
Bruce Snaddon | Andrew Morrison | Peter Hemmersam | Andrea Grant Broom | Ola Erstad
resource exploitation of the archipelago of Svalbard shifts – from coal mining
to satellite data mining, and climate monitoring and prediction – the social
and economic conditions of this northernmost inhabited urban settlement are
under transformation.
This studio invited students to learn about Arctic urban zones connected
to emerging futures and matters of sustainable living, planning and development. They engaged in field work, held meetings with local authorities,
commercial and community actors and developed a variety of projects. An
open invitation was made to the students to participate in a related, parallel
project outside the frames and deliveries of the curriculum, about developing
visions of a future urban arctic via design fictional work during and after their
visit to Svalbard.
Called Longyearbyen 2050, the project drew in twelve individual submissions. These offerings, together with those of the researcher motivating this
experiment, were then presented at the related research project Future North’s
open seminar including urbanism and landscape students and researchers,
as well as at international conferences on design and futures (e.g. Morrison
2017b). This was done in relation to what was termed a ‘para-pedagogy’ that
engaged students in drawing on and slipping off the frames of the given
curriculum and deliverables. The invitation was taken up and enacted variously through dialogue in cafes, by way of display and discussion of draft
visualizations, and through individual production and annotation. The material generated covered a variety of visual styles, scenarios and thematics, from
hand drawn and computer generated images to collages of future streets and
waste management and prowling polar bears and overhead daylight lighting in former mines. The results were unexpected and varied, involving a mix
of genres from a scribbled shopping list to a hand-drawn elaborate pen and
inked bird’s-eye view of the entire town, part of it submerged. Each student
contribution asked viewers to read and to look into freshly generated creative
mediations of alternative urban futures.
In the selected two examples (Figure 3) we see two blueprint-like visualizations of a future Longyearbyen. In the upper image, Wai Fung Chu
presented a front facing sectional drawing of an underground city scheme, one
she also annotated with a series of questions and possible scenarios. Benjamin
Astrup Velure created computer-generated line drawings from the future in
2050 overlaid on a photographic vista of the contemporary city. Luminous in
both time scales, the past and the future appear synchronic yet distanced, his
intention to create a sense of potential, and an etched vision of a potential city
scene of a vista of the future city with high rise buildings and extensive lighting and transportation. These two urbanism students are clearly familiar with
visualization and point of view devices as part of their emerging repertoire of
disciplinary and professional literacies.
The next two examples (Figure 4) differ considerably in style and tone,
one ludic and inviting and the other hypercritical and challenging. Veronica
Gallina presenting an urban game for Longyearbyen 2050 in plan view centred
on the competition to be the best planner of the future right now, though
with an already altered main street, suggesting that the present might indeed
already be in the future. In his collage Minh Tin Phan hacked the iconic WW2
image of US flag raising at the battle of Iwo Jima, transposing it to a future
Longyearbyen occupied by Norway. His accompanying written text described
how Norway has supplanted its (current) custodial role with one of appropriation, grey military might lurking in the unfrozen waters of the future.
Artifact: Journal of Design Practice
Investigating design-based learning ecologies
Figure 3: Longyearbyen 2050. (Top) An underwater future city (Image: Wai Fung Chu); (Bottom)
Projected urban infrastructures (Image: Benjamin Astrup Velure).
For these four students, finding a stance from which to engage their core
interests was central: their contribution connected the motivation of different views and the different styles adopted to convey them. The submissions
revealed rich multimodal and collaborative futures multiliteracy of urban
change and future potential, covering the utopian and the dystopian. The overall work is being revised as a larger design fiction with non-linear storylines.
This case was an instance of an expanded classroom (Erstad and SeftonGreen 2013) but one that shifted into the conceptual and conjectural,
including focus on abandoned mines, geo-politics, climate change and food
security within this unique Arctic archipelago. Design fiction provided means
to developing informal practices of co-creative inquiry and agentive learning
Bruce Snaddon | Andrew Morrison | Peter Hemmersam | Andrea Grant Broom | Ola Erstad
Figure 4: Longyearbyen 2050. (Left) An urban game (Image: Veronica Gallina); (Right) The
occupation of Svalbard (Image: Minh Tin Phan).
in liminal spaces (Morrison 2017a: 8). We developed Longyearbeyen 2050 out
of the central principle of situated learning but propelled this outward and
onwards into a setting of projected and eventful climatic and social change.
We engaged in a mode of what we term ‘future situated learning’.
Case # 3: Learning ecologies and the Arctic city
Project: Urban Design – Arctic City: Kirkenes
Kirkenes on the Russian/Norwegian border is, as many Arctic communities,
rapidly reconfiguring its economy, identity and demographics. Its iron ore
mine has closed, and this former industrial town has to re-imagine its future,
including a process of urban learning. In this reorientation, urban planning
and design proposals by students of architecture and landscape architecture
align with urban learning in various ways.
Design, learning and the city
Kirkenes is reinventing itself in a process of urban learning in formal or
informal arenas, including town spaces (Banerjee 2010; Candy 2003). How
then may spaces and configurations of social relations become enabled for
learning through urban design and planning, when ‘knowledge, resources,
materials and histories become aligned and contested’ (McFarlane 2011:
1)? Understanding such alignment is essential to appreciating how urbanism is constituted in any location, particularly in rapidly transforming Arctic
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Investigating design-based learning ecologies
In 2017, an international group of students of architecture and landscape
architecture, in association with researchers at AHO, studied Kirkenes in the
context of the research project Future North into future Arctic landscapes and
a related three year one one called Arctic Cities that investigated place-specific
urbanism for sustainable communities in the Arctic. In this studio students
developed urban design proposals that engaged ongoing transformation
processes relating to urban space, industry, shifting demographics, cultural
mutations, as well as a changing climate. The studio aimed to engage in local
urban contexts and everyday life in ways that make evident and challenge
the dominant conceptions of Arctic cities. The Arctic is a paradigmatic and
urgent case of economic globalization with new trade routes opening up, fragile ecosystems being exposed by new industries and vulnerable indigenous
communities being exposed to new economies and transient populations
(Kampevold Larsen and Hemmersam 2018). To address local conditions rather
than meta-narratives, the studio was based on fieldwork and fieldwork methodology. The case addresses urban learning on three levels, each of these is
illustrated below in a successfully completed student project.
(1) Mapping and design briefs: The fieldwork mapped a wide range of
issues including physical dimension of urban space, historical development and future plans, and mental urban images and aspirations
of locals. We call these processes of inquiry-based learning and project
emergence ‘building the brief’ (Hemmersam et al. 2018). (2) Design
approaches to the study of place: The studio was linked to research on
cultural landscapes of the Norwegian-Russian borderlands by Ph.D.
student Morgan Ip (2018) in his design of a social digital and Public
Participatory Geographic Information Systems platform to map urban
aspirations and desires for urban futures across national boundaries
in the region. (3) Learning moments in urban space: The urban design
proposals developed by students in the studio were connected to how
they cast light on how learning takes place in the everyday urban space
(McFarlane 2011).
Examples of student projects include Zarina Belousova’s proposal for a
redesign of the library (Figure 5) as a continuity of the town centre urban space
by opening up the ground floor to enable pedestrian flows through the building, and even extending library function in buildings across the main square
from the library. Increasing the public interface of the building, and including
functions such as a tourist information, enhances the social relevance of the
library as a meeting space in contrast to its receding role as a book repository. It thus became a ‘knowledge space’ (Dvir 2006). This student learned
that concern for, and stewardship of, the public realm as public space exists
in embryonic forms in institutions such as the municipal library. Concerning
urbanism, learning for her included situated understanding of the agency of
architecture when framed in an urbanist discourse.
The project by Femke Peters is an ecosystem-based transformation of
a potential post-industrial site on the harbour front of Kirkenes (Figure 6).
Designed as a park, it consists of trees of the local biome where climate change
is advancing. This proposal builds on the unique location of Kirkenes, just
south of the circumpolar boundary between the boreal taiga and the treeless
tundra. At the same time, it preserves elements of the industrial structures of
the site, thus documenting the maritime industrial heritage of the town. This
Bruce Snaddon | Andrew Morrison | Peter Hemmersam | Andrea Grant Broom | Ola Erstad
Figure 5: The ground floor of the library is opened up, enabling pedestrians to move through the
building to the square or to the books in the levels above (Image: Zarina Belousova).
Figure 6: ‘The Arctic Edge’. The unique site between city and subarctic nature provides
opportunities for a new connecting urban space in the form of an Arctic experimental arboretum
(Image: Femke Peters).
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Investigating design-based learning ecologies
student learned that locals have a clear understanding of where ‘nature’ starts,
and that the urban edge is an important feature of the town as the transition
to nature and outdoor life. Learning urbanism for her included widening the
scope of design conceptualization beyond traditional planning and landscape
design parameters to include cultural perspectives and conflicting aspirations
and concerns of groups and individuals.
The final project by Kristine Skarphol is a landscape-based approach to
revealing and re-activating the many subterranean structures from the fortification of Kirkenes during Second World War (Figure 7). Through a variety of
physical interventions and programmatic additions, they are transformed into
social spaces in the town such as parks or small retreats. A prominent example in a residential district is the Andersgrotta, an air raid shelter converted
into an improvised museum. Tracing the outline of the underground shelter
on the surface by exposing the bedrock and other interventions in private
gardens, the historical fragment literally resurfaces as a recreational space and
a tourist attraction. This student learned that certain identities (such as the
underground history) can play a minor role in the sense of place, while for
outside groups they dominate the perception of a location (such as the online
subcultures that view Kirkenes as an outstanding example of a Second World
War fortification worth visiting and exploring). She learned to articulate place
Figure 7: ‘Rediscover Dark’. Kirkenes is home to an extensive dark infrastructure: caves,
underground military installations, bunkers and evidence of its mining history. The project
reveals this heritage and complicates the reading of urban space (Image: Kristine Skarphol).
Bruce Snaddon | Andrew Morrison | Peter Hemmersam | Andrea Grant Broom | Ola Erstad
specific urbanism based on linking mapping and architectural conceptualization in ways that move beyond dominant formats and models of urban space.
In accentuating the shift from the industrial worker to the knowledge worker,
this case study articulates the transition from modernist, instrumental forms
of urban planning towards postmodern forms in which information and
knowledge are challenged, and the legitimacy of planning is uncertain (e.g.
Beauregard 1991). In this context, moving beyond preconceived notions
of urban space is critical to begin conceptualizing how urban space can
become integral to urban learning in the exposed and rapidly changing Arctic
Case #4: Citizen-based participatory design
Project: Doornbach community – Solid Waste Management
Contemporary urban South Africa is experiencing great stress on urban housing due to massive migration from rural areas (and neighbouring countries)
into cities since the fall of apartheid in 1994. In the Western Cape, this is
exacerbated by a constant inflow of people whose work and residency were
previously restricted along racial lines. For design students and educators this
presents a complex scenario for understanding and working towards social
innovation and sustainability in a public sphere founded on futuring design
practices and participatory design pedagogies.
Figure 8: Street view of Doornbach informal settlement (Image: Andrea Couvert).
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Investigating design-based learning ecologies
Design, learning and the city
Set against the backdrop of Cape Town’s World Design Capital designation in
2014, an initiative was established for CPUT to lead a collaborative co-design
project with a peri-urban community and local government. The main focus
was to apply participatory design methods in exploring service delivery challenges relating to solid waste management (SWM) processes within the
informal settlement of Doornbach, located on the urban fringe of Cape Town
(Figure 8). At issue was the policy that services cannot be provided by government to people who occupy private land illegally (Futerman 2015). Such a
setting presented a considerable challenge in navigating the sociopolitical
landscape in a city run by the minority opposition party (Democratic Alliance)
with ward councillors supportive of the dominant ANC party in SA.
The aim was to engage and build trust between all stakeholders over time,
thereby improving a process of service delivery that is severely hampered by
the haphazard growth of high-density housing (Figure 9). Participatory design
pedagogy opened up a space that could allow a variety ‘[…] of voices and
mutually vigorous but tolerant disputes among groups united by passionate
engagement’, in a place marked by structures of past and current hegemony (Björgvinsson et al. 2012: 129). To this point one participant commented
that communication and ‘[…] negotiation has possibly been the most timeconsuming process, negotiation with city, negotiation with the various power
structures’ (Futerman 2015: 167). Careful attention was given to how mutual
learning would be enabled through a process of respectful engagement entailing walking the site repeatedly, work-shopping with photographic documentation, sketching and prototyping over time.
So as not to inflate expectations for the community members, great care
was taken to communicate how the project aimed to discover what the existing systems relating to SWM were in order to leverage and augment what was
already working. No initial promises were made that any particular designed
product would be delivered. It was important to build trust with a small group
Figure 9: (Left) Doornbach, a high-density informal settlement housing 5033 people (Image: City of Cape
Town); (Right) Collaborative workshops enabled a shared community of inquiry (Image: Andrea Couvert).
Bruce Snaddon | Andrew Morrison | Peter Hemmersam | Andrea Grant Broom | Ola Erstad
Figure 10: Evidence of house-proud residents (Images: Andrea Couvert).
Figure 11: Before and after the participatory design process (Images: Andrea Couvert).
of community members (through a local Council member) and for everyone
to learn from the participatory process of understanding what the real needs
and particular design challenges were on the ground.
An example was when photographic evidence was exhibited at a local
crèche of how some community residents were organizing and beautifying
their front yards (Figure 10). This positively affirmed what was working well.
Community members animatedly identified the houses and commented on
the different approaches to separating, storing or managing waste through
growing vegetable and flower gardens.
The expression of shared emotion through noticing positive actions in
the poverty-stricken environment enabled shared agency for community
members and the project group. This sparked continued dialogue on how this
existing community momentum could be leveraged in the design process.
Once consensus had been reached around the development of a waste bin
to suit the cramped informal settlement pathways, the design prototyping
process began to ascertain its shape, size, positioning and functionality; a
final moulded prototype was arrived at (Figure 11). A batch of twelve were
then produced and delivered to homes for user testing, culminating in local
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Investigating design-based learning ecologies
government finally advertising the tendering process for mass production of
these bins.
The emergence of a collaborative learning space was largely driven by the
pace of participant activities rather than city or academic timeframes. This
was enabled and mediated through developmental processes, designed artefacts and tools over time, showing ‘how the future can unfold [and] […] be
made visible, performed and debated’ (Björgvinsson et al. 2012: 127–28). What
became visible through shared experience reinforced the value of participatory processes and ownership of solutions for community members even in a
setting where people do not legally own their houses. This led to a final design
‘solution’ of one bin per house that people would ‘own’ and take care of, rather
than communal or mobile ones open to abuse and vandalism. An ecology
of learning emerged through pedagogic processes that illuminated intersectional and relational possibilities for designing in ways that reveal assumptions and blind spots within the wicked problems of everyday lived experience
in contested contexts.
Towards design learning ecologies
Landscapes and ecologies are apt metaphors to describe complex domains
such as learning and design. They are useful insofar as they are able to incite
action and offer some comfort to educators and students as they journey
forward into uncertain futures. Through the diverse cases presented we have
shown that when multiple learning pathways coalesce in project-based learning settings to ‘create, draw upon and steward collective knowledge resources’
(Facer 2011: 103), the outcomes may be understood as propositions and
perspectives of sustainable futuring scenarios that can be realized in time.
Such a pedagogical approach supports the development of futures literacies
through project-based co-creation with civic partners, and as preparation for
transdisciplinary professional work that will require resilience, flexibility, openness and empathy. Learning in and with the city (e.g., Amin and Thrift 2017)
is exploratory of speculative spatial imaginaries of where and when education
occurs, and for and with whom it might happen.
Design-based conceptual findings
Drawing on the cases, we suggest that a design-based perspective on urban
learning ecologies may be understood by way of an assemblage (McFarlane
2011) of six nested learning modalities with four learning perspectives (see
Table 2) that can be read multi-directionally.
Our main contribution, embodied in this modal assemblage, is to show the
relational amongst these modes and their associated qualities of design learning through being, doing and knowing. Importantly, the pedagogical emphasis is on how design-based approaches can explore, enact and articulate such
relationality, in the moment and as developing of futures literacies that capacitate students as materializers of the ‘“not yet” now’ (Brassett and Marenko
2015: 12). In this we advocate for agile design pedagogy as a nomadic modality that, through designing practices of making can bring to the surface and
support an array of speculative and pragmatic context-specific articulations.
Bruce Snaddon | Andrew Morrison | Peter Hemmersam | Andrea Grant Broom | Ola Erstad
Learning views
Decentering and
Abductive leaps
across codes and
domains of design,
urbanism, futures
and biology
dedicated, discursive, accountable
and materially
and cross-boundary
Doing and being
is core for capacity
to engage with
wicked, systemic
Space and place
Learning ecologies are spatiotemporal and
Learning spaces
are enabled,
transitioning flow
and reorientation
Opening up and
making space for
an ecology of place
to come into being
Responsive to
the nature of
the learning
happening in situ
Mutually beneficial
learning happens
with, rather than
for or about others
Open principles
for process
engagement and
room for flexible
of practice
competence in
relation to that of
generation and
and non-linear
Learning happens
all the time in
and out of formal
Para-Pedagogy is
outside of formal
spaces, enabling
questioning of
current forms and
conjectural modes
of re-imagining
the world in less
pathways, openness
to difference
All options from
minor, under
less known to
dominant and
Dynamics of
learning ecologies
entails constant
alignment and
Between personal
experience of own
competence and
through emergent
community of
explorations and
articulation in use
Interplay infuses
and motivates
wider learning
actions in
emerging learning
Learning through
dialogue, aspects
of individual and
group interchange with wider
Realized materially
and discursively
through appropriate channels and
situated contexts
Vital in driving
feedback loops and
enabling development via new ideas
and processes
Part of a wider
mediated communicative ecology
Table 2: Charting an assemblage of relational modalities in design-based learning ecologies.
Key to this then is a pedagogical attentiveness to the micro-dynamics (e.g.
Lemke 1997) of what is emerging through processes of relational interplay in
design-based urban learning ecologies.
In our cases, we have shown work that has moved beyond the given
project task to be communicated beyond to include wider stakeholder groupings. The urban design fictions in the Norwegian cases have travelled to a
diversity of conceptual and speculative learning and research contexts; in the
South African cases, dormant relationships became activated and ownership
of co-creation processes led to outcomes, e.g. the waste bins in Doornbach
Artifact: Journal of Design Practice
Investigating design-based learning ecologies
are in production. We have aimed to show by reading these cases through the
literature on transformative learning and learning ecologies, that when the
modalities of such a design-based urban pedagogy become animated, we start
to see the emergence of ‘agencies in the massively plural’ (Cope and Kalantzis
2009: 173).
Through our varied cases we found that their making and speculative
material-discursivity (e.g. Mewburn 2010) helped design learning become
more proactive (Findeli 2001). We further established how participants may
work together to release and realize potentials in current project settings.
Another key contribution of the research is demonstrating how what we
term ‘a pedagogy of attentiveness’ may include processes of releasing inherent possibilities in institutional and informal settings (e.g. Erstad and SeftonGreen 2013). By releasing futuring possibilities in and through design-based
techniques and tools of transformative representation, we see in these cases
how alternative and sustainable futures may be realized in time. This extends
the notion of futures literacies (Miller 2007), to a pedagogy of shaping sustainable design-based learning futures.
Ecologies are dynamic and self-regulating and always context dependent. In short we found that design-based learning ecologies can therefore be
enabled through a pedagogy of care-full attentiveness to possibilities that are
contextually mediated and released: through walking and mapping, speculative questioning and imagining, sketching and visualizing, playing with and
in time, making and prototyping, communicating and researching. In this
design-based learning ecology we emphasize attentiveness towards emergent
micro-ecologies within such mediations and release, and point to relational
emergence as potential for energizing and exercising the futures literacies our
design students urgently require.
However, we see two main constraints. The emergent qualities of such
experimentation may make it difficult to connect and strategize across
disparate elements. Such emergent pedagogies may often demand investment of time and participation that do not fit easily into academic semester
programmes. Design futures literacies may therefore need extended processes
and the development of trust and engagement in and over the life of an emergent design-based learning ecology.
With transitions in design and urbanism away from dominant practice
grounded in the disciplinary bound studio-based status quo, we argue that it
is incumbent on design researcher-educators to actively explore pedagogy that
leads students into learning opportunities where they engage in and co-create
with dynamically emergent bodies of knowledge and critical re-imagining
(Braidotti 2006). These intersectional and transpositional processes transverse
knowledge in social, cultural, ecological and technical domains and are ones
associated with participatory design research as part of the practices, commitments and histories of everyday activity of communities (Gutiérrez et al. 2016).
When new habits and habitats for learning, research and design practice
intersect, away from formal institutional norms and settings, it is possible that
emergent agency may come into being through recombination’s of mediation processes and tools, diverse and dynamic learning partnerships, figurations and fabrications (Morrison et al. 2019a). As shown in the cases, agency
concerns an individual’s learning ecology as a habitat within which a person
Bruce Snaddon | Andrew Morrison | Peter Hemmersam | Andrea Grant Broom | Ola Erstad
can think, do and learn – and how such learning as a developmental, iterative
process creates and contributes to wider ecologies for learning. What counts
as value and meaning for the co-design group and for the individual student
is emergent through symbiotic (Eikeland 2013), dynamic contextual reinvention and interplay.
Today, and augmented via social media, peer learning and membership
of various groups impacts on design learning. Equally, curriculum renewal
projects may enable student learning pathways to be located in commercial
or community settings. Here students need to understand and work with
formal leadership, management and teamwork practices alongside processes
of bottom-up grassroots work with minimal material resources and demanding daily living conditions (e.g., Facer and Buchcyzk 2019). In this sense, a
conceptual framing of ecologies for learning reveals the political and hidden
power relations in contexts, and examines how relational dynamics may be
made apparent, become changed and translated into connected activities for
alternate design infused futures.
These are processes that we have viewed in this article through the
conceptual perspectives of ecologies for learning, transformative learning,
learning the city, and framed as futures literacies that might propel students
out of present modes of habitual and socially reinforced norms in need of
critical re-imagining. We offer the above relational and navigable modalities
as ways in which design educator–researchers might explore and chart possibilities in their pedagogy, and as an attentive way-in to noticing change as
it emerges for and with students through ecologies for design learning and
learning designs.
We would like to acknowledge the following people at the Cape Peninsula
University of Technology (CPUT) and the Oslo School of Architecture and
Design (AHO). CPUT cases: fellow teachers Prof. Mugendi M’Rithaa, Dr Rael
Futerman, Johan Van Niekerk as well as students and City of Cape Town participants in both cases. AHO cases: fellow studio teachers Lisbet Harboe and
Morgan Ip as well as students at the Urban Design – Arctic City: Borderlands
studio. The AHO contribution is part of the research project Future North,
funded by the Research Council of Norway grant #220656.
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Artifact: Journal of Design Practice
Investigating design-based learning ecologies
Bruce Snaddon is a senior design lecturer and researcher at the Cape Peninsula
University of Technology, has an M.Phil. Education (UCT), and is currently
a Ph.D. fellow at the Oslo School of Architecture and Design. His research
interest includes transformative design pedagogy that addresses sustainable
design futures. He has recently published on the dynamics of experimental
off-campus learning spaces that enable dispositional shifts and eco-literacies
in design students.
Contact: Design Department, Faculty Informatics & Design, PO Box 652, Cape
Town 8000, South Africa.
[email protected]
Prof. Andrew Morrison, Director of the Centre for Design Research at (AHO),
leads design research projects on Communication and Interaction Design,
collaborating on service, systems and product design. He works on design
writing, fiction and criticism, and design and technology critiques. His recent
books are Inside multimodal composition (Hampton Press, 2010) and Exploring
digital design (Springer, 2010). He was co-chair of the Design+ Power NORDES
2017 Conference and Chair of the 2019 Anticipation Conference. Also he led the
AHO Research Review 2014-2017.
Contact: Institute for Design, Oslo School of Architecture and Design (AHO),
Maridalsveien 29, 0175 Oslo, Norway.
[email protected]
Prof. Peter Hemmersam is an architect who leads the Oslo Centre for Urban
and Landscape Studies. His research interests include city centre retail design
and place-making, digital cities, periurban landscapes, and Arctic urbanism and landscapes. Ongoing research includes the project Displacement,
Placemaking and Wellbeing in the City and a book on Arctic urbanism. Recent
publications include Future North: The Changing Arctic Landscapes (Routledge,
Contact: Institute for Urbanism and Landscape, Oslo School of Architecture
and Design (AHO), Maridalsveien 29, 0175 Oslo, Norway.
[email protected]
Andrea Grant-Broom is an independent design consultant and educator who
has a background in art direction, communication strategy and new product development. With twenty years as a communication design educator
at the Faculty of Informatics & Design at the Cape Peninsula University of
Technology, her great interest is in creating and facilitating design-in-practice
learning environments which often include biomimetic methodology.
Contact: 8 Basil Road, Plumstead, Cape Town 7801, South Africa.
[email protected]
Bruce Snaddon | Andrew Morrison | Peter Hemmersam | Andrea Grant Broom | Ola Erstad
Prof. Ola Erstad, Head of Department of Education, focuses on digital literacy
in social and cultural contexts of learning beyond the technological, especially
with children and youth. He is vice-chair of COST Action, board member of
several international journals, and elected Chair of the Scientific Advisory
Committee of Science Europe. His recent publications are Learning Identities,
Education and Community (Erstad Gilje, and Sefton-Green, CUP, 2016), and
Learning beyond the School (Routledge, 2019).
Contact: Department of Education, Postbox 1092 Blindern, 0317 Oslo, Norway.
[email protected]
Bruce Snaddon, Andrew Morrison, Peter Hemmersam, Andrea Grant Broom
and Ola Erstad have asserted their right under the Copyright, Designs and
Patents Act, 1988, to be identified as the authors of this work in the format
that was submitted to Intellect Ltd.
Artifact: Journal of Design Practice